Item 4
Item 4
Item 4
Name :
DoB : Class : Level 8
Form Tutor : LSA : Maria Garcia Maroto
Specialist Teacher : INCO :
Statement Summary: Student was diagnosed with ADHD in 2017 since then she has assigned a full
time one to one LSA. Student is a bright and smart student who loves attending the school as well
as reading and learning.
Medical Needs: Medication has been prescribed by a psychiatrist (taken at school daily and
monitored by the SMC nurse).
General Behaviour
Student is an intelligent, diligent and hard-working student who always strives to achieve her best
in every subject. She is very keen, spontaneous and enthusiastic to learn and participate in every
school project and activity and thoroughly enjoys science, historic, reading and art. Sometimes
Student can present a higher level of anxiety and this makes her interrupting the lesson while
teachers are explaining.
Organisational Skills Student has improved in this area and she is more organized due
to having a colour-coded timetable and colour coded folders.
Social and Interpersonal She needs to widen her circle of friends as this would boost her
Skills self confidence However she lacks social skills and does not
understand social cues.
The fact that she does not share so easily with others but tends to
seek attention for herself and wants to listen to all the time does
not help. She needs to be more attentive to what others are
telling her and be more considerate towards them, as this would
enable her to build more friendships with her peers.
Language and Her attention span is short. She is very fidgety and distracted and
Communication at times disturbs the class. She often needs prompting to remain
Attention Skills on task. Sometimes, she does not comprehend and follow
instructions well.
Expressive Skills Student cannot always express herself very well and tends to get
very anxious when she does not understand something or gets
something wrong.
Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills Student is very neat in her handwriting and presentation of her
Gross Motor Skills There has been an improvement in Student’s running skills as from
last year.
Reading Student has a love for books and thoroughly enjoys reading.
Speaking Skills Student has improved in this area and she is much more confident
in front of an audience and now enjoys herself and is more
Student performs well in dictations.
Grammar Student performs well in Maltese grammar.
Reading Comprehension Student understands the story and answers the questions very
Listening Comprehension
She is sometimes distracted and loses focus on what is being said
but on the whole, she can listen and answer the questions well.
Creative Writing Student is very imaginative and creative and has a very good
command of the Maltese language and vocabulary.
History and Geography Student enjoys these lessons as they are also two of her favourite
subjects. She takes a keen interest in the lessons and always
thoroughly enjoys them and participates well.
Drama & Music Student loves drama and music lessons and always participates
wholeheartedly. She is always very keen and attentive. She
presented a very good monologue in drama which the teacher and
school friends liked. She was confident and had very good stage
presence. I was very pleased with her.
Art Student has a love and a passion for this subject. She is very
artistic and creative and is always engaged during these lessons as
she enjoys them very much.
ICT Student is proficient in this subject and participates very well and
is very eager to learn.
P.E. Student is always extremely keen to participate in the different
games and activities although she finds it hard to be part of a team
and also to accept defeat and feedback by her school mates or
Hobbies and Interest Student loves to read and has a passion for science, art and
origami. She is very creative and imaginative and loves to write
stories, draw and read.
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