Cases: Mcdonald'S in 2019
Cases: Mcdonald'S in 2019
Cases: Mcdonald'S in 2019
On November 3, 2019, the McDonald’s board of directors experiences for our customers,” former CEO Steve
dismissed Steve Easterbrook over violations of company Easterbrook said in a statement.2
policy regarding a relationship with an employee and McDonald’s has been trying to attract more customers
named Chris Kempczinski the new CEO. Kempczinski had to its restaurants by offering more customized products that
experience at Kraft Foods and PepsiCo prior to joining are also healthier. It has removed high fructose corn syrup
McDonald’s in 2015, most recently as president of the USA from its buns, changed from the use of liquid margarine to
business unit.1 real butter, decided to use chicken that has been raised
In March 2019, McDonald’s, the largest restaurant without antibiotics, and to make use of cage-free eggs. Mike
chain, announced it will acquire artificial-intelligence Andres, former president of McDonald’s USA explained
startup Dynamic Yield, a company focused on personaliza- why the firm has decided to make these changes: “Why take
tion and decision logic technology. Access to this technol- a position to defend them if consumers are saying they
ogy will allow the firm to update instantaneously its don’t want them?”3
drive-through menus based on factors such as time of day, These changes are expected to address some of chal-
weather, and trending menu items. McDonald’s plans to lenges that McDonald’s has been facing in many markets,
roll out the updated drive-through menus across the United including in the United States, where it has almost 15,000
States during the year. “With this acquisition, we’re expand- of its 38,000 mostly franchised restaurants. It has lost a lot
ing both our ability to increase the role technology and data of ground with consumers, especially millennials, who are
will play in our future and the speed with which we’ll able defecting to traditional competitors like Burger King and
to implement our vision of creating more personalized Wendy’s as well as to new designer burger outlets such as
Five Guys and Shake Shack. Changing tastes are also re-
sponsible for the loss of customers that are lining up at fast-
* Case prepared by Jamal Shamsie, Michigan State University, with the
assistance of Professor Alan B. Eisner, Pace University. Material has been
casual chains such as Chipotle Mexican Grill and Panera
drawn from published sources to be used for purposes of class discussion. Bread, which offer customized ordering and fresh ingredi-
Copyright © 2019 Jamal Shamsie and Alan B. Eisner. ents (see Exhibits 1 to 4).
Income Statement Year Ending
($ millions)
Dec. 31, 2018 Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2016
Total Revenue $21,025 $22,820 $24,622
Operating Income 8,823 9,553 7,745
Net Income 5,924 5,192 4,687
Balance Sheet Year Ending
($ millions)
Dec. 31, 2018 Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2016
Current Assets $ 4,053 $ 5,327 $ 4,849
Total Assets 32,811 33,803 31,024
Current Liabilities 2,973 2,890 3,468
Total Liabilities 39,069 37,071 33,228
Shareholder Equity (6,258) (3,268) (2,204)
Sources: Annual Report. McDonald’s Corporation, 2018; Annual Report. McDonald’s Corporation, 2019.
Over the years, McDonald’s response to this growing San Bernardino, California to become one of the largest
competition was to expand its menu with snacks, salads, chain of outlets spread around the globe. But it gradually
and new drinks. From 33 basic items that the chain offered began to run into various problems that began to slow down
in 1990, the menu had grown by 2014 to 121 items. The its sales growth (see Exhibit 5).
greatly expanded menu led to a significant increase in costs This decline could be attributed in large part to a drop in
and longer preparation times. This forced the firm to in- McDonald’s once-vaunted service and quality since its ex-
crease the prices of many of its items and to take more time pansion in the 1990s, when headquarters stopped grading
to serve customers, moving it away from the attributes that franchises for cleanliness, speed, and service. By the end of
it had built its reputation upon. “McDonald’s stands for the decade, the chain ran into more problems because of the
value, consistency, and convenience,” said Darren Tristano, tighter labor market. McDonald’s began to cut back on
a restaurant industry consultant.4 training as it struggled hard to find new recruits, leading to a
The fast food chain has been through a similar crisis be- dramatic falloff in the skills of its employees. According to a
fore. Back in 2002 and 2003, McDonald’s had experienced 2002 survey by market researcher Global Growth Group,
a decline in performance because of quality problems as McDonald’s came in third in average service time behind
result of rapid expansion. At that time, the firm had brought Wendy’s and sandwich shop Chick-fil-A Inc.
James R. Cantalupo back out of retirement to turn things By the beginning of 2003, consumer surveys were indi-
around. He formulated a “Plan to Win,” which has been the cating that McDonald’s was headed for serious trouble.
basis of McDonald’s strategy over the last decade. The core Measures for the service and quality of the chain were con-
of the plan was to increase sales at existing locations by tinuing to fall, dropping far behind those of its rivals. In
improving the menu, refurbishing the outlets, and extending order to deal with its deteriorating performance, the firm
hours. This time, however, such incremental steps might decided to bring back retired vice-chairman James R.
not be enough. Cantalupo, 59, who had overseen McDonald’s successful
international expansion in the 1980s and 1990s. Cantalupo,
Pulling out of a Downward Spiral who had retired only a year earlier, was perceived to be the
Since it was founded more than 50 years ago, McDonald’s only candidate with the necessary qualifications, despite
has been defining the fast food business. It provided mil- shareholder sentiment for an outsider. The board had felt
lions of Americans their first jobs even as it changed their that it needed someone who knew the company well and
eating habits. It rose from a single outlet in a nondescript could move quickly to turn things around.