From UV Protection To Protection in The Whole Spectral Range of The Solar Radiation - New Aspect of Sunscreen Development
From UV Protection To Protection in The Whole Spectral Range of The Solar Radiation - New Aspect of Sunscreen Development
From UV Protection To Protection in The Whole Spectral Range of The Solar Radiation - New Aspect of Sunscreen Development
Sunscreens have been constantly improving in the past few years. Today,
they provide an efficient protection not only in the UVB but also in the
UVA spectral region of the solar radiation. Recently it could be demon-
strated that 50% of all free radicals induced in the skin due to solar radia-
tion are formed in the visible and infrared spectral region. The good
protective efficacy of sunscreens in the UV region prompts people to stay
much longer in the sun than if they had left their skin unprotected.
However, as no protection in the visible and infrared spectral region is
provided, high amounts of free radicals are induced here that could easily
exceed the critical radical concentration.
This chapter describes how the effect of sunscreens can be extended to
cover also the visible and infrared spectral region of the solar radiation by
adding pigments and antioxidants with high radical protection factors to
the sunscreen formulations.
Sun protection • Skin cancer • Reactive oxygen species • Lipid peroxide
radicals • Critical radical concentration • Antioxidants
26.1 Introduction
processes leading to skin damage extending from 26.2 ree Radical Action
sunburn via immunosuppression to even skin can- Spectrum
cer [3, 4]. Among the reasons for the development
of these partially severe skin damages is the pro- In 2009, Zastrow et al. [5] (experimentally deter-
duction of free radicals that has been underesti- mined the action spectrum of free radical formation
mated, so far. These highly reactive molecules are proving for the first time that radical formation is
vital for signalling processes in our body. However, the general biophysical response to radiation in the
it is well established that at high concentrations of range between UVB (280 nm) and near infrared
excess free radicals, molecules that are essential for (NIR 1600 nm). Also the NIR’s radical forming
the function of the cells can be destroyed, e.g. capacity (700–1600 nm) was evidenced in separate
DNA, RNA, proteins and lipids [4]. EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectrom-
Sunscreens contain filter substances with strong etry experiments, whereby it was found that the
protective efficacy against ultraviolet B (UVB radical generation (RG) depends not only on the
280–320 nm) and adequate protection against for- applied NIR irradiation dose but also on the
mation of free radicals in ultraviolet A (UVA 320– increase of the skin temperature related thereto.
400 nm). Recently, it could be demonstrated that The wavelength induced mixtures [6] of short-lived
50% of the free radicals are produced by solar reactive oxygen species (ROS) and long-lived lipid
radiation in the visible (VIS) and infrared (IR) peroxide radicals (LOS) together behave exactly
spectral region [5]. Therefore, ultimately for pre- like the UVA induced free radicals, which are clas-
venting skin cancerogenesis, new concepts need to sified as being carcinogenic. The action spectrum
focus on protecting the human skin in the com- is demonstrated in Fig. 26.1. Although the concen-
plete range of the earth’s solar spectrum, i.e. the tration of the free radicals in the VIS/IR spectral
UV, the VIS and IR spectral regions. The basics of region is lower than that in the UV region, its wave-
these developments are described hereinafter. length range is distinctly larger leading to the for-
RGact sp = X.1012 rad / mg per mJ / cm2
260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 26.1 Action spectrum – wavelength dependence for free radical formation in human skin [5]
26 From UV Protection to Protection in the Whole Spectral Range of the Solar Radiation: New Aspects… 313
mation of substantial amounts of free radicals. At the existence of the FRTV, separating the “benefi-
least 50% of the free radicals produced by the sun cially” from “deleteriously” acting free radicals,
originate from the VIS/IR spectral region. could be confirmed by quantitative EPR x-band
spectroscopy [6]. As described in [5–7], spin trap
PBN and spin labeled PCA were used to quantify
26.3 Critical Radical the free radicals. The spin traps DMPO and
Concentration (Free Radical DEPMPO allowed distinguishing ROS from car-
Threshold Value) bon-centred LOS.
Figure 26.2 summarizes the results. With
Using the free radical action spectrum, we calcu- increasing UV + VIS doses a rising number of
lated in 2009 (3) the amount of free radicals ROS/LOS is generated. Up to ~3.5 × 1012 rad/mg
induced by the dose of natural sunlight which is this increase is nearly linear. Once this concentra-
necessary to produce a recommended amount of tion is reached, the gradient of the curve
vitamin D. For estimated 1000 IU daily, a dose of changes – still being linear though clearly lower.
about a quarter of the minimum erythemal dose Further measurements with UV and VIS light
(MED) leads to a number of roughly 3.5 × 1012 alone (2) led to RG values between ~2.8 × 10
radicals per mg skin tissue. Based on this standard rad/mg to ~4.0 × 1012 rad/mg, all in the range of
vitamin dose, this amount of ~3.5 × 1012 rad/mg the calculated FRTV.
ROS/LOS represents the tolerated number of free Moreover it could be demonstrated that below
radicals in skin. At that concentration the ROS/ the critical radical concentration (FRTV) the mix-
LOS mixture does not show clinically detectable ture of ROS/LOS is dominated by short-lived
damage indicating that the excess free radicals are ROS. Above the FRTV RG ~ 3.5 × 1012 rad/mg the
still under the control of the antioxidative defense long-lived LOS are dominant. They are well-known
system. We called this critical radical concentra- as measurable signs of cell destructive processes.
tion that exists on an essential biological endpoint The two circles in Fig. 26.2 show exemplarily this
Free Radical Threshold Value (FRTV). Recently dynamic switch in the free radical mixture.
RG 1012 rad / mg
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
Fig. 26.2 Radical generation (RG) depending on the UV + VIS doses and the radical composition [6]
314 L. Zastrow et al.
No pre- COLIPA Cream 1 Cream 2 Cream 3 Cream 4
treatment standard
µs ' cream 4
20 µs ' cream 1
µa, µs' [1/mm]
µs ' cream 2
µs ' cream 3
5 µs ' standard
These sun umbrellas shield their users against which are derived from the biological response of
solar radiation in the complete spectral range. In the skin in form of erythema (minimal erythemal
Arab countries people are wearing garments dose MED), were standardised. Later on, it could
which cover their skin almost completely. These be demonstrated that the skin has to be protected
people have been practising light protection also against UVA radiation as this type of radia-
instead of UV protection. tion create excess ROS/LOS which can induce
Taking into account the results of the above skin cancer [2]. Even with persistent pigment
Charité study [11] it may be highlighted that for- darkening (PPD) as measurable parameter for the
mulators of sunscreens have broad room for biological response in this specific region, the
designed products with advanced protection in determination of the efficiency of UVA protec-
VIS/NIR area. An important role for further tion is a topic of ongoing research. Therefore, the
progress in this field plays the EPR spectroscopy, European Commission recommended in 2006
the only method able to detect directly free radi- that sunscreens must provide a 3:1 absorption in
cals [12]. This technique allows optimisation and the UVB and UVA fraction of the solar spectrum
standardisation of sunscreens not only in the UV to be labelled as sunscreen products [13]. This
but also the VIS/IR spectral regions. It is encour- was a foresighted decision, indeed, as the gener-
aging that there is a variety of commercial sun- ally known and well accepted SPF should con-
screens meanwhile being available which claim tinue to be used in the future. But how can the
to provide also protection in the VIS/IR spectral protection against VIS/IR radiation be included
region. in this concept? Specific legislation will have to
be adopted, whereby the protective function in
the VIS/IR spectral region will be determined by
26.7 tandardisation of SPF
S EPR spectrometry.
Values in the VIS/IR Spectral As described earlier in this chapter, people
Region applying sunscreens with a high SPF use to
stay longer in the sun so that in the VIS/IR
Since the first sunscreens were developed in spectral region free radicals can be produced
1933, the efficiency of sunscreen products has at concentrations exceeding the critical radical
always been improving. In 1956, the SPF values, concentration (FRTV). For a sunscreen prod-
26 From UV Protection to Protection in the Whole Spectral Range of the Solar Radiation: New Aspects… 317
uct with a declared SPF of 10, it is to be sup- tection is necessary. Therefore there is an urgency
posed that applicants stay up to 10 times for new innovative concepts, including intelligent
longer in the sun. Now it has to be checked if behaviour in the sun, mimicking natural protec-
the free radicals (ROS/LOS) produced in the tion mechanisms, e.g. by specific modification of
VIS/IR spectral region for an irradiation dose skin reflectance and scattering. The focus of the
of 10 MED are below or above the FRTV. If innovation needs to be put on systems for con-
the concentration proves to be below the trolling the prevention of free radical formation
FRTV, the SPF value could remain unchanged. above the FRTV.
If the radical concentration is found to exceed The protection efficacy, especially in the VIS/
the critical concentration value, the FRTV IR should, as proposed above, find entrance in an
value of 3.5 × 1012 rad/mg of tissue has to be “Integral SPF” giving a realistic exposure recom-
divided by the actual free radical concentra- mendation to the applicants.
tion. Subsequently the SPF will be divided by
the obtained quotient.
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