USE2 - Rulebook SV - 2023 05 31
USE2 - Rulebook SV - 2023 05 31
USE2 - Rulebook SV - 2023 05 31
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Pilot: Salvatore Vasta • Co-Pilot: Mark Dey • Flight Engineer: Allen Hill
Table of Contents
1.0 General Information ........................................................ 2 13.0 Conditional Events .......................................................35
2.0 Country & Factions ......................................................... 6 14.0 Event Markers ..............................................................40
3.0 Markers & Units .............................................................. 7 15.0 Tracking Markers ........................................................43
4.0 Movement ......................................................................... 8 16.0 Country List ..................................................................47
5.0 Combat ........................................................................... 13 17.0 Disputed Area List .......................................................47
6.0 Actions ............................................................................ 17 Index ......................................................................................48
7.0 Supply ............................................................................. 25 Policies Quick Reference .....................................................50
8.0 Unit Logistics .................................................................. 28 Conditional Events Quick Reference ..................................52
9.0 Economy ......................................................................... 29 Operations Phase Flowchart ...............................................55
10.0 Politics ........................................................................... 31 Sequence of Play Flowchart ................................................56
11.0 Weather ........................................................................ 35
12.0 Turn Completion.......................................................... 35
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The German fighter and UK surface warship escort fight a combat The Axis faction chooses to intercept first in the Sea Zone using the
using the Combat Resolution Sequence. The UK escort was Italian warship. It fails and so the Axis faction intercepts in hex
successful, ending the air interception. The Axis faction then 4528 with a German fighter. The UK escort fails this time, and the
intercepts in Sea Zone 19 with the Italian surface warship from two Western faction does not abandon the invasion. So, the German
Sea Zones away in Sea Zone 22. Note the UK carrier in Malta fighter attacks again hitting the UK convoy. However, the German
cannot intercept the Italian surface warship as it traces through Sea fighter fails to interdict the convoy so the Amphibious Invasion
Zone 22 or 19 because interception of another unit performing lands. The troops hit the beaches!
interception is not allowed. The UK escort is successful again
Since the invaded hex does not contain an enemy ground unit, the
against the Italian warship.
Western faction takes the UK tank unit out of Tunis and puts it into
Since no more interceptions can occur in Sea Zone 19, the Western hex 4528. Because it is now in the EZOC of the Italian infantry unit
faction continues its movement path trace into Sea Zone 22 and in Catania, the Western faction must choose to either end the tank
declares it is invading hex 4528 (adjacent to the port of Catania). unit’s activation or attack the Italian ground unit.
It must declare the invasion hex before any interceptions are
The UK tank unit attacks and gets a DR result The Italian infantry
unit retreats into hex 4728, and the UK tank unit advances into
Now the Axis faction can choose to intercept in Sea Zone 22 and/or Catania. This causes the Italian fighter and surface units to move
in the invasion hex 4528. In Sea Zone 22, the Axis can use the Italian out of Catania, as per Air/Naval Displacement (
fighter or surface warship units or the German fighter in Palermo.
The UK tank unit’s activation ends. The Western faction finishes the
The German fighter in Taranto cannot intercept in Sea Zone 22
Amphibious Invasion by taking the UK convoy and surface units out
because it is in a different Sea Zone.
of Tunis and putting them in Catania (the port just taken in the
invasion) and ending their activation. The Western faction could
have chosen to leave the naval units in Tunis instead. However,
without a Western convoy unit in Sicily, the UK tank unit would not
be able to trace supply in the upcoming Supply Check Sub-Phase.
If the Western faction decided not to put the invading naval units in
Catania, then later in the Phase, the Western faction could move a
different convoy unit there. However, it would be subject to
interception on the way and possibly not make it.
If the Western faction wanted and had another Surprise Attack
marker available to put in Sea Zone 22, the UK units in Malta could
activate (now or later in the Actions Sub-Phase) to conduct their
own Amphibious Invasion in Sea Zone 22. If it chose to do so, hex
4528 could not be invaded because the same hex cannot be directly
In hex 4528, it can intercept with the Italian warship or any of the invaded twice within the same Actions Sub-Phase. It also could not
German or Italian fighter units as all are within five hexes of 4528. invade Catania because it contains a friendly unit.
However, because this is an Amphibious Invasion attempt, the Axis 6.4 Naval Actions
faction is limited to one air interception and one naval interception Only a naval unit can be activated to perform a Naval Action.
within a Sea Zone (including the invaded hex). Therefore, despite Naval Actions are Naval Rebase (6.4.1), Naval Escort (6.4.2),
having three air units available, only one of them can intercept. Naval Interception (6.4.3), Naval Transport (6.4.4), and Carrier
Strike (6.4.5).
Important: A naval unit with 6 Sorties cannot be activated. Check
a unit’s Sorties each time you want to activate it. [Exception: A
warship with 6 Sorties can activate to trace its own Supply Line.]
Note that Air/Naval Displacement ( does not involve
activation. The air or naval unit must move, even if it has 6 Sorties.
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Activating a naval unit does not cost production points. Intercepting a phasing unit may result in the interdiction of its
Activating a naval unit does not add Sorties to its total. However, Action, i.e., ends the intercepted unit’s Action. Note that
performing the Action will add Sorties as indicated in each Action interception is automatic, but interdiction is not.
rule. So do not add one Sortie for activating the unit and then add A non-phasing warship unit can activate to intercept and attempt to
more Sorties based on what it did. interdict a phasing naval unit as it performs a Naval Rebase, Naval
More than one naval unit can be activated in a phase. Transport, Amphibious Invasion, or a Supply Line trace in a Sea
A naval unit can perform only one Action per activation. Zone. It also can intercept a phasing naval unit in an Amphibious
Invasion’s declared invasion hex.
A naval unit can be activated more than one time in a phase.
The interception must be within Naval Interception Range (
A naval unit can perform the same Action more than one time in a
phase. [Exception: Amphibious Invasion (6.3.2).] To intercept, the non-phasing faction traces a naval movement path
from the warship to where the interception is occurring. There is no
6.4.1 Naval Rebase physical movement of the warship’s counter; it stays in its location.
A phasing naval unit can be activated to move (4.2.4). This move This path cannot be intercepted. There is no interception of an
can be intercepted (6.2.5 and 6.4.3). When the movement is done, interception.
or if it was successfully interdicted, the unit’s activation ends. A non-phasing faction declares interception immediately after the
Sorties: When the naval unit’s activation ends, if it did not fight a phasing faction has moved or traced a path into a Sea Zone or has
combat, add one Sortie to its total. If it did fight, no Sorties are declared an Amphibious Invasion hex. A non-phasing faction must
added to its total. It already added Sorties due to the combat. be given the opportunity to do this before the phasing unit
6.4.2 Naval Escort continues.
A phasing warship unit can activate to escort a convoy unit as it To resolve the interception, conduct an air/naval combat (5.2). The
performs an Amphibious Invasion, Naval Rebase, Naval Transport, non-phasing unit is the attacker. The final result of the air/naval
or a Supply Line trace in a Sea Zone. combat will determine if the interdiction was successful. When the
A non-phasing warship unit can activate to escort a convoy unit in combat is done, the non-phasing unit’s activation ends.
a port that is attacked by an Air Strike or Carrier Strike. Sorties: When the non-phasing unit’s activation ends, no Sorties are
The owning faction activates a warship to escort a convoy unit when added to its total. It already added Sorties due to the combat.
the convoy unit is initially activated to perform an Action or when Naval Interception Prohibitions
it is attacked by an Air Strike or Carrier Strike. If an air unit is also • A warship cannot intercept strategic movement, a Supply Line
eligible to provide escort, the faction must state at this time if it will traced within a hex, Air/Naval Displacement, Air Rebase, Air
also escort. Strike, Air Support, Bombing Run, Carrier Strike, Air or Naval
Example: An Italian warship unit and convoy are in Taranto. The Escort; or Air or Naval Interception.
Axis player activates the convoy unit to move to Benghazi. Before • The naval movement path traced by an intercepting warship
the convoy unit moves, the Axis player declares the warship is cannot go through a Canal or cross a Strait. An intercepting unit
escorting. in a hex with a Strait pointing to it ignores that Strait because the
To provide escort, the warship must be stacked with the convoy at unit does not have to cross it.
the time the convoy is initially activated or attacked. In addition, if Example: A UK surface warship in Malta cannot intercept in Sea
it is escorting a convoy’s Naval Rebase or Naval Transport, the Zone 21. A UK surface warship in Gibraltar can intercept in Sea
warship must be able to end its movement in the same hex as the Zone 16 or 17.
convoy. Unlike an escorting air unit, an escorting warship moves Naval Interception Range
along with the convoy.
A warship can intercept within two Sea Zones of its current
The escort provided by the warship ends when the convoy’s
location, i.e., the Sea Zone it occupies and a Sea Zone adjacent to
activation ends. When the provided escort ends, the warship’s
activation ends.
Sorties: When the warship’s activation ends, if it did not fight a
combat, add one Sortie to its total. If it did fight, no Sorties are
added to its total. It already added Sorties due to the combat. Naval Escort Prohibitions
A warship unit cannot escort another escorting unit. A convoy can
simultaneously have one air and one naval escort. Naval Escort Range
A warship escorts a convoy in the hex the warship is located, and in
all locations the convoy unit moves or traces a Supply Line.
If the convoy is performing Naval Rebase or Naval Transport, the
Example: A UK surface unit in Malta (Sea Zone 22) can intercept
warship must move with the convoy and end stacked with it.
in Sea Zones 19, 22, or 24. It cannot intercept in Sea Zone 21
6.4.3 Naval Interception because Naval Interception cannot trace across a Strait.
A warship in the North Atlantic or Central Russia Box can intercept
in an adjacent Sea Zone.
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Example: A USA carrier unit in the North Atlantic Box can Sorties: When the convoy’s (and escort’s) activation ends, if it did
intercept in Sea Zone 7. not fight a combat, add one Sortie to its total. If it did fight, no
In the above situations, interception takes place in the Sea Zone, not Sorties are added to its total. It already added Sorties due to the
in a hex. [Exception: Amphibious Invasion hex, see below.] combat.
A warship can intercept a movement path trace into an Amphibious Example: This illustrates naval transport and shows how air and
Invasion hex, if that hex is in a Sea Zone within the ranges listed naval forces can activate and move multiple times in a single
above. This is independent of intercepting in the Sea Zone, which Actions Sub-Phase. It is a way for them to quickly get to a front.
is also allowed. They do so, however, with reduced effectiveness due to the Sorties Naval Interception Special Notes they incur.
Within the same hex or Sea Zone, more than one interception can It is the Western faction’s Actions Sub-Phase and it wants to move
be made against the same phasing unit. [Exception: During an a UK air unit in Plymouth to Alexandria. A USA convoy is in Cardiff
Amphibious Invasion, only one interception per Sea Zone or and a UK warship is in Plymouth.
invasion hex is allowed (] Because Gibraltar was taken by Axis forces, Western units cannot
Each interception is resolved separately and must be done by a move through its Strait to go across the Mediterranean. Instead,
different non-phasing unit. The non-phasing faction must resolve they must go the long way around Africa.
one interception before declaring another. First, the USA convoy is activated to perform the Naval Rebase
When a phasing unit moves into or traces a movement path into a Action to move through Sea Zones 9 and 7 to Plymouth. It then ends
different hex or Sea Zone, it may be intercepted again (even by a its activation, adding one Sortie to its total. It cannot pick the UK
unit that did so earlier in a different hex or Sea Zone). air unit during its activation because Naval Transport requires the
air or ground unit begin its activation already stacked with the
A non-phasing unit can make more than one interception in a Phase. convoy. In other words, first the air or ground unit activates, then
However, within the same hex or Sea Zone, it cannot intercept the the convoy activates.
same phasing unit more than one time during that unit’s Action.
The Western faction then activates the air unit to perform the Air
Example: In the same Phase, a UK carrier in Malta could intercept Rebase action. As the air unit begins its activation stacked with the
an Italian warship moving in Sea Zone 22 and then again in Sea convoy, the USA convoy activates to perform Naval Transport. In
Zone 24. It cannot intercept the warship twice in either Sea Zone. If addition, the UK warship is activated to perform Naval Escort.
later in the phase an Italian convoy traced a Supply Line path in
Sea Zones 22 and 24, the UK warship could also intercept it once All three units then move from Plymouth into Sea Zone 7, into the
in each Sea Zone. North Atlantic Ocean Map Box, into the South Atlantic Ocean Map
Box, and then into the Western Indian Ocean Map Box. This costs
If both Allied factions want to intercept the Axis faction at the same 10 naval movement points so their activation ends and all three
time, the Western faction resolves all its interceptions first. units each add one Sortie to their total. The convoy now has two
6.4.4 Naval Transport Sorties.
If a phasing air or ground unit that activates to move is stacked with If the Western faction was moving a ground unit, it could not move
a convoy unit, that convoy can also activate to transport that air or that ground unit again because a ground unit can only activate once
ground unit across Sea Zones and/or Map Boxes (4.2.4). The air or per Actions Sub-Phase. However, since it is an air unit with less
ground unit’s nationality does not matter, only that it is friendly. than 6 Sorties, the Western faction activates it again. Units in a Map
The air or ground unit must begin its activation stacked with the Box can be considered stacked so the convoy and warship are also
convoy. activated. All three then move into the Arabian Sea Map Box, into
Within the same activation, an air or ground unit cannot combine Sea Zone 31, into Suez, through the Suez Canal, into Port Said, into
other movement with naval transport. Sea Zone 26, and into Alexandria. This costs seven naval movement
A convoy can transport only one unit at a time. Therefore, a stacked points. Remember: moving into and out of ports does not cost
air and ground unit need to be transported separately. movement points.
As the convoy is moving, it can be intercepted (6.2.5 and 6.4.3). The air unit is now in Alexandria; its activation ends and it adds
one Sortie to bring its total to two. The naval units still have three
When the convoy enters a Sea Zone, the convoy (and escort) and
movement points left. The Western faction then moves them into Sea
transported unit may be placed in a friendly port within that Sea
Zone 26, into Port Said, through the Suez Canal, and finally into
Zone to drop off the transported unit in that hex. That hex cannot
Suez. Their activation ends and each add one Sortie. The warship
already contain a convoy unit (or warship, if there is a naval escort
has two and the convoy has three.
with the group), or the same type of unit being transported.
Since the air and naval units still have less than 6 Sorties, they could
When placed in its destination hex, the transported unit’s activation
activate again this Actions Sub-Phase.
ends. Remember, a transported ground unit cannot activate again
in that phase. Also, a transported air unit adds one Sortie to its total 6.4.5 Carrier Strike
unless the air unit added Sorties due to a successful interdiction of A carrier unit can activate to attack an enemy air or naval unit in a
the Naval Transport. port or coastal hex that is in a Sea Zone containing a friendly
After the transported unit is placed, the convoy (and escort) can Surprise Attack marker. A Carrier Strike’s purpose is to inflict
continue moving or end its movement in the port with the Sorties on an enemy unit.
transported unit. A convoy and escort must end movement in the The phasing faction declares the unit to be attacked and traces a
same port. naval movement path of any length from its carrier unit to the
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defender. There is no physical movement of the carrier unit; it stays A unit can make more than one supply check in a Supply Check
in its hex. This path cannot be intercepted. Sub-Phase to see if it can trace a supply line.
To resolve the Carrier Strike, conduct an air/naval combat (5.2). A supply check is not mandatory. The phasing faction may choose
When the combat is done, the carrier’s activation ends. not to supply any of its units (even if in a Supply Source location or
Sorties: When the carrier’s activation ends, no Sorties are added to otherwise exempt). [Exception: A unit satisfying a country’s Home
its total. It already added Sorties due to the combat. Defense policy must make as many supply checks as it can to supply
it with Full or Low Supply.]
7.0 Supply
If a unit traces a supply line to an Unlimited Supply Source, it has
The supply status of a unit affects its movement and combat a Full Supply State. Remove any Low Supply or No Supply marker
capabilities. Without supply, a unit will eventually be eliminated. on the unit (even if it was placed earlier in the same turn).
A unit is either considered supplied or unsupplied based on its If a unit traces a supply line to a Limited Supply Source, it has a
Supply State (7.1). When a unit’s supply status matters for a rule, it Low Supply State. Place a Low Supply marker on the unit (even if
will include one of the following terms. a No Supply marker was placed earlier in the same turn).
Supplied: A unit is supplied if it has a Full or Low Supply State. If a unit cannot trace a supply line; has its supply line trace
Unsupplied: A unit is unsupplied if it has a No Supply State. successfully interdicted; or its faction chose not to supply it, that
7.1 Supply State unit’s Supply State is immediately reduced as follows.
There are three Supply States: Full, Low, and No. When the Supply • If it has no Low Supply or No Supply marker on it, put a Low
State of a unit is determined for the turn, it maintains that state until Supply marker on it.
the next turn’s supply check. • If it has a Low Supply marker on it, flip it to its No Supply side.
A unit with a Full Supply State is not marked with a Supply counter. • If it has a No Supply marker on it, leave the marker on it.
If it has a Low or No Supply State, it is marked with the respective
Important: A unit’s Supply State can only be reduced one time per
Low Supply or No Supply counter.
turn, regardless of how many failed traces were made to supply it.
7.1.1 Low Supply / No Supply Effects
Example: An Axis supply line trace across Sea Zone 22 is
• A unit with Low Supply has a combat -2 DRM applied to it interdicted, causing the German Afrika army to go to Low Supply.
(Player Aid Sheet: Combat DRM lists). When another supply trace in the same phase is also interdicted, it
• A unit with Low or No Supply has reduced Movement Points, is not marked with No Supply. It keeps Low Supply.
i.e., four for Leg units and five for all other units (Player Aid 7.3 Supply Source
Sheet: Movement).
There are two types of Supply Sources: Limited and Unlimited.
• A unit with Low or No Supply cannot be improved in the A Limited Supply Source can supply up to two units, giving each a
Replacements Phase (8.1). Low Supply State. Remember Limited = Low.
• A unit with No Supply cannot perform Strategic Movement (4.1). An Unlimited Supply Source can supply any number of units,
• A unit with No Supply is reduced in the No Supply Phase (7.5.1). giving each a Full Supply State.
• A unit with No Supply cannot satisfy a Home Defense policy 7.3.1 Limited Supply Source
(10.3.1). Each of the following is a Limited Supply Source (LSS).
• A unit with No Supply may be voluntarily eliminated in the No • A friendly Overseas Area factory is an LSS for units belonging
Supply Phase (7.5.2). to that Overseas Area’s country.
• A unit with No Supply has its modified combat die roll result Example: A friendly Tripoli in Libya (which is Italy’s Overseas
divided by two. Round up (Player Aid Sheet: Combat DRM lists). Area) is an LSS for Italian units only.
This applies to the attacker in an Assault if at least one of its • A friendly capital in a conquered country is an LSS for that
attacking units has No Supply. controlling faction’s units.
7.2 Supply Check Example: Norway is a conquered Western country and Oslo has
In the Supply Check Sub-Phase, the phasing faction determines the an Axis Control marker in it. Oslo is an LSS for two Axis units.
Supply State for each friendly unit in a hex by tracing a supply line
• A friendly capital in an Axis country is an LSS for a German unit.
(7.4) to a friendly Supply Source (7.3).
[Exception: Berlin is a USS for a German unit.]
[Exception: The following units are always considered to have
Example: Romania is an Axis country and Bucharest is Axis
traced a supply line to an Unlimited Supply Source. These
friendly. Bucharest is an LSS for two German units.
exceptions speed game play by reducing the number of traces.
• A friendly capital in a Western country is an LSS for a UK or
• a convoy unit
USA unit. [Exception: London is a USS for a UK or USA unit.]
• a unit in a Map Box
• A friendly capital in a Soviet country is an LSS for a USSR unit.
• a UK garrison ground unit in Gibraltar [Exception: Moscow is a USS for a USSR unit.]
• a garrison ground unit in a port on an island] 7.3.2 Unlimited Supply Source
The phasing faction chooses the order in which units are checked Each of the following is an Unlimited Supply Source (USS).
and the supply line path traced for each unit. • A friendly country’s Mainland Area city is a USS for that
country’s units.
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• The Eastern North America Box or Western Indian Ocean Box is Land Supply Line Example:
a USS for a UK unit. A German ground unit is in hex 2434. It can
• The Eastern North America Box or a friendly UK Mainland Area trace a supply line into hex 2335 and then
city is a USS for a USA unit. into Konigsberg, which is a German
• The Central Russia Box is a USS for a USSR unit. Unlimited Supply Source. Alternatively, it
can trace into hex 2535 and then 2634,
7.4 Supply Line which contains a Transport Line. From
A Land Supply Line (7.4.2) starts at checking unit’s location and 2634, it can then trace along a contiguous
then goes overland to a friendly Supply Source for that unit. Transport Line back to any friendly city in
A Sea Supply Line (7.4.3) starts at the checking unit’s location, goes Germany. It cannot trace into hex 2535,
overland to a convoy, and then that convoy traces across a Sea Zone 2534, and then 2633 because the second
or Map Box toward a Supply Source. Remember this when hex does not have a Transport Line.
contemplating overseas operations. 7.4.3 Sea Supply Line
Each unit traces its own supply line. From the checking unit, trace a ground movement path up to two
More than one unit can use the same path to trace a supply line. hexes to a hex containing a Transport Line or a port that has a
All hexes, Sea Zones, or Map Boxes that are traced out of, into, or friendly convoy unit with less than 6 Sorties in it.
through are considered part of the supply line. [Exception: A warship unit tracing its own supply line without
A convoy unit is required and activated each time a unit traces a using a convoy cannot trace an overland path to a different port. It
supply line across a Sea Zone or Map Box. The same convoy can must begin to trace the naval movement path part of a Sea Supply
be activated multiple times in a Supply Check Sub-Phase. One Line from the port it occupies (see below).]
convoy activated multiple times will accumulate 6 Sorties quickly If the hexes traced into did not contain a port that has a friendly
and then won’t be able to activate again for other Actions. convoy with less than 6 Sorties, or if the tracing faction has a
[Exception: A warship unit (even with 6 Sorties) may activate to different convoy it wishes to use, continue tracing the path along a
trace its own supply line across a Sea Zone or Map Box without connected Transport Line back to a port that does have a convoy.
using a convoy. If a warship uses a convoy to trace a supply line, When the trace reaches the port, the convoy (and any escort) is
the warship is not activated.] activated. The convoy then traces a naval movement path of any
This represents inherent convoys assigned to support the fleet. length to a friendly Map Box or a Sea Zone containing a different
Because a warship can trace its own supply line regardless of its friendly port. This port must either be a Supply Source for the
Sorties, it will eventually be supplied no matter how many times its checking unit or have a connected Transport Line that goes back to
supply line is intercepted. So the issue isn’t if the warship unit will a Supply Source for the checking unit. There is no physical
be supplied, but how many Sorties it incurs to get that supply. movement of the convoy (and escort); it stays in its hex.
7.4.1 Supply Line Prohibitions The naval movement path part of a Sea Supply Line can be
intercepted. The path traced across Land hexes cannot be
• A supply line trace cannot include a hex containing an enemy:
intercepted. If the trace is successfully interdicted, the checking unit
city, fort, unit, or ZOC.
can try again, even using the same convoy (assuming it has less than
• A supply line trace cannot violate movement prohibitions. 6 Sorties) and/or the same naval movement path.
[Exception: Ignore all EZOC in a hex containing a friendly: city, • If the second port traced into is a Supply Source for the checking
fort, or ground unit.] unit, a supply line has been traced.
7.4.2 Land Supply Line • If the second port traced into is not a Supply Source for the
From the checking unit, trace a ground movement path up to two checking unit, continue tracing the path along the connected
hexes to a hex containing a Transport Line or friendly Supply Transport Line back to a friendly Supply Source.
Source for that unit. When a supply line has been traced to a Supply Source, or if the
If the hexes traced into did not contain a friendly Supply Source, trace was successfully interdicted, the convoy (and escort) unit’s
continue tracing the path along a connected Transport Line back to activation ends.
a friendly Supply Source. So, the first hex of a supply line does not Sorties: When the convoy’s (and escort’s) activation ends, if it did
require a contiguous Transport Line, but the rest do. not fight a combat, add one Sortie to its total. If it did fight, no
A Land Supply Line trace cannot be intercepted. Sorties are added to its total. It already added Sorties due to the
combat. [Exception: A warship that traced its own supply line and
did not fight a combat does not add one Sortie.]
Sea Supply Line Example:
Tripoli contains the Italian 5 ground unit and the 2 Fleet and 2
Convoy units, each with 5 Sorties. Benghazi contains the German
Afrika ground unit and the Italian 1 Fleet and 1 Convoy units, each
with 3 Sorties. The 1 Fleet is also at Low Supply. Hex 5436 contains
the Italian 10 ground unit. Catania contains the Italian 1 Air unit
with 5 Sorties. Against these forces is the UK Force H carrier unit
with 4 Sorties in Malta.
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The Axis faction notes the Italian convoys do not have to trace a again, the result is DR+2 so the interdiction was successful. Force
supply line for themselves because a convoy always has a Full H adds one Sortie (bringing it to 6 Sorties). 1 Convoys adds two
Supply State. The Italian air unit is in a Mainland Italian city (an Sorties (bringing it to 5 Sorties). In addition, a Low Supply marker
Unlimited Supply Source for any number of Italian units) so it is put on the Afrika unit.
traces to its own hex to remain at a Full Supply State.
Next, the Axis faction checks the German Afrika unit in Benghazi.
It is in the hex with 1 Convoy so the convoy and 1 Fleet (to escort)
are activated. It then traces a path across Sea Zone 24. This time
the Western faction intercepts with Force H.
First, an air/naval combat is fought between Force H (as the
attacker) and the escort, 1 Fleet. The combat result is DR+2 so The Axis now checks the Italian 10 ground unit. Both Italian convoy
the escort failed. Force H adds one Sortie (bringing it to 5 units have 6 Sorties so neither can be used to trace a supply line.
Sorties). 1 Fleet adds two Sorties (bringing it to 5 Sorties). Instead, it traces a supply line two hexes from 5436 to 5434, which
The Western faction decides to continue with the interception and contains a Transport Line. It continues tracing along the Transport
fights another combat between Force H and 1 Convoy. Once Line to Tripoli. Tripoli is a Factory in an Italy Overseas Area so it
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is a Limited Supply Source for up to two Italian units. A Low Supply The Replacements Phase only deals with units already in a hex or
marker is placed on Italian 10. Map Box. It is not when a unit is put into a hex or Map Box. That
happens in the Mobilization Phase.
In the Replacements Phase, the phasing faction may improve the
condition of a friendly unit in a hex or Map Box. Do not forget a
unit stacked under another counter.
A friendly unit may be surrounded by enemy units by the time a
faction gets to this Phase. Such a unit can be improved. This
represents replacements that made it through before the unit was
cut off.
To improve a unit, its country pays the production point cost listed
on the Player Aid Sheet’s Production table to do the following.
Finally, both Italian warship units need to trace their own supply • Flip over a friendly, reduced field ground unit to its full side.
lines. Since they are warship units, a convoy is not needed. 1 Fleet • Remove up to two Sorties from an air or naval unit.
in Benghazi traces across Sea Zone 24 to the Italian Unlimited 8.1.1 Replacements Special Notes
Supply Source of Taranto. It now has Full Supply so the Low Supply The unit receiving replacements must be in Full Supply and cannot
marker on it is removed. Also, because a warship does not incur a be marked with a Strategic Move marker.
Sortie when it traces a supply line for itself, 1 Fleet remains with 5
A faction may spend as many production points as it has remaining,
but a unit can be improved only one time per turn.
2 Fleet in Tripoli checks despite having 6 Sorties because a warship
Example: A German air unit with 4 Sorties can remove only two of
tracing its own supply line is exempt from the cannot activate rule.
them, even if there are more production points available.
2 Fleet could trace in its own hex to Tripoli, but that would only
give it Low Supply. Instead, it traces across Sea Zone 22 to Catania 8.2 Upgrade
and so remains at Full Supply. The Upgrade mechanic reflects significant improvements in troop
7.5 No Supply Phase quality and/or quantity, e.g., USSR infantry armies were designated as
“Guards” after numerous battles and becoming motorized.
In the No Supply Phase, the phasing faction performs Unsupplied
Attrition (7.5.1) followed by Voluntary Elimination (7.5.2) An Upgrade unit has the symbol in a top left corner of its
7.5.1 Unsupplied Attrition
In the Upgrade Phase, the phasing faction may take an Upgrade unit
If a phasing unit has a No Supply marker, do the following.
located in its Faction Card’s Upgrade box and replace a unit as
Step 1) If it is a reduced strength ground unit, remove it from its specified in scenario instructions.
location and put it in its Faction Card’s Eliminated box.
USE’s Playbook scenarios do not have an Axis Upgrade unit.
Step 2) If it is a full strength ground unit, reduce it. However, the Axis Faction Card has an Upgrade box in case of
Step 3) If it is an air or naval unit, remove its Sorties and put the official game expansions or unofficial player modifications.
unit in its Faction Card’s Eliminated box. To make the replacement, take the Upgrade unit from its Upgrade
7.5.2 Voluntary Elimination box and put it in the same location as the unit being replaced. The
The phasing faction may eliminate a friendly ground unit that has a strength of the Upgrade unit is the same as the replaced unit. The
No Supply marker. The phasing faction may also eliminate a replaced unit is then removed from the scenario. A replaced unit
supplied or unsupplied friendly air or naval unit. [Exception: A unit cannot come back, so Upgrade units will enhance your forces, not
satisfying a Home Defense Policy rule (10.3.1) cannot be increase their numbers.
voluntarily eliminated.] USSR Motorized Guards: If a USSR infantry unit was replaced
An eliminated unit is placed in its Faction Card’s Eliminated box. with a USSR Motorized Guards unit, the Soviet faction
If it is an air or naval unit, also remove its Sorties. immediately removes a second USSR infantry unit in a hex or Map
National Will is not lost if a unit is eliminated due to Unsupplied Box that is not marked with a Strategic Move marker. The second
Attrition or Voluntarily Elimination. unit removed from the scenario may be of any strength or supply
status. So, one USSR Motorized Guards unit replaces two USSR
This prevents the Soviet faction from intentionally eliminating infantry units.
USSR units to cause a very quick collapse of the USSR, thereby
throwing off play balance. 8.2.1 Upgrade Special Notes
An Upgrade unit gets in its Faction Card’s Upgrade box when it is
8.0 Unit Logistics removed from the Turn Track or if set up there per scenario set up.
In the Replacement Phase, a unit in a hex or Map Box may receive Only an Upgrade unit in its Faction Card’s Upgrade box can
replacements. In the Upgrade Phase a unit in a hex or Map Box may upgrade another unit.
be upgraded to a different unit. In the Mobilization Phase a unit on
its Faction Card may be mobilized into a hex or Map Box. Pay There is no production cost to upgrade a unit.
attention to the order they are performed in the Sequence of Play The unit being replaced must be in a hex or Map Box, be in Full
because it affects what can be done to a unit. Supply, and cannot be marked with a Strategic Move marker.
8.1 Replacements
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Once an Upgrade unit has replaced a unit in the scenario, the This means an eliminated unit cannot be mobilized in the same turn
Upgrade unit is treated like any other unit. it was eliminated. Also, due to the order of Phases, a unit cannot
Upgrade Example: A USSR reduced strength infantry unit is under receive replacements or be upgraded on the same turn it is
the Moscow Fort marker in Moscow. A USSR Motorized Guards mobilized.
unit is in the Soviet Faction’s Upgrade box. The Soviet faction takes 9.0 Economy
the USSR Guards unit from the box, puts it under the Moscow Fort Each turn, a country receives a number of production points that it
with its reduced strength side face up and removes the reduced may spend to do certain activities such as move ground units or
strength infantry unit in Moscow from the scenario. It then takes a conduct diplomacy. All activities that require production points and
USSR full strength infantry unit from another hex on the map and their respective costs are listed on the Player Aid Sheet’s Production
removes it from the scenario. table.
On the next turn Axis units Assault attack the USSR Guards in Prod Markers: A country’s production and expenditures are
Moscow and eliminate it. The USSR Guards unit is taken from the tracked using Prod markers on their Faction Card’s Production
hex and put in the Soviet Faction Card’s Eliminated box (not its Track. [Exception: The USA does not track production. It is
Upgrade box). To get back on the map, the Soviet faction will need considered to have enough production points to pay for all its
to mobilize it in a future Mobilization Phase. expenditures during the turn.]
8.3 Mobilization A Prod 1s marker starts in the 0 box of the Ones row. A Prod 10s
The Mobilization Phase only deals with placing new or eliminated marker (if any) starts in the 00 box of the Tens row. A Prod x#
units into a hex or Map Box. It also deals with buying back a marker (if any) is put in the Production Multiplier box.
Surprise Attack marker. It is not when units already in a hex or Map After determining a country’s production points for the turn, its
Box are improved. That happens in the Replacements Phase. Prod markers are moved on the Track accordingly. As a faction
In the Mobilization Phase, the phasing faction may mobilize a unit spends a country’s production points, it subtracts the amount spent
that is in its Faction Card’s Mobilization box. from that country’s current total on the Production Track.
The phasing faction may also buy back a Surprise Attack marker If you forget to do that and can’t easily fix it, just play on and have
that is in its Faction Card’s Surprise Attack Marker Holding Box. fun.
To buy back a Surprise Attack marker, its country pays the Tip: Playing time can be reduced by paying for all the activities you
production cost listed on the Player Aid Sheet’s Production table want to perform in the turn at one time during this Phase rather
and then puts the marker four turns later on the Turn Track. When than individually over the course of the turn. Note this only saves
removed from the Turn Track, put it in its Faction Card’s Events time if the activities and their respective costs are very quick to
box. Reminder: The marker’s country denotes who buys the marker determine and calculate, e.g., moving all ground units costs 10 out
in the Mobilization Phase. However, any friendly unit can use or of 12 production points and you are doing nothing else.
receives its benefits in an Operations Phase. Important: Production points are not saved from turn to turn;
To mobilize a unit, its country pays the production cost listed on unused points are lost. USE has a “Use it or lose it” economic
the Player Aid Sheet’s Production table to do the following. system. This makes for easier accounting and prevents hoarding
• Mobilize a reduced ground unit. [Exception: A USSR infantry production for unrealistic activity. There is no deficit spending.
unit (except Shock) mobilizes at full strength.] The USSR could 9.1 Economy Phase
quickly call upon its manpower reserves to raise basic infantry The phasing faction first determines how many production points
armies. Note that a USSR Guards unit is not an infantry unit. are received by each of its active countries (9.1.1). It may then
• Mobilize an air or naval unit marked with 4 Sorties. transfer production points between certain countries (9.1.3).
A unit that is mobilized is placed in a Mobilization Location (8.3.1). 9.1.1 Production Points
If the location contains a fort, the unit can occupy it. Any country that is listed in, or which has a Prod x# marker in, its
Placement can be in an EZOC. Faction Card’s Production Multiplier box receives production
Placement cannot violate stacking limits. points equal to its Factory Count (9.1.2) multiplied by the value in
8.3.1 Mobilization Location the box or on the marker. [Exception: If the Moscow Treaty policy
is in effect, the USSR receives production points equal to its Factory
• A unit can be put in a friendly city in its country’s Mainland area.
Count.] In USE, the multiplier value is two. The rule has been
If a naval unit is mobilized, the hex must also have a port.
written generically in case of official game expansions or unofficial
• One UK unit may be put in either the Eastern North America or player modifications.
Western Indian Ocean Box. That’s one in total per Mobilization Example: The Italian Prod x2 marker is in the Western Faction’s
Phase, not one per box. Production Multiplier box and its Factory Count for the turn is five.
• USA units are put in the Eastern North America Box. Italy receives 10 production points for the turn.
• Up to five USSR units may be put in the Central Russia Box. Each other country receives production points equal to its Factory
8.3.2 Mobilization Special Notes Count.
A unit gets into the Mobilization box in the End of Turn Phase from The maximum number of production points a country can have in
its Faction Card’s Eliminated box, the Turn Track, or per scenario one turn is 59 (as per the Production Track). Any additional points
set up. are lost.
9.1.2 Factory Count
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30 Unconditional Surrender 2nd Edition ~ USE2 Rulebook-SV 2023-05-31.docx
To determine a country’s Factory Count, count the number of A friendly factory with a Bombed marker on it is included in the
friendly factories in its own Mainland and Overseas Areas. On-Map Factory Count. A Bombed marker does not affect the
Remember to count factories in Disputed Areas that were ceded to Factory Count. Instead, it is a Strategic Warfare combat DRM.
it (2.2). The total is its Factory Count. [Exceptions: Germany, UK, During the turn, losing or regaining control of a country’s factory
and USSR (] does not affect the number of production points that country has
Important: A country does not count factories in a different already received that turn.
country, even if it occupies those hexes. The number of factories for each country (based on 1939 borders)
Example: A German ground unit is in Paris. When counting is listed on the Country List (16.0). Scenario instructions may list a
factories for Germany, the factory in Paris is not counted. different amount to use for that scenario.
A country’s production does not increase because it conquers 9.1.3 Transfer Production Points
territory. Exploitation did occur, but a country’s overall economy After determining the production points for all its faction’s
did not dramatically increase because of it (at least in the countries, a phasing Germany, UK, USA, and USSR may transfer
designer’s opinion). its production points to any number of its faction’s active countries.
On-Map Factory Count Track: France, Germany, Italy, UK, and [Exception: The UK and USA cannot transfer points to each other.]
USSR each have a Fac Count marker. It is put on its Faction Card’s That is handled via the Lend Lease to UK rule.
On-Map Factory Count Track in the box listed in the scenario set A country may receive a maximum of one production point per
up. Economy Phase. For each transfer, decrease and increase each the
Other countries do not need an On-Map Fac Count marker because respective country’s production points accordingly. Since the USA
they have few factories (often only one). has no production points to track, just increase the other country’s
The value of the box occupied by a country’s Fac Count marker is value by one.
that country’s Factory Count value. [Exceptions: Germany, UK, 9.2 Strategic Warfare
and USSR (] Strategic warfare abstractly represents trade wars, U-boat activity,
When control of a factory changes during the turn, its country’s Fac strategic bombing, partisan activity, etc.
Count marker is moved on the Track accordingly. Strategic Warfare is fought between the Axis and Allied factions in
Example: France’s Fac Count marker is in the On-Map Factory the Strategic Warfare Phase. It affects Germany, UK, and USSR
Count Track’s 6 box. During the Operations Phase, a German production by moving its Fac Lost marker on the On-Map Factory
infantry unit moves into Paris, putting it under Axis control. Count Track. The Fac Lost marker’s value decreases a country’s
France’s Fac Count marker is moved to the 5 box. Factory Count (9.1.2).
Germany’s Fac Count marker is not moved. Important: Fac Lost markers are put on a faction’s On-Map Factory Count Special Cases Factory Count Track due to the East Invaded (13.3) and West
To determine the Factory Count for Germany, UK, and USSR, do Invaded (13.8) Conditional Events.
the following. Note this is a value calculation. Do not physically Strategic Warfare is resolved after production points have been
move a country’s markers on the On-Map Fac Count Track or Extra determined for the turn. Therefore, the production point impact due
Factories Track. to Strategic Warfare is felt the turn after it is fought.
• Looking at the On-Map Factory Count Track, find the value of 9.2.1 Strategic Warfare Phase
the country’s Fac Count marker and then subtract the value of its In the Strategic Warfare Phase, do the following.
Fac Lost marker. If its Fac Lost marker is not on the Track, Step 1) If the USSR Fac Lost marker is on the On-Map Factory
subtract zero. A total less than zero, is raised to zero. Count Track and the Moscow Treaty policy is not in effect,
• To the result determined above, add the value of all of that resolve a strategic combat between the Axis and Soviet
country’s markers on the Extra Factories Track. If it has no factions using the Combat Resolution Sequence (5.1). The
markers on the Extra Factories Track, add zero. Axis faction is the attacker.
• The final result is that country’s Factory Count. Step 2) If the UK Fac Lost marker is on the On-Map Factory
To summarize, the Germany, UK, and USSR Fac Count formula is Count Track, resolve a strategic combat between the Axis
On-Map Factory Count minus Factories Lost (If this total is less and Western factions using the Combat Resolution
than zero, raise it to zero.) plus Extra Factories. Sequence (5.1). The Axis faction is the attacker.
Example: On the On-Map Factory Count Track, the UK Fac Count Step 3) Remove all Bombed markers (if any) on the map.
marker’s value is 6 and its Fac Lost marker’s value is 7. On the Be sure to resolve Strategic Warfare involving the Soviet faction
Extra Factories Track, the UK ComWealth Trade marker’s value is first (if applicable) as this may alter the Western faction’s decision
3. Six minus seven is less than zero so the result is raised to zero. to commit an Event marker to its Strategic Warfare resolution.
Then, zero plus three equals three so the UK’s Factory Count is 9.2.2 Strategic Warfare Special Notes
three. Important: A Fac Lost marker on the On-Map Factory Count Track Factory Count Special Notes cannot go below the 1 box or above the 9 box.
No supply line or movement path trace is needed from an Overseas The Allied factions do not perform their own Strategic Warfare.
Area to count a friendly factory located there. Strategic Warfare Example:
This marker may be removed from a neutral country due to: Area 15.32 Weather
Seized (14.2), Country Activation (13.1), Conquered Country This marker denotes a Weather Zone’s weather for the
(13.2.2), Declare War (10.1), Political Failure (14.11), or Political turn (11.0).
Success (14.12).
15.26 Supply [Low / No]
15.33 Will Commit / Will not Commit
This marker indicates if a unit has a Low or No
This marker is used in the Combat Resolution
Supply State (7.1).
Sequence (5.1) to secretly decide and then
reveal if a faction is committing an Event
15.27 Turn marker to any combat and/or one air unit to a
This marker is put on the Turn Track to indicate the ground combat.
scenario’s current turn (month and year).
When first removed from the Turn Track, put one marker two turns
later on the Turn Track and the other one in the Extra Factories
Track’s 1 box.
On turns when only one Urals Fac marker is removed from the Turn
Track, put it two turns later on the Turn Track and move the other
marker up one value on the Extra Factories Track.
Example: A Urals Fac marker is removed from the Nov-41 Turn
Track box. It is put in Jan-42 box and the other marker on the Extra
Factories Track is moved from the 2 box to the 3 box.
Mediterranean Crisis (13.4) • If Poland was conquered, the Polish Corridor Disputed
Trigger: Occurs the first time one of the following happens. Area is ceded to Germany. If an Axis unit (except a
German unit) is in this Area at this time, it is repatriated
• An Axis unit or marker attacks into, moves into, or is (10.4). Also, if the Nazi-Soviet Pact policy is in effect,
placed in a France or UK: Overseas Area or in any Area of do the following in the order listed.
a country (except a France or UK: Mainland Area) that
In Axis and Western order, each faction repatriates
shares a border with a France or UK: Overseas Area.
(10.4) all its counters in the Eastern Poland Disputed
• The USA activates as a Western country. Area.
Actions: Do the following. The Eastern Poland Disputed Area is ceded to the
• All French ground units in their Faction Card’s Conditional USSR and USSR National Will is increased per the
Box are put in any hex in a France Overseas Area. Player Aid Sheet’s National Will Effects table.
• All UK ground units in their Faction Card’s Conditional
Box are put in any hex in a UK Overseas Area, except Take one USSR ground unit from its Faction Card’s
Egypt. Conditional box and put it in the Eliminated box.
• Western faction may take one UK convoy unit and/or one Step 5) If the Soviet faction conquered a country,
French convoy unit from any port and put it in a friendly port • If the East Invaded event (13.3) has not occurred, take
in a UK or France: Overseas Area. one USSR ground unit from its Faction Card’s
Conditional box and put it in its Eliminated box.
USA Entry (13.5) • If Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania was conquered, that
Trigger: Occurs when both the Appeasement and Nazi-Soviet whole country is ceded to the USSR and increase the
Pact policies have ended. USSR's National Will by two.
Actions: Do the following. • If Finland, Poland, or Romania was conquered, that
• Put the USA Entry marker 6 turns later on the Turn Track. country’s USSR Disputed Area is ceded to the USSR
• See USA Entry (15.29) when the marker is removed from and increase the USSR's National Will by two.
the Turn Track.
Unconditional Surrender!
Operations Phase Flowchart
Take a marker listed below from its Faction Card’s Events box and put it in a hex as follows.
Airdrop: Within a 3-hex range of an air unit of the same nationality. The Western marker may be within
Special Marker Action (6.1) range of a UK or USA air unit.
Airdrop (14.1) Partisans: That contains an enemy: air or ground unit and is within an active or conquered friendly country.
Partisans (14.10)
Surprise Attack: No restriction, but if the placement hex is part of a Sea Zone (1.3.6), the phasing faction
Surprise Attack (14.17) declares whether the marker is considered in the hex or in the Sea Zone.
Placement Restrictions: For other placement restrictions and effects, see that marker’s specific entry in
Event Markers (14.0).
Air Actions (6.2) Activate an air unit in a hex or Map Box to perform an Air Action.
Air Rebase (6.2.1) Activating an air unit does not cost production points.
Air Strike (6.2.2) An air unit with 6 Sorties or marked with a Strategic Move marker cannot be activated. Check a unit’s
Air Support (6.2.3) Sorties each time you want to activate it.
Air Escort (6.2.4) An air unit can be activated multiple times in a phase.
Air Interception (6.2.5) An air unit can perform the same Action multiple times.
Bombing Run (6.2.6) More than one air unit can be activated in a phase.
Naval Actions (6.4) Activate a naval unit in a hex or Map Box to perform a Naval Action.
Naval Rebase (6.4.1) Activating a naval unit does not cost production points.
Naval Escort (6.4.2) A naval unit with 6 Sorties cannot be activated. Check a unit’s Sorties each time you want to activate it.
Naval Interception (6.4.3) A naval unit can be activated multiple times in a phase.
Naval Transport (6.4.4) More than one naval unit can be activated in a phase.
Carrier Strike (6.4.5) More than one naval unit can be considered activated at the same time.
Marker Removal: After all Actions are done, remove any Assault, Airdrop, Partisans, or Surprise Attack marker in a hex or Sea Zone.
Weather The Axis faction rolls one die each for the Cold, Mild, and Warm weather zones (11.1). Find the results on the Player Aid
Phase Sheet’s Weather table and adjust the Weather Track’s markers. The Allied factions do not roll for weather.
The phasing faction may declare war (10.1) on any number of neutral countries. If war is declared on a country, it is activated
Declare and joins an enemy faction per Country Activation (13.1).
War Independent of declaring war on a country, the phasing Axis faction may declare war on the Western faction if the
Phase Appeasement policy is in effect and/or declare war on the Soviet faction if the Nazi-Soviet Pact policy is in effect.
Determine each active country’s Factory Count Determine each active country’s Germany, UK, USA, or
Economy (9.1.2). A country’s Factory Count equals the number Production Points (9.1.1). USSR may transfer its
Phase of friendly factories in its Mainland and Overseas Production Points equal a Production Points to
Areas. [Exceptions: For Germany, UK, and the country’s Factory Count friendly countries; one
USSR, Factory Count equals On-Map Factory Count multiplied by is Production point per receiving
minus Factories Lost (if this total is less than zero, Multiplier. country (9.1.3).
raise it to zero) plus Extra Factories]
If USSR Fac Lost marker is on the On-Map If UK Fac Lost marker is on the On- Remove all Bombed
Strategic Factory Count Track and the Moscow Treaty Map Factory Count Track, resolve a markers (if any) from the
Warfare is not in effect, resolve a strategic combat strategic combat between the Axis and map (9.2.1).
Phase between the Axis and Soviet factions (9.2.1). Western factions (9.2.1).
Strategic Check if any friendly country is Remove Strategic Remove any unit or Move one supplied air or
Movement not satisfying the Home Move marker from marker if required ground unit using Strategic
Phase Defense policy (10.3.1). map. Put it in its in the scenario. Movement (4.1.2).
Events Box.
No Supply A phasing unit with No Supply is reduced or A phasing unsupplied ground unit or a phasing supplied or
Phase eliminated (7.5.1). unsupplied air or naval unit may be eliminated (7.5.2).
Replacements Spend production points to improve a phasing unit in a hex or Map Box. Flip a reduced strength ground unit over to its
Phase full strength side or remove up to two Sorties from an air or naval unit (8.1).
Upgrades A scenario designated unit in a hex or Map Box may be replaced with its respective Upgrade unit (8.2).
Mobilization Spend production points to mobilize a unit that is in its Faction Card’s Mobilization box and/or to buy back a Surprise
Phase Attack Marker that is in its Surprise Attack Marker Holding box (8.3).
The Diplomacy Phase is skipped unless one or more of these policies are in effect: Appeasement, Nazi-Soviet Pact, or
Moscow Treaty. Otherwise, you may spend five production points to do one of the following (10.2).
Diplomacy • Randomly pull one event marker from the Diplomacy Cup and resolve it (10.2.1).
• From the Diplomacy Cup Marker Holding Box, take one marker and put it in the Diplomacy Cup. Then, if there is a No
Event marker remaining in the Holding Box, take one of them and put it in the Diplomacy Cup.
Victory Check Check to see if a faction achieved the scenario’s victory conditions (12.1).
Advance the Turn marker one turn. Put any counter in the entered box in its Move all units in a Faction
End of Turn
respective location. If it is a Variable Entry Reinforcement, roll a die to determine Card’s Eliminated Box to its
its Entry Turn. [Exception: Do not remove the Scenario Ends marker.] (12.2) Mobilization Box (12.2).