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Partner Origin
Partner Origin
If the heading "Personal space" is not available on the public website Select:
for your country, you can find your user guide at the following address: the link in "Private customer access", the language,
the model,
the edition date appropriate for the date of registration of your vehicle.
You will find your user guide, presented in the same way as the paper version.
Consulting your "Handbook" should Key
enable you to adjust the equipment
and configurations available on your This key will allow you to distinguish
vehicle for optimum comfort and driv- the special features of your vehicle:
ing conditions.
Light van
Your vehicle is fitted with only some
of the equipment described in this
document, depending on its trim lev- Ludospace (4/5 seat versions)
el, version and the specification for
the country in which it was sold.
Page reference:
this symbol invites you to
refer to the pages which pro-
vide details of the function.
Front seats 34
Rear bench seat
(4/5 seat versions) 36
Child seats 37
Eco-driving 17 Locations for child seats
attached with the seat belt 40
ISOFIX mountings 41
ISOFIX child seat 42
Seat belts 44
28 - 33 COMFORT 54 - 57 VISIBILITY
Lights 54
Ventilation 28 Windscreen wiper stalk 55
Heating 30 Electric windows 56
Air conditioning 32 Rear windows 56
Exterior mirrors 57
Interior mirror 57
64 - 71 DRIVING
Handbrake 64
ABS and EBFD systems 64
Speed limiter 65
Cruise control 67 RD3 audio system 110
Airbags 69
Under the bonnet 72 118 - 122 VISUAL INDEX
Levels 77
Checks 78
Changing a wheel 79
Changing a bulb 82
Changing a fuse 88
Battery 92
Energy economy mode 92
Fitting audio equipment, speakers 93
Snow screen 94
Towing 95
Towing a trailer 96
Accessories 97
5. Multifunction screen or clock. 16. Passenger’s airbag deactivation 28. Audio system.
6. Hazard warning lamps switch. 29. Lower glove box.
17. Alarm.
7. Central adjustable heating/ 30. Upper glove box or passenger’s
ventilation vents. 18. Steering wheel adjustment airbag.
8. Lighting and direction indicator 31. Bonnet release lever.
control stalk. 19. Passenger’s electric mirror
control. 32. Side adjustable heating/
9. Speed limiter/cruise control ventilation vents.
switches. 20. Headlamp height adjustment.
33. Door window demisting vents.
10. Instrument panel. 21. Heated seats control.
54 55
2. Armrest.
3. Seat back angle adjustment.
4. Forwards-backwards adjustment.
56 57 60
65 67 * According to version.
N° Symbol Function
3 adjustment.
Air distribution
N° Symbol Function
Air conditioning
1 control.
Air distribution
I require...
Air recirculation/
Air distribution Air flow Temperature Manual AC
Intake of exterior air
1. Storage compartments in the doors.
A. Bottle holder.
B. Cup holder.
C. Storage compartment.
2. Overhead storage.
4. Courtesy lamp.
5. Sun visors.
6. Glove box.
7. Cigarette lighter.
8. Removable ashtray.
3. Stowing rings.
Stowing rings
For greater safety, always en-
sure that the loads transported
are secured firmly.
61 62-63
53 53
Eco-driving is a range of everyday practices that allow the motorist to optimise their fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
At the end of winter, remove snow Have your vehicle serviced regularly
tyres and refit your summer tyres. (engine oil, oil filter, air filter...) and
observe the schedule of operations
recommended by the manufacturer.
* According to country.
* According to country.
Resetting the service indicator Engine oil level indicator Oil level indicator fault
When the ignition is switched on,
the engine oil level is indicated for
approximately 10 seconds, after the
service information.
Briefly pressing button 1 alternates With the lights on, press the button Button 1: hour adjustment
between the total and trip distance to vary the intensity of the lighting of Button 2: minute adjustment
displays. the instruments and controls. When
the lighting reaches the minimum (or Press and hold the button for rapid
To reset the trip recorder to zero, advance.
when it is displayed press button 1 maximum) setting, release the button
until zeros appear. then press it again to increase (or re-
duce) the brightness.
As soon as the lighting is of the re-
quired brightness, release the button.
1. Windscreen de-icing or The air conditioning system does not
demisting vents. contain chlorine and does not present
2. Front window de-icing or any danger to the ozone layer.
demisting vents. Operate the air conditioning system
3. Side vents. for 5 to 10 minutes, once or twice a
month, to keep it in perfect working
4. Centre vents. order.
5. Air outlets to front footwells. The water created by the air condi-
tioning condensation is discharged
via an opening provided for this pur-
pose. Therefore, a puddle of water
Advice on operation may form underneath the vehicle De-icing the rear windows and
when stationary. mirrors
Select the air distribution most suited If the system does not produce With the engine running, pressing
to your requirements and the climatic cold air, do not use it and contact a the control de-ices the rear windows
conditions. PEUGEOT dealer. and mirrors.
Gradually adjust the temperature It switches off automatically after
setting for your comfort. approximately twelve minutes.
Position the air control in the ''Outside Pressing the control again switches
Air'' position. the de-icing system on again for
For perfectly even air distribution, twelve minutes.
take care not to obstruct the exterior It is possible to switch off the de-
air intake grille and the vents. Check icing by pressing the control before
that the passenger compartment filter the twelve minutes have elapsed.
is in good condition.
When the engine is cold, to prevent
too great a distribution of cold air, the
ventilation will increase to its opti-
mum level gradually.
In order to be effective, the air condi-
tioning (A/C button), should only be
used with the windows closed.
If the interior temperature remains
very high following a prolonged period
parked in the sun, do not hesitate to
ventilate the passenger compartment
for a few minutes.
1. Air flow adjustment
Turn the control from position 1
to position 4 to obtain an air
flow sufficient to ensure your
To quickly demist or defrost the wind- This setting is recommended for high
screen and side windows: temperatures.
- position the air intake control in
the ''Exterior Air Intake" position,
- turn the temperature and air flow
controls to maximum,
- close the centre vents.
1. Air conditioning control The air conditioning does not op- 2. Air flow adjustment and air
The air conditioning is designed to erate while the air flow adjustment intake control
operate in all seasons. In summer, control is in the minimum position.
it enables the temperature to be Note: to optimise the operation of Turn the control from posi-
lowered and in winter, above 0 °C, the air conditioning, leave the vents tion 1 to position 4 to obtain
it increases the effectiveness of the open. an air flow sufficient to en-
demisting. sure your comfort.
3. Temperature adjustment
To be adjusted to your requirements.
From blue (cold when the air condi-
tioning is on) to red (hot).
1. Head restraint height 3. Seat back angle adjustment 6. Access to rear seats
adjustment (version with one
To raise or lower the restraint, slide it. sliding side door only)
A. Turn the knob.
Lift the control to fold the seat back
B. Pull the lever (version and move the seat forwards.
The adjustment is correct when
the upper edge of the head re- with one sliding side On repositioning, the seat returns to
straint is level with the top of the door only). its initial position (driver's side).
To assure the safety of your child, you must deactivate the passenger's
front airbag when you install a child seat in the rearwards facing position
on the front passenger's seat.
Otherwise, there is a risk that the child could be seriously injured or killed
if the airbag were deployed.
"KIDDY Comfort Pro"
"RÖMER Baby-Safe Plus"
The impact shield must be used
Installed in the rearwards-facing
for carrying young children
(from 9 to 18 kg).
L3 "KLIPPAN Optima"
"RECARO Start'' From the age of 6 years
(approximately 22 kg),
the booster is used on its own.
Can be fitted to the vehicle's ISOFIX mountings.
The child is restrained by the seat belt.
Outer U U U U
Row 2
Centre U U U U
Right U U U U
Row 2
Left U U U U
(a) Universal child seat: child seat (c) Consult the legislation in force in U: Seat suitable for the installation of
which can be installed in all vehi- your country before installing your a child seat secured using a seat
cles using the seat belt. child on this seat. belt and universally approved, "rear
(b) Group 0: from birth to 10 kg. facing" and/or "forward facing".
Your vehicle has been approved in ac- These are two rings located between
cordance with the ISOFIX regulation. the vehicle’s seat back and the seat
The seats, represented below, are fit- cushion.
ted with regulation ISOFIX mountings: This ISOFIX mounting system pro-
vides reliable, safe and fast fitting of
the child seat in your vehicle.
The body of this child seat must be in contact with the back It is imperative that the vehicle's front seat is adjusted to the
of the vehicle's front seat. intermediate longitudinal position.
This child seat can also be used on In this case, it is compulsory to se- Follow the instructions for fitting
seats which are not fitted with ISOFIX cure the child seat to the vehicle's the child seat indicated in the seat
mountings. seat using the three-point seat belt. manufacturer's installation guide.
ADVICE ON CHILD Children under the age of 10 must As a safety precaution, do not leave:
SEATS not travel in the "forward facing" po- - one or more children alone and
sition on the front passenger seat, unsupervised in a vehicle,
unless the rear seats are already oc-
The incorrect installation of a child cupied by other children, cannot be - a child or an animal in a vehicle
seat in a vehicle compromises the used or are absent. which is exposed to the sun, with
child's protection in the event of an the windows closed,
Deactivate the passenger's airbag
accident. when a "rear facing" child seat is in- - the keys within reach of children
Remember to fasten the seat belts stalled on the front seat. Otherwise, inside the vehicle.
or the child seat harnesses keep- the child would risk being seriously
ing the slack in relation to the child's injured or killed if the airbag were to
body to a minimum, even for short inflate.
journeys. To prevent accidental open-
ing of the doors, use the
For optimum installation of the "for- "Child lock".
ward facing" child seat, ensure that
the back of the child seat is in contact
with the back of the vehicle's seat Take care not to open the rear win-
and that the head restraint does not dows by more than one third.
cause any discomfort. Installing a booster seat To protect young children from the
If the head restraint has to be removed, The chest part of the seat belt must rays of the sun, fit side blinds on the
ensure that it is stored or attached se- be positioned on the child's shoulder rear windows.
curely to prevent it from being thrown without touching the neck.
around the vehicle in the event of Ensure that the lap part of the seat
sharp braking. belt passes correctly over the child's
PEUGEOT recommends the use of
a booster seat which has a back, fitted
with a seat belt guide at shoulder
The driver must ensure that In order to be effective, a seat belt: Recommendations for children:
the passengers use the seat - must be tightened as close to the - use a suitable child seat if the pas-
belts correctly and that they body as possible, senger is less than 12 years old or
are all properly restrained shorter than one metre fifty,
before setting off. - must restrain one adult only,
- must not bear any trace of cuts or - do not use the strap-guide* when
Wherever you are seated in the ve- a child seat is installed,
hicle, always fasten your seat belt, fraying,
even for short journeys. - must be pulled in front of you with - never use the same seat belt to
a smooth movement, checking secure more than one person,
Do not invert the seat belt buckles as
they will not fulfil their role fully. that it does not twist, - never allow a child to travel on
If the seats have armrests*, the lap - must not be transformed or modified your lap.
part of the seat belt must always to avoid altering its performance. Depending on the nature and se-
pass under the armrest. In accordance with current safety riousness of the impacts, the pre-
The seat belts are fitted with an inertia regulations, all repairs and checks tensioning device may be triggered
reel permitting automatic adjustment must be carried out by a PEUGEOT before and independently of the
of the length of the strap to your size. dealer who guarantees that the work airbags. Triggering of the pre-tensioners
The seat belt is stored automatically is carried out correctly. is accompanied by a slight emission of
when not in use. harmless smoke and a noise, due to
Have your seat belts checked regu- the activation of the pyrotechnic car-
Before and after use, ensure that the larly by a PEUGEOT dealer and par- tridge incorporated in the system.
seat belt is reeled in correctly. ticularly if the straps show signs of
damage. In all cases, the airbag warning lamp
The lower part of the strap must be comes on.
positioned as low as possible on the Clean the seat belt straps with soapy
pelvis. water or a textile cleaning product, Following an impact, have the seat
sold by PEUGEOT dealers. belts system checked, and if neces-
The upper part must be positioned in sary replaced, by a PEUGEOT dealer.
the hollow of the shoulder.
The inertia reels are fitted with an auto-
matic locking device which comes into
operation in the event of a collision, on
emergency braking or if the vehicle
rolls over. You can release the device
by pulling rapidly on the strap and re-
leasing it. After folding or moving a
seat or rear bench seat,
ensure that the seat belt
is positioned and rolled up
* According to model.
ELECTRONIC ENGINE Make a careful note of the If the keys are lost
IMMOBILISER number of each key. This Visit a PEUGEOT dealer with the vehi-
number is coded on the label cle’s V5 registration certificate and your
This locks the engine control sys- attached to the key. personal identification documents.
tem as soon as the ignition has been The high frequency remote control is
switched off and therefore prevents The PEUGEOT network will be able
a sensitive system; do not operate it to retrieve the key code and the
starting of the vehicle by anyone who while it is in your pocket as there is a
does not have the key. transponder code to order a replace-
possibility that it may unlock the vehi- ment key.
The ignition key has an electronic chip cle, without you being aware of it.
which has a special code. When the The remote control does not operate
ignition is switched on, the code must when the key is in the ignition, even
be recognised for the vehicle to start. when the ignition is switched off, ex-
If the system does not function cept for reprogramming.
correctly, the central locking button A heavy object (key fob...), attached
Do not operate the deadlocking function to the key and weighing down on
indicator light, situated in the centre if there is anyone inside the vehicle.
of the fascia, flashes rapidly when the its shaft in the ignition switch, could
Driving with the doors locked may cause a malfunction.
ignition is switched on (2nd notch), make access to the passenger com-
accompanied by an audible signal partment by the emergency services
and a message on the display. more difficult in an emergency.
In this case your vehicle will not start. As a safety precaution (with children
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon on board), remove the key from the
as possible. ignition when you leave the vehicle,
even for a short time.
Do not repeatedly press the buttons
of your remote control out of range of
your vehicle.
You run the risk of stopping it from
Key in ignition working and the remote control would
have to be reprogrammed.
A buzzer sounds on opening the
driver's door, if the key has been left When purchasing a second-hand
in the ignition. vehicle, have the key codes memo-
rised by a PEUGEOT dealer, to en-
sure that the keys in your possession
are the only ones which can start the
Do not make any modifications to the
electronic engine immobiliser system.
When the alarm is triggered, the si- Note: when the alarm is set, but the
ren sounds and the direction indica- remote control no longer works:
tors flash for thirty seconds. ) unlock the doors using the key
After it has been triggered, the alarm and open the door; the alarm is
becomes operational again. triggered;
) switch the ignition on within ten
seconds; the alarm is disarmed.
Note: if you wish to lock your vehicle
without setting the alarm, lock it using
the key in the door lock. To set the alarm with exterior
protection only.
If, while you are away from the vehicle,
you wish to leave a window partially
Warning open or a pet inside the vehicle, you
If, on setting the alarm, a door, the boot need to select exterior protection only:
or the bonnet are not closed correctly, ● Switch off the ignition.
the siren sounds for a moment.
THE ALARM SYSTEM* ● Press the button 2 until the lamp 1
Close the vehicle correctly to set the comes on continuously.
The alarm offers two types of protection: alarm.
If the interior protection alarm is trig- ● Get out of the vehicle.
- exterior protection: the alarm
sounds if a door, the boot or the gered ten times in succession, it is ● Press the locking button of the
bonnet is opened; disarmed automatically. It must be remote control.
set again in order for it to operate ● The doors lock.
- interior protection: the alarm correctly.
sounds if there is a variation in ● The red lamp in the switch flashes
the volume inside the vehicle once a second.
(breaking of a window or move-
ment inside the vehicle). Disarming the alarm
Unlock the vehicle using the remote
control key (the red indicator lam in Operating fault
Setting the alarm the switch 1 goes off). When the ignition is switched on,
Switch the ignition off and get out of fixed illumination of the red indica-
the vehicle. tor lamp, located in the centre of the
Note: if the warning light flashes, it is dashboard, indicates an anomaly
Activate the alarm within five minutes a sign that the alarm has been trig- with the siren.
following your exit from the vehicle, gered in your absence. Contact a PEUGEOT dealer to have
by locking using the remote control To stop it, switch on the ignition. the system checked.
key (the red indicator lamp in the
switch 1, which can be seen from the Do not make any modifica-
outside, flashes once a second). tions to the alarm system, this
could cause malfunctions.
* According to country.
Press and hold control D.
Activation of the function is accom-
panied by an audible signal and a
message on the display.
This prevents opening of the side To open the tailgate, operate the
door from the inside. handle 1 and lift it.
Turn the control a quarter turn using You can unlock the tailgate by inserting
the ignition key. the key in the lock 2.
Opening the doors from outside
To open, pull the rear right door handle A
towards you and open the rear left door
by pulling the lever B on the inside.
You can unlock the rear doors by
inserting the key in the lock C.
Opening the doors from inside Opening the rear doors to 180°
The rear door opening controls only To open the rear doors to 180°,
unlock these doors. To open the other door, push lever B. release the check strap E towards
To open, lift lever D. Note: when closing from the inside, you when the door is partially open.
close the right-hand door first ensuring When closing the door, the check
that lever B is in the vertical position strap hooks itself in place again auto-
then close the left-hand door. matically.
Windscreen wipers
2 Fast wipe Rear windscreen wiper
(heavy rain). Turn ring A to the first notch. The
1 Normal wipe wiping speed is inversely propor-
(moderate rain). tional to the speed of the vehicle.
I Intermittent wipe.
0 Off.
È Single wipe In winter, in the event of a
(press downwards). Automatic rear windscreen considerable amount of snow
wiping or ice, switch on the rear win-
Operation ) place the front wipers stalk in a dow demister. Once deicing is
position other than 0, complete, remove the snow or
In position 1 or 2, when the vehicle ice which has accumulated on the rear
stops, the windscreen wiper changes ) engage reverse gear,
wiper blade. You can now operate the
to a lower wiping speed, then resumes ) the rear wiper operates with inter- rear windscreen wiper.
its initial speed when the vehicle starts mittent wiping.
again. Note: if a bicycle carrier is used, con-
In the Intermittent position, the wiping tact a PEUGEOT dealer to have this
speed is proportional to the speed of function disarmed.
the vehicle.
SYSTEM (ABS) AND THE Normal operation of the ABS may
ELECTRONIC BRAKE FORCE make itself felt by slight vibrations
DISTRIBUTION (EBFD) of the brake pedal.
In emergency braking, press
The ABS, in conjunction with the very firmly without releasing the
electronic brake force distribution, pressure.
increases the stability and manoeu-
vrability of your vehicle on braking,
in particular on poor or slippery road
Note: when changing wheels (tyres
and rims), make sure that these are
The anti-lock braking system comes
into operation automatically when
HANDBRAKE there is a risk of wheel lock.
When parking, pull the handbrake to When this warning light
immobilise your vehicle. comes on, accompanied by a
buzzer, it indicates that there
is a malfunction of the ABS,
which can cause a loss of control of
Releasing the vehicle when braking.
Pull the handle and press the button
to release the handbrake.
When this warning light comes
on, connected to the STOP
and ABS warning lights, it
Illumination of this warning indicates that there is a mal-
light and of the STOP war- function of the electronic brake force
ning light, accompanied by distribution, which can cause a loss of
an audible signal (while the control of the vehicle when braking.
vehicle is moving), indicates that the Stop immediately.
handbrake is still applied or has not In both cases, consult a PEUGEOT
been released fully. dealer.
Function selected,
displaying of the "Speed
Limiter" symbol. Programming a speed
A speed can be programmed without
Function deactivated, activating the limiter but with the
last programmed speed - OFF engine running.
(example at 66 mph ) A brief or extended press of the SET -
(107 km/h)). button decreases the speed.
) A brief or extended press of the SET +
SPEED LIMITER* Function activated button increases the speed.
(example at 66 mph (107 km/h)).
The operating actions must be car-
ried out when stationary, with the Vehicle speed above
engine running, or with the vehicle 66 mph (107 km/h),
moving. the programmed speed is
displayed flashing.
Activation/deactivation (off)
When you have programmed your
speed, pressing this button once acti-
vates the limiter and the programmed
speed is displayed, pressing the button
again deactivates it (OFF).
Selecting the function
) Place the dial in the LIMIT posi-
tion. The limiter is selected but
is not yet active. The display
indicates dashes or the last pro-
grammed speed.
* According to version.
Function selected,
displaying of the "Cruise
Control" symbol.
Operating fault
In the event of a cruise control mal-
function, a message is displayed on
the multifunction display accompanied
by an audible signal.
Changing the programmed The programmed speed is cleared and
reference speed the dashes flash for a few seconds.
When the speed is displayed: Contact a PEUGEOT dealer to have
the system checked.
) press SET + button to increase it.
) press the SET - button to de-
crease it.
The airbags have been designed to Immediately after the impact, the
maximise the safety of the occupants airbags deflate rapidly so that they
in the event of serious collisions. They do not hinder the visibility of the
work in conjunction with the force-lim- occupants nor their exit if necessary
iting seat belts. The electronic detec- from the vehicle.
tors register and analyse any abrupt The airbags are not deployed in the
deceleration of the vehicle in the im- case of minor impacts, rear impacts
pact detection zones (see diagram): or in certain roll-over conditions. The
if the triggering threshold is reached, seat belt is sufficient to ensure maxi-
the airbags inflate instantly and pro- mum protection in these situations.
tect the occupants of the vehicle. The seriousness of a collision de-
pends on the nature of the obstacle
and the speed of the vehicle at the
moment of the collision.
Airbags only operate when the ig- FRONT AIRBAGS
nition is switched on.
These are folded in the centre of the
Note: the gas escaping from steering wheel for the driver and in
the airbags can be a minor the fascia for the front passenger.
irritant. They are deployed simultaneously,
except in cases where the passen-
ger airbag is disarmed, in the event
of a serious front impact applied in
the impact zone A in the longitudinal
centreline of the vehicle, on a hori-
zontal plane and from the front of the
vehicle towards the rear. The airbag
inflates between the front occupant of
the vehicle and the fascia to cushion
his forward movement. The airbags
Impact detection zones therefore limit the risk of injury to the
head and chest.
A. Front impact zone.
B. Side impact zone.
* According to version.
If your wheels are fitted with an anti-
theft bolt (one per wheel), it must be
unscrewed using an anti-theft socket
(which was given to you on delivery
of your vehicle along with the dupli-
cate keys and the confidential card)
and the wheelbrace.
CHANGING A BULB Remove the grille Partially remove the wheelarch liner
Front lamps
To replace a dipped/main beam head-
lamp or sidelamp bulb:
- Unclip the lug (A) of carrier (2) on - Remove the screw (2),
each side. - Remove the plastic pins (3).
- Remove the grille (3).
- Remove the screws (1), - Pull lightly on the side of the bum- - Remove the screws (1),
per (3), - Unclip the index pin on the head-
- Push in the direction of the ar- lamp (A),
row (B), on the latch (A), via the
opening (C),
- Maintain a light sideways pull on
the bumper,
- Push the bumper sharply for-
wards to release the clips at (D).
Dipped/Main beam headlamps - Turn and remove the protector (6), - Disconnect the connector (C),
(H4-60/55W) - Unclip the spring (D),
After following the procedure for removal - Remove and replace the bulb (3).
of the headlamp:
CHANGING A FUSE Removing and fitting a fuse Always replace a failed fuse with a fuse
Before changing a fuse, the cause of the same rating (two fuse types ac-
The fuseboxes are located under the of the fault must be found and reme- cording to manufacturer - see images).
dashboard and in the engine com- died. The fuse numbers are indicated
partment. on the fusebox.
Use the tweezer B.
Dashboard fusebox
Unclip the cover to gain access to the
The spare fuses and the tweezer B are Tweezer B
fitted to the inside of the cover A.
5 - Not used.
7 - Not used.
The electrical system of your vehicle is designed to operate with standard or optional equipment.
Before installing other electrical equipment or accessories in your vehicle, consult a PEUGEOT dealer.
Some electrical accessories or the way in which they are fitted may have an adverse effect on the operation of your vehicle
(its electronic control circuits, the audio system and the electrical charging circuit).
PEUGEOT declines any responsibility for expenses incurred through the repair of your vehicle or for any malfunctions
resulting from the installation of auxiliary accessories, not supplied and not recommended by PEUGEOT and not installed in
accordance with its instructions, in particular for any equipment the power consumption of which exceeds 10 milliamps.
The maxi fuses provide additional protection for the electrical systems. Any work on these fuses must be carried out by a
PEUGEOT dealer.
5 - Not used.
13 15A Horn.
To charge the battery using After the engine has stopped, with
the key in the "accessories" position,
a battery charger: certain functions (windscreen wiper,
- Disconnect the battery, electric windows, courtesy lights,
- Follow the instructions for use audio equipment, etc.) can only be
given by the battery charger man- used for a combined duration of ap-
ufacturer, proximately thirty minutes, to prevent
discharging the battery.
- Reconnect starting with the nega-
tive (-) terminal, Once the thirty minutes are over, a
switching to economy mode mes-
- Check that the terminals and sage appears on the multi-function
connectors are clean. If they are display and the active functions are
covered with sulphate (white or put on standby.
greenish deposit), disconnect These functions are reactivated auto-
them and clean them. matically next time the vehicle is driven.
To start the vehicle from Before disconnecting the bat- In order to resume the use of these
another battery: tery, you must wait 2 minutes functions immediately, the engine
after switching off the ignition. must be started and left to run for a
- Connect the red cable to the posi- few minutes.
tive (+) terminals of the two batteries,
The time available to you will then be
- Connect one end of the green or Never disconnect a terminal when double the duration for which the en-
black cable to the negative (-) ter- the engine is running. gine is left running. However, this pe-
minal of the slave battery, Never charge a battery without first riod will always be between five and
- Connect the other end of the green disconnecting the terminals. thirty minutes.
or black cable to an earth point on Close the windows and the roof be-
the broken down vehicle as far as fore disconnecting the battery.
possible from the battery (for exam-
ple, right-hand engine mounting). After every reconnection of the bat-
tery, switch on the ignition and wait
Operate the starter, let the engine run. 1 minute before starting to allow the
Wait for the engine to return to idle, electronic systems to be initialised. If
then disconnect the cables. slight difficulties are experienced af-
ter this, please contact a PEUGEOT
A flat battery prevents the
engine from starting.
It is advisable to disconnect the
battery if the vehicle is not to be
used for a period of more than
one month.
The snow screen is installed on the
lower part of the front bumper to pre-
vent the accumulation of snow at the
radiator cooling fan.
Remove the snow screen:
- when the exterior temperature is
higher than 10 °C,
- when towing,
- for speeds higher than 75 mph
(120 km/h).
) Offer up the snow screen facing
the front bumper.
) Put it in place positioning the lower
clips A in the bumper.
) Press the snow screen at each
upper clip B.
) Press the two upper clips B and
pull the snow screen.
ACCESSORIES Front seat covers compatible with The PEUGEOT Network will inform
airbags, bench, rubber mats, carpet you of the specifications (frequency
These accessories and parts, hav- mats, snow chains, blind, tailgate band, maximum output power, aerial
ing been tested and approved for bicycle carrier, roof bars (max load position, specific installation condi-
reliability and safety, are all adapted 120 kg), transverse roof bars (max tions) of the transmitters which can be
to your vehicle. A wide range of rec- load 100 kg), ... fitted, in accordance with the Motor
ommended accessories and original Vehicle Electromagnetic Compatibility
parts is offered. To prevent the mat from becoming
caught under the pedals: Directive (2004/104/CE).
L1 4 137
L2 4 437 -
A 2 693
B 836
C 608
D 570 550
F 1 960
I 1 724
L1 L2
J 1 155
K 1 320
M 1 190
N 1 190
O 568
P 1 340 1 640
m 3
3.25 3.6
L1 L2
Engine (with cartridge replacement) 3 (1) - 3.25 (2) 3.2 (1) - 3.4 (2)
ENGINES 1.6 litre Turbo HDi 75 1.6 litre Turbo HDi 90 1.9 litre
Gearbox Manual
Length L1
The GTW and towing load values indicated are valid up to a maximum altitude of 1 000 metres; the towing load mentioned
must be reduced by 10 % for each additional 1 000 metres.
The speed of a towing vehicle must not exceed 60 mph (100 km/h) (comply with the legislation in force in your country).
High ambient temperatures may result in a reduction in the performance of the vehicle in order to protect the engine; when
the ambient temperature is above 37 °C, limit the towed load.
Engines 1.6 litre Turbo HDi 75 1.6 litre Turbo HDi 90 1.9 litre
Length L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2
● Kerb weight (in running order) 1 112 1 143 1 112 1 143 1 206 1 146
● Gross vehicle weight (GVW) 1 915 2 150 1 915 2 150 1 955 2 180
● Gross train weight (GTW) 2 715 2 950 2 715 2 950 3 055 3 005
● Braked trailer (within GTW) 800 800 800 800 1 100 825
The GTW and towing load values indicated are valid up to a maximum altitude of 1 000 metres; the towing load mentioned
must be reduced by 10 % for each additional 1 000 metres.
The speed of a towing vehicle must not exceed 60 mph (100 km/h) (comply with the legislation in force in your country).
High ambient temperatures may result in a reduction in the performance of the vehicle in order to protect the engine; when
the ambient temperature is above 37 °C, limit the towed load.
Length L1 L2
The GTW and towing load values indicated are valid up to a maximum altitude of 1 000 metres; the towing load mentioned
must be reduced by 10 % for each additional 1 000 metres.
The speed of a towing vehicle must not exceed 60 mph (100 km/h) (comply with the legislation in force in your country).
High ambient temperatures may result in a reduction in the performance of the vehicle in order to protect the engine; when
the exterior temperature is above 37 °C, limit the towed load.
Engines 1.6 litre Turbo HDi 75 1.6 litre Turbo HDi 90 1.9 litre
Length L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2
● Kerb weight (in running order) 1 200 1 244 1 200 1 244 1 240 1 244
● Gross vehicle weight (GVW) 1 735 2 170 1 735 2 170 1 840 2 210
● Gross train weight (GTW) 2 535 2 970 2 535 2 970 2 940 3 005
● Braked trailer (within GTW) 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 100 795
The GTW and towing load values indicated are valid up to a maximum altitude of 1 000 metres; the towing load mentioned
must be reduced by 10 % for each additional 1 000 metres.
The speed of a towing vehicle must not exceed 60 mph (100 km/h) (comply with the legislation in force in your country).
High ambient temperatures may result in a reduction in the performance of the vehicle in order to protect the engine; when
the exterior temperature is above 37 °C, limit the towed load.
A. Manufacturer's label (under the B. Serial number on the body- C. Tyres and paint colour reference.
bonnet, on the front right wing). work (under the bonnet, on the The label C on the driver's door pillar,
right-hand crossmember). near the hinges, gives:
- the wheel and tyre sizes,
- the tyre pressures: (tyre pressure
checks must be carried out cold,
at least every month),
- the paint colour reference.
1 + 2 - Simultaneous press Sound cut-off (mute); restoring of the sound by pressing any button
3 - Press Automatic search of higher frequencies (radio) - Selection of the next track (CD)
4 - Press Automatic search of lower frequencies (radio) - Selection of the previous track (CD)
7 - Rotation
Selection of previous preset station (radio)
Button Function
A Radio On/Off.
B - Decrease volume.
C + Increase volume.
RDS function On/Off.
Press for more than 2 seconds: regional following mode On/Off.
Traffic information priority on/off.
Press for more than 2 seconds: PTY function On/Off.
H Selection of bass, treble, loudness, sound distribution and automatic volume correction.
Door mirrors................................ 57
Rear lamps ................................. 86
3rd brake lamp............................ 87
Towbar ........................................ 96
Lifting, towing.............................. 95
the doors ...................6, 46, 49-52
Opening the bonnet .............. 16, 53
Front seats.............................34-35
Stowing rings ........................ 15, 61
Rear seats
(4/5 seat versions) .................... 36
Rear fittings .....................15, 62-63 Courtesy lamp,
- stowing rings, interior lighting .....................58-59
- storage boxes,
- hooks,
- retaining net,
- storage pocket,
- storage compartments.
Parking brake,
handbrake .......................... 64, 78
Air conditioning ........ 28-31, 32-33
- vent, demisting, defrosting
- air conditioning A/C,
- air recirculation,
- ventilation. Front fittings ...........................58-59
Alarm .......................................... 48
Passenger’s electric
mirror ........................................ 57
Headlamp adjustment................. 60
Dimensions ..........................98-101
Levels ..............................72-75, 77 Engine technical data ........102-103
- dipstick, Weights, loads ...................105-108
- power steering fluid, Identification markings .............. 109
- brake fluid,
- coolant. Air/oil filters,
Petrol supply cut-off, checks ...........................72-75, 78
Diesel fuel priming .................... 78