Growth Performance Hematological Profile
Growth Performance Hematological Profile
Growth Performance Hematological Profile
This study was conducted to determine the effect on the growth efficiency, hematological profile, and sensory characteristics of pekin
ducklings of various levels of trichanthera gigantea leaf meal (TGLM) Ducklings were distributed in 4 tests, with 10 ducks per sample
repeated thrice. Treatments were 0 percent TGLM (control) T1: T2-5 percent TGLM: T3-10 percent TGLM and T4-15 percent TGLM. Data
were analyzed using Variance Analysis ( ANOVA).
ANOVA showed significant results (P<0.05) for the final body weight while significantly significant results (P<0.001) were obtained for
the weight gain and feed intake of pekin ducks in Treatment 4. On the liver , pancreas, drumsticks, thighs and neck weight a not
significant result was noted, but a extremely significant result (P<0.001) was noted on the wings and back weight. A significant result
(P<0.05) was obtained on treatment filet yield 4. In all treatments that dropped below normal values, a not important result was noted
on the red blood cell count and the ducks' cell volume packed. T4 reported a highly significant (P<0.001) result on the aroma and taste
with an adjective rating of "Like Extremely," while modest (P<0.05) results on juiciness and tenderness with adjective rating of "Like
very much" were observed. The pekin ducks fed with Treatment 4 realized the highest return on investment based on the economic
Keywords: Trichanthera Gigantea, Hematological Profile, Sensory Characteristics, Body Weight, Feed Conversion Ratio, Feed
© 2020 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (
Ducks are birds raised to provide the human food with meat 2009; Onyimonyi, et al., 2007). Leaf meals not only serve as a
and eggs. Cereal shortages have recently been a serious issue, protein source but also include some vitamins , minerals and
and the use of cereal products and soybeans as livestock feeds oxy-carotenoids that are required. (Kindu M., G. and
is increasingly economically unjustified. Therefore, cheaper Habermann, B., 2008).
sources of energy and protein need to be used to substitute
costly grains for livestock production. In this respect, it is This study would help duck farmers particularly in the far
important to use local feed resources, such as protein-rich leaf flung areas as they have been given options to reduce their
meal and especially leguminous energy plants that are readily production costs by using alternative sources of protein and
abundant in the locality to replace more expensive feed energy. This thesis also acts as a guideline for other
components. Benefit can be maximized in the commercial duck researchers on confirmatory determination.
production system by minimizing feed costs which accounts
for the major production costs. In an intensive management Objectives of the Study
system , the cost of feeding commercial feed to pekin ducks is Generally, the study was conducted to evaluate the growth
about 72 per cent of the total cost of production. (Solomon JKQ performance, hematological profile and sensory characteristics
et al , 2001). Occasionally, when it is difficult for farmers to of pekin ducks fed with different levels of under free range
formulate their own feeds, they prefer to buy commercial feeds management system. Specifically, it aimed to:
mixed with the desired amount of leaf meal as a cheap source
of feed ingredients. The leaf meal of the tropical shrub madre 1. determine the level/s of trichanthera gigantea leaf meal
de agua (Trichanthera gigantea) is one possible source of (TGLM) that is best suited to influence the growth performance
cheap protein and energy. The sprouts are edible, and can be and sensory characteristics of pekin ducks;
used to make porridge maize (Heuzé V., Tran G., Boudon A., 2. assess the effect of pekin ducks the effect of the different
Bastianelli D., 2017). Trichanthera has been found to have treatments in terms of hematological profile (red blood cell
ethnomedicinal uses for blood conditions, a disease treatment, count and packed cell volume);
and a lactogenic drink for mothers who lactate. Trichanthera 3. identify the level/s of trichanthera gigantea leaf meal
gigantea's crude protein content ranges from 12-22 per cent (TGLM) that is best suited to influence the sensory
with substantial weight gain and carcass weight effects; characteristics of pekin ducks; and
however, rabbit feed conversion ratio was not affected. 4. find out the cost benefit of using levels of trichanthera
(Sarwatt S V, Laswai G H, 2003, and Ubwe R). Many studies gigantea leaf meal (TGLM) as diet supplementation for pekin
have been performed for broilers using various sources of leaf ducks.
meal protein (Iheukwumere et al . , 2008; Wude and Berhan,
Solomon J K Q, Cumberbatch R. N. and Austin R. (2007), ducks: a contrast between three rates of quantitative feed
highlighted facts relating to the restricted feeding of pekin restriction and full feed on production, carcass and economic
indices. The study found the live weight gain was consistent consuming 15 per cent of TGLM had the lowest consumption of
with total feed intake for both feed conversion as well as pekin feed. They also noticed that the highest over-fed and animal
duck profitability. expense was 10 per cent TGLM. Adding up to 10 per cent TGLM
amount did not impact the characteristics of slaughter and
Heuzé V., Tran G., Bastianelli D., Boudon A. (2017), nutrient carcass. The raw pig pork fed higher MDALM levels had a
content of trichanthera gigantea leaf meal (TGLM) was better color than the others. Both treatments had raw and
investigated. The findings revealed that trichanthera gigantea cooked pork odor / aroma, taste / flavor, tenderness, juiciness
leaf meal (TGLM) contains a number of nutrients required for and overall acceptance of the cooked pork.
poultry and animals.
Feleciano R. Bejar (2017), evaluated the impact of madre de
Sarwatt, S. V.; Laswai, G. H.; Ubwe, R., (2003), evaluated the agua (trichanthera gigantea) leaf meal with extract of aloe vera
potential of trichanthera gigantea leaf meal (TGLM), as a and addition of acid cheese whey as fed to quails. He found that
source of nutrients for rabbit diets in Tanzania under the birds fed 15 per cent TGLM had a higher return on investment
smallholder production system. They concluded that than those fed 25 per cent TGLM quails.
trichanthera gigantea levels up to 27 percent could be used in
the diet of rising rabbits to encourage feed intake and growth Animal Industry Bureau-National Swine and Poultry Research
efficiency without and Development Center (2010 ) evaluated the economics of
pig feeding trichanthera. They found that pigs fed with pigs fed
Conversion efficiency of feeds influences. with madre de agua yielded cheaper cost per kilogram at a
Lheukwumere,— F. C.; Onyekvere, M. U.; Egu, U. E., (2008), replacement level of 20 percent from commercial feed, which
studied the development, carcass and reproductive benefited less than those fed at a commercial ration of 100
characteristics of raw and boiled pigeon pea (cajanus cajan) percent by as much as 2.00. Pigs have had greater live weight
meal in male rabbits (bucks). Our research showed a positive gain, carcass and meat quality in Trichanthera gigantea rations.
impact on the growth parameters, the consistency of the
carcass and the reproductive success of goats fed raw or boiled RESEARCH METHOD
pea pigeon seeds. A. Experimental Area
The total area used in this study was 1,200 m2 located at the
Wude Tsega; Tamir Berhan, (2009). Investigated the effect of Isabela State University, Jones Campus, Jones, Isabela. The area
increasing levels of dried sweet potato leaves (Ipomoea was planted with bananas to partly cover the birds from direct
batatatas) on dry matter intake and performance of broiler sunlight. In addition, under the banana tree were mixtures of
finisher chicken on body weight gain. The results of their study native grasses and edible weeds which are good sources of
indicated that the inclusion in the finisher ration of air-dried other nutrients for the birds. The experimental area was
sweet potato leaves up to 10 per cent of the diet dry matter enclosed and divided into twelve (12) paddocks with poultry
may be considered as the optimal amount of inclusion when nets to prevent transfer of birds to other groups and likewise
birds are sold on a live weight basis. protect them from predators.
Glatzel, G., Kindu, M. Habermann and B. (2008), researched B. Management of Experimental Animals
native tree and shrub species for the conservation of the This study employed a total of one hundred and twenty (120)
ecosystem and for agricultural productivity. They noticed that heads. The ducklings had been directly subjected to their
growing alternative crops for diversification in Galessa could respective experimental therapies upon arrival. Ducklings
increase farmers ' income while at the same time reducing were distributed at random in a fully randomized system into
adverse impacts on the region. four ( 4) dietary treatments. These were repeated with ten (
A.p. Jaya, M.l. Soriano, D.m. Vallador, R.l. Intong, B.b. 10) heads per replication, three times. The experimental diets
Carpentero (2008), examined the use of TGLM (Trichanthera were as follows: T1, T2 , T3 and T4 containing 0%, 5 % , 10%
Gigantea Leaf Food). The live weight gain, average daily gain, and 15% respectively of TGLM. Water was fed and provided ad
feed conversion capacity, feed cost per kilogram, and age up to libitum.
90 kg live weight did not affect pigs fed with varying rates of
TGLM, they found. They also found that pigs fed 10 per cent of
TGLM had the highest consumption of feed while those
T1- Control
1500 T2-05% TGLM
1000 T3-10% TGLM
T4-15% TGLM
Initial 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
A.2. Cumulative Gain in Weight of Pekin Ducks. performed very well during the duration of the study. The
Based on the test results, ANOVA revealed a non-significant different rations used in the study also denotes that there
result on the weight gain of pekin ducks from the 1st week up to was a high increase in gain in the weight as the level of
the 5th and 7th week of the test however, on the 6th, 8th week of treatment increases because of its palatability and nutrients
the study and the cumulative week, ANOVA reported a highly contents (Heuzé V., Tran G., Boudon A., Bastianelli D., 2017). The
significant result (P<0.001). Pekin ducks treated with T4 outcome of this study agrees with the finding of the National
demonstrated the highest weight gain over the other therapies. Swine and Poultry Research and Development Center (NSPRDC)
(Figure 2 (Table 3). For an average of 2658.27 grams, the pekin of the BAI in Tiaong, Quezon, that pigs fed TGLM at a replacement
ducks fed for 15 per cent TGLM received the maximum weight level of 20 percent developed cheaper cost per kilogram, gaining
gain. lower by 2.00 compared to those fed at a commercial ration of
100 percent. Pigs have had better live weight gain, carcass and
The line graph (Figure 2) shows that there was an increase in meat quality in the TGLM rations.
gain in weight of the pekin ducks which indicates that they
1500 T1 - Control
A.4. Feed Conversion Ratio and Feed Conversion Efficiency of cumulative mean of 29.52 %. Data shows there was no Efficiency
Pekin Ducks. in feed conversion. Conversion efficiency of ratio and feed
ANOVA revealed a not significant result on the feed conversion showing that the use of various rates of TGLM has no impact on
ratio (FCR) and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) of pekin ducks animals (Sarwatt, S. V.; Laswai, G. H.; Ubwe, R., 2003), (A.f. Jaya,
feed with different levels of trichanthera gigantea (TGLM) leaf M.l. Soriano, D.m. Vallador, R.l. Intong, B.b. Carpentero 2008).
meal with treatment means from 3.39 kilograms to 3.59 Growing pigs fed diets containing 5, 10 and 15 per cent TGLM
kilograms and from 27.88% to 29.52% (Table 5) however were lower than those without TGLM fed ration. The live weight
arithmetically, T4 obtained the lowest feed conversion ratio of gain, average daily gain, feed performance, feed cost per
3.39 kilograms. T2 on the other hand had the best FCR because it kilogram gain, and age up to 90-kg live weight did not differ
needs only 3.39 kilograms to produce 1 kilogram of meat.T4 among pigs fed ration with varying TGLM rates.
likewise had the best FCE over the other treatments with
Table 5. Feed Conversion Ratio (kilograms) and Feed Conversion Efficiency (Percent) of Pekin Ducks
TREATMENTS Feed Conversion Feed Conversion
Ratio(kg) Efficiency (%)
T1 3.58 27.95
T2 3.57 28.01
T3 3.59 27.88
T4 3.39 29.52
ANOVA ns ns
CV 2.39 2.33
ns = significant
A. 5. The Live Weight, Dressing Percentage with Giblets and Dressing Percentage without Giblets of Pekin Ducks.
Table 6 presents the effect of trichanthera gigantea (TGLM) on each other. T4 had the heaviest weight over the other
live weight, dressing percentage with Giblets and dressing treatment, with a treatment mean of 71.39 per cent. Data
percentage of pekin ducks without Giblets. In terms of live (Table 6) show that the inclusion of the various TGLM levels
weight of pekin ducks, ANOVA revealed a highly significant has a positive effect on the percentage of dressing with giblets.
(P<0.001) result among the treatments. The pekin ducks in T4 This explains that the percentage of dressing with giblets
had the heaviest live weight over the other treatments with a increases as the amount of TGLM increases too. However, data
treatment mean of 2708.34 grams (Table 6). These data revealed a not important result was obtained from pekin ducks
indicate that the inclusion of higher TGLM levels obtained a fed with different rates of TGLM in terms of the dressing
heavier weight over the lower inclusion rate (Bureau of Animal percentage without giblets. Data suggest major variations
Industry-National Swine and Poultry Research and between different treatments, which means that TGLM is a
Development Center, 2010), which is contrary to A.f 's findings. good replacement for costly protein and energy-rich
Jaya, M.l. Soriano, D.m. Vallador, R.l. Intong, B.b. Carpentero ingredients (Heuzé V., Tran G., Boudon A., Bastianelli D., 2017),
(2008), the use of variable TGLM levels did not impact the pigs' as well as commercial feeds (Bureau of Animal Agriculture,
live weight. Similarly, data showed that pekin ducks fed with National Swine and Poultry Research and Development Center,
the various TGLM levels varied significantly ( P<0.05) with 2010).
Table 6. Live Weight and Dressing Percentage With and Without Giblets of Pekin Ducks
Live Weight (g) With Giblets (%) Without Giblets (%)
T1 2385.64b 66.02b 63.72
T2 2463.55b 67.49b 63.85
T3 2496.63b 68.69b 64.40
T4 2708.34a 71.39a 64.98
ANOVA ** * ns
C.V. (%) 2.41 2.43 6.94
LSD 1.65 3.13
ns- not significant * = significant at 5% level **= highly significant at 5% level
A. 6. Liver and Pancreas Weights of Pekin Ducks. explains that, like the control, there were no toxins present in the
ANOVA showed a not significant result on liver and pancreas formulated ration (inclusion of the different levels of TGLM. This
weight of the pekin ducks in the different treatments (Table7). explains further that TGLM contains only substances necessary
The liver and pancreas of the pekin ducks fed with the different for animal nutrition (Heuzé V., Tran G., Boudon A., Bastianelli
rate of inclusion was not affected. The not significant result D., 2017) and no side effect as well.
C. Hematological Profile/Blood Analysis of Pekin Ducks. Table 9. Red blood Cell Count and Packed Cell Volume of
Pekin Ducks
Red Blood Cell Count and Packed Cell Volume RBC
Variance analysis revealed no significant result in red blood cell TREATMENTS Count(cells/micro PCV (%)
count (RBC) and packed cell volume (PCV) percentage of pekin liter)
ducks fed with different levels of TGLM with treatment mean T1 49.83 37.00
from 42,27 cells / μL to 49,8 cells / μL and from 36,33 percent to T2 42.93 36.50
37,17 percent respectively ( Table 9). Arithmetically, although
the mean values differed, the RBC counts of the different T3 43.60 37.17
treatments were within the normal RBC value range of T4 42.27 36.33
40.24±4.21 cells / μL except for T1 with a mean value of 49.83 ANOVA ns ns
cells / μL. Provided that formulated T1 RBC exceeded normal C.V. (%) 25.05 9.44
values, the supplementation of trichanthera gigantea leaf meal ns- not significant
(TGLM) in pekin duck diet produced progressive results that
turned the experimental animals' RBC into normal values. In * 40.24±4.21 cells/µL: RBC Reference Value *36±1.5%:
addition, variance analysis showed no significant results among PCV Reference Values from Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 1996
the treatment means ranging from 36.33% to 37.17%. The mean Aug;109(8):32
PCV values in percentage of the different treatment groups are
also expressed in table 14. The same pattern was observed in D. Summary of Sensory Evaluation of Pekin Ducks.
PCV values where all PCV means of the various treatments were
within the 36±1.5 percent reference range. ANOVA revealed a not significant result on the general
These findings suggest that pekin ducks fed with various appearance of oven-cooked meat of pekin ducks fed with
amounts of TGLM did not suffer from any disease such as anemia, different levels of TGLM and was adjudged by the group of taste
which was the decrease in the amount of functional erythrocytes panelists of “Like Very Much”, however, a highly significant
due to inadequate nutrition, including dietary deficiencies in result (P<0.001) on the aroma and flavor with a qualitative
iron, vitamins and amino acids. Packed cell volume (PCV) has description of “Like Extremely”. Likewise, significant (P<0.05)
also been an indirect way of calculating the volume of the was recorded on the juiciness and tenderness with a qualitative
animal's erythrocytes as a percentage of the total blood. A low description of “Like Very Much” (Table 10 and Figure 5). The
count of hematocrites and erythrocytes was an indicator of results of this analysis are consistent with the findings of the
anemia, whereas a high PCV can suggest dehydration. TGLM 's Bureau of Animal Production-National Research and
inclusion followed observations made by Heuzé V., Tran G., Development Center for Swine and Poultry (2010), (A.f. Jaya, M.l.
Boudon A., Bastianelli D. (2017) Leaf meals not only act as a Soriano, D.m. Vallador, R.l. Intong, B.b. Carpentero 2008).
protein source but also include other essential vitamins ,
minerals and oxycarotenoids.
Table 10. Summary of Sensory Evaluation of Baked Breast Meat of Pekin Ducks
Aroma Flavor Juiciness Tenderness
T1 6.34 6.23b 6.19c 6.17c 6.23b
T2 6.30 6.27b 6.22c 6.33c 6.27b
T3 6.32 6.29b 6.37b 6.26b 6.29b
T4 6.27 6.59a 6.52a 6.36a 6.42a
GRAND MEAN 6.31 6.35 6.33 6.28 4.76
Like very much Like extremely Like extremely Like very much
ANOVA ns ** ** * *
CV% 4.75 4.17 5.00 4.50 4.74
LSD 0.75 0.87 1.12 0.56
ns= not significant * = significant ** = highly significant
6.4 T1 – Control
T2 – 5% T. gigantea LM
6.1 T3 – 10% T. gigantea LM
5.9 T4 – 15% T. gigantea LM
General Aroma (MEAN) Flavor (MEAN) Juiciness Tenderness
Appearance (MEAN) (MEAN)
Figure 5. Summary of Sensory Evaluation of Baked Breast Meat of Pekin Ducks
E. Economic Analysis of Pekin Ducks. (Feleciano R. Bejar (2017). Evidently, the higher the TGLM
content of the ration, the lower will be the production cost (Table
Based on the economic analysis (Table 11), the pekin ducks fed 11), thereby, inclusion of different levels of TGLM commands a
with Treatment 4 realized the highest return on investment of lower price per kilogram of feed. The profitability would not rely
45.85 %. The result of this study jibes with the study conducted primarily on the cost of ducks and feeds but on the growth
in quails. He found out that birds fed with performance of the ducks which could compensate the cost spent
15% Trichanthera gigantea leaf meal (TGLM) had a higher on ducks and feeds.
return on investment than the quails fed with 25% T. gigantea
For Growing-Finishing Pigs, Philippine Journal for Veterinary 10. Bureau of Animal Industry- National Swine and Poultry
and Animal Science, Vol. 2, No. Research and Development Center (2010) Evaluation of the
Economics of Feeding Trichantera to Pig