Effective Teaching and Effective Learning
Effective Teaching and Effective Learning
Effective Teaching and Effective Learning
This appraisal argues that the effectiveness of learning and teaching depends on many factors such
as the environment, instruction, classroom conditions and most importantly, styles of learning and as
well as style of teaching. This evaluation examines teaching and learning from the lenses of mind
blowing scholars such as David Kolb, (1984), Honey, (1982), Dick and Carey model (1990), Anthony,
Sudbury Model, VAK Model and Madeline. This critical review further investigates techniques of
effective learning and effective teaching in order to help instructors as well as learners to strive for
the best outcome.
Index Terms: Learning, teaching, methodology, learning styles, instruction
222 | P a g e
Dr. Qais Faryadi/ International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com
Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2012, pp.222-228
Awofala et al. (2011). As such, teachers have to 6. Have a positive attitude and participate in
adjust their teaching preferences with those of class activities.
the learners’ in order to achieve the desired 7. Read effectively and pay special attention
outcome. This mapping of the learning and to the summary of the chapter.
teaching styles creates a more effective learning 8. Study in a group where members have
environment and also enhances the problem- similar learning styles.
solving capability of learners Narli, et al. 9. If you do not understand any part of the
(2011). lesson, ask the instructor for help.
10. Do not allow the learning process to stress
When preparing her lessons, an effective teacher you out. You are a student and your job is
should: to learn.
1. Be aware that she is catering to a varied 11. Learn step by step and do not overload
audience. your memory.
2. Use learning styles and pedagogy to make 12. Make sure that you are in the right state of
learning effective. mind and ready to study. Do not force
3. Create confidence to boost capability. yourself to study.
4. Develop a curriculum to suit different 13. Have a reason or goal for wanting to do
learning styles. well in your studies. For instance, if you
5. Use audio-visual tools and instructional aim to be a successful doctor, your
aids to make learning fun. ambition will spur you on to achieve your
6. Explain difficult concepts ahead of the educational goals.
lesson. 14. Make the learning relevant to situations in
7. Pose questions to stimulate critical thinking real life; believe that you can solve
and problem- solving skills. problems if you are a knowledgeable
8. Provide opportunities for feedback on the person.
effectiveness of the lesson. 15. Learn the way you are comfortable with.
9. Foster a motivating classroom atmosphere. You may be a visual, auditory or
10. Encourage mutual respect among learners. kinesthetic learner i.e. you may learn
As evident in the above discussion, effective better by reading, listening or doing /
teaching and successful learning require careful being hands on.
planning and well-planned strategies. Sound 16. Go through the material carefully, taking
education strategies will create hope, hone great care to remember all the headlines,
skills, impart knowledge and develop positive graphs and pictures.
attitudes in learners, the leaders of tomorrow. It 17. Highlight new information and emphasize
is crucial, therefore, that teachers plan carefully the important points.
for a conducive learning environment. Gurpinar, As thus, instructors are advised to use their
et al. (2011) artistic imagination to produce skillful learners.
Teaching as an art requires crafting, imagination
and creativity. Designing a physical teaching
TECHNIQUES OF EFFECTIVE environment is a piece of art that requires needs
LEARNING creativity and engagement. Designing a
Learning is defined as a process that brings classroom environment that takes care of
behavioral changes to a person. It is a skill that students who are emotionally and
must be acquired by individuals in their studies psychologically unstable requires artistic
and later, in their careers. Landry, et al. (2011). imagination.
People learn differently based on their That is why teaching is often
individual unique styles of learning. considered an art; especially if it involves
designing artistic and dynamic activities in the
classroom to motivate the young, to spur them
The following are some techniques of learning
on to acquire the knowledge or skills required.
Teaching requires decision- making as well as
1. Tell yourself that you are learning with a
skills to implement multi-tasks in the classroom.
purpose. You have a goal to accomplish.
Therefore, the effective methodology which
2. Mind-map the information for easy
teachers utilize to educate different types of
understanding and remembering.
learners is a piece of art in itself.
3. Determine your own time and place of
learning as long as it does not clash with
4. Give priority to urgent tasks that require Positive relationship: Maintaining a positive
immediate attention. relationship among students, teachers and the
5. Make a resolution to really want to study. administrators creates a harmonious leaning
223 | P a g e
Dr. Qais Faryadi/ International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com
Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2012, pp.222-228
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Dr. Qais Faryadi/ International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com
Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2012, pp.222-228
Testing the new concept: Finally, in this stage will not learn if the situation and condition of
the learner applies what he has experienced or learning require lengthy instructions.
learnt to a real life situation. Pragmatists are interested in learning if it is
relevant to their interests or needs. They learn
Honey and Mumford Learning Styles best by experimentation and hands-on activities.
They use the techniques acquired to do the job
at hand. Pragmatists are time- savers and
According to this model (Honey, 1982) the
investigate concepts that can be prototyped.
following four learning styles are very
Pragmatists are unable to learn in a situation
important to understanding the types of learners:
that does not assist them. They cannot learn if
there is no clear guidance to help them with the
Activist: It is a style of learning whereby the task at hand. (Charles worth, 2008).
learner is eager to try out new ideas. This style
is a very effective way of learning as the learner
Dick and Carey Model of Learning
tackles the problem hands on and then applies
Walter Dick and Lou Carey (Dick, 1990)
the results to the task at hand. The learner
investigated the learning process and prototyped
always experiments with new opportunities and
the learning process implemented by
problems in order to learn effectively. Such
behaviorists and constructivists ideology. This
learners tend to work in a group and try to role-
style of learning is greatly influenced by Robert
play to accomplish a task. They cannot learn
Gagne’s conditions of learning. This model
effectively by merely listening to lectures or
suggests the following steps of learning:
detailed explanations. Activists have difficulty
in following lengthy oral instructions.
Step 1: Identify your Goals. What do you
Reflectors: Reflectors view learning
want to achieve? What do you want your
differently. They research and collect data first.
learners to achieve? Make a complete needs
Then they examine the gathered data and think
analysis as well as requirements.
carefully before drawing any conclusion.
Step 2: Make an analysis of your
Reflectors are usually interested in observation
instruction. Define your steps in the instruction
and listening to other learners before coming up
to help your learners gain the desired
with a new idea. In order to come to a
conclusion, they first observe groups or
Step 3: Find out about characteristics and
individuals and reflect on what they have
behaviors of your learners. Their prior
actually learned from the observations. Such
knowledge, skills and preferences must be
learners do not care too much about tight
deadlines. They examine situations first before
Step 4: Identify your objectives. Learners will
producing any viable or workable results. One
acquire critical thinking and problem-solving
of the disadvantages of this style of learning is
skills at the end of the course.
that such learners cannot assume a leadership
Step 5: Measure learners’ progress and
role. If they are pushed to the limit, learning will
performance according to the learning
not occur.
Step 6: Identify your strategies. Assign your
Theorists: Theorists learn by assimilating their activities, present information in a meaningful
own observation into sound and logically manner, ask the learners for feedback and re-test
acceptable theories. They learn and solve a them.
given problem through logical reasoning. Step 7: Identify and prepare relevant
Theorists learn step by step. This category of learning materials such as student’s manual,
learners work their way into a logical and tests, instructor’s guide, learning guides and
rational time-frame. They learn best in computer-based multimedia learning aids.
situations in which they are challenged to think Step 8: Conduct Formative Evaluation of
critically and use problem-solving techniques. your instruction. In order to improve the
Theorists love to investigate and come to a instruction, the educator must evaluate every
solution at their own pace through unstructured step of the instruction herself as well as get
activities. Feelings and emotions have no place several students give her feedback regarding her
in the learning style of theorists. They cannot performance as an instructor.
learn with other students who have different Step 9: Conduct Summative Evaluation of
learning styles. your instruction. This stage is very crucial as it
shows the absolute worth or otherwise of the
Pragmatists: Pragmatists learn through instruction.
exploration and experimentation. They apply According to this model, learning is a
what have learnt to their daily activities. They set of correlated frameworks which have to be
225 | P a g e
Dr. Qais Faryadi/ International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com
Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2012, pp.222-228
followed in order to achieve effective results. teacher’s intervention. The Sudbury model of
As such, in order to teach and learn creatively learning asserts that learners should be
and efficiently, all the steps of the above encouraged to learn by themselves, choosing
learning model must be followed. This model of what they like and according to their own pace.
learning emphasizes that there are certain When learners enjoy the learning process, they
requirements that the learner has to fulfill in learn better (Bruce, 2009).
order to learn effectively. As such, the learners
are expected to achieve the targeted goals and Fleming's Vak Model of Learning
objectives at the end of the course. This model Fleming’s learning style is one of the most
views learning as an experimental and effective and commonly used learning models.
replicable process. This learning model is very effective in
preparing a classroom with different educational
Anthony Gregorc Model of Learning and learning styles. Fleming’s model is based
This model is based on the belief that students upon the following principles:
learn best when they use their minds effectively.
This learning style is based on human 1. Visual learners: Visual learners learn better
perceptions and evaluations of the world in a situation where visual aids, diagrams,
through a meaningful approach. According to handouts, videos and pictures are provided.
this theory (Anthony, 1984), our perception is
the most powerful learning tool. This learning
style emphasizes two perceptual criteria: 2. Auditory learners: These learners learn
1. Concrete Perception: Concrete best through listening to discussions, lectures
perception refers to the registration of and tape recordings.
information through our senses.
2. Abstract Perception: Abstract 3. Kinesthetic learners or tactile learners:
perception deals with things that we cannot see These learners are interested in hands-on
such as concepts, qualities and ideas. It refers to experiences and problem-solving activities
a meaningful understanding of things around us. such as touching, performing activities,
This learning style also emphasizes the scientific projects and experimentations
following: (James, 2010).
1. Random Learning: It deals with
organization of information without sequential Madeline Hunter Model of Learning
2. Sequential Learning: This deals with Dr. Madeline Hunter recommends that
the logical and chronological order of educators follow a certain methodology of
information. teaching when designing classroom instruction
According to this theory, the ability to learn (Steward, 2010). She believes that even though
randomly or sequentially is innate in some the teacher may know all about her students’
individuals while others may have to struggle to backgrounds, the following eight steps of
acquire these abilities. Each individual shows learning must be considered when making a
different strengths in learning. While some lesson plan:
individuals may have a tough time
understanding and solving certain problems,
1. Anticipatory Set: When designing
others have no difficulty at all. So, to a large
classroom instruction, the teacher must know
extent, the success of learning is dependent on
what the students ought to have learnt at the end
the learners themselves (Anthony, 1984).
of her class. It is important to have a clear idea
of what to anticipate or expect in order to teach
Sudbury Model of Learning
effectively. In addition, the educator must relate
This model of learning postulates that learners
the previous lesson with the present to make the
learn in many different ways. Learning,
learners ready to learn. Hunter insists that the
according to this model, is a process of
teacher, before starting the class, must motivate
accomplishment by an individual. It is not
her learners by providing short activities to
something that is given. According to this
capture the learners’ attention. Anticipatory set
theory, there are many ways to be educated
can be just giving learners a handout before the
without adult intervention. Some students learn
lesson begins or posing a problem that will
by themselves while others are taught how to
challenge them to think.
2. Objectives and goals: According to
this learning model, students understand the
Some children, for example, teach themselves
lesson and learn better if they know what they
and learn from their experience without the
going to learn. Educators must communicate
226 | P a g e
Dr. Qais Faryadi/ International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com
Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2012, pp.222-228
with the learners about the what, how and why CONCLUSION
of learning in the classroom. The teacher should Teachers must motivate the unmotivated
discuss with the learners why it is very learners. Traditionally-taught students usually
important to learn a certain topic. She should have low esteem about themselves. In the
also discuss the outcome of the lesson, that is, traditional classroom, students are generally not
what they will master or achieve at the end of given much encouragement and the opportunity
the lesson. As such, the teacher helps her to think critically. Instead they suffer from
learners focus on the task at hand. memory overload as they are expected to merely
They are more likely want to learn and to memorize information most of the time. In
continue learning when the goal is clearly addition, teachers have to accept the diversity of
defined. their class population. There should not be
3. Input: If you want your learners to discrimination of any kind. Ideally, there should
learn effectively, the lessons must be presented be a harmonious classroom environment where
creatively. The presentation of the lessons can students feel self-worth, and believe that they
be through discussions, discovery, tasks that are accepted and appreciated by their teachers
require critical thinking, problem-solving or and peers, regardless of their backgrounds. This
brain storming. Besides these, the teacher can positive classroom environment will create a
also incorporate vocabulary, skill-oriented change of attitude and behavior in students,
exercises, listening, observation and concept making them more motivated to learn.
identification. The input or delivery of
information must be interesting and appealing. Teachers play an exceptionally
4. Modeling: For students to learn demanding role in our community. They have to
successfully, the teacher must present the perform a multitude of tasks not only in schools
information in a way that the learners can but also in our society at large. Instructors are
visualize it. They must be told what they are empirical scholars, classroom reformers,
about to learn. They learn better when the learners’ advocates, disciplinarians and
teacher personally demonstrates the skills they character builders. A competent teacher is able
are to acquire. to establish a good relationship with students
5. Checking for Understanding: One and their parents, as well as with school
way to monitor the students’ progress is to administrators. A dedicated and effective
check whether they have learnt what they are teacher devotes her energy to inspiring her
supposed to have learnt at the end of the lesson. students so that they can achieve success.
It is crucial for the teacher to make sure that She takes into account her students’
students have understood their lesson before diverse backgrounds and unique learning styles
moving on to the next. The teacher can assess when she plans her lessons. As such the
the students through different ways such as effective teacher is one who communicates with
having a short question-and-answer session. her students before planning and conducting her
Alternatively, the teacher can ask the students: lessons so that she is aware of their needs and
Is it ok to go to the next topic or do you wants interests. The traditional style of teaching in the
me to clarify any part of the lesson? class is not only no longer relevant but also
6. Guided Practice: The teacher must ineffective. Present day learners are not patient
assist the students and supervise their progress. to sit through lengthy lectures and standard pre-
If the students need help, then the teacher has to planned lectures of one size fits all.
guide them step by step, using a variety of Instructors must keep their lessons
teaching aids, until they can do the activities by precise and concise, allowing students to
themselves. concentrate on the vital concepts rather than
7. Independent Practice: Once the memorizing a long list of facts and figures or
teacher is confident that her students have large sections of a text. Teachers should plan
understood the lesson and can do the activities their activities and instructions creatively to
by themselves, new activities may be eliminate boredom in the classroom. Besides
introduced. This time, the students should be facilitating the teaching-learning process, well-
able to perform the new assignment planned lessons improve communication of
independently. ideas between teachers and students as well as
8. Closure: At the end of the lesson, the among students themselves.
teacher will remind the students what they have
learned so far. The teacher summarizes the REFERENCES
lesson and poses questions to the class to Anthony F. Gregorc. (1984). Gregorc Style
evaluate to what extent her students have Delineator: Development, Technical, and
achieved the goals. Administration Manual. Gregorc
Associates, Inc.,
227 | P a g e
Dr. Qais Faryadi/ International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com
Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2012, pp.222-228
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