Towards Supporting Interpretability of Clustering Results With Uncertainty Visualization

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EuroVis Workshop on Trustworthy Visualization (TrustVis) (2019)

R. Kosara, K. Lawonn, L. Linsen, and N. Smit (Editors)

Towards Supporting Interpretability of Clustering Results with

Uncertainty Visualization

C. Kinkeldey, T. Korjakow and J. J. Benjamin

Human-Centered Computing Research Group, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Interpretation of machine learning results is a major challenge for non-technical experts, with visualization being a common
approach to support this process. For instance, interpretation of clustering results is usually based on scatterplots that provide
information about cluster characteristics implicitly through the relative location of objects. However, the locations and dis-
tances tend to be distorted because of artifacts stemming from dimensionality reduction. This makes interpretation of clusters
difficult and may lead to distrust in the system. Most existing approaches that counter this drawback explain the distances in the
scatterplot (e.g., error visualization) to foster the interpretability of implicit information. Instead, we suggest explicit visualiza-
tion of the uncertainty related to the information needed for interpretation, specifically the uncertain membership of each object
to its cluster. In our approach, we place objects on a grid, and add a continuous “topography” in the background, expressing the
distribution of uncertainty over all clusters. We motivate our approach from a use case in which we visualize research projects,
clustered by topics extracted from scientific abstracts. We hypothesize that uncertainty visualization can increase trust in the
system, which we specify as an emergent property of interaction with an interpretable system. We present a first prototype and
outline possible procedures for evaluating if and how the uncertainty visualization approach affects interpretability and trust.
CCS Concepts
• Human-centered computing → Visualization design and evaluation methods; Interface design prototyping; HCI theory,
concepts and models;

1. Introduction approach that, instead of showing the original 2D space and trying
to explain the distortion, positions the data points on a regular grid;
Interpretability of Machine Learning (ML) models and outputs is
which allows for more complex additional visual features. To in-
crucial for understanding ML based systems, which affect both the
form about the uncertainty of each object to belong to its cluster, we
mundane and geopolitical issues of our lives in various ways. The
compute its degree of membership to the cluster which can be inter-
way we interact with such systems today typically does not sup-
preted as confidence in the clustering. We visualize a shaded relief
port the interpretive work necessary to make sense of their output,
to represent the membership distribution of the clusters, leading to
especially for people with a non-technical background [Lip16]. A
a cluster topography (treating the term “topography” as equivalent
lot of the predictive power of ML comes from describing the world
to “relief”). Thereby, we seek not to supplement the visualization
through high-dimensional features. Results derived from various
interface with separate elements (e.g., parameter selection), but in-
ML algorithms and techniques often also exist in this space, and
stead attempt to enrich the visualization with information about un-
are therefore inherently hard to visualize. Dimensionality reduction
certainty. We hypothesize that this approach increases trust in the
techniques are used to reduce the data to 2D and make it usable in a
outcome because it supports the interpretive work that is already
visualization. Due to information loss, this procedure causes differ-
required for our visualization, rather than introducing clutter in the
ent kinds of artifacts in the data and makes interpretation of cluster
form of overly technical features such as parameter selection that
results in scatter plots difficult [Aup07].
are also inherently difficult to interpret. We have developed this
A way to support interpretability of algorithmic systems are approach in a use case, where we perform topic extraction based
post-hoc techniques [Lip16,Mil17]. They provide supplemental in- on Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) [KWR15] to uncover abstract
formation to support interpretation of the outcome of computation, topics in textual abstracts of research projects. In this context, we
e.g., showing the top n elements of a cluster or saliency maps. How- showcase a low-fidelity prototype that includes a cluster visualiza-
ever, techniques such as textual annotations, which are supposed tion with an integrated “topography” representing the distribution
to be beneficial for interpretation, are hard to apply in scatterplots of uncertain object memberships within the cluster.
where visual layout is unstructured. For this reason we suggest an

c 2019 The Author(s)

Eurographics Proceedings c 2019 The Eurographics Association.
DOI: 10.2312/trvis.20191183
2 C. Kinkeldey, T. Korjakow and J. J. Benjamin / Towards Supporting Interpretability of Clustering Results with Uncertainty Visualization

In the following we present our contributions to the workshop space as possible. However, because of the nature of DR, there are
which are the proposal of an emergent notion of interpretability and unavoidable artifacts that distort the distances between points in the
trust for information visualization as well as the presentation of a reduced space [Aup07]. This means for instance that two pairs of
prototype implementing a novel visualization approach for cluster- data points in the same distance to each other are not necessarily
ing results we name “cluster topography”. equally similar. This intrinsic uncertainty can be misleading and
erroneous, or result in overly confident interpretations; hence ne-
cessitating considerations of how to improve interpretability.
2. Interpretability and Trust in Machine Learning
There are visual approaches that extend traditional representa-
Interpretability and trust can be seen as fundamentally intertwined tions of clustering results as scatterplots in order to counter the
for informed, self-driven use of ML systems by people with vari- negative effects of DR. A common strategy is to represent arti-
ous backgrounds. However, multiple definitions exist for these con- facts caused by DR algorithms measures. They describe how the
cepts. Hoff and Bashir suggest that trust requires a diversified un- distances in the projected (2D) space relate to the distances in the
derstanding. Based on a literature review of empirical research, n-dimensional space. Aupetit presents an interactive visualization
they argue for distinguishing between dispositional, situational, and to show distortions in the projected space with colored voronoi
learned trust [HB15]. For this contribution, we consider the sub- cells, termed as proximity-based visualization [Aup07]. Along the
level of dynamic learned trust (e.g., where an operator’s preexisting same lines, Heulot et al. modify this technique using interpolation
knowledge and the automated system performance and design fea- instead of cells (ProxiViz) [HAF12]. The results of a controlled ex-
tures meet). This level of trust is representative for the scenario of periment [HFA17] suggest that for local tasks such as identification
non-technical experts engaging with a machine-learning informed of outliers and clusters, people’s responses were more accurate with
visualization. Additionally, Chuang et al. [CRMH12] have sug- ProxiViz than with a simple scatter plot. Martins et al. [MCMT14]
gested guidelines for model-driven visualizations that are based on follow a similar approach and visualize a set of quality metrics in
trust and interpretation as main criteria (as opposed to formal model the projected space, mainly referring to preservation of neighbor-
quality measures). They define interpretation “[...] as the facility hoods compared to the high-dimensional space. As part of the de-
with which an analyst makes inferences about the underlying data” velopment of guidelines based on interpretability and trust, Chuang
and trust as “[...] the actual and perceived accuracy of an analyst’s et al. [CRMH12] present the Stanford Dissertation Browser that
inferences”. Furthermore, there is evidence that awareness of un- displays academic departments by similarity of their topics. The
derlying uncertainty can increase trust of people interacting with authors address the problem of artifacts with a circular visualiza-
Visual Analytics tools [SSK∗ 16]. tion that makes distortions in the projected space more transparent.
Therefore, we do not consider dynamic learned trust as an out- They demonstrate how this can help detect missing plausibility in
come of a ’persuasive’ interface, but rather as an emergent prop- clustering results.
erty of interaction, dependent on how people may meaningfully All in all, we can state that existing approaches mainly focus
observe uncertainty and interact with an interpretable system. Re- on making distortions in the projected space transparent, a strat-
garding the latter, we base our approach to interpretability on the egy that was proven to be useful for low level tasks such as cluster
work of Lipton and Miller, who argue for a theory-based under- identification and outlier detection. However, we hypothesize that
standing of interpretability. Lipton states that while interpretabil- this focus expresses a technical view on the data that may not be
ity is frequently invoked in a “quasi-mathematical” manner, it is intuitive, especially for non-technical experts. For increasing trust
also ill-defined [Lip16]. Lipton distinguishes between the type of not only in the result but in the machine learning system we see the
model transparency that an interpretable ML system may achieve, need to explore new visual techniques fulfilling the requirements
as well as the types of post-hoc techniques (e.g., visualization, text for post-hoc techniques as introduced above.
explanation, local explanation, explanation by example) that can
make outcomes more interpretable. Miller adds to this observa-
tion that interpretability in ML research is commonly not based 3.1. Motivating Use Case: Semantic Clustering of Research
on theories of interpretation from the social sciences [Mil17]. As Projects Using Topic Extraction
a consequence, Miller suggests that post-hoc interpretability tech- This work is motivated by the development of a visualization tool
niques consider causal as well as contextual attribution. Therefore, for research projects. The people engaging with our visualization
we posit that an interpretable system supports dynamic learned trust application are non-technical experts from a natural history re-
if it (1) supports humans in making causal inferences about data search institution. The institution is nominally interdisciplinary,
processing and its effects (e.g., uncertainty) in a way that (2) re- however, in practice knowledge is generated at workgroup level
flects the context of human and system. and is rarely shared across the disciplines that make up the var-
ious groups. Our application, therefore, is intended to showcase
thematic overlaps between research projects, knowledge transfer
3. Visualization As A Post-Hoc Technique
activities and the use of infrastructures such as collections or labs.
Visualization is commonly used to communicate clustering results, The goal is to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration and sus-
typically in the form of a 2D scatterplot (Figure 1, left). This re- tainable use of generated knowledge. The most prominent feature
quires dimensionality reduction (DR) techniques such as t-SNE for our application is a cluster visualization of research projects,
[MH08] to reduce the dimensionality of the data to 2D while pre- as the latter are universally seen as the foundation for knowledge
serving as much of its structure from the high dimensional attribute at the institution. The cluster visualization is the output of a topic

c 2019 The Author(s)

Eurographics Proceedings c 2019 The Eurographics Association.
C. Kinkeldey, T. Korjakow and J. J. Benjamin / Towards Supporting Interpretability of Clustering Results with Uncertainty Visualization 3

Figure 1: Left: Scatterplot displaying 100 research projects clustered by topics extracted from scientific abstracts (see subsection 3.1) in four
clusters (distinguished by color). Right: Our approach represents the same 100 projects on a grid, using the same colors for the clusters,
and adds uncertain cluster membership µ as cluster “topography” (in grey scale, with white representing the highest degree of cluster
membership = lowest uncertainty).

modelling pipeline we have implemented for this purpose † . The topic space (computed as the Euclidean distance between the ob-
data source for our application are publicly available descriptions ject and the cluster centroid). Since the distances in the reduced 2D
of research projects funded by the central research funding organi- space have limited expressiveness (as discussed above) we decided
zation in Germany ‡ . Our pipeline uses a preprocessing step, where to place the objects on a grid using a Jonker-Volgenant linear opti-
project abstracts get vectorized using a term frequency-inverse doc- mization algorithm [JV87] that shifts each point to its closest grid
ument frequency weighting scheme (Tf-idf), followed by a Latent point while aiming to preserve the topological characteristics of the
Semantic Analysis (LSA) to identify possible topics, k-means for unstructured point set. In doing so, we lose the information of the
clustering, and t-Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) or Lin- objects’ exact position but avoid clutter (a common drawback of
ear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) for dimensionality reduction of scatter plots) which makes more complex visualizations possible.
the result to a 2D space. The goal of our cluster visualization is We see the use of metaphors to represent cluster attributes as key
to allow for meaningful inferences on thematic overlaps between to enhance interpretability of clusters. That is why the distribution
research projects; with dynamic learned trust as a property of the of cluster membership µ of the objects within each cluster is visu-
interaction with our visualization. alized in the form of a shaded surface that we interpolate between
the objects evoking the notion of a land surface (Figure 1). For in-
stance, objects on top of a “hill” are best represented by their cluster
3.2. Visualization Approach: Cluster Topography whereas objects in a “basin” do not “fit” well into their cluster. We
hypothesize that the use of this metaphor increases the intuitiveness
Our visualization approach is grounded in the general hypothesis
of the visualization of cluster memberships.
that informing about the uncertainty in the data has the potential to
increase dynamic learned trust in the application. Clusters are an
In addition to the cluster topography, we provide the five most
abstract concept, intrinsically described by the objects forming the
frequent topics for each object as tooltips. In interpretive terms
cluster and thus not straightforward to interpret. In our use case, one
those can be seen as the topics that are most responsible for the
of the major goals was to inform about the uncertainty in the clus-
object being assigned to its cluster. Browsing the lists of influential
tering results, i.e., about the uncertain membership of the objects in
topics can provide information about why objects are in the same
each cluster which can be interpreted as confidence in or reliability
cluster, which can potentially strengthen the dynamic learned trust
of the result. This information is not part of the actual end result of
in the result. In the example shown in Figure 2 the observation that
the topic extraction pipeline but can be obtained from an interme-
the highlighted research projects are located in the “basin” of the
diary stage of the pipeline: we define an object’s membership of its
green cluster leads to the question if they do not “fit” into the clus-
cluster as the closeness to the cluster centroid in the n-dimensional
ter. Hovering over the two points reveals that they do not share a
main topic with the cluster but share most of the topics between
them. Based on the knowledge about the compatibility of the top-
† ics a person can now decide if the low membership is a false alarm
‡ (if the topics are related although the algorithm claims otherwise)

c 2019 The Author(s)

Eurographics Proceedings c 2019 The Eurographics Association.
4 C. Kinkeldey, T. Korjakow and J. J. Benjamin / Towards Supporting Interpretability of Clustering Results with Uncertainty Visualization

or if the objects are actual outliers. As discussed above, this di- on an n-dimensional sphere around the cluster center which exhibit
mension of trust assumes a pre-existing knowledge of the operator. the same uncertainty, but may be characterized by substantially dif-
Therefore, displaying topic words in combination with the cluster ferent topics. So far we have not explored the question if people
topography supports the interpretability of how machine learning assume a direct semantic connection between objects on the same
performance and expert knowledge relate and can potentially raise “height” of the relief, but this could potentially be misleading. A
the trust in the topic pipeline used here. part of future work will be to look into alternative cluster member-
ship measures such as the silhouette score § . Related to this, another
critical aspect is that we use cubic interpolation to create the relief.
This leads to smooth isolines, but is not grounded in assumptions
how the space may look like between the data points. This is cer-
tainly an aspect that needs further attention.

5. Conclusion
We presented a visualization approach that we suggest as a post-
hoc technique to enhance interpretability of clustering results. The
motivation for this work lies in the basic level of research on the
evaluation of interpretability of machine learning systems; that is,
existing work does not go beyond the accuracy of cluster and outlier
detection in the data. We see the need to go further and to develop
methods that assess actual interpretation of the content as well as
people’s trust in the system they use. In general, we suggest to ex-
Figure 2: Detail view of the cluster topography with two research plicitly visualize the uncertainty related to the information needed
projects in a “basin” of the cluster’s topography. Their main topics for interpretation of the results. In our case, we visualized uncertain
(grey labels) are almost identical but do not overlap with those of memberships of research projects to their clusters as a continuous
the cluster (list in the green area on top). cluster “topography”.
The discussion on interpretability and trust in machine learning
is currently lacking concrete use cases for non-technical experts.
Therefore, we believe that an evaluation of our approach will con-
4. Discussion
tribute to the further development of this field. As we are focusing
As discussed above, visualization of high-dimensional spaces as on the effects of our post-hoc techniques on dynamic learned trust,
used for topic clustering requires a reduction in dimensionality. qualitative evaluation methods should be pursued. Currently, we
Thereby, artifacts are introduced which inevitably distort the in- are considering formative evaluation methods in the form of co-
terpretive context. We posit that textual explanations in form of an- discovery user tests with varying versions of our low-fidelity proto-
notations can also be seen as artifacts in that sense, injecting ad- types. In this way, researchers may discuss similarities between re-
ditional information into the interpretive context. This suggests a search projects, and actively probe whether our cluster topography
fundamental characteristic of interpretability techniques: their use is supportive. Their interactions with each other and the system,
is generative of artifacts which become integrated into whatever and how prior knowledge and system features correlate, can then
is sought to be made more interpretable. In this sense, each spe- be analyzed for the kind of interpretive work that our application
cific interpretability technique has a “trade-off” which may affect supports. Possible avenues for summative evaluation are longitudi-
learned trust. nal field studies, in which we observe researchers interacting with
the cluster visualization over a sustained amount of time and log
In comparison to approaches that display distortions caused by
their interactions and conduct a series of interviews.
the projection from high- to low-dimensional space [HFA17], we
hypothesize that our approach will prove to be more intuitive re- At the workshop we intend to discuss the following issues:
lated to interpretation. We do not try to make the relative locations • Visualization as post-hoc interpretability technique
of objects in the projected space interpretable, instead, we draw • Potential and limitations of the cluster topography approach
from information from an earlier stage in the pipeline and explic- • Evaluation methods for capturing interpretability and trust
itly represent it in a metaphorical way. Our approach can be seen
as addition to a standard scatterplot (potentially as linked views, in
6. Acknowledgements
which hovering reveals the location of a point in the other view)
which may be a way to combine the advantages from both visual- This work is supported by the German Federal Ministry of
izations. Education and Research, (BMBF), grant 03IO1633 (“IKON –
Wissenstransferkonzept für Forschungsinhalte, -methoden und -
A clear limitation of the approach in its current form is that,
kompetenzen in Forschungsmuseen”).
based on the information about the uncertainty of the objects’ clus-
ter memberships, pairwise comparisons between the objects cannot
be made. Since we chose the Euclidean distance in the topic space §
as a metric of similarity, there can be an infinite number of points (clustering)

c 2019 The Author(s)

Eurographics Proceedings c 2019 The Eurographics Association.
C. Kinkeldey, T. Korjakow and J. J. Benjamin / Towards Supporting Interpretability of Clustering Results with Uncertainty Visualization 5

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