Hjeresen 2002
Hjeresen 2002
Hjeresen 2002
Green Chemistry
The concept of sustainability has generated much discussion and has been incrementally
induced in corporate thinking. However, implementation of changes in industrial processes,
products, and practices has progressed at a slow pace. One reason for this is the enduring
myth that economic profitability must always be sacrificed to achieve environmental goals.
However, innovative technologies have been developed that contribute to improving both the
environmental and economic corporate bottom line. This paper highlights examples of the
successful implementation of such technologies and the benefits that these strategies have
provided. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Dennis Hjeresen is Director of the Green Chem- *Corresponding Author: Director, Green Chemistry In-
istry Institute. Dr. Hjeresen also serves as Senior stitute, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St.
Program Manager for the Risk Reduction and N.W., Washington, DC 20036, USA.
Environmental Stewardship Division at Los Ala- Tel.: q1-202-872-4078; Fax: q1-202-872-6206;
E-mail: d [email protected].
mos National Laboratory. He also serves on the
advisory boards of the journal Green Chemistry
and the Environmental Science and Technology
Mary Kirchhoff is Assistant Director of the Green Sustainability is an attractive idea that has
Chemistry Institute. Prior to joining the Green been embraced by a growing number of
Chemistry Institute, Dr. Kirchhoff was a AAAS companies. Yet, a decade after the Rio de
Fellow and Visiting Scientist with the U.S. Envi- Janeiro Earth Summit, the concept still en-
ronmental Protection Agency’s Green Chemistry genders more discussion than concrete ac-
Program and an Associate Professor of Chemistry tion. While there is no shortage of interest
at Trinity College in Washington, DC. groups pointing out what is happening envi-
ronmentally on a global level and why it is
Rebecca Lankey is an American Society of Me- important to do something about it, there is
chanical Engineers (ASME) Federal Government a paucity of information on how to proceed.
Fellow at the White House Office of Science and
Technology Policy (OSTP). Dr. Lankey has previ-
ously worked for the Green Chemistry Institute Advances in science and technology can
and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) address the challenges of global environmen-
Green Chemistry Program. Views expressed are tal sustainability, which include the release of
the authors’ and are not necessarily those of persistent organic pollutants, climate change,
ASME, OSTP, or EPA. bioaccumulation of contaminants, atmos-
D.L. Hjeresen et al., Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002) 259
1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Green Chemistry
pheric distillation, endocrine disruption, and To address the issue of implementing sus-
ozone depletion. Achieving sustainability re- tainability, green chemistry seeks to integrate
quires an intricate balance between resource a new generation of scientific and engineer-
use, economic growth, and environmental ing technologies with economic behavior by
impact. Green chemistry is a growing field of analyzing the processes and the materials
research that addresses many of these con- used in production and development to en-
cerns by combining the critical elements of hance resource use and foster environmental
environmental improvement, economic com- improvement. The global chemical enterprise
petitiveness, and social responsibility. Green provides compelling examples of this rela-
chemistry began as a program of the U.S. tionship.
Environmental Protection Agency in the early
1990s with the goal of achieving pollution Chemicals underpin many of the processes
prevention through a science-based, non- and products that define modern standards
regulatory, and economically driven ap- of living: life-saving pharmaceuticals, agricul-
proach.1–6 Green chemistry is defined as the tural chemicals, sanitation systems, energy
design, development, and implementation of production, semiconductors, and paper
chemical products or processes to reduce or products. Indeed, few modern consumer
eliminate the use and generation of hazard- products would exist without the use of
ous and toxic substances. The Twelve Prin- chemicals. The demand for chemical goods
ciples of Green Chemistry that have guided and services is expected to parallel the pro-
development in the field1 are shown in Table jected increase in world population, from 6.1
1. billion in mid-2000 to between 7.9 and 10.9
260 D.L. Hjeresen et al., Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002)
1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Green Chemistry
billion by 2050.7 Demands for an increased mental level – the molecular level. It attempts
standard of living throughout the developing to reduce hazards that have a negative im-
world will also drive an increased demand pact on human health and the environment.
for consumer goods and increased chemical Adoption of green chemistry will improve the
use. Yet, many of the most serious global future of industrial science and technology in
ecosystem issues have direct ties to chemi- several important ways.
cals in industry and their consumption.8 Many
industries, especially in developing countries,
use technologies that are outmoded in terms Chemical goods and services are
of their environmental performance, ineffi- expected to parallel the projected
cient in resource and energy use, and ulti-
mately, economically unsound when the so-
increase in world population«
cial costs of pollution are accurately w1x
accounted for. Green chemistry offers a path- Environmental benefits: The environmental
way by which the increased production of benefits of green chemistry are significant.
needed chemical goods and services can be When Eli Lilly redesigned its synthesis of an
achieved in a more materials-efficient, eco- anticonvulsant drug candidate, it eliminated
nomically competitive, and environmentally 300 kg of chromium waste and 34,000 liters
benign manner. of solvent for every 100 kg of product pro-
duced. At the same time, yield increased
It is true that more environmentally sound, threefold. Dow Chemical replaced 3.5 million
scientifically viable chemical alternatives to lbsyyear of CFCs and HCFCs by switching
current technologies are being researched to carbon dioxide as the blowing agent for
and developed, but to be effective, the eco- polystyrene foam. Mobil Technology Com-
nomic viability of these alternatives must also pany eliminated the use of corrosive phos-
be demonstrated. Scientists, engineers, pol- phoric acid and aluminum chloride in its
icy makers, and especially industry leaders synthesis of cumene by employing a zeolite
will need to be educated about the availability catalyst. The new process gives high yields,
of alternative technologies, and it must be fewer byproducts and waste streams, and
proven that they are both environmentally reduced consumption of raw materials. Fur-
sustainable and economically sound. This will thermore, these companies enjoy additional
require an effective system of information savings by reducing or eliminating the
dissemination. amount of waste produced, which often re-
quires expensive treatment and disposal.
Green Chemistry Applied to
Environmental Challenges Economic performance: Second, the adop-
Green chemistry provides options for ad- tion of green chemistry by industry uses
dressing the world’s most pressing challeng- basic science and engineering to redesign
es to sustainability, which include population chemical processes and products in a man-
growth, energy production and use, food ner that enhances both environmental and
production, global climate change, toxics in economic performance. It is this connection
the environment, and non-renewable re- that motivates the implementation of green
source depletion. Green chemistry research chemistry technologies.
has focused on technologies that reduce or
eliminate the use or generation of toxic and The application of tools such as life cycle
hazardous materials, as well as on replacing assessment to studying material and energy
non-renewable feedstocks with renewable flows in products and processes can help
materials. Green chemistry tries to reduce chemical companies more easily identify the
the toxicity of a product at the most funda- sources of hidden costs associated with pro-
D.L. Hjeresen et al., Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002) 261
1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Green Chemistry
duction. When factoring in costs such as ed. Some have been highlighted in the
waste treatment and disposal, site remedia- Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge
tion, regulatory compliance, public relations, Awards, established by the U.S. EPA in 1995.
and legal consultation, the net impact of Summaries of the winning projects are avail-
able at the EPA program website.9 Other
examples have been published in a volume
Many examples of the economic of case studies.10 Advances in green chem-
and environmental advantages of istry provide specific methods and tech-
niques to improve life-cycle environmental
using green chemistry in impacts and to achieve the goals of sustain-
manufacturing have been ability. Some specific examples illustrate both
documented. the environmental and economic benefits
provided by green chemistry.
262 D.L. Hjeresen et al., Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002)
1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Green Chemistry
product recycling. With typical plastic prod- This is particularly important in the pharma-
ucts, the blending of different polymer ma- ceutical industry where the long research and
terials allows recycling only into lower value licensing process and the limited patent life
products. Nature Works娃 PLA is composta- of drugs frequently result in suboptimal first
ble11 and will degrade in landfills. More im- generation processes. Two examples illus-
portantly, PLA products can be hydrolyzed trate the benefits of this trend.
to return to lactic acid and then reprocessed
to make feedstock-grade polymer, demon-
strating polymer recycling at the highest lev- The use of green chemistry
el. While Cargill Dow also reports significant technologies has proven to be a
CO2 emissions benefits of this process over
traditional polymer synthesis,12 these benefits
smart business strategy.
do not readily translate into short-term finan- w3x
cial gains, but conceivably could. Roche Colorado Corporation, an affiliate of
the Roche Group, was awarded the 2000
Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Award for its redesigned synthesis of Cytov-
Since all materials are some form of a chem-
ene䉸, a drug used to treat cytomegalovirus
ical substance, they lend themselves to the
retinitis infections in patients with compro-
advances and advantages that have accom-
mised immune systems, such as transplant
panied developments in the field of green
patients and those with HIVyAIDS. Imple-
chemistry. One of the most important advan-
mentation of the new process decreased air
tages is versatility in starting materials. The
emissions by sixty six percent, liquidysolid
more complex the target product, the more
waste generation by eighty nine percent, and
alternative starting materials and chemical
solvent usage by ninety four percent. Further
pathways will be available.13 In the case of
environmental enhancements came from in-
some complex pharmaceuticals, there are
creased efficiency in the use of raw materials
literally thousands of theoretical routes to
and solvents. The company has used this
manufacture the products. This versatility in
approach to eliminate over 450 tons in annual
chemical manufacturing provides enormous
VOC emissions since 1989, and these chang-
potential for positive impact on the materials
es also resulted in a twenty-five percent
requirements for product manufacture.
increase in production.
Knowing that it is possible to manufacture a
product from a variety of materials allows for
selection and decision criteria in the choice Similarly, Pfizer has begun to systematically
of material input. Therefore, instead of use green chemistry principles to redesign
changing the final product and perhaps af- different drug processes. A good example is
fecting product performance, one can man- the redesign of the process used to manu-
ufacture the identical product while dramati- facture the antidepression drug Zoloft䉸.14 The
cally improving the environmental profile of required changes were made at several dif-
the product life cycle. ferent points in the manufacturing process.
The net result was the elimination of 140
Pharmaceutical manufacturing requires com- tonsyyear of hazardous titanium tetrachlo-
plex and multi-step processing chemistry. A ride, 440 metric tons of solid titanium dioxide
key trend in the industry is the development wastes, 150 metric tons of thirty five percent
of second- and third-generation processes HCl, and 100 metric tons of fifty percent
for the production of pharmaceutical com- NaOH. Additives and washing steps were
pounds. This approach looks for environmen- eliminated, which reduced solvent and water
tal, regulatory, process-efficiency, and cost use. Since discovery in 1985, the process
benefits by redesigning existing processes. has been through three design changes with
D.L. Hjeresen et al., Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002) 263
1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Green Chemistry
264 D.L. Hjeresen et al., Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002)
1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Green Chemistry
The use of environmentally beneficial tech- ing Composting, in: Science and Engineering
nologies, such as those provided by green of Composting: Design, Environmental, Mi-
chemistry, will be realized only when those crobiological and Utilization Aspects, H.A.
technologies also contribute to overall cor- Hoitink, H.N. Keener (Eds.), Renaissance
porate competitiveness. Publications, Worthington, Ohio, 1993, p.
12. Cargill Dow reports that PLA has a green-
house gas emission rate of about 1600 kg
CO2 ymetric ton compared to rates for poly-
Endnotes propylene, polystyrene, PET, and Nylon of
1850, 2740, 4140, and 7150 kg CO2 y metric
1. P.T. Anastas, J.C. Warner, Green Chemistry: ton, respectively (Patrick Gruber, Keynote
Theory and Practice, Oxford University Address, Massachusetts Green Chemistry
Press, New York, 1998. Symposium, Amherst, MA, October 30,
2. P.T. Anastas, C.A. Farris (Eds.), Benign by 2001; co-sponsored by the University of
Design: Alternative Synthetic Design for Pol- Massachusetts Amherst, the National Envi-
lution Prevention, Oxford University Press, ronmental Technology Institute at the Univer-
New York, 1994. sity of Massachusetts Amherst; the Massa-
3. P.T. Anastas, P. Tundo (Eds.), Green Chem- chusetts Executive Office of Environmental
istry: Challenging Perspectives, Oxford Uni- Affairs; and the Toxic Use Reduction Insti-
versity Press, New York, NY, 2000. tute at the University of Massachusetts Low-
4. P.T. Anastas, T.C. Williamson (Eds.), Green ell.)
Chemistry: Designing Chemistry for the Envi- 13. P.T. Anastas, R.L. Lankey, Life Cycle Assess-
ronment, ACS Symposium Series No. 626, ment and Green Chemistry: The Yin and
American Chemical Society, Washington, Yang of Industrial Ecology, Green Chemistry
DC, 1996. 2 (2000) 289–295.
5. P.T. Anastas, L.G. Heine, T.C. Williamson 14. J.L. Tucker, Chemistry the Color of Money,
(Eds.), Green Chemical Syntheses and 223rd ACS National Meeting (Orlando, April
Processes, ACS Symposium Series No. 767, 7–11, 2002), Paper No. 253, Industrial and
Oxford University Press, New York, NY, Engineering Chemistry Division Symposium
2000. on Applications of Chemistry in the Pharma-
6. P.T. Anastas, T.C. Williamson (Eds.), Green
ceutical Industry.
Chemistry: Frontiers in Benign Chemical
15. A.F. Preston, Wood Preservation: Trends of
Synthesis and Processes, Oxford University
Today That Will Influence the Industry To-
Press, New York, NY, 1998.
morrow, Forest Products Journal, 50 (9)
7. World Population Prospects: The 2000 Revi-
(2000), 11–19. Available on the web at http:
sion, Population Division, Department of Ec-
y ywww.treatedwood.com y newsyfp journal
onomic and Social Affairs, United Nations,
New York, NY, 10017. sept 00.pdf (accessed May 21, 2002).
8. B.C. O’Neill, F.L. MacKellar, W. Lutz, Popula- 16. Environmental Protection Agency web page,
tion and Climate Change, Cambridge Uni- Manufacturers to Use New Wood Preserva-
versity Press, Cambridge, UK, 2001. tives, Replacing Most Residential Uses of
9. Environmental Protection Agency web site, CCA, Office of Pesticide Programs, February
EPA’s Green Chemistry Program, http:y y 12, 2002, http:y ywww.epa.govy pesticidesy
www.epa.govygreenchemistryypast.htm (ac- citizensy cca transition.htm噛bkmrk3 (ac-
cessed May 13, 2002). cessed May 20, 2002).
10. M.C. Cann, M.E. Connelly. Real World Cases 17. Environmental Protection Agency web page,
in Green Chemistry; American Chemical So- Inorganic Chromium Report of the Hazard
ciety; Washington, DC, 2000, available on- Identification Assessment Review Commit-
line at: www.acs.orgyeducation ygreenchemy tee, Office of Science Coordination and Poli-
cases.html cy, August 28, 2001, http:y ywww.epa.gov y
11. R. Narayan, Degradation of Polymeric Mate- scipolyy sap y2001 yoctober yarsenicgraphda-
rials (Anthropogenic Macromolecules) Dur- ta.pdf (accessed May 20, 2002).
D.L. Hjeresen et al., Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002) 265
1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Green Chemistry
266 D.L. Hjeresen et al., Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2002)
1066-7938/02/$ - see front matter. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.