Final SFB Student Organization Manual Fy24 1
Final SFB Student Organization Manual Fy24 1
Final SFB Student Organization Manual Fy24 1
Manual 2023-2024
This manual details the policies and procedures guiding use of The College of New
Jersey (TCNJ) Student Activity Fee (SAF). This manual provides student organizations
with the rules and procedures the Student Finance Board (SFB) utilizes to manage
distribution of the SAF. However, it is impossible for this manual to encapsulate all
situations or questions that may arise concerning use of SAF funds. Therefore, you are
encouraged to direct your questions towards any member of the SFB Executive Board
for clarification. The SFB may be reached by email at [email protected], or at The SFB office is located on the second floor of the
Brower Student Center, Room 214.
In order to fulfill its obligations, the SFB depends on the treasurers, presidents and
advisors of all funded organizations to:
o read, understand, and abide by the policies and procedures set forth in
this manual and the funding guidelines
o submit reports and paperwork as required in accordance with deadlines
set forth by the SFB
o acquire knowledge of and assume responsibility for the proper use of
budgeted funds
o Work with their liaison or reach out to an SFB Executive Board
member prior to submitting a funding request. This will help ensure
your request follows SFB guidelines but also will allow you to have
an advocate for your event present during voting.
ection 1
Before your organization is permitted to access SAF monies or SFB services, the
following must be done:
Organizations funded by the SFB have NJ Sales Tax Exempt Status. Letters may be
obtained from the SFB website as proof of exempt status to a vendor. The SFB will not
reimburse the amount individuals pay for NJ Sales Tax. SFB will reimburse tax for
purchases made outside the state of NJ and online. Though SFB will not pay NJ Sales
Tax, organizations may pay NJ sales tax out of fundraising monies, if indicated. It is
against the NJ State Law to use an institutional tax exemption for a personal purchase.
Organizations are encouraged to place their fundraising accounts with the SFB. SFB
will administer their funds as they request, and accounts will carry over year-to-year with
continuity from one year to the next. Organizations placing their fundraising account
with SFB simplify turnover of funds from year to year and are audited through the SFB
audit for organizational transparency. Organizations choosing to bank off-campus (not
through SFB) may not use TCNJ’s Tax identification number in the establishment of
their account and should arrange to have their accounts audited regularly at their own
● The SFB allocates funds for one academic year. Funds unused by SFB at the
conclusion of the academic year will be put into Reserves (June 30th).
● The SFB’s role is to subsidize an organization's expenditures. The SFB does not
guarantee the totality of funding for a student organization. Student organizations
are encouraged to seek outside sources of income (e.g., dues, sponsorship,
fundraising). For more information regarding fundraising, please see the Office of
Student Involvement.
● The SFB will practice strict viewpoint neutrality as defined in this document.
● SAF funding shall be based on the fiscal merits of programs designed for and
open to the undergraduate community.
● SFB has full autonomy to decline payment for items that do not align with the
description of the event as presented on applications.
● SAF funding should only be given to programs/funding requests that relate to the
guiding principles of the student organization(s) requesting the funds
(programs/funding requests should coincide with the mission of the organization).
● Each year the Student Finance Board submits a semester budget proposal
(including amount set aside for fixed costs, programming costs and office
supplies) to the Vice President of Student Affairs for approval.
● SAF funds may be used only as allocated. The SFB will not reimburse an
organization for funds spent without prior approval or in violation of the intended
● Publicity should be done for every program for which an organization receives funding.
All publicity must include “SAF FUNDED” on the advertisement (advertising is defined as
publicizing, through online or print mediums, an event to the general student body) in a clearly
visible font color and size (appropriateness determined at discretion of the Student Finance
all SAF funded events. At the completion of the event, organizations should
forward their roar app reports to SFB.
● SFB E-Board can review and vote on funding requests up to $500.00, anything over that
threshold must be reviewed by the collective G-Board.
ection 2
Every RSO has the opportunity to submit up to two (2) Flagship Events occurring in
one semester and a total of four (4) Flagship Events in an academic year. Flagship
events are defined as events that are the best, most important and largest events that
organizations use to highlight their organizations mission to the campus community.
Any event budget more than $5,000 is automatically classified as a flagship event,
however high utilization of campus resources, large number of non-TCNJ students in
attendance and inherent risk associated with the event could result in an event being
deemed a flagship event by SFB. Organizations should critically think about these
events, reach out to campus resources, and plan event execution prior to submitting a
request to SFB for funding. Organizations are required to appear before the SFB
General board when making a Flagship Event Request. This will allow SFB to ask any
questions they have about the event or budget lines prior to making a funding decision.
If a Flagship Event is zero funded, that request will not count against the organization’s
total number of Flagship events.
All other event requests shall be submitted to SFB as a standard event request. There is
no limit to how many standard event requests that an organization may submit to SFB.
When submitting a standard event request form, organizations should indicate if they
would like to appear in person or if they would like the event to be judged solely on the
information provided. If organizations fail to choose, it is assumed they want SFB to vote
based on the request only. SFB has the right to table events while reviewing them to
request the organization appear the following week to answer questions from SFB.
● Step One: Organizations wishing to request funding should plan out their event. This
includes consideration for the purpose of the event, budget lines required to be
successful, research into costs as well as desired outcomes after the event.
● Step Two: Organizations should meet with their SFB Liaison to review the request and its
adherence to SFB Funding guidelines. Organizations can choose to take the advice of
their liaison or not. Signatures will not be withheld by the liaison, but the liaison will share
with the board if suggestions were not taken.
● Step Three: SFB will review requests in a timely manner but will prioritize events based
on the date of the event. SFB has the right to delay review of a specific event by up to two
weeks if more urgent requests have been presented to the board.
● Step Four: Organizations will be notified in writing regarding the funding decision made
by SFB. If organizations have questions beyond the decision email, they may contact
their liaison or the SFB Executive Director to schedule a meeting to review the request /
funding decision.
Any day that the Student Finance Board is officially open to conduct business is
considered in the context of this manual to be a business day. Thirty business days
after a program that was approved for funding occurs, SFB will retrieve (or wash back)
unspent funds related to the program and make them available to other student
organizations. Organizations that believe they have extenuating circumstances
regarding why payments or reimbursements cannot be administered within 30 business
days following the event date may request an extension of the wash back period by
contacting the SFB Operations Director in writing prior to the 30th business day. Should
the SFB Operations Director deny the request to extend the wash back period, the
decision must be ratified by a majority vote of the SFB Executive Board.
Organizations with funded programs that do not occur by the intended date but which
the organization still intends to hold, must formally request a date change by informing
the SFB Executive Director. Requests should be submitted in writing prior to the SFB
end of the wash back period and should include the new date.
Should the SFB Executive Director deny the change of date, the disapproval must be
ratified by a majority vote of the SFB Executive Board.
Organizations may place funds generated through fundraisers with SFB for
administration. These funds are the property of the organization and will be managed as
separate lines. Fundraising funds may not be used for the purchase of illegal
substances. Any remaining funds at the end of the fiscal year will be carried over to the
next fiscal year and remain as property of the student organization. Should an
organization go inactive (following SG and Office of Student Involvement guidelines) for
a period of three years, any remaining funds will be washed backed into the Student
Activity Fund unless otherwise specified by the Office of Student Involvement.
Fundraising lines administered through SFB are included in the SFB’s annual external
ection 3
The SFB believes that admission to most SAF funded activities should be free of charge
for TCNJ undergraduate students. However, the SFB recognizes that the financial
nature of some programs combined with audience limitations (cannot be open to all)
demand admission charges. Any organization that proposes charging TCNJ
undergraduate students’ admission for an SAF funded activity must have the amount of
the ticket price approved by the SFB at the time the organization applies for funding.
Any organization that proposes charging non-TCNJ students admission for an SAF
funded activity must have the amount of the ticket price approved by the SFB at the
time the organizations applies for funding. All ticket sales for SAF funded events will go
back to SFB and will be used to offset the cost of the event and replenish the SAF for
that academic year.
When requesting funds, organizations estimate expenses. As a result, there are times
when organizations overestimate their needs. The unspent funds allocated to an event
are washed back to the SAF to be redistributed.
There are also instances where funds are requested for a program that does not occur
or is postponed. Funds authorized for a specific program cannot be spent on anything
other than that program. When cancelling an event that was authorized for funding, the
organization should send a memo to SFB releasing the authorized funds. Those
released funds will be washed back to the SFB Program/Events line to be redistributed.
If an organization has to postpone an event approved for funding, they should reach out
to their liaison to review the impact of the postponement on the funding request –
whether additional funding will be required, funding should be washed back or remains
the same.
year are deemed SFB Reserves. However, it is expected that the reserve funds will be
as limited as possible (maximizing opportunities in a given year), and that SFB reserves
will be maintained at an amount of $250,000. The SFB Executive Board, with the
approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs, can introduce the use of SFB
Reserve funds, however, reserve funds may not be spent on other non-residential,
out-of-class, etc projects without SFB General Board’s majority approval. Funds in
excess of $250,000 will be placed in a Student Affairs Student Activity Fee Reserves
(SASAFR) account to be administered by the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Use of the SASAFR will be restricted to initiatives that will have a direct impact on
students’ co-curricular experiences. They may include, but are not limited to:
● Projects impacting the co-curricular environment for students that are not funded
by the College.
● Co-curricular programming initiatives not led by student groups but that enhance
the co-curricular environment (student groups should still utilize the Student
Finance Board Student Activity Fee request process).
Should there be a SASAFR reserve account; the Vice President for Student Affairs,
annually, will determine priorities for how the funds will be spent. S/He will develop a
resolution to the Student Finance Board identifying the funding initiatives that will be
pursued that year and the corresponding estimated expenses. The resolution will serve
to inform SFB of the initiatives that will be pursued in a given year and the SFB General
Board will be asked to provide feedback on the resolution. The Vice President for
Students Affairs may take suggestions or concerns under advisement from the SFB
General Board but she/he has the authority to spend SASAFR funds. Should an
unplanned extraordinary opportunity arise during the course of the year, the Vice
President for Student Affairs will submit a new resolution for SFB approval.
Spending of the SASAFR will be executed by the Student Finance Board in accordance
with the established Student Finance Board procedures. The fund will be included in
the scope of the annual financial audit SFB engages.
Vouchers requesting funds to be distributed from the SASAFR account will include the
resolution and require the signature of a project/program representative (coordinator of
the initiative) in the Treasurer line and the signature of the Vice President of Student
Affairs in the Advisor line. Funds will be included in the annual Student Finance Board
audit and subjected to College audit processes.
Situations may arise when the SFB believes it may be necessary to temporarily
suspend the financial operations of an organization until the situation can be resolved.
The action of temporarily suspending the fiscal actions of an organization is called
“Freezing the Budget.” The SFB reserves the right to freeze a budget under the
following conditions:
When an account is frozen, no transactions will occur and the organization will not be
eligible to request any source of funding from the SFB. The organization’s treasurer will
be notified in writing as to the reason for the freeze.
**Note: If an organization’s budget is frozen while Budget Requests are being submitted
for the following fiscal year, that organization will be allowed to submit a budget for the
following year. However, if an organization’s budget is inactive during the time Budget
Requests are being submitted, the organization will not be permitted to submit a budget
for the following year. The organization must have a hearing before the SFB and have
its budget reactivated before a Budget Request can be submitted.
Should an organization lose recognition (per student government and student life
guidelines), their fundraising money will be held by the SFB for three calendar-
years from the date recognition was revoked. If the organization is not
reinstated by the SG or IGC within three years, SFB will assume their fundraising
money into the Special Application line. If the organization is a chartered chapter of a
national organization, fundraising money should be returned to the national
Should a recognized organization fail to register with the Office of Student Life, their
fundraising money will be held by SFB for three calendar-years from the missed
registration date. If the organization fails to register within three-calendar years, SFB will
assume their fundraising money into the Special Application line. If the organization is a
chartered chapter of a national organization, fundraising money should be returned to
the national organization.
ection 4
SFB has an obligation to ensure that all organizations have access to funds during the
academic year. Recognizing that, SFB will award no more than 60% of the SAF to
programming in the fall semester. This ensures ample funds will be available for the
spring semester. Organizations may request funds at any time for the academic year
following the submission guidelines set forth by SFB.
When an organization is approved for funding, the funds will be accessed through the
voucher process. There are three categories of funding administered through the
voucher process –, vouchers: direct payments and reimbursements, and transfers.
**NOTE: “Bus Trips” refers to any off-campus trip where transportation is coordinated
through the Student Finance Board or uses SAF funds. All SAF-funded trips requiring
busing must procure busing through the Student Finance Board. Requests should be
submitted at least 30 days in advance of travel to ensure there is enough time for a
funding decision and booking. SFB does not guarantee busing will be available for trips
until it is booked. Submitting requests as far in advance as possible is the best way to
ensure buses are available and at the lowest cost.
It is suggested that all contracts are reviewed by the Office of Student Life before
signing occurs. Under no circumstance is an organization permitted to enter into a
contract, whether it is signed or verbal, before SFB funding approval is obtained.
Organizations are only allowed to get cost estimates.
ection 5
A wide variety of equipment, purchased using SAF money is available to the following
groups for use:
Organizations that do not have an office space recognized by the Office of Student Life
may no longer request Office Supplies. SFB has purchased standard office supplies
(pens, pencils, post-its, name tags, scissors, etc.) which organizations can request for
SAF funded events, organization meetings or tabling. Organizations must request
supplies 48 hours prior to an event to ensure SFB has time to pull their supplies from our
When ordering food through our on-campus food provider or incurring fees for campus
space or services, organizations will pay for the transaction directly through their
account with the SFB. In this example, the organization sponsoring the event would
work through the BSC Schedulers and Book It to complete this request. Conference
charges are then billed directly to the organization, via the SFB.
All fees charged through Book-It are automatically billed to SFB. Organizations should
include these charges on their event request or plan on paying out of their SFB held
fundraising account.
copy that you must keep for your records. The SFB -Financial Director will
also complete a deposit log outlining the details of the deposit, which the
depositor will be asked to sign in agreement.
o Immediately enter the deposit in your organization’s budget records.
*Note: Due to processing time, deposits may not be reflected in organization accounts
until ten to twelve (10-12) business days after the deposit was made.
**Note: Depositors failing to follow these instructions will be liable for any discrepancies
between organization deposits and bank records.
Organizations who would like to make a deposit can utilize the SFB Dropbox found
outside the SFB office door. Organizations should place their deposit in an
envelope, write the name of their org, where the funds came from and an email
address where they can be reached. When the deposit is retrieved, SFB Financial
Director will email the organization to confirm the amount and receipt of the
The “Loop Bus” is sponsored by the SFB and paid for with SAF monies. The purpose of
the Loop Bus is to provide TCNJ students with a means of getting off campus to shop,
eat, etc. The Loop Bus is available to all TCNJ students who wish to utilize the service.
In an effort to give organizations an opportunity to fundraise, the SFB created the Loop
Bus Fundraiser. The following are the policies relating to the Loop Bus Fundraiser.
Through the Loop Bus Fundraiser, student organizations can raise organizational
money by serving as the bus monitors.
Only SAF funded organizations are eligible to participate in the Loop Bus Fundraiser.
Because organizations are being paid for a service rendered, the monies earned from
the fundraiser will be transferred into an organization’s fundraising account. The
following are the procedures for participating in the Loop Bus Fundraiser:
Regardless of co-sponsors, any event receiving 50% or more of its funding from the
SAF will be required to give priority to full time undergraduate students of TCNJ and
their guests. The SFB may vote to zero-fund an event if it deems reserved seating
requirements impede students who pay the student activity fee from attending the
event. If funding by the department is less than 50%, tickets will be offered to non-full
time undergraduate TCNJ students and Faculty and Staff at a time pre-determined by
the board.