04 May 2004
The SCWCD certification exam can be taken only by Sun Certified Programmers for
Java 2 platform.
The SCWCD certification consists of 13 main objectives dealing with servlets as well
as JSP pages, using JavaBeans components in JSP pages, developing and using
custom tags, and dealing with some important J2EE design patterns. The objectives
Each chapter contains mock questions in the pattern of the SCWCD exam. These
questions demonstrate the use of the ideas covered in that objective. Explanations
about the correct and incorrect choices are included to give you a better
HTTP methods
The HTTP methods indicate the purpose of an HTTP request made by a client to a
server. The four most common HTTP methods are GET, POST, PUT, and HEAD. Let's
look at the features of these methods and how they are triggered.
GET method
The GET method is used to retrieve a resource (like an image or an HTML page)
from the server, which is specified in the request URL. When the user types the
request URL into the browser's location field or clicks on a hyperlink, the GET
method is triggered. If a tag is used, the method attribute can be specified as " GET
" to cause the browser to send a GET request. Even if no method attribute is
specified, the browser uses the GET method by default.
We can pass request parameters by having a query string appended to the request
URL, which is a set of name-value pairs separated by an "&" character. For
Here we have passed the parameters studname and studno, which have the
values "Tom" and "123" respectively. Because the data passed using the GET
method is visible inside the URL, it is not advisable to send sensitive information in
this manner. The other restrictions for the GET method are that it can pass only text
data and not more than 255 characters.
POST method
The purpose of the POST method is to "post" or send information to the server. It is
possible to send an unlimited amount of data as part of a POST request, and the type
of data can be binary or text.
This method is usually used for sending bulk data, such as uploading files or
updating databases. The method attribute of the <form> tag can be specified as "
POST " to cause the browser to send a POST request to the server.
Because the request parameters are sent as part of the request body, it is not visible
as part of the request URL, which was also the case with the GET method.
PUT method
The PUT method adds a resource to the server and is mainly used for publishing
pages. It is similar to a POST request, because both are directed at server-side
resources. However, the difference is that the POST method causes a resource on
the server to process the request, while the PUT method associates the request data
with a URL on the server.
The method attribute of the <form> tag can be specified as " PUT " to cause the
browser to send a PUT request to the server.
HEAD method
The HEAD method is used to retrieve the headers of a particular resource on the
server. You would typically use HEAD for getting the last modified time or content
type of a resource. It can save bandwidth because the meta-information about the
resource is obtained without transferring the resource itself.
The method attribute of the <form> tag can be specified as " HEAD " to cause the
browser to send a HEAD request to the server.
PUT doPut()
Servlet lifecycle
The servlet lifecycle consists of a series of events, which define how the servlet is
loaded and instantiated, initialized, how it handles requests from clients, and how is
it taken out of service.
After instantiation, the container initializes a servlet before it is ready to handle client
requests. The container initializes the servlet by invoking its init() method,
passing an object implementing the ServletConfig interface. In the init()
method, the servlet can read configuration parameters from the deployment
descriptor or perform any other one-time activities, so the init() method is
invoked once and only once by the servlet container.
Request handling
After the servlet is initialized, the container may keep it ready for handling client
requests. When client requests arrive, they are delegated to the servlet through the
service() method, passing the request and response objects as parameters. In
the case of HTTP requests, the request and response objects are implementations
of HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse respectively. In the
HttpServlet class, the service() method invokes a different handler method for
each type of HTTP request, doGet() method for GET requests, doPost() method
for POST requests, and so on.
The getParameter() method returns a single value of the named parameter. For
parameters that have more than one value, the getParameterValues() method
is used. The getParameterNames() method is useful when the parameter names
are not known; it gives the names of all the parameters as an Enumeration.
For instance:
This method sets the content type of the response that is sent to the client. The
default value is "text/html."
The getWriter() method returns a PrintWriter object that can send character
text to the client. The getOutputStream() method returns a
ServletOutputStream suitable for writing binary data in the response. Either of
these methods can be used to write the response, but not both. If you call
getWriter() after calling getOutputStream() or vice versa, an
IllegalStateException will be thrown.
For instance:
Redirecting requests
It is possible to send a temporary redirect message to the browser, which directs it to
This method can accept relative URLs; the servlet container will convert the relative
URL to an absolute URL before sending the response to the client. If this method is
called after the response is committed, IllegalStateException is thrown.
The forward() method allows a servlet to do some processing of its own before
the request is sent to another resource that generates the response. The
forward() method should not be called after the response is committed, in which
case it throws IllegalStateException.
Object attributes
A servlet can store data in three different scopes: request, session, and context.
Data is stored as key value pairs, where the key is a String object and the value is
any object. These data objects are called attributes.
The attribute values persist as long as the scope is valid. The ServletRequest,
HttpSession(), and ServletContext() methods provide the following
methods to get, set, and remove attributes:
The attributes set within the request scope can be shared with other resources by
forwarding the request. However, the attributes are available only for the life of the
request. A servlet can share session attributes with other resources that are serving
a request for the same client session. The attributes are available only while the
client is still active. The context scope is common for all the resources that are part
of the same Web application, so the objects stored within a context can be shared
between all these resources. These are available throughout the life of the Web
Sample questions 2
Question 1:
You need to create a database connection in your application after reading the
username, password, and database server URL from the deployment descriptor.
Which will be the best place to do this?
• A. Servlet constructor
• B. init() method
• C. service() method
• D. doGet() method
• E. doPost() method
Correct choice:
• B
The init() method is invoked once and only once by the container, so the creation
of the database connection will be done only once, which is appropriate. The
service(), doGet(), and doPost() methods might be called many times by the
The username, password, and URL are to be read from the deployment descriptor.
These initialization parameters are contained in the ServletConfig object, which
is passed to the init() method. That is why we need to use the init() method
instead of the constructor for this purpose, even though the constructor is also called
only once.
Question 2:
A user can select multiple locations from a list box on an HTML form. Which of the
following methods can be used to retrieve all the selected locations?
• A. getParameter()
• B. getParameters()
• C. getParameterValues()
• D. getParamValues()
• E. None of the above
Correct choice:
• C
Application structure
A Web application exists in a structured hierarchy of directories, which is defined by
the Java Servlet Specification. The root directory of the Web application contains all
the public resources, such as images, HTML pages, and so on, stored directly or
within subfolders.
A special directory called WEB-INF exists, which contains any files that are not
publicly accessible to clients.
A META-INF directory will be present in the WAR file, which contains information
useful to Java Archive tools. This directory must not be publicly accessible, though
its contents can be retrieved in the servlet code using the getResource and
getResourceAsStream calls on the ServletContext interface.
Deployment descriptor
The deployment descriptor must be a valid XML file, named web.xml, and placed in
the WEB-INF subdirectory of the Web application. This file stores the configuration
information of the Web application. The order in which the configuration elements
must appear is important and is specified by the deployment descriptor DTD, which
is available from (see Resources ).
The root element of the deployment descriptor is the <web-app> element; all other
elements are contained within it.
<servlet-name>: The servlet's unique name within the Web application is specified
by the <servlet-name> element. The clients can access the servlet by specifying
this name in the URL. It is possible to configure the same servlet class under
different names.
<servlet-class>: The fully qualified class name used by the servlet container to
instantiate the servlet is specified by the <servlet-class> element.
The following code demonstrates the use of the <servlet> element within the
deployment descriptor:
<servlet-name> TestServlet </servlet-name>
<servlet-class> com.whiz.TestServlet </servlet-class>
Servlet mappings
In some cases, it might be required to map different URL patterns to the same
servlet. For this, we use the <servlet-mapping> element.
2. The container will recursively try to match the longest path-prefix. This is
done by stepping down the path tree a directory at a time, using the "/"
character as a path separator. The longest match determines the servlet
3. An extension is defined as the part of the last segment after the last "."
character. If the last segment in the URL path contains an extension (for
instance, .jsp), the servlet container will try to match a servlet that handles
requests for the extension.
4. If none of the previous three rules results in a servlet match, the container
will attempt to serve content appropriate for the resource requested. If a
"default" servlet is defined for the application, it will be used.
<url-pattern>/another </url-pattern>
<url-pattern>*.tst </url-pattern>
A string beginning with a "/" character and ending with a "/*" postfix is used for path
mapping. If the request path is /my/test/index.html, then servlet1 is invoked to handle
the request. Here the match occurs as was described in step 2 above.
If the request path is /another, then servlet2 services the request. Here the matching
occurs as was describe in step 1 above. But when the path is /another/file1.tst,
servlet3 is chosen. This is because the URL mapping for servlet2 requires an exact
match, which is not available, so the extension mapping as described above in step
3 is chosen.
and so on. You also saw how the servlet details like name, class, and initialization
parameters are specified in the deployment descriptor. Finally, you learned about
how to specify mappings between URL patterns and the servlets to be invoked.
Sample questions 3
Question 1:
Which of the following are not child elements of the <servlet> element in the
deployment descriptor?
• A. <servlet-mapping>
• B. <error-page>
• C. <servlet-name>
• D. <servlet-class>
• E. <init-param>
Correct choices:
• A and B
The <servlet-name> element defines the name for the servlet, and the
<servlet-class> element specifies the Java class name that should be used to
instantiate the servlet. The <init-param> element is used to pass initialization
parameters to the servlet. The <servlet-mapping> element is used to specify
which URL patterns should be handled by the servlet. The <error-page> element
can be used to specify the error pages to be used for certain exceptions or error
Question 2:
Which of the following requests will not be serviced by MyServlet (assume that the
Web application name is test)?
<servlet-name> MyServlet </servlet-name>
<url-pattern> /my/my/* </url-pattern>
• A. /test/my/my/my
• B. /test/my/my/a/b
• C. /test/my/my/a.jsp
• D. /test/my/a.jsp
• E. /test/my/my.jsp
Correct choices:
• D and E
To match a request URL with a servlet, the servlet container identifies the context
path and then evaluates the remaining part of the request URL with the servlet
mappings specified in the deployment descriptor. It tries to recursively match the
longest path by stepping down the request URI path tree a directory at a time, using
the "/" character as a path separator, and determining if there is a match with a
servlet. If there is a match, the matching part of the request URL is the servlet path
and the remaining part is the path info. In this case, when the servlet encounters any
request with the path "/test/my/my," it maps that request to MyServlet. In choices
A, B, and C, this path is present, hence they are serviced by MyServlet. Choices
and D and E do not have this complete path, so they are not serviced.
There is one instance of the ServletContext interface associated with each Web
application deployed into a servlet container. If the container is distributed over
multiple JVMs, a Web application will have an instance of the ServletContext for
each VM.
The servlet context is initialized when the Web application is loaded, and is
contained in the ServletConfig object that is passed to the init() method.
Servlets extending the GenericServlet class (directly or indirectly) can invoke the
getServletContext() method to get the context reference, because
GenericServlet implements the ServletConfig interface.
The following code specifies the name of the company as the context parameter:
<param-value> IBM </param-value>
<description> Name of the company </description>
We can access the value of the CompanyName parameter from the servlet code as
String name=getServletContext().getInitParameter("CompanyName");
Implementations of the ServletContextListener interface receive notifications
about changes to the servlet context of the Web application of which they are part.
The following methods are defined in the ServletContextListener:
The ServletContextAttributeListener interface can be implemented to
receive notifications of changes to the servlet context attribute list. The following
methods are provided by this interface:
We can store attributes in the HttpSession object, which are valid until the session
terminates. The HttpSessionAttributeListener interface can be implemented
in order to get notifications of changes to the attribute lists of sessions within the
Web application:
The <listener> element has only one <listener> sub-element whose value is
specified as the fully qualified class name of the listener class as shown in the
following code:
Distributed applications
A Web application can be marked distributable, by specifying the
<distributable> element within the <web-app> element. Then the servlet
container distributes the application across multiple JVMs. Scalability and failover
support are some of the advantages of distributing applications.
In cases where the container is distributed over many VMs, a Web application will
have an instance of the ServletContext for each VM. However, the default
ServletContext is non-distributable and must only exist in one VM. As the
context exists locally in the JVM (where created), the ServletContext object
attributes are not shared between JVMs. Any information that needs to be shared
has to be placed into a session, stored in a database, or set in an Enterprise
JavaBeans component. However, servlet context initialization parameters are
available in all JVMs, because these are specified in the deployment descriptor.
ServletContext events are not propagated from one JVM to another.
All requests that are part of a session must be handled by one virtual machine at a
time. HttpSession events, like context events, may also not be propagated
between JVMs.
Also note that because the container may run in more than one JVM, the developer
cannot depend on static variables for storing an application state.
Sample questions 4
Question 1:
Following is the deployment descriptor entry for a Web application using servlet
context initialization parameters:
<param-name>Bill Gates</param-name>
// xxx
• A. <param-size>
• B. <param-type>
• C. <param-value>
• D. <param-class>
Correct choice:
• C
Question 2:
• A. ServletContextListener.contextInitialized()
• B. ServletContextListener.contextCreated()
• C. HttpServletContextListener.contextCreated()
• D. HttpServletContextListener.contextInitialized()
• E. None of the above
Correct choice:
• A
Exception handling
When a Web application causes errors at the server side, the errors must be
handled appropriately and a suitable response must be sent to the end user. In this
section, you will discuss the programmatic and declarative exception handling
techniques used to provide presentable error pages.
The first version of the sendError() method sends an error response page,
showing the given status code. The second version also displays a descriptive
The following code demonstrates the use of the sendError() method, handling
When an error occurs, you can use RequestDispatcher to forward a request to
another resource to handle the error. The error attributes can be set in the request
before it is dispatched to the error page, as shown below:
Throwing exceptions
The service methods in the servlet class declare only ServletException and
IOException in their throws clauses, so we can throw only the subclasses of
ServletException, IOException, or RuntimeException from these methods.
All other exceptions should be wrapped as ServletException and the root cause
of the exception set to the original exception before being propagated.
The following configuration maps the error code 404 to error.jsp and
SQLException to ErrorServlet:
Logging errors
It might be required to report errors and other debug information from the Web
application for later analysis.
The first version of the log() method writes the specified message, while the
second version writes an explanatory message and a stack trace for a given
Throwable exception to the servlet log file. Note that the name and type of the
servlet log file is specific to the servlet container.
reviewed the methods for logging the exception and related messages to the
applications log file.
Sample questions 5
Question 1:
• A. HttpServletRequest
• B. HttpServletResponse
• C. ServletRequest
• D. ServletResponse
• E. None of the above
Correct choice:
• B
Question 2:
1. <web-app>
2. <web-app>
• A
The error-code contains an HTTP error code, ex: 404. The exception type contains a
fully qualified class name of a Java exception type. The location element contains
the location of the resource in the Web application.
According to the above DTD definition, the <error-page> tag must contain either
the error-code or exception-type and location. Thus both of the declarations in the
question are true.
Maintaining sessions
HTTP, being a stateless protocol, has its own disadvantages. Each client request is
treated as a separate transaction. In Web applications, it becomes necessary for the
server to remember the client state across multiple requests. This is made possible
by maintaining sessions for client server interactions. When a user first makes a
request to a site, a new session object is created and a unique session ID is
assigned to it. The session ID, which is then passed as part of every request,
matches the user with the session object. Servlets can add attributes to session
objects or read the stored attribute values.
Session tracking gives servlets the ability to maintain state and user information
across multiple page requests. The servlet container uses the HttpSession
interface to create a session between an HTTP client and the server.
HttpSession getSession()
HttpSession getSession(boolean create)
Both the methods return the current session associated with this request. The first
method creates a new session, if there is no existing session. The second version
creates a new session only if there is no existing session and the boolean argument
is true.
The following example shows how a session is retrieved from the current request
and an Integer attribute is written into the session:
Terminating a session
Sessions may get invalidated automatically due to a session timeout or can be
explicitly ended. When a session terminates, the session object and the information
stored in it are lost permanently.
Session timeout
It is possible to use the deployment descriptor to set a time period for the session. If
the client is inactive for this duration, the session is automatically invalidated.
The <session-timeout> element defines the default session timeout interval (in
minutes) for all sessions created in the Web application. A negative value or zero
value causes the session never to expire.
The following setting in the deployment descriptor causes the session timeout to be
set to 10 minutes:
You can also programmatically set a session timeout period. The following method
provided by the HttpSession interface can be used for setting the timeout period
(in seconds) for the current session:
If a negative value is passed to this method, the session will never time out.
URL rewriting
Sessions are made possible through the exchange of a unique token known as
session id, between the requesting client and the server. If cookies are enabled in
the client browser, the session ID will be included in the cookie sent with the HTTP
For browsers that do not support cookies, we use a technique called URL rewriting
to enable session handling. If URL rewriting is used, then the session ID should be
appended to the URLs, including hyperlinks that require access to the session and
also the responses from the server.
The encodeURL() method encodes the specified URL by including the session ID
in it, or, if encoding is not needed, returns the URL unchanged.
The encodeRedirectURL() method encodes the specified URL for use in the
sendRedirect() method of HttpServletResponse. This method also returns
the URL unchanged if encoding is not required.
URL rewriting must be consistently used to support clients that do not support or
accept cookies to prevent loss of session information.
Sample questions 6
Question 1:
Which of the following will ensure that the session never gets invalidated
• A, C, and E
A <session-timeout> value of 0 or less means that the session will never expire, so
choices A and E are correct. The <session-timeout> element is a sub-element of
session-config. The setMaxInactiveInterval() method of HttpSession
specifies the number of seconds between client requests before the servlet
container will invalidate this session. A negative value (not 0) is required to ensure
that the session never expires, so choice C is also correct.
Question 2:
How should you design a class whose objects need to be notified whenever they are
added to or removed from the session?
• B
Secure communication is essential to protect sensitive data, including personal
information, passed to and from a Web application. Here you'll explore the important
security concepts and configurations to overcome the security issues in
servlet-based Web applications.
Security issues
Authentication is the means by which communicating entities verify their identities to
each other. The username/password combination is usually used for authenticating
the user.
Data integrity proves that information has not been modified by a third party while in
transit. The correctness and originality is usually verified by signing the transmitted
information. Auditing is the process of keeping a record or log of system activities, so
as to monitor users and their actions in the network, such as who accessed certain
resources, which users logged on and off from the system, and the like.
A Web site may be attacked to extract sensitive information, to simply crash the
server, or for many other reasons. A denial-of-service attack is characterized by an
explicit attempt by hackers to prevent genuine users of a service from accessing a
Web site by overloading the server with too many fake requests.
Authentication mechanisms
A Web client can authenticate a user to a Web server using one of the following
Form-based authentication
Form-based authentication allows a developer to control the look and feel of the
login screens. The login form must contain fields for entering a username and
password. These fields must be named j_username and j_password, respectively.
should be used, the realm name that should be used for this application, and the
attributes that are needed by the form. It has three sub-elements: <auth-method>,
<realm-name>, and <form-login-config>.
The <realm-name> element specifies the realm name to be used; this is required
only in the case of HTTP basic authorization.
The <form-login-config> element specifies the login page URL and the error
page URL to be used, if form-based authentication is used.
Security constraints
A security constraint determines who is authorized to access the resources of a Web
The <security-constraint> element is used to associate security constraints
with one or more Web resource collections. The sub-elements of
<security-constraint> are <display-name>
<web-resource-collection>, <auth-constraint>, and
The <web-resource-collection> element specifies a collection of resources to
which this security constraint will be applied. Its sub-elements are
<web-resource-name>, <description>, <url-pattern>, and
<http-method> as described here:
• <web-resource-name> specifies the name of the resource.
The following configuration specifies that the POST() method of MarksServlet will
be subject to the security constraints of the application:
<web-resource-name> marks </web-resource-name>
<url-pattern> /servlet/MarksServlet </url-pattern>
The <auth-constraint> element specifies which security roles can access the
resources to which the security constraint applies. Its sub-elements are
<description> and <role-name>.
The following code indicates that users belonging to the role "teacher" would be
given access to the resources that are protected by the security constraint:
<description>Only for teachers</description>
To specify that all roles can access the secure resources, specify the asterisk (*)
The <user-data-constraint> element specifies how the data transmitted
between the client and the server should be protected. Its sub-elements are
<description> and <transport-guarantee>.
<description> Integral Transmission </description>
Sample questions 7
Question 1:
• E. None of the above
Correct choice:
• D
Like the basic authentication type, HTTP digest authentication authenticates a user
based on a username and password. It is more secure; the user information is
encrypted before it's sent to the server. Hence choice B is incorrect.
Question 2:
Correct choice:
• A, C, and E
Choice C implies that the Web application requires the data transmission to have
data integrity, whereas choice E implies that the Web application requires the data
transmission to have data confidentiality.
Choice A implies that the application does not need any such guarantee. Plain HTTP
is used when the value is set to NONE. HTTPS is used when the value is set to
Choices B and D are incorrect because there are no such values for the
<transport-guarantee> element.
Thread-safe servlets
Typically, the servlet container loads only one instance of a servlet to process client
A servlet instance may receive multiple requests simultaneously, and each time the
service() method is executed in a different thread. In this section, we discuss
what issues can arise when multiple threads execute servlet methods and how to
develop thread-safe servlets.
Multi-threaded model
The multi-threaded model, which is used by default, causes the container to use only
one instance per servlet declaration. By using a separate thread for each request,
efficient processing of client requests is achieved.
The figure below illustrates the multi-threaded model for servlets. One client request
arrives for servlet1 and two for servlet2. The container spawns one thread for
executing the service() method of servlet1 and two for the service() method of
servlet2. All the threads execute simultaneously and the responses generated are
SingleThreadModel interface
A very convenient way of ensuring that no two threads will execute concurrently in
the servlet's service() method is to make the servlet implement the
SingleThreadModel interface. The SingleThreadModel interface does not
define any methods. The servlet container guarantees this by either synchronizing
access to a single instance of the servlet or by maintaining a pool of servlet
instances and dispatching each new request to a free servlet.
The figure below illustrates the situation when servlet2 implements the
SingleThreadModel interface. Two client requests arrive for servlet2. Here the
container uses a different instance of servlet2 to service each of the two requests.
However, this technique has its own disadvantages. If access to the servlet is
synchronized, the requests get serviced one after the other, which can cause a
severe performance bottleneck. Maintaining multiple servlet instances consumes
time and memory.
Even though multiple threads cannot enter the service() method simultaneously,
in this case thread safety issues are not completely taken care of. Static variables,
attributes stored in session and context scopes, and so on are still being shared
between multiple instances. Also, instance variables cannot be used to share data
among multiple requests because the instances serving each request might be
Local variables
Local variables are always thread safe because each servlet has its own copy of
these variables, so they cannot be used to share data between threads because
their scope is limited to the method in which they are declared.
Instance variables
Instance variables are not thread safe in the case of the multi-threaded servlet
model. In the case of servlets implementing SingleThreadModel, instance
variables are accessed only by one thread at a time.
Static variables
Static variables are never thread safe. These variables are at class level, so they are
shared between all instances. Hence these variables are not thread safe even if the
servlet is implementing the SingleThreadModel interface. That is why they are
usually used to store only constant/read-only data.
Context scope
The ServletContext object is shared by all the servlets of a Web application, so
multiple threads can set and get attributes simultaneously from this object.
Implementing the SingleThreadModel interface does not make any difference in
this case. Thus the context attributes are not thread safe.
Session scope
The HttpSession object is shared by multiple threads that service requests
belonging to the same session, so the session attributes are also not thread safe.
Just as the case with context attributes, the threading model has no impact on this
Request scope
The ServletRequest object is thread safe because it is accessible only locally
within the service() method, so the request attributes are safe, irrespective of the
Sample questions 8
Question 1:
Which of the following variables in the above code are thread safe?
• A. i
• B. session
• C. ctx
• D. req
• E. obj
• F. res
Correct choices:
• A, C, D, and F
The static variable i is thread safe because it is final (cannot be modified), or else it
would not have been safe. Request and response objects are scoped only for the
lifetime of the request, so they are also thread safe. Session and ServletContext
objects can be accessed from multiple threads while processing multiple requests,
so they are not thread safe. However, in this case, the ServletContext object is
synchronized, so it can be accessed only by one thread at a time. obj is not thread
safe because even though the ServletContext object is synchronized, its
attributes are not. They need to be synchronized separately. Hence choices B and E
are incorrect and choices A, C, D and F are correct.
Question 2:
• A and D
only one thread is executing the servlet's method at a time. So what will happen for
multiple requests? In that case, the container may instantiate multiple instances of
the servlet to handle multiple requests, so option A is correct and B is incorrect.
JavaServer Pages
JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology is an extension of the Java Servlet API. JSP
pages are typically comprised of static HTML/XML components, custom JSP tags,
and Java code snippets known as scriptlets.
Even though JSP pages can contain business processing logic, they are mainly
used for generating dynamic content in the presentation layer. Separation of
business logic from presentation logic is one of the main advantages of this
A JSP directive provides information about the JSP page to the JSP engine. The
types of directives are page, include, and taglib (a directive starts with a <%@
and ends with a %> ):
• The page directive is used to define certain attributes of the JSP page:
<%@ page import="java.util.*,*" %>
• The include directive is used to include the contents of a file in the JSP
<%@ include file="/header.jsp" %>
• The taglib directive allows us to use the custom tags in the JSP pages:
<%@ taglib uri="tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="mytag" %>
JSP declarations let you define variables and supporting methods that the rest of a
JSP page may need.
To add a declaration, you must use the <%! and %> sequences to enclose your
declarations, starting with a <%! and ending with a %>:
Here the variable sum is initialized only once when the JSP page is loaded.
Scriptlets are fragments of code that are embedded within <% ... %> tags. They
get executed whenever the JSP page is accessed:
int count=0;
out.println("Count is "+count);
An expression is a Java expression that is evaluated when the JSP page is
accessed and its value gets printed in the resultant HTML page. JSP expressions
are within <%= ... %> tags and do not include semicolons:
The above expression prints out the value of the variable count.
Standard actions
JSP actions are instructions that control the behavior of the servlet engine. The six
standard JSP actions are jsp:include, jsp:forward, jsp:useBean, jsp:setProperty,
jsp:getProperty, and jsp:plugin. We will discuss actions in more detail in the following
A JSP comment is of the form <%-- Content to be commented --%>. The
body of the content is ignored completely.
JSP documents
JSP files can now use either JSP syntax or XML syntax within their source files.
However, you cannot intermix JSP syntax and XML syntax in a source file.
JSP files using XML syntax are called JSP documents. All JSP documents have a
<jsp:root> element within which all the other elements are enclosed:
You can see that the <jsp:scriptlet> tag is used for scriptlets, the
<jsp:expression> tag is used for expressions, the <jsp:declaration> tag is
used for declarations, and the <jsp:text> tag is used to embed text within a JSP
document. The page directive is represented as <> and the
include directive is represented as <jsp:directive.include>.
The import attribute of a page directive is used to import a Java class into the JSP
page. For instance:
The session attribute can have a value of true or false. It specifies whether the
page should take part in an HttpSession. The default value is true. For instance:
The errorPage attribute can be used to delegate the exception to another JSP
page that has the error handling code. For instance:
The isErrorPage attribute specifies whether the current page can be the error
handler for other JSP pages. The default value is false. For instance:
The language attribute specifies the language used by the JSP page; the default
value is "java." For instance:
The extends attribute specifies the superclass of the generated servlet class of the
JSP page. The default value of this attribute is vendor-specific. For instance:
The buffer attribute gives the minimum size of the output buffer before the content
is sent to the client. For instance:
The autoFlush attribute specifies whether the data in the buffer should be sent to
the client as soon as the buffer is full. The default value is true. For instance:
JSP lifecycle
When a request is mapped to a JSP page for the first time, it translates the JSP
page into a servlet class and compiles the class. It is this servlet that services the
client requests.
A JSP page has seven phases in its lifecycle, as listed below in the sequence of
• Translation
• Compilation
• Loading the class
• Instantiating the class
• jspInit() invocation
• _jspService() invocation
• jspDestroy() invocation
In this phase, the JSP page is read, parsed, and validated. If there are no errors, a
Java file containing the servlet class is created.
The Java file created in the translation phase is compiled into a class file. All the
Java code is validated and syntax errors are reported in this phase.
The jspInit() method is called only once in the life of the servlet. It is this method
that we perform any initializations required for the servlet.
The request and response objects are passed to this method when each client
request is received for the JSP page. JSP scriptlets and expressions are processed
and included in this method.
The jspDestroy() method is called when the servlet instance is taken out of
service by the JSP engine. Any cleanup operation, such as releasing resources, can
be performed in this method. After this method is called, the servlet is unable to
serve any client requests.
The nine implicit objects in the JSP API and their purpose are listed in the following
For instance, the following scriptlet code uses a conditional statement to check
whether a user's password is valid. If it is valid, the marks are printed using an
iterative statement.
<% if(passwordValid)
Welcome, <%= username %>
for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
Printing <%=marks[i] %>
Be careful not to leave out the curly braces at the beginning and end of the Java
Sample questions 9
Question 1:
What will be the result of accessing the following JSP page, if the associated
session does not have an attribute named str?
String str;
public void jspInit()
str = (String)session.getAttribute("str");
• A. "null" is printed
• B. NullPointerException is thrown
• C. Code does not compile
• D. None of the above
Correct choice:
• C
The JSP engine declares and initializes nine objects in the _jspService()
method. These implicit object variables are application, session, request,
response, out, page, pageContext, config, and exception. Because they
are declared locally to the _jspService() method, they are not accessible within
the jspInit() method, which means this code will not compile. If this code was
within the jspService() method, it would have compiled without errors and
printed "null." Hence choices A, B, and D are incorrect, and choice C is correct.
Question 2:
• B
This declaration will create an instance variable x and initialize it to 0. Then in the
service() method, you modify it to 10. Then you declare a local variable named x
and give it the value 5. When you print x, it prints the local version of value 5. When
you say this.x, you refer to the instance variable x, which prints 10. Hence
choices A, C, and D are incorrect, and choice B is correct.
If the relative URL starts with "/", the path is relative to the JSP application's context.
If the relative URL starts with a directory or file name, the path is relative to the JSP
The included file can be a JSP page, HTML file, XML document, or text file. If the
included file is a JSP page, its JSP elements are translated and included (along with
any other text) in the JSP page. Once the included file is translated and included, the
translation process resumes with the next line of the including JSP page. For
instance, the following JSP page includes the content of the file another.jsp:
<title>JSP Include directive</title>
This content is statically included.<br />
<%@ include file="another.jsp" %>
The including and included pages can access variables and methods defined in the
other page; they even share the implicit JSP objects. However, the file attribute of
the include directive cannot be an expression. For instance, the following code is not
The file attribute cannot pass parameters to the included page, so the following code
is illegal:
The include directive is typically used to include banner content, date, copyright
information, or any such content that you might want to reuse in multiple pages.
Dynamically included pages do not share the variables and methods of the including
page. The syntax for the jsp:include element is:
The relative URL can be absolute or relative to the current JSP file. Here is an
example, demonstrating the use of the <jsp:include> action:
Note that the value of the page attribute can be an expression that evaluates to a
String, representing the relative URL, as shown here:
Because the <jsp:include> element handles both types of resources, you can
use it when you don't know whether the resource is static or dynamic.
<jsp:forward> action
The mechanism for transferring control to another Web component from a JSP page
is provided by the jsp:forward element. The forwarded component, which can be
an HTML file, a JSP file, or a servlet, sends the reply to the client. The syntax is:
The remaining portion of the forwarding JSP file, after the <sp:forward> element,
is not processed. Note that if any data has already been sent to a client, the
<jsp:forward> element will cause an IllegalStateException.
<jsp:include page="another.jsp">
<jsp:param name="username" value="Tom" />
<jsp:param name="ssn" value="<%=ssnString%>" />
As you can see in this example, the values passed can be static or dynamic.
Sample questions 10
Question 1:
This will include the content of Helloworld.jsp within the current JSP file. Select the
right choice.
• A. True
• B. False
Correct choice:
• B
When you include a file using the include directive, the inclusion processing is
done at translation time. But request-time attribute values are evaluated at request
time, not translation time. Therefore, the attribute value of the file cannot be an
expression, it must be a string literal value. Also remember that file attribute values
cannot pass any parameters to the included page, so the following example is
Question 2:
Which of the following can be used to include the file another.jsp in the file test.jsp,
assuming that there are no errors?
File 1: test.jsp
// line 1
<%= str%>
File 2: another.jsp
• A. <jsp:directive.include file="another.jsp"/>
• B. <%@ include page="another.jsp" %>
• C. <%@ include file="another.jsp" %>
• D. <jsp:include page="another.jsp"/>
• E. <jsp:include file="another.jsp"/>
Correct choice:
• C
Here, another.jsp does not declare the variable str, so it cannot compile on its own.
Note that when a JSP file is dynamically included, it is compiled separately, so the
variables are not shared between the including files and the included one. In this
case, dynamic inclusion is not possible, so choices C and D are incorrect (D also
has an invalid attribute). Choice A is incorrect because XML syntax and JSP syntax
cannot be used on the same page. Choice B is incorrect because the valid attribute
for the include directive is file and not page.
JavaBeans components
JavaBeans components (or beans) are Java classes that are portable, reusable, and
can be assembled into applications. JSP pages can contain processing and data
access logic in the form of scriptlets. However, if there is a lot of business logic to be
handled that way, it makes the JSP page cluttered and difficult to maintain. Instead,
you can encapsulate the processing logic within beans and use them with JSP
language elements.
Any Java class can be a bean, if it adheres to the following design rules:
• For each readable property of data type "proptype," the bean must have a
method of the following signature:
• For each writable property of data type "proptype," the bean must have a
method of the following signature:
public setProperty(proptype x) { }
In addition, the class must also define a constructor that takes no parameters. For
instance, the following class encapsulates user information and exposes it using
getter and setter methods.
For instance, the following tag declares a bean of type UserBean and of id user,
in application scope:
The value of the id attribute is the identifier used to reference the bean in other JSP
elements and scriptlets. The scope of the bean can be application, session,
request, or page. The id attribute is mandatory, while scope is optional. The
default value of scope is page.
The other possible attributes are class, type, and beanName. A subset of these
attributes needs to be present in the <jsp:useBean> action in one of the following
• class
• class and type
• type
• beanName and type
Using class attribute
The following tag uses the class attribute. This causes the JSP engine to try and
locate an instance of the UserBean class with the id user, in the application scope.
If it is unable to find a matching instance, a new instance is created with the id
user, and stored in the application scope.
This will cause the JSP engine to look for a bean of the given type within the
mentioned scope. In this case, if no existing bean matches the type, no new bean
instance will be created and an InstantiationException is thrown.
Let's discuss the equivalent servlet code generated for beans declared in different
scopes. In the servlet, objects of type HttpServletRequest, HttpSession, and
ServletContext implement the request, session, and application scopes,
Within the service() method, the equivalent servlet code would be as follows:
UserBean user=(UserBean)request.getAttribute("user");
user=new UserBean();
Now consider the code if the bean is declared in the session scope:
HttpSession session=request.getSession();
UserBean user=(UserBean)session.getAttribute("user");
user=new UserBean();
ServletContext context=getServletContext();
UserBean user=(UserBean)context.getAttribute("user");
user=new UserBean();
The name attribute refers to the id of the bean and the property attribute refers to
the bean property that is to be set. These are mandatory attributes.
The value attribute specifies the value to be specified for the bean property. The
param attribute can be the name of a request parameter whose value can be used
to set the bean property. It is obvious that the value and param attributes would
never be used together.
The following code sets the name property of UserBean to the value Tom:
To set the value of the name property using the request parameter username, we
do the following:
Assume that the request parameter has the same name as the bean property that
is to be set. In this case, the above code can be changed like this:
Now let's see the code to set all the bean properties from the request parameter
If there is no matching request parameter for a particular property, the value of that
property is not changed. This does not cause any errors.
The following code causes the value of the bean property "name" to be printed out:
if(user.isLoggedIn()) {
<% } %>
Here, we forward the user to the home page if he is already logged in, and to the
error page if he is not.
Sample questions 11
Question 1:
A user fills out a form in a Web application. The information is then stored in a
JavaBeans component, which is used by a JSP page. The first two lines of code for
the JSP page are as follows:
Which of the following should be placed in the position //XXX to parse all the form
element values to the corresponding JavaBeans component property (assuming that
the form input elements have the corresponding variables -- with the same name --
in the JavaBeans component)?
• A. param="*"
• B. param="All"
• C. property="*"
• D. property="All"
• E. None of the above
Correct choice:
• C
When developing beans for processing form data, you can follow a common design
pattern by matching the names of the bean properties with the names of the form
input elements. You also need to define the corresponding getter/setter methods for
each property within the bean. The advantage in this is that you can now direct the
JSP engine to parse all the incoming values from the HTML form elements that are
part of the request object, then assign them to their corresponding bean properties
with a single statement, like this:
This runtime magic is possible through a process called introspection, which lets a
class expose its properties on request. The introspection is managed by the JSP
engine and implemented through the Java reflection mechanism. This feature alone
can be a lifesaver when processing complex forms containing a significant number
of input elements.
If the names of your bean properties do not match those of the form's input
elements, they can still be mapped explicitly to your property by naming the
parameter as:
Question 2:
Which of the following uses of the <jsp:useBean> tag for a JSP page that uses
the JavaBeans component are correct?
• B. <jsp:useBean id = "MyBean"
class="" />
• C. <jsp:useBean id = "MyBean" type = "java.lang.String"
scope="page" />
• D. <jsp:useBean id = "MyBean"
beanName="" scope="page" />
• E. <jsp:useBean id = "MyBean"
beanName="" className="MyBean" type
= "java.lang.String" scope="page" />
Correct choices:
• B and C
class="className" type="typeName"
beanName="beanName" type="typeName"
Custom tags
JSP technology uses XML-like tags to encapsulate the logic that dynamically
generates the content for the page. Besides the standard JSP tags, it is possible for
the JSP developer to create custom tags, which encapsulate complex scripting logic.
Using custom tags instead of scriptlets promotes reusability, flexibility, and clarity of
the JSP page.
Tag libraries
JSP custom tags are distributed in the form of tag libraries. A tag library defines a
set of related custom tags and contains the tag handler objects. These handler
objects are instances of classes that implement some special interfaces in the
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext package. The JSP engine invokes the appropriate
The tag library needs to be imported into the JSP page before its tags can be used.
The uri attribute refers to a URI that uniquely identifies the tag library descriptor
(TLD) that describes the set of custom tags associated with the named tag prefix.
The prefix that precedes the custom tag name is given by the prefix attribute. You
cannot use the tag prefixes jsp, jspx, java, javax, servlet, sun, and sunw, as
these are reserved by Sun Microsystems. You can use more than one taglib
directive in a JSP page, but the prefix defined in each must be unique.
Tag library descriptor file names must have the extension . tld and are stored in
the WEB-INF directory of the WAR or in a subdirectory of WEB-INF.
We'll now discuss the possible values of the uri attribute. The value of the uri
attribute can be the absolute path to the TLD file as shown below:
For instance, the following mapping can be used to map the short name /mylib to
<taglib-location> /WEB-INF/tld/mylib.tld </taglib-location>
We can also give the path to a packaged JAR file as the value for the uri attribute.
In this case, the JAR file must have the tag handler classes for all the tags in the
library. The TLD file must be placed in the META-INF directory of the JAR file.
The classes implementing the tag handlers can be stored in an unpacked form in the
WEB-INF/classes subdirectory of the Web application. They can also be packaged
into JAR files and stored in the WEB-INF/lib directory of the Web application.
Empty tag
A custom tag with no body is called an empty tag and is expressed as follows:
<prefix:tag />
For instance, the following tag gets the username from the request parameter and
prints an appropriate welcome message.
<% String yourName=request.getParameter("name"); %>
Hello <B> <%= yourName %> </B>
For body tags with attributes, the processing of the body by the tag handler can be
customized based on the value passed for the attribute:
<test:hello loopcount=3>
Hello World !
Here, the tag processes the body iteratively; the number of iterations is given by the
value of the loopcount attribute.
Nested tags
A tag can be nested within a parent tag, as illustrated below:
<H1>This is the body of myOuterTag</H1>
<test:repeater repeat=4>
<B>Hello World! </B>
The nested JSP tag is first evaluated and the output becomes part of the evaluated
body of the outer tag. It is important to note that the opening and closing tags of a
nested tag and its parent tag must not overlap.
Sample questions 12
Question 1:
How would you correctly specify the above tag library in your JSP page?
• B
The taglib directive is used to declare a tag library in a JSP page. It has two
attributes: uri and prefix. The value of uri is the same as the value of the
<taglib-uri> element in the deployment descriptor, where it has been mapped to
the location of the library's TLD file. If this mapping is not used, then the uri
attribute must directly point to the TLD file using a root relative URI such as
Question 2:
Which of the following XML syntaxes would you use to import a tag library in a JSP
• A. <jsp:directive.taglib>
• B. <jsp:root>
• C. <jsp:taglib>
• D. None of the above
Correct choice:
• B
In XML format, the tag library information is provided in the root element itself:
The attribute value pair xmlns:test="sample.tld" tells the JSPEngine that the
page uses custom tags of prefix myLib and the location of the tld file. Hence choices
A, C, and D are incorrect and choice B is correct.
The <uri> element uniquely identifies the tag library; its value can be specified for
the uri attribute in the taglib directive for the library. The JSP engine implicitly
creates a mapping between the uri and the actual location of the file:
<tlib-version> 1.0 <tlib-version>
<jsp-version>1.2 <jsp-version>
<short-name> test <short-name>
<uri> </uri>
<name> welcome</name>
<tag-class> whiz.MyTag</tag-class>
<body-content> empty</body-content>
<required> true</required>
<rtexprvalue> false</rtexprvalue>
Defining tags
Each tag is defined by a <tag> element. The mandatory elements <name> and
<tag-class> specify the unique tag name and the tag handler class, respectively.
If a tag accepts attributes, then the <tag> element should have one or more
<attribute> sub-elements.
We can indicate that an attribute is mandatory by specifying true value for the
<required> element. If a value is not supplied for the attribute when the tag is
The <body-content> element can have one of the following values: empty, JSP,
or tagdependent. For tags without a body or empty tags, we specify the value for
this element as "empty."
All the tag usage examples shown are valid for empty tags.
<test:mytag />
<test:mytag uname="Tom" />
For tags that can have valid JSP code (can be plain text, HTML, scripts, custom
tags) in their body, we specify the value for <body-content> as "JSP."
The following code illustrates the use of a tag with JSP code in its body:
<test:hello loopcount=3>
Hello World !
When the <body-content> tag has the value "tagdependent," the body may
contain non-JSP content like SQL statements. For instance:
select name,age from users
When the <body-content> tag has the value "tagdependent" or "JSP," the body of
the tag may be empty.
Tag handler methods defined by these interfaces are called by the JSP engine at
various points during the evaluation of the tag.
Tag interface
The Tag interface defines the basic protocol between a tag handler and JSP
container. It is the base interface for all tag handlers and declares the main lifecycle
methods of the tag.
BodyTag interface
The BodyTag interface extends IterationTag by defining additional methods that
let a tag handler manipulate the content of evaluating its body:
The PageContext class has the following methods to access the three JSP implicit
objects: request(), session(), and application().
Sample questions 13
Question 1:
• A. doStartTag()
• B. doAfterBody()
• C. doEndTag()
• D. release()
Correct choice:
• C
Depending on the return value of the doStartTag() method, the container calls
the doEndTag() method. doEndTag() decides whether to continue evaluating the
rest of the JSP page or not. It returns one of the two constants defined in the Tag
interface: EVAL_PAGE or SKIP_PAGE.
A return value of Tag.EVAL_PAGE indicates that the rest of the JSP page must be
evaluated and the output must be included in the response. A return value of
Tag.SKIP_PAGE indicates that the rest of the JSP page must not be evaluated at all
and that the JSP engine should return immediately from the current
_jspService() method.
Question 2:
• D
The setBodyContent() method is called and the bodyContent object is set only
if doStartTag() returns EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED. The container may reuse a tag
instance if a custom tag occurs multiple times in a JSP page. The container calls the
release() method only when the tag is to be permanently removed from the pool.
This method can be used to release the tag handler's resources. The
setPageContext() method is the first method called in the lifecycle of a custom
tag. The JSP container calls this method to pass the pageContext implicit object of
the JSP page in which the tag appears. The doAfterBody() method is the only
method defined by the IterationTag interface. It gives the tag handler a chance
to reevaluate its body.
In this section, you'll learn about the five important J2EE design patterns covered in
the SCWCD exam.
Value Objects
In an Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) application, each invocation on a session bean or
an entity bean is usually a remote method invocation across the network layer. Such
invocations on the enterprise beans create an overhead on the network. If the server
receives multiple calls to retrieve or update single attribute values from numerous
clients, system performance would be degraded significantly.
A Value Object is a serializable Java object that can be used to retrieve a group of
related data using just one remote method invocation. After the enterprise bean
returns the Value Object, it is locally available to the client for future access.
If a client wishes to update the attributes, it can do it on the local copy of the Value
Object and then send the updated object to the server. However, update requests
from multiple clients can corrupt the data.
Consider an application that needs to support multiple client types like WAP clients,
browser-based clients, and so on. If we use a single controlling component to
interact with the user, manage business processing, and manage the database, it
affects the flexibility of the system. Whenever support for a new type of view needs
to be added, the whole application will need to be redesigned. Also the business
logic will need to be replicated for each client type.
The model represents business data and operations that manage the business data.
The model notifies views when it changes and provides the ability for the view to
query the model about its state. Typically, entity beans would play the role of model
in the case of enterprise applications.
The view handles the display styles and user interactions with the system. It updates
data presentation formats when the model changes. A view also forwards user input
to a controller. In J2EE applications, the view layer would include JSP and servlets.
A controller dispatches user requests and selects views for presentation. It interprets
user inputs and maps them into actions to be performed by the model. In a
standalone application, user inputs include text inputs and button clicks. In a Web
application, users communicate by sending HTTP requests to the Web tier. Session
beans or servlets would represent the controller layer.
Business Delegate
In a J2EE application, the client code needs to utilize the services provided by the
business components. If the presentation tier components are made to access the
business tier directly, there are some disadvantages. Whenever the business
services API changes, all the client components would need to be altered
accordingly. Also, the client code needs to be aware of the location of the business
The Business Delegate object helps to minimize coupling between clients and the
business tier. This object encapsulates access to a business service, thereby hiding
the implementation details of the service, such as lookup and access mechanisms. If
the interfaces of the business service changes, only the Business Delegate object
needs to be modified and the client components are not affected.
Using the Business Delegate can free the client from the complexities of handling
remote method calls. For instance, this object can translate network exceptions into
user-friendly application exceptions.
The Business Delegate may cache business service results. This improves
performance by reducing the number of remote calls across the network. The
Business Delegate object is also called client-side facade or proxy.
Front Controller
In the presentation layer of a Web application, multiple user requests need to be
handled and forwarded to the appropriate resource for processing. The navigation
steps vary according to the user actions. Also, the resources need to ensure that the
user has been authenticated and is authorized to access the particular resource.
Front Controller is a controlling component that holds the common processing logic
that occurs within the presentation tier. It handles client requests and manages
security, state management, error handling, and navigation. The Front Controller
centralizes control logic that might otherwise be duplicated, and dispatches the
requests to appropriate worker components.
As a component that provides the initial single point of entry for all client requests, it
is also known as Front Component. Multiple Front Controllers can be designed for
different business use cases, which together manage the workflow of a Web
The coupling between the business tier and the database tier can cause difficulties
in migrating the application from one data source to another. When this happens, all
the business components that access the data source need to be altered
accordingly. To overcome these dependencies, the business tier can interact with
data sources through a Data Access Object (DAO).
The DAO implements the access mechanism required to work with the data source.
The business component that relies on the DAO uses the simpler and uniform
interface exposed by the DAO for its clients. By acting as an adapter between the
component and the data source, the DAO enables isolation of the business
components from the data source type, data access method, and connectivity
details. Thus the data access logic is uniform and centralized, and database
dependencies are minimized by the use of this pattern.
Sample questions 14
Question 1:
Your Web application that handles all aspects of credit card transactions requires a
component that would receive the requests and dispatch them to appropriate JSP
pages. It should manage the workflow and coordinate sequential processing.
Centralized control of use cases is preferred. Which design pattern would be best
suited to address these concerns?
• A. MVC
• B. Business Delegate
• C. Front Component
• D. Value Object
• E. Facade
Correct choice:
• C
Front Component or Front Controller is the design pattern best suited to handle the
given requirements. The Front Controller is a component that provides a common
point of entry for all client requests. It dispatches the requests to appropriate JSP
pages and controls sequential processing. The control of use cases is centralized
and a change in the sequence of steps affects only the Front Controller Component.
The requirements only specify that workflow should be controlled, so MVC is not the
right choice. (If asked about controlling and presenting the data in multiple views,
however, MVC should be chosen.) Hence choices A, B, D, and E are incorrect and
choice C is correct.
Question 2:
Consider a Web application where the client tier needs to exchange data with
enterprise beans. All access to an enterprise bean is performed through remote
interfaces to the bean. Every call to an enterprise bean is potentially a remote
method call with network overhead.
In a normal scenario, to read every attribute value of an enterprise bean, the client
would make a remote method call. The number of calls made by the client to the
enterprise bean impacts network performance.
Which of the following design patterns is most suited to solve the above problem?
• C
In the scenario explained above, a single method call is used to send and retrieve
the Value Object. When the client requests the enterprise bean for the business
data, the enterprise bean can construct the Value Object, populate it with its attribute
values, and pass it by value to the client.
When an enterprise bean uses a Value Object, the client makes a single remote
method invocation to the enterprise bean to request the Value Object instead of
numerous remote method calls to get individual bean attribute values. Hence
choices A, B, and D are incorrect and choice C is correct.
well in the exam. Applying and experimenting with new concepts can reinforce what
you learn and in turn build your confidence. The sample exam questions given at the
end of each chapter in this tutorial provide insight into what you can expect in the
actual exam.
I hope this tutorial has been beneficial in your preparation for the SCWCD exam,
and I wish you the best of luck on your exam.
• Take " Java certification success, Part 1: SCJP " by Pradeep Chopra (
developerWorks, November 2003).
• Here you can find the DTD for the Servlet 2.3 deployment descriptor.
• You can also refer to the JSP Documentation.
• Here are some useful JSP tutorials from Sun:
• JSP Tutorial
• JSP Short Course
• JSP Java Beans Tutorial
• Learn how custom tags are developed and used. Check out the following links:
• Tag Libraries Tutorial
• Jakarta Taglibs Tutorial
• These SCWCD certification guides will help you focus on the exam topics:
• SCWCD Certification Study Kit (Manning Publications, July 2002) by
Hanumant Deshmukh and Jignesh Malavia
• Professional SCWCD Certification (Wrox Press, November 2002) by Daniel
Jepp and Sam Dalton