Chapter 1 5 Final

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Background of the Study

Good visitor feedback can raise levels of satisfaction and guarantee the

achievement of the tourism aim. Tourism is an economic component of the nation that

raises the standard of life of Filipinos and promotes the tourism industry. People who

travel domestically and abroad for business and recreation have an impact on tourism.

Due to the high cost of new job prospects in tourism, this became one of the industry's

major problems (World Travel & Tourism Council, 2017).

Problems in local communities seemed to coincide with the peak travel season.

When analyzing the 2016 tourism growth, it is important to take into account the tourist

beheadings, terrorist threats, and typhoons that occurred in previously thought of as

safe travel locations.

Bookings are routinely canceled as a result of the nation, particularly in its largest

markets (The Philippine Star, 2017). Bukidnon is one of the most secure tourist

destinations as of 2016. The climate of Bukidnon is primarily cool and humid all year

round. The lodging and food are provided in the calm, refreshing climate. Due to the

Bukidnon plateau's very high height, it is important to prioritize visitor transit. In addition

to offering natural features, Bukidnon's geography is notable for its deep ravines and

mountains covered in dense forest, which shield the province from storms.

People's spending habits, social network participation, and patterns of space-

time activity are all highly correlated. The analysis adds empirical data using the time

use and social network methods to better understand how people make decisions. The

model's conclusions show that being outside significantly affects how people interact

with one another and how much money is spent. In this context, it is crucial to include

"with whom" and the length of time spent participating in a certain activity as

intermediary factors to understand participation in recreational activities and travel

patterns. (Lizana and others, 2020). In addition, it was discovered that three universal

goals helped young Chinese people be happier overall: career development, which

was discovered to be the people's specific universal goal as a result of travel, improved

social recognition and affection, and physical satisfaction through leisure travel-based

comfort, novelty, and escape stimulations. This study will be undertaken in this

environment. (Wang, S. 2017).

The purpose of this study is to ascertain the preferences of the students for the

top tourism destinations in Bukidnon. Therefore, it is crucial to carry out this research

to learn about their preferences as potential customers and clients of the many tourism

attractions in


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to identify the tourism destinations that students like in

Bukidnon. It will specifically respond to the following queries.

1. What is the demographic profile of students of Bukidnon in terms of:

1.1. Age;

1.2. Gender; and

1.3. Address

2. How do students feel about the following popular tourism destinations in


2.1. Accessibility

2.2. Food Service

2.3. Hygiene Practices

3. Is there a strong correlation between students' choices for accessibility, food

service, and hygiene practices and their favorite tourism destinations in


Objectives of the Study

This study mainly focuses on students' level of preference toward top tourist spots in

Bukidnon. Specifically, it will seek to

1. To assess the level of preference of students for the top tourist spot in Bukidnon

2. To determine the student's preferences towards the top tourist spots in

Bukidnon in terms of:

2.1 Accessibility

2.2 Food Service

2.3 Hygiene Practices

3. To recognize the significant relationship between the level of preference of the

students to the top tourist spots in Bukidnon in terms of Accessibility, Food

Service, and Hygiene Practices.

Significance of the Study

This study is to determine the different perceptions and appraisals of the level

of preference of Hospitality Management students toward the top tourist spots in


Officials of local tourism in the province of Bukidnon. The results of the study

will help them realize that the field is the frontline of their programs and activities,

enabling them to modify their strategies to better suit their target audience's needs and


Tourist spot manager. It is hoped that this will assist managers of tourist attractions

in raising their effectiveness, which will significantly aid them in providing tourists with

highquality service.

Stakeholders. The results of this study might help them adjust their strategy for

environmental restoration, preservation, and sustainability by helping them understand

the preferences of tourists.

Crews of the tourist spots. The study's findings give them the information and

direction they require to cater to the demands of travelers.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This survey only looks at how much Central Mindanao University students favor the

main tourist destinations in Bukidnon in terms of accessibility, food service, and

hygiene practices. Particularly the third- and fourth-year hospitality management


Definition of Terms

The terms that are used in this study and operationally define below for better


Accommodation. refers to a provision made to meet a need or for convenience.

Food. refers to any nutrient that is consumed or ingested by animals, people,

or plants in order to sustain life and growth.

Tourist spots. are a destination that attracts tourists because to their inherent

or shown natural or cultural worth, historical significance, natural or manmade beauty,

and availability of entertainment and leisure.

Transportation. refers to any tool used to transport a thing from one place to

another. Planes, cars, and other two-wheel vehicles like bikes and motorbikes are

common modes of transportation.


The several factors that the researchers think are significant for this study are

presented in this chapter. The purpose of this is to deal with the literature review, which

includes many studies made by various researchers during challenging times that

relate to the research issue and specialties. This will provide a foundation for the study

questions about the Senior High School students' level of assessment at the University

of Central Mindanao.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

On Tourist Spots

When visiting their target areas, tourists should constantly ask specialists,

locals, or acquaintances for suggestions on which tourist attractions to see (e.g., where

to go, where to stay, and how to get there, Customs and Immigration rules, warnings,

and so on). Passengers now place a greater emphasis on and benefit from exchanging

travel-related information online and through online social networks. There is a ton of

travel-related information available to people, but it can be difficult to find or identify

the most important information. A suggestion system is a crucial tool for resolving this

issue (RS). Social media websites make information easily accessible, which is very

beneficial for the tourism sector. (Kerson and others, 2017). Due to the availability of

these attractions and the wealth of information available about them on the internet

and social media, making decisions regarding which tourist destinations to visit and

how to spend your time there has gotten increasingly challenging. The tourism
recommendation systems have developed into something that is both appealing to

travelers and challenging for designers because they must be able to deliver

personalised services. The travel business uses user reviews on social networks as a

valuable source of information to ascertain their preferences. The comments are then

preprocessed, semantically clustered, and sentimentally evaluated to determine a

visitor's preferences. Similar to this, components of these points of interest are taken

from all reviews of an attraction that have been compiled by users. (Zahra Abbasi-

Mould and colleagues, 2021)

Food Service

Although it is an essential part of travel, eating also has the ability to improve

the experience. The findings revealed a significant relationship between meal

experience and place attachment, and it was also found that food phobia significantly

moderates the interaction between food experience and location attachment. Food

engagement affected the relationship between meal experience and destination

image. According to these studies, while satisfying eating experiences can improve

place attachment and destination image, their benefits are muted by personality traits

related to food. Fu Chieh Hsu and others, 2021)

Given the economic importance of food consumption in tourist sites, it is

surprising that there haven't been more publications published about tourists' local

food consumption despite a significant uptick in food tourism research (Promsivapallop

& Kannaovakun, 2019).

Mak et al(2017) .'s research on the variables influencing tourists' food

consumption identified five variables: cultural, nationality, and religious factors;

sociodemographic; motivational; food-related personality traits (such as food

neophobia and variety seeking); and previous exposure or familiarity with food. Similar
to this, a more recent study by Sengel et al. (2015) proposed that psychological,

motivational, and demographic factors are among the variables that influence food

consumption. Another important element that influences the consumption of food at a

place has been found as food image perception (Choe & Kim, 2018; Promsivapallop

& Kannaovakun, 2019).

The implications of destination food image on features of destination food intake

among tourists are rarely discussed. However, the body of research demonstrates that

food presentation effects intake favorably. According to Seo et al. (2017), tourists to

Korea's local cuisine had positive preferences for it and intended to consume it.

Additionally, Promsivapallop and Kannaovakun recently presented a more thorough

research of the association between destination food image and food consumption



Every nation's resident can make significant financial gains from tourism. This

study looks into the factors that affect Bangladeshi tourists' satisfaction. A total of 202

tourists from Bangladesh's well-known tourist hotspot Bandarban are included in it.

The results of the bivariate analysis of the data suggest that elements like lodging,

pricing, food, and local security may have an effect on overall visitor happiness.

However, multivariate analysis indicates that tourist satisfaction is strongly correlated

with the accessibility of lodging and transportation. This shows that in order for

Bangladesh's tourism industry to flourish sustainably, the country's infrastructure for

travel and lodging needs to be upgraded. (2017) (Nedelea et al.)

In addition, there are significant changes happening in the hotel industry. The

accommodation and tourism industries must frequently evaluate their performance in

terms of service delivery quality because client satisfaction can make or break a

business (del Vecchio, Secundo, & Passiante, 2018).

Tourism is a social, cultural, and economic phenomenon that refers to journeys

to distant lands or regions outside of one's usual surroundings. They can be relocating

for domestic, international, or employment-related reasons. These people, also known

as visitors, may be tourists, excursionists, residents of the area or not, and tourism has

to do with the activities they engage in. Some activities people take part in require

spending money on tourism, such as their lodging or meals. A journey will not be

complete if there is nowhere to stay to participate in any activities at a destination

missing lodgings. Lodging provides as a base from which they can. Travelers who, for

the most part, travel for pleasure are part of the tourism phenomena. need some form

of hotel choices so they may rest and eat while traveling. So, it appeared that migration

of people required lodging. Throughout the course of human history, there have been

many instances of accommodation. However, there are differences in the types and

structures of housing in terms of size and services. Their company's main objective is

to provide for consumers who travel to far-off countries or areas. (Cooper, Fletcher,

Fyall, Gilbert, and Wanhill2018).

Depending on their prices, locations, target markets, and services they offer,

accommodations can be categorized in a number of different ways. starting with the

luxurious five, hotels ranging from one to five stars, hotels that are very affordable to

one star, and campgrounds that are five stars or more. All guests and visitors who can

afford to pay can take advantage of the best opportunities at our Star Class

campground. The range of accommodations is also influenced by geography. Some

of them are in urban areas, while others are in rural areas. Depending on the intended

audience, it may also change. While some accommodations are geared toward

families and business visitors, others are geared for vacationers and may be a target

in a variety of housing facilities (G. P. 2019.)

Hygiene Practices

In recent years, the idea of perceived performance has slowly given way to the

concept of customer experience (Roy, 2018). Analysis of the various elements that

make up a country's regulatory environment is a must for sustainable development in

the travel and tourist industry. Political stability and high safety and security standards,

investment opportunities for this sector through the adoption of appropriate policy rules

and regulations, high health and hygiene standards for the citizens and tourists, and

the application and monitoring of environmental regulations are the most important

factors influencing the competitiveness of this sector in a country (Ringbeck, Gross

2007) importance for the travel and tourism industry's ability to compete (Cooper et al.

2018). Health and tourism are correlated when there are high standards of hygienic

and sanitary conditions, access to healthcare, and high-quality drinking water. The

health of visitors is at danger if this standard of quality is not met (Claver-Cortés et al.


The diner's experience is a subjective reaction brought on by their interaction

with the service, which incorporates the primary value proposition that it provides

(Stein and Ramaseshan, 2017). In addition, it takes into account how the service or

product is delivered rather than just the giving of the good or service (Lemon and

Verhoef, 2018). Because dining involves numerous touch points along the chain of

touch points, expectation level may be influenced by consumption experience, hygiene

experience can continue the exploration of consumer satisfaction based on underlying

consumer satisfaction theories. As a result, it expands the body of knowledge on

consumer satisfaction pertaining to dining satisfaction based on the diner's experience

and expectation.

Conceptual Framework

Nedelea (2017), who served as the study's main source of support, suggested that

elements including lodging, pricing, food, and local security might have an effect on

overall visitor happiness. It also implies that visitor satisfaction is strongly correlated

with the accessibility of housing and transportation

The research paradigm for the study is shown in Figure 1, in which the level of

student preferences for the top tourist destinations in Bukidnon in terms of

accessibility, food service, and hygiene practices will be correlated with the

demographic profile of the students in terms of age, gender, and address.


There is no significant relationship between the students' most visited tourist spots in

Bukidnon when grouped according to age, gender, and family income.

Schematic Diagram

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Level of Preferences: Level of Preference of

Accessibility, Food Service, Hospitality Management

Hygiene Practices Student

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the study showing the independent and dependent

variables of the study.


This study utilizes the descriptive method. The primary data will be gathered

through a survey questionnaire based on the insights of the respondents. It describes

the Research Design, Research Locale, Participants of the study, Sampling

Procedure, and Research Instrument.

Research Design

This study will be using a descriptive method. This study will be using a survey

research design to gather data. The population of the study will consist of Hospitality

Management students.

Respondents of the Study

The total number of respondents that were involved in this study are 148

respondents. They were the selected representatives during the pilot testing. The

number of respondents are from 3rd year and 4th year students of Bachelor of Science

in Hospitality Management in Central Mindanao University. Out of 218, only 148 are

chosen to answer the survey questionnaire. With 46 respondents in section 3A, 41

respondents in section 3B, 31 respondents in section 4A, and 30

Sampling Procedure

The researchers used a non-Probability sampling where they will use a

Purposive Sampling where the researcher relies on their discretion to choose

variables for the sample population. Here, the entire sampling process depends on

the researcher’s judgment and knowledge of the context.

Research Instrument

A survey type of research was used to collect data from the corresponding

respondents. Researchers first used a pilot testing survey questionnaire. The

questionnaire was piloted at Central Mindanao University to get the top 3 tourist spots

in Bukidnon to be used as the final survey questionnaire. Researchers then adopted

a survey questionnaire of Mrs. Annie Fritce Aballe.

The questionnaire contained two parts. The first part aided to identify the demographic

profile of the respondents. It included the following: the name, age and gender.

The second part of the survey questionnaire was to identify the level of preference of

students to the top tourist spots in Bukidnon. This part of the questionnaire aimed to

find the interval data and measured using a 5-point Likert scale (1 = never practiced,

2 = sometimes practiced, 3 = moderately practiced, 4 = often practiced, 5 = always


Table 1. 5-point Likert scale.

Scale Range Descriptive Rating Qualitative Interpretation

5 4.51 – 5.00 Always Practiced Top tourist Always
Practiced the statement
4 3.51 – 4.50 Often Practiced
Top tourist Often Practice
the statement

3 2.51 – 3.50 Moderately Practiced
Top tourist Moderately
Practiced the statement

2 1.51 – 2.50 Sometimes Practiced

Top tourist Sometimes
Practiced the statement

1 1.00 – 1.50 Never Practiced Top tourist Never Practice

the statement

Data Gathering Procedure

A written letter of request was addressed to the Research Adviser and Dean of the

College of Human Ecology asking permission to allow the researchers to gather data that was

used to supplement the said research. The researchers conducted a pilot testing through a pilot

testing survey questionnaire for the respondents which are the 3rd and 4th year College of

Human Ecology at Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon. The result

depended on the answers to the questions given to the respondents. After pilot testing was

conducted, respondents then were separated to which will be answering the final survey


Statistical Treatment of the Data

The data to be collected will be analyzed and interpreted statistically with the

use of the following measure:

Mean. These were used to determine the Level of Preference of Hospitality

Management Students according to the Top Tourist Spots in Bukidnon.

Frequency. These were used to determine the total number of respondents favoring

an item from the questionnaire.

Percentage. These were used to determine the students level of preference to the

tourist spots in Bukidnon. In terms of Food, accessibility, and proper Hygiene

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Central Mindanao University, University Town,

Musuan, Bukidnon S.Y 2022-2023.


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This chapter presents the findings of the data gathered as well as the

interpretation and analysis. The order of presentation of the results follows the

sequence of the questionnaire: the socio-demographic profile of the students; the

student’s level of preference to the tourist spots in Bukidnon in terms of Food, the

student’s level of preference to the tourist spots in Bukidnon in terms of Accessibility,

the student’s level of preference to the tourist spots in Bukidnon in terms of Hygiene


Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The socio-demographic profile of this study presents view characteristics of the

customers on Online Food.

Table 1.1 Demographic Profile of the Respondents According to Age

Age Group Frequency (n) Percentage (%)

20 30 20.2%

21 93 62.8%

22 25 17%

Total 148 100%

Table 1.2 Demographic Profile of Respondents According to Gender

Gender Group Frequency (n) Percentage (%)

Male 48 32%

Female 100 68%

Total 148 100%

Table 2: Mean Distribution of Students Level of Preference of Monastery in terms

to Food


The food is served hot and 3.70 Often Practiced

The food is tasty and flavorful 3.87 Often Practiced

The food is well-cooked 3.91 Often Practiced

The quality of food is excellent 3.89 Often Practiced

The menu has a good variety 3.74 Often Practiced

of items

TOTAL 3.82 Often Practiced

Table 2 shows the mean distribution of the student’s level of preference of Monastery

of Transfiguration in terms of Food Service as often practiced having its total mean of

3.82. This indicates that students' satisfaction with eating practices and taste is often.

As stated by Sengel et al. (2015) that the factors that affect food consumption include

demographic, motivational, and psychological factors. In addition, food image

perception has been identified as another key factor that affects destination food


Table 2.1: Mean Distribution of Students Level of Preference of Monastery in
terms to Accessibility


The time and travel of time is 3.78 Often Practiced
There is ease of access going 3.54 Often Practiced
to the place
There is available mass transit 3.63 Often Practiced
Different transportation models 3.78 Often Practiced
are adequate and available
The cost of visiting the place is 4.04 Always Practiced

TOTAL 3.76 Often Practiced

Table 2.1 shows the mean distribution of the student’s level of preference of Monastery

of Transfiguration in terms of Accessibility as often practiced having its total mean of

3.76. This indicates that students are often satisfied with the ease of access to their

destination. According to the findings of the bi-variate analysis of the data, factors such

as transportation, lodging, cost, food, and local security may have an impact on visitor

satisfaction in general. However, multivariate analysis suggests that the availability of

transportation and lodging is highly related to visitor happiness.

Table 2.2: Mean Distribution of Students Level of Preference of Monastery in

terms to Hygiene Practices


The utensils, tables, and 3.93 Often Practiced
condiments are clean
The food handler uses gloves 3.98 Often Practiced
and masks
The food is covered and 3.96 Often Practiced
protected from the flies

The food handler sanitized 3.96 Often Practiced
from time to time when
handling foods
The food handler uses an 4.00 Always Practiced
apron and hairnet when
handling and preparing foods

TOTAL 3.97 Often Practiced

Table 2.2 shows the mean distribution of the student’s level of preference of Monastery

of Transfiguration in terms of Hygiene Practices as often practiced having its total

mean of 3.97. This indicates that students are often satisfied with how they handle

proper hygiene. As stated by Lemon and Verhoef (2018) that hygiene experience can

continue the exploration of consumer satisfaction based on underlying consumer

satisfaction theories therefore, it extends the body of knowledge on consumer

satisfaction pertaining to dining satisfaction based on the diner’s experience and

expectation because dining involves myriad touch points along the chain of touch

points; hence, expectation level might be influenced by consumption experience.

Table 3: Mean Distribution of Students Level of Preference of Lake Apo in terms

of Food Service


The food is served hot and 3.29 Moderately Practiced
The food is tasty and flavorful 3.18 Moderately Practiced

The food is well-cooked 3.38 Moderately Practiced

The quality of food is excellent 3.29 Moderately Practiced

The menu has a good variety 3.29 Moderately Practiced

of items

Total 3.29 Moderately Practiced

Table 3 shows the mean distribution of the student’s level of preference of Lake Apo

in terms of Food Service as moderately practiced having its total mean of 3.29. This

indicates that students' satisfaction with eating practices and taste is moderate. As

stated by Sengel et al. (2015) that the factors that affect food consumption include

demographic, motivational, and psychological factors. In addition, food image

perception has been identified as another key factor that affects destination food

Table 3.1: Mean Distribution of Students Level of Preference of Lake Apo in
terms of Accessibility


The time and travel of time is 3.56 Often Practiced
There is ease of access going 3.53 Often Practiced
to the place
There is available mass 3.50 Moderately Practiced
transit system
Different transportation 3.41 Often Practiced
models are adequate and
The cost of visiting the place 4.56 Always Practiced
is reasonable

Total 3.51 Often Practiced

Table 3.1 shows the mean distribution of the student’s level of preference of Lake Apo

in terms of Accessibility as often practiced having its total mean of 3.83. This indicates

that students are often satisfied with the ease of access to their destination. According

to the findings of the bi-variate analysis of the data, factors such as transportation,

lodging, cost, food, and local security may have an impact on visitor satisfaction in

general. However, multivariate analysis suggests that the availability of transportation

and lodging is highly related to visitor happiness. (Nedelea et al., 2017).

The utensils, tables, and 3.26 Moderately Practiced
condiments are clean

The food handler uses 3.35 Moderately Practiced

gloves and masks

The food is covered and 3.26 Moderately Practiced

protected from the flies

The food handler sanitized 3.18 Moderately Practiced

from time to time when
handling foods
The food handler uses an 3.29 Moderately Practiced
apron and hairnet when
handling and preparing foods

Total 3.27 Moderately Practiced

Table 3.2: Mean Distribution of Students Level of Preference of Lake Apo in

terms of Hygiene Practices

Table 3.2 Shows the mean distribution of the student’s level of preference of Lake Apo

in terms of Hygiene Practices as moderately practiced having its total mean of 3.97.

This indicates that students are moderately satisfied with how they handle proper

hygiene. As stated by Lemon and Verhoef (2018) that hygiene experience can

continue the exploration of consumer satisfaction based on underlying consumer

satisfaction theories therefore, it extends the body of knowledge on consumer

satisfaction pertaining to dining satisfaction based on the diner’s experience and

expectation because dining involves myriad touch points along the chain of touch

points; hence, expectation level might be influenced by consumption experience.

Table 4: Mean Distribution of Students Level of Preference of RR Spring Resort

in terms to Food Service


The food is served hot and 3.62 Often Practiced
The food is tasty and flavorful 3.72 Often Practiced

The food is well-cooked 3.75 Often Practiced

The quality of food is 3.71 Often Practiced

The menu has a good variety 3.65 Often Practiced
of items

Total 3.83 Often Practiced

Table 4 shows the mean distribution of the student’s level of preference of RR Spring

Resort in terms of Food Service as often practiced having its total mean of 3.69. This

indicates that students' satisfaction with eating practices and taste is often. As stated

by Sengel et al. (2015) that the factors that affect food consumption include

demographic, motivational, and psychological factors. In addition, food image

perception has been identified as another key factor that affects destination food

consumption. terms to Food Service

Table 4.1: Mean Distribution of Students Level of Preference of RR Spring Resort

in terms to Accessibility
The time and travel of time is 3.72 Often Practiced

There is ease of access going 3.75 Often Practiced

to the place
There is available mass 3.91 Often Practiced
transit system
Different transportation 3.81 Often Practiced
models are adequate and
The cost of visiting the place 3.97 Often Practiced
is reasonable

Total 3.69 Often Practiced

Table 4.1 shows the mean distribution of the student’s level of preference of RR

Spring Resort in terms of Accessibility as often practiced having its total mean of

3.83. This indicates that students are often satisfied with the ease of access to their

destination. According to the findings of the bi-variate analysis of the data, factors

such as transportation, lodging, cost, food, and local security may have an impact on

visitor satisfaction in general. However, multivariate analysis suggests that the

availability of transportation and lodging is highly related to visitor happiness.

(Nedelea et al., 2017).

Table 4.2: Mean Distribution of Students Level of Preference of RR Spring Resort
in terms to Hygiene Practices


The utensils, tables, and 3.50 Moderately Practiced
condiments are clean
The food handler uses gloves 3.41 Often Practiced
and masks
The food is covered and 3.65 Often Practiced
protected from the flies
The food handler sanitized 3.62 Often Practiced
from time to time when
handling foods
The food handler uses an 3.50 Moderately Practiced
apron and hairnet when
handling and preparing foods

TOTAL 3.55 Often Practiced

Table 2.2 shows the mean distribution of the student’s level of preference of RR Spring

Resort in terms of Hygiene Practices as often practiced having its total mean of 3.97.

This indicates that students are often satisfied with how they handle proper hygiene.

As stated by Lemon and Verhoef (2018) that hygiene experience can continue the

exploration of consumer satisfaction based on underlying consumer satisfaction

theories therefore, it extends the body of knowledge on consumer satisfaction

pertaining to dining satisfaction based on the diner’s experience and expectation

because dining involves myriad touch points along the chain of touch points; hence,

expectation level might be influenced by consumption experience.



This chapter contains the summary, conclusion, and recommendations that were

based on results and findings of the study.


This study was conducted to determine practices of the tourist spots in

Bukidnon in terms of Accessibility, Food Service, and Hygiene Practices, as well as

the student’s level of preference. In the venture of learning the level of preference of

the students, the researchers also aimed at what the factors that affect the said

satisfaction were. The respondents of this study were taken from Central Mindanao

University located at University Town, Musuan Maramag, Bukidnon.

The use of quantitative research was present in the execution of the study.

Considering the research method, a survey questionnaire given to our research

adviser was adopted and modified to better fit the study at hand. Answering the

questionnaire, respondents were picked via purposive sampling. In analyzing data,

descriptive analysis like frequency, mean, and percentages was used in interpreting

the data of student’s level of preference to do the tourist spots in Bukidnon.


According to the study's findings, the Monastery of Transfiguration's overall

mean for food service is 3.82, which shows that it is often practiced. Additionally, it

was discovered that RR Spring Resort's overall mean for food service is 3.69, which

indicates that it is often practiced. Last but not the least, it was found that Lake Apo's

overall mean is 3.29, which shows that cleanliness is somewhat practiced.

The Monastery of the Transfiguration had an overall accessibility score of 3.76

from the survey, which shows that accommodating students at the tourist attraction is

often practiced. The accessibility score for RR Spring Resort was also determined to

be 3.83, which shows that accessibility is often practiced. Last but not the least, it was

found that Lake Apo's overall mean is 3.51 and that accessibility is often practiced.

According to the study's findings, the Monastery of Transfiguration has an

overall mean of 3.97 hygiene practices, which suggests that the said tourist spot

practices good hygiene there. Additionally, it was discovered that RR Spring Resort's

overall mean for hygiene practices is 3.55, which suggests that hygiene procedures

are often practiced. Finally, it was discovered that Lake Apo's overall mean is 3.51,

which shows that cleanliness is performed to a reasonable extent for it was often



1. Following proper hygiene and proper sanitation is very important.

2. The accessibility of a place affects the number of students who decide to go


3. There should be an ease of access in going to a certain tourist spot.

4. Menu should have a good variety of items.

5. Serve high quality foods.


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Appendix A:

Republic of the Philippines

Central Mindanao University


University Town, Musuan, 8710 Bukidnon


Dear Participants,

We, researchers, are currently conducting our survey questionnaire to gather information about

“Student’s Level of Preference to the Tourist Spots in Bukidnon”. We are hoping for your kind


Sincerely yours,

-Alyssa Nicole Tare

-Krystal May Galindo

-Green Field Emuelin

- Jea Agustin


Practical Research 1 Adviser

Republic of the Philippines
Central Mindanao University
University Town, Musuan, 8710 Bukidnon

October 28, 2022

Dean, College of Human Ecology
Central Mindanao University
Musuan, Bukidnon

Chairperson, Department of Hospitality Management
College of Human Ecology
Central Mindanao University
Musuan, Bukidnon

Dear Mr/Ms,


We are third-year BS Hospitality Management students at Central Mindanao University, and we are
currently working on a research paper titled "Student’s Level of Preference to the tourist Spot in
Bukidnon" which is part of the requirements for HM59 (Research Methodology in Hospitality)

In this regard, by responding to our questionnaire, we seek your permission to request the food
handler's participation in Central Mindanao University. Rest assured that all information obtained from
this study will be kept strictly confidential.

Thank you very much, and God bless!

Sincerely yours,





Noted By: Approved By:

Practical Research 1 Adviser Dean of Human Ecology

Appendix B:


Name: ___________________ Gender: ________________

Age : ___________________ Address: ________________

Instructions: Just check the box that corresponds to your best answer in each question.

Scale Means of Range Verbal Description Interpretation

5 4.50 - 5.00 Always Practiced It indicates that top tourist Always Practiced the statement
4 3.50 - 4.49 Often Practiced It indicates that top tourist Often Practiced the statement

3 2.50 - 3.49 Moderately Practiced It indicates that top tourist Moderately Practiced the
2 1.50 - 2.49 Sometimes Practices It indicates that top tourist Sometimes Practiced the
1 1.00 - 1.49 Never Practiced It indicates that top tourist Never Practiced the statement

Foods 5 4 3 2 1

1. The food is served hot and fresh

2. The food is tasty and flavorful

3. The food is well-cooked

4. The quality of food is excellent

5. The menu has a good variety of


Accessibility 5 4 3 2 1

1. The time and travel of time is


2. There is ease of access going to the


3. There is available mass transit


4. Different transportation models are

adequate and available

5. The cost of visiting the place is


Hygiene Practices 5 4 3 2 1

1. The utensils, tables, and condiments

are clean

2. The food handler uses gloves and


3. The food is covered and protected

from the flies

4. The food handler sanitized from time

to time when handling foods

5. The food handler uses an apron and

hairnet when handling and preparing

Appendix C:

Name: Address:

Year Level: Gender:

● RR Family Spring Resort

● Monastery of the Transfiguration
● Lake Apo
● Dahilayan Forest Park Resort
● Alalum Falls
● Blue Water Cave
● Luan-luan Spring
● Badiang Spring
● Overview Park
● Nasuli Spring
● Waig Spring Resort
● Beatriz Skyline Resort
● Kaamulan Nature Park
● Dahilayan Adventure Park
● Roty Peaks Ridge Camp
● Kinawe Blooming Farm ( Libona Bukidnon)
● Lake Pinamaloy
● CEDAR waterfalls
● Cafe sa Bukid
● Chukoohills Cafe
● Bonsetas Fun fun Ride
● El Paso Restaurant
● Basakan - anan
● Binahon Agro Forest Farm
● Cliffside Camping & Glamping
● Malaybalay Zoo
● The Cliff Cafe
● Hamugaway Ridge
Maches, D. (2022, May 18). 20+ Best Bukidnon Tourist Spot (UPDATED): Things to Do, Attractions. Daniel’s Eco-Travels. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from

Tripadvisor. (n.d.-a). THE 10 BEST Tourist Spots in Bukidnon Province 2022: Things to Do & Places to Go. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from

Tripadvisor. (n.d.). THE BEST Tourist Spots in Maramag 2022: Things to Do & Places to Go. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from

Tripadvisor. (n.d.-a). THE BEST Tourist Spots in Don Carlos 2022: Things to Do & Places to Go. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from

Tripadvisor. (n.d.-a). THE 10 BEST Tourist Spots in Malaybalay City 2022: Things to Do & Places to Go. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from

Tripadvisor. (n.d.-c). THE BEST Tourist Spots in Manolo Fortich 2022: Things to Do & Places to Go. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from

Appendix D:


Personal Information

Name : Jea Agustin

Permanent Adress : Purok 3, Linabo Malaybalay City

Email Adress : [email protected]

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : February 21, 2001

Place of Birth : Linabo Malaybalay City

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parent’s Name : Abelardo Agustin

Rebecca Cardona

Educational Attainment

Tertiary : Central Mindanao University

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

Musuan, Maramag Bukidnon

Secondary : Casisang Senior High School

2013 – 2019

Elementary : Linabo Malaybalay City



Personal Information

Name : Krystal May B. Galindo

Permanent Adress : Purok 5, Barangay 10 Malaybalay City

Email address : [email protected]

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : May 15, 2002

Place of Birth : Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parent’s Name : Dexter C. Galindo

: Eva F. Blancaflor

Educational Attainment

Tertiary : Central Mindanao University

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

Musuan, Maramag Bukidnon


Secondary : San Isidro College

2013 – 2019

Elementary : BCT Elementary School

- 2013


Personal Information

Name : Alyssa Nicole Tare

Permanent Adress : Purok 6, North Poblacion, Maramag, Bukidnon

Email Address : [email protected]

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : October 2, 2002

Place of Birth : Mandaluyong City

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parent’s Name : Roger Hamo

: Ellyn Tare

Educational Attainment

Tertiary : Central Mindanao University

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

Musuan, Maramag Bukidnon


Secondary : Bukidnon National School of Home Industry

2014 – 2019

Elementary :


Personal Information

Name : GreenField Emuelin

Permanent Adress : Purok 8, Kibatang, Don Carlos, Bukidnon

Email Address : [email protected]

Gender : Male

Date of Birth : September 26,2001

Place of Birth : Don Carlos, Bukidnon

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parent’s Name : Roger Pahilangco

: Julieta Pahilangco

Educational Attainment

Tertiary : Central Mindanao University

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

Musuan, Maramag Bukidnon


Secondary : Kibatang National High School

2015 – 2019

Elementary :


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