Building Resilience in Young People Through Meanin
Building Resilience in Young People Through Meanin
Building Resilience in Young People Through Meanin
139 6,458
4 authors, including:
Jane M Burns
University of Melbourne
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Building resilience in young people is an important goal if we are to strengthen capacity and
promote skills that help to reduce mental health problems. One way to foster resilience in
young people is through meaningful youth participation; that is, decision-making by young
people that involves meaning, control, and connectedness. Whilst youth participation may
occur in recognition of young people’s rights to be involved in all decisions that affect them,
meaningful participation can itself enhance a young person’s sense of connectedness,
belonging and valued participation, and thereby impact on mental health and well being.
Based on its extensive experience working collaboratively with young people, the Inspire
Foundation, in partnership with young people, has developed a flexible and diverse approach
to youth participation. This paper outlines the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of the
model, and discusses the operationalisation of program goals, atmosphere and activities that
seek to build resilience through meaningful youth participation.
resilience, young people, youth participation, youth development, mental health
Contact: Philippa Collin, The Inspire Foundation, PO Box 1790, Rozelle, NSW, Australia. [email protected]
Citation: Oliver, K.G., Collin, P., Burns, J. & Nicholas, J. (2006). Building resilience in young people through
meaningful participation. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health 5(1)
Published by: Australian Network for Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental Health (Auseinet) –
Received 19 April 2005; Revised 24 May 2006; Accepted 26 May 2006
Oliver, Collin, Burns & Nicholas
Burns, 2003). Resilient individuals utilise a Reach Out! ( is an online
set of coping skills and resources that allow them service connecting young people and providing
to deal effectively with stress and the them with information, referrals to appropriate
development of resilience occurs when there is sources of help, and stories about how others
an interaction between an individual and stress manage mental health problems. With over 3.6
(Blum, 1998a). Researchers typically categorise million individual visits to the Reach Out!
resilient attributes into dispositional or personal website since 1998, and more than 130,000
characteristics (e.g., a sense of spirituality, individual visits in the month of March 2006
positive social skills, and personal efficacy), alone, Reach Out! has established itself as a
family or social characteristics (e.g., preferred online source of mental health advice
connectedness to a parent or caregiver), and and support for young Australians.
environmental characteristics (such as
Targeting 16-25 year olds, Reach Out! is also
involvement in one’s community, access to
one of the few services specifically addressing
health services and the presence of caring adults)
the transition from adolescence to young
(e.g., Blum, 1998b; Garmezy, 1985). Resilient
adulthood. Currently 35 percent of young people
outcomes refer to particular patterns of
across Australia aged 17-21 are aware of the
functional behaviour despite risk (Olsson, et al.,
Reach Out! service and 85 percent of those say
2003). Good mental health, social competence,
that they would recommend it to a friend. One of
and functional capacity are examples of resilient
its strengths, reflecting Inspire’s underlying
outcomes (Garmezy, 1991).
philosophy, is that it is developed with young
Models of youth that have focused on correcting people and talks to them via their preferred
problems or remediating developmental medium of communication – the Internet.
incapacity and deficit have dominated many
Participation is a central tenet of the Inspire
professional fields charged with developing
Foundation and more than 330 young people
youth policy (Damon, 2004). However, in the
from a variety of backgrounds aged 16 to 25
last two decades preventative approaches,
have been directly involved in the development
including positive youth development, have
and delivery of the Reach Out! service since
sought to promote affirmative, supportive
1999. ‘Inclusiveness’ is an organisational value
interventions that emphasise potentialities of
and Inspire is formally committed to involving
young people (Catalano et al., 2002a; Damon,
young people in meaningful ways through
2004). Prevention programs that aim to reduce
risk and promote protective factors are designed
to enhance resilience in young people. The Reach Out! Youth Participation
Traditionally young people have been the Model
passive recipients of these programs, often
delivered in the school, family or community The Reach Out! Youth Participation model was
and commonly targeting the promotion of one or established to ensure that young people can
more positive life skills. In more recent years, contribute to the development and delivery of
research has shown that young people have a Reach Out! The model is founded on the
greater sense of control, meaning, and underlying principles of youth participation that
connectedness when they are involved in the emphasise the rights of young people to be
decisions affecting them (Wierenga, 2003). involved in the making of decisions that affect
Involving young people in decision-making is them, and on positive youth development models
commonly referred to as ‘youth participation’. that stress recognising capacity and building
skills. A key feature of the Reach Out! model is
The Inspire Foundation and Reach Out! the participation of young people at all levels of
The Inspire Foundation is a not-for-profit the program, ensuring that they are involved in
organisation that was established in 1996 and has developing ideas and making decisions on the
an 8-year track record of successfully running program goals and activities. An action based
technology-based services that create research methodology has informed the
opportunities for young people to help development of the model which incorporates
themselves and others. The flagship initiative, current best practice and ensures that young
Oliver, Collin, Burns & Nicholas
people are engaged in, and instigate, significant becoming Youth Ambassadors. The Youth
changes at all stages of development in the Ambassador program atmosphere seeks to
model. emphasise supportive relationships with adults
and peers by focusing on sharing ideas and
There are two tiers in the Reach Out! model:
working together on and offline to help other
Youth Advisory Boards and the Youth
young people through the Reach Out! service.
Ambassador Program. Both tiers seek to achieve
The program seeks to build a sense of
the following objectives:
empowerment by enabling young people to
• Provide young people with meaningful determine their own levels of contribution.
opportunities to be involved in the work of Young people are supported to develop their
Inspire; own ideas, goals and activities through working
• Provide young people with resources and with each other and program staff. This means
training to engage in opportunities to fostering open lines of communication for ideas
participate; and, through staff engagement with forums, over the
• Strengthen positive mental health and phone and by email. Finally, young people are
wellbeing of participants by promoting self encouraged to participate in all aspects of service
worth, responsibility, autonomy, development and delivery, including evaluation
accountability, self awareness, emotional and research, for example, presenting to donors
competencies, membership and belonging, and and sponsors, having their story featured on the
civic and social competence. home page of the site or writing the Youth
Ambassadors’ report for the organisation’s
Youth Advisory Board Annual Report (alongside the Executive Director
The Youth Advisory Board is convened three and the Director of the Board). The breadth of
times a year. Young people from around involvement and control over activities that
Australia are invited to sit on each Board, which young people have provides important
lasts for twelve weeks. Young people self- opportunities for skill development and
nominate and apply online. Board members must recognition.
be between 16 and 21 years old. Each Board Theoretical and conceptual underpinnings
consists of approximately 18 young people from
rural, regional and metropolitan Australia. The The conceptual framework informing the Reach
Board constitution seeks to enable representation Out! model draws on theory from the key areas
of the views and opinions of young Australians of youth participation and youth development,
from diverse cultural and geographical areas. with a focus on promoting protective factors that
Board members communicate on secure online build capacity in young people and enhance
forums in open discussions with each other and resilience.
Inspire Foundation staff. Typically, staff take a Youth participation
‘backseat’ in Board discussions, but act as
moderators and encourage discussion by raising There are many models conceptualising young
questions and ideas, and provide support and people’s participation in decision-making. The
advice. most recognised is by Hart (1992) who has
conceptualised youth participation in practice as
Key activities of board members are: sharing and a spectrum with forms of non-participation (for
developing ideas for service development and instance, manipulation or tokenism) at one end,
delivery, marketing and promotion on online and full participation, where young people
forums, attending training workshops, writing initiate ideas and share decisions with adults, at
content for the site (including stories, interviews the other (e.g., Hart, 1992; Krauskopf, 2000). In
and fact sheets) and promoting the service in addition, youth participation requires recognising
their communities. capacities and building skills (Lansdown, 2001)
of young people. Meaningful participation
Youth Ambassador Program occurs when there is meaning, control and
At the end of their three-month term on the connectedness (Wierenga, 2003). Meaning refers
Youth Advisory Board, members are invited to to doing something that has a bigger purpose and
continue volunteering for Reach Out! by that the young person believes in. Control relates
Oliver, Collin, Burns & Nicholas
to making decisions, being heard and having the objectives of positive youth development
resources, skills and knowledge to see the task programs, such as prosocial involvement
through and do it well. Connectedness is gained (Catalano et al., 2000a). Moreover, many studies
by working with others, and having a sense of on resilience conclude that young people acquire
belonging and positive relationships with adults critical, adaptive skills not through instruction,
and peers (Wierenga, 2003). Engaging in but through experience (Olsson et al., 2003). The
meaningful activities, experiencing control and Reach Out! model incorporates the dimensions
autonomy, and feeling connected to one’s of meaningful youth participation to develop the
community, are important contributors to the program goals, atmosphere and activities. These
development of resilience (Catalano et al., in turn operationalise positive youth
2002a). development objectives, which seek to build
components of resilience as follows. Social and
Finally, as youth participation enhances feelings
cognitive competency fall under what have been
of control, meaning, and connectedness, it can
described as individual protective factors, and
contribute to building resilience and
social connectedness and participation are
competencies in young people, as well as
examples of social and environmental protective
supporting several developmental processes
factors (Olsson et al., 2003; Spence et al., 2005).
(Dworken, Larsen & Hansen, 2003), such as
identity formation (Waterman, 1984), Individual protective factors
developing initiative (Heath, 1999; Larson, Social competency
2000), learning of emotion regulation (Catalano
Social competency refers to a range of
et al., 2002a), fostering social skills (Jarrett,
interpersonal skills that help young people
1998), and acquiring meaningful relationships
integrate thoughts, feelings and actions which
with adults (Jarrett, 1995).
lead to the achievement of social or personal
Positive youth development goals (Catalano, Hawkins, Berglund et al.,
Building on the operational definitions of youth 2002b). Development of interpersonal skills
development objectives developed by Catalano relating to communication and conflict
et al. (2002a), Roth and Brooks-Gunn (2003) resolution, and opportunities to practise these
posit that positive youth development programs skills, have been identified as the
have three core elements: program goals; operationalisation of the goal of social
program atmosphere; and program activities. competency (Roth & Brooks-Gunn, 2003).
Program goals include promoting social, These skills may specifically include learning
academic, cognitive, and vocational about and recognising relevant social cues,
competencies, increasing adolescents’ accurately interpreting such cues and developing
confidence, self-esteem, and self-efficacy, appropriate responses to interpersonal problems,
encouraging connections to other people and and putting those into action (Elias, Weissberg,
communities, developing character through Hawkins et al., 1994).
increasing self-control and morality, and Knowledge development. Youth Ambassadors
fostering caring and compassion. Program work collaboratively with staff to develop
atmosphere refers to an environment that content for the Reach Out! site and are engaged
encourages the development of supportive in the improvement and promotion of the
relationships with others, empowers youth, service. This regularly involves young people
communicates expectations for positive researching and collating information on a range
behaviour, enables opportunities for recognition, of mental health, social and health issues, which
and provides services that are stable and seeks to increase their capacity to understand and
relatively long-lasting. Program activities manage their own mental health needs and those
include opportunities for skill development, of others.
engaging in real and challenging activities,
broadening horizons, and increasing available Skills development. Skills development plays an
supports. integral role in the Reach Out! model. Skills
workshops have been developed and
Youth participation has been identified as an implemented following the Youth Ambassadors’
important component of achieving some of the identification of key areas where they would like
Oliver, Collin, Burns & Nicholas
more training and support. These include enhancing resilience and fostering positive
training in presentation skills, media mental health (Catalano et al., 2002b).
campaigning and interpersonal skills, using an
Research has also shown that youth programs
evaluated training program. The workshops aim
with a focus on helping others improve academic
to increase the Youth Ambassadors’ social,
and social outcomes and enhance self-concept
interpersonal, and presentation skills, in order to
and community values (Johnson, Beebe,
assist them in their volunteering and in their
Mortimer & Snyder, 1998; Moore & Allen,
professional lives. They also seek to increase
1996). There is evidence that through drawing
self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-efficacy, as
on their own experiences to help others, young
a strategy for building skills and abilities to
people are better able to deal with, resolve, and
promote and contribute to Reach Out! and their
gain some perspective on their own issues
communities, and to encourage commitment and
(Follman & Muldoon, 1997). Helping others can
active involvement in Reach Out!
also increase self-esteem (from the knowledge
Cognitive competency that one has something to offer), decrease
Skills including problem-solving, decision- dependency, and provide a sense of control and a
making, planning and goal-setting have been feeling of social usefulness (Kohler & Strain,
identified as indicators of cognitive competency 1990; Thoits & Hewitt, 2001; Turner, 1999). In
and therefore contribute to the objectives of addition, peer support enables young people to
youth development (Roth & Brooks-Gunn, develop effective coping skills and to receive
2003). These same skills have been identified as social support from peers and adults (Greene &
individual protective factors that contribute to Walker, 1997).
positive adaptation associated with resilience Providing opportunities for young people to
(Spence, Burns, Boucher et al., 2005). develop positive relationships with caring adults,
Self-driven involvement. Young people plan and and more broadly strengthening relationships
manage their participation and contribution to with other people including their peers, is
Reach Out! Although the programs are flexible considered an important goal of youth
and require only a minimum level of development (Roth & Brooks-Gunn, 2003). As
participation from the Youth Ambassadors, such, providing opportunities for young people
young people are encouraged and given many to make and strengthen positive relationships can
opportunities to be involved in the different contribute to social and environmental protective
aspects of the work of the Foundation. Young factors.
people can customise their involvement to their Helping others and sense of community. Young
own skill set and time constraints. They people are engaged in activities that directly
participate in training, goal setting and project build Reach Out!, including writing content,
planning, and develop action plans. Young developing ideas, making decisions about the
people are provided with support from staff and strategic development of the service, and
their peers to follow through on their action plan promoting Reach Out! in their communities. All
ideas as a mechanism for contributing to Reach activities are intended to strengthen the service
Out! and build awareness of the site and as such,
Social and environmental protective factors contribute to helping other young people.
Social connectedness and participation Through their participation in the program,
Research has demonstrated that connectedness to Youth Ambassadors are encouraged to develop
a parent or family is predictive of positive health skills and knowledge about mental health issues
outcomes (Resnick, Bearman, Blum et al., 1997). that they can use in their role as site moderators
Additionally, having the support of caring adults on the Reach Out! public forums, with other
outside of the family is an important contributor Youth Ambassadors, and in their personal lives.
to resilience (Blum, 1998a). More broadly, Peer support training seeks to normalise the
research finds that a sense of community and process of seeking help for problems.
connectedness has been shown to be important in A sense of community and connectedness to
others is fostered through sharing ideas and
Oliver, Collin, Burns & Nicholas
working towards the achievement of a common activities include opportunities to develop and
goal. Face-to-face communication and regular apply new skills, challenging and rewarding
online discussions facilitate the formation of new activities, and involvement in a range of youth
friendships and new interests. related events and activities. Together, these
specific program goals, atmosphere, and
Adult support. Inspire Foundation staff provide
activities of the Inspire Foundation Youth
the Youth Ambassadors with support for
Programs seek to promote resilience and enable
Foundation activities, interpersonal concerns,
the development of positive mental health.
and vocational pursuits. Youth Ambassadors
receive advice and support from staff to develop
an idea or initiative for Reach Out!, materials to
carry out activities, help to plan and organise Blum, R.W. (1998a). Healthy youth development as a
travel arrangements, and financial assistance to model for youth health promotion: A review. Journal
of Adolescent Health, 22, 368-375.
cover any costs. Youth Ambassadors often turn
to Inspire Foundation staff to receive support for Blum, R.W. (1998b). Improving the health of youth:
interpersonal issues. Counselling skills training A community health perspective. Journal of
Adolescent Health, 23, 254-258.
is provided to staff to enable them to discuss
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appropriate sources of help. Finally, Inspire Lonczak, H.S., & Hawkins, J.D. (2002a). Positive
Foundation staff develop opportunities for the youth development in the United States: Research
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development programs. Prevention and Treatment,
range of areas related to vocational pursuits 5(1), 15 [Article A]. Retrieved from
(such as marketing, public speaking, writing,
web design and development) and provide letters
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of reference and recommendation to potential Pollard, J.A., & Arthur, M.W. (2002b). Prevention
employers. The program also seeks to enable science and positive youth development: Competitive
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Conclusion Elias, M.J., Weissberg, R.P., Hawkins, J.D., Perry,
C.L., Zins, J.E., Dodge, K.A., Kendall, P.C., &
The Reach Out! Youth Participation Model Gottfredson, D.C. (1994). The school-based
incorporates the three elements of youth promotion of social competence: Theory, research,
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