Rotational Inertia

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Rotational Inertia

1 Large Rod Stand ME-8735

1 90 cm Long Steel Rod ME-8738
1 Rotational Inertia Accessory ME-3420
1 Mass Set ME-8979
1 Rotary Motion Sensor PS-2120
Required but not included:
1 Mass Balance SE-8723
1 Calipers SE-8711
1 850 Universal Interface UI-5000
PASCO Capstone Software

The rotational inertia of an object is a measure of how hard it is to rotate the object. The purpose
of this experiment is to find the rotational inertia of a ring and a disk experimentally and to verify
that these values correspond to the calculated theoretical values. A known torque is applied to the
pulley on the Rotary Motion Sensor, causing a disk and ring to rotate. The resulting angular
acceleration is measured using the slope of a graph of angular velocity versus time. The
rotational inertia of the disk and ring combination is calculated from the torque and the angular
acceleration. The procedure is repeated for the disk alone to find the rotational inertias of the ring
and disk separately.

Axis of Axis of
Rotation Rotation

R1 R2 R

Thick Disk

Figure 1. Rotation Axes for Ring and Disk

Theoretically, the rotational inertia, I, of a thick ring about an axis passing through the center is
given by
I = 2 M(R21 + R22 ) (1)

where M is the mass of the ring, R1 is the inner radius of the ring, and R2 is the outer radius of

Written by Ann Hanks

EX-5516B Rotational Inertia Page 2 of 4

the ring. The rotational inertia of a disk is given by

I = 2 MR2 (2)
where M is the mass of the disk and R is the radius of the disk.

To find the rotational inertia of the ring and disk experimentally, a known torque is applied to the
ring and disk, and the resulting angular acceleration, , is measured. Since  = I,
I=α (3)
where  is the torque caused by the weight hanging from the string which is wrapped around the
3-step pulley of the apparatus.
 = rF (4)
where r is the radius of the pulley about which the
string is wound and F is the tension in the string
when the apparatus is rotating. Also, a = r, where
"a" is the linear acceleration of the string.

Apply Newton's Second Law for the hanging mass,

m (see Figure 2). Note that the positive direction is
chosen to be down.

∑ ⃗F = ma⃗

mg − F = ma (5)

Figure 2: Rotational Apparatus and Free-Body Diagram

Solving for the tension in the string gives
F = m(g − a) (6)
Once the linear acceleration of the mass (m) is determined, the torque and the angular
acceleration can be obtained for the calculation of the rotational inertia.

1. Set up the rotational apparatus as shown in Figure 3. The thread should be tied around the
smallest step on the Rotary Motion Sensor pulley, then threaded down through the edge
hole, and wrapped around the middle step of the pulley.

2. Plug the Rotary Motion Sensor into the interface.

3. In PASCO Capstone, create a graph of angular velocity vs. time.

Written by Ann Hanks

EX-5516B Rotational Inertia Page 3 of 4

Figure 3. Setup
A. Measurements for the Theoretical Rotational Inertia

1. Find the masses of the ring and the disk using the mass balance.

2. Measure the inside and outside diameters and calculate the radii R1 and R2 and R.

B. Measurements for the Experimental Method

1. Finding the Acceleration of the Ring and Disk

a. Put the ring and disk on the Rotary Motion Sensor along with the Alignment
Guide that centers the ring on the disk. To find the acceleration of this
combination, put about 20 g over the pulley and record the angular velocity
versus time on a graph as the mass falls to the table.
b. Use the curve fit button on the graph to find the straight line that best fits the
data. Use the mouse to select the part of the graph where the mass was falling,
so the line will be fitted only to this part of the data.
c. The slope of the best-fit line is the angular acceleration of the apparatus. Record
this acceleration.
d. Remove the ring and repeat this procedure with only the disk on the Rotary
Motion Sensor. Change the mass that is hanging over to pulley to about 15 g.

2. Finding the Acceleration of the Rotary Motion Sensor

In Step 1 the Rotary Motion Sensor is rotating as well as the ring and disk. It is necessary
to determine the acceleration, and the rotational inertia, of the Rotary Motion Sensor by
itself so this rotational inertia can be subtracted from the total, leaving only the rotational
inertia of the ring and disk. To do this, take the ring and disk off the rotational apparatus
and repeat Step 1 for the Rotary Motion Sensor alone. Note that it is only necessary to put
about 5 g over the pulley in Step 1.

3. Accounting for Friction

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For the Disk with Ring and for the Disk Alone, put just enough mass on the string over the
pulley to make it go at constant speed after you give a little starting push. This will
probably only be about a gram. This is the amount of force required to overcome friction,
not to accelerate the object, and should be subtracted from the total hanging mass in the
4. Use the calipers to measure the diameter of the middle pulley and calculate the radius of
the pulley.

1. Calculate the experimental value of the rotational inertia of the ring, disk, and Rotary
Motion Sensor together using Equations (3), (4), and (5). Remember to subtract off the
mass required to overcome friction from the hanging mass.

2. Calculate the experimental value of the rotational inertia of the disk and Rotary Motion
Sensor together using Equations (3), (4), and (5). Remember to subtract off the mass
required to overcome friction from the hanging mass.

3. Calculate the experimental value of the rotational inertia of the Rotary Motion Sensor alone
using Equations (3), (4), and (5).

4. Subtract the rotational inertia of the Rotary Motion Sensor from the rotational inertia of
combination of the disk and Rotary Motion Sensor. This will be the rotational inertia of the
disk alone.

5. Subtract the rotational inertia of the combination of the disk and Rotary Motion Sensor
from the rotational inertia of combination of the ring, disk, and Rotary Motion Sensor. This
will be the rotational inertia of the ring alone.

6. Calculate the theoretical values of the rotational inertia of the ring and disk using Equations
(1), and (2).

7. Use percent differences to compare the experimental values to the theoretical values.

%difference = | | × 100

1. Which object had the greater rotational inertia?

2. Which object was harder to accelerate?

3. Were the theoretical values within the uncertainties of the measured values? If not, why

Written by Ann Hanks

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