Cases: Procter & Gamble
Cases: Procter & Gamble
Cases: Procter & Gamble
Procter & Gamble, a leading global consumer products firm products, marketing brilliance, and the intense loyalty of its
announced a revamping of its management structure in July employees who have come to be known respectfully as
2019 as part of an effort to streamline its operations. The Proctoids. In the 1990s, under Alan G. Lafley, P&G spent
firm had failed to show much growth over the last five years, $70 billion scooping up brands such as Gillette razors, Clairol
resulting in pressure from activist Trian Fund Management, cosmetics, and Iams pet food. With 25 brands that generated
which waged a proxy fight in 2017 and whose co-founder, more than $1 billion in sales, the firm claimed the status of
Nelson Peltz, now sits on P&G’s board (see Exhibit 1 and 2). the largest consumer products company in the world.
The firm said it would shrink the number of its business However, under Lafley’s chosen successor, Bob McDonald,
units from ten to six and give the heads of each of these P&G’s growth stalled as recession-battered consumers
control over the management of different products as well as abandoned the firm’s premium-priced products for cheaper
over their regional sales teams. P&G will also reduce its cor- alternatives. More significantly, the firm’s vaunted innova-
porate functions, with about 60 percent of corporate work tion machine failed to achieve any major product success
shifting to the new business units. “There is a need for during his tenure. P&G’s decline eroded morale among em-
greater agility,” said CEO David Taylor.1 ployees, with many managers taking early retirement or
Since its founding 175 years ago, P&G has risen to the bolting to competitors. Says Ed Artzt, who was CEO from
status of an American icon with well-known consumer prod- 1990 to 1995: “The most unfortunate aspect of this whole
ucts such as Pampers, Tide, Downy, and Crest (see Exhibit 3). thing is the brain drain. The loss of good people is almost
In fact, the firm has long been admired for its superior irreparable when you depend on promotion from within to
continue building the company.”2
Pressure from the board forced Lafley to back come out
* Case prepared by Jamal Shamsie, Michigan State University, with the
assistance of Professor Alan B. Eisner, Pace University. Material has been
of retirement in May 2013 to make another attempt to pull
drawn from published sources to be used for purposes of class discussion. P&G out of its doldrums. Soon after he took back the helm
Copyright © 2019 Jamal Shamsie and Alan B. Eisner. of the firm, Lafley announced that he would get rid of more
Income Statement Year Ending
(in millions of $)
June 30, 2018 June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015
Revenue $66,832 $65,058 $65,299 $70,749
Operating Income 13,711 13,955 13,441 11,049
EBIT 13,326 13,257 13,369 11,012
Net Income 9,861 15,411 10,604 7,144
Balance Sheet Year Ending
(in millions of $)
June 30, 2018 June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015
Current Assets $ 23,320 $ 26,494 $ 33,782 $ 29,646
Total Assets 118,310 120,406 127,136 129,495
Current Liabilities 28,237 30,210 30,770 29,790
Total Liabilities 65,427 64,628 69,153 66,445
Stockholder Equity 52,883 55,778 57,983 63,050
than half of its brands. Over the next three years, the firm In 2000, the board of P&G asked Lafley to take charge
sold off many of the brands it had acquired, capped by the of the troubled firm. He began his tenure by breaking down
$11.6 billion sale of dozens of beauty brands to Coty. He the walls between management and employees. Since the
announced that the company would narrow its focus to 65 1950s, all of the senior executives at P&G used to be lo-
or 70 of its biggest brands such as Tide, Crest, and Pampers. cated on the 11th floor at the firm’s corporate headquar-
“Less will be more,” Lafley told analysts. “The objective is ters. Lafley changed this setup, moving all five division
growth and much more reliable generation of cash and presidents to the same floors as their staff. He replaced
profit.”3 more than half of the company’s top 30 managers, more
David S. Taylor, who had spent years managing P&G’s than any P&G boss in memory, and trimmed its workforce
businesses finally took over as chairman and CEO of the by as many as 9,600 jobs. He also moved more women into
firm in November 2015. He has made moves to resurrect senior positions. In fact, Lafley skipped over 78 general
the firm but has opted against launching new brands or managers with more seniority to name 42-year-old Deborah
making new acquisitions. “I understand the desire for faster A. Henretta to head P&G’s then-troubled North American
growth and for a single-minded short-term objective, but baby-care division.
we’ve seen this movie before” he said at a meeting with ana- Lafley was simply acknowledging the importance of de-
lysts soon after he had taken over.4 veloping people, particularly those in managerial roles at
P&G. For years, the firm has been known to dispatch line
Fighting off a Decline managers rather than human resource staffers to do much
For most of its long history, P&G has been one of America’s of its recruiting. For the few that get hired, their work life
preeminent companies. The firm has developed several well becomes a career-long development process. At every level,
known brands such as Tide, one of the pioneers in laundry P&G has a different “college” to train individuals and every
detergents, which was launched in 1946; and Pampers, the department has its own “university.” The general manager’s
first disposable diaper, which was introduced in 1961. P&G college holds a week-long school term once a year when
also built its brands through its innovative marketing tech- there are a handful of newly promoted managers.
niques. But by the 1990s, P&G was in danger of becoming Under Lafley, P&G also continued with its efforts to
another Eastman Kodak or Xerox, a once-great company maintain a comprehensive database for all of its more
that might have lost its way. Sales on most of its 18 top than 130,000 employees, each of which is tracked care-
brands were slowing as it was being outhustled by more fo- fully through monthly and annual talent reviews. All man-
cused rivals such as Kimberly-Clark and Colgate-Palmolive. agers are reviewed not only by their bosses but also by
In 1999, P&G decided to bring in Durk I. Jager to try lateral managers who have worked with them, as well as
and make the big changes that were obviously needed to get on their own direct reports. Every February, one entire
P&G back on track. But the moves he made generally mis- board meeting is devoted to reviewing the high-level execu-
fired, sinking the firm into deeper trouble. He introduced tives, with the goal of recommending at least three poten-
expensive new products that never caught on while letting tial candidates for each of the 35 to 40 jobs at the top of
existing brands drift. He also put in place a companywide the firm.
reorganization that left many employees perplexed and
preoccupied. During the fiscal year when he was in charge, Gambling on its Brands
earnings per share showed an anemic rise of just 3.5 per- Above all, Lafley had been intent on shifting the focus of
cent, much lower than in previous years. And during that P&G back to its consumers. At every opportunity, he tried
time, the share price slid 52 percent, cutting P&G’s total to drill his managers and employees to not lose sight of the
market capitalization by $85 billion. consumer. He felt that P&G often let technology dictate its
% of Net % of Net
Reportable Segments Sales Earnings Product Categories (Sub-Categories) Major Brands
Hair Care Head & Shoulders,
Pantene, Rejoice
Beauty 19% 23%
Skin and Personal Care Olay, Old Spice,
Safeguard, SK-II
Shave Care - Female Blades & Razors, Braun, Fusion, Gillette,
Grooming 10% 14%
Male Blades & Razors, etc. Mach3, Prestobarba, Venus
Oral Care Crest, Oral-B
Health Care 12% 13%
Personal Health Care Metamucil, Prilosec, Vicks
Laundry Products Ariel, Downy, Gain, Tide
Fabric & Home Care 32% 27% Cascade, Dawn, Febreze,
Cleansers Mr. Clean, Swiffer
Baby Care Luvs, Pampers
Baby, Feminine, & Family Care 27% 23% Feminine Care Always, Tampax
Paper Towels, Tissues, etc. Bounty, Charmin, Puffs
brands will be jettisoned if they don’t fit with the firm’s completed the transfer of Duracell to Berkshire Hathaway
core business: “If it’s not a core brand—I don’t care whether through an exchange of shares.
it’s a $2 billion brand—it will be divested.”9
Although analysts were receptive to the reduction of Fighting for Its Iconic Status
brands, they pointed out that P&G has already sold off Under Taylor, P&G has been trying to find ways to revive
more than 30 established brands over the past 15 years that the prospects of its mostly aging brands. For years, P&G
were supposedly hindering growth. Many of these sold-off had spent heavily to build on its success with legacy soap
brands have been performing well with other firms. and detergent brands to acquire hundreds of additional
J.M. Smucker, for example, that bought Crisco shortening, brands in new businesses that it hoped could also become
Folgers coffee, and Jif peanut butter, has had 50 percent part of consumers’ daily routines. The latest effort to jetti-
sales growth since 2009. Some critics charge that P&G, son over half of its brands indicated that the strategy was
which was once was most successful in building and manag- not working anymore. In particular, P&G has been strug-
ing brands, has lost its touch. gling with its push to place more emphasis on products that
In large part, the focus is on the cumbersome centralized carry higher margins in order to move it away from its de-
and bureaucratic structure that has developed at P&G. Unlike pendence on household staples.
many of its newer competitors, the firm still tends to rely less Above all, it is clear that the recent push to expand into
on working with outside partners. The Connect and Develop new categories with acquired brands did not produce the
program that had been started by Lafley to bring in new ideas desired results. The firm’s aggressive push into beauty, for
from outsiders has led to 50 percent of its new technologies example, has struggled to show much growth. Lafley had
coming from outside, but these are then reworked or modified tried to build the firm’s presence in this business for years,
by P&G’s internal R&D group. This has stifled innovation, regarding it as a high margin, faster growing complement to
with most of the firm’s growth coming from line extensions of the firm’s core household products. The firm has struggled
existing brands or from costly acquisitions. to show growth in this business and it has been generating
On November 1, 2015, Lafley stepped down, passing the the lowest profit margins. Sales of Olay skin care products
reins to David Taylor, who had built his career at P&G. He and Pantene hair care products have mostly sagged in recent
had most recently been assigned to take over the firm’s years. Its efforts to build a line of perfumes around licenses
struggling beauty unit. Taylor continued with Lafley’s strat- with Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, and Hugo Boss were also
egy of cutting back on P&G’s brands. The sale of 43 of the running into problems.
firm’s beauty brands to Coty in a $12 billion deal was com- Analysts are hoping that the decision to restructure
pleted in October 2016. A few months earlier, P&G had P&G will address long-standing problems that the firm has
been facing. The new organization will give more responsi- 2. Reingold, J. and D. Burke. 2013. Can P&G’s CEO hang on? Fortune,
bility for its different product categories to separate busi- February 25, p. 69.
3. Coolridge, A. 2014. P&G plans to unload more than its brands.
ness units, giving them control over their sales for the Cincinnati Enquirer, August 2, p. 1.
largest 10 geographic markets, including the United States, 4. Benoit, D. and S. Terlep. 2017. Activist builds $3 billion stake in P&G.
China, Russia, and Germany. Such a push for decentraliza- Wall Street Journal, February 15, p. A1.
tion would give these units more freedom to adjust their 5. P&G Annual Report 2009.
strategies to the needs of the different product categories in 6. Reingold, J. and D. Burke. 2013. Can P&G’s CEO hang on? Fortune,
each of the markets. “We are accelerating the pace of February 25, p. 70.
change and stepping up execution to meet the challenges of 7. Ibid.
8. Ibid. p. 75.
today’s dynamic world,” said Taylor.10
9. Ibid. p. 70.
10. Press Release. 2019 (January 23). P&G announces fiscal year 2019
ENDNOTES second quarter results.
1. Al-Muslim, A.2018. P&G streamlines its management. Wall Street
Journal, November 9, p. B2.