Fti Reference Guide

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Oracle® Fusion Transportation

Reference Guide
Release 6.3
Part No. E38423-03

January 2014
Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence Reference Guide, Release 6.3

Part No. E38423-03

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Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. iii
CONTENTS................................................................................................. IV

SEND US YOUR COMMENTS ...................................................................... VII

PREFACE ................................................................................................... IX

CHANGE HISTORY .................................................................................................... IX

DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................. IX
1. ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW ............................................................... 1-1

DATABASE SERVER ................................................................................................. 1-1

ETL SERVER ......................................................................................................... 1-2
BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SERVER .............................................................................. 1-2
2. DATABASE SERVER ............................................................................ 2-1

KEY TABLES .......................................................................................................... 2-1

DIMENSION TABLES ............................................................................................... 2-1
FACT TABLES ........................................................................................................ 2-2
FLEX FIELD COLUMNS ............................................................................................. 2-4
KPI (KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR) TARGETS TABLES ................................................ 2-6
MATERIALIZED VIEWS ............................................................................................ 2-6
LOG TABLES ....................................................................................................... 2-15
MISCELLANEOUS TABLES ....................................................................................... 2-15
VPD TABLES ...................................................................................................... 2-16
DEPRECATED TABLES ............................................................................................ 2-17
3. ETL SERVER ....................................................................................... 3-1

ORACLE DATA INTEGRATOR OVERVIEW....................................................................... 3-1

REPOSITORIES ...................................................................................................... 3-1
MASTER REPOSITORY DEPLOYMENT OPTIONS .................................................................................. 3-2
CONTEXTS ............................................................................................................ 3-2
PHYSICAL ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................ 3-2
LOGICAL ARCHITECTURE.......................................................................................... 3-5
PROJECTS ............................................................................................................ 3-5
MODELS ............................................................................................................................ 3-5

4. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SERVER .................................................... 4-1

FUSION TRANSPORTATION INTELLIGENCE METADATA .................................................... 4-1

PHYSICAL LAYER ................................................................................................................... 4-1
LOGICAL LAYER AND PRESENTATION LAYER .................................................................................... 4-3
VARIABLES ......................................................................................................................... 4-3
FUSION TRANSPORTATION INTELLIGENCE DASHBOARDS ................................................ 4-4
DASHBOARD PROMPTS ............................................................................................................ 4-4
DASHBOARD REPORTS .......................................................................................................... 4-12
WEEKLY REPORTS ............................................................................................................... 4-63

iv Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
DETAILED REPORTS ............................................................................................................. 4-66
FUSION TRANSPORTATION INTELLIGENCE SAMPLE DASHBOARD ........................................................... 4-74
SAMPLE REPORTS ............................................................................................................... 4-91
ACCESS PRIVILEGES ........................................................................................................... 4-109
ACTIONS PRIVILEGES .......................................................................................................... 4-110
ADMIN: CATALOG PRIVILEGES ................................................................................................ 4-110
ADMIN: GENERAL PRIVILEGES ................................................................................................ 4-110
ADMIN: SECURITY PRIVILEGES ............................................................................................... 4-111
BRIEFING BOOK PRIVILEGES .................................................................................................. 4-111
CATALOG PRIVILEGES .......................................................................................................... 4-111
CONDITIONS PRIVILEGES ...................................................................................................... 4-112
DASHBOARDS PRIVILEGES..................................................................................................... 4-112
FORMATTING PRIVILEGES ...................................................................................................... 4-112
HOME AND HEADER PRIVILEGES .............................................................................................. 4-112
MY ACCOUNT PRIVILEGES ..................................................................................................... 4-113
ANSWERS PRIVILEGES ......................................................................................................... 4-113
DELIVERS PRIVILEGES ......................................................................................................... 4-114
PROXY PRIVILEGES ............................................................................................................. 4-114
RSS FEEDS PRIVILEGES ....................................................................................................... 4-114
SCORECARD PRIVILEGES ...................................................................................................... 4-114
LIST FORMATS PRIVILEGES .................................................................................................... 4-115
SEGMENTATION PRIVILEGES .................................................................................................. 4-115
MOBILE PRIVILEGES............................................................................................................ 4-115
SOAP PRIVILEGES ............................................................................................................. 4-116
SUBJECT AREA: “FUSION TRANSPORTATION INTELLIGENCE” PRIVILEGES ............................................... 4-116
SUBJECT AREA: “TRANSPORTATION INTELLIGENCE” PRIVILEGES ......................................................... 4-117
VIEW PRIVILEGES .............................................................................................................. 4-117
WRITE BACK PRIVILEGES...................................................................................................... 4-118



ADDING NEW CUSTOM ETL ORACLE DATA INTEGRATOR OBJECTS .......................................................... 5-1


ADDING/REPLACING LOGICAL TABLE SOURCES ................................................................................ 5-3
ADDING DIMENSIONS ............................................................................................................. 5-4
USING THE CORRECT BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ROLES ....................................................................... 5-4
CUSTOMIZING AN OUT-OF-THE-BOX DASHBOARD ............................................................................ 5-5
CREATING A NEW DASHBOARD .................................................................................................. 5-5
CUSTOMIZING REFERENCE NUMBERS .......................................................................... 5-6
DISPLAYING DIMENSIONAL REFERENCE NUMBERS AS SEPARATE COLUMNS ................................................ 5-6
DISPLAYING FACT REFERENCE NUMBERS AS SEPARATE COLUMNS ........................................................... 5-9

ADDING CUSTOM KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPIS) ........................................... 5-10

KPI DEFINITION IN ORACLE TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT ............................................................. 5-10
EXTENDING ETL FOR KPI LOAD LOGIC ....................................................................................... 5-10
EXTENDING FUSION TRANSPORTATION INTELLIGENCE METADATA ......................................................... 5-10
EXTENDING DASHBOARD REPORTS ............................................................................................ 5-11

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. v
CREATING CUSTOM BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ROLES.................................................... 5-11
6. APPENDIX A: RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ........................................ 6-1

vi Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence Reference Guide, Release 6.3

Part No. E38423-03

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Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. vii
This document describes in detail the technical details of the various components that make the Oracle
Fusion Transportation Intelligence solution. While the components of the Oracle Fusion Transportation
Intelligence solution are developed using Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle BI EE)
and Oracle Data Integrator products, the scope of this document is to describe only the technical
definition of the relevant Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence components and not to describe
how to develop components using Oracle BI EE and Oracle Data Integrator.

The intent of this document is to provide an Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence reference guide
to users who would like to understand the deeper technical aspects of the Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence components and perhaps develop their custom extensions to the Oracle
Fusion Transportation Intelligence components.

It is expected that target users of this document have a moderate to fair understanding of data
warehousing concepts, Oracle Transportation Management, Oracle BI EE and Oracle Data Integrator.
However for deeper understanding of these products you are advised to kindly refer their
corresponding documentation.

Change History
Date Document Revision Summary of Changes

11/2012 -01 Initial Release

Updates for 6.3 release to include:

Adding section on using Oracle Transportation Management flex

fields in Fusion Transportation Intelligence.

1/2014 -02 Minor changes for bug 16735958.

Added new section titled Privileges for Fusion Transportation

Intelligence Objects.

Added new section titled Creating Custom Business Intelligence


Added information about support for Networks and Order

Movements. Includes adding information on new Network

Updated Additional References section.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Term Definition

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ix
Term Definition

OTM Oracle Transportation Management.

Oracle BI EE Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. The Oracle BI suite

with which the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence
components are developed and deployed at run-time.

ODI Oracle Data Integrator. The Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) tool
with which the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL
component is developed and deployed at run-time.

x Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
1. Architecture Overview
Fusion Transportation Intelligence (FTI) is a business intelligence solution developed primarily for the
Oracle Transportation Management application to strategically and tactically analyze the various
aspects of the transportation processes and to aid business decision making.

The Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence solution is developed primarily using the Oracle BI EE
(for the core analytics metadata and dashboard reports) and Oracle Data Integrator (for the core
Extract, Load, Transform process) products.

The solution architecture of Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence comprising the various tiers is
best described in the picture below.

Database Server
The database server tier in Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence includes the following database

 Online Transaction Processing Database (OLTP): This is the transactional Oracle

Database instance where the Oracle Transportation Management database schema
(GLOGOWNER) is deployed and to which the Oracle Transportation Management application
connects to for all its business data transactions.
 Replicated Operational Database (ROD): This is an optional database for Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence that contains a read-only copy of the Oracle Transportation
Management database schema (GLOGOWNER) that is refreshed periodically using the ROD
Refresh job.
Note: Oracle Transportation Management no longer provides the materialized views out
of the box to create and refresh the ROD, you can use the tool of your choice to schedule
and manage the ROD.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 1-1
 Historical Database (HD): This is the Oracle Database instance where the analytics
database schema (HDOWNER) of the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence application and
the Oracle Data Integrator repositories specific to Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence
(ftiodimaster, ftiodiwork, and ftiodistage) are deployed. It is mandatory that all of these
schemas are deployed on the same Oracle Database instance.

Virtual Private Database Solution in Historical Database

Starting in 6.2, Fusion Transportation Intelligence offered a revamped virtual private database (VPD)
solution for the historical database. All the VPD-related infrastructure packages and the relevant tables
reside completely in the historical database schema thereby avoiding the technical dependency
between HDOWNER and GLOGOWNER schema to accomplish the VPD requirements (as in versions prior to
6.2) of HD.

As a result of this VPD solution, the HD can now be “de-coupled” and hosted on a standalone Oracle
Database server while the ROD / Oracle Transportation Management OLTP database application can be
hosted on another Oracle Database server.

To achieve the self-sufficiency of the VPD packages in HD, some of the VPD-related tables in
GLOGOWNER schema are now available in the HDOWNER schema too and using the Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence ETL process these tables are periodically refreshed.

To accomplish the VPD requirements on queries that execute on the HD tables, all Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence users should have one of the following VPD profiles configured in Oracle
Transportation Management user definition:

 FTI_DEFAULT: This VPD profile should be set for all Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence
users who are not service providers and it contains the applicable Oracle Fusion Transportation
Intelligence specific external predicates for HD tables.
 SERVPROV: This VPD profile should be set for all Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence
users who are service providers and it contains the applicable Oracle Fusion Transportation
Intelligence specific external predicates for HD tables.

ETL Server
The ETL server tier in the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence solution refers to the server
instance where the Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) product is installed. In the Oracle Data Integrator
server, the following Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence components related to ETL are

 Master Repository: Contains all of the master data repository objects related to Oracle
Fusion Transportation Intelligence.
 Work Repository: Available in the ftiodiwork schema in the historical database. Contains
the actual work repository objects of Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence, packaged
under the Project FTI_ETL which contains the packages, procedures, interfaces, variables, and
knowledge modules specific to the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL solution.

Business Intelligence Server

The business intelligence tier in Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence refers to the server instance
where the Oracle BI EE product is installed. In the Oracle BI EE server, the following Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence components are deployed.

 Metadata: Contains the complete star schema based analytics cube for Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence which was developed using the Oracle BI EE (Metadata Repository)
Administration Tool. This is available as the file advanced_analytics.rpd. This metadata will
be hosted by the BI Server component of Oracle BI EE.

1-2 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 Webcatalog: Contains the complete collection of the canned Oracle Fusion Transportation
Intelligence dashboards and reports developed using Oracle BI EE Presentation Services. This
is available as the file aa_webcat.zip and hosted by the BI Presentation Services component
of Oracle BI EE.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 1-3
2. Database Server
This section describes the tables available in the historical database.

These tables can be functionally grouped as shown on the following pages.

Key Tables
These tables typically contain only the global unique identifiers (GIDs) for the key entities.

Table Name Description

E_ORDER_BASE_KEY This table stores the key columns of order bases.

E_ORDER_RELEASE_KEY This table stores the key columns of order releases.

E_SHIPMENT_KEY This table stores the key columns of shipments.

Dimension Tables
These tables typically contain the dimension entities and their related information. The dimension
tables are used to model Oracle BI EE prompts that can be used to filter or slice the numeric fact

Table Name Description

D_DOMAIN This table stores the domain data.

D_TIME This table stores the time data in the following hierarchy:

D_LANE This table stores the lane data.

D_LOCATION This table stores the location data in the following hierarchy:

D_PERSPECTIVE This table stores the shipment perspective (buy/sell) data.

D_SERVPROV This table stores the service providers/carriers data.

D_TRANSPORT_MODE This table stores the transport mode data.

D_QUOTE This table stores the quote data.

D_ QUOTE_REFNUM_QUAL This table stores the quote reference number qualifier data.

D_QUOTE _REFNUM This table stores the quote reference number data.

D_ORDER_BASE This table stores the order base data.

D_ORDER_RELEASE This table stores the order release data.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2-1
Table Name Description

D_ORDER_RELEASE_REFNUM_QUAL This table stores the order release reference number qualifier

D_ORDER_RELEASE_REFNUM This table stores the order release reference number data.

D_SHIPMENT This table stores the shipment data.

D_SHIPMENT_REFNUM_QUAL This table stores the shipment reference number qualifier


D_SHIPMENT_REFNUM This table stores the shipment reference number data.

D_SHIPMENT_CLAIM_REFNUM_QUAL This table stores the shipment claim reference number

qualifier data.

D_SHIPMENT_CLAIM_REFNUM This table stores the shipment claim reference number data.

D_INVOICE This table stores the invoice and bill data.

D_SH_INV_BILL_REFNUM_QUAL This table stores the invoice and bill reference number
qualifier data.

D_SH_INV_BILL_REFNUM This table stores the invoice and bill reference number data.

D_SH_INV_ This table stores the invoice and bill line reference number
BILL_LINE_REFNUM_QUAL qualifier data.

D_SH_INV_ This table stores the invoice and bill line reference number

D_POWER_UNIT This table stores the power unit data.

W_ITINERARY_D This table stores the itinerary data.

W_LEG_D This table stores the shipment leg data

W_NETWORK_D This table stores the network data.

W_PATH_D This table stores the order path data.

W_PATH_EDGE_D This table stores the order path edge data.

Fact Tables
These tables typically contain the entities with numeric factual data that are extensively used for

Table Name Description

2-2 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table Name Description

F_QUOTE_DETAIL This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of quotes.

F_ORDER_RELEASE_DETAIL This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of order releases.

F_ORDER_RELEASE_AUDIT_DETAIL This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of order release audit data.

F_SHIPMENT_DETAIL This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of shipments.

F_SHIPMENT_STOP_ACTIVITY_D This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of shipment stops.

F_SHIPMENT_CLAIM This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of shipment claims.

F_SHIPMENT_EVENT This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of shipment events.

F_SHIPMENT_ORDER_RELEASE_COST This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of shipment and order release cost data. This is a join table.

F_BULK_PLAN_DETAIL This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of bulk plans.

F_SHIPMENT_INVOICE_BILL_DETAIL This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of invoices and bills.

F_SHIPMENT_INVOICE_BILL_LINE_D This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of invoice and bill lines.

F_CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_DETAIL This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of capacity commitment data.

F_CAPACITY_COMMIT_ALLOC_DET This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of capacity commitment allocation data.

F_CARRIER_TENDER_PERFORMANCE This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of carrier tender performance data.

F_BASE_UOM This table stores the base UOM data

F_DRIVER_DETAIL This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of driver data.

F_ORDER_RELEASE_REFNUM This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of order release reference number data.

F_QUOTE_REFNUM This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of quote reference number data.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2-3
Table Name Description

F_SH_INV_BILL_LINE_REFNUM This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of invoice line reference number data.

F_SH_INV_BILL_REFNUM This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of invoice reference number data.

F_SHIPMENT_CLAIM_REFNUM This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of shipment claim reference number data.

F_SHIPMENT_COST This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of shipment cost data.

F_SHIPMENT_ORD_REL_COST_D This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of shipment order release cost data.

F_SHIPMENT_REFNUM This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of shipment reference number data.

F_SHIPMENT_STOP_D This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of shipment stop data.

W_ORDER_MOVEMENT_F This table stores the complete details including numeric facts
of order movement data.

Flex Field Columns

In Oracle Transportation Management, there is the concept of flex fields. Refer to the Oracle
Transportation Management online help topic titled About Flex Fields for details about using flex fields
in Oracle Transportation Management. Flex fields are designed to be used in addition to reference
numbers and remarks.

These flex fields are also available for use with Fusion Transportation Intelligence as follows:

 40 flex field columns for each applicable Oracle Transportation Management business object
that is supported for Fusion Transportation Intelligence are available in the historical database.
 Flex fields are available in the Fusion Transportation Intelligence historical database and the
ETL as shown below:
Oracle Transportation Flex Fields Table in Fusion
Management Flex Transportation Historical
Fields Table Database Description





This is a dimension table, so it is not

2-4 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle Transportation Flex Fields Table in Fusion
Management Flex Transportation Historical
Fields Table Database Description

aggregated in Mviews.

This is a dimension table, so it is not

POWER_UNIT D_POWER_UNIT aggregated in Mviews.

This is a fact table, so the number

columns are included in Mviews. The
resulting number columns can be used as

This is a fact table, so the number

columns are included in Mviews. The
resulting number columns can be used as
SHIPMENT_STOP F_SHIPMENT_STOP_D facts in ad hoc queries.

This is a fact table, so the number

columns are included in Mviews. The
resulting number columns can be used as
QUOTE F_QUOTE_DETAIL facts in ad hoc queries.

Oracle Transportation Management

source table of INVOICE_LINEITEM does
not support flex fields, so the target table
F_SHIPMENT_INVOICE_BILL_ in Fusion Transportation Intelligence does
INVOICE DETAIL not support them either.

This is a fact table, so the number

columns are included in Mviews. The
resulting number columns can be used as
ORDER_MOVEMENT W_ORDER_MOVEMENT_F facts in ad hoc queries.

 The 40 flex fields are broken down as follows:

o 10 number columns to be used as facts only in Fusion Transportation Intelligence
o 20 text columns
o 10 date columns
 For each table listed above, all 40 flex field columns are exposed for ad hoc queries in Fusion
Transportation Intelligence under the respective analysis folders. In ad hoc query, these
columns are named as follows:
o Attribute Number 1 through Attribute Number 20
o Attribute Text 1 through Attribute Text 20
o Attribute Date 1 through Attribute Date 10
 Currency columns of Attribute Currency 1 Base, Attribute Currency Base 2, and Attribute
Currency Base 3 are available for the following folders:
o Invoice Analysis > Invoice Facts
o Shipment Analysis > Shipment Facts
o Shipment Claim > Shipment Claim Facts

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2-5
 If you rename the flex fields in Oracle Transportation Management, you can also rename the
corresponding columns in Fusion Transportation Intelligence. For instructions on renaming
columns in Fusion Transportation Intelligence, refer to the OBI EE document titled Oracle
Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 (11.1.1). The appropriate text appears in the section titled
Renaming Presentation Columns to User-Friendly Names.

KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Targets Tables

These tables typically contain the entities with numeric factual data that are extensively used for

Table Name Description

E_KPI This table stores the KPI definition.

F_TARGETS This table stores the actual KPI target values for various time
periods based on the KPI definition.

Materialized Views
These materialized views contain pre-aggregated numeric factual data for the entities and are
extensively used for analysis.

Table Name Description

D_LOCATION_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the location data

aggregated at the levels of:




D_BRANCH_LOCATION_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the branch location data

aggregated at the levels of:




D_DEST_LOCATION_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the destination location

data aggregated at the levels of:




2-6 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table Name Description

D_SOURCE_LOCATION_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the source location data

aggregated at the levels of:




D_LSP_CLIENT_LOCATION_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the LSP (logistics service

provider) client’s location data aggregated at the levels




F_QUOTE_DETAIL_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the quote facts data

aggregated at the levels of:






F_QUOTE_DETAIL_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the quote facts data

aggregated at the levels of fiscal period as listed below:

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2-7
Table Name Description

F_ORDER_RELEASE_DETAIL_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the order release facts

data aggregated at the levels of:






F_ORD_RELEASE_DETAIL_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the order release facts

data aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed below:

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

F_ORDER_RELEASE_AUDIT_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the order release audit

facts data aggregated at the levels of:






F_ORD_RELEASE_AUDIT_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the order release audit

facts data aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

2-8 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table Name Description

F_SHIPMENT_DETAIL_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment facts data

aggregated at the levels of:






F_SHIPMENT_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment facts data

aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed below:

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

F_SHIP_CLAIM_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment claim facts

data aggregated at the levels of:






F_SHIP_CLAIM_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment claim facts

data aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed below:

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2-9
Table Name Description

F_SHIP_STOP_ACTV_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment stop facts

data aggregated at the levels of:






F_SHIP_STOP_ACTV_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment stop facts

data aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed below:

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

F_SHIPMENT_EVENT_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment event facts

data aggregated at the levels of:






F_SHIPMENT_EVENT_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment event facts

data aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed below:

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

2-10 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table Name Description

F_SHIPMENT_ORD_REL_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment order

release (join) facts data aggregated at the levels of:






F_SHIPMENT_ORD_REL_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment order

release (join) facts data aggregated at the levels of fiscal
period listed below:

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

F_SHIPMENT_INVOICE_BILL_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the invoice and bill facts
data aggregated at the levels of:






F_SHIP_INVOICE_BILL_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the invoice and bill facts
data aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed below:

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2-11
Table Name Description

F_SHIP_INVO_BILL_LINE_D_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the invoice and bill line
facts data aggregated at the levels of:






F_SH_INV_BILL_LINE_D_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the invoice and bill line
facts data aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

F_TENDER_PERF_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the tender performance

facts data aggregated at the levels of:






F_TEND_PERF_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the tender performance

facts data aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

2-12 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table Name Description

F_DRIVER_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the driver facts data

aggregated at the levels of:






F_DRIVER_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the driver facts data

aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed below:

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

F_SHIPMENT_COST_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment cost facts

data aggregated at the levels of:






F_SHIPMENT_COST_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment cost facts

data aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed below:

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2-13
Table Name Description

F_SHIP_ORD_REL_COST_D_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment order

release(join) cost detail facts data aggregated at the
levels of:






F_SH_ORD_REL_COST_D_F_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment order

release(join) cost detail facts data aggregated at the
levels of fiscal period listed below:

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

F_SHIPMENT_STOP_D_<XX>_MV These materialized views contain the shipment stop detail

facts data aggregated at the levels of:






2-14 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table Name Description

F_SHIPMENT_STOP_D_F_DAY_MV These materialized views contain the shipment stop detail

facts data aggregated at the levels of fiscal period listed

Fiscal Day

Fiscal Week

Fiscal Month

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Year

Log Tables
These tables capture the log information including success and failure data of each ETL process run.

Table Name Description

E_KPI_LOAD_LOG This table captures the success/failure information of the ETL

load process for KPIs.

E_LOAD_LOG This table captures the successful ETL load process details of
all other dimension and fact HD tables.

E_LOAD_REJECTS This table captures the failure details of the ETL load process
of all other dimension and fact HD tables.

Miscellaneous Tables
These tables capture data for other miscellaneous objects in the HD:

Table Name Description

S_NQ_EPT This table stores the list of the HD tables that require Oracle
BI EE Server cache to be enabled.

PLANNING_PARAMETER This table stores the complete parameter set information.

PREFERENCE This table stores the complete preference information.

REPORT_COMMON_PROPERTIES This table stores the technical parameters applicable to

Oracle Transportation Management reports and Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2-15
VPD Tables
These tables are typically not used for any analytical purposes. They reside in the HD merely to
accomplish the self-contained functional security of all queries using the VPD package for the HD.

Table Name Description

DOMAIN This table stores the complete domain information.

DOMAIN_GRANTS_MADE This table stores the complete domain grants information.

DOMAIN_SETTING This table stores the complete domain settings information.

EXTERNAL_PREDICATE This table stores the complete external predicate information.

GC3_TABLE_CODE This table stores the complete Oracle Transportation

Management table codes information.

GC3_VERSION This table stores the complete Oracle Transportation

Management version information.

GL_USER This table stores the complete Oracle Transportation

Management user information.

TABLE_SEQUENCE_ASSOC This table stores the Oracle Transportation Management

tables sequence information.

TABLE_SET This table stores the glogowner schema’s table set


TABLE_SET_DETAIL This table stores the glogowner schema’s table set details

USER_ACCESS This table stores the Oracle Transportation Management user

access information.

USER_ASSOCIATION This table stores the Oracle Transportation Management user

association information.

USER_PREFERENCE This table stores the Oracle Transportation Management user

preferences information.

USER_PREFERENCE_ACCESS This table stores the access details of Oracle Transportation

Management user preference information.

USER_PREFERENCE_D This table stores the Oracle Transportation Management user

preference details information.

USER_ROLE This table stores the Oracle Transportation Management user

roles information.

VPD_CONTEXT This table stores the VPD context information.

VPD_CONTEXT_VARIABLE This table stores the VPD context variables information.

2-16 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table Name Description

VPD_PROFILE This table stores the VPD profile information.

Note: For more details on tables and their columns, keys, indices etc refer the Oracle
Transportation Management Data Dictionary documentation.

Deprecated Tables
These tables are currently deprecated and no longer used in Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence.

Table Name Description

F_CARRIER_STOP_DELIVERY_DETAIL This table was used to store the shipment delivery stops
details. This is now replaced with the table

F_CARRIER_STOP_PICKUP_DETAIL This table was used to store the shipment pickup stops
details. This is now replaced with the table

F_ORDER_RELEASE_ITEM_DETAIL This table was used to store the complete details including
numeric facts of order release item data.

F_STOP_DEL_<XX>_MV These materialized views were used to contain the shipment

delivery stop facts data aggregated at the levels of:






These MVs are now replaced with F_SHIP_STOP_ACTV


Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2-17
Table Name Description

F_STOP_PICK_<XX>_MV These materialized views were used to contain the shipment

pickup stop facts data aggregated at the levels of:






These MVs are now replaced with F_SHIP_STOP_ACTV


UET This table was used to store the list of tables that require
Oracle BI EE Server cache enabled. This is now replaced with
the table S_NQ_EPT.

F_COST_VS_REVENUE This table was used to store the complete details including
numeric facts of (buy) cost vs. (sell) revenue data.

D_ITEM This table was used to store the complete details about item

2-18 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
3. ETL Server
Starting in the 6.2 release, the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) solution for Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence is offered using the Oracle Data Integrator tool only.

The PLSQL package, aa_load_hd, which used to reside in the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence
Historical Database schema is deprecated starting with release 6.2.

This chapter details the technical solution of the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL in
Oracle Data Integrator.

Oracle Data Integrator Overview

Oracle Data Integrator is a widely-used data integration software product. It employs a powerful
declarative design approach to ETL, which separates the declarative rules from the implementation
details. It is based on a unique “E-LT” architecture that not only guarantees the highest level of
performance possible for the execution of data transformation and validation processes, but is also the
most cost-effective solution available today. Oracle Data Integrator provides a unified infrastructure to
streamline data and application integration projects.

The Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence solution ships with the following Oracle Data Integrator

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3-1
 FTIODIMASTER: This is the default Master Repository for Oracle Data Integrator shipped
with Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence. This repository contains the Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence specific topology and security information.
 FTIODIWORK: This is the default Work Repository for Oracle Data Integrator shipped with
Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence. This repository contains the Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence-specific (ETL) project and its execution details.
 FTIODISTAGE: This is the default Stage Area for all Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence
data load processes in Oracle Data Integrator.
Note: All the above repositories are technically relational database structures and
physically reside on an Oracle Database instance.

Master Repository Deployment Options

The following deployment options are available for customers for the Oracle Fusion Transportation
Intelligence master repository.

 Use Existing Master Repository (<odimaster> schema): In this option, you can deploy
the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence master repository objects to an already existing
Oracle Data Integrator instance’s master repository (e.g., <odimaster> schema).
Subsequently, the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence work repository (ftiodiwork
schema) will be connected to this master repository.
 Use New Master Repository (ftiodimaster schema): In this option, you deploy the
Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence master repository objects to a new master repository
created with the schema name ftiodimaster. Subsequently, the Oracle Fusion Transportation
Intelligence work repository (ftiodiwork schema) will be connected to this master repository.

Apart from the global context available in Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle Fusion Transportation
Intelligence adds a new development context to Oracle Data Integrator.

The development context is to be used only when you are expected to perform development
(customization) tasks on the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL solution in Oracle Data
Integrator on the development/prototyping environment.

The global context is to be used when the customer is expected to run the Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence ETL solution in Oracle Data Integrator on the production environment.

Physical Architecture
Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence primarily uses the pre-built Oracle technology in Oracle Data
Integrator and ships with the following physical architecture components.

Physical Technolog Context Physical Staging Usage

Component y Schema Schema

3-2 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Physical Technolog Context Physical Staging Usage
Component y Schema Schema


HDOWNER E the physical
connection to
the Oracle
n Intelligence
schema). This
will be used
to load data
to the Oracle
n Intelligence
HD (target
application) in
using the


GLOGOWNER E the physical
connection to
the Oracle
schema). This
will be used
to extract
data from
application) in
using the

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3-3
Physical Technolog Context Physical Staging Usage
Component y Schema Schema


MENT DEV.HDOWNER E the physical
connection to
the Oracle
n Intelligence
schema). This
will be used
to load data
to the Oracle
n Intelligence
HD (target
application) in
using the


V T DEV.GLOGOWNE E the physical
R connection to
the Oracle
schema). This
will be used
to extract
data from
application) in
using the

3-4 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Logical Architecture
Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ships with the following logical architecture components:

Logical Context Physical Schema Usage


ORACLE_ GLOBAL and ORACLE_FTI. This defines the logical representation of the
HDOWNER DEVELOPMENT HDOWNER Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence
historical database (HDOWNER schema) target

ORACLE_ GLOBAL and ORACLE_OTM. This defines the logical representation of the
GLOGOWNER DEVELOPMENT GLOGOWNER Oracle Transportation Management database
(GLOGOWNER schema) source application.

The Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL solution is delivered under a single Oracle Data
Integrator project called FTI_ETL. The ETL process is typically executed in one of these two modes:

 Initial Load: This mode will be automatically executed by the Oracle Fusion Transportation
Intelligence ETL process for a ‘first time load’ when no data exists in the HD tables. Typically,
the execution plan in this mode involves only inserts to the HD tables.
 Incremental Load: This mode will be automatically executed by the Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence ETL process for regular operational data load to the HD tables.
Typically, the execution plan in this mode involves inserts, updates, and soft deletes to HD
Note: Please refer to the fti_odi_interfaces.pdf for complete details about Oracle Data
Integrator packages, interfaces, procedures, knowledge modules, variables, and functions.

The FTI_ETL project ships the following logical models:

 ORACLE_FTI: This model describes the complete schema of the target database application
(i.e. HDOWNER/Historical Database)
 ORACLE_OTM: This model describes the complete schema of the source database application
(i.e. GLOGOWNER/OTM Database)

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3-5
4. Business Intelligence Server
As explained earlier, the business intelligence server in the Fusion Transportation Intelligence solution
is comprised of the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition suite that hosts the Fusion
Transportation Intelligence specific metadata and the dashboard components.

This chapter describes the details of the Fusion Transportation Intelligence metadata and the

Fusion Transportation Intelligence Metadata

The Fusion Transportation Intelligence metadata is shipped in a single OBI EE repository file with the
name advanced_analytics.rpd. Transportation Intelligence is the official subject area for Fusion
Transportation Intelligence for the 6.3 release and all the standard out-of-the-box reports use this.

Note: The subject area Fusion Transportation intelligence is deprecated but still available in
the repository file only for backward compatibility of existing reports (including custom

Note: It is strongly recommended that you migrate all existing custom reports to the new
subject area. Refer to the section “Migrating FTI Dashboard Reports in OBI EE 11g” in the
Oracle Transportation Migration Guide for details on how to perform this migration.

The table below lists the folders that are now deprecated and their corresponding replacement in the
FTI metadata file:

Layer Folder Name Replaced with

Physical Layer Advanced Analytics Transportation Intelligence

Physical Layer Advanced Analytics S_NQ_EPT Transportation Intelligence


Physical Layer Advanced Analytics VPD Tables Transportation Intelligence

VPD Tables

Business Model and Mapping Fusion Transportation Intelligence Transportation Intelligence


Presentation Layer Fusion Transportation Intelligence Transportation Intelligence

Physical Layer
The physical layer of the Fusion Transportation Intelligence metadata includes all the tables available
in the Fusion Transportation Intelligence historical database (HD) schema HDOWNER grouped under
the folders as listed and explained in the table below:

Folder Name Usage List of Tables Connection Pools

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-1
Transportation This folder contains all the 1. All dimension 1. Connection Pool: This
Intelligence tables that make the tables starting connection is used
actual Fusion ‘D_XXX’ when the queries
Transportation processed by the
Intelligence Data 2. All fact tables metadata need to
Warehouse – dimensions, starting ‘F_XXX’ use the VPD. In this
facts and key tables case, the current
3. All key tables user’s VPD context is
starting ‘E_XXX’ set for every query.

2. Non VPD: This

connection is used
when the queries
processed by the
metadata do not
need to use VPD. In
this case, the VPD
context is set as

Transportation This folder contains only 1. S_NQ_EPT S_NQ_EPTNonVPD: This

Intelligence the tables are used by connection is used when
S_NQ_EPT OBIEE to achieve caching 2. UET the queries processed by
the metadata do not
need to use VPD. In this
case, the VPD context is
set as ‘DBA.ADMIN’.

Transportation This folder contains the Refer the tables listed

Intelligence VPD tables that are required to under the section
Tables support VPD on the Miscellaneous and VPD
HDOWNER schema Tables in Chapter 2

For every fact table in the presentation layer an alias table is created in the physical layer to which all
the applicable dimensions are joined to model the star schema. An example of the
F_ORDER_RELEASE_FACT table is shown below:

4-2 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Logical Layer and Presentation Layer
The logical layer or business model and mapping layer organize information by business model (sort of
folder). Each business model contains logical tables. Logical tables are composed of logical columns.

The presentation layer provides a way to present customized views of a business model to users. It
provides a means to further simplify or customize the business model and mapping layer for end

Following are the list variable available in the Fusion Transportation Intelligence metadata.

Variable Type Description

CURRENT DATE Dynamic Stores the current date during the user’s active

UNITS OF MEASURE Dynamic Stores the UOM that the user defined in Oracle
Transportation Management user preferences.

AUTHENTICATE Dynamic Stores the user ID of the user currently logged on to

Oracle Transportation Management.

GET_USER_GROUP Dynamic Stores the user group of the user currently logged
into Oracle Transportation Management.

LOCALE Dynamic Stores the language and locale information of the

user currently logged into Oracle Transportation

GET_CO2_EMISSION Dynamic Stores the CO2 emission factor defined in the

_GRAM_PER_MILE parameter set of the user currently logged into Oracle
Transportation Management.

GET_NOX_EMISSION Dynamic Stores the NOx emission factor defined in the

_GRAM_PER_MILE parameter set of the user currently logged into Oracle
Transportation Management.

GET_PM_EMISSION Dynamic Stores the particulate matter emission factor defined

_GRAM_PER_MILE in the parameter set of the user currently logged into
Oracle Transportation Management.

GET_TRUCK_LOAD Dynamic Stores the average TL fuel consumption defined in the

_AVG_MILES_PER_GALLON parameter set of the user currently logged into Oracle
Transportation Management.

GET_PARAM_SET Dynamic Stores the parameter set of the user currently logged
into Oracle Transportation Management.

TR_CURRENT_WEEK Dynamic Stores translated value of “Current Week” string.

TR_WEEK Dynamic Stores translated value of “Week” string.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-3
Variable Type Description

TR_TARGET_VALUE Dynamic Stores translated value of “Target Value” string.

Following are the new business model and subject area folders in logical and presentation layers:

Layer Folder Name

Logical Layer Transportation Intelligence

Presentation Layer Transportation Intelligence

The Transportation Intelligence subject area is structured into multiple analysis folders one for each
Oracle Transportation Management business object (order release, shipment, invoice, etc). Each
analysis folder then includes one facts folder and multiple dimensions folders. It is important to note
that only compatible dimensions (and columns underneath) are available in each analysis folder. All
columns under the respective facts and dimensions folders are also functionally grouped under
headers (Identifiers, Cost, Distance, Flex fields, etc) for ease of identification and usage.

Note: While performing ad-hoc queries or building custom reports end users are warned to
not use dimensions or columns across analysis folders as these may lead to query errors
due to incompatibility.

Reference: Please refer to the fti_fact_dimensions_and_target_list.xls for the complete

structure and list of columns included in the metadata.

Fusion Transportation Intelligence Dashboards

Dashboard Prompts
This section describes all the out-of-the-box prompts shipped with Fusion Transportation Intelligence.

Prompt Carrier Prompt

This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the carrier (service provider)

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/Carrier Prompt


Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


"- Shipment Service This prompted column displays NA

Provider the list of carriers.
Service Provider XID"

4-4 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Prompt Detailed Green Dashboard Report - Transport Mode

This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the Transport Mode dimension. This
prompt is exclusively designed to be used in the Green Dashboard Report.

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/Detailed Green Dashboard Report - Transport

Folder Mode

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


"- Shipment Transport This prompted column displays NA

Mode the list of transport modes.
Transport Mode XID"

Prompt Detailed Report – Carrier

This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the Carrier dimension. This prompt is
exclusively designed to be used in all detailed reports.

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/Detailed Report - Carrier


Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays NA

Delivery Period the list of years; that is period
Dimensions"."Year"(Lev dimension records grouped at the
el = Year) level of Year.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays NA

Delivery Period the list of quarters; that is period
Dimensions"."Quarter"( dimension records grouped at the
Level = Quarter) level of Quarter.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays NA

Delivery Period the list of months; that is period
Dimensions"."Month"(Le dimension records grouped at the
vel = Month) level of Month.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays NA

Delivery Period the list of weeks; that is period
Dimensions"."Week"(Le dimension records grouped at the
vel = Week) level of Week.

"- Shipment Period This prompted column displays NA

Dimensions"."Number the list of days; that is period
Day of Week
of day in week" (Level dimension records grouped at the
= Day) level of Day.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-5
Carrier ( This prompted column displays NA
the list of carriers.
"- Shipment Service
Service Provider XID")

Prompt Detailed Report – Date

This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the Time dimension. This prompt is
exclusively designed to be used in all detailed reports.

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/Detailed Report - Date


Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays NA

Delivery Period the list of years; that is period
Dimensions"."Year"(Lev dimension records grouped at the
el = Year) level of Year.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays NA

Delivery Period the list of quarters; that is period
Dimensions"."Quarter"( dimension records grouped at the
Level = Quarter) level of Quarter.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays NA

Delivery Period the list of months; that is period
Month dimension records grouped at the
vel = Month) level of Month.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays NA

Delivery Period the list of weeks; that is period
Dimensions"."Week"(Le dimension records grouped at the
vel = Week) level of Week.

Prompt Detailed Report – Location

This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the Source Location and Destination
Usage Location dimensions. This prompt is exclusively designed to be used in all detailed

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/Detailed Report - Location


Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


4-6 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
"- Shipment Source This prompted column displays NA
Source Geography the list of source regions; that is
Region Dimensions"."Region" source location dimension records
grouped at the level of Region.

"- Shipment Source This prompted column displays NA

Source Geography the list of source countries; that is
Country Dimensions"."Country" source location dimension records
grouped at the level of Country.

"- Shipment Source This prompted column displays NA

Geography the list of source provinces; that
Dimensions"."Province" is source location dimension
records grouped at the level of

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Source the list of source location; that is
Source Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Location grouped at the level of Location

"- Shipment Destination This prompted column displays NA

Geography the list of destination regions;
Dimensions"."Region" that is destination location
dimension records grouped at the
level of Region.

"- Shipment Destination This prompted column displays NA

Geography the list of destination countries;
Dimensions"."Country" that is destination location
dimension records grouped at the
level of Country.

"- Shipment Destination This prompted column displays NA

Geography the list of destination provinces;
Dimensions"."Province" that is destination location
dimension records grouped at the
level of Province.

"- Shipment Destination This prompted column displays NA

Geography the list of destination location;
Dimensions"."Location that is destination location
XID" dimension records grouped at the
level of Location.

Prompt Detailed Report - Transport Mode

This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the Time and Transport Mode
This prompt is exclusively designed to be used in all detailed reports.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-7
Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/Detailed Report - Transport Mode

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays <Current Year>

Delivery Period the list of years; that is period
Dimensions"."Year"(Lev dimension records grouped at the
el = Year) level of Year.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays NA

Delivery Period the list of quarters; that is period
Dimensions"."Quarter"( dimension records grouped at the
Level = Quarter) level of Quarter.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays NA

Delivery Period the list of months; that is period
Month dimension records grouped at the
vel = Month) level of Month.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays NA

Delivery Period the list of weeks; that is period
Dimensions"."Week"(Le dimension records grouped at the
vel = Week) level of Week.

"- Shipment Period This prompted column displays NA

Dimensions"."Number the list of days; that is period
Day of Week
of day in week" (Level dimension records grouped at the
= Day) level of Day.

Transport Mode ("- This prompted column displays NA

Shipment Transport the list of Transport Modes.
Mode Mode
Transport Mode XID")

Prompt Perspective Prompt

Usage This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the shipment) perspective dimension.

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/Perspective Prompt


Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


"- Shipment This prompted column displays NA

Perspective the list of shipment perspective
Dimensions"."Perspecti values.
ve Description"

4-8 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Prompt Source And Destination RCS Horizontal Prompt

This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the source location and destination
location dimensions with the filters laid out horizontally.

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/Source And Destination RCS Horizontal

Folder Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


"- Shipment Source This prompted column displays NA

Source Geography the list of source regions; that is
Region Dimensions"."Region" source location dimension records
grouped at the level of Region.

"- Shipment Source This prompted column displays NA

Source Geography the list of source countries; that is
Country Dimensions"."Country" source location dimension records
grouped at the level of Country.

"- Shipment Source This prompted column displays NA

Geography the list of source provinces; that
Dimensions"."Province" is source location dimension
records grouped at the level of

"- Shipment Source This prompted column displays NA

Geography the list of source location; that is
Dimensions"."Location source location dimension records
XID" grouped at the level of Location

"- Shipment Destination This prompted column displays NA

Geography the list of destination regions;
Dimensions"."Region" that is destination location
dimension records grouped at the
level of Region.

"- Shipment Destination This prompted column displays NA

Geography the list of destination countries;
Dimensions"."Country" that is destination location
dimension records grouped at the
level of Country.

"- Shipment Destination This prompted column displays NA

Geography the list of destination provinces;
Dimensions"."Province" that is destination location
dimension records grouped at the
level of Province.

"- Shipment Destination This prompted column displays NA

Geography the list of destination location;
Dimensions"."Location that is Destination Location
XID" Dimension records grouped at the
level of Location.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-9
Prompt Transport Mode

This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the transport mode dimension. This
prompt was exclusively designed for use in the Green Dashboard report.

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/Transport Mode


Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


Transport Mode ("- This prompted column displays TL (Truckload)

Shipment Transport the list of transport modes.
Mode Mode
Transport Mode XID")

Prompt YQMW Horizontal Prompt

This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the time dimension with the filters
laid out horizontally.

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/YQMW Horizontal Prompt


Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays <Current Year>

Delivery Period the list of years; that is period
Dimensions"."Year"(Lev dimension records grouped at the
el = Year) level of Year.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>

Delivery Period the list of quarters; that is period
Dimensions"."Quarter"( dimension records grouped at the
Level = Quarter) level of Quarter.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays <Current Month>

Delivery Period the list of months; that is; that is
Month period dimension records grouped
vel = Month) at the level of Month.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays <Current Week>

Delivery Period the list of weeks; that is; that is
Dimensions"."Week"(Le period dimension records grouped
vel = Week) at the level of Week.

Prompt YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt

4-10 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the time dimension with the filters
laid out horizontally.

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt


Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays <Current Year>

Delivery Period the list of years; that is period
Dimensions"."Year"(Lev dimension records grouped at the
el = Year) level of Year.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays <Current Week>

Delivery Period the list of weeks; that is period
Dimensions"."Week"(Le dimension records grouped at the
vel = Week) level of Week.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays <Current Month>

Delivery Period the list of months; that is period
Month dimension records grouped at the
vel = Month) level of Month.

"- Shipment Stop This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>

Delivery Period the list of quarters; that is period
Dimensions"."Quarter"( dimension records grouped at the
Level = Quarter) level of Quarter.

Prompt Domain Prompt

Usage This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the domain dimension.

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/Domain Prompt


Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


” - Shipment Domain This prompted column displays NA

Dimensions”.Domain the list of domains.

Prompt Network YQMW Prompt

This prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the time dimension. This prompt is
only displayed in the Network dashboard.

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Dashboard Prompts/Network YQMW Prompt


Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-11
Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value

"- Order Movement This prompted column displays <Current Year>

Period the list of years; that is period
Dimensions"."Year" dimension records grouped at the
(Level = Year) level of year.

"- Order Movement This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>

Period the list of quarters; that is period
Dimensions"."Quarter"(L dimension records grouped at the
evel = Quarter) level of quarter.

"- Order Movement This prompted column displays <Current Month>

Period the list of months; that is period
Month dimension records grouped at the
(Level = Month) level of month.

"- Order Movement This prompted column displays <Current Week>

Period the list of weeks; that is; that is
Dimensions"."Week" period dimension records grouped
(Level = Week) at the level of week.

Dashboard Reports
Main Dashboard Summary Reports

Dashboard Main Dashboard

This is the most widely used Fusion Transportation Intelligence dashboard (accessible
Usage to typical Oracle Transportation Management users) and contains reports covering the
key business areas under respective tabs.

Shared Folders/FTI Reports /Dashboards/ Main Dashboard

Dashboard Yes

 YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt (Used in all the tabs)

Prompts  Source And Destination RCS Horizontal Prompt (Used in Statistics, Financial,
Used Utilization, Carrier and Cost Benefits tabs)

 Transport Mode (Used only in the Green Dashboard)

The following tables explain the tabs found on the Main Dashboard:

4-12 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Tab Statistics

Usage This report captures the key statistical details related to shipments.

Section Current Week

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Deprecated Reports/Statistics

Folder On Dashboard - Current Week

This report section displays the KPIs compared against their respective targets as
stop lights for the current week.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop Light)

Mapping Definition

 Total weight is less

Total Weight (("- than or equal to 10
Shipment then green
Weight Target" -"-  Total weight is between
Total gross
Total Shipment 0 and 10 then yellow
weight of NA
Weight Facts"."Gross
Weight Base" ) *  Total weight is greater
100)/ "- Shipment than 10 then red
Weight Target"  Total weight is null
then warning

 Total volume is less

than or equal to 10
Total Volume = (("- then green
Targets"."Total  Total volume is
Volume Target" -
Total gross between 0 and 10 then
Total "- Shipment
volume of NA yellow
Volume Facts"."Gross
Volume Base" ) *
100)/ "- Shipment  Total volume is greater
Targets"."Total than 10 then red
Volume Target"
 Total volume is null
then warning

 Total shipments is less

Total Shipments = than or equal to 0 then
(("- Shipment green
Shipments Target"  Total shipments is
Total Total number - "- Shipment
NA greater than 10 then
Shipments of shipments Facts"."Shipment
Count" ) * 100)/ "- red
Targets"."Total  Total shipments is
Shipments Target" greater than 0 then

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-13
 Total shipments is null
then warning

 Total distance is less

than or equal to 10
Total Distance = then red
(("- Shipment
Targets"."Total  Total distance is
Distance Target" - between 0 and 10 then
Total Total distance "- Shipment yellow
Distance of shipments Facts"."Planned
Distance Base" ) *  Total distance is
100)/ "- Shipment greater than 10 then
Distance Target"
 Total distance is null
then warning

 Average weight is less

than or equal to 0 then
Average Weight =
("- Shipment green
Gross Weight Base  Average weight is
Target" - "- between 0 and 10 then
Average Average ratio Shipment yellow
Weight of total weight Facts"."Average
Gross Weight Base"  Average weight is
)*100/("- Shipment greater than 10 then
Gross Weight Base
Target" )
 Average weight is null
then warning

 Average volume is less

than or equal to 0 then
Average Volume =
("- Shipment green
Gross Volume Base  Average volume is
Target" - "- between 0 and 10 then
Average ratio
Average Shipment yellow
of total NA
Volume Facts"."Average
Gross Volume Base"  Average volume is
)*100/ "- Shipment greater than 10 then
Gross Volume Base
 Average volume is null
then warning

Percent Accessorial  Percent accessorial

Percentage charges is greater than
Percent Charges = ("-
ratio of total
Accessorial NA Shipment 10 then green
Charges Targets"."Percent
Accessorial Charges  Percent accessorial
To Freight Target" charges is between 0

4-14 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- "- Shipment and 10 then yellow
Accessorial Charges  Percent accessorial
to Freight" )/("- charges is less than 0
Shipment then red
Accessorial Charges
 Percent Accessorial
To Freight Target" )
Charges is null then

Section Previous 6 weeks

Usage This report section displays the actual KPI values for the last consecutive six weeks.

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Deprecated Reports/Statistics

Folder On Dashboard Weekly

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop Light)

Mapping Definition

Total gross "- Shipment

weight of Facts"."Gross NA NA
shipments Weight Base"

Total gross "- Shipment

volume of Facts"."Gross NA NA
shipments Volume Base"

"- Shipment
Total Total number
Facts"."Shipmen NA NA
Shipments of shipments
t Count"

"- Shipment
Total Total distance
Facts"."Planned NA NA
Distance of shipments
Distance Base"

Average ratio "- Shipment

Average of total weight Facts"."Average
Weight and total Gross Weight
shipments Base"

Average ratio
"- Shipment
of total
Average Facts"."Average
volume and NA NA
Volume Gross Volume
total number
of shipments

ratio of total "- Shipment
Percent accessorial Facts"."Percent
Accessorial charges and Accessorial NA NA
Charges total actual Charges to
cost of Freight"

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-15
Tab Financial

Usage This report captures the key financial details related to shipments.

Section Current Week

Report /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Financials On Dashboard -

Folder Current Week

This report section displays the KPIs compared against their respective targets as
stop lights for the current week.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop Light)

Mapping Definition

 Total cost is greater

Total Cost = (("- than 10 then red
Targets"."Total Cost  Total cost is between 0
Target" - "-
and 10 then yellow
Total cost of Shipment
Total Cost NA
shipments Facts"."Actual Cost
 Total cost is less than
Base" ) * 100)/ "-
Shipment 10 then green
Targets"."Total Cost
Target"  Total Cost is null then

 Cost per distance is

Cost Per Distance =
(("- Shipment greater than or equal to
Targets"."Actual 0 then green
Cost Base per
Distance Target" -  Cost per distance is
Ratio of total
"- Shipment between -10 and 0
Cost Per cost and total
NA Facts"."Actual Cost then yellow
Distance distance of
Base per Distance"
)*100) / "-  Cost per distance is
Shipment less than -10 then red
Cost Base per  Cost per distance is null
Distance Target"
then warning

 Cost per shipment is

Cost Per Shipment
= (("- Shipment greater than or equal to
Targets"."Actual 0 then green
Cost Base per
Shipment Target" -  Cost per shipment is
Ratio of total
"- Shipment between -10 and 0
Cost Per cost and total
NA Facts"."Actual Cost then yellow
Shipment number of
Base per Shipment"
)*100) / "-  Cost per shipment is
Shipment less than -10 then red
Cost Base per  Cost per shipment is
Shipment Target"
null then warning

4-16 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 Cost per CWT is greater
Cost Per CWT = (("- than or equal to 0 then
Shipment green
Cost Base per CWT  Cost per CWT is
Ratio of total Target" - "-
between -10 and 0
Cost Per cost and total Shipment
NA then yellow
CWT weight of Facts"."Actual Cost
shipments Base per CWT"
)*100)/"- Shipment  Cost per CWT is less
Targets"."Actual than -10 then red
Cost Base per CWT
Target"  Cost per CWT is null
then warning

 Cost per lane is greater

Cost Per Lane =
(("- Shipment than or equal to 0 then
Targets"."Actual green
Cost Base per Lane
Ratio of total Target" - "-  Cost per lane is
cost and total Shipment between -10 and 0
Cost Per
number of NA Facts"."Actual Cost then yellow
lanes of Base per Lane"
shipments )*100)/ "-  Cost per lane is less
Shipment than -10 then red
Cost Base per Lane  Cost per lane is null
then warning

Cost Per Hour =

Ratio of total  Cost per hour is greater
(("- Shipment
cost and total than or equal to 0 then
hours* of green
Cost Base per
Actual Transit Hour
Target" - "-  Cost per hour is
*Total hours:
Shipment between -10 and 0
Cost Per is the total of
NA Facts"."Actual Cost then yellow
Hour duration (in
Base per Actual
hours) of
Transit Hour" ) *  Cost per hour is less
100)/ "- Shipment than -10 then red
calculated as
end time
Cost Base per  Cost per hour is null
minus start
Actual Transit Hour
time. then warning

 Cost per pallet is

Cost Per Pallet =
(("- Shipment greater than or equal to
Targets"."Actual 0 then green
Ratio of total
Cost Base per Pallet
cost and total
Cost Per Target" - "-  Cost per pallet is
number of NA
Pallet Shipment between -10 and 0
ship units of
Facts"."Actual Cost then yellow
Base per Pallet"
)*100)/"- Shipment  Cost per pallet is less
Targets"."Actual than -10 then red
Cost Base per Pallet

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-17
Target"  Cost per pallet is null
then warning

Section Previous 6 Weeks

/shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Financials On Dashboard Week

Usage This report section displays the actual KPI values for the last consecutive six weeks.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

"- Shipment
Total cost of
Total Cost Facts"."Actual NA NA
Cost Base"

Ratio of total "- Shipment

Cost Per cost and total Facts"."Actual
Distance distance of Cost Base per
shipments Distance"

Ratio of total "- Shipment

Cost Per cost and total Facts"."Actual
Shipment number of Cost Base per
shipments Shipment"

Ratio of total "- Shipment

Cost Per cost and total Facts"."Actual
CWT weight of Cost Base per
shipments CWT"

Ratio of total
"- Shipment
cost and total
Cost Per Facts"."Actual
number of NA NA
Lane Cost Base per
lanes of

Ratio of total
cost and total
hours* of
"- Shipment
*Total hours:
Cost Per is the total of
Cost Base per NA NA
Hour duration (in
Actual Transit
hours) of
calculated as
end time
minus start

Ratio of total
Cost Per "- Shipment
cost and total NA NA
Pallet Facts"."Actual
number of
Cost Base per
ship units of

4-18 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
shipments Pallet"

Tab Utilization

Usage This report captures the key utilization KPIs of shipments.

Section Current Week

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Utilization On Dashboard -

Folder Current Week

This report section displays the KPIs compared against their respective targets as
stop lights for the current week.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop Light)

Mapping Definition

 Weight utilization is less

Weight Utilization than or equal to 0 then
= (("- Shipment green
Total weight Targets"."Weight
utilization of Utilization Target"  Weight utilization is
shipments as - AVG("- between 0 and 10 then
calculated in NA Shipment yellow
Oracle Facts"."Weight
Transportation Utilization") ) *  Weight utilization is
Management 100) /"- Shipment greater than 10 then red
Utilization Target"  Weight utilization is null
then warning

 Volume utilization is less

Volume Utilization than or equal to 0 then
= (("- Shipment green
Total volume Targets"."Volume
utilization of Utilization Target"  Volume utilization is
shipments as - AVG("- between 0 and 10 then
calculated in NA Shipment yellow
Oracle Facts"."Volume
Transportation Utilization") ) *  Volume utilization is
Management 100)/"- Shipment greater than 10 then red
Utilization Target"  Volume utilization is null
then warning

Section Previous 6 Weeks

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Utilization On Dashboard Weekly

Usage This report section displays the actual KPI values for the last consecutive six weeks.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-19
Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop Light)
Mapping Definition

Total weight
utilization of
shipments as "- Shipment
calculated in Facts"."Weight NA NA
Oracle Utilization"

Total volume
utilization of
shipments as "- Shipment
calculated in Facts"."Volume NA NA
Oracle Utilization"

Tab Carrier

Usage This report captures the key carrier related KPIs on shipments.

Section Current Week

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Carrier KPIS On Dashboard -

Folder Current Week

This report section displays the KPIs compared against their respective targets as
stop lights for the current week.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop Light)

Mapping Definition

 % On Time Pickup is less

% On Time Pickup than or equal to 0 then
= ("- Shipment Stop green
Percentage Pickup Targets"."%
ratio of total On Time Pickup  % On Time Pickup is
number of on- Target" - "-
between 0 and 10 then
% On Time time pickup Shipment Stop
NA yellow
Pickup stops and Pickup Facts"."% On
total number Time Pickup" )*100
of pickup / "- Shipment Stop  % On Time Pickup is
stops Pickup Targets"."% greater than 10 then red
On Time Pickup
Target"  % On Time Pickup is null
then warning

Percentage % On Time Delivery  % On Time Delivery is

ratio of total = ("- Shipment Stop less than or equal to 0
% On Time
number of on- NA Delivery
Delivery then green
time delivery Targets"."% On
stops and Time Delivery
total number Target" - "-  % On Time Delivery is

4-20 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
of delivery Shipment Stop between 0 and 10 then
stops Delivery Facts"."% yellow
On Time Delivery"
)*100/"- Shipment  % On Time Delivery is
Stop Delivery greater than 10 then red
Targets"."% On
Time Delivery
 % On Time Delivery is
null then warning

% Tender  % Tender Acceptance is

Acceptance = ("- less than or equal to 0
Percentage Tender Performance then green
ratio of total Targets"."Tender
number of Performance  % Tender Acceptance is
accepted Target" - "- Tender
between 0 and 10 then
% Tender tender Performance
NA yellow
Acceptance transactions Facts"."% Tender
and total Acceptance"
number of )*100/"- Tender  % Tender Acceptance is
tender Performance greater than 10 then red
transactions Targets"."Tender
Performance  % Tender Acceptance is
Target" null then warning

Average ratio
of total pickup
hours Average Pickup
difference* of Hours = ("-
 Average pickup hours is
pickup stops Shipment Stop
and total Pickup greater than or equal to
number of Targets"."Average 0 then green
stops Hours Outside
Pickup Time Target"  Average pickup hours is
Average * Total pickup - "- Shipment Stop between 0 and -10 then
Pickup hours NA Pickup yellow
Hours difference: Facts"."Average
Time Hours Outside  Average pickup hours is
difference (in Pickup Time" less than -10 then red
hours) )*100/"- Shipment
between Stop Pickup  Average pickup hours is
planned Targets"."Average
null then warning
arrival time Hours Outside
and actual Pickup Time Target"
arrival time at
a pickup stop.

Average ratio Average Delivery  Average delivery hours is

of total Hours = ("- greater than or equal to
delivery hours Shipment Stop 0 then green
difference* of Delivery
Average delivery stops Targets"."Average  Average delivery hours is
Delivery and total NA Hours Outside
between 0 and -10 then
Hours number of Delivery Time
stops Target" - "- yellow
Shipment Stop
* Total Delivery  Average delivery hours is
delivery hours Facts"."Average less than -10 then red
difference: Hours Outside

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-21
Time Delivery Time"  Average delivery hours is
difference (in )*100/"- Shipment null then warning
hours) Stop Delivery
between Targets"."Average
planned Hours Outside
arrival time Delivery Time
and actual Target"
arrival time at
a delivery

Average ratio Percent Claims = ("-

of Total claims Shipment Claim  Percent claims is greater
made and Targets"."Percent than 0 then green
Total Claims Target" -
Shipments (("- Shipment Claim  Percent claims is between
Facts"."Claim 0 and 10 then yellow
NA Count" /"- Shipment
Facts"."Shipment  Percent claims is less
Count" )*100) / "- than 0 then red
Shipment Claim
Targets"."Percent  Percent claims is null
Claims Target"
then warning

Section Previous 6 Weeks

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Carrier KPIS On Dashboard

Folder Weekly

Usage This report section displays the actual KPI values for the last consecutive six weeks.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

ratio of total
number of on- "- Shipment
% On Time time pickup Stop Pickup
Pickup stops and Facts"."% On
total number Time Pickup"
of pickup

ratio of total
number of on- "- Shipment
% On Time time delivery Stop Delivery
Delivery stops and Facts"."% On
total number Time Delivery"
of delivery

"- Tender
% Tender ratio of total
Performance NA NA
Acceptance number of

4-22 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
transactions Acceptance"
and total
number of

Average ratio
of total pickup
difference* of
pickup stops
and total
number of
"- Shipment
Average * Total pickup Stop Pickup
Pickup hours Facts"."Average NA NA
Hours difference: Hours Outside
time Pickup Time"
difference (in
arrival time
and actual
arrival time at
a pickup stop.

Average ratio
of total
delivery hours
difference* of
delivery stops
and total
number of
"- Shipment
* Total
Average Stop Delivery
delivery hours
Delivery Facts"."Average NA NA
Hours Hours Outside
Delivery Time"
difference (in
arrival time
and actual
arrival time at
a delivery

Average ratio ("- Shipment Claim

of total claims Facts"."Claim Count" /"-
made and NA Shipment NA
total Facts"."Shipment Count"
shipments )*100

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-23
Tab Cost Benefits

Usage This report captures the shipment costs related KPIs.

Section Current Week

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Cost Benefits On Dashboard -

Folder Current Week

This report section displays the KPIs compared against their respective targets as
stop lights for the current week.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop Light)

Mapping Definition

 Order consolidation
Order Consolidation
savings is less than or
Savings = ("-
Shipment equal to 0 then green
Ratio of cost Consolidation  Order consolidation
savings due to Savings Target" - "- savings is between 0
Order order Shipment Order and 10 then yellow
Consolidati consolidation NA Release
on Savings to the order Facts"."Order  Order consolidation
consolidation Consolidation savings is greater than
savings target Savings" ) * 100 / 10 then red
"- Shipment
Targets"."Order  Order consolidation
savings is null then
Savings Target"

 Order profit is less than

Order Profit = ("- or equal to 0 then
Shipment green
Profit Target" - "-  Order profit is between
Ratio of order
Shipment Order
profit to the 0 and 10 then yellow
Order Profit NA Release
order profit
target  Order Profit is greater
Profit" ) * 100 /"-
Shipment than 10 then red
Profit Target"  Order profit is null then

Section Previous 6 Weeks

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Cost Benefits On Dashboard

Folder Weekly

Usage This report section displays the actual KPI values for the last consecutive six weeks.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

4-24 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Ratio of cost
savings due to "- Shipment
Order order Order Release
Consolidati consolidation Facts"."Order NA NA
on Savings and the total Consolidation
cost of Savings"

between the "- Shipment
billed cost and Order Release
Order Profit NA NA
the voucher Facts"."Order
cost of Profit"

Tab Regional Cost Benefits

Usage This report captures the shipment costs related KPIs as applicable to specific regions.

Section Current Week

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Americas Order Profit On

Dashboard - Current Week

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Asia Pacific Order Profit On

Dashboard - Current Week

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Central Europe Order Profit On

Folder Dashboard - Current Week

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Northern Europe Order Profit On

Dashboard - Current Week

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Southern Europe Order Profit On

Dashboard - Current Week

This report section displays the KPIs compared against their respective targets as
stop lights for the current week.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop Light)

Mapping Definition

<RegionName <RegionName>  <RegionName> order

>* order Order Profit = "- profit is less than or
profit as Shipment equal to 0 then green
applicable to a Targets"."<RegionN
particular ame> Order Profit  <RegionName> order
region Target" - (("-
me> Order NA profit is between 0 and
Shipment Order
Profit 10 then yellow
* Release
<RegionName Facts"."Billed Cost
> any one of Base" - "- Shipment  <RegionName> order
the following Order Release profit is greater than 10
regions: Facts"."Vouchered then red
America, Cost Base"))*100 /

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-25
Northern "- Shipment  <RegionName> order
Europe, Targets"."<RegionN profit is null then
Central ame> Order Profit warning
Europe, Target"
Europe or Asia

Section Previous 6 Weeks

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Americas Order Profit On

Dashboard Weekly

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Asia Pacific Order Profit On

Dashboard Weekly

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Central Europe Order Profit On

Folder Dashboard Weekly

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Northern Europe Order Profit On

Dashboard Weekly

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Southern Europe Order Profit On

Dashboard Weekly

Usage This report section displays the actual KPI values for the last consecutive six weeks.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

>* order
profit as
applicable to a

* "- Shipment Order

<RegionName Release Facts"."Billed
> any one of Cost Base" - "- Shipment
me> Order NA NA
the following Order Release
regions: Facts"."Vouchered Cost
America, Base"
Europe or Asia

Tab Green Dashboard

Usage This report captures the Green initiative related KPIs.

4-26 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Section Current Week (Emission Foot Print)

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Emission Foot Print Dashboard

Folder Report - Current Week

This report section displays the emission foot print related KPIs compared against
their respective targets as stop lights for the current week.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

 CO2 emissions
CO2 Emission = CASE
are equal to 0
Shipment Facts"."CO2 then green
Emission", -2)=-2) THEN
Indicates the  CO2 emissions
2 WHEN ("- Shipment
total carbon are equal to –1
Facts"."CO2 Emission"
dioxide (CO2)
>("- Shipment then yellow
CO2 emissions
NA Targets"."CO2 Emission
Emission from
Target"*1.10)) THEN 1  CO2 emissions
WHEN ("- Shipment are equal to 1
Facts"."CO2 Emission" then red
>("- Shipment
Targets"."CO2 Emission  CO2 emissions
Target"*1.02)) THEN -1
are equal to 2
then warning

 NOx emissions
NOx Emission = CASE
are equal to 0
Shipment Facts"."NOx then green
Emission", -2)=-2) THEN
Indicates the  NOx emissions
2 WHEN ("- Shipment
total nitrous are equal to 1
Facts"."NOx Emission"
oxide (NOx)
>("- Shipment then yellow
NOx emissions
NA Targets"."NOx Emission
Emission from
Target"*1.10)) THEN 1  NOx emissions
WHEN ("- Shipment are equal to 1
Facts"."NOx Emission" then red
>("- Shipment
Targets"."NOx Emission  NOx emissions
Target"*1.02)) THEN -1
are equal to 2
then warning

PM Emission = CASE
 PM emissions are
Indicates the WHEN (IFNULL("-
total Shipment Facts"."PM equal to 0 then
particulate Emission", -2)=-2) THEN green
matter (PM) 2 WHEN ("- Shipment
PM  PM emissions are
emissions NA Facts"."PM Emission" >("-
from Shipment Targets"."PM equal to 1 then
shipments Emission Target"*1.10)) yellow
(truckload THEN 1 WHEN ("-
only) Shipment Facts"."PM  PM emissions are
Emission" >("- Shipment equal to 1 then
Targets"."PM Emission

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-27
Target"*1.02)) THEN -1 red
 PM emissions are
equal to 2 then

Section Previous 6 Weeks (Emission Foot Print)

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Emission Foot Print Dashboard

Folder Report

This report section displays the actual emissions foot print related KPI values for the
last consecutive six weeks.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Indicates the
total CO2
emissions "- Shipment
from Facts"."CO2 NA NA
shipments Emission"

Indicates the
total nitrous
oxide (NOx)
"- Shipment
NOx emissions
Facts"."NOX NA NA
Emission from

Indicates the
matter (PM) "- Shipment
emissions Facts"."PM NA NA
from Emission"

Section Current Week (Fuel Consumption)

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Fuel Consumption Dashboard

Folder Report - Current Week

This report section displays the fuel consumption related KPIs compared against their
respective targets as stop lights for the current week.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Total distance NA Total Distance = CASE

Total  Total distance is
of all WHEN (IFNULL("-

4-28 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Distance shipments Shipment equal to 0 then
(truckload Facts"."Shipment Count" , green
only) -2)=-2) THEN 2 WHEN
("- Shipment  Total distance is
Facts"."Shipment Count" equal to 1 then
>("- Shipment
Targets"."Total Distance
Target" *1.10)) THEN 1
 Total distance is
WHEN ("- Shipment
Facts"."Shipment Count" equal to 1 then
>("- Shipment red
Targets"."Total Distance
Target" *1.02)) THEN -1  Total distance is
ELSE 0 END equal to 2 then

Total Shipments = CASE  Total shipments

WHEN (IFNULL("- is equal to 0 then
Shipment green
Facts"."Shipment Count",
-2)=-2) THEN 2 WHEN  Total shipments
("- Shipment is equal to 1 then
Total number
Facts"."Shipment Count"
of all yellow
Total >("- Shipment
shipments NA
Shipments Targets"."Total Shipments
(truckload  Total shipments
Target" *1.10)) THEN 1
only) is equal to 1 then
WHEN ("- Shipment
Facts"."Shipment Count" red
>("- Shipment
Targets"."Total Shipments  Total shipments
Target" *1.02)) THEN -1 is equal to 2 then
ELSE 0 END warning

 Total fuel
consumption is
Total Fuel Consumption = equal to 0 then
Shipment Facts"."Total
Fuel Consumption", -2)=-
 Total fuel
2) THEN 2 WHEN ("-
Shipment Facts"."Total consumption is
Total amount equal to 1 then
Fuel Consumption" >("-
of fuel
Total Fuel Shipment Targets"."Total yellow
consumed for
Consumptio NA Fuel Consumption
all shipments
n Target"*1.10)) THEN 1  Total fuel
WHEN ("- Shipment consumption is
Facts"."Total Fuel equal to 1 then
Consumption" >("-
Shipment Targets"."Total
Fuel Consumption
 Total fuel
Target"*1.02)) THEN -1
ELSE 0 END consumption is
equal to 2 then

Section Previous 6 Weeks (Fuel Consumption)

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Fuel Consumption Dashboard

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-29
Folder Report

This report section displays the actual fuel consumption related KPI values for the last
consecutive six weeks.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Total distance
of all "- Shipment
shipments Facts"."Planned NA NA
(truckload Distance Base"

Total number
of all "- Shipment
shipments Facts"."Shipmen NA NA
(truckload t Count"

Total amount
of fuel "- Shipment
Total Fuel
consumed for Facts"."Total
Consumptio NA NA
all shipments Fuel
(truckload Consumption"

Section Current Week (Utilization)

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Utilization on Green Dashboard

Folder Report - Current Week

This report section displays the utilization related KPIs compared against their
respective targets as stop lights for the current week.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

 Volume utilization
is greater than
10 then red
Total volume Volume Utilization = (("-
utilization of Shipment  Volume utilization
shipments Targets"."Volume is between 0 and
(truckload Utilization Target" - "- 10 then yellow
only)as NA Shipment Facts"."Volume
calculated in Utilization" ) * 100)/ "-  Volume utilization
Oracle Shipment is less than 0
Transportation Targets"."Volume then green
Management Utilization Target"
 Volume utilization
is null then

Total weight NA Weight Utilization = (("-

Weight  Weight utilization
utilization of Shipment

4-30 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Utilization shipments Targets"."Weight is greater than
(truckload Utilization Target" - "- 10 then red
only) as Shipment Facts"."Weight
calculated in Utilization" ) * 100)/ "-  Weight utilization
Oracle Shipment is between 0 and
Transportation Targets"."Weight
10 then yellow
Management Utilization Target"
 Weight utilization
is less than 0
then green

 Weight utilization
is null then

Section Previous 6 Week (Utilization)

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Utilization on Green Dashboard

Folder Report

This report section displays the actual utilization related KPI values for the last
consecutive six weeks.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Total volume
utilization of
(truckload "- Shipment
only) as Facts"."Volume NA NA
calculated in Utilization"

Total weight
utilization of
(truckload "- Shipment
only) as Facts"."Weight NA NA
calculated in Utilization"

Section Current Week (Statistics)

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Statistics on Green Dashboard

Folder Report - Current Week

This report section displays the shipment statistics related KPIs compared against
their respective targets as stop lights for the current week.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-31
Mapping Light) Definition

 Total volume is
greater than 10
then red
Total Volume = (("-
Shipment Targets"."Total  Total volume is
Total volume Volume Target" - "- between 0 and
Total of shipments Shipment Facts"." Gross 10 then yellow
Volume (truckload Volume Base " ) * 100)/
only) "- Shipment  Total Volume is
Targets"."Total Volume less than 0 then

 Total volume is
null then warning

 Total weight is
greater than 10
then red
Total Weight = (("-
Shipment Targets"."Total  Total weight is
Total weight Weight Target" - "- between 0 and
Total of shipments Shipment Facts"." Gross 10 then yellow
Weight (truckload Weight Base " ) * 100)/
only) "- Shipment  Total weight is
Targets"."Total Weight less than 0 then

 Total weight is
null then warning

Section Previous 6 Weeks (Statistics)

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Statistics on Green Dashboard

Folder Report

This report section displays the actual shipment statistics related KPI values for the
last consecutive six weeks.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Total volume
"- Shipment
Total of shipments
Facts"."Gross NA NA
Volume (truckload
Volume Base"

Total weight
"- Shipment
Total of shipments
Facts"."Gross NA NA
Weight (truckload
Weight Base"

4-32 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Tab Fleet Dashboard

Prompts Used YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt


Section Fleet Utilization - Driver Distance

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Fleet Reports/Fleet Utilization Loaded

Report Folder
Deadhead Bobtail Miles all Drivers

This report shows the break down by bobtail, deadhead, and loaded distance for
all drivers in vertical bar graph.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Primary Driver "- Shipment NA NA

GID Driver
mary Driver GID"

Loaded Distance "- Shipment NA NA

Distance Base"

Deadhead "- Shipment NA NA

Distance Facts"."Deadhead
Distance Base"

Bobtail Distance "- Shipment NA NA

Distance Base"

Section Fleet Utilization - Power Unit Distance

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Fleet Reports/Fleet Utilization Loaded

Report Folder
Deadhead Bobtail Miles all PowerUnit

This report shows the break down by bobtail, deadhead, and loaded distance for
all power units in vertical bar graph.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Power Unit GID "- Shipment NA NA

Power Unit
wer Unit GID"

Loaded Distance "- Shipment NA NA

Distance Base"

Deadhead "- Shipment NA NA


Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-33
Distance Distance Base"

Bobtail Distance "- Shipment NA NA

Distance Base"

Section Performance Metrics – Fleet

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Fleet Reports/Percentage On Time by Pickup

Report Folder
Delivery Total all Service Providers for Fleet

This report displays % on time by pickup and delivery only for fleet customers
in a vertical bar graph.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Actual Service "- Shipment NA NA

Provider GID Service Provider
ual Service
Provider GID"

% On Time "- Shipment Stop NA NA

Pickup Pickup Facts"."%
On Time Pickup"

% On Time "- Shipment Stop NA NA

Delivery Delivery
Facts"."% On
Time Delivery"

Actual Service "- Shipment NA NA

Provider Type Service Provider
ual Service
Provider Type"

Section Performance Metrics – Non Fleet

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Fleet Reports/Percentage On Time by Pickup

Report Folder
Delivery Total all Service Providers for NonFleet

This report displays % on time by pickup and delivery only for non-fleet
customers in a vertical bar graph.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Actual Service "- Shipment NA NA

Provider GID Service Provider
ual Service
Provider GID"

4-34 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
% On Time "- Shipment Stop NA NA
Pickup Pickup Facts"."%
On Time Pickup"

% On Time "- Shipment Stop NA NA

Delivery Delivery
Facts"."% On
Time Delivery"

Actual Service "- Shipment NA NA

Provider Type Service Provider
ual Service
Provider Type"

Section Cost Metrics – Fleet

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Fleet Reports/Cost per Mile and Weight all
Report Folder
Service Providers for Fleet

This report displays cost per mile and cost per weight only for fleet customers in
a line graph.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Actual Service "- Shipment NA NA

Provider GID Service Provider
ual Service
Provider GID"

Actual Cost Base "- Shipment NA NA

per Distance Facts"."Actual
Cost Base per

Actual Cost Base "- Shipment NA NA

per CWT Facts"."Actual
Cost Base per

Actual Service "- Shipment NA NA

Provider Type Service Provider
ual Service
Provider Type"

Section Cost Metrics – Non Fleet

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Fleet Reports/Cost per Mile and Weight all
Report Folder
Service Providers for Non Fleet

This report displays cost per mile and cost per weight only for non-fleet
customers in a line graph.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-35
Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop
Mapping Light) Definition

Actual Service "- Shipment NA NA

Provider GID Service Provider
ual Service
Provider GID"

Actual Cost Base "- Shipment NA NA

per Distance Facts"."Actual
Cost Base per

Actual Cost Base "- Shipment NA NA

per CWT Facts"."Actual
Cost Base per

Actual Service "- Shipment NA NA

Provider Type Service Provider
ual Service
Provider Type"

Section Driver Utilization

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Fleet Reports/Driver Utilization Actual Driven

Report Folder
Worked NonWork Time for Fleet

This report displays actual time driven, actual time worked and non-work time
only for fleet customers in vertical bar graph.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Actual Time "- Driver NA NA

Driven Base Facts"."Actual
Time Driven

Actual Time "- Driver NA NA

Worked Base Facts"."Actual
Time Worked

Non Work Time "- Driver NA NA

Base Facts"."Non Work
Time Base"

Actual Service "- Driver Service NA NA

Provider Type Provider
ual Service
Provider Type"

4-36 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
OTM Driver GID "- Driver NA NA
M Driver GID"

SERVPROV Main Dashboard Summary Reports

Dashboard Servprov Main Dashboard

This dashboard is typically meant for service provider (carrier) users and it contains
reports covering the key shipment information pertinent to carriers.

Shared Folders/FTI Reports /Dashboards/Servprov Main Dashboard

Available as

 YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt

 Domain Prompt

The following tables explain the tabs found on the SERVPROV Main Dashboard:

Tab Main Tab

Usage This report captures the key carrier performance related KPIs.

Section Current Week

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Carrier KPIS On Dashboard -

Folder Current Week

This report section displays the KPIs compared against their respective targets as stop
lights for the current week.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop Light)

Mapping Definition

% On Time Pickup =  % on time pickup is less

("- Shipment Stop than or equal to 0 then
ratio of total
Pickup Targets"."% green
number of
On Time Pickup
% On Time on-time
NA Target" - "-
Pickup pickup stops  % on time pickup is
Shipment Stop
and total between 0 and 10 then
Pickup Facts"."% On
number of yellow
Time Pickup" )*100
pickup stops
/ "- Shipment Stop
Pickup Targets"."%  % on time pickup is

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-37
On Time Pickup greater than 10 then red
 % on time pickup is null
then warning

% On Time Delivery  % on time delivery is

= ("- Shipment Stop less than or equal to 0
Percentage Delivery then green
ratio of total Targets"."% On
number of Time Delivery  % on time delivery is
on-time Target" - "-
between 0 and 10 then
% On Time delivery Shipment Stop
NA yellow
Delivery stops and Delivery Facts"."%
total On Time Delivery"
number of )*100/"- Shipment  % on time delivery is
delivery Stop Delivery greater than 10 then red
stops Targets"."% On
Time Delivery  % on time delivery is
Target" null then warning

 % tender acceptance is
% Tender
Acceptance =("- less than or equal to 0
Percentage then green
Tender Performance
ratio of total
number of  % tender acceptance is
Performance Target"
- "- Tender between 0 and 10 then
% Tender tender
NA Performance yellow
Acceptance transactions
Facts"."% Tender
and total
Acceptance"  % tender acceptance is
number of
)*100/"- Tender greater than 10 then red
Targets"."Tender  % tender acceptance is
Performance Target"
null then warning

Average  Average pickup hours is

ratio of total greater than or equal to
pickup 0 then green
Average Pickup
Hours = ("-
difference*  Average pickup hours is
Shipment Stop
of pickup
Pickup between 0 and -10 then
stops and
Targets"."Average yellow
Hours Outside
number of
Pickup Time Target"  Average pickup hours is
Average - "- Shipment Stop
less than -10 then red
Pickup NA Pickup
* Total
Hours Facts"."Average
pickup  Average pickup hours is
Hours Outside
hours null then Warning
Pickup Time"
)*100/"- Shipment
Stop Pickup
(in hours)
Hours Outside
Pickup Time Target"
arrival time
and actual
arrival time

4-38 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
at a pickup

ratio of total
hours Average Delivery
difference* Hours = ("-
of delivery Shipment Stop
 Average delivery hours
stops and Delivery
total Targets"."Average is greater than or equal
number of Hours Outside to 0 then green
stops Delivery Time
Target" - "-  Average delivery hours
Average * Total Shipment Stop is between 0 and -10
Delivery delivery NA Delivery then yellow
Hours hours Facts"."Average
difference: Hours Outside  Average delivery hours
time Delivery Time" is less than -10 then red
difference )*100/"- Shipment
(in hours) Stop Delivery  Average delivery hours
between Targets"."Average
is null then warning
planned Hours Outside
arrival time Delivery Time
and actual Target"
arrival time
at a delivery

Percent Claims =("-  Percent claims is greater

Shipment Claim than 0 then green
Claims Target" -  Percent claims is
Average (("- Shipment Claim between 0 and 10 then
ratio of total Facts"."Claim Count"
Percent yellow
claims made NA /"- Shipment
and total Facts"."Shipment
shipments Count" )*100) / "-  Percent claims is less
Shipment Claim than 0 then red
Claims Target"  Percent claims is null
)*100 then warning

Section Previous 6 Weeks

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Carrier KPIS On Dashboard

Folder Weekly

This report section displays the actual carrier performance related KPI values for the
last consecutive six weeks.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop Light)

Mapping Definition

Percentage "- Shipment Stop

% On Time
ratio of total Pickup Facts"."% NA NA
number of On Time Pickup"

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-39
pickup stops
and total
number of
pickup stops

ratio of total
number of
on-time "- Shipment Stop
% On Time delivery Delivery
Delivery stops and Facts"."% On
total Time Delivery"
number of

ratio of total
number of
accepted "- Tender
% Tender tender Performance
Acceptance transactions Facts"."% Tender
and total Acceptance"
number of

ratio of total
of pickup
stops and
number of
"- Shipment Stop
Average * Total Pickup
Pickup pickup Facts"."Average NA NA
Hours hours Hours Outside
difference: Pickup Time"
(in hours)
arrival time
and actual
arrival time
at a pickup

Average "- Shipment Stop
ratio of total
Delivery Delivery NA NA
Hours Facts"."Average
Hours Outside

4-40 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
of delivery Delivery Time"
stops and
number of

* Total
(in hours)
arrival time
and actual
arrival time
at a delivery

Average ("- Shipment Claim

ratio of total Facts"."Claim Count"
claims made NA /"- Shipment NA
and total Facts"."Shipment
shipments Count" )*100

Tender Dashboard Summary Reports

Dashboard Tender Dashboard

This dashboard contains reports covering the tender performance information

available under respective tabs.

Report Shared Folders/FTI Reports /Dashboards/ Tender Dashboard


Available as Yes

Prompts  YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt

 Source And Destination RCS Horizontal Prompt

 Carrier Prompt

Section Total Tenders Accepted

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Total Tenders Accepted On

Folder Dashboard - Current Week

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-41
Usage This report captures the details related to accepted tenders from carriers.

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold (Stop


Total The total number "- Tender Performance NA NA

Accepted of accepted Facts"."Accepted
tenders Tender Count"

Week The week under "- Shipment Period NA NA

review Dimensions"."Week"

Carrier ID The carrier from "- Shipment Service NA NA

whom the Provider
tenders were Dimensions"."Actual
received Service Provider XID"

Section Average Number of Carriers Tendered to Until Accepted On Dashboard

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Average Number of Carriers

Folder Tendered to Until Accepted On Dashboard - Current Week

Usage This report captures the details related to tenders from carriers until accepted.

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold (Stop


Average Average ratio of "- Tender NA

Number Of total number of Performance
Carriers accepted tenders Facts"."Accepted
Tendered and the total Tender Count" /"-
Until number of Tender
Accepted tenders received Performance

Week The week under "- Shipment Period NA NA

review Dimensions"."Week"

Carrier ID The carrier from "- Shipment Service NA NA

whom the Provider
tenders were Dimensions"."Actual
received Service Provider XID"

Section Average Time to Respond to Tender On Dashboard

Report /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Average Time to Respond to

Folder Tender On Dashboard - Current Week

Usage This report captures the details related to accepted tenders from carriers.

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold (Stop


4-42 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Avg. Time to Average ratio of "- Tender NA

Respond the total time Performance
taken by a carrier Facts"."Time to
to respond to a Respond"/"-
tender and the Tender
total number of Performance
tenders Facts"."Tender
responded Count"

Week The week under "- Shipment Period NA NA

review Dimensions"."Week"

Carrier ID The carrier from "- Tender Performance NA NA

whom the Service Provider
tenders were Dimensions"."Actual
received Service Provider XID"

Carrier Scorecard Dashboard Summary Reports

Dashboard Carrier Scorecard Dashboard

This dashboard contains reports covering the carrier performance information

under respective tabs.

Report Folder Shared Folders/FTI Reports /Dashboards/ Carrier Scorecard Dashboard

Available as Yes
Dashboard (User

Prompts Used  YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt

 Source And Destination RCS Horizontal Prompt

 Carrier Prompt

Section Percentage On Time Delivery

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Percentage On Time

Report Folder
Delivery Dashboard Report - Current Week

Usage This report captures the on time delivery performance of carriers.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Carrier The carrier "- Shipment NA NA

under review Service Provider
ual Service

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-43
Provider XID"

Percentage On Percentage ("- Shipment Stop NA

Time Delivery ratio of the Delivery Facts"."On
total number of Time Count"/"-
shipment stops Shipment Stop
delivered on Delivery Facts"."Stop
time and the Count")* 100
total number of
stops visited

Section Percentage On Time Pickup

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Percentage On Time Pickup

Report Folder
Dashboard Report - Current Week

Usage This report captures the on time delivery performance of carriers.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Carrier The carrier "- Shipment NA NA

under review Service Provider
ual Service
Provider XID"

Percentage On Percentage ("- Shipment Stop NA

Time Pickup ratio of the Pickup Facts"."On
total number of Time Count" /"-
shipment stops Shipment Stop
picked up on Pickup Facts"."Stop
time and the Count") *100
total number of
stops visited

Section Percentage Tender Accepted

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Percentage Tender

Report Folder
Accepted Dashboard Report - Current Week

Usage This report captures the tender acceptance performance of carriers.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Carrier The carrier "- Shipment NA NA

under review Service Provider
ual Service
Provider XID"

Percentage Percentage ("- Tender NA

Tender Accepted ratio of the Performance
total number of Facts"."Accepted
tenders Tender Count" /"-
accepted and Tender Performance

4-44 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
the total Facts"."Tender
number of Count" ) * 100

Section Carrier Score Card

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Carrier Scorecard Details

Report Folder
Dashboard Report - Current Week

Usage This report captures the overall carrier’s performance as a scorecard.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Carrier The carrier "- Shipment NA NA

under review Service Provider
ual Service
Provider XID"

Carrier Score The overall ( IFNULL((("- NA

Card score for the Shipment Stop
carrier based Delivery Facts"."On
on the on time Time Count" /"-
delivery, on Shipment Stop
time pickup Delivery Facts"."Stop
and tender Count" )*.3) ,0) +
acceptance IFNULL((("-
performance Shipment Stop
Pickup Facts"."On
Time Count" /"-
Shipment Stop
Pickup Facts"."Stop
Count" ) * .3) ,0) +
IFNULL((("- Tender
Tender Count" / "-
Tender Performance
Count" )*.4), 0)

LSP Host Dashboard Summary Reports

Dashboard LSP Host Dashboard

The LSP host dashboard contains tabs covering the key business areas under
respective tabs for the LSP hosts.

Dashboard Shared Folders/FTI Reports /Dashboards/ LSP Host Dashboard


Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-45
Available as Yes
Dashboard (User

Prompts Used  YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt

 Source And Destination RCS Horizontal Prompt

 Perspective Prompt

 Domain Prompt

Tab Usage

Statistics This tab captures the key statistical details related to shipments for the LSP
hosts. This tab is contains the same reports present in Statistics tab of Main
Dashboard. This tab also contains link to buy versus sell shipments for all
statistical details.

Financial This tab captures the key financial details related to shipments for the LSP
customers. This tab is contains the same reports present in Financial tab of Main
Dashboard. This tab also contains link to buy versus sell shipments for all
financial details.

Utilization This tab captures the key utilization KPIs of shipments for the LSP hosts. This tab
is contains the same reports present in utilization tab of Main Dashboard. This
tab also contains link to buy versus sell shipments for all key utilization KPIs of

Carrier This tab captures the key carrier related KPIs on shipments for the LSP hosts.
This tab is contains the same reports present in Carrier tab of Main Dashboard.
This tab also contains link to buy versus sell shipments for all carrier related KPIs
on shipments.

Cost Benefits This tab captures the cost related KPIs for shipments for the LSP hosts. This tab
is contains the same reports present in Cost Benefits tab of Main Dashboard. This
tab also contains link to buy versus sell shipments for all cost related KPIs for

Regional Cost This tab captures the shipment cost related KPIs as applicable to specific regions
Benefits for the LSP hosts. This tab is contains the same reports present in Regional Cost
Benefits tab of Main Dashboard. This tab also contains link to buy versus sell
shipments for all shipment cost related KPIs as applicable to specific regions.

LSP Customer Dashboard Summary Reports

Dashboard LSP Customer Dashboard

The LSP customer dashboard contains reports covering the key business areas
under respective tabs for the LSP customers.

4-46 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Dashboard Shared Folders/FTI Reports /Dashboards/ LSP Customer Dashboard

Available as Yes
Dashboard (User

Prompts Used  YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt

 Source And Destination RCS Horizontal Prompt

Below is the list of tabs for the LSP Customer Dashboard.

Tab Usage

Statistics This tab captures the key statistical details related to shipments for the LSP
customers. This tab is contains the same reports present in Statistics tab of Main

Financial This tab captures the key financial details related to shipments for the LSP
customers. This tab is contains the same reports present in Financial tab of Main

Utilization This tab captures the key utilization KPIs of shipments for the LSP customers.
This tab is contains the same reports present in Utilization tab of Main

Carrier This tab captures the key carrier related KPIs on shipments for the LSP
customers. This tab is contains the same reports present in Carrier tab of Main

Cost Benefits This tab captures the cost related KPIs for shipments for the LSP customers. This
tab is contains the same reports present in Cost Benefits tab of Main Dashboard.

Regional Cost This tab captures the shipment cost related KPIs as applicable to specific regions
Benefits for the LSP customers. This tab is contains the same reports present in Regional
Cost Benefits tab of Main Dashboard.

Transit Time Variability Dashboard Summary Reports

Dashboard Transit Time Variability

Usage This page shows the standard deviation of transit time for the order releases.

Prompts Used  YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt

 Source And Destination RCS Horizontal Prompt

Report Folder Shared Folders/FTI Reports /Dashboards/ Transit Time Variability

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-47
Available as Yes
Dashboard (User

Section Transit Time Variability Dashboard Report

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Transit Time Variability

Report Folder
Dashboard Report

The first graph displays the standard deviation of transit time for source and
Usage destination city. The second graph displays the standard deviation of transit
time for the order counts.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

IFNULL(stddev("- NA
Order Release
StdDev deviation of
Facts"."Transit Time
transit time
NA Actual Hours" ), 0)

IFNULL(stddev("- NA
Order Release
Facts"."Transit Time
deviation of
Actual Hours" ), 0) *
StdDev*ORCount transit time for
count("- Order
all order
NA Order Release GID" )

count("- Order NA
Total number
Total Order Release
of order
Releases Dimensions"."FTI
Order Release GID" )

"- Order Release NA

Source Geography
Source City NA

"- Quote NA
Destination City Geography NA

CPG Main Dashboard Summary Reports

Dashboard CPG Main Dashboard


4-48 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Report Folder Shared Folders/FTI Reports /Dashboards/ CPG Main Dashboard

Available as Yes
Dashboard (User

Prompts Used  YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt

 Source And Destination RCS Horizontal Prompt

The following tables explain the tabs found on the CPG Main Dashboard:

Tab Cost

Usage This tab displays target in various cost related reports.

Section Main

Report Folder /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/CG Cost Main Dashboard

Usage This report displays targets for various costs.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Cost Per Hour "- Shipment NA NA

Cost Base per
Actual Transit
Hour Target"

Cost Per CWT "- Shipment NA NA

Cost Base per
CWT Target"

Cost Per Lane "- Shipment NA NA

Cost Base per
Lane Target"

Cost Per Pallet "- Shipment NA NA

Cost Base per
Pallet Target"

Percentage "- Shipment NA NA

Accessorial Targets"."Percent
charges to Accessorial
Freight Charges To
Freight Target"

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-49
Total Actual Cost "- Shipment NA NA
Cost Target"

Cost Per "- Shipment NA NA

Distance Targets"."Actual
Cost Base per
Distance Target"

Cost Per "- Shipment NA NA

Shipment Targets"."Actual
Cost Base per
Shipment Target"

Order "- Shipment NA NA

Consolidation Targets"."Order
Savings Consolidation
Savings Target"

Cost Per TEUs "- Shipment NA NA

Cost Base per
TEUs Target"

Section Process

Report Folder /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/CG Cost Process Dashboard

Usage This report displays targets for number of non-approved invoices.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Number of Non- "- Invoice NA NA

approved Targets"."Number
Invoices of Non Approved
Invoices Target"

Section Utilization

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/CG Cost Utilization

Report Folder

Usage This report displays targets for weight and volume utilization.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Weight "- Shipment NA NA

Utilization Targets"."Weight
Utilization Target"

Volume "- Shipment NA NA

Utilization Targets"."Volume
Utilization Target"

4-50 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Tab Reliability

Usage This tab displays the targets for various KPI’s to verify reliability.

Section Customer Facing

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/ CG Reliability Customer

Report Folder
Facing Dashboard

This report displays the targets for various KPIs related to customers to verify

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Percent Of "- Shipment Stop NA NA

Deliveries Delivery
Unloaded On Targets"."Percent
Time Of Deliveries
Unloaded On Time

Percent Of "- Shipment Stop NA NA

Pickups Loaded Pickup
On Time Targets"."Percent
Of Pickups Loaded
On Time Target"

Average Hours "- Shipment Stop NA NA

Outside Pickup Pickup
Time Targets"."Average
Hours Outside
Pickup Time

Average Hours "- Shipment Stop NA NA

Outside Delivery Delivery
Time Targets"."Average
Hours Outside
Delivery Time

Percent Claims "- Shipment Claim NA NA

Filed On Targets"."Percent
Shipments Claims Target"

Average Time "- Shipment Claim NA NA

Until Claim Targets"."Average
Resolved Time Until Claim
Resolved Target"

Section Internal

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-51
/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/CG Reliability Internal
Report Folder

Usage This report displays the targets for various internal KPIs to verify reliability.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

"- Tracking Event NA NA

Critical Alerts Targets"."Critical
Per Week Alerts Per Week

"- Tender NA NA
Average Number
Of Carriers
Tendered To
Until Accepted
Until Accepted

"- Tender NA NA

Section Transit Time

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Transit Time Variability

Report Folder
Dashboard Report

The first graph displays the standard deviation of transit time for source and
Usage destination city. The second graph displays the standard deviation of transit
time for the order counts.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

IFNULL(stddev("- NA
Order Release
StdDev deviation of
Facts"."Transit Time
transit time
NA Actual Hours" ), 0)

IFNULL(stddev("- NA
Order Release
Facts"."Transit Time
deviation of
Actual Hours" ), 0) *
StdDev*ORCount transit time for
count("- Order
all order
NA Order Release GID" )

count("- Order NA
Total number
Total Order Release
of order
Releases Dimensions"."FTI
Order Release GID" )

4-52 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
"- Order Release NA
Source Geography
Source City NA

"- Quote NA
Destination City Geography NA

Section Carrier Scorecard

Report Folder /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Carrier Scorecard

This report displays the score for each carrier. Carrier score is computed as:

% On Time Pickup---- Weightage: 30%

% On Time Delivery-- Weightage: 30%

Tender Acceptance -- Weightage: 40%

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

"- Shipment
Service Provider
Carrier Dimensions"."Act NA NA
ual Service
Provider XID"

( IFNULL((("-
Shipment Stop
Carrier score is Delivery Facts"."On
computed as: Time Count" /"-
Shipment Stop
Delivery Facts"."Stop
% On Time
Count" )*.3) ,0) +
Shipment Stop
Pickup Facts"."On
Time Count" /"-
Score % On Time NA NA
Shipment Stop
Pickup Facts"."Stop
Count" ) * .3) ,0) +
IFNULL((("- Tender
Tender Facts"."Accepted
Acceptance -- Tender Count" / "-
Weightage: Tender Performance
40% Facts"."Tender
Count" )*.4), 0)

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-53
Tab Carrier

Usage This tab displays the reports for carrier targets.

Section Commitment

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/CG Carrier Commitment

Report Folder

Usage This report contains all targets related to carrier.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Overall Shipment "- Commitment NA NA

Count Standings Count
Shipment Count
Standings Target"

Overall Weight "- Commitment NA NA

Count Standings Count
Weight Count
Standings Target"

Overall Volume "- Commitment NA NA

Count Standings Count
Volume Count
Standings Target"

Overall Monetary "- Commitment NA NA

Count Standings Count
Monetary Count
Standings Target"

Overall FEU "- Commitment NA NA

Count Standings Count
FEU Count
Standings Target"

Overall "- Commitment NA NA

Equipment Group Count
Profile Count Targets"."Overall
Standings Equipment Group
Profile Count
Standings Target"

Overall Mileage "- Commitment NA NA

Count Standings Count
Mileage Count
Standings Target"

4-54 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Overall "- Commitment NA NA
Equipment Group Count
Profile Allocation Targets"."Overall
Standings Equipment Group
Profile Allocation
Standings Target"

Overall FEU "- Commitment NA NA

Allocation Count
Standings Targets"."Overall
FEU Allocation
Standings Target"

Overall Mileage "- Commitment NA NA

Allocation Count
Standings Targets"."Overall
Mileage Allocation
Standings Target"

Overall Monetary "- Commitment NA NA

Allocation Count
Standings Targets"."Overall
Standings Target"

Overall Shipment "- Commitment NA NA

Allocation Count
Standings Targets"."Overall
Standings Target"

Overall Volume "- Commitment NA NA

Allocation Count
Standings Targets"."Overall
Volume Allocation
Standings Target"

Overall Weight "- Commitment NA NA

Allocation Count
Standings Targets"."Overall
Weight Allocation
Standings Target"

Tab Statistics

This tab displays the target for various key statistical details related to

Section IT

Report Folder /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/CG Statistics IT Dashboard

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-55
Usage This report displays the targets for key statistical details related to bulk plans.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

"- Bulk Plan NA NA

Average Time In Targets"."Average
Bulkplan Per Time In Bulkplan
Orders Selected Per Orders
Selected Target"

"- Bulk Plan NA NA

Average Time In
Bulkplan Per
Time In Bulkplan
Per Shipments
Created Target"

Section Lane

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/CG Statistics Lane

Report Folder

This report displays the target for various key statistical details related to

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

"- Shipment NA NA
Total TEUs Targets"."Total
TEUs Target"

"- Shipment NA NA
Percent Rate Targets"."Percent
Service Error Rate Service Error

"- Shipment NA NA
Total Volume Targets"."Total
Volume Target"

"- Shipment NA NA
Total Weight Targets"."Total
Weight Target"

"- Shipment NA NA
Total Distance Targets"."Total
Distance Target"

"- Shipment NA NA
Total Pieces Of
Pieces Of

Total Shipments "- Shipment NA NA


4-56 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

"- Shipment NA NA
Gross Volume
Base Target"

"- Shipment NA NA
Gross Weight
Base Target"

"- Order Release NA NA

Average Actual Targets"."Average
Transit Time Actual Transit
Time Target"

Section Transport Planner

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/CG Statistics

Report Folder
TransportPlanner Dashboard

This report displays the targets for shipments and appointments planned per

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

"- Shipment NA NA
Planned Per
nts Planned Per
Person Target"

"- Shipment NA NA
Appointments Targets"."Appoint
Made Per Person ments Made Per
Person Target"

System Dashboard Summary Reports

Dashboard System Dashboard

Usage This dashboard displays the ETL status of hdowner tables in the database.

Report Folder Shared Folders/FTI Reports /Dashboards/ System Dashboard

Available as No
Dashboard (User

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-57
The following tables explain the tabs found on the System Dashboard:

Tab Load Log

Usage This report displays the logs of all loaded FTI tables in hdowner.

Report Folder /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Load Log

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Table Name "- Load NA NA


Table Start Time "- Load NA NA

Log"."Load Start

Table End Time "- Load NA NA

Log"."Load End

Load Status "- Load NA NA


Number Of "- Load NA NA

Records Log"."Number Of

Load Duration(s) "- Load NA NA

Log"."Load Time"

Previous Success "- Load NA NA

Load Time Log"."Previous
Success Load

ETL Start Time "- Load Log NA NA

Start Time"

Tab Load Rejects

This report displays the logs of all tables which throws error while ETL runs in

Report Folder /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Load Log

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

4-58 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table Name "- Load NA NA

Error Message "- Load NA NA


Reject Date "- Load NA NA


Object GID "- Load Reject NA NA

ect GID"

Tab KPI Load Log

Usage This report displays the logs of KPI tables in hdowner.

Report Folder /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI System Reports/KPI Load Log

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

KPI Name "- KPI Load Log NA NA


Num Of Records "- KPI Load Log NA NA


Load Duration(s) "- KPI Load Log NA NA


ETL Start time "- KPI Load Log NA NA

Start Time"

Load Status "- KPI Load Log NA NA

d Status"

Error Message "- KPI Load Log NA NA

r Message"

Domain Name "- KPI Load Log NA NA

main Name"

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-59
Previous Success "- KPI Load Log NA NA
Load Time Dimensions"."Pre
vious Success
Load Time"

Table Start Time "- KPI Load Log NA NA

e Start Time"

Table End Time "- KPI Load Log NA NA

e End Time"

Network Dashboard Summary Reports

Dashboard Network Dashboard

This dashboard is typically meant for network routing analysis and it contains
reports covering the key metrics pertinent to network routing.

Report Folder Shared Folders/FTI Reports /Dashboards/Network Dashboard

Available as
Dashboard (User

 Network YQMW Prompt

Prompts Used
 Network Geography Prompt

The following tables explain the tabs found on the Network Dashboard:

Tab Statistics

This report captures the statistical distribution of key network metrics over

Section Distribution

Report Folder /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Network Reports/Network – Statistics Report

This report section shows as table, the distribution of key network metrics over
the chosen dimension for the chosen time period and geography.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

Total Number of Count value of

"- Order
Order the total Order NA NA
Movements Movements

4-60 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Movement Count"

"- Order
Total Number of Count value of Movement
Ship Units total Ship Units Facts"."Ship Unit

Average "- Order

Weight of the Movement
Average Weight NA NA
Order Facts"."Weight
Movements Base"

Average "- Order

Volume of the Movement
Average Volume NA NA
Order Facts"."Volume
Movements Base"

Average value
"- Order
of the cost
Average Movement
allocated to NA NA
Allocation Cost Facts"."Alloc Cost
the Order

Tab Trend Analysis

This report captures the trend over time of the network metrics over the chosen
network dimension.

Section Trend Analysis

Report Folder /Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Network Reports/Network – Trend Report

This report section shows the trend of the chosen metric as a micro-chart
Usage (trellis) sliced by the chosen network dimension. The period type of the trend
can also be chosen from the drop down.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

"- Order
Total Number of Count value of
Order the total Order NA NA
Movements Movements
Movement Count"

"- Order
Total Number of Count value of Movement
Ship Units total Ship Units Facts"."Ship Unit

Average "- Order

Weight of the Movement
Average Weight NA NA
Order Facts"."Weight
Movements Base"

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-61
Average "- Order
Volume of the Movement
Average Volume NA NA
Order Facts"."Volume
Movements Base"

Average value
"- Order
of the cost
Average Movement
allocated to NA NA
Allocation Cost Facts"."Alloc Cost
the Order

Tab Top and Bottom Analysis

This report captures the top N or bottom N performers based upon the chosen
network metric.

Section Top and Bottom Analysis

/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Network Reports/Top N Analysis

Report Folder
/Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Network Reports/Bottom N Analysis

This report is used to analyze the top N or bottom N performers as selected by

Usage the user. The metric to base the analysis, the performing dimension and the
value of ‘N’ can be chosen from the drop down.

Column Definition Metadata Formula Threshold (Stop

Mapping Light) Definition

"- Order
Total Number of Count value of
Order the total Order NA NA
Movements Movements
Movement Count"

"- Order
Total Number of Count value of Movement
Ship Units total Ship Units Facts"."Ship Unit

Average "- Order

Weight of the Movement
Average Weight NA NA
Order Facts"."Weight
Movements Base"

Average "- Order

Volume of the Movement
Average Volume NA NA
Order Facts"."Volume
Movements Base"

Average value
"- Order
of the cost
Average Movement
allocated to NA NA
Allocation Cost Facts"."Alloc Cost
the Order

4-62 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Weekly Reports

Report Name Report Folder Usage

Accessorial Charges Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the percentage of
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Accessorial accessorial charges compared with the
Charges Weekly Report accessorial charges target, forecast and
benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Americas Order Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the Americas order
Profit Weekly Weekly Reports/ Americas Order profit compared with the Americas order
Report Profit Weekly Report profit target, forecast, and benchmark in a
line graph for 53 weeks.

Asia Pacific Order Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the Asia Pacific order
Profit Weekly Weekly Reports/ Asia Pacific Order profit compared with the Asia Pacific order
Report Profit Weekly Report profit target, forecast, and benchmark in a
line graph for 53 weeks.

Average Cube Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the gross volume of
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Average Cube each shipment compared with the average
Weekly Report volume target, forecast, and benchmark in
a line graph for 53 weeks.

Average Hours Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the time difference in
Outside Delivery Weekly Reports/ Average Hours delivery compared with the average time
Weekly Report Outside Delivery Weekly Report difference in delivery target, forecast, and
benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Average Hours Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the time difference in
Outside Pickup Weekly Reports/ Average Hours pickup compared with the average time
Weekly Report Outside Pickup Weekly Report difference in pickup target, forecast, and
benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Average Weight Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the shipments
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Average Weight average weight compared with the
Weekly Report shipments average weight target, forecast,
and benchmark in a line graph for 53

Central Europe Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the Central Europe
Order Profit Weekly Weekly Reports/ Central Europe order profit compared with the Central
Report Order Profit Weekly Report Europe order profit target, forecast, and
benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

CO2 Emission Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the CO2 emissions
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ CO2 Emission compared with the CO2 emissions target,
Weekly Report forecast, and benchmark in a line graph
for 53 weeks.

Cost per CWT Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the cost per CWT
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Cost per CWT compared with the cost per CWT target,
Weekly Report forecast, and benchmark in a line graph
for 53 weeks.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-63
Report Name Report Folder Usage

Cost per Distance Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the cost per distance
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Cost per Distance compared with the cost per distance
Weekly Report target, forecast, and benchmark in a line
graph for 53 weeks.

Cost per Hour Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the cost per hour
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Cost per Hour compared with the cost per hour target,
Weekly Report forecast, and benchmark in a line graph
for 53 weeks.

Cost per Lane Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the cost per lane
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Cost per Lane compared with the cost per lane target,
Weekly Report forecast, and benchmark in a line graph
for 53 weeks.

Cost per Pallet Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the cost per pallet
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Cost per Pallet compared with the cost per pallet target,
Weekly Report forecast, and benchmark in a line graph
for 53 weeks.

Cost per Shipment Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the cost per shipment
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Cost per compared with the cost per shipment
Shipment Weekly Report target, forecast, and benchmark in a line
graph for 53 weeks.

Cube Utilization Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the cube/volume
Green Dashboard Weekly Reports/ Cube Utilization utilization compared with the cube/volume
Weekly Report Green Dashboard Weekly Report utilization target, forecast, and benchmark
in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Cube Utilization Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the cube/volume
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Cube Utilization utilization compared with the cube/volume
Weekly Report utilization target, forecast, and benchmark
in a line graph for 53 weeks.

FTI 53 Week Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report generates from and to values
Generator Weekly Reports/ FTI 53 Week for the last 53 weeks from the selected
Generator week in the prompt. This report is used for
all 53 weeks reports.

FTI Week Generator Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report generates the from and to
Weekly Reports/ FTI Week values for the last six weeks from the
Generator selected week in the prompt. This report is
used for all previous six weeks reports.

Northern Europe Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the Northern Europe
Order Profit Weekly Weekly Reports/ Northern Europe order profit compared with the Northern
Report Order Profit Weekly Report Europe order profit target, forecast, and
benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

NOx Emission Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the NOx emissions
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ NOx Emission compared with NOx emissions target,
Weekly Report forecast, and benchmark in a line graph
for 53 weeks.

4-64 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Report Name Report Folder Usage

Order Consolidation Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the order
Savings Weekly Weekly Reports/ Order consolidation savings compared with order
Report Consolidation Savings Weekly consolidation savings target, forecast, and
Report benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Order Profit Weekly Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the order profit
Report Weekly Reports/ Order Profit compared with order profit target,
Weekly Report forecast, and benchmark in a line graph
for 53 weeks.

Percent Claims Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the percentage claims
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Percent Claims with percentage claims target, forecast,
Weekly Report and benchmark in a line graph for 53

Percent On Time Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the percent on time
Delivery Weekly Weekly Reports/ Percent On Time delivery with percent on time delivery
Report Delivery Weekly Report target, forecast, and benchmark in a line
graph for 53 weeks.

Percent on Time Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the percent on time
Pickup Weekly Weekly Reports/ Percent on Time pickup with percent on time pickup target,
Report Pickup Weekly Report forecast, and benchmark in a line graph
for 53 weeks.

PM Emission Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the PM emissions with
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ PM Emission PM emissions target, forecast, and
Weekly Report benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Southern Europe Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the Southern Europe
Order Profit Weekly Weekly Reports/ Southern Europe order profit with Southern Europe order
Report Order Profit Weekly Report profit target, forecast, and benchmark in a
line graph for 53 weeks.

Tender Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the tender

Performance Weekly Reports/ Tender performance with the tender performance
Weekly Report Performance Weekly Report target, forecast, and benchmark in a line
graph for 53 weeks.

Total Cost Weekly Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the total cost with the
Report Weekly Reports/ Total Cost total cost target, forecast, and benchmark
Weekly Report in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Total Cube Green Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the total cube/volume
Dashboard Weekly Weekly Reports/ Total Cube Green with the total cube/volume target,
Report Dashboard Weekly Report forecast, and benchmark in a line graph
for 53 weeks.

Total Cube Weekly Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the total cube/volume
Report Weekly Reports/ Total Cube with the total cube/volume target,
Weekly Report forecast, and benchmark in a line graph
for 53 weeks.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-65
Report Name Report Folder Usage

Total Distance Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the total distance with
Green Dashboard Weekly Reports/ Total Distance the total distance target, forecast, and
Weekly Report Green Dashboard Weekly Report benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Total Distance Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the total distance with
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Total Distance the total distance target, forecast, and
Weekly Report benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Total Fuel Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the total fuel
Consumption Weekly Reports/ Total Fuel consumption with the total fuel
Weekly Report Consumption Weekly Report consumption target, forecast, and
benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Total Shipments Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the total shipments
Green Dashboard Weekly Reports/ Total Shipments with the total shipments target, forecast,
Weekly Report Green Dashboard Weekly Report and benchmark in a line graph for 53

Total Shipments Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the total shipments
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Total Shipments with the total shipments target, forecast,
Weekly Report and benchmark in a line graph for 53

Total Weight Green Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the total weight with
Dashboard Weekly Weekly Reports/ Total Weight the total weight target, forecast, and
Report Green Dashboard Weekly Report benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Total Weight Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the total weight with
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Total Weight the total weight target, forecast, and
Weekly Report benchmark in a line graph for 53 weeks.

Transit Time Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the transit time
Variability Weekly Weekly Reports/ Transit Time variability with the transit time variability
Report Variability Weekly Report target, forecast, and benchmark in a line
graph for 53 weeks.

Weight Utilization Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the weight utilization
on Green Weekly Reports/ Weight Utilization with the weight utilization target, forecast,
Dashboard Weekly on Green Dashboard Weekly and benchmark in a line graph for 53
Report Report weeks.

Weight Utilization Shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI This report contains the weight utilization
Weekly Report Weekly Reports/ Weight Utilization with the weight utilization target, forecast,
Weekly Report and benchmark in a line graph for 53

Detailed Reports

Report Report Folder Usage Supported Prompts


4-66 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Report Report Folder Usage Supported Prompts

Accessorial Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Carrier Prompt (Detailed
Charges Reports/FTI Detailed accessorial charges and Report - Carrier)
Dashboard Reports/Accessorial actual charges at a
Report Charges Dashboard Report detail level of each Location Prompt (Detailed
shipment. Report - Location)

Americas Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Order Profit Reports/FTI Detailed billed and the vouchered Mode Prompt (Detailed
Dashboard Reports/Americas Order cost at a detailed level Report - Transport Mode)
Report Profit Dashboard Report of each order release for
America Region. Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Asia Pacific Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Order Profit Reports/FTI Detailed billed and the vouchered Mode Prompt (Detailed
Dashboard Reports/Asia Pacific Order cost at a detailed level Report - Transport Mode)
Report Profit Dashboard Report of each order release for
Asia Pacific region. Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Average Cube Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Dashboard Reports/FTI Detailed gross volume at a detail Mode Prompt (Detailed
Report Reports/Average Cube level of each shipment. Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Report
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Average Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Carrier Prompt (Detailed
Hours Reports/FTI Detailed comparison between Report - Carrier)
Outside Reports/Average Hours planned arrival and the
Delivery Time Outside Delivery Time actual arrival at a detail Location Prompt (Detailed
level of shipment for Report - Location)

Average Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Carrier Prompt (Detailed
Hours Reports/FTI Detailed comparison between Report - Carrier)
Outside Reports/Average Hours planned arrival and the
Pickup Time Outside Pickup Time actual arrival at a detail Location Prompt (Detailed
level of shipment for Report - Location)

Average Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Weight Reports/FTI Detailed gross weight at a detail Mode Prompt (Detailed
Dashboard Reports/Average Weight level of each shipment. Report - Transport Mode)
Report Dashboard Report
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-67
Report Report Folder Usage Supported Prompts

Central Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Europe Order Reports/FTI Detailed billed and the vouchered Mode Prompt (Detailed
Profit Reports/Central Europe cost at a detailed level Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Order Profit Dashboard of each order release for
Report Report central Europe region. Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

CO2 Emission Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt (Detailed Report
Dashboard Reports/FTI Detailed CO2 emission and - Date)
Report Reports/CO2 Emission planned distance at a
Dashboard Report detail level of each

Cost per CWT Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Dashboard Reports/FTI Detailed cost per CWT, actual Mode Prompt (Detailed
Report Reports/Cost per CWT weight and actual cost Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Report at a detail level of each
shipment. Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Cost per Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Distance Reports/FTI Detailed cost per distance, actual Mode Prompt (Detailed
Dashboard Reports/Cost per Distance distance and actual cost Report - Transport Mode)
Report Dashboard Report at a detail level of each
shipment. Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Cost per Hour Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Dashboard Reports/FTI Detailed cost per hour, total hour Mode Prompt (Detailed
Report Reports/Cost per Hour and actual cost at a Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Report detail level of each
shipment. Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Cost per Lane Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Dashboard Reports/FTI Detailed cost per lane and actual Mode Prompt (Detailed
Report Reports/Cost per Lane cost at a detail level of Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Report each shipment.
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Cost per Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Pallet Reports/FTI Detailed cost per pallet and Mode Prompt (Detailed
Dashboard Reports/Cost per Pallet actual cost at a detail Report - Transport Mode)
Report Dashboard Report level of each shipment.
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

4-68 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Report Report Folder Usage Supported Prompts

Cost per Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Shipment Reports/FTI Detailed cost per shipment and Mode Prompt (Detailed
Dashboard Reports/Cost per Shipment actual cost at a detail Report - Transport Mode)
Report Dashboard Report level of each shipment.
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Cube Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Utilization Reports/FTI Detailed volume/cube utilization Mode Prompt (Detailed
Dashboard Reports/Cube Utilization at a detail level of each Report - Transport Mode)
Report Dashboard Report shipment.
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Cube Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt (Detailed Report
Utilization Reports/FTI Detailed volume/cube utilization - Date)
Green Reports/Cube Utilization at a detail level of each
Dashboard Green Dashboard Report shipment. Transport Mode (Detailed
Report Green Dashboard Report -
Transport Mode)

Northern Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Europe Order Reports/FTI Detailed billed and the vouchered Mode Prompt (Detailed
Profit Reports/Northern Europe cost at a detailed level Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Order Profit Dashboard of each order release for
Report Report Northern Europe region. Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

NOx Emission Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt (Detailed Report
Dashboard Reports/FTI Detailed NOx emission and - Date)
Report Reports/NOx Emission planned distance at a
Dashboard Report detail level of each

Order Shared Folders/FTI Date Prompt and Transport

Consolidation Reports/FTI Detailed Mode Prompt (Detailed
Savings Reports/Order Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Consolidation Savings
Report Dashboard Report Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Order Profit Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Dashboard Reports/FTI Detailed best direct cost of buy Mode Prompt (Detailed
Report Reports/Order Profit shipments and the Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Report vouchered cost base in
the detail level of Location Prompt (Detailed
orders. Report - Location)

Percent on Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date and Carrier Prompt
Time Delivery Reports/FTI Detailed percentage on time (Detailed Report - Carrier)
Dashboard Reports/Percent on Time delivery on the detail
Report Delivery Dashboard Report level of each shipment Location Prompt (Detailed
stops. Report - Location)

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-69
Report Report Folder Usage Supported Prompts

Percent on Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date and Carrier Prompt
Time Pickup Reports/FTI Detailed percentage on time (Detailed Report - Carrier)
Dashboard Reports/Percent on Time pickup on the detail
Report Pickup Dashboard Report level of each shipment Location Prompt (Detailed
stop. Report - Location)

Percent Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date and Carrier Prompt
Times Claims Reports/FTI Detailed percentage of shipment (Detailed Report - Carrier)
on Shipments Reports/Percent Times claims on the detail
Dashboard Claims on Shipments level of each shipment. Location Prompt (Detailed
Report Dashboard Report Report - Location)

PM Emission Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt (Detailed Report
Dashboard Reports/FTI Detailed PM emissions and - Date)
Report Reports/PM Emission planned distance at a
Dashboard Report detail level of each

Southern Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Europe Order Reports/FTI Detailed billed and the vouchered Mode Prompt (Detailed
Profit Reports/Southern Europe cost at a detailed level Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Order Profit Dashboard of each order release for
Report Report Southern Europe region. Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Tender Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date and Carrier Prompt
Performance Reports/FTI Detailed tender performance at a (Detailed Report - Carrier)
Dashboard Reports/Tender detail level of
Report Performance Dashboard shipments. Location Prompt (Detailed
Report Report - Location)

Total Cost Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Dashboard Reports/FTI Detailed actual cost of shipments Mode Prompt (Detailed
Report Reports/Total Cost at a detail level of Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Report shipment.
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Total Cube Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Dashboard Reports/FTI Detailed gross volume of Mode Prompt (Detailed
Report Reports/Total Cube shipments at a detail Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Report level of shipment.
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Total Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Distance Reports/FTI Detailed planned distance of Mode Prompt (Detailed
Dashboard Reports/Total Distance shipments at a detail Report - Transport Mode)
Report Dashboard Report level of shipment.
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

4-70 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Report Report Folder Usage Supported Prompts

Total Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt (Detailed Report
Distance Reports/FTI Detailed planned distance of - Date)
Green Reports/Total Distance shipments at a detail
Dashboard Green Dashboard Report level of shipment.

Total Fuel Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt (Detailed Report
Consumption Reports/FTI Detailed planned distance of - Date)
Dashboard Reports/Total Fuel shipments and the total
Report Consumption Dashboard fuel consumption at a
Report detail level of shipment.

Total Shared Folders/FTI This report lists all the Date Prompt and Transport
Shipments Reports/FTI Detailed shipment details for the Mode Prompt (Detailed
Dashboard Reports/Total Shipments specified criteria. Report - Transport Mode)
Report Dashboard Report
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Total Shared Folders/FTI This report lists all the Date Prompt (Detailed Report
Shipments Reports/FTI Detailed shipment details for the - Date)
Green Reports/Total Shipments specified criteria.
Dashboard Green Dashboard Report

Total Weight Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Dashboard Reports/FTI Detailed gross weight of Mode Prompt (Detailed
Report Reports/Total Weight shipments at a detail Report - Transport Mode)
Dashboard Report level of shipment.
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Weight Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt and Transport
Utilization Reports/FTI Detailed weight utilization for Mode Prompt (Detailed
Dashboard Reports/Weight Utilization each shipment. Report - Transport Mode)
Report Dashboard Report
Location Prompt (Detailed
Report - Location)

Weight Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the Date Prompt (Detailed Report
Utilization Reports/FTI Detailed weight utilization for - Date)
Green Reports/Weight Utilization each shipment.
Dashboard Green Dashboard Report Transport Mode Prompt
Report (Detailed Green Dashboard
Report - Transport Mode)

Cost per Mile Shared Folders/FTI This report displays cost

and Weight Reports/FTI Fleet per mile and cost per
by Drivers for Reports/Cost per Mile and weight for all the drivers
Fleet Weight by Drivers for Fleet only for fleet customers
in a line graph.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-71
Report Report Folder Usage Supported Prompts

Cost per Mile Shared Folders/FTI This report displays cost

and Weight Reports/FTI Fleet per mile and cost per
by Week for Reports/Cost per Mile and weight for a range of
Fleet Weight by Week for Fleet weeks only for fleet
customers in a line

Cost per Mile Shared Folders/FTI This report displays cost

and Weight Reports/FTI Fleet per mile and cost per
by Week for Reports/Cost per Mile and weight for a range of
NonFleet Weight by Week for weeks only for non-fleet
NonFleet customers in a line

Driver Shared Folders/FTI This report displays

Utilization Reports/FTI Fleet actual time driven,
Actual Driven Reports/Driver Utilization actual time worked, and
Worked Actual Driven Worked non-work time for the
NonWork NonWork Time by Driver drivers.
Time by

Driver Shared Folders/FTI This report displays

Utilization Reports/FTI Fleet actual time driven,
Actual Driven Reports/Driver Utilization actual time worked, and
Worked Actual Driven Worked non-work time for the
NonWork NonWork Time by driver types.
Time by DriverType

Driver Shared Folders/FTI This report displays

Utilization Reports/FTI Fleet actual time driven,
Actual Driven Reports/Driver Utilization actual time worked, and
Worked Actual Driven Worked non-work time for the
NonWork NonWork Time for all service providers.
Time for all Service Providers

Driver Shared Folders/FTI This report displays

Utilization Reports/FTI Fleet actual time driven,
Actual Driven Reports/Driver Utilization actual time worked, and
Worked Actual Driven Worked non-work time for the
NonWork NonWork Time Weekly range of weeks.
Time Weekly Report

Fleet Shared Folders/FTI This report shows the

Utilization Reports/FTI Fleet break down by bobtail,
Driver all Reports/Fleet Utilization deadhead, and loaded
Shipments Driver all Shipments distance for all drivers
Weekly Weekly Report for each shipment.

4-72 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Report Report Folder Usage Supported Prompts

Fleet Shared Folders/FTI This report shows the

Utilization Reports/FTI Fleet break down by bobtail,
Driver Reports/Fleet Utilization deadhead, and loaded
Loaded Driver Loaded Deadhead distance for all drivers
Deadhead Bobtail Miles by Week for a range of week.
Bobtail Miles
by Week

Fleet Shared Folders/FTI This report shows the

Utilization Reports/FTI Fleet break down by bobtail,
PowerUnit all Reports/Fleet Utilization deadhead, and loaded
Shipments PowerUnit all Shipments distance for all power
Weekly Weekly Report units for each shipment.

Fleet Shared Folders/FTI This report shows the

Utilization Reports/FTI Fleet break down by bobtail,
PowerUnit Reports/Fleet Utilization deadhead, and loaded
Loaded PowerUnit Loaded distance for all power
Deadhead Deadhead Bobtail Miles by units for a range of
Bobtail Miles Week weeks.
by Week

Percentage Shared Folders/FTI This report displays %

On Time by Reports/FTI Fleet on time by pickup and
Pickup Reports/Percentage On delivery only for fleet
Delivery Total Time by Pickup Delivery customers for each
by Drivers for Total by Drivers for Fleet driver.

Percentage Shared Folders/FTI This report displays %

On Time by Reports/FTI Fleet on time by pickup and
Pickup Reports/Percentage On delivery only for fleet
Delivery Total Time by Pickup Delivery customers for a range of
by Week for Total by Week for Fleet week.

Percentage Shared Folders/FTI This report displays %

On Time by Reports/FTI Fleet on time by pickup and
Pickup Reports/Percentage On delivery only for non-
Delivery Total Time by Pickup Delivery fleet customers for a
by Week for Total by Week for NonFleet range of week.

Percentage Shared Folders/FTI This report displays %

On Time by Reports/FTI Fleet on time by pickup and
Pickup Reports/Percentage On delivery only for fleet
Delivery Total Time by Pickup Delivery customers for each
by Weekly Total by Weekly Report for shipment.
Report for Fleet

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-73
Report Report Folder Usage Supported Prompts

Percentage Shared Folders/FTI This report displays %

On Time by Reports/FTI Fleet on time by pickup and
Pickup Reports/Percentage On delivery only for non-
Delivery Total Time by Pickup Delivery fleet customers for each
by Weekly Total by Weekly Report for shipment.
Report for NonFleet

Unit of Shared Folders/FTI This report contains the

Measure Reports/FTI Dashboard user preferred UOMs of
Reports/Unit Of Measures volume, length,
distance, weight,
temperature, duration,
speed, density, and

Last Refresh Shared Folders/FTI This report contains

Time Reports/FTI Dashboard start time of the last
Reports/Last Refresh Time ETL run.

Fusion Transportation Intelligence Sample Dashboard

The following sample dashboard prompts and reports are created to show the capability of new
features implemented in the 6.3 release. The sample reports are created for each feature providing
the ability to use the new feature.

Sample Prompts

Prompt YQMW Order Analysis Prompt

This is a sample prompt created to show you how to Slice Order Release Cost by Plan
Usage from and Plan to Locations. This is a period prompt which is used to filter facts by the
time dimension.

Report /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/YQMW Order Analysis Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays <Current Year>

the list of years; that is period
"- Order Release Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>

the list of quarters; that is period
"- Order Release Period dimension records grouped at the
Quarter Dimensions"."Quarter" level of Quarter.

4-74 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This prompted column displays <Current Month>
the list of months; that is period
"- Order Release Period dimension records grouped at the
Month Dimensions"."Month" level of Month.

This prompted column displays <Current Week>

the list of weeks; that is period
"- Order Release Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

Prompt YQMW Quote Analysis Prompt

This is a sample prompt created to show you how to use reference numbers as facts.
This is a period prompt which is used to filter facts by the time dimension.

Report /shared Folders//FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/YQMW Quote Analysis Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays <Current Year>

the list of years; that is period
"- Quote Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>

the list of quarters; that is period
"- Quote Period dimension records grouped at the
Quarter Dimensions"."Quarter" level of Quarter.

This prompted column displays <Current Month>

the list of months; that is period
"- Quote Period dimension records grouped at the
Month Dimensions"."Month" level of Month.

This prompted column displays <Current Week>

the list of weeks; that is period
"- Quote Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

Prompt YQMW Shipment Analysis Prompt

This is a sample prompt created to show you how to use reference numbers as facts.
This is a period prompt which is used to filter facts by the time dimension.

Report /shared Folders /FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/YQMW Shipment Analysis Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-75
This prompted column displays <Current Year>
the list of years; that is period
"- Shipment Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>

the list of quarters; that is period
"- Shipment Period dimension records grouped at the
Quarter Dimensions"."Quarter" level of Quarter.

This prompted column displays <Current Month>

the list of months; that is period
"- Shipment Period dimension records grouped at the
Month Dimensions"."Month" level of Month.

This prompted column displays <Current Week>

the list of weeks; that is period
"- Shipment Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

Prompt YQMW Shipment Claims Prompt

This is a sample prompt created to show you how use to use reference numbers as
facts. This is a period prompt which is used to filter facts by the time dimension.

Report /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/YQMW Shipment Claims Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays <Current Year>

"- Shipment Claim the list of years; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>

"- Shipment Claim the list of quarters; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Quarter Dimensions"."Quarter" level of Quarter.

This prompted column displays <Current Month>

"- Shipment Claim the list of months; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Month Dimensions"."Month" level of Month.

This prompted column displays <Current Week>

"- Shipment Claim the list of weeks; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

Prompt YQMW Shipment Event Analysis Prompt

4-76 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This is a sample prompt created to show you how to base your shipment event
Usage analyses on local time. This is a period prompt which is used to filter facts by the time

Report /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/YQMW Shipment Event Analysis Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays <Current Year>

"- Tracking Event the list of years; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>

"- Tracking Event the list of quarters; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Quarter Dimensions"."Quarter" level of Quarter.

This prompted column displays <Current Month>

"- Tracking Event the list of months; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Month Dimensions"."Month" level of Month.

This prompted column displays <Current Week>

"- Tracking Event the list of weeks; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

Prompt YQMW Shipment Order Release Line Prompt

Usage This sample prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the time dimension.

Report /shared Folders /FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/YQMW Shipment Order Release Line Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays <Current Year>

"- Shipment Order the list of years; that is period
Release Line Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>

"- Shipment Order the list of quarters; that is period
Release Line Period dimension records grouped at the
Quarter Dimensions"."Quarter" level of Quarter.

This prompted column displays <Current Month>

"- Shipment Order the list of months; that is period
Release Line Period dimension records grouped at the
Month Dimensions"."Month" level of Month.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-77
This prompted column displays <Current Week>
"- Shipment Order the list of weeks; that is period
Release Line Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

Prompt YQMW Shipment Order Release Prompt

Usage This sample prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the time dimension.

Report /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/YQMW Shipment Order Release Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays <Current Year>

"- Shipment Order the list of years; that is period
Release Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>

"- Shipment Order the list of quarters; that is period
Release Period dimension records grouped at the
Quarter Dimensions"."Quarter" level of Quarter.

This prompted column displays <Current Month>

"- Shipment Order the list of months; that is period
Release Period dimension records grouped at the
Month Dimensions"."Month" level of Month.

This prompted column displays <Current Week>

"- Shipment Order the list of weeks; that is period
Release Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

Prompt YQMW Shipment Stop Analysis prompt

This sample prompt shows you how to use the new feature, Dice Facts by Stops. This
is a period prompt which is used to filter facts by the time dimension.

Report /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/YQMW Shipment Stop Analysis prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays <Current Year>

"- Shipment Stop the list of years; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

4-78 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>
"- Shipment Stop the list of quarters; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Quarter Dimensions"."Quarter" level of Quarter.

This prompted column displays <Current Month>

"- Shipment Stop the list of months; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Month Dimensions"."Month" level of Month.

This prompted column displays <Current Week>

"- Shipment Stop the list of weeks; that is period
Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

Prompt YQMW Shipment Stop Delivery Analysis prompt

Usage This sample prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the time dimension.

Report /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/YQMW Shipment Stop Delivery Analysis prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays <Current Year>

"- Shipment Stop the list of years; that is period
Delivery Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

This prompted column displays <Current Quarter>

"- Shipment Stop the list of quarters; that is period
Delivery Period dimension records grouped at the
Quarter Dimensions"."Quarter" level of Quarter.

This prompted column displays <Current Month>

"- Shipment Stop the list of months; that is period
Delivery Period dimension records grouped at the
Month Dimensions"."Month" level of Month.

This prompted column displays <Current Week>

"- Shipment Stop the list of weeks; that is period
Delivery Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

Prompt YQMW Fiscal Period -Invoice Line Analysis

This is a sample prompt which shows you how to slice facts by fiscal period. This is a
period prompt which is used to filter facts by the fiscal time dimension.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-79
Report /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard
Folder Prompts/YQMW Fiscal Period -Invoice Line Analysis

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays NA

"- Invoice Line Fiscal the list of your fiscal years; that is
Period fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Year Year" Year.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Invoice Line Fiscal the list of your fiscal quarters;
Period that is fiscal period dimension
Fiscal Dimensions"."Fiscal records grouped at the level of
Quarter Quarter" Fiscal Quarter.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Invoice Line Fiscal the list of your fiscal months; that
Period is fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Month Month" Month.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Invoice Line Fiscal the list of your fiscal weeks; that
Period is fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Week Week" Week.

Prompt YQMW Fiscal Period -Shipment Analysis

This is a sample prompt created to show you how to Slice Facts by Fiscal Period. This
is a period prompt which is used to filter facts by the fiscal time dimension.

Report /shared Folders /FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/YQMW Fiscal Period -Shipment Analysis

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Fiscal the list of your fiscal years; that is
Period fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Year Year" Year.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Fiscal the list of your fiscal quarters;
Period that is fiscal period dimension
Fiscal Dimensions"."Fiscal records grouped at the level of
Quarter Quarter" Fiscal Quarter.

4-80 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This prompted column displays NA
"- Shipment Fiscal the list of your fiscal months; that
Period is fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Month Month" Month.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Fiscal the list of your fiscal weeks; that
Period is fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Week Week" Week.

Prompt YQMW Fiscal Period - Shipment Order Release Analysis

This is a sample prompt created to show you how to Slice Facts by Fiscal Period. This
is a period prompt which is used to filter facts by the fiscal time dimension.

Report /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/YQMW Fiscal Period -Shipment Order Release Analysis

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Order the list of your fiscal years; that is
Release Fiscal Period fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Year Year" Year.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Order the list of your fiscal quarters;
Release Fiscal Period that is fiscal period dimension
Fiscal Dimensions"."Fiscal records grouped at the level of
Quarter Quarter" Fiscal Quarter.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Order the list of your fiscal months; that
Release Fiscal Period is fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Month Month" Month.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Order the list of your fiscal weeks; that
Release Fiscal Period is fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Week Week" Week.

Prompt YQMW Fiscal Period -Stop Delivery Analysis

This is a sample prompt created to show you how to Slice Facts by Fiscal Period. This
is a period prompt which is used to filter facts by the fiscal time dimension.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-81
Report /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard
Folder Prompts/YQMW Fiscal Period -Stop Delivery Analysis

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Stop the list of your fiscal years; that is
Delivery Fiscal Period fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Year Year" Year.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Stop the list of your fiscal quarters;
Delivery Fiscal Period that is fiscal period dimension
Fiscal Dimensions"."Fiscal records grouped at the level of
Quarter Quarter" Fiscal Quarter.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Stop the list of your fiscal months; that
Delivery Fiscal Period is fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Month Month" Month.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Stop the list of your fiscal weeks; that
Delivery Fiscal Period is fiscal period dimension records
Dimensions"."Fiscal grouped at the level of Fiscal
Fiscal Week Week" Week.

Prompt Source And Destination Locations-Invoice Line Analysis Prompt

This is a sample prompt created to show you how to dice cost by cost type. This is a
Usage location prompt which is used to filter facts by the source location and destination
location dimensions.

Report /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard Prompts/Source And

Folder Destination Locations-Invoice Line Analysis Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays NA

Source "- Invoice Line Source the list of source regions; that is
Region Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Region" grouped at the level of Region.

This prompted column displays NA

Source "- Invoice Line Source the list of source countries; that is
Country Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Country" grouped at the level of Country.

4-82 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This prompted column displays NA
the list of source provinces; that
"- Invoice Line Source is source location dimension
Geography records grouped at the level of
Dimensions"."Province" Province.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Invoice Line Source the list of source locations; that is
Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Location grouped at the level of Location

This prompted column displays NA

the list of destination regions;
"- Invoice Line that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Region" level of Region.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of destination countries;
"- Invoice Line that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Country" level of Country.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of destination provinces;
"- Invoice Line that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Province" level of Province.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Invoice Line the list of destination locations;
Destination Geography that is destination location
Dimensions"."Location dimension records grouped at the
XID" level of Location.

Prompt Source And Destination Locations-Shipment Analysis Prompt

This sample prompt provides the ability to filter facts by the source location and
destination location dimensions.

Report /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard Prompts/Source And

Folder Destination Locations-Shipment Analysis Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays NA

Source "- Shipment Source the list of source regions; that is
Region Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Region" grouped at the level of Region.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-83
This prompted column displays NA
Source "- Shipment Source the list of source countries; that is
Country Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Country" grouped at the level of Country.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of source provinces; that
"- Shipment Source is source location dimension
Geography records grouped at the level of
Dimensions"."Province" Province.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Source the list of source locations; that is
Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Location grouped at the level of Location

This prompted column displays NA

the list of destination regions;
"- Shipment that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Region" level of Region.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of destination countries;
"- Shipment that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Country" level of Country.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of destination provinces;
"- Shipment that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Province" level of Province.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment the list of destination locations;
Destination Geography that is destination location
Dimensions"."Location dimension records grouped at the
XID" level of Location.

Prompt Source And Destination Locations-Shipment Line Analysis Prompt

This is a sample prompt created to show you how to dice cost by cost type. This is a
Usage location prompt which is used to filter facts by the source location and destination
location dimensions.

Report /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard Prompts/Source And

Folder Destination Locations-Shipment Line Analysis Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


4-84 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This prompted column displays NA
Source "- Shipment Line the list of source regions; that is
Region Source Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Region" grouped at the level of Region.

This prompted column displays NA

Source "- Shipment Line the list of source countries; that is
Country Source Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Country" grouped at the level of Country.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of source provinces; that
"- Shipment Line is source location dimension
Source Geography records grouped at the level of
Dimensions"."Province" Province.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Line the list of source locations; that is
Source Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Location grouped at the level of Location

This prompted column displays NA

the list of destination regions;
"- Shipment Line that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Region" level of Region.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of destination countries;
"- Shipment Line that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Country" level of Country.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of destination provinces;
"- Shipment Line that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Province" level of Province.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Line the list of destination locations;
Destination Geography that is destination location
Dimensions"."Location dimension records grouped at the
XID" level of Location.

Source And Destination Locations-Shipment Order Release Line Analysis


This is a sample prompt created to show you how to dice cost by cost type. This is a
Usage location prompt which is used to filter facts by the source location and destination
location dimensions.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-85
Report /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard Prompts/Source And
Folder Destination Locations-Shipment Order Release Line Analysis Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


"- Shipment Order This prompted column displays NA

Source Release Line Source the list of source regions; that is
Region Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Region" grouped at the level of Region.

"- Shipment Order This prompted column displays NA

Source Release Line Source the list of source countries; that is
Country Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Country" grouped at the level of Country.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Order the list of source provinces; that
Release Line Source is source location dimension
Geography records grouped at the level of
Dimensions"."Province" Province.

"- Shipment Order This prompted column displays NA

Release Line Source the list of source locations; that is
Geography source location dimension records
Dimensions"."Location grouped at the level of Location

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Order the list of destination regions;
Release Line that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Region" level of Region.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Order the list of destination countries;
Release Line that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Country" level of Country.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Shipment Order the list of destination provinces;
Release Line that is destination location
Destination Geography dimension records grouped at the
Dimensions"."Province" level of Province.

"- Shipment Order This prompted column displays NA

Release Line the list of destination locations;
Destination Geography that is destination location
Dimensions"."Location dimension records grouped at the
XID" level of Location.

Prompt Invoice Cost Type Prompt

4-86 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This is a sample prompt created for new feature, dice cost by cost type. This is a cost
type prompt which is used to filter invoice facts by the cost type dimensions.

Report /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard Prompts/Invoice Cost

Folder Type Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays <CURRENT_YEAR>

the list of years; that is period
"- Invoice Line Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

This prompted column displays <CURRENT_WEEK>

the list of weeks; that is period
"- Invoice Line Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

"- Invoice Line This prompted column displays NA

Dimensions"."Cost the list of cost types.
Cost Type Type Description"

"- Invoice Line This prompted column displays NA

Accessorial Dimensions"."Accessori the list of accessorial codes.
Code al Code"

Prompt Order Analysis- Planned From-To Locations

This is a sample prompt created for new feature, Dice Order release cost by Plan From
Usage and Plan to location. This is a location prompt which is used to filter facts by the order
release plan from and plan to location dimensions.

Report /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard Prompts/Order

Folder Analysis- Planned From-To Locations

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays NA

the list of order release plan from
Plan From
"- Order Release Plan regions; that is order release plan
From Location from location dimension records
Dimension"."Region" grouped at the level of Region.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of order release plan from
Plan From countries; that is order release
Country "- Order Release Plan plan from location dimension
From Location records grouped at the level of
Dimension"."Country" Country.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-87
This prompted column displays NA
the list of order release plan from
Plan From provinces; that is order release
Province "- Order Release Plan plan from location dimension
From Location records grouped at the level of
Dimension"."Province" Province.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of order release plan from
Plan From "- Order Release Plan locations; that is order release
Location From Location plan from location dimension
Dimension"."Location records grouped at the level of
XID" Location XID.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of order release plan to
Plan To
"- Order Release Plan regions; that is order release plan
To Location to location dimension records
Dimension"."Region" grouped at the level of Region.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of order release plan to
Plan To
"- Order Release Plan countries; that is order release
To Location plan to location dimension records
Dimension"."Country" grouped at the level of Country.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of order release plan to
Plan To
"- Order Release Plan provinces; that is order release
To Location plan to location dimension records
Dimension"."Province" grouped at the level of Province.

This prompted column displays NA

"- Order Release Plan the list of order release plan to
Plan To
To Location locations; that is order release
Dimension"."Location plan to location dimension records
XID" grouped at the level of Location.

Prompt Refnum Qualifier-Quote Analysis

This is a sample prompt created for the new feature, Reference Numbers as Facts.
Usage This is reference number quote qualifier prompt which is used to filter facts by the
quote qualifier dimension.

Report /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard Prompts/Refnum

Folder Qualifier-Quote Analysis

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


Quote "- Quote This prompted column displays NA

Reference Dimensions"."Quote the list of quote reference number
Number Reference Number qualifier.
Qualifier Qualifier GID"

4-88 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Quote "- Quote This prompted column displays NA
Reference Dimensions"."Quote the list of quote reference number
Number Reference Number value.
Value Value"

Prompt Refnum Qualifier-Shipment Claim

This is a sample prompt created for the new feature, Reference Numbers as Facts.
Usage This is a reference number shipment claim qualifier prompt which is used to filter facts
by the shipment claim qualifier dimension.

Report /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard Prompts/Refnum

Folder Qualifier-Shipment Claim

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


Claim "- Shipment Claim This prompted column displays NA

Reference Dimensions"."Claim the list of claim reference number
Number Reference Number qualifiers.
Qualifier Qualifier GID"

Claim "- Shipment Claim This prompted column displays NA

Reference Dimensions"."Claim the list of claim reference number
Number Reference Number values.
Value Value"

Prompt Shipment Cost Type Prompt

This is a sample prompt created for the new feature, Dice cost by cost type. This is a
Usage cost type prompt which is used to filter sShipment cost facts by the cost type

Report /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard Prompts/Shipment

Folder Cost Type Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays <CURRENT_YEAR>

the list of years; that is period
"- Shipment Line Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

This prompted column displays <CURRENT_WEEK>

the list of weeks; that is period
"- Shipment Line Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-89
"- Shipment Line This prompted column displays NA
Dimensions"."Cost the list of cost types.
Cost Type Type Description"

"- Shipment Line This prompted column displays NA

Accessorial Dimensions"."Accessori the list of accessorial codes.
Code al Code"

Prompt Shipment Order Release Cost Type Prompt

This is a sample prompt created for new feature, dice cost by cost type. This is a cost
Usage type prompt which is used to filter shipment order release cost facts by the cost type

Report /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard Prompts/Shipment

Folder Order Release Cost Type Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays <CURRENT_YEAR>

"- Shipment Order the list of years; that is period
Release Line Period dimension records grouped at the
Year Dimensions"."Year" level of Year.

This prompted column displays <CURRENT_WEEK>

"- Shipment Order the list of weeks; that is period
Release Line Period dimension records grouped at the
Week Dimensions"."Week" level of Week.

"- Shipment Order This prompted column displays NA

Release Line the list of cost types.
Cost Type Type Description"

"- Shipment Order This prompted column displays NA

Release Line the list of accessorial codes.
Accessorial Dimensions"."Accessori
Code al Code"

Prompt Shipment Reference Number Qualifier

This is a sample prompt created for new feature, Reference Numbers as Facts. This is
Usage a reference number shipment qualifier prompt which is used to filter facts by the
shipment qualifier dimension.

Report /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard Prompts/Shipment

Folder Reference Number Qualifier

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


4-90 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Shipment "- Shipment This prompted column displays NA
Reference Dimensions"."Shipment the list of shipment reference
Number Reference Number number qualifiers.
Qualifier Qualifier GID"

Shipment "- Shipment This prompted column displays NA

Reference Dimensions"."Shipment the list of shipment reference
Number Reference Number number values.
Value Value"

Prompt Shipment Stop Geography Location Prompt

This is a sample prompt created for new feature, dice facts by shipment stop. This is a
location prompt which is used to filter facts by the shipment stop location dimensions.

Report /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Folder Prompts/Shipment Stop Geography Location Prompt

Prompt Based on Dimension Definition Default Value


This prompted column displays NA

the list of shipment stop regions;
"- Shipment Stop that is shipment stop location
Shipment Geography dimension records grouped at the
Stop Region Dimensions"."Region" level of Region.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of shipment stop
"- Shipment Stop countries; that is shipment stop
Shipment Geography location dimension records
Stop Country Dimensions"."Country" grouped at the level of Country.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of shipment stop
Shipment "- Shipment Stop provinces; that is shipment stop
Stop Geography location dimension records
Province Dimensions"."Province" grouped at the level of Province.

This prompted column displays NA

the list of shipment stop
"- Shipment Stop locations; that is shipment stop
Shipment Geography location dimension records
Stop Dimensions"."Location grouped at the level of Location
Location XID" XID.

Sample Reports

Dashboard FTI Sample Dashboard


Dashboard Reference Numbers

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-91
Page Name

Description This is a sample dashboard page created to show the capabilities of new feature,
Reference Numbers as Facts. It contains three sample reports displaying the
reference numbers as facts for shipments, shipment claims, and quotes.

Report Name Shipment Reference Number Report

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Reports/Sample Shipment Reference Number Report

Usage This is a sample report created to show the capabilities of new feature, Reference
Numbers as facts. This report shows shipment reference numbers as facts.

Prompts Used YQMW Shipment Analysis Prompt

Shipment Reference Number Qualifier

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Shipment Period

Year NA

"- Shipment Period

Week NA

"- Shipment
Net Weight
Facts"."Net Weight NA

"- Shipment
Net Volume
Facts"."Net Volume NA

"- Shipment
Reference NA
Reference Number

Shipment "- Shipment

Reference Dimensions"."Shipmen
Number t Reference Number
Qualifier Qualifier GID"

Report Name Shipment Claim Reference Number Report

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Reports/Sample Shipment Claim Reference Number Dashboard Report

Usage This is a sample report created to show the capabilities of new feature, Reference
numbers as facts. This report shows shipment claim reference numbers as facts.

Prompts Used YQMW Shipment Claims Prompt

4-92 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Refnum Qualifier-Shipment Claim

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Shipment Claim

Year Period NA

"- Shipment Claim

Week Period NA

Claim "- Shipment Claim

Reference Dimensions"."Claim
Number Reference Number
Qualifier Qualifier GID"

"- Shipment Claim

Actual Cost
Facts"."Actual Cost NA

"- Shipment Claim

Reference NA
Reference Number

Report Name Quotes Reference Number Dashboard Report

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Reports/Sample Quotes Reference Number Dashboard Report

Usage This is a sample report created to show the capabilities of new feature, Reference
Numbers as facts. This report shows shipment claim reference numbers as facts.

Prompts Used YQMW Quote Analysis Prompt

Refnum Qualifier-Quote Analysis

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Quote Period

Year NA

"- Quote Period

Week NA

Quote "- Quote

Reference Dimensions"."Quote
Number Reference Number
Qualifier Qualifier GID"

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-93
"- Quote Facts"."Quote
Quote Count NA

Quote "- Quote Facts"."Quote

Reference Reference Number NA
Number Value"

Dashboard FTI Sample Dashboard


Dashboard Analysis on local time

Page Name

Description This is a sample dashboard page created to show the capabilities of new feature,
Analysis by Local Time. This feature provides the ability to show the time in the local
time zone.

Report Name Shipment Analysis Based on local timezone

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Detailed

Reports/Shipment Analysis based on local timezone

Usage This is sample report displaying the ability to show the shipment start time and
shipment end time in the local time based on source location and destination
location time zones.

Prompts Used YQMW Shipment Analysis Prompt

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Shipment
FTI Shipment
Dimensions"."FTI NA
Shipment GID"

"- Shipment Source

Source Geography
Location Dimensions"."Location

"- Shipment
Dimensions"."Shipmen NA
t Start Date- UTC"

Start "- Shipment

Time,Local Dimensions"."Start NA
Time Time- Local Time"

Start "- Shipment

Time,Local Dimensions"."Start NA
Timezone Time Local Time Zone"

4-94 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
"- Shipment
Destination Destination Geography
Location Dimensions"."Location

"- Shipment
End Time,UTC Dimensions"."End NA
Time- UTC"

"- Shipment
End Time
Dimensions"."End NA
,Local Time
Time- Local Time"

End "- Shipment

Time,Local Dimensions"."End Time NA
Timezone Local Time Zone"

Report Name Shipment Stop Delivery Analysis based on local Time

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Detailed

Reports/Shipment Stop Delivery Analysis based on local Time

Usage This is a sample report displaying the ability to show the shipment arrival time and
shipment departure time at stop in the local time based on stop location time zones.

Prompts Used YQMW Shipment Stop Delivery Analysis prompt

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Shipment Stop

FTI Shipment Delivery
GID Dimensions"."FTI
Shipment GID"

"- Shipment Stop

Stop Number NA

"- Shipment Stop

Stop Location NA
Location GID"

"- Shipment Stop

Stop Location Delivery
Timezone Dimensions"."Stop
Location Time Zone"

"- Shipment Stop

Actual Delivery
Arrival,Local Dimensions"."Actual
Time Arrival- Local Time"

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-95
"- Shipment Stop
Actual Delivery
Departure, Dimensions"."Actual
Local Time Departure- Local Time"

"- Shipment Stop

Estimated Delivery
Arrival, Local Dimensions"."Estimate
Time d Arrival- Local Time"

"- Shipment Stop

Estimated Dimensions"."Estimate NA
Departure, d Departure- Local
Local Time Time"

"- Shipment Stop

Planned Delivery
Arrival, Local Dimensions"."Planned
Time Arrival- Local Time"

"- Shipment Stop

Planned Delivery
Departure, Dimensions"."Planned
Local Time Departure- Local Time"

Report Name Shipment Event Analysis based on local time

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Detailed

Reports/Shipment Event Analysis based on local time

Usage This is a sample report displaying the ability to show the shipment event date and
event insert date in the local time based on event location time zones.

Prompts Used YQMW Shipment Event Analysis Prompt

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Tracking Event

FTI Shipment Dimensions"."FTI NA
GID Shipment GID"

"- Tracking Event

Event Dimensions"."Event NA
Location GID Location GID"

Event "- Tracking Event

Location Dimensions"."Event NA
Timezone Location Timezone"

"- Tracking Event

Event Date, Dimensions"."Event NA
Local Time Date- Local Time"

4-96 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
"- Tracking Event
Event Insert Dimensions"."Event
Date, Local Insert Date- Local
Time Time"

Dashboard FTI Sample Dashboard


Dashboard Dice Facts by Cost Type

Page Name

Description This is a sample dashboard page created to show the capabilities of new feature,
Dice cost by cost Type. This new features provides the users to slice their cost by
cost type and hence can view and analyze the cost split up information in detail.

Report Name Shipment Cost Type Dashboard Report

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Reports/Shipment Cost Type Dashboard Report

Usage This is a sample report created to show the ability to slice the shipment cost by cost
type and accessorial code.

Prompts Used Shipment Cost Type Prompt

Source And Destination Locations-Shipment Line Analysis Prompt

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Shipment Line

Period NA
Year Dimensions"."Year"

"- Shipment Line

Period NA
Week Dimensions"."Week"

"- Shipment Line

Cost Type Dimensions"."Cost NA
Description Type Description"

"- Shipment Line

Accessorial Dimensions"."Accessori NA
Code al Code"

"- Shipment Line

Source Source Geography NA
Region Dimensions"."Region"

Region "- Shipment Line
Destination Geography

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-97

"- Shipment Line

Cost Base Facts"."Cost Base"

Report Name Shipment Order Release Line Cost Type Dashboard Report

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Reports/Shipment Order Release Line Cost Type Dashboard Report

Usage This is a sample report created to show the ability to slice the voucher cost by cost
type and accessorial code.

Prompts Used Shipment Order Release Cost Type Prompt

Source And Destination Locations-Shipment Order Release Line Analysis Prompt

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Shipment Order

Release Line Period NA
Year Dimensions"."Year"

"- Shipment Order

Release Line Period NA
Week Dimensions"."Week"

"- Shipment Order

Release Line
Cost Type Dimensions"."Cost
Description Type Description"

"- Shipment Order

Release Line
Accessorial Dimensions"."Accessori
Code al Code"

"- Shipment Order

Release Line Source
Region Dimensions"."Region"

"- Shipment Order

Release Line
Destination Geography
Region Dimensions"."Region"

"- Shipment Order

Release Line
Vouchered Facts"."Vouchered Cost
Cost Base Base"

Report Name Invoice Freight Charge Cost Type Dashboard Report

4-98 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard
Reports/Invoice Freight Charge Cost Type Dashboard Report

Usage This is a sample report created to show the ability to slice the freight charge by cost
type and accessorial code.

Prompts Used Invoice Cost Type Prompt

YQMW Fiscal Period -Invoice Line Analysis

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Invoice Line Period

Year Dimensions"."Year"

"- Invoice Line Period

Week Dimensions"."Week"

"- Invoice Line

Cost Type Dimensions"."Cost NA
Description Type Description"

"- Invoice Line

Accessorial Dimensions"."Accessori NA
Code al Code"

"- Invoice Line Source

Geography NA
Region Dimensions"."Region"

"- Invoice Line

Destination Geography NA
Region Dimensions"."Region"

"- Invoice Line

Freight Facts"."Freight Charge NA
Charge Base Base"

Dashboard FTI Sample Dashboard


Dashboard Dice Facts by Fiscal Time

Page Name

Description This is a sample dashboard page created to show the capabilities of new feature,
Fiscal Period. This new feature provides the user to slice all facts by fiscal period.

Report Name Fiscal Week Report- Shipment Analysis

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Reports/Fiscal Week Report- Shipment Analysis

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-99
Usage This is a sample report created to show the ability to slice ship unit count and the
total fuel consumption by fiscal week and service provider.

Prompts Used YQMW Fiscal Period -Shipment Analysis

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Shipment Service

Actual Provider
Service Dimensions"."Actual
Provider Service Provider XID"

"- Shipment Fiscal

Fiscal Year Year"

"- Shipment Fiscal

Fiscal Week Week"

"- Shipment
Shipment Facts"."Shipment NA
Count Count"

"- Shipment
Total Fuel Facts"."Total Fuel NA
Consumption Consumption"

Report Name Fiscal Week Report- Shipment Order Release Analysis

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Reports/Fiscal Week Report- Shipment Order Release Analysis

Usage This is a sample report created to show the ability to slice voucher cost base and the
bill cost base by fiscal week and transport mode.

Prompts Used YQMW Fiscal Period -Shipment Order Release Analysis

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Shipment Order

Release Fiscal Period
Fiscal Year Year"

"- Shipment Order

Release Fiscal Period
Fiscal Week Week"

4-100 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
"- Shipment Order
Release Transport
Actual Mode NA
Transport Dimensions"."Actual
Mode Transport Mode XID"

"- Shipment Order

Vouchered Facts"."Vouchered Cost
Cost Base Base"

"- Shipment Order

Billed Cost Release Facts"."Billed NA
Base Cost Base"

Report Name Fiscal Week Report- Invoice Line Analysis

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Reports/Fiscal Week Report- Invoice Line Analysis

Usage This is a sample report created to show the ability to slice overbilled bills count and
the amount to overbilled base by fiscal week and service provider.

Prompts Used YQMW Fiscal Period -Invoice Line Analysis

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Invoice Line Fiscal

Fiscal Year Year"

"- Invoice Line Fiscal

Fiscal Week Week"

"- Invoice Line Service

Service Dimensions"."Service
Provider XID Provider XID"

"- Invoice Line

Freight Facts"."Freight Charge NA
Charge Base Base"

Invoice Line
Item "- Invoice Line
Reference Facts"."Invoice Line NA
Number Item Reference
Value Number Value"

Report Name Fiscal Week Report- Stop Delivery Analysis

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-101
Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard
Reports/Fiscal Week Report- Stop Delivery Analysis

Usage This is a sample report created to show the ability to slice on time count and the
deliver to appointment difference hours by fiscal week and service provider.

Prompts Used YQMW Fiscal Period -Stop Delivery Analysis

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Shipment Stop

Delivery Service
Actual Provider NA
Service Dimensions"."Actual
Provider Service Provider XID"

"- Shipment Stop

Delivery Fiscal Period
Fiscal Year Year"

"- Shipment Stop

Delivery Fiscal Period
Fiscal Week Week"

"- Shipment Stop

On Time Delivery Facts"."On NA
Count Time Count"

Delivery To "- Shipment Stop

Appointment Delivery
Time Facts"."Delivery To NA
Difference Appointment Time
Hours Difference Hours"

Dashboard FTI Sample Dashboard


Dashboard Order Release Cost

Page Name

Description This is a sample dashboard page created to show the capabilities of new feature,
Slice Order Release Cost by Plan from and Plan to Locations.

Report Name Order Release Count Based On Planned Locations

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Reports/Order Release Count Based On Planned Loactions

Usage This is a sample report created to show the ability to slice all order release facts by

4-102 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
planned from and planned to location dimensions.

Prompts Used YQMW Order Analysis Prompt

Order Analysis- Planned From-To Locations

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Order Release

Period NA
Year Dimensions"."Year"

"- Order Release Plan

From Location
Plan From Dimension"."Location
Location XID"

"- Order Release Plan

To Location
Plan To Dimension"."Location
Location XID"

Order "- Order Release

Release Facts"."Order Release NA
Count Count"

"- Order Release

Billed Cost Facts"."Billed Cost NA
Base Base"

"- Order Release

Vouchered Facts"."Vouchered Cost NA
Cost Base Base"

Release "- Order Release
Reference Facts"."Order Release NA
Number Reference Number
Value Value"

Dashboard Dice Facts by Shipment Stops

Page Name

Description This is a sample dashboard page created to show the capability of new feature, dice
facts by shipment stops.

Report Name Shipment Stop Dashboard Report

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Sample Dashboard

Reports/Shipment Stop Dashboard Report

Usage This is a sample report created to show the ability to slice the ship unit count,
packaged item count, net volume base, and net weight base by shipment stop

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-103

Prompts Used YQMW Shipment Stop Analysis prompt

Shipment Stop Geography Location Prompt

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

"- Shipment Stop

Period NA
Year Dimensions"."Year"

"- Shipment Stop

Location XID"

"- Shipment Stop

Location Dimensions"."Location
Name Name"

"- Shipment Stop

Ship Unit Facts"."Ship Unit NA
Count Count"

"- Shipment Stop

Net Volume Facts"."Net Volume NA
Base Base"

"- Shipment Stop

Net Weight Facts"."Net Weight NA
Base Base"

"- Shipment Stop

Packaged Facts"."Packaged Item NA
Item Count Count"

Dashboard FTI Sample Dashboard


Dashboard Statistics
Page Name

Description This is a sample dashboard page created to show the capability to create reports
using the Fusion Transportation Intelligence subject area (deprecated subject area).

Report Name Statistics

Report Folder /shared/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Deprecated Reports/Statistics On

Dashboard - Current Week

4-104 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Usage This report captures the key statistical details related to shipments. These reports
are from the deprecated subject area Fusion Transportation Intelligence.

Prompts Used Source And Destination RCS Horizontal Prompt

YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold (Stop

Light) Definition

 Total weight is
less than or
equal to 10
Total Weight = then green
(("- Shipment
Targets"."Total  Total weight is
Weight Target" - between 0 and
"- Shipment
Total gross weight 10 then yellow
Total Weight NA Facts"."Total
of shipments
Weight" ) *
100)/ "-  Total weight is
Shipment greater than
Targets"."Total 10 then red
Weight Target"
 Total weight is
null then

 Total volume
is less than or
equal to 10
Total Volume = then green
(("- Shipment
Targets"."Total  Total volume
Volume Target" - is between 0
Total gross "- Shipment and 10 then
Total Volume volume of NA Facts"."Total yellow
shipments Volume" ) *
100)/ "-  Total volume
Shipment is greater than
10 then red
Volume Target"
 Total volume
is null then

Total Shipments
 Total
= (("- Shipment
shipments are
Shipments less than or
Total Total number of Target" - "- equal to 0
Shipments shipments Shipment then green
Shipments" ) *  Total
100)/ "- shipments are
Shipment greater than

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-105
Shipments 10 then red
 Total
shipments are
greater than 0
then yellow

 Total
shipments are
null then

 Total distance
is less than or
equal to 10
Total Distance = then red
(("- Shipment
Targets"."Total  Total distance
Distance Target" is between 0
- "- Shipment and 10 then
Total Total distance of
NA Facts"."Total yellow
Distance shipments
Distance" ) *
100)/ "-  Total distance
Shipment is greater than
10 then green
Distance Target"
 Total distance
is null then

 Average
weight is less
than or equal
Average Weight to 0 then
= ("- Shipment green
e Weight Target"  Average
- ("- Shipment weight is
Average ratio of between 0 and
Average Weight" / "-
total weight and NA 10 then yellow
Weight Shipment
total shipments
Shipments"))*10  Average
0/("- Shipment weight is
Targets"."Averag greater than
e Weight 10 then red
 Average
weight is null
then warning

Average Volume  Average

Average Average ratio of
NA = ("- Shipment
Volume total volume and volume is less
total number of than or equal
e Volume Target"

4-106 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
shipments - ("- Shipment to 0 then
Facts"."Total Green
Volume" / "-
Shipment  Average
Facts"."Total volume is
between 0 and
0/ "- Shipment
Targets"."Averag 10 then yellow
e Volume Target"
 Average
volume is
greater than
10 then red

 Average
volume is null
then warning

 Percent
charges are
Percent greater than
Accessorial 10 then green
Charges = ("-
Shipment  Percent
Targets"."Percen accessorial
t Accessorial charges are
Percentage ratio Charges Target" between 0 and
of total - (("- Shipment
Percent 10 then yellow
accessorial Facts"."Accessori
Accessorial NA
charges and total al Charges"/"-
Charges  Percent
actual cost of Shipment
shipments Facts"."Total accessorial
Actual Cost" charges are
)*100))/("- less than 0
Shipment then Red
t Accessorial  Percent
Charges Target") accessorial
charges are
null then

Section Previous 6 weeks

Usage This report section displays the actual KPI values for the last consecutive six weeks.

Column Definition Metadata Mapping Formula Threshold

(Stop Light)

Total gross weight "- Shipment

Total Weight NA NA
of shipments Facts"."Total Weight"

Total Volume Total gross NA NA

"- Shipment
volume of

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-107
shipments Facts"."Total Volume"

"- Shipment
Total Total number of
Facts"."Total NA NA
Shipments shipments

Total Total distance of "- Shipment

Distance shipments Facts"."Total Distance"

"- Shipment
Average ratio of
Average Weight" / "-
total weight and NA NA
Weight Shipment
total shipments

"- Shipment
Average ratio of Facts"."Total
Average total volume and Volume" / "-
Volume total number of Shipment
shipments Facts"."Total

Percentage ratio ("- Shipment

of total Facts"."Accessorial
accessorial Charges"/"-
Accessorial NA NA
charges and total Shipment
actual cost of Facts"."Total Actual
shipments Cost" )*100

Dashboard KPI-Statistics
Page Name

Description This is sample dashboard page created to show the capability of creating reports
from different subject area. In this page, the Statistics On Dashboard - Current
Week report is shown from using the subject areas of Fusion Transportation
Intelligence and Transportation Intelligence side by side.

Reports Statistics On Dashboard - Current Week

Shown Statistics On Dashboard - Current Week

Report Folder /shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Sample Reports/FTI Deprecated Reports/Statistics

On Dashboard - Current Week

/shared Folders/FTI Reports/FTI Dashboard Reports/Statistics On Dashboard -

Current Week

Prompts Used Source And Destination RCS Horizontal Prompt

YQMW With Week Horizontal Prompt

4-108 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Privileges for Fusion Transportation Intelligence Objects
Note: This section is only relevant if you are using OBIA and FTI.

The permissions given for the OBIA catalog objects differ from the permissions used for Fusion
Transportation Intelligence. For example, in OBIA only ‘BI Author’ role can see the Ad-hoc query .But
in FTI ‘BI Consumer’ can see the Ad Hoc Query.

This section lists all the objects in OBIEE and the permissions given for them in Fusion Transportation
Intelligence 6.3.2. These permissions may or may not vary from OBIA catalog. So if you see any
variation, you need to change the permissions in merged catalog to align with Fusion Transportation

Access Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Access to Dashboards BI Consumer Role


Access to Answers (Note: This is Ad Hoc BI Consumer Role

Query in the FTI menu)

Access to BI Composer BI Author Role

Access to Delivers (Note: This is Alerts in BI Consumer Role

the FTI menu.)

Access to Briefing Books BI Consumer Role

Access to Mobile BI Consumer Role

Access to Administration BI Author Role

Access to Segments BI Consumer Role

Access to Segment Trees BI Consumer Role

Access to List Formats BI Consumer Role

Access to Metadata Dictionary BI Administrator Role

Access to Oracle BI for Microsoft Office BI Consumer Role

Access to Oracle BI Client Installer BI Consumer Role

Catalog Preview Pane UI BI Consumer Role

Access to KPI Builder BI Author Role

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-109
Access to Scorecard BI Consumer Role

Actions Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Create Navigate Actions BI Consumer Role

Create Invoke Actions BI Author Role

Save Actions containing embedded HTML BI Administrator Role

Admin: Catalog Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Change Permissions BI Author Role

Toggle Maintenance Mode BI Consumer Role

Admin: General Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Manage Sessions BI Administrator Role

Manage Dashboards BI Administrator Role

See sessions IDs BI Administrator Role

Issue SQL Directly BI Consumer Role

View System Information BI Administrator Role

Performance Monitor Denied: BI Consumer Role

Manage Agent Sessions BI Administrator Role

Manage Device Types Denied: BI Consumer Role

Manage Map Data BI Administrator Role

See privileged errors BI Administrator Role

See SQL issued in errors BI Consumer Role

4-110 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Manage Marketing Jobs BI Consumer Role

Manage Marketing Defaults BI Administrator Role

Admin: Security Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Manage Catalog Groups BI Administrator Role

Manage Privileges BI Administrator Role

Set Ownership of Catalog Objects BI Administrator Role

User Population - Can List Users BI Consumer Role

User Population - Can List Groups BI Consumer Role

Briefing Book Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Add To or Edit a Briefing Book Denied: BI Consumer Role

Download Briefing Book Denied: BI Consumer Role

Catalog Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Personal Storage (My Folders and My

Dashboard) BI Consumer Role

Reload Metadata BI Administrator Role

See Hidden Items BI Consumer Role

Create Folders BI Consumer Role

Archive Catalog Denied: BI Consumer Role

Unarchive Catalog BI Administrator Role

Upload Files BI Administrator Role

Perform Global Search BI Author Role

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-111
Perform Extended Search BI Consumer Role

Conditions Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Create Conditions BI Consumer Role

Dashboards Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Save Customizations BI Administrator Role

Assign Default Customizations BI Administrator Role

Create Bookmark Links BI Consumer Role

Create Prompted Links BI Consumer Role

Formatting Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Save System-Wide Column Formats BI Administrator Role

Home and Header Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Access Home Page BI Consumer Role

Access Catalog UI BI Consumer Role

Access Catalog Search UI BI Consumer Role

Simple Search Field BI Consumer Role

Advanced Search Link BI Consumer Role

Open Menu BI Consumer Role

New Menu BI Consumer Role

4-112 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Help Menu BI Consumer Role

Dashboards Menu BI Consumer Role

Favorites Menu BI Consumer Role

My Account Link BI Consumer Role

Custom Links BI Consumer Role

My Account Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Access to My Account BI Consumer Role

Change Preferences BI Consumer Role

Change Delivery Options BI Consumer Role

Answers Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Create Views BI Consumer Role

Create Prompts BI Consumer Role

Access Advanced Tab BI Consumer Role

Edit Column Formulas BI Consumer Role

Save Content with HTML Markup BI Administrator Role

Enter XML and Logical SQL BI Consumer Role

Edit Direct Database Analysis BI Consumer Role

Create Analysis From Simple SQL BI Administrator Role

Create Advanced Filters and Set

Operations BI Consumer Role

Save Filters BI Consumer Role

Execute Direct Database Analysis BI Consumer Role

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-113
Delivers Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Create Agents BI Consumer Role

Publish Agents for Subscription BI Consumer Role

Deliver Agents to Specific or Dynamically

Determined Users BI Administrator Role

Chain Agents BI Consumer Role

Modify Current Subscriptions for Agents BI Administrator Role

Proxy Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Act As Proxy Denied: BI Consumer Role

RSS Feeds Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Access to RSS Feeds BI Consumer Role

Scorecard Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Create/Edit Scorecards BI Author Role

View Scorecards BI Consumer Role

Create/Edit Objectives BI Author Role

Create/Edit Initiatives BI Author Role

Create Views BI Author Role

Create/Edit Causes And Effects Linkages BI Author Role

Create/Edit Perspectives BI Author Role

Add Annotations BI Consumer Role

4-114 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Override Status BI Consumer Role

Create/Edit KPIs BI Author Role

Write Back to Database for KPI BI Consumer Role

Add Scorecard Views To Dashboards BI Consumer Role

List Formats Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Create List Formats BI Consumer Role

Create Headers and Footers BI Administrator Role

Access Options Tab BI Consumer Role

Add/Remove List Format Columns BI Administrator Role

Segmentation Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Create Segments BI Consumer Role

Create Segment Trees BI Consumer Role

Create/Purge Saved Result Sets BI Administrator Role

Access Segment Advanced Options Tab BI Administrator Role

Access Segment Tree Advanced Options

Tab BI Administrator Role

Change Target Levels within Segment

Designer BI Consumer Role

Mobile Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Enable Local Content BI Consumer Role

Enable Search BI Consumer Role

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-115
SOAP Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Access SOAP BI Consumer Role

Impersonate as system user BI System Role

Access MetadataService Service BI Consumer Role

Access AnalysisExportViewsService
Service BI Consumer Role

Access ReportEditingService Service BI Consumer Role

Access ConditionEvaluationService
Service BI Consumer Role

Access ReplicationService Service BI System Role

Access CatalogIndexingService Service BI System Role

Access DashboardService Service BI Consumer Role

Access SecurityService Service BI Consumer Role

Access Tenant Information BI System Role

Access ScorecardMetadataService Service BI Consumer Role

Access ScorecardAssessmentService
Service BI Consumer Role

Access HtmlViewService Service BI Consumer Role

Access CatalogService Service BI Consumer Role

Access IBotService Service BI Consumer Role

Access XmlGenerationService Service BI Consumer Role

Access JobManagementService Service BI Consumer Role

Access KPIAssessmentService Service BI Consumer Role

Subject Area: “Fusion Transportation Intelligence” Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Access within Oracle BI Answers BI Consumer Role

4-116 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Subject Area: “Transportation Intelligence” Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Access within Oracle BI Answers BI Consumer Role

View Privileges

View Object Action View FTI Privileges

View Column Selector Add/Edit Column SelectorView BI Consumer Role

View Compound Layout Add/Edit Compound LayoutView BI Consumer Role

View Graph Add/Edit GraphView BI Consumer Role

View Funnel Add/Edit FunnelView BI Consumer Role

View Gauge Add/Edit GaugeView BI Consumer Role

View Micro Chart Add/Edit Micro Chart View BI Author Role

View Filters Add/Edit FiltersView BI Consumer Role

View Dashboard Prompt Add/Edit Dashboard PromptView BI Consumer Role

View Static Text Add/Edit Static TextView BI Consumer Role

View Legend Add/Edit LegendView BI Consumer Role

View Map Add/Edit MapView BI Consumer Role

View Narrative Add/Edit NarrativeView BI Consumer Role

View No Results Add/Edit No ResultsView BI Consumer Role

View Pivot Table Add/Edit Pivot TableView BI Consumer Role

View Report Prompt Add/Edit Report PromptView BI Author Role

View Create Segment Add/Edit Create SegmentView BI Consumer Role

View Selection Steps Add/Edit Selection StepsView BI Author Role

View Logical SQL Add/Edit Logical SQLView BI Consumer Role

View Table Add/Edit TableView BI Consumer Role

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-117
View Create Target List Add/Edit Create Target ListView BI Consumer Role

View Ticker Add/Edit TickerView BI Consumer Role

View Title Add/Edit TitleView BI Consumer Role

View Trellis Add/Edit TrellisView BI Author Role

View View Selector Add/Edit View SelectorView BI Consumer Role

Write Back Privileges

Object FTI Privileges

Write Back to Database Denied: BI Consumer Role

Manage Write Back BI Administrator Role

4-118 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
5. Customizing Fusion Transportation Intelligence
Customizing the Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL
Since it is a common to customize the standard Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL project,
this chapter details the steps and methodologies to follow when customizing the ETL project.

Note: Oracle Data Integrator currently does not support three-way merges. If you cannot
handle all your customizations under different Oracle Data Integrator projects, then the
guidelines below need to be followed for easy migration to future releases.

Modifying the Standard Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL Objects

To modify the standard Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL object, complete the following:

1. Identify the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL object

(interface/packages/variables/function) to customize.
Note: It is strongly recommend that you do not change existing variables/functions. If the
change is still needed, then change the variable/function and document the changes so
that when you apply new patches, you know what changes to redo.

2. In the case of interface/packages/procedures, duplicate the Oracle Data Integrator object. It is

a good idea to prefix the object name with CUSTOM.
3. Apply your changes to the duplicate object.
4. Replace all the original references with the new, duplicate object.
5. Document all the changes, even simple changes, and add all added/modified Oracle Data
Integrator objects to version control.
6. Export your new individual Oracle Data Integrator objects and place them in a version control
Adding New Custom ETL Oracle Data Integrator Objects
If your customizations involve adding custom tables to the HDOWNER schema, then to accommodate the
corresponding ETL needs, the Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL project ships with the
following shell packages to implement your customized ETL logic.

 INIT_LOAD_CUSTOM_DIMENSION: Use this package to load your custom dimension

table(s) in the Initial mode.
 INIT_LOAD_CUSTOM_FACT: Use this package to load your custom fact table(s) in the
Initial mode.
 INIT_LOAD_CUSTOM_TARGET: Use this package to load your custom KPI targets data to
the F_TARGETS table in the Initial mode.
 INCR_LOAD_CUSTOM_DIMENSION: Use this package to load your custom dimension
table(s) in the Incremental mode.
 INCR_LOAD_CUSTOM_FACT: Use this package to load your custom fact table(s) in the
Incremental mode.
 INCR_LOAD_CUSTOM_TARGET: Use this package to load your custom KPI targets data to
the F_TARGETS table in the Incremental mode.
Creating New Oracle Data Integrator Object for Custom ETL

Apart from adding custom ETL logic to the shell packages, you can also add other custom Oracle Data
Integrator objects. To add new, custom objects follow the steps below:

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-1
1. Create a new Oracle Data Integrator object (interfaces/variables/procedures/functions)
according to requirements.
2. Create a new Oracle Data Integrator package.
Note: Place all custom dimension interfaces in one package, all fact interfaces in separate
package, and target interfaces in another package. For example:

 <client name>_CUST_DIMENSION_INCR: For incremental dimension

 <client name>_CUST_DIMENSION_INIT: For initial dimension interfaces/procedures.
3. Place the interfaces/procedures in the newly created package and create a scenario for this
4. Place this scenario after the D_PREVIOUS_LOAD_TIME step in the corresponding package.

For example, let’s say you have a scenario to load all incremental dimensions. You complete
the following:
a. Place the scenario in the INCR_LOAD_CUSTOM_DIMENSION package.
b. Remove the OK arrow in between the D_PREVIOUS_LOAD_TIME step and the
c. Place the new scenario after the D_PREVIOUS_LOAD_TIME step and complete the flow.
5. Regenerate the scenario for this package.
6. Document all the changes, even simple changes.
7. Add all added/modified Oracle Data Integrator objects to version control.
8. Export your new individual Oracle Data Integrator objects and place them in a separate
version control system.
9. Add your new individual Oracle Data Integrator objects to Oracle Data Integrator version
Plugging in Custom PL/SQL Package to Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence
The Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL project offers the procedure
AA_LOAD_CUSTOM_KPI.P_LOAD_ALL_CUSTOM_KPIS where you can plug-in the invocation to your custom
PL/SQL package. The Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence ETL scenario then calls the
AA_LOAD_CUSTOM_KPI.P_LOAD_ALL_CUSTOM_KPIS automatically triggering your custom PL/SQL
package during the ETL run.

Customizing Fusion Transportation Intelligence Metadata

The Fusion Transportation Intelligence metadata is shipped in a single OBI EE repository file with the
name advanced_analytics.rpd. The Fusion Transportation Intelligence metadata is organized under a
single subject area with the name Transportation Intelligence.

Adding New Metrics and/or Replacing Existing Metrics by Other Objects

It is recommended that you use the existing objects in the RPD file as placeholders for new metrics
when the originals are not used. You can also replace the source and rename the objects if you need
to re-map metrics. You should strongly consider these options first before adding new metrics to the
logical layer.

The process of re-using or re-mapping an existing metric consists of the following steps:

1. Identify the logical objects that will be used as placeholders.

5-2 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
2. Point the physical mapping definition to the new column (which must exist in the aggregation
3. Rename all the logical objects with the new name.
4. Beforehand, it may be necessary to alter the physical scripts to have aggregation tables
populated with the column:
a. By replacing the source from existing table columns
b. By adding table columns
This process limits the effort required to customize objects in logical layer across all aggregations and
ensures that they are correctly positioned in presentation layer.

Note: If you do not need to rename the physical column in the aggregation table, a simple
way to customize is to only implement step 4.a from the list above. When that case is
possible (naming in RPD is already close enough to reality), no change is needed at all in
the RPD.

When new names are important, then if only RPD logical object can be renamed without
changing column names in physical aggregations tables, the process involves only
completing steps 3 and 4.a from the list above.

If new physical names are important or if new columns are to be added, complete all the
steps from the list above.

To identify which object to use as a placeholder for a customization, complete the following:

 A specific set of metrics intended exclusively for use for customizing 910-XX USER_VALUE_1
to 914-XX USER_VALUE_5 in the RPD. These metrics exist across all major aggregation
formulas (40 distinct aggregations for each of these 5 metrics), and are NOT mapped OOB to
any existing physical columns in the tables. Customizations consist simply in mapping these
columns to the right physical columns in the physical layer of the RPD.
 All existing metrics can also be used as placeholders, provided they are not needed already.
There are over 130 distinct physical metrics set up, but not all of them are set up by default across
each. Keep this in mind while choosing which existing metrics is the best to use as a placeholder. The
list below indicates all aggregations available out of the box for each metric and will help in selecting
which metric can be best used as placeholder.

 To point existing objects to new physical column: A best practice is to use the Query
Repository tool in RPD and query for all physical columns that are initially set as source of the
current placeholder. Same single column source should exist in many physical tables’
definitions or aliases. From the Query Repository Results user interface, use the edit feature to
alter the name and type of each of these objects to the name of the new table column that
should source the placeholder. Once this is completed, the RPD should retrieve the correct
information. Only the name in logical layer needs to be updated to avoid confusion when using
the designated placeholder objects.
 To update names of logical objects to new column names: Proceed using the Query
Repository tool as described for renaming physical columns. Once the logical layer is renamed,
the presentation layer will automatically rename.
Adding/Replacing Logical Table Sources
Currently, Oracle Fusion Transportation Intelligence has multiple Logical Tables Sources (LTS) in the
Fact Instruments Logical table for the following:

1. Pre-aggregates: The data is pre-aggregated at different dimension levels for performance.

2. Current and history set of pre-aggregates.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-3
If existing pre-aggregation can be reused, then only the LTS modification would be required. For
example, if data is frequently required for customer and account officer, and if one of the existing pre-
aggregates can be reused (say COA_EMP) then only LTS contents for COA_EMP set of LTS would have
to be changed.

If a new set of pre-aggregates are required, the traditional process of creating aggregates for Oracle
BI Server queries is a manual process that involves creating and populating tables in the databases.

Additionally, these tables need to be mapped into the repository metadata to be available for queries
– this involves creating physical table, logical table source and mapping logical columns to the logical
table source.

The above process can be automated with Aggregate Persistence Wizard. Following are the steps
required to use Aggregate Persistence Wizard:

1. From the Tools menu, choose Utilities > Aggregate Persistence Wizard, and then click
2. In the Select file location dialog box, specify the complete path and file name of the aggregate
creation script. You can specify a new or an existing file name. If you want to generate a DDL
file, select the Generate DDL file check box.
3. In the Select Business Model & Measures dialog box, select the items: table block.
4. In the Select Dimensions & Levels dialog box, expand the window to view all columns. You
might want to specify a surrogate key to be used for the fact-dimension join.
5. In the Select Output Connection Pool, Container & Name, select the items. A default aggregate
table name will be provided and a prefix (defined in NQSConfig.INI) is added to the file name.
6. In the Aggregate Definition dialog box, the View Script button becomes available for use, the
logical SQL appears for your review, and you have a choice of defining another aggregate
(default) or ending the wizard.
7. In the Complete Aggregate Script dialog box, the complete path and file name appears.
Adding dimensions
Following are few considerations while adding new dimensions:

1. The dimension table in the physical layer has to be joined to Instrument Fact tables (non-
2. In logical layer, logical contents need to be set up for Non Aggregate LTSs.
3. In case new pre-aggregates are required with the new dimension involved, a new set of
Physical Table Aliases and LTS will have to be created.
4. Adding new LTSs would involve considerable work; therefore try to leverage existing pre-

Customizing Fusion Transportation Intelligence Dashboards and

Using the Correct Business Intelligence Roles
In previous versions of Fusion Transportation Intelligence, the Business Intelligence Roles or BI roles
were mapped to groups in OBIEE. Since OBIEE no longer uses groups, the BI roles must be mapped to
roles. Due this change, the following BI Roles have been deprecated and replaced with the
corresponding default OBIEE role:

5-4 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 DEVELOPER is replaced with OBIEE role of BIAuthor
 EXECUTIVE is replaced with OBIEE role of BIConsumer
 OPERATIONAL is replaced with OBIEE role of BIConsumer
 PRESENTATION SERVER ADMINISTRATOR is replaced with OBIEE role of BIAdministrator
Prior to using customized dashboards and reports in Fusion Transportation Intelligence 6.3.2, you
should complete the following:

 Converting OBIEE Groups to Roles in the Oracle Transportation Management Migration Guide
 Creating Business Intelligence Roles OBIEE in the Oracle Transportation Management
Installation Guide.
Note: Do not use the deprecated BI Roles listed above when creating new custom
dashboard reports for FTI.

Note: Update your existing custom reports to use the new BI Roles instead of the
deprecated BI Roles.

Customizing an Out-Of-the-Box Dashboard

You can customize any of the standard Fusion Transportation Intelligence dashboard reports
(summary/weekly/detailed) or dashboard prompts, as follows:

1. Use the Edit Dashboard option available with the Page Option button on each dashboard report
to launch the Report editor.
2. Once you have made the necessary changes, save the report (creating a new copy or by
replacing the standard report).
a. If you replace an existing report, then the changes take effect for all users launching
the modified report.
b. If you make a new copy, then the changes take effect only for users launching this
new modified report.
3. Alternately, you can also modify the dashboard report via the Ad Hoc Query as follows:
a. Go to Fusion Transportation Intelligence > Ad Hoc Query.
b. In the Browse/Manage section, right-click on All Content… and select Browse Oracle BI
Presentation Catalog.
c. Navigate to the Shared Folders/FTI Reports/ folder to edit your respective report.
Creating a New Dashboard
Please follow the steps below to create a new dashboard and to link it to Fusion Transportation

1. Create your new dashboard and the relevant reports using the My Dashboard option.
2. Make sure the new reports are saved under the Shared Folders web folder in OBI EE.
3. Remember the physical file name of your dashboard report.
4. Login to Oracle Transportation Management as DBA.ADMIN and navigate to Transportation
Intelligence > Power Data > Transportation Intelligence > Dashboard Preference.
5. Add your new dashboard definition in Oracle Transportation Management.
6. Now for the relevant users, modify their user preference for Default Dashboard to use this new

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-5
Customizing Reference Numbers
Displaying Dimensional Reference Numbers as Separate Columns
You can modify Fusion Transportation Intelligence to display dimensional reference numbers belonging
to multiple reference number qualifiers as separate columns.

This section explains how to do this by creating materialized views for reference numbers and then
modifying the metadata in the advanced_analytics.rpd file. In order to show the reference number
qualifier as a dimensional column, the reference number table should be converted into an MView that
has the same number of records as the base table (provided the reference number is populated for all
instances of the object).

Note: Displaying dimensional reference numbers as separate columns requires a new

MView for each and every reference number qualifier that you add. This will have a
negative impact on ETL performance. If ETL performance is a concern, consider using flex
fields as explained in the section titled Flex Field Columns.

The available reference number dimension and base tables are listed below:

Reference Number Dimension Table Base Table








Let’s review an example. To add a shipment reference number, each shipment should have its
reference number values for the defined reference number qualifiers. If there are multiple reference
number values for a shipment and a particular qualifier, then the reference number value should be
separated by a comma.

Shipment GID Refnum_Qual_1 Refnum_Qual_2 Refnum_Qual_3

GID1 Refnum value1 Refnum value2 Refnum value3

GID2 Refnum value4, Refnum value7, Refnum value9

Refnum value5, Refnum value8
Refnum value6

In this example, you see the following:

 GID1 and GID2 are the shipment GIDs.
 Refnum_Qual_1 and Refnum_Qual_2 are the reference number qualifiers for the shipments.

5-6 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 Refnum value1 is the reference number value for GID1 and Refnum_Qual_1.
 Refnum value4, Refnum value5, and Refnum value6 are the reference number values for GID2
and Refnum_Qual_1.
Next, let’s review how you can modify Fusion Transportation Intelligence to display dimensional
reference numbers belonging to multiple reference number qualifiers in separate columns.

There are four main steps to view reference number columns in Answers:

1. Creating new materialized views

2. Updating the physical layer
3. Updating the BMM layer
4. Updating the presentation layer
Let’s look at each of these steps in more detail.
Step 1: Creating New Materialized Views

You create separate materialized views (MViews) for each reference number qualifier containing the
GID and reference number values separated by a comma. The new MViews should be at the same
granular level as that of the base dimension table.


Let’s look at the example of shipment reference numbers mentioned previously. The base table is
F_SHIPMENT_DETAIL and reference number table is D_SHIPMENT_REFNUM. You create the MView
from the reference number table of D_SHIPMENT_REFNUM for the qualifier ‘Refnum_Qual_1’. The
MViews should contain only distinct records for AA_SHIPMENT_GID. If there are multiple reference
number values for an AA_SHIPMENT_GID, then the reference number values should be separated by a

Creating the new MViews:

1. Modify the create_aa_mview_pkg.sql to create the MViews.

The create_aa_mview_pkg.sql has four sections.

2. Add the code shown in the following table to the corresponding sections.
Note: In the sample code shown in the table, replace all names/terms in bold with the
applicable names for your MViews and reference numbers.

Procedure Code

CREATE_MV /*to drop the mview*/

execute immediate 'drop materialized view D_Refnum_Qual_1_Mv
when MV_NOTEXISTS then

/*To create Mview*/

execute immediate 'create materialized view D_Refnum_Qual_1_Mv
build deferred
refresh fast on demand
with primary key
disable query rewrite

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-7
where SHIPMENT_REFNUM_QUAL_GID='Refnum_Qual_1 ')
CONNECT BY prev = PRIOR curr
START WITH curr = 1’

Create_MV_Log /*There is a code already to drop the mview log for

/*There is a code already to create Mview log for

Refresh_MV_Complete dbms_mview.refresh(' D_Refnum_Qual_1_Mv ', 'C');

Refresh_MV_Fast dbms_mview.refresh('D_ Refnum_Qual_1_Mv ', 'F');

3. Repeat the steps listed above for each qualifier in the in the reference number. This example
uses the D_SHIPMENT_REFNUM table.
Step 2: Updating the Physical Layer

To update the physical layer, complete the following:

4. In the metadata advanced_analytics.rpd file, import all the materialized views inside the
physical layer under the folder Transportation Intelligence > hdowner.
5. Create a 1:N physical join between the imported mviews and the base dimension table.

To continue the shipment reference number example, create a 1:N physical join between
D_Refnum_Qual_1_Mv and F_SHIPMENT_DETAIL by means of AA_SHIPMENT_GID.

Step 3: Updating the BMM Layer

To update the BMM layer, complete the following:

6. Drag and drop the ‘refnum_value’ column from each materialized view in the physical layer
to the base dimension table in the BMM layer.

A new logical source will be created for any columns added.

7. Open the logical source and map the logical source to the base dimension table.
8. Edit the join from base dimension table to the MView as ‘left outer join’ in the ‘joins
9. In the BMM layer, rename the ‘refnum value’ columns with names that make sense for you

5-8 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

To continue the shipment reference number example, drag the ‘shipment refnum value’ from the
D_Refnum_Qual_1_Mv table in the physical layer to the Shipment Dimensions table in the BMM layer.
Then, open the logical source of D_Refnum_Qual_1_Mv and in the ‘general’ tab, in section ‘Map to
these tables’, add the F_SHIPMENT_DETAIL table. In the joins section, set the join between
F_SHIPMENT_DETAIL to D_Refnum_Qual_1_Mv to a left outer join. Rename the column to

Step 4: Updating the Presentation Layer

To update the presentation layer, complete the following:

10. Drag and drop the newly added columns from the BMM layer to the presentation layer.
Displaying Fact Reference Numbers as Separate Columns
You can modify Fusion Transportation Intelligence to display fact reference numbers belonging to
multiple reference number qualifiers in separate columns.

This section explains how to do this by modifying the metadata to display the reference number values
associated to a particular reference number qualifier in separate columns. In order to show the
reference number values as a fact column for each reference number qualifier, each shipment should
have its reference number values summed up for each shipment for the defined reference number

There are two main steps: to display reference number qualifiers in answers:

1. Updating the BMM layer

2. Updating the presentation layer
Let’s look at each of these steps in more detail.

All the fact tables in BMM layer and the Reference Number Fact tables are given below:

BMM Fact Table Logical Source of the Reference Number Fact


Shipment Invoice Bill Facts F_SH_INV_BILL_REFNUM_FACT

Shipment Invoice Bill Line Facts F_SH_INV_BILL_LINE_REFNUM_FACT




Step 1: Updating the BMM Layer

1. Create separate columns inside the fact table in the BMM layer and give the name of the
reference number qualifier.
2. Edit the column formula in the logical source of the reference number fact.
3. Enter the formula as reference number value when reference number qualifier is defined as a
specified qualifier.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-9
4. Set the aggregation rule as sum for the column.

For shipment reference number fact for the refnum_qualifier_1, create the column name as
‘refnum_qualifier_1’ in the ‘Shipment fact’. Edit the formula in the logical source of
‘F_SHIPMENT_REFNUM_FACT’ and enter the formula as below. Then set the aggregation rule as sum
for this column.

Column BMM Formula


refnum_qu CASE WHEN "Transportation

GID"=' refnum_qualifier_1' THEN "Transportation

refnum_qu CASE WHEN "Transportation

GID"=' refnum_qualifier_2' THEN "Transportation

5. Repeat these steps for each qualifier.

Step 2: Updating the Presentation Layer

6. Drag and drop the newly added columns from the BMM layer to the presentation layer.

Adding Custom Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

To add new KPIs to the Fusion Transportation Intelligence solution follow the steps below:

KPI Definition in Oracle Transportation Management

1. Use the KPI page (available via Transportation Intelligence > Power Data > Transportation
Intelligent > KPI) to create your new KPI definition.
2. Now, use the KPI Target Value Type page (available via Transportation Intelligence > Power
Data > Transportation Intelligence > KPI Target Value Type) to define the target value for
your new KPI.
Extending ETL for KPI Load Logic
1. Log into the HDOWNER schema of the historical database.
2. Modify the load_KPI_Targets.pkg package available here to extend the ETL load logic for the
new KPI.
3. Compile the package.
Extending Fusion Transportation Intelligence Metadata
1. Stop the OBI EE services and edit the advanced_analytics.rpd metadata file.
2. Extend the Targets folder in the logical layer of the Fusion Transportation Intelligence
metadata to add the new KPI column and provide the appropriate the logical level mappings
for the new KPI.
3. Extend the Presentation layer to add the new KPI column to the relevant folders.

5-10 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4. Verify your metadata changes for errors.
5. Restart the OBI EE services to now host the modified Fusion Transportation Intelligence
Extending Dashboard Reports
1. Finally, extend the relevant dashboard report(s) to include the new KPI column.
2. Refresh the Webfolders in OBI EE.
3. Run the ETL to load the new KPI data.
4. Log into Fusion Transportation Intelligence to view your reports with the new KPI data.

Creating Custom Business Intelligence Roles

You can create your own business intelligence (BI) roles in addition to the standard roles that ship
with FTI.

Note: You cannot change the pre-defined business intelligence roles that ship with Fusion
Transportation Intelligence or are used by Fusion Transportation Intelligence. Any changes to these
existing roles are not supported. The ability to create new BI roles or editing existing BI roles has
been removed from the Oracle Transportation Management user interface in version 6.3 and later.

In order to create your own custom BI Roles, you must add the roles to Oracle Transportation
Management via CSV files as detailed below:

1. Add your customized BI roles to the BI_ROLE.csv file.

2. Login to Oracle Transportation Management as DBA.ADMIN.
3. Go to Business Process Automation > Integration > Integration Manager.
4. Click Upload an XML/CSV Transmission.
5. Click Browse next to the ‘What XML/CSV file do you want to upload?’ field and select the
BI_ROLE.csv file that you want to upload.
6. After selecting the file, click on Upload.

The Launch Integration page appears.

7. In the Command list, select the transaction code as i.
8. The Data Directory field defaults to a temporary folder on the server where your CSV file is
uploaded to prior to updating the database. You should leave this field as is.
9. The Data File Name field contains the name of the file that you recently selected to upload in
the Upload XML/CSV Transmission page. Unless you selected the wrong file name during that
step, you should leave this field as is. Since BI_ROLE.csv is the file selected this field should
contain the name as BI_ROLE.csv.
10. The Run SQL Loader field is a drop-down list containing two values. One value is -
runsqlloader, the second is the option to leave this field blank. The default value is to leave
this field blank, and it should be left as is.
11. The XValidate drop-down list allows you to turn on or off verbose diagnostic messaging. To
leave messaging on, the value in the drop-down list should be Y, which is the default. To turn
it off, select N.
12. In the Encoding list, select the appropriate encoding type for your CSV file. If your file
contains standard ASCII characters, then it can be encoded as ISO-8859-1. If it contains non-
standard, international characters, then it should be encoded as UTF-8.

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-11
13. Click on Run.

The new BI_ROLE.csv file gets processed. The new roles will now be available under Business
Intelligence Roles.
14. Create identical application roles in WebLogic.

The process listed above only creates the roles on the FTI side. You need an identical
application role in WebLogic.

Refer to the following documentation to create new application roles in OBIEE: “Oracle®
Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g
Release 1 (11.1.1) chapter 2 Managing Security Using the Default Security Configuration > 2.4
Managing Application Roles and Application Policies Using Fusion Middleware Control > 2.4.2
Creating Application Roles Using Fusion Middleware Control > Creating an Application
For more details on using the Upload an XML/CSV Transmission page, refer to the Oracle
Transportation Management online help.

5-12 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
6. Appendix A: Recommended Resources
The following documents are the recommended resources for the dependent tools of Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence.

Document Location Topics to Refer

Oracle Data Oracle Technology Network 1 Oracle Data Integrator

Integrator: (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/index.html) Installation Overview
Installation Guide > Downloads: Middleware > Data Integrator and
Suite > Documentation tab > ODI 11gR1 2 Installing Oracle Data
( > Installation Guides > Installation Integrator
Guide for Oracle Data Integrator: HTML
3 Configuring Oracle Data

Oracle Data Oracle Technology Network Part I Understanding Oracle

Integrator User’s (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/index.html) Data Integrator
Guide > Downloads: Middleware > Data Integrator and
Suite > Documentation tab > Oracle Data Part II Administering the
Integrator Documentation > Developer's Guide: Oracle Data Integrator
HTML Architecture

Part III Managing and


Part IV Developing
Integration Projects

Part V Managing Integration


Part VI Running and

Monitoring Integration

Part VII Managing the

Security Settings

Oracle Business Oracle Technology Network 1 Installation Overview

Intelligence: (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/index.html)
Installation guide > Downloads: Middleware > Business 4 Installing Oracle Business
Intelligence Enterprise Edition > Documentation Intelligence
tab> Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise
Edition 11g Release ( : View 5 Post Installation tasks
Library(link) > Oracle Business Intelligence :
Installation Guide

Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 6-1
Document Location Topics to Refer

Oracle Business Oracle Technology Network 2 Creating Analyses

Intelligence: User’s (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/index.html)
guide > Downloads: Middleware > Business 3 Adding Views for Display
Intelligence Enterprise Edition > Documentation in Dashboards
> Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
11g Release ( : View Library(link) > 4 Building and Using
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition : Dashboards
User’s guide
5 Filtering and Selecting
Data for Analyses

6 Prompting in Dashboards
and Analyses

7 Formatting Analyses,
Views and Dashboard Pages

8 Delivering Content

9 Working with Conditions

10 Working with Actions

Oracle Oracle Transportation Management Oracle Transportation

Transportation documentation Management glogowner
Management: Data Schema definition
Oracle Transportation
Management hdowner
Schema definition

Oracle Fusion Oracle Transportation Management Technical details on the

Transportation Documentation Oracle Data Integrator
Intelligence: Oracle interfaces developed for the
Data Integrator Oracle Fusion
Interfaces Transportation Intelligence
ETL Projects. See the
Oracle Fusion
Transportation Intelligence
Oracle Data Integrator
Interfaces document.

6-2 Copyright © 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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