The Officer-in-Charge
AN – SAS Section
Sub:- Forwarding of Intimation letter in r/o Shri Balwant Kumar, Aud/8353881- reg.
Sub: Intimation for Bihar 2nd Inter Level Combined Competitive Exam 2023 - reg.
Respected Sir
I am writing this letter as an intimation that I have already applied for a vacancy in
Bihar i.e. Bihar 2nd Inter Level Combined Competitive Examination 2023, Advt. No. 02/2023.
In this connection, it is intimated that this is my 1st attempt for the Year 2023.
Thanking You
Date: /11/2023
Place: Patna
I, Vikash Kumar, MTS/8351601, do hereby undertake that I shall technically
resign/retain lien from my present post in case of selection in the post applied for.
Yours faithfully
Date: /11/2023 MTS/8351601
Place: Patna IA Section
M.O. CDA Patna
“हर काम देश के नाम”
रक्षा मंत्रालय / Ministry of Defence
रक्षा लेखा विभाग /Defence Accounts Department
निर्माण अनुभाग, कार्यालय रक्षा लेखा नियंत्रक, राजेंद्र पथ ,पटना
E Section , O/o the Controller of Defence cccvv Accounts,
Rajendra Path Patna – 800 019
Ph: 0612-2322310, 2321534 FAX – 2031594
Email:[email protected]
The Officer-in-Charge
AN – MPR/IPR/SAS Section
Sub:- Forwarding of Intimation letter in r/o Shri Balwant Kumar, Aud/8353881- reg.
With reference to the letter cited above, the application alongwith the
advertisement, filled application form & undertaking of the above said individual
is resubmitted for further necessary action at your end please.
Date: 09/09/2023 Dy. Chief Ticket Inspector
Place: Deoghar Indian Railway
“हर काम देश के नाम”
रक्षा मंत्रालय / Ministry of Defence
रक्षा लेखा विभाग /Defence Accounts Department
निर्माण अनुभाग, कार्यालय रक्षा लेखा नियंत्रक, राजेंद्र पथ ,पटना
E Section , O/o the Controller of Defence cccvv Accounts,
Rajendra Path Patna – 800 019
Ph: 0612-2322310, 2321534 FAX – 2031594
Email:[email protected]
The Officer-in-Charge
AN – II Section
Enclosure:- as above
Asst. Accounts Officer (E)
“हर काम देश के नाम”
रक्षा मंत्रालय / Ministry of Defence
रक्षा लेखा विभाग /Defence Accounts Department
निर्माण अनुभाग, कार्यालय रक्षा लेखा नियंत्रक, राजेंद्र पथ ,पटना
E Section , O/o the Controller of Defence cccvv Accounts,
Rajendra Path Patna – 800 019
Ph: 0612-2322310, 2321534 FAX – 2031594
Email:[email protected]
The Officer-in-Charge
AN – MPR/IPR/SAS Section
Sub:- Forwarding of Intimation letter in r/o Shri Balwant Kumar, Aud/8353881- reg.
With reference to the letter cited above, the application alongwith the
advertisement, filled application form & undertaking of the above said individual
is resubmitted for further necessary action at your end please.
Yours faithfully
Date: 11/09/2023 Auditor/8353881
Place: Patna E Section (NS)
M.O. CDA Patna
Vikash Kumar
IA Section
Respected Sir
I am writing this letter to request permission to leave the station on 26/08/2023 &
27/08/2023 i.e. Saturday & Sunday respectively due to some personal reasons. I will attend
the duty on 28/08/2023 i.e. Monday.
Encl: as above.
Yours sincerely
Place: Patna
“हर काम देश के नाम”
रक्षा मंत्रालय / Ministry of Defence
रक्षा लेखा विभाग /Defence Accounts Department
निर्माण अनुभाग, कार्यालय रक्षा लेखा नियंत्रक, राजेंद्र पथ ,पटना
E Section , O/o the Controller of Defence cccvv Accounts,
Rajendra Path Patna – 800 019
Ph: 0612-2322310, 2321534 FAX – 2031594
Email:[email protected]
The Officer-in-Charge
AN – 1 A Section
Enclosure:- Application
Asst. Accounts Officer (E)
Balwant Kumar
E – I Section (NS)
With reference to the above mentioned letter, I want to state a few lines for your
kind consideration and favourable action please.
As notified by HQrs. office vide their letter dated 02.08.2023, a draft seniority roaster
of Auditors as on 31/05/2023 has been uploaded on CGDA’s website but my name has not
been included. I, Balwant Kumar, Aud/8353881 am promoted to the grade of Auditor w.e.f.
18/11/2022 and this office part II office order no. 46 dt.12/01/2023, but I am not enlisted in
the seniority roaster.
Thanking You.
Date: 11/08/2023
Place: Patna Yours sincerely
E-I Sec (N.S.)
Balwant Kumar
E – I Section (NS)
Sub: Intimation to apply for Bihar 69th Combined Competitive Examination and other
exam 2023, BPSC - reg.
Respected Sir
I am writing this letter as an intimation that I have applied for a vacancy in Bihar i.e.
Bihar 69th Combined Competitive Examination and other exam 2023, BPSC .
In this connection, it is intimated that this is my 2nd attempt for the Year 2023.
Yours sincerely
“हर काम देश के नाम”
रक्षा मंत्रालय / Ministry of Defence
रक्षा लेखा विभाग /Defence Accounts Department
निर्माण अनुभाग, कार्यालय रक्षा लेखा नियंत्रक, राजेंद्र पथ ,पटना
E Section , O/o the Controller of Defence cccvv Accounts,
Rajendra Path Patna – 800 019
Ph: 0612-2322310, 2321534 FAX – 2031594
Email:[email protected]
The Officer-in-Charge
AN – SAS Section
Sub:- Forwarding of Intimation letter in r/o Shri Balwant Kumar, Aud/8353881- reg.
The Officer-in-Charge
AN – SAS Section
Sub:- Forwarding of Intimation letter in r/o Shri Balwant Kumar, Aud/8353881- reg.
Sub: Request to clear the outstanding loan amount at one time recovery – reg.
Respected Sir
I am Balwant Kumar, a saving & personal loan account holder in your bank. I am
writing this letter to request you to clear balance personal loan amount. I request you
to please clear the outstanding loan amount and close the personal loan a/c.
I would be highly obliged if you could the needful and close the loan a/c after
completion of the recovery of loan.
In this connection, I again request you to recover the outstanding amount on
01/08/2023 and close the a/c at the earliest.
Thanking you in advance.
Yours sincerely
Date: 26/07/2023
Place: Patna
Sub: Intimation to apply for JSSC JGGLCCE 2023 Advt No. : 10/2023 – reg.
Respected Sir
I am writing this letter as an intimation that I have applied for a vacancy in the Jharkhand i.e.
JSSC JGGLCCE 2023 Advt No. : 10/2023.
In this connection, it is intimated that this is my 1st attempt for the F.Y. 2023-24
Yours sincerely
Balwant Kumar
E – I Section (NS)
Sub: Intimation to apply for JSSC JGGLCCE 2023 Advt No. : 10/2023 – reg.
Respected Sir
Most humbly and respectfully, I intend to apply for the competitive exam JSSC JGGLCCE 2023
Advt No. : 10/2023. You are requested to provide NOC for the same.
In this connection, it is intimated that this is my 1st attempt for the Year 2023.
Yours sincerely
Date: 28.07.2023
Place: Patna
Balwant Kumar
E – I Section
Respected Sir
Most humbly and respectfully, I want to state that, I have joined this section on 20.02.2023. I have not
got any drawer included in my table. As Auditor, I have to audit/scrutiny through pen-paper mode.
There were so many files, separate official papers and registers, which I have to take care. In case of
misplacement of any kind of official document, I shall be liable for it and in absence of drawer, I am
helpless to keep it safe.
There is a drawer in the section, but it is locked since long time and in non-availability of new Drawer, I
request you to unlock it and handover the same to myself for keeping the official documents, files &
register safe.
Yours sincerely
श्री बलवंत कु मार
लेखा परीक्षक / 8353881
Shri Balwant Kumar
(i) Audit, Scrutiny & Maintenance of Administrative
Approval & Technical Sanction.
(ii) Audit & Maintenance of TBOs, SIO reports.
(iii) Task related to ‘PRABAL’.
Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC)
Jharkhand General Graduate Level Combined Competitive
Exam 2023
JSSC JGGLCCE 2023 Advt No. : 10/2023 Short Details of
Jharkhand Graduate Level Notification 2023 : Age Limit as
on 01/08/2023
Minimum Age : 21 Years.
Maximum Age : 35 Years.
Age Relaxation Extra as per JSSC General Graduate Level Combined Competitive Exam
2023 Recruitment Rules.