Item 4

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Individual Educational Plan 2020-2021

Name :
DoB : Class : Level 8
Form Tutor : LSA : Maria Garcia Maroto
Specialist Teacher : INCO :

Statement Summary: Student was diagnosed with ADHD in 2017 since then she has assigned a full
time one to one LSA. Student is a bright and smart student who loves attending the school as well
as reading and learning.

Medical Needs: Medication has been prescribed by a psychiatrist (taken at school daily and
monitored by the SMC nurse).

Type of report Report prepared by Date of report

Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy
Report (Alert Programme)
Psychological Assessment
Psychological Assessment
Statementing Moderating Directorate for February 2017
Panel Report Educational Services

Statementing Appeals Directorate for September 2017

Board Report Educational Services

People Present (IEP meeting): Parents, INCO, Form tutor, LSE

People Present (Review meeting) : INCO, Parents, LSE

Next Review: Interim Meeting: Parents’ Days

Summary of information from the above-mentioned stakeholders.

Areas of Strength Areas of Need

• Highly motivated towards studies. • Needs to control her impulsivity so does not
• Great eager to study and learn. think of the consequences her actions will
• Very diligent, hard-working and cause.
persevering. • Need to develop coping skills to control her
• Grasps and understands concepts impulsivity, therefore she needs:
very easily. - Respecting turn.
• GCA is in the above-average range. - Do not interrupt while the teachers are
• Enjoy school, studying and reading. speaking
• Extremely sharp and observant.
• Very sensitive and caring. - Do not blurt out answers.
• Artistic and creative. - Put her hand up.
- Listening to others.
• Increases the time of concentration and be
• Fidgety and restless
• Become a bit more flexible. She is a
perfectionist in her work and this causes her
to be very anxious and stressed.
• Social skills, she needs to work on:
- Empathy
- Assertiveness
- Co-operate with others
- Sharing different activities and tasks
- Learn how to initiate a conversation
- Listening to others
- Accept criticism and mistakes.

General Behaviour
Student is an intelligent, diligent and hard-working student who always strives to achieve her best
in every subject. She is very keen, spontaneous and enthusiastic to learn and participate in every
school project and activity and thoroughly enjoys science, historic, reading and art. Sometimes
Student can present a higher level of anxiety and this makes her interrupting the lesson while
teachers are explaining.
Organisational Skills Student has improved in this area and she is more organized due
to having a colour-coded timetable and colour coded folders.

Self-Help Skills No difficulty has been observed in this area.

Social and Interpersonal She needs to widen her circle of friends as this would boost her
Skills self confidence However she lacks social skills and does not
understand social cues.

The fact that she does not share so easily with others but tends to
seek attention for herself and wants to listen to all the time does
not help. She needs to be more attentive to what others are
telling her and be more considerate towards them, as this would
enable her to build more friendships with her peers.

Self-esteem Student seems to lack self-confidence as she constantly seeks

attention and has to be the best at everything she does. She is
very anxious and gets very worked up when she is not sure of the
task that she has to do or does not finish her work on time.
However, she has improved in-class presentations and is more
confident when talking to the class and enjoys it.

Language and Her attention span is short. She is very fidgety and distracted and
Communication at times disturbs the class. She often needs prompting to remain
Attention Skills on task. Sometimes, she does not comprehend and follow
instructions well.

Student sometimes gets confused as she does not seem to

Receptive Skills
understand completely what is being said to her. This might be
due to a lack of concentration and focus.

Expressive Skills Student cannot always express herself very well and tends to get
very anxious when she does not understand something or gets
something wrong.
Motor Skills

Fine Motor Skills Student is very neat in her handwriting and presentation of her

Gross Motor Skills There has been an improvement in Student’s running skills as from
last year.

Access to Curriculum Ms. Maria writes up a weekly report, giving feedback

regarding Student’s academic performance and behavior.
This will be sent via email, acknowledged by Ms. Maria.

English / Literacy Skills

Grammar Student is very proficient in her grammar and grasps concepts very
easily. She always thoroughly enjoys this lesson.

Student is very attentive and understands the story well as this is

Reading Comprehension one of her favourite subjects.

Student tends to lose track at times due to lack of attention but

Listening Comprehension overall manages to answer the questions well.

Student is very skilled in creative writing and has a very vivid

Creative Writing imagination as well as a very good grasp of vocabulary and
expressions, apart from having very good writing skills.

Reading Student has a love for books and thoroughly enjoys reading.

Speaking Skills Student has improved in this area and she is much more confident
in front of an audience and now enjoys herself and is more
Student performs well in dictations.
Grammar Student performs well in Maltese grammar.

Reading Comprehension Student understands the story and answers the questions very
Listening Comprehension
She is sometimes distracted and loses focus on what is being said
but on the whole, she can listen and answer the questions well.

Creative Writing Student is very imaginative and creative and has a very good
command of the Maltese language and vocabulary.

Student has some difficulty when it comes to reading, which may

be due to lack of concentration and also wanting to finish in time.

Student has improved in this area and is more confident when

Speaking Skills talking to an audience. She has a good command of the language
although she tends to translate literally at times

Student is very good at spelling and dictations.


Mathematics Student is extremely proficient in this subject. She has a

mathematical mind and loves solving problems. She always
thoroughly enjoys the lessons and participates very well.

Science Science is Student’s favourite subject and is very well-read about

this subject and always very keen and engrossed during these

History and Geography Student enjoys these lessons as they are also two of her favourite
subjects. She takes a keen interest in the lessons and always
thoroughly enjoys them and participates well.

Drama & Music Student loves drama and music lessons and always participates
wholeheartedly. She is always very keen and attentive. She
presented a very good monologue in drama which the teacher and
school friends liked. She was confident and had very good stage
presence. I was very pleased with her.
Art Student has a love and a passion for this subject. She is very
artistic and creative and is always engaged during these lessons as
she enjoys them very much.

ICT Student is proficient in this subject and participates very well and
is very eager to learn.
P.E. Student is always extremely keen to participate in the different
games and activities although she finds it hard to be part of a team
and also to accept defeat and feedback by her school mates or

Other Activities Student thoroughly enjoyed participating in all the activities as in

e.g.; Sports Festival, School bonding day.

Learning Style Student uses different media in her learning.

Hobbies and Interest Student loves to read and has a passion for science, art and
origami. She is very creative and imaginative and loves to write
stories, draw and read.

Target Teaching Strategies Success Comments

Target 1 : To reduce Student’s Student will be given To reduce
Impulsivity impulsivity i.e. the warning cards by blurting out
blurting out the LSE every time she answers by
comments or
blurts out in class and 90%
answers, do not
interrupt and interrupts the teacher. by the end of
respecting turns. This will make her this scholastic
aware of how many year.
Corrections since I times she is doing this
did the 10-week and will motivate her
to hold back and
SMART GOALS: interrupt this
*Specific: behaviour.
To control student’s LSE will also continue
impulsiveness to keep a log of this
*Measurable: Times behaviour, and a
student interrupt or reward will be given to
blurt out. the student if the cards
- Between 1 go down. In addition to
the cards, the student
and 2
interruptions: will use a whiteboard
on which to write down
her answers and
card cloudy.
thoughts when she
- 2-4: 2 cannot control her
warning impulsivity and feels
cards the urge to blurt out
- More than 4 when not asked and
interruptions: without putting her
last warning hand up. She will then
cards. show it to the teacher
Reflection’s and in this way will be
sheet able to give vent to this
*Achievable: Get impulse to speak
that the student will without interrupting
be able to reduce the teacher and class.
and control her She will also continue
impulsiveness to be given warning
therefore, avoid
bursting out or
*Relevant: goal
target priority area:
*Time related: Every cards resulting in a
day to help the reflection sheet after
student realises the third warning.
about her behaviour.

Target 2 : To To help the student The student will be To reduce her

be more to be more flexible working on her anxiety and
flexible and and help her reduce emotional intelligence become more
and manage her flexible by the
reduce and to help her recognize
anxiety especially end of the
manage her when something her emotions and scholastic
anxiety unexpected happens. feelings, therefore, year.
become more aware of
SMART GOALS: and control her anxiety.
*Specific: To help the The student will be
student to manage
explained the
and recognize her
aanxiety. technique of the
*Measurable: volcano to recognize
-To be able to realise and learn to control her
of the level of her emotions. This will
anxiety: scale from 1 indicate how she is
to 10. feeling and will help her
-To identify her level
control and manage her
of anxiety and when
is escalating: anxiety better.
increasing or She will also be given
decreasing breathing exercises
- How to control her when she feels she is
anxiety - Identify getting anxious or
and recognize her
feelings. Positive
and negative She will also be given
feelings. time out of class and a
*Achievable: stress ball to keep her
Recognise and calm and focused.
identify her anxiety
and the level of
anxiety, as well as
her feelings.
Realistic goal
*Relevant: We are
addressing a priority
area, her anxiety and
feelings, it is the
emotional area.
*Time related: Every
day during the
different moments
of the school, in the
morning, during the
break, at the end of
the school. Through
all scholastic year.
Target 3 : To widen her circle LSE will facilitate Student will
Social Skills of friends interpersonal skills make four or
during break time and five new
also will support friends by the
*Specific: Make
friends. Student making new end of this
*Measurable: friends, helping and scholastic
Numbers of friends encourage Student to year.
the student will do initiate conversation in Student needs
during the first term. a group, listening, to make a bit
Make between 2 or 4
sharing, taking turns more effort to
friends. *Achievable:
and giving personal widen her
Realistic goal, making
friends. *Relevant: space. circle of
goal target a priority friends. She
area. Social and finds it
emotional area difficult to
*Time related: Every understand
day during the break
social cues
help the student to
know how to initiate and needs to
a conversation or improve on
how to interact her social
properly with the skills,
classmates. although she
is very
and enjoys
her alone
time because
helps calm her
down and
organize her


Mr & Mrs (parents) (form tutor)

(Inco) Ms Maria (Lse)

_______________________ _______________________

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