Increasing The Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of Grade 9 and Grade 10 Learners of San Roque National High School Through Project 1WRS (1 Week Review System Using Interactive Games)

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Volume: 13
Pages: 39-43
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1136
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8309861
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-30-8
Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 39-43, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1136, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8309861, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Increasing the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of Grade 9 and Grade 10 Learners
of San Roque National High School Through Project 1WRS
(1 Week Review System Using Interactive Games)
Marwin F. Nocum*, Avegael C. Monreal
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The main purpose of this research is to enhance the skills and retention of the learners of Grade 9 and
Grade 10 learners of San Roque National High School.The study made used of a quantitative
experimental design which focus on inferential statistical treatment to determine the effects of
Project 1WRS on the skills and retention of the learners to increase the MPS before and after the
conduct of the intervention program that was administered to the Grade 9 and Grade 10 respondents
using purposive sampling technique in order to identify the significant difference of the study.There
is a minimal improvement in the increasing of MPS of Grade 9 as presented on the first quarter mean
score of 21.33 compared to the second quarter mean score of 22.90 and third quarter mean score of
26.23 and also for the Grade 10, the first quarter mean scores of 19.13 compared to the second
quarter mean score of 21.27 and third quarter mean score of 23.90. There is a significant difference in
the MPS of grade 9 and grade 10 before and after the conduct of Project 1WRS (1 Week Review
System Using Interactive Games). This concludes that more time and effort as follow ups in needed
to greatly increase the MPS of Grade 9 and Grade 10 students. This action research provided
significant data on the effectiveness of Project 1WRS as an intervention program in increasing the
MPS of Grade 9 and grade 10 learners of SRNHS. In addition to this, the findings and implication of
the study led to continue the project to increase the MPS of the school.

Keywords: intervention program, 1 week review system using interactive games, mean percentage
score, skills and retention

Introduction result, Project 1WRS (1 Week Review System) was


ll of the students take an examination and most of Research Questions

them got low MPS. What is the reason of getting low
MPS? Is it teacher factor or student factor? Maybe the The specific questions that the researchers would like
it is because of the poor study habits of the students or to find out are the following?
because they stock because of the pandemic.According
to Bagban, Patil, et al (2017), Quality Teaching 1. What is the MPS of Grade 9 and Grade 10 Learners
Learning practices play a fundamental role in of San Roque National High School before conducting
developing human capital and knowledge workers. Project 1WRS (1 Week Review System Using
Student’s assessment is the integral part of teaching Interactive games)?
and learning. 2. What is the MPS of Grade 9 and Grade 10 Learners
of San Roque National High School after conducting
Thus, the researcher would like to focus on San Roque Project 1WRS (1 Week Review System Using
National High School, which is situated at Barangay Interactive games)?
San Roque Catanauan, Quezon in a sloppy hill 3. Is there a significant difference in the MPS of Grade
location at the center of the barangay, with weak signal 9 and Grade 10 Learners of San Roque National High
surrounded by trees of many different kinds of variety. School before and after conducting Project 1WRS (1
It is a scenery where raw materials and informational Week Review System Using Interactive games)?
data can be gathered for further research and place to
view practical application of theoretical concepts and
studies to conduct research. Specifically, on subject of Literature Review
Mathematics, Science, English and Filipino. Within
these reasons, the Mathematics and AP Teachers
collaborated and focused key ideas in improving the In the present era of information and technology,
MPS result of the school. They believe that these various fields undergo changes to meet the evolving
subject areas are two of the key evidences that require needs. The field of education, in particular,
the development of learners’ skills and retention. As a experiences regular modifications in its systems,

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 39-43, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1136, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8309861, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

curricula, teaching methods, techniques, and tools and assessment instruments. By examining the
assessment tools (Taş et al., 2016). The influence of integration of learning and assessment within game-
information and technology advancements extends not based environments, the authors highlight the unique
only to education but also to numerous other domains. advantages and challenges associated with leveraging
Consequently, educational systems, curricula, teaching games for educational purposes. The study emphasizes
methods, techniques, and evaluation tools undergo the potential of games to provide authentic learning
transformations. It is essential to create learning experiences that engage and motivate learners. Games
environments where students actively engage, assume can offer dynamic and interactive environments that
responsibility for their learning, apply their knowledge foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and
in real-life situations, collaborate with peers, express collaboration skills. Additionally, games allow for
their ideas freely, contribute to their personal growth, personalized learning experiences, enabling learners to
and enhance their academic achievements. To achieve receive immediate feedback and adapt their strategies
these goals, teachers should employ suitable methods, accordingly. Shute and Ke argue that these aspects
techniques, and approaches that encourage critical make games particularly effective in promoting
thinking, creativity, and the development of targeted metacognitive processes and self-regulated learning.
knowledge, skills, and behaviors in a stimulating and The chapter by Shute and Ke (2012) contributes to the
enjoyable learning setting (Tezel, 2018). literature by exploring the potential of game-based
learning and assessment as a powerful educational
In achieving high academic performance among the approach. It highlights the opportunities for fostering
learners, review plays a crucial role in the teaching and deep learning experiences and gathering meaningful
learning process, serving as an essential component for assessment data through game-based environments.
reinforcing and consolidating knowledge. Several
studies have examined the significance of review In the study by Kiili (2005), the focus lies on digital
activities in educational settings, highlighting their game-based learning and the proposal of an
impact on learning outcomes, retention, and experiential gaming model. The research explores the
comprehension. Review activities contribute to use of digital games as tools for creating immersive
improving comprehension and understanding of and experiential learning environments, emphasizing
concepts. In fact, Mayer (2009) discussed the their potential to enhance educational experiences. The
importance of incorporating review exercises that author delves into the underlying theories and
promote meaningful learning through elaboration and principles of game-based learning, highlighting the
integration of knowledge. By engaging learners in importance of active engagement, motivation, and
activities that require them to actively process and meaningful experiences in educational games. Kiili
connect information, review tasks can foster deeper argues that digital games can provide learners with
comprehension and help students make connections opportunities to explore, experiment, and problem-
between different concepts. Reviewing content helps solve in virtual worlds, offering a unique form of
learners consolidate their knowledge and retain experiential learning. The study emphasizes that
information over time. Additionally, research by educational games can bridge the gap between theory
Roediger and Karpicke (2006) also demonstrated that and practice, allowing learners to apply knowledge and
engaging in retrieval practice through review activities skills in authentic contexts. In addition, the study
significantly enhances long-term retention. They found presents a framework for designing effective
that actively recalling information from memory, educational games based on the experiential gaming
rather than simply re-reading or reviewing notes, model. The model emphasizes the need to consider
strengthens the learning process and promotes better various elements, including narrative, challenge,
knowledge retention. Furthermore, Kang et al. (2016) feedback, and social interaction, to create engaging
highlighted the positive effects of practice testing as a and transformative learning experiences. By focusing
review strategy for improving test performance. on the experiential aspects of gaming, the author
Engaging in practice tests during the review process suggests that educational games can promote deep
not only helps students assess their understanding but learning, critical thinking, and transfer of knowledge.
also promotes retrieval of relevant knowledge, Kiili's study (2005) contributes to the understanding of
identification of gaps, and the development of digital game-based learning and its potential as a
effective test-taking strategies. transformative tool for education. The proposed
experiential gaming model offers a framework for
Furthermore, Shute and Ke (2012) delve into the designing educational games that prioritize active
intersection of game-based learning and assessment, engagement, meaningful experiences, and the
exploring the potential of games as both instructional integration of theory and practice. The study calls for

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 39-43, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1136, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8309861, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

further research and development in the field of game-

based learning, exploring the effectiveness of different
game design elements and instructional strategies in
Statistical Treatment of Data
educational contexts.
The teacher-researchers made used of the Division
Methodology Learning Materials Ready-made Learning Modules
with Learning Activity Sheets-Exercises that fits on
the objective of the study. First to third quarter
Research Design assessment were implemented, test scores were taken
as data that was coded, tallied, and statistically treated
The study utilized quantitative experimental design using the frequency count, total mean, mean
which focus on inferential statistical treatment to percentage score, ANOVA for significant difference.
determine the effects of Project 1WRS on the skills
and retention of the learners to increase the MPS of the The mean and the standard deviation were used to
said study. determine the level of performance of the respondents’
first to third quarter, while ANOVA was employed to
Locale of the Study determine the significant difference of the mean scores
on the test of the sample group.
The research locale of this study focused on San
Roque National High School, situated at Barangay San
Roque Catanauan, Quezon. A sloppy hill location at
Results and Discussion
the center of the barangay, mostly surrounded with
fruits and wood bearing trees. It is a surrounding Table 1.1. MPS of grade 9 learners of San Roque
where teaching and learning takes place despite its National High School before conducting Project 1WRS
rural scenery. It is a better place to view practical
(1 Week Review System Using Interactive games).
application of theatrical concepts and studies to
conduct research. Also, it is a place where raw
materials of facts can be generated to do research.
Within these reasons, this area was selected due to the
above-mentioned characteristics of finding research
facts and evidences for observational problem-solving
ideas. Moreover, many teachers notice these Table 1.1 showed the MPS of grade 9 learners of San
observational problems and come up with their Roque National High School before conducting
interventions but were not being able to transcribe it Project 1WRS, which shows a MEAN of 21.33 and an
into research paper. MPS result of 53.32 based from the 40 item multiple
choice questions. This illustrates that the students
Data Gathering Procedure score on the standardized math assessment tool before
the conduct of the said program/project was below the
For ethical consideration, all the information and passing rate of 75%. It implies that most of the
personal details from the student-participants in this students were suffering difficulties in Araling
study were treated with utmost confidentiality. Before Panlipunan. Based from this discussion, the
the researchers have selected and identified the researchers can conclude that the need to enhance the
participants, a request letter was sent to the school competency skills of the student-respondents is truly
principals for approval. The purpose of the study and needed in order to increase their MPS.
the need to conduct it had been emphasized in the
Table 1.2. MPS of grade 10 learners of San Roque
letter. Upon the approval, the researchers, together
National High School before conducting Project 1WRS
with the school heads had informed the teachers about
the purpose of the research as well as the Barangay (1 Week Review System Using Interactive games).
Community were the study will take place. The
selection of student-participants was made possible
through the help of the school heads. Furthermore, it
was made clear that their participation is voluntary and
all the information obtained from the study were
treated with utmost confidentiality.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 39-43, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1136, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8309861, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 1.2 displayed the MPS of Grade 10 learners of quarter based from the 40 item multiple choice
San Roque National High School before conducting questions. This illustrates that the learners score on the
Project 1WRS, which shows a MEAN of 19.13 and an teacher-made assessm en t after the co nduct of
MPS result of 47.82 based from the 40 item multiple the said program/project was still below the passing
choice questions. This illustrates that the students rate of 75% in a 100% MPS percentage, which implies
score on the standardized math assessment tool before that most of the student-respondents need more time
the conduct of the said program/project was below the and effort to enhance their knowledge and skills in
passing rate of 75%. It implies that most of the Mathematics. Based from this discussion, the
students were suffering difficulties in Mathematics. researchers can conclude that the need to enhance the
Based from this discussion, the researchers can MPS of the student-respondents has made a minimal
conclude that the need to enhance the competency increase in the MPS and Mean scores which did not
skills of the student-respondents is truly needed in reach the 75% rate.
order to increase their MPS.
Table 3.1. The significant difference in the MPS of
Table 2.1. MPS of grade 9 learners of San Roque grade 9 learners of San Roque National High School
National High School after conducting Project 1WRS before and after conducting Project 1WRS (1 Week
(1 Week Review System Using Interactive games). Review System Using Interactive games)

Table 2.1 presents the MPS of Grade 9 learners of San

Roque National High School after conducting Project Table 3.1 reveals that the first quarter mean scores of
1WRS, which shows a MEAN of 22.90 for the second 53.32 compared to the second quarter mean score of
quarter, 26.23 for the third quarter and an MPS results 57.25 and third quarter mean of 65.57 has increase the
of 57.25 for the first quarter, 65.57 for the third quarter Mean difference per quarter. This indicates that the
based from the 40 item multiple choice questions. This intervention Project 1WRS conducted by the
proves that the learners score on the teacher-made researchers had slightly increasing the enhancement of
assessm en t after the con duct of the said student’s skill in solving Mathematics.
program/project was still below the passing rate of
75% in a 100% MPS percentage, which implies that The table shows the summary of testing the significant
most of the student-respondents need more time and difference on tabulated MPS of Grade 9 learners of
effort to enhance their knowledge and skills in Araling San Roque National High School after conducting
Panlipunan. Based from this discussion, the Project 1WRS. This reveals the F-value of 20.75
researchers can conclude that the need to enhance the which is greater than the critical value of 3.02 at 0.05
MPS of the student-respondents has made a minimal level of significance. The result discloses that there is a
increase in the MPS and Mean scores which did not significant difference on the MPS of grade 9 learners
reach the 75% rate. of San Roque National High School after conducting
Project 1WRS.
Table 2.2. MPS of grade 10 learners of San Roque
National High School after conducting Project 1WRS Table 3.2 demonstrates the first quarter mean scores of
(1 Week Review System Using Interactive games). 47.82 compared to the second quarter mean score of
53.17 and third quarter mean of 59.76 has increase the
Mean difference per quarter. This indicates that the
intervention Project 1WRS conducted by the
researchers had slightly increasing the enhancement of
student’s skill in solving Mathematics.

The table shows the summary of testing the significant

Table 2.2 shows the MPS of Grade 10 learners of San difference on tabulated MPS of grade 10 learners of San
Roque National High School after conducting Project Roque National High School after conducting Project
1WRS, which shows a MEAN of 21.27 for the second 1WRS. This reveals the F-value of 13.07 which is
quarter, 23.90 for the third quarter and an MPS results greater than the critical value of 3.02 at 0.05 level of
of 53.17 for the first quarter, 59.76 for the third significance. The result discloses that there is a

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 39-43, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1136, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8309861, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of Table 1 and Table 2, this concludes that more time

significant difference on the MPS of Grade 10 and effort as follow ups in needed to greatly increase
learners of San Roque National High School the MPS of Grade 9 and Grade 10 students.
after conducting Project 1WRS. The following are hereby recommended by the
researchers based on the result and implications of the
Table 3.2. The significant difference in the MPS of study: (1) Teachers: Utilize the suggested interactive
grade 10 learners of San Roque National High School games and activities to enhance students’ performance.
before and after conducting Project 1WRS (1 Week (2) School Head: Provide support and resources in
Review System Using Interactive games). utilizing interactive games and activities effectively,
fostering an environment that promotes student
engagement, active learning, and ultimately, higher
academic achievement. District Research Group:
Provide more technical assistance in conducting action
research and create strategic intervention material
focusing on increasing the MPS of the learners.
Based on the results, there is a minimal improvement
Kang, S. H. K., McDermott, K. B., & Roediger, H. L. (2016). Test
in increasing the MPS of Grade 9 and Grade 10 format and corrective feedback modify the effect of testing on long-
presented on the data of Table 1 and Table 2. More term retention. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 28(7),
time and effort as follow ups in needed to greatly 791-804
increase the MPS of Grade 9 and Grade 10 students. Kiili, K. (2005). Digital game-based learning: Towards an
experiential gaming model. The Internet and Higher Education, 8(1),
Discussion 13-24.

Mayer, R. E. (2009). Multimedia learning (2nd ed.). Cambridge

Based on the findings, the following conclusions are University Press.
drawn: (1) The MPS of Grade 9 and Grade 10 learners, Roediger, H. L., & Karpicke, J. D. (2006). The power of testing
which shows a MEAN of 21.33 and an MPS result of memory: Basic research and implications for educational practice.
53.32 for grade 9 and a MEAN of 19.13 and an MPS Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1(3)
result of 47.82 for grade 10 based from the 40 item Taş, U. E., Arıcı, Ö., Ozarkan, H. B., and Özgürlük, B. (2016). PISA
multiple choice questions on the quarterly assessment 2015 Ulusal Raporu [PISA 2015 national report]. MoNE
tool before the conduct of the said program/project Publication.
was below the passing rate of 75%. This indicates that Tezel, Ö. (2018). Teaching science with educational games
most of the student-respondents were suffering containing science stories. O. Karamustafaoğlu, Ö. Tezel ve U. Sarı
(Ed.), Activity supported science teaching with current approaches
difficulties in Araling Panlipunan and Mathematics.
and methods (449-472). Pegem Academy
(2) The MPS of Grade 9 and Grade 10 learners after
the conduct of Project 1WRS, shows a MEAN of Shute, V. J., & Ke, F. (2012). Games, learning, and assessment. In
R. Azevedo & V. Aleven (Eds.), International handbook of
22.90, an MPS result of 57.25 for the second quarter metacognition and learning technologies (pp. 391-408). Springer
and MEAN of 26.23, an MPS result of 65.57 for the
third quarter of Grade 9 and also MEAN of 21.27, an Affiliations and Corresponding Information
MPS result of 53.17 for the second quarter and MEAN Marwin F. Nocum
of 23.90, an MPS result of 59.76 for the third quarter San Roque National High School
based from the 40 item multiple choice questions on Department of Education - Philippines
the teacher-made assessment after the conduct of the
said program/project was still below the passing rate of Avegael C. Monreal
75% in a 100% MPS percentage, but a minimal San Roque National High School
increase in the MPS and Mean scores would mean that Department of Education - Philippines
the student were positively enhance in their MPS. (3)
There is a significant difference in the MPS of Grade 9
and Grade 10 learners of San Roque National High
School before and after conducting Project 1WRS (1
Week Review System Using Interactive games). Data
revealed 20.75 for grade 9 and 13.07 for Grade 10 F-
value compared to 0.5 alpha number. There is a
minimal improvement in the increasing of MPS of
grade 9 and grade 10 learners as presented on the data

Nocum & Monreal 43/43

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