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ID#: 2019311267

Program: B. ED-HISTORY



pg. 1

pg. 2
This research proposal is dedicated to Dr. ANITA KOYANGKO who has contributed
tremendously and meaningfully to the completion of this research project, without her guidance
and effort this research could not be completed successfully. Since it was the challenging academic
year due to the late registration and the teaching practice (TP) for us education students and as well
a period of National General Election, but she never ceases her duty and were always prompt to
her duty which helps the researcher to complete this research successfully.

pg. 3

This research is surely confirmed to be original which the researcher has been obtained the needed
information in the specified location which was at Ginitoka High school. The information has
derived by applying qualitative method in issuing the questionnaire. There were total of 20
questions altogether and divided those questions into four segments which contain a sum of five
questions each.

pg. 4

I would like to acknowledge some of the unforgettable souls who have contributed tremendously
toward the completion of this research proposal. Firstly, I would like to acknowledge all the
history lecturers and tutors from year one up to year four of my studies in University of Goroka
who have faithfully attended to their duties and taught us all about the perspective of history
which mold us to become competent enough to deliver to the world. I’m gratitude to
acknowledge especially a soul in person Dr. ANITA KOYANGKO who was the monitor of this
research proposal and guide me as a nowise researcher to carry out my first research which was
very inspirational and helpful for us as no wiser researcher.

In addition, I also want to acknowledge the class patron of grade nine (9A) Mr. David Ape from
Ginitoka high school for authoring me to conduct my research in your class by distributing my
questionnaire to the students for the purpose of my data collection.

I would also want to extend my acknowledgement to all my colleagues, especially history

education and content students for your cooperation and group discussion which aid us to clear
some of the doubt that I have encountered while conducting the research.

pg. 5

This research was conducted basically to investigate about the poor academic performance of
grade nine (9A) student of Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highland Province. Specially to find
out about some of the influential factors which have triggered students to speak vernacular and
it affected their academic performance so the research was conducted to establish some of the
strategy that would enrich their weakness so that in the future they will gradually improve their
academic performance. The data were collected with total of 25 students who have participated
successfully in answering the questionnaire for analysis as it has displayed on the chapter three
in the table form and interpret it on the graph as well to make easier to understand.

pg. 6

Page No.1_______Cover page 3.2: RESEARCH DESIGN

2_______Research topic

7_______Table of content. 3.7: SUMMARY

8-10 ______ Chapter One: Introduction 22-25_________Chapter Four: Discussion/Data



11-15_______Chapter Two: Literature Review 4.5: THE IMPORTANCE OF STUDENTS
THE STUDENTS TO SPEAK VERNACULAR 25-27__________Chapter Five: Conclusion and



15-22______Chapter Three: Research 28____________Reference and Bibliography



pg. 7

The research was conducted at Ginitoka high school in Eastern High Province to investigate some
of the influential factors that have influenced grade nine (9A) students to speak vernacular in the
campus and it triggered the poor academic performance. However, the research was conducted to
establish some of the strategy that could enrich the performance of student in the future. Lazars
(2000, p.16) stated that “research is the process of discovering new knowledge. This knowledge
can be either the development of new concepts or the advancement of existing knowledge and
theories, leading to a new understanding that was not previously known.” However, the research
was targeted grade nine (9A) students as its targeted population by issuing questionnaires to
twenty-five students and collected some of the reasonable feedbacks from them. That are
discussing in the findings and discussion section of the proposal.

However, Kuhn (1996, p.8) indicated that “the ultimate aim of research is to generate measurable
and testable data, gradually adding to the accumulation of new human knowledge.” Thus, the
major objective of this research was to find some of the influential factors which have triggered
the dissatisfaction of academic performance of the grade nine (9A) students of Ginitoka high
school in Eastern Highlands Province. These factors correlated to the speaking of vernacular that
are caused by both external and internal factors that made students do not wanted to speak English
in school even though the school has established the law and regulation for students to be punctual
about it but they always ignored it.

Therefore, the research has been conducted and got some feedback from the targeted population
and had found some of the immediate factors which caused the students to perform dissatisfactory
in their academic performance.

While analyzing the data collected from the targeted population and has come up with some of
the measures which will be implement so that the future student will never experience the
uniformity situation. In this manner it will enrich the academic performance of the students to
satisfy the expectation of the entire shareholders such as the school’s administration and the
parents and guidance.


The research was conducted at Ginitoka high school in the Eastern Highlands Province. It was
carried out to investigate about the dissatisfaction of academic performance by grade nine (9A)
students of Ginitoka high school, basically to find some of the influential factors which have
deteriorated the academic performing of the students.

The data was collected by using qualitative method of collecting data by issuing questionnaire to
the targeted students. The collected data was analyzed by using the qualitative method of

pg. 8
analyzing data and found some of the barriers which have caused the student to perform poorly in
the academic performance.


The research was conducted purposely to investigate some of the influential factors which are
affecting the academic performance of the grade nine (9A) students. Shona (2020.pg 17) stated
that “a research problem is a specific issue, difficulty, contradiction, or gap in knowledge that you
will aim to address in your research”. Thus, the research problem that this research was addressing
has been correlated to dissatisfaction of academic performance by grade nine (9A) students of
Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highlands Province.


The ultimate objective of this research proposal was to study the common factors that were
affecting the academic performance of the grade nine (9A) students of Ginitoka School in Eastern
Highlands Province. The major factor which has been triggered the dissatisfaction of academic
was related to the speaking of vernacular and other collective factors. Specifically, the research
was intended to;

⮚ Identify the real factors which influenced student to speak vernacular.

⮚ The effect and outcomes of factors that are affecting the students.

⮚ The appropriate measure which the student would take in order to revive and enrich their
academic performance.

⮚ Provide the resolution to the problem, and how to tackle that factors that are affecting their
studies and the prevention measure to improve their academic performance.


The research that was conducted to investigate the poor academic performance of grade nine (9A)
students of Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highlands Province was based upon the following
major questions.

pg. 9
1. What are some of the influential factors which influence students to speak vernacular?

2. How does the vernacular affect the learning process?

3. What are effects of speaking vernacular in school?

4. Why it is important for students to speak English?


The research was conducted basically to identify some of the influential factors which have
affected the academic performance of grade nine (9A) student of Ginitoka high school in Eastern
Highlands Province. The ultimate objective of the research was to identify the influential factors
in order to find some of the solution to cease this problem so that in the future the students will
never experience the same situation in their field of studies.

The problem that the students were encountered was correlated to speaking of vernacular in the
school campus despite the law and regulation imposed by the school administration, stated not to
speak vernacular in the campus but they ignored the fact and always speaking vernacular therefore
the research was conducted in order to find the real factors which are influencing them. After
diagnosing the cause’s factor then will establish some strategy to cease this problem once and for


The academic performance of grade (9A) students of Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highlands
province has become chaos due to some of the influential factors which have affected their studies.
The major factor that has affecting their studies was correlated to speaking of vernacular (mother
tongue). They always want to speak vernacular in spite of the law and regulation that was imposed
by the school administration to halt speaking of vernacular.

Therefore, the research was conducted to investigate the actual factors that are more or less like
forcing them to speak vernacular that affected their studies which have negative impact on their
academic performance therefore the research conducted in order to find the solution to cease this
problem and to revitalize the prior academic performance of the students by initiating some of the
strategies for students to take into consideration to improve their academic performance.

pg. 10


The literature was basically done to find some of the literatures which have supported the pointed
that were discussed on the effect of speaking vernacular on the academic performance of grade
nine (9A) students of Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highlands Province. Mcevoy (2008, p13)
stated that “a literature review is a comprehensive summary of previous on a topic. The literature
review surveys scholarly articles, books, and other sources relevant to a particular area of

However, the literature review below was done on the mentioned topic basically on some of the
influential factors which have influenced the students to speak vernacular and why it was
important for the students to speak English. It was also done to find the literature gap in order to
look for a possible way to cease this alarming issue so that in the future such uniformity problem
will not bother to disturb the future generation on their academic performance.


There are many influential factors which have influenced students to speak vernacular in Ginitoka
high school in Eastern Highlands Province. The factors involve both external and internal factors.
The external factors mean anything that were eventuated outside of the school campus which have
affected the abilities of the student such as the living standard of the students whereas internal
factors include anything that occurs inside the school campus that has also distracted the abilities
of the students for their effective progress in learning.

However, the living standard or the lifestyles of the student have great impact on the abilities of
the students to speak English. Standard of living is the level of income and service available,
generally applied to a society or location, rather than to an individual. (Rao, 2018). Thus the living
of the students molds the personalities of the students.

Standard of living is relevant because it is considered to contribute to an individual quality of life.

All the students have their respective standards of living which are different from each other. The
students’ behaviors and character initially developed based on the kind of standard living or
lifestyle they are living. (Curley 2005). Those students who are living in high standard of living
they act and behave different from those who come from lower or moderate standard of living.
Jensen (2009.pg 7) stated that “children raised in poverty may not have been taught to be polite
and may not be socially gracious. They may lack the ability to empathize with other. This lack of
empathy, in turn make it difficult for students to work well cooperative groups, adding to with

pg. 11
their classmate often result in students becoming unwanted participants in group, adding to their
feelings of inadequacy and resulting in the students giving up on the task.”

The kind of lifestyle that the students are living have automatically affected them psychologically,
meaning they are displaced mentally and would not be able to comprehend what is being taught
in the class properly because they are engulfed with anxiety and stress and their mind does not
settle well for them to study. A systemic review showed that individual undertaking high school
educations, self-level of stress are associated with poorer quality of life and well-being. Ribeiro

Morales (2015, pg.16) stated that “aside from impairing overall health and well-being, depression
and anxiety symptoms can further adversely affect academic achievement of the student.”
Therefore, in order for the student to improve their academic performance they will have to change
their prior behavior correlated to their lifestyle so that they would have healthy mindset to digest
what is being taught in the classroom. The physical well-being, emotional health, a positive
approach to new experience, appropriate social skill, language and cognitive skills. It is document
that the child’s readiness for school. Marls (2014)
In addition, the learning environment of the student was another major factor which also made the
student to speak vernacular. Learning environment refers to an education approach, cultural
context, or physical setting in which teaching and learning process occurs for all types of learnings
and activities. Raccoon (2018. pg.9) stated that” School is a special social space where education
training and personality development of children who are a community’s future assets are founded
and run by proper training method, appropriate and favor psychological environment it enhances
the effective progress of learning.” If the learning environment it’s favorable for student to study,
then the student

will feel comfortable to enjoy their learning. Gilavand (2016, pg.6) stated that “quiet and
comfortable environments are important components of learning environment which provides
healthier environment for the learning activities to eventuate effectively.”

The kind of learning environment created by the school administration will determine the
academic performance of the students. Duruji (2014, pg.14) stated that “the extent to which
student’s learning could be enhanced depends on their location within the school compound, the
structure of their classroom, availability of instructional facilities and accessories. It is believed
that a school adequate environment contributes to stir up expected outcomes of learning that will
facilitate good academic performance by encouraging effective teaching and learning.”

If the learning environment is in a favorable condition then the students will perform well and
they would respect the law and regulation imposed by the school administration. For instance, the
student would abide by it and do anything incompliance to the school’s rules. If the learning
environment is displace and scattered then the student it will indirectly trigger them to misbehave
and it will definitely affect their academic

pg. 12

Vernacular refers to the language to dialect that is spoken by people that inhabit a particular
country or region. The vernacular is typically the native language, normally spoken informally
rather than written, and seen as of lower status than more codified forms. It may vary from or
prestigious speech varieties in different ways, that the vernacular can be a distinct stylistic
register, regional dialect, socialist, or an independent language. Kingston .W (1988,)

Although, vernacular is our native language but unfortunately it affects the learning process of
the students because the national government of independent state of Papua New Guinea has
legalized the English language as the official in the country back then. Hence, the teaching and
learning process the English language is heavily used as the mere means of communication but
many students, they are not acquaintance with the usage of English language and they find it
difficult to speak and write in English which greatly affected their studies. Elisha (2000 pg. 8)
stated that “many students who pressure to speak what refer to as “school English” may feel a
tension between home and school. This inner conflict can have numerous implications for
students in this challenging transitional time of academic growth and psychological
development.” Whilst Stephany (2015.pg8) stated that “as the students felt uneasy to speak
English then, they are suddenly engulf with an anxiety and have low self-esteem which indirectly
their psychology and as a result it give negative impact on the academic performance. Negative
stereotypes about a students’ language could be detrimental not only to his or her self-esteem but
also to academic identity and self-efficacy beliefs.”

The vernacular it attached with the culture and tradition of the student and they could not do away
with it but it caused friction for the civilization to eventuate effectively and created inconvenience
for the recent generation to adapt to the changing world and they are still stubborn make change
in their life.


The speaking of vernacular has negative effects on the academic performance of the students but
they always want to speak vernacular in school because it was just accustomed in their cognitive
system so they hardly speak English. It is well known fact that English was our official language
used at all levels of society and in government’s organization. (Stephan S. 2013) vernacular makes
it harder for a child to grasp English, as they progress in school; it can result in them failing their
gather higher education exams.

Vernacular is more or less like another barrier that made the students felt uneasy to learn English
language because they are not acquaintance with it, so in order to practice it. There must be
convenient and comfortable learning place in which the students would enjoy their learning to
pg. 13
master English language. Dinoke G. (2015, pg.7) stated that” learning in English will lay a better
foundation, as opposed to learning in vernacular languages. English is the medium of instruction
at high levels. Students find it hard to speak English when they are first taught in the vernacular
language. This drastically affects their education.” Patricia (2008, pg.19) stated that “students
were unable to speak English well as a consequence of vernacular instruction at the lower levels
of education.” Vernacular language made many students fail their higher education levels simply
because they do not comprehend the English language vividly since at the higher level of
education they used English as the only means of instruction rather than other languages.


English is one of the prominent language that are used by the independent stated of Papua New
Guinea as one of the third official language apart from Tok Pisin and Motu in the country. It was
legalized by the national government to be used as the only means of instruction in the education
sectors. However, the students have to master it in order to progress well in the educational
pyramid. Most of internal communication is done in English, within important areas such as
politics, marketing, and education. English language plays an essential role in the life of everyone,
it helps every aspect of the living such as education and international relations thus it enhance to
make the communication becomes more easy for them to negotiate for their common objectives.
It is also important for students as it broadens their minds, develop emotional and their minds.
Improve the quality of life by providing job opportunities. (Hogan, 2002)

However, English has a major role to be played in the education sectors because every aspect of
the learning facilities are written in English so they will have to master the English language in
order to tackle any subjects which they are taking. Kathleen (2001,pg.16) “ stated that the English
language has multifunctional purpose in which they have to know for sure and used it
appropriately in relation to a certain situation.”

Language functions are specific uses of language for accomplishing certain purpose. In other
words, the functions of language it depends upon a certain situation to satisfy the obligation and
objective of the hosted person. English opens a lot of opportunities for the students. They would
learn English to become competent and flexible to handle any difficulties in their life.” Thus
English language it is one of the vital aspect for the students so they have to master English in
order to become acquaintance with it. In this manner it would enrich their academic performance
so that they would face any difficulty in their studies. (Muhammad, 2013)


While comparing the previous literatures based upon the research topic on effect of speaking
vernacular on the academic performance, those scholars have discussed about the effect of
vernacular on academic performance and also about some of the influential factors which have

pg. 14
influenced them to speak vernacular such as, their attitudes from the setting of living and the
environment in which the teaching and learning take place, the standard of living and the culture
of their respective geographical area.

They made mentioned about the cause and consequence of it but they have not stated about how
to control and cease this issue so that in the future, the coming generation would never experience
the uniformity issue. Some elites have raised this concern but it was not really work out effective.
Unage (2007, pg.14) pointed out that “a member of parliament called on the floor of parliament
to review vernacular instruction in elementary school. Thus students in the rural areas were going
backward with the inclusive use of vernacular elementary school.”

Nebas (2008) stated that “vernacular and bilingual instructions are the causes of weak mastery of
English language.” Therefore with this idea recently the national government has initiated jolly
phonetic and early childhood which has replaced elementary school in the country and it would
at least enrich the performance of students. The national government will have to allocate more
funds to this sector to enrich the education standard of the country, beside the teachers also need
to make themselves presentable and deliver best to the students so that education standard will be
like other developed countries.


The literature review has been done to figure out some of the previous scholars who have written
about the effect of speaking vernacular on the academic performance of the students. They have
mentioned about the causes and effect of speaking vernacular, but they have not stated about how
to implement some of the policies and strategies to monitor and control the speaking of vernacular
in which would have great impact on the academic performance of the students

Therefore, the school’s administration and other concern shareholders in the education sector will
have to do something important to cease problem so that it would boost academic standard of this
developing nation.



This section discussed about the mythologies that has been used to conduct the research to collect
pg. 15
the data in order to find the actual solution to cease the problem that was correlated to the speaking
of vernacular in the school campus by the grade nine (9A) students of Ginitoka high school in
Eastern Highlands Province. The research was conducted using the qualitative method of
collecting data. However, due to the limited time frame it was disgusting to use interview format
to get the feedback from the students therefore it was arranged to be formulated only the
questionnaires to the students and collected data. The collected data was analyzed using the
qualitative method

The research was conducted in Eastern Highlands Province because it was impossible to carry the
research out of the province due to rick and expenses for the researcher to responsible and beside
the duration of the research was limited to tower other province to conduct the research.


The research was basically designed to investigate the effect of speaking vernacular that has
affected the grade nine (9A) students of Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highs Province which
have triggered them to perform dissatisfactory in their academic performance. However, the
ultimate objective of the research was to investigate some of the influential factors which have
influenced them to speak vernacular so the research was done in order to find the solution to cease
this problem so that in the future such situation would not be bother to distract the academic
performance of the students.

The research has been using the qualitative method of collecting data since it was more convenient
to be applied. Miles & Hurberman (2013, pg.16) stated that “qualitative method it conceptualized
framework and are the best way to defense against overload.’’ However, the researcher has been
using this method by formulating the questionnaire to the targeted student and have got the
feedback from them and discussed in the discussion section of the paper.


The research was conducted within the Eastern Highlands Province at Ginitoka highlands school
just located outside of Goroka town. It was impossible for the researcher to conduct the research
out of the province because it involves risks and expense for the researcher to travel out of the
province. Beside the given time to carry the research was limited so the researcher was intended
to conduct the research in Eastern Highlands Province.


Baljinder (2019 pg.13) defines research ethic “as moral principles that guide researchers to
conduct and report without deception or intention to harm the participants of the study or members

pg. 16
of the society. It would enhance the researcher to find the valid information to accomplish the
purpose of the research.”

However, this research was conducted by seeking the consent from the class patron of the grade
nine (9A) students of Ginitoka High School. Therefore, the research was conducted with
transparency to investigate the core factors which have influenced students to speak vernacular
and it triggered the dissatisfaction of academic performance of the students. Transparency of
research, reliability of result, and the reputation of the researcher in the of the academic
community are extremely important criteria, which determine both the prestige of science itself
and the possibilities of successful use of new knowledge in practice. (Pranas,2018). Thus, it would
enhance the research to find the real solution to the problem so that in the future the uniformity
situation would never bother to distract the academic performance of the students.


The research was conducted by using the qualitative method of collecting data by formulating the
questionnaire to the grade nine (9A) students of Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highlands
Province. The research conduct with a survey questionnaire it would be easier to collect much
information in a short period of time from the bigger number of populations. (Gangrade, 2001)

Alyona (2002, pg.12) has defined qualitative data” as any no-numerical verbatim or text-based
feedback such as review, open-ended responses in surveys, complaint, chat message, customer
interview case notes or social media posts.” Unfortunately other methods were not really
necessarily to be applied to collect the data for instance, like the interview, because of the
upcoming national general election which teachers thought of completing units and topics in
advance to avoid missing those lessons during election periods therefore there has not been free
time to conduct the interview orally, which has distracted the researcher and the participants to
be punctual in order to discuss about the matter .The data which were collected have been analyzed
and discussed in statement form by describing it. Silverman (2004, pg.13) stated that “qualitative
research is aim at gaining deep understanding of a specific organization or event, rather than
surface description of a large sample of a population. It aims to provide an explicit rendering of
the structure, order and broad pattern found among a group of participants.”

Thus, qualitative method was used with the intention to get a better understanding through
firsthand experience truthful reporting and quotation of actual conversation. However, this
research was merely using the questionnaire and got the feedback from the targeted population.


Data analysis is the process of cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to discover useful
information for business making decision. The purpose of data analysis is to extract useful
pg. 17
information from data and making decision based upon the data analysis. (Daniel &Johnson, 2001)

However, the data collected in this research has been illustrate on the table form and then plot it
into a graph form from the grade nine (9A) students of Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highland
Province. The data was collected through formulating the questionnaire to the targeted population
since other method was not convenient to apply due to the time limitation.

The following tales with the graphs illustrated below are the data collected from the targeted
population of grade nine (9A) students of Ginitoka High School in Eastern Highland province.

A. Figure 1.1 close questions (multiple choices)

Multiple Questions

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5

A 25 0 8 4 8

B 0 0 4 6 0

C 0 0 3 10 0

D 0 25 10 5 17

Total number of students responded

Multiple choice question one to five





Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5
number of questions

pg. 18
Figure 1.2. Close Questions (True/False).


Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5

TRUE 4 9 25 21 17

FALSE 21 16 0 4 8

True or False questions one to five

total number of students


Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5
number of questions


Figure 1.3. Close Questions (YES/NO)


pg. 19
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5

YES 25 25 19 18 17

NO 0 0 6 7 8

YES or NO question one to five

Total number of students responded





Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5
Number of questions


The open and closed question was basically raised for students to figure out the importance of
English language and for them to realize the consequences of speaking vernacular in the school
campus which has affect their academic performance. Their answers depend on the nature of the
question, or it depends on their own understanding. However, many of the questions are related
question so most of their answers are same. For instance, from figure 1.1 multiple choice, question
one and two are related question which are stating about the importance of English language in
the field of studies. The entire students have chosen the same answers which are (A) and (B.)
stating that English is an applicable language to be used in the school. Questions three, (3),
question (4) and (5) are also related questions. The question was raised based on the effect of
speaking vernacular and about 19 of the students have stated the same choice while 6 of them
have different options.

In the second portion of the closed as illustrated in figure 1.2 are (True or False) question. Those

pg. 20
questions are mainly based on the effect of vernacular, and these are also like the question in the
multiple choices. Question 1, question 2 and 4 are related question, the question was proposed
based on the effect of speaking vernacular and 21 of students have answered (True) while 4 of
them chosen (False). However, in figure 1.3 (Yes or No) the questions were proposed based on
how to improve English language and 23 of the students have stated (YES) while two students
answered (No)

B. Open-end question responds.

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5

SIMILAR 19 17 21 17 19

DIFFERENT 6 8 4 8 6

open-end question responds

different responds from open to end questions
Total number of students with similar and





Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5
Number of questions

Similar Different

pg. 21
The questions in Open-end closed was proposed based on the factors that has affected students or
influence students to speak vernacular. All the questions are related to each other therefore most
of the students their answers are similar. According to their feedback 18 of the students have stated
similar feedback while 6 of them have different answers.

The research has been conducted issuing the qualitative method of collecting data and formulated
the questionnaires to the targeted population of grade nine (9A) students of Ginitoka high school
in Eastern Highlands Province. Since many of the students have withdrew from school due to
national general election therefore there were twenty-five participants the researcher has delivered
the questionnaire and got the feedback from them. The findings of the research were illustrated in
the table and draw it on a graph accordingly corresponded to the number of the question and it will
be discussed in the discussion section of the paper



This section will discuss about the findings that was investigated from the grade nine (9A) students
of Ginitoka high school in Eastern High province. The discussion would be based upon the
feedback from the participants to come up with solution of the problem. The discussion will be
reflecting directly back to the key question of the research.


The speaking of vernacular has become one of the major issues that has been experiencing by the
grade nine (9A) of Ginitoka high school in Eastern High Province. Thus, it has affected the
academic performance of the student for some consecutive year. Although the concerned bodies
and the school’s administration have tried to cease this practicum, but it was no valid outcome and
student always denied the fact and kept on speaking vernacular as their means of communication
in the school. However, the research has been conducted and found some of the influential factors
pg. 22
which have motivated students to speak vernacular.

The factors that have influenced students to speak vernacular are correlated to the factors such as,
the living standard of the student, the learning environment, culture, and ineffective progress of
the school’s administration. However, the research was engaged twenty-five students as the
research participants and according to their feedback, 20 students have stated that all the
mentioned factors are collective factors which triggered students to speak vernacular in school
while five stated that culture has distracted them to speak vernacular in school. Since students they
are glued to those factors and stubbornly ignored the fact and always speak vernacular despite the
law and regulation imposed by the school’s administration for them to adhere to it in order to
cease this problem in the school.

Those are the actual collective factors which have influenced the student to speak vernacular in
school that result in poor academic performance of the students thus it has become part of their
daily life in which they have practiced it every day and found a bit uneasy to do away with those
contributing factors. However, to cease this there must be some of the strategies in place so that
they would go through some form of enrichment courses in order to revive their understanding
level so that will be flexible to speak English which will aid them to perform well academically
to meet the expectation their shareholders like the school administration and their parents.


Speaking of vernacular has affected the academic performance of grade nine (9A) students of
Ginitoka high school in Eastern High Province because it made the students find it difficult to
speak English language and it result in poor academic performance. Many students who feel
pressure to speak standard English, this tension can have numerous implications for students in
this challenging transitional time of academic and psychology and as a result it gives negative
impact on the academic performance. (Stephany, 2015).

The speaking of vernacular has affected students to speak English language in term of writing,
speaking, and reading in English language thus they have been speaking vernacular since their
childhood age and it was just accustomed with them, and they found it difficult to speak English.
Negative stereotype about a students’ language could be detrimental not only on his or herself
esteem but also on academic performance and self-efficacy. (Brett, 2015)

However, according to the feedback from the research participants, 20 of the students have stated
that vernacular has affected all of the mentioned aspects of English while 5 of the students have
stated that it only affecting the speaking aspect of English language.

Those are the basic aspects of the English language since the speaking of vernacular have affected
these aspects of English which directly affected the academic performance of the students because
they will have to mater those aspects of English in order to understand English vividly before

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reacting appropriately to boost their academic performance.


The speaking of vernacular has negative effective on the academic performance of the grade nine
(9A) students of Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highland Province. Those students who always
speak vernacular are really struggling to comprehend the concept of English language and as the
result their academic performances become chaos simply because they do not understand the
English thus all the learning facilities are written in English. Vernacular education was a flawed
system that has more negative effect on the academic performance than positive effect on child’s
future. (Fredlyn, 2013) vernacular makes it harder for a child to grasp English, as they progress in
school, it can result in them failing their higher education exam, which are written in English.
(Elisha, 2002)

The effect of speaking vernacular it affects the students in certain areas such, it diminishes the
comprehension level of the students, it made the students felt uneasy to communicate with others
in English and as a result the students do not perform well in their studies.

However, according to the feedback from the research that was carried out in Ginitoka high school,
out of twenty-five students as research participants, 18 students have argued that vernacular has
affected all of the mentioned points which made them struggle to cope with progression of their
studies while 7 of them stated that it only affects them to speak English well and it contributed to
the poor performance. According to the research many of the students have badly affected by the
impact of speaking vernacular and they have struggled in their studies. Hence, many of the
students fail their upper school examination and left their studies so to minimize the situation there
must be some form of strategy needs to be implemented so that it will enrich the understanding of
the students.


English has the major role to be played in the education sector because every aspect of the learning
facilities is written in English language. English language plays an essential role in the life of
individual person as it helps in communication and it also important for students as it broadens
their minds, develops emotional skills, improve the quality of life by providing job opportunities.

However, according to the research that was conducted at Ginitoka high school in Eastern
Highland province. Twenty-two of the participants have firmly stated that English language has
play an important role in the field of teaching and learning while three of them declared that it has
minor impact on the academic performance thus other subjects there also determine the
performance of the students.

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English plays an importance role in the life of everyone therefore those students who are not really
acquaintance with English language have to know this language in order for them to be flexible
to encounter any circumstance or situation which deals with English language.


The research has been conducted at Ginitoka high in Eastern province basically to find the factors
which have influenced students to speak vernacular which have caused negative impact on their
academic performance. According to the feedback from the participants many students had
proclaimed that they speak vernacular because of some of the factors that like forcing them to
speak. In addition, they have also realized the importance of speaking English and how does it
help them as a student in their field of studies. Thus, the teaching and learning process used
English language as the mere means of communication. For them to perform well in their studies
they will have to master English language.



The research was conducted at Ginitoka high school in Eastern High Province basically to
investigate some of the influential factors that have influenced student to speak vernacular which
has negative impact on the academic performance of the students. However, the research has been
using qualitative method of collecting data by formulating the question to the targeted students.
Then the collected data has been analyzed it and represented in the table form as well as graph and
described it.

However, the researcher has figured out some of the collective influential factors which have
distracted the academic performance of the students. Therefore, there needs to be some form of
enrichment course for English in place for student to undergo to enhance their level of
understanding about English language to perform well in their studies.


The research has been conducted at Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highland Province. It was
designed to investigate the factors that have influenced the grade nine (9A) students to speak
vernacular and as a result it has affected their academic performance. However, due to National

pg. 25
General Election many students have withdrew from their studies and the research was targeted
twenty-five students as the participants.

Hence, the research was conducted by using qualitative method of collecting data by formulating
the questionnaires to the research participants for data collection. The collected data was then
analyzed in the table form and plot it on a graph and figured out some of the factors that have
affected their academic performance of the students.


The implication of the research is an important aspect of the research. Research implications are
basically the conclusion that you draw from your results and explain how the findings may be
important for policy, practice, or theory. (Sheryl, 2018)

However, the research has been conducted at Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highland Province
and found some of the influential factors which have influenced grade nine (9A) students to speak
vernacular. The researcher has realized that the real factors which have influenced them to speak
vernacular are such as the living standard of the students, the learning environment, and the culture
of the students. However, according to the research those are the most likely factors that have
influenced student to speak vernacular. Therefore, the concerned need to implement some of the
strategies to readjust those factors to enhance the academic performance of the students and it
would sustain so that the future students will never face the same situation in their studies.


The research was conducted only in Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highlands Province and has
targeted twenty-five participants of grade nine (9A) students alone. The research was limited to
this location. It cannot be carried further to other place due to limited of time and it was also
involving cost for the researcher to endure. The limitations of the study are its flaws or short
coming which could be the result of unavailability of resources, small, sample size, flawed
methodology. No study is completely flawless or inclusive of all possible aspects. (James, 2017)


The research was purposely designed to investigate the influential factors that have influenced
grade nine (9A) students of Ginitoka high school to speak vernacular. However, the research has
found some of the factors which have influenced the student to speak vernacular. According to

pg. 26
feedback from the research, the factors such as the living standard of the students, the learning
environment and the culture of the students have likely to distract the students to speak vernacular.
However, the further research needs to be carried out to investigate some of the strategy to initiate
some form enrichment courses to minimize the impact of those factors so the future generation
would not be affected by this present issue.


The research has been conducted at Ginitoka high school in Eastern Highland Province basically
to investigate the influential factors which have influenced grade nine (9A) to speak vernacular
which have affected their academic performance.

However, the research has used the qualitative method of collecting data by formulating
questionnaire to the targeted students and have found some of the likely factors has distracted
them are such as, the living standard of the students, the learning environment, and the culture of
the students. Hence, the students had really struggling in their studies simply because they do not
comprehend the English language.

Therefore, the further research needs to carry out to investigate more on this issue to find some of
the strategy to minimize this problem and or at least bring it back to the state of normalcy and the
students would not have difficulty in their study.

pg. 27

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