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Keywords: Supercapacitors (SCs) are attracting considerable research interest as high-performance energy storage devices
Supercapacitors that can contribute to the rapid growth of low-power electronics (e.g., wearable, portable electronic devices) and
Conducting polymers high-power military applications (e.g., guided missile techniques and highly sensitive naval warheads). The
Composites performance of SCs can be assessed in terms of the electrochemical properties determined through a combination
Metal oxides
between the electrode and the electrolyte materials. Likewise, the charge storage capacities of SCs can be af-
fected significantly by selection of such materials (e.g., via surface redox mechanisms). Enormous efforts have
thus been put to make them more competitive with existing options for energy storage such as rechargeable
batteries. This article reviews recent advances in SC technology with respect to charge storage mechanisms,
electrode materials, electrolytes (e.g., particularly paper/fiber-like 3D porous structures), and their practical
applications. The challenges and opportunities associated with the commercialization of SCs are also discussed.
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (K.-H. Kim), (S. Kumar), (E.E. Kwon).
Received 25 June 2018; Received in revised form 12 July 2018; Accepted 7 August 2018
Available online 10 August 2018
2211-2855/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
Fig. 1. Statistical survey on the research activities toward supercapacitor: a) presents the number of publications including articles, books, and other authentic open
literature (2000–2018 (predicted)) from a search using supercapacitor as a keyword in Google Scholar. In b), the results are provided on the basis of publications about
the supercapacitor materials cited in this review.
An SC is a pulse current system used to meet high current and known to be perfect for quick storage/release power systems [48], of-
specific power (10,000 W Kg−1) requirements for durations of less than fering power delivery and uptake of 196 kW kg−1 (10–100 times the
1 min. Consequently, SCs can be used alone or in combination with energy density of electrolytic capacitors) in just a few seconds
another energy storage option (i.e., batteries) to offer improved power [44,49,50]. This is indeed beneficial for systems designed for energy
efficiency and enhanced cycle life for applications such as hybrid ve- recovery, i.e., powerful braking in a transport system. However, SCs can
hicles, cranes, trains, and elevators [35–37]. In 1957, the first patent for possess much higher energy density (0.5–0.6 kJ L−1) than conventional
a prototype SC was reported and issued [38]. Until the 1990s, the de- dielectric capacitors (0.01 W h L−1) [51]. The attractive characteristics
mand for SC technology was low outside the field of hybrid electric of SCs (higher power densities and quick charge and discharge pro-
vehicles [39]. Now, extensive development in SC technology aims to cesses) also impart reliable power throughputs. As seen in Fig. 2, the
increase the electrical performance of electrode materials [40]. In drive trade-off between energy and power density for energy storage in
systems that use power from a voltage source, diverse types of SCs are various devices can be well described graphically by the Ragone plot
already being used to fulfil the power demand for starting and re- [52]. Despite the usefulness of the Ragone plot for estimating energy
covering braking energy [41,42]. Therefore, SCs are a viable option for storage performance, however, it does not include other critical factors
many energy storage applications, including as back-up power supplies (e.g., cost estimation, cycle life, and safety). Therefore, it is important
to provide protection against power disruptions [39,43,44]. to consider those components also to best understand energy storage
The performance of SCs is significantly affected by many factors, technology.
such as the electrochemical properties of the electrode materials, the The main distinctions between batteries and SCs in storage me-
choice of electrolyte, and the potential window of the electrodes [45]. chanism, power limitations, energy storage, charge rate, and charge life
Enormous research efforts have hence been directed to the development limitations are illustrated in Fig. 3. For example, for batteries, the
of advanced materials for SC electrodes with appropriate structural charge rate is kinetically limited, but for SCs it is high as the discharge
designs to facilitate effective electron transport and ionic diffusion [46]. rate. The cycle life of SCs (1 million h to 30,000 h) is extraordinarily
Fig. 1(b) shows the annual development of new electrode materials to higher than that of batteries (~ 500 h), and SCs offer remarkably low
improve the performance of SCs. This review focuses on the charge recharge times (SC: 1–10 s vs. battery: 10–60 min) [53]. Some key
storage mechanisms of SCs, providing a brief summary of the latest characteristics (specific energy, cycle life, charge/discharge time, and
advances in electrode materials (carbon-based materials, metal oxides, mechanism of charge storage) of capacitors, SCs, and batteries are
and conducting polymers), electrolyte choices, work done to fabricate
new potential electrodes from waste, and a comparison of selected SCs.
Furthermore, we briefly discuss the technical challenges for developing
SCs with high enough energy density to compete with existing re-
chargeable batteries.
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
Fig. 3. Comparison between batteries and SCs through different operational parameters [84].
Table 1
Comparison of the basic performance metrics between different electrochemical energy storage systems.
Order Characteristics Capacitor Supercapacitor Battery Ref.
summarized and compared in Table 1. This comparison shows that SCs [34,50].
can withstand half-millions of cycles because of their storage mechan- Although all those parameters are important for SC study, device
isms, which do not involve reversible chemical reactions. Among the capacitance is the main electrical feature used to evaluate SC perfor-
many variables used to assess the performance characteristics of energy mance. Several efforts have been made to enhance device capacitance,
storage devices, the operating temperature range is an important point such as (a) developing nanoporous materials or hierarchal micro- to
of interest. The thermal stability of SCs can be tuned by wise choices for nano-structures with a large effective surface area [55,56] (e.g.,
the materials and electrolytes used during the electrochemical process. homogeneous deposition of MnO2 nanorods on GO (graphene oxide) to
SCs can operate at temperatures between − 40 and 100 °C [54], prevent aggregations, obtain a high effective MnO2 surface area for
whereas batteries can be operated only between − 20 and 60 °C charge transfer, and shorten the ionic diffusion path in the charging/
discharging process) [57]; (b) improving the wetting electrode surface
exposed to the electrolyte [58] (e.g., GO possesses many oxygen-based
functional groups that improve the total capacitance through additional
Faradaic reaction effects and increase the wettability of porous carbons
with electrolytes); (c) adjusting the mass transport mechanisms (e.g.,
the adjusted mass for a single layer of MWCNTs with a graphene
electrode is approximately 2.65 ± 0.02 mg cm−2) [59]; and (d) using
innovative and active materials that allow high mass transportation
(e.g., a graphene–nickel cobaltite nanocomposite/activated carbon
(AC) with a mass loading of 10 mg cm–2 achieved 618 F g−1) [60]. A
mass-loading increase in pseudocapacitive materials results in higher
resistance, limited access of electrolyte ions to the bulk of the active
material, and lower specific capacitance [61–63]. Several types of SCs
are already used commercially, and they can be categorized (hybrid,
pseudo, etc.) by their charging mechanisms or the materials used in the
electrodes, as shown in Fig. 4.
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
Fig. 5. Models for the electrical double layer at a positively charged surface: (a) the Helmholtz model, (b) the Gouy–Chapman model, and (c) the Stern model [64].
and reversible surface redox processes, and (3) hybrid capacitors take electrode exhibits a high specific area with a porous structure, EDLC
advantage of both mechanisms. behavior is highly contingent on porosity. Thus, the transportation of
particles in the confined system is critically governed by factors such as
the affinity of the tortuous mass transfer path, the area constraints
3.1. Electrochemical double layer capacitors
within the pores, the electrical phenomenon related to the solution, and
the pore surface wettability by the solution. Fig. 6 schematically de-
EDLCs exhibit higher energy density higher than conventional ca-
monstrates the mechanism for EDLCs using porous carbon conducting
pacitors due to their maximum effective surface space and very small
materials. The specific capacitance for EDLCs can be calculated as:
charge separation distances. EDLCs contain an electrolyte (such as
KOH, H2SO4, or Na2CO3) between the electrodes instead of the di- єr єo × A
electric medium used in conventional capacitors. Several physical d (2)
parameters impose limitations on the performance of conventional ca-
pacitors, primarily inadequate charge storage space and the geometry In Eq. (2), Ԑr, Ԑ0, A, and d represent the dielectric constant of the
of the two charging plates [64]. As schematically explained in Fig. 5(a), electrolyte, vacuum permittivity, electrode specific surface area avail-
the concept for EDLCs was initially proposed and shaped in the 19th able to the ionic species of the electrolyte, and EDL effective thickness
century by Helmholtz during investigations of opposite charges on (Debye length), respectively. In Eq. (2), the close relationship between
colloidal particle interfaces. According to the proposed model, opposite the specific capacitance (C) and available area (A) is pertinent.
charges are layered at the electrode/electrolyte interface and parted by
an atomic distance, similar to two-plate, conventional capacitors. The
Helmholtz model was modified by Gouy and Chapman into the diffu-
sive layer model (Fig. 5(b)) [65,66]. The capacitance of 2 separated
arrays of charges should increase reciprocally with their distance.
Generally, it is assumed that EDLCs follow the same capacitive behavior
as parallel plate capacitors [67]. Therefore, a large magnitude of ca-
pacitance would rise with point charges as they become closer to the
electrode surface. Furthermore, Stern proposed a combined model be-
tween the Helmholtz and Gouy-Chapman models to acknowledge two
regions of particle distribution—an inner region called the Stern layer
(compact layer) and a diffusive layer (Fig. 5(c)). Within the Stern layer,
ions (usually hydrated) are an effective adsorbate for the conductor.
Moreover, the compact layer contains specific adsorbate ions (as anions
in many cases, regardless of the electrode charge nature) and non-
specific adsorbate counter-ions. The two types of adsorbed ions are
distinguished as the inner and outer Helmholtz planes. The diffusive
layer region can be explained according to the Gouy–Chapman model:
the kinetic energy of the counter-ions results in a diffuse double layer
affected by the thickness. The capacitance for an EDLC (Cdl) is a com-
bination of the Stern layer capacitance (CH) and the diffusive region
capacitance (Cdiff). Mathematically, Cdl can be written as:
1 1 1
= +
Cdl H Cdiff (1)
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
However, in practice, many researchers have pointed out that the ex-
pected linear relationships are not technically challenging [68,69]. This
discrepancy is explained by the electrode sub-micropores, which do not
contribute to the EDL formation. This likely reflects the unapproach-
ability associated with sub-micropores on the surface in terms of steric
factors such as ion size. For instance, Raymundo-Pinero et al. [70] re-
ported the influence of micropores on the overall capacitance and found
a specific capacitance of up to 357 F/g due to partial desolation of
hydrated ions.
Numerous studies have explored the mechanistic relationship be-
tween pore size and capacitance [44,71–74]. In sum, they reported
inconsistent capacitance in carbon-based electrodes with the pore sizes
smaller than 1 nm. They also reported that no linear relationship could
be established between the specific surface area and capacitance when
using activated carbons and aqueous or organic electrolytes [44]. Fur- Fig. 8. Schematic layout (top views) for a) a negatively charged meso-pore with
thermore, pores smaller than 0.5 nm were generally not accessible to solvated cations approaching the pore wall to form an electric double-cylinder
hydrated ions (1 nm) [75]. capacitor and b) a negatively charged micro-pore with cations lining up along
the pore axis to form an electric wire-in-cylinder capacitor [48].
A well-defined pore size distribution (i.e., micropores and meso-
pores with diameters of less than 2 nm and 2–50 nm, respectively) in-
creases capacitance [76]. In this respect, manipulating porosity is im- in Fig. 8 [48]. In addition, Eqs. (3) and (4) provide easy estimations for
portant to enhancing the ionic conductivity of electrolytes [77,78]. EDCC and EWCC, respectively.
Comparative studies have assessed the relationship between pore size εr εo
and different electrolytes using activated carbons [79,80]. Fig. 7 is a C= A
bln ⎡ b − d ⎤ (3)
graphical comparison of volumetric capacitance (activated carbon at ⎣ ⎦
800 °C) versus the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area using
εr εo
three different electrolytes. The trend of volumetric capacitance for 1 M C= A
H2SO4 was similar to that of 6 M KOH. The experimental data indicate bln ⎡ a ⎤
⎣ o⎦ (4)
that for an aqueous medium, the optimum pore size is about 0.7 nm.
Furthermore, the value of volumetric capacitance is constant when pore The parameters involved in Eqs. (3) and (4) are as follows: b denotes
diameter is larger than 1.1 nm (micropore < 2 nm, mesopore 2–50 nm, the pore radius, d is the ionic distance approaching the carbon electrode
macropore > 50 nm). Fig. 7 indicates that the optimal pore for the surface, and a0 is the magnitude of electron density around the ionic
formation of an effective double layer in organic medium is 0.8 nm. The species (counter-ion effective size) [64]. For the EDCC and EWCC
slightly higher pore size for organic medium compared with aqueous models, researchers successfully obtained a good fit with the mathe-
medium can be explained by steric factors such as the ion size in the matical results from Eqs. (3) and (4) for any carbon materials and
organic electrolyte. electrolytes. The observations of inconsistent increments in capacitance
In general, EDCC (electric double cylinder capacitor) and EWCC for pore sizes less than 1 nm and slightly increased capacitance with
(electric wire-in-cylinder capacitor) models can be best explained using pore sizes bigger than 2 nm can be explained using the EWCC and EDCC
mesoporous and microporous carbon electrodes, respectively, as shown models. Moreover, the material dielectric constant calculated by fitting
the data into Eq. (4) is very near to the vacuum value, which indicates
that the desolation of hydrous ions took place prior to their penetration
of the micropores. Despite those theoretical and experimental studies,
the EDL charge storage mechanisms in nanostructured surfaces has not
been fully elucidated. There is thus much demand for in-depth theo-
retical and experimental studies to accurately assess the charge storage
mechanisms inside the micropores for sustainable EDLC development.
3.2. Pseudo-capacitors
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
carbons, metal oxides, and CPs [84,85]. PC can be many fold (10–100) safety issue of Li plating. On the other hand, for charging SCs, it takes
greater than the capacitance of an EDLC. But the power performance of only in minutes or seconds. As such, the combination of both high
PC is lower than that of an EDLC because the slower Faradaic me- energy of Li ion batteries and fast charging rate of SCs has led to the
chanism exhibits shrinking and swelling during charging and dischar- development of (battery like) hybrid capacitors [94,95].
ging, which leads to poor cycle life and mechanical stability [86]. Recently, boron-doped diamond (BDD) films were fabricated with
For devices using PC, most electric charge is transported to the bulk carbon nanofibers (CNFs) by Yu et al. [96]. The resulting CNF/BDD
or surface adjacent to the solid electrode surfaces [87]. Thus, the in- EDLC product was evaluated as capacitor electrodes using 1 M H2SO4 as
teractions between the electrolyte and the solid material involve a the electrolyte. CNF/BDD PCs were then prepared by using a reducing
Faradaic reaction to reflect the mechanism of charge transfer, which species (0.05 M Fe(CN)63-/4-) in a 1 M Na2SO4 aqueous solution. Their
depends on voltage. Therefore, PC is voltage dependent. In the devel- electrical performance remained intact after 10,000 charging/dischar-
opment of ultra-capacitors using PC, three types of electrochemical ging cycles, confirming the stability of the materials. The power den-
processes are commonly involved: surface adsorption of electrolyte sities for the PC and EDLC devices were 25.3 and 27.3 kW kg−1, re-
ions, redox reactions involving electrolyte ions, and doping/de-doping spectively, and the energy densities were 44.1 and 22.9 W h kg−1,
of CP materials in the electrode. The first two processes rely mainly on respectively. The CNF/BDD vertically aligned hybrid films were effec-
surface mechanisms, so the specific area of the electrode materials tive enough for near-future use in highly efficient industry-oriented
greatly affects the performance. The last process, using CP materials in battery-like SCs.
the electrode, relies on a bulk process, so the surface area does not For the development of a battery-like SC, it requires a suitable
much affect the capacitance. In all cases, the electrode materials must electrode material which must have a large surface area, while assisting
exhibit maximum electronic conductivity for the distribution and col- the mobility of electrons and ions. On this note, several strategic de-
lection of the electric current. velopments have been proposed: (1) improving the conductivity of the
electrodes [97]; (2) using nano-architectures for electrodes to minimize
3.3. Hybrid capacitors the diffusional pathways while attaining higher surface areas [98]; (3)
developing 3D materials to accelerate ionic diffusion into several di-
SCs represent a middle ground between batteries and capacitors rections (i.e., porous structures) [99]; and (4) minimizing the diffu-
which can be categorized into EDLCs and PCs. The main difference lies sional activation energy of the ionic species. Therefore, to meet such
in charge storage mechanisms; in EDLCs, no chemical reaction occurs demand, various materials have been tested extensively such as carbon-
on electrodes, while charges buildup at electrode/electrolyte interface. based materials with sp2 and sp3 atomic orbital hybridizations, with
In contrast, PCs exhibit high capacitance (e.g., compared to EDLCs), as different allotropic forms (e.g., diamond, fullerenes, graphene, nano-
they instigate redox reactions to occur near the electrode surface. It is tubes, etc.), and with various dimensionalities (0D–3D) [100–103]. For
simple to know that energy density of SCs is decided by two factors; most of the ECs explored in these approaches, organic binders such as
electrode capacitance and cell voltage. As an effective method for in- polytetrafluoroethylene were used as pressed or coated electrode sup-
creasing their capacitance, one may consider developing the nanosized porters and mixed with the carbon-based materials. Both electronic
and porous electrode material with the enhanced energy density. transportation inside electrodes and the diffusion of ionic species on the
Alternative approach is to build asymmetric/ hybrid SCs with two types electrode surfaces are usually partially hindered, due possibly to the
which can utilize the potential gap (between the two types of elec- poor properties of the binders (e.g., low conductivity and relatively
trodes) to increase the total cell voltage; i.e., positive and negative poor stability). Likewise, the novel synthesis of binder-free carbon
electrodes are made by PC and EDLC material, respectively. There are electrodes is highly desirable in fabricating battery-like SCs.
two types of asymmetric/hybrid SCs. Firstly, capacitor type electrode/ Another major concern in constructing battery-like SCs lies in the
capacitor type electrode SCs (e.g., redox/redox type such as EDLCs/ selection of a suitable electrolyte. In general, EDLCs use inert electro-
redox type). The second type is a capacitor type electrode/battery type lytes, whereas PS preferably uses electrolytes made of redox species and
electrode SCs [88,89]. coated onto conductive substrates with metal oxides and polymers.
For former, the fundamental electrodes candidates are carbon ma- Another efficient technique for fabricating PC SCs is modifying the
terials, conductive polymers (CPs), and transition metal compounds electrolytes through the addition of soluble redox species. For this un-
(TMCs). Cong et al. [90] fabricated the graphene/ polyaniline(PANI) ique approach, the amount of redox species used is a major factor in
based SCs, which showed high capacitance ~ 763 Fg−1 at 1 Ag−1 in determining the charge storage capacity which can be easily controlled.
1 M H2SO4 as compared to individual components like PANI (~ 520 However, the contribution of that technique to the overall performance
Fg−1) and graphene (~ 180 F g−1). A poly(3,4-ethylenediox- of SCs is as yet incompletely understood.
ythiophene) (PEDOT) electrode was established by Anothumakkool and
co-worker [91]. As these authors used PVA- H2SO4 gel as the electro- 4. Characterization techniques for energy storage mechanisms
lyte, the gel showed high volumetric energy density of 1 mW h cm−3
[91]. Recently, the potential of TMCs (e.g., nitrides, metal oxides, SC performance can be evaluated using parameters such as cell
carbides, and sulfides) has been studied for SCs. They can offer higher capacitance, series resistance, energy density, time, and operating
specific capacitances than carbon electrodes. For example, Binitha et al. voltage [45]. Many techniques are being used to evaluate those para-
[92] established electro-spinning method to fabricate porous α-Fe2O3 meters, and the inconsistencies of the various evaluation methods and
fiber and nano grain structures, which showed electrochemical prop- practices have created discrepancies and hurdles for the transfer of new
erties in 1 M LiOH but somewhat distinctive capacitance of 256 F g−1 SC technology into commercial implementation. Generally, three
and 102 F g−1, respectively. Alternatively, Co based oxides/hydroxides techniques are used to evaluate SC performance, and their merits and
have also attracted incredible attention for use in SCs. For example, demerits are briefly summarized in Table 2. The main objective of these
porous Co(OH)2 based SCs exhibited high capacitance 609 F g−1 [93]. three techniques is to evaluate the electrochemical characteristics of
With the rapid growing market of hybrid-electric vehicles and energy storage devices from different points of view. For example, in
electronic devices, there has been an ever urgent demand for electric cyclic voltammetry (CV), current is measured using the fixed scan rate
energy storage devices with extremely high energy/power densities and and potential, whereas galvanostatic charge/discharge (GCD) uses
good cycle life time. Lithium ion batteries have high energy density current density and fixed potential, and electrochemical impedance
such as 150–200 Wh kg−1, although they exhibit limited cycle life time spectroscopy (EIS) uses impedance or capacitance. In SCs, GCD is the
(100–500 cycles). Additionally, the charging-rate is also problem re- most reliable parameter for evaluating electrochemical behavior. In
lated with Li ion batteries, because a fast charging rate can cause the addition to these techniques
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
performance. Therefore, we conclude that 3D hybrid architectures are polyaniline (PANI), polypyrrole (PPy), and polythiophene derivatives
promising candidates for flexible SC applications. have particularly been studied as SC electrode materials for their high
conductivity and low cost [181–187]. Optimizing the morphology of
5.1.3. Graphene CPs is an important factor for the electrochemical performance of the
Graphene is a structural arrangement of sp2-bonded carbon atoms in resulting SCs. In previous studies, CPs in various forms (e.g., nanorods,
a honeycombed single layer. Although it contains only carbon, arran- nanosheets, and nanowalls) have been developed and applied effec-
ging the atoms in different ways tunes its properties within broad tively as energy storage options [188]. CPs with nano architectures
ranges [158–161]. For example, graphene has potential in energy sto- possess high surface area and high porosity that ultimately results in
rage devices because of its high cyclic life and excellent chemical and good performances because of their intrinsic conduction, high surface
thermal properties [162]. Parameters such as wide potential windows, to volume ratio, and surface interactions at the nanoscale. Recent de-
high availability of functional groups with a large surface area, and velopments in CPs have demonstrated that as one-dimensional nano-
excellent thermochemical stability, processability, and electrical per- structures, these materials could achieve much better PC than their bulk
formance have been widely studied and make graphene advantageous counterparts [189].
for energy devices [163–166].
In particular, the high specific area (2630 m2 g−1) [167] of gra- 5.2.1. Polyaniline
phene sheets has attracted much interest for energy storage devices PANI (polyaniline) is an electricity-conducting polymer that has
such as SCs and batteries. This available surface area is much higher found promising applications in energy storage devices due to its easy
than that of black carbon (< 900 m2 g−1) [168] and CNTs (50–1315 m2 synthesis, low cost, good electrical activity, and good stability
g−1) [169] but similar to ACs. The emergence of graphene has un- [126,190]. However, for energy storage devices, bulk PANI is in-
doubtedly changed the status of SC technology through its extra- effective due to its low available surface area. Therefore, PANI with
ordinary electrochemical characteristics and other distinctive proper- nanostructures that provide a large surface-area has gained much in-
ties. Current developments in fabricating graphene–polymer terest as a promising material for SC electrodes. Many PANI hier-
composites reveal the promising features of those materials for SC ap- archical nanocomposites have been investigated for SC electrodes and
plications. Composites of graphene and CPs can provide a high me- produced promising electrochemical performances [191–194]. Luo and
chanical support that ultimately increases both the cycling performance co-workers used a simple polymerization route to synthesize a hier-
and specific capacitance. archical graphene@polyaniline nanocomposite with excellent specific
Graphene-based SCs using ionic liquid electrolytes, aqueous elec- capacitance (488 F/g−1)[195]. Miao et al. [196] used sacrificial tem-
trolytes, and organic electrolytes were found to have specific capaci- plates to fabricate hollow PANI nanostructures for SC electrodes that
tances of 75 [170], 135, and 99 F/g−1[171], respectively. Reduced had excellent specific capacitance (601 F g−1). Those electrodes were
graphene, with a lower agglomeration, attained a maximum specific synthesized by polymerizing a monomer of aniline on poly(amic acid)
capacitance of 205 F/g−1 in an aqueous electrolyte, with an energy (PAA) nanofibers and then selectively removing the poly PAA nanofiber
density of 28.5 W h kg−1 [172]. Navarro-Suárez et al. [173] followed template. However, potential structural degradation during the tem-
the Li-Wallace method, which uses hydrazine hydrate to create rGO, plate removal process limits this approach to fabricating PANI nanos-
which showed a high gravimetric capacitance (251 F/g−1 at 2 mV s−1). tructures. Therefore, other techniques should be used to fabricate PANI
Li et al. [174] introduced stretchable supercapacitors using reduced nanostructures with good electrical performance.
graphene oxide 3D interdigital electrodes to achieve adjustable volu- Although many routes are available for the fabrication for PANI
metric capacitance. As such, it is favorable to fabricate ultra-high per- nanostructures, many challenges remain in synthesizing these nanos-
formance supercapacitors to meet energy demands in sensitive devices. tructures and assembling them into an electrode. For example, hybrid
A freestanding MXene/rGO-5 wt% electrode was recently prepared electrodes with a low-capacitance substrate require additional time,
by Yan et al. [175] using a novel electrostatic self-assembly technique cost, and resources for multistep fabrication. In general, SC electrodes
for modified rGO, poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), and tita- are being prepared by mixing PANI nanostructures with binders such as
nium carbide. This electrode displayed the high volumetric capacitance polyvinylidene fluoride and some conductive additives. This fabrication
of 1040 F/cm−3 at a scan rate of 2 mV s−1, with 61% capacitive re- process can distort the PANI nanostructures and introduce inert mate-
tention and maximum cycle life. Moreover, this electrode had a high rials through binder deposition on the electrode surface. Therefore, a
energy density (volumetric) of 32.6 Wh L−1, making it one of the best single and straightforward synthesis process to fabricate self-supporting
materials reported for carbon and MXene in aqueous media. A novel PANI nanostructures is needed.
quasi state Li-ion capacitor was proposed by employing TiO2 hollow Electrospinning is a technique with a simple setup and methodology
microspheres with graphene nanosheets [176]. They obtained well for fabricating electrospun nanofiber morphologies [197]. However,
defined TiO2 nanocrystals embedded with graphene nanosheets. This PANI is not a good candidate for electrospinning because the ar-
combination provided ultrahigh energy density (72 Wh kg−1) along omaticity in the PANI backbone makes individual PANI chains highly
with long cycle life (1000 cycles). Further, they extended this concept rigid [198], which prevents the chain entanglements within the PANI
to prepare another Li-ion capacitor by using Li3VO4/CNF and electro- solution needed to attain the viscosity required for successful electro-
chemically exfoliated graphene sheets as the anode in a polymeric gel spinning. Additionally, the limited solubility and dispersion of PANI in
electrolyte. Accordingly, they were able to achieve an energy density of organic solvents adds to the difficulty in achieving sufficient viscosity
110 Wh kg− 1 with good cycling performance [177]. This quasi solid (2000–3000 cP) by simply adding more polymer concentration. A sui-
state concept can alleviate many problems associated with the elec- table polymer blend can be used to overcome those issues, but the need
trolyte leakage with the potential to reduce the gap between conven- for a substantial amount of carrier polymer prevents the formation of
tional Li-batteries and future supercapaciotrs. smooth and continuous nanofibers at high PANI concentrations. Typi-
cally, the carrier polymer shows electrically insulating properties; thus,
5.2. Conducting polymers adding carrier polymer in high concentrations reduces the electrical
properties of the electrospun PANI nanofibers. Chaudhari et al. [199]
Conducting polymers (CPs) are organic polymers that conduct fabricated SC electrodes (specific capacitance of 267 F/g−1 at a current
electricity through a conjugated bond matrix. In the past two decades, density of 0.35 A g−1) with an equivalent mass ratio of PANI/PEO
CPs have been extensively studied for use in diverse SC applications due electrospun nanofibers. That novel work opens new avenues for using
to their higher energy density than metal oxides, low cost, and re- electrospinning to fabricate PANI nanofibers.
versible Faradaic redox capabilities [178–180]. Among the CPs, A freestanding, binder-free approach to fabricating an SC electrode
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
with high-purity PANI nanofibers through a single electrospinning step field of energy storage applications. One group of researchers [202]
was reported by Simotwo et al. [200]. They successfully electrospun recently developed hybrid materials that combined the advantages of
PANI nanofibers at a 93 wt% concentration by mixing poly(ethylene EDLC and PC. They prepared rGO/PPy/Cu2O-Cu(OH)2 ternary nano-
oxide) (PEO), which has an ultrahigh molecular weight, with the PANI composites as an electrode material for SCs. In three electrode systems,
solution to provide adequate chain entanglements. They also used a low rGO/PPy/Cu2O-Cu(OH)2 showed an excellent gravimetric specific ca-
concentration of CNTs (12 wt%) to improve the stability and con- pacitance (997 F g-1 at a current density of 10 A g−1). The EDLC of
ductivity of the SC electrode made from the PANI/PEO composite so- graphene, together with the PC behavior of PPy and Cu2O-Cu(OH)2,
lution. The morphology characterization of the synthesized nanofibers resulted in energy and power densities of 20 Wh kg−1 and
was done by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and BET porosimetry. 8000 W kg−1, respectively. For the rGO/PPy/Cu2O-Cu(OH)2 SCs, the
CV, GCD, and EIS were used to characterize the electroactivity of the maximum power density was 19998.5 W kg−1 at an energy density of
pure PANI and PANI-CNT nanofiber electrodes. The PANI and PANI- 5.8 Wh kg−1, with a capacitance retention of 90% after 2000 cycles.
CNT electrodes showed specific capacitances of 308 and 385 Fg−1 with An asymmetric SC composed of PPy-CNT electrodes achieved good
capacitive retention of 70% and 81.4%, respectively, at a current specific capacitance, stability, and energy density [204]. Many re-
density of 0.5 Ag−1, and they were stable for up to 1000 cycles. The searchers have reported that PPy-CNT composite-based asymmetric SCs
consistent nanofiber architecture enabled excellent electronic con- showed excellent specific capacitance values. Lin et al. [205] even re-
ductivity, and the inter- and intra-fiber porosity allowed effective pe- ported an exceptionally high value of 890 F/g−1. Dubal et al. [206]
netration of the electrolyte in the polymer matrix, expediting ionic explored organic-inorganic hybrid materials based on open-ended,
transportation to the active sites. Thus, Simotwo et al. [200] found a porous, one dimensional PPy nano-pipes (PPy-NPipes) and hetero-
facile approach to fabricating PANI and PANI-CNT nanofiber electrodes polyoxometalate (phosphotungstate ([PW12O40]3- (PW12) or phospho-
without any binder. The combination of low electrochemical im- molybdate [PMo12O40]3-(PMo12)). Those hybrid materials showed ex-
pedance and good inter- and intra-fiber porosity provided excellent cellent areal capacitances that were 1.5–2-fold higher than that of
electrochemical properties for the newly synthesized electrode. The pristine PPy-NPipes (Fig. 14). However, on the practical and research
need for an electrochemically inert or insulating electrode was removed forefronts, new and improved methods for synthesizing PPy are needed
by the free-standing approach and resulting 3D porous structure that to improve the interfacial compatibility between it and other materials
remained stable throughout the capacitor life. The SEM image in and achieve high theoretical and practical specific capacitance values.
Fig. 12(a), shows that electrospinning PANI93 solution produces a
continuous and nonwoven nanofiber structure with precise inter-fiber
5.3. Metals oxides
porosity. Adding CNTs did not impart any negative effect on the elec-
trospinning: smooth PANI-CNT fiber mats were produced, as shown in
Many oxides from the transition metal family, such as nickel oxides
Fig. 12(b). Li et al. [190] prepared a PANI nanofiber–coated graphite
(NiO), cobalt oxide (Co3O4), ruthenium oxide (RuO2), and manganese
electrode with excellent reversible capacity of 2136 F/g−1 at a current
dioxide (MnO2), and have been intensively studied as SC electrode
density of 1 A g−1, with excellent rate capability (Fig. 13) in 6 M H2SO4
materials due to their mesoporous structures [207,208], which makes
and 91% capacitive retention for up to 1000 cycles.
them promising materials due to their high specific surface areas and
even pore size distributions. Effective interactions between electrodes
5.2.2. Polypyrrole and electrolytes favor a fast transportation rate for ionic species in the
The unique features of polypyrrole (PPy), such as high conductivity, bulk electrode and at the electrode/electrolyte interface, which gives
high thermal stability, quick charging/discharging, low cost, and high these materials high specific capacitances. In addition to metal oxides,
energy density, make it most promising for Faradaic PC applications the composites of metal oxides with other materials such MnO2 – gra-
[201]. PPy is one of the most flourishing CPs because its monomer can phene have also been studied widely for supercapacitor applications
be easily oxidized [202]. In addition, this monomer is water soluble and [209].
commercially available. The major advantages arising from the diverse The metal oxide most commonly used in energy devices is RuO2,
applications of PPy as an electrode material are its high energy density, which has a specific capacitance of 905 F/g−1; however, its high cost
reversible electrochemical doping/dedoping, and easy electrochemical restricts RuO2 in commercial markets [210]. To circumvent that pro-
processability. blem, earth-abundant and non-noble, metal-based materials have
The appropriate use of dopants (i.e., aromatic anions) in the electro- gained great attention. In particular, cobalt sulfide materials, such as
polymerization of PPy can enhance the properties of charge storage and Co3S4, CoS2, Co9S8, Co1-xS, and CoxSy, have gained attention for their
cycling performance, conferring high specific capacitance and max- wide stoichiometric composition and good stability. However, the de-
imum thermal stability [203]. However, anionic dopants can disturb velopment of those materials remains at a rudimentary stage. Thus,
the stability of PPy during charging/discharging [204]. there is considerable demand for economical materials that can be ea-
Composites of PPy and graphene have received much interest in the sily used for energy devices and ecofriendly electrolytes. To date, many
Fig. 12. SEM images of (a) PANI and (b) PANI-CNT [197].
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
Fig. 13. Schematic of the possible formation process for a PANI-coated graphite electrode under microwave radiation [190].
materials have been investigated and used as metallic oxide electrodes [211,212]. On the other hand, metal oxides and CPs were seen to offer
in neutral electrolytic solutions, including iron oxide (Fe2O3), vana- good PC that can produce maximum energy storage capability [213].
dium oxide (V2O5), indium oxide (In2O3), tin oxide (SnO2), and man- However, they have low cyclic stability during the charge/discharge
ganese oxide (MnO2). process to restrict their growth in practical SC applications. These
challenges can be minimized by using composite materials as electrodes
with high energy and power densities. This combination could improve
5.4. Composites
the performance of SCs to meet energy storage demand in a sustainable
way. Likewise, Au/Ni12P5 core/shell nanocrystals were fabricated by
Carbon-based materials (graphene and CNTs) are widely used as
using bimetallic hetrostructures. The shell of the fabricated
electrode materials, even though their specific capacitance is quite low
Fig. 14. Schematic of the steps involved in the synthesis of a polypyrrole nanopipe (PPy Npipe) and polyoxometalate (POM, PMo12 or PW12) hybrid material using a
simple chemical method [206].
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
nanostructures was controlled to 5 nm. The electrochemical analysis of wider range of working temperature, and (4) thermal stability
this concept showed specific capacitance of 806.1 F/g (91.1% reten- [221,224,225]; (b) the evaluation of the positive characteristics of
tion) up to 500 charge-discharge cycles [214]. These authors claimed specific electrolytes on SC properties, including (1) capacitance, (2)
that the noble metal phosphide modification will open new avenues for power and energy densities, and (3) the charging/discharging process;
energy storage materials such as advanced supercapacitor and battery and (c) creating a better understanding of the electrolyte’s role in the
technology. performance of an ES by progressive modeling of experimental results
A novel direct ink writing technique was proposed and developed to using simulation methods.
fabricate planer SC electrodes by Wang et al. [215]. A composite of
PANI/GO ink was used to make different architectures such as 3D 6.1. Aqueous electrolytes
honeycomb, column lattice, and hollow thin-wall column. A planar SC
reported in this study showed remarkable electrical performance with Generally, aqueous electrolytes show good conductivity (e.g.,
1329 mFcm−2. Furthermore, these results suggest that 3D printing 0.8 S cm–2 for 1 M H2SO4 at 25 °C), at least one order of magnitude
could facilitate the scale-up process for composite structures on SC higher than that of ILs and organic electrolytes. This is advantageous for
electrodes. Pandey et al. [216] reported the synthesis of a nano- decreasing the ESR, which enhances the power delivery of ESs. Aqueous
composite (NiS/G) for SC electrodes, which they claimed offered high electrolytes are usually selected by the size of their hydrated cations
storage capacity with minimum impedance, a cycle life of more than and the mobility of their anions. These factors affect both ionic con-
1000 cycles, and a maximum observed specific capacitance of 187.53 ductivity and specific capacitance. An electrolyte’s corrosive power and
Fg−1. In another study, Mao and Rasheed describe a porous composite ESPW should also be considered. However, aqueous electrolytes are not
of Mn2TiO4/TiO2 as a high performance electrode for SCs. This com- a suitable choice for commercial electrochemical SCs because of their
posite exhibited maximum surface area and reaction sites for electro- small electric potential windows, which is one key reason that com-
chemical reactions. The synthesized composite showed excellent elec- mercial ESs generally use organic electrolytes rather than aqueous ones.
trochemical performance, with a specific capacitance of 98.2Fg-1 at a Usually, aqueous electrolytes are grouped into alkaline, acid, and
current density of 0.5 Ag−1 and stability up to 10,000 cycles [217]. As neutral solutions, of which Na2SO4, H2SO4, and KOH are the most
shown by these excellent performance reports, composite materials are commonly used representatives. Qu et al. [226] investigated the per-
currently the best choices for SC electrodes. Furthermore, graphene formance of MnO2 nanorods using neutral aqueous electrolytes (e.g.
composite electrodes are also used in SCs. Graphene composites are Li2SO4, K2SO4, and Na2SO4). The newly fabricated AC supercapacitor
usually multiphase materials in which graphene is mixed into a showed excellent cycling behavior with large energy density (17 Wh
ceramic, polymeric, or metallic matrix by physical processing techni- kg−1) and power density (2 kW kg−1). This investigation opened new
ques such as shear mixing or ball milling [218,219]. Table 3 lists some doors for low cost and environmental friendly electrolytic solutions for
of the recent literature on different electrode materials for SC applica- energy storage technology. In another study, the combination of
tions. NaMnO2 and activated carbon was tested using aqueous solution of
Na2SO4 electrolyte [227]. This system delivers maximum energy den-
6. Electrolytes sity (19.5 Wh kg−1) and higher power density (130 Wh kg−1) with ex-
cellent cycling behavior (less than 3% capacitance loss). This combi-
The electrolyte, meaning salt + solvent, is an important element of nation was helpful to further extend applications of environmental
ESs, giving ionic conductivity and resulting charge compensation on friendly aqueous electrolytes [227]. In the industrialization of SCs,
both electrodes in a cell [220]. Within an ES, the electrolyte not only many researchers have worked to replace conventional electrolytes and
plays a fundamental role in the creation of the double layer (EDLCs) achieve better electrical performance.
and reversible redox reactions (PC) for electric charge storage, it also In SC technology, the main objectives for electrolytes are easy
predicts an SC’s performance. Most existing commercial ESs use organic handling, no leakage, and high capacitance. In this regard, aqueous
electrolytes with a cell electric potential range from 2.5to 2.8 V, mostly electrolytes can be modified slightly by adding different gels to create a
acetonitrile (ACN), though some use propylene carbonate. stable electrolytic system. Wang et al. [228] made a novel gel by im-
The important factors in choosing an electrolyte are (a) the ionic mersing polyacrylamide gel (PAM-G) into an aqueous solution of 6 M
size and type, (b) the electrode materials, (c) the ion and solvent con- KOH for about 60 h. The resulting electrolytic system provided ex-
centration, (d) the ion and solvent interaction, and (e) the potential cellent cycling stability, rate capability, and high specific capacitance
window. Electrolytes can affect the capacitance and PC of an EDL, the (196 Fg−1 at GCD 1 Ag−1), which the researchers attributed to the
cycle-life of the ES, and the energy/power densities. For example, the homogeneous three-dimensional microporous structure of the PAM-G,
electrochemical stable potential window (ESPW) directly measures the which facilitated the permeability of ionic transportation.
operation cell voltage of an ES, which influences both the power den- Recently, solid-state electrolytes for energy storage devices have
sities and energy [220]. received much attention because they eliminate the decay of ionic
Many electrolytes for energy storage devices have been reported in conductivity during long-term electrical performance. A novel solid-
the literature. As shown in Fig. 15, these electrolytes are mainly cate- state matrix electrolyte was reported by Pan et al. [229]. They prepared
gorized as liquid (aqueous, organic, and ionic liquid (IL)) and solid/ an electrospun matrix of PVA and GO and achieved excellent perfor-
quasi-solid-state (organic and inorganic) electrolytes [221–223]. No mance after filtering it with an aqueous electrolyte. This novel matrix
perfect electrolyte has yet been developed; both types of electrolyte showed much less ionic conductivity decay (38.4%) than pure PVA
have technical merits and demerits. For example, aqueous electrolytes (84.0%) after 1 month of testing in a humid (RH:45%) atmosphere.
can provide high capacitance and conductivity, but their working vol- These results clearly show that a solid state matrix made from aqueous
tage is narrow due to constricted decomposition voltage. ILs and or- electrolytes can provide stable electrical performance for electronic
ganic electrolytes can function at higher voltages, but they suffer from devices.
inferior ionic conductivity. Solid-state electrolytes evade the risk of
leakage, a common problem for liquid electrolytes, but they offer lower 6.2. Organic electrolytes
conductivity than liquids. Many efforts have been made to find new
electrolyte materials that can maximize the performance of energy ESs that use organic electrolytes currently lead the commercial
storage devices, and those efforts have produced many technical ad- market because of their high operating electric potential window,
vances, including (a) the development of new materials with: (1) a mostly in the range of 2.5–2.8 V [220]. Organic electrolytes also allow
wider operational voltage window, (2) higher ionic conductivity, (3) a the use of inexpensive materials as current collectors and packages.
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
Table 3
Types of electrode materials recently applied for supercapacitor applications.
Order Material used Measurement Electrolyte Electrode Maximum specific Reference
protocol configuration capacitance
[a] Graphene
1 Poly tris[4-(2-thienyl)phenyl]amine GCD (2.5 mAcm−2) 1M 3-electrode 278 F/g [197]
2 Graphene/polyaniline nanocomposites CV (20 mV s−1) 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode 267.2 F/cm3 [349]
3 V2O50.0.5H2O/rGO hybrid CV (5 mV s−1) 2 M KCl 3-electrode 649 F/g [350]
4 Graphene/polyaniline/Co3O4 ternary 6 M KOH. 3-electrode 789.7 F/g [351]
5 S-rGO/CNTs/PANI GCD (1 A g−1) 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode 812 F/g [191]
6 Hierarchical macro/mesoporous graphene foam GCD (1 Ag−1) 1 M H2SO4 2-electrode 939 F/g [352]
7 PANI-PORGO GCD (1A g−1) 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode 369 F/g [341]
8 3D RGO-CNT- PANI hybrid CV (10 mV s−1) 1.5 M Li2SO4 solution 2-electrode 741 F/g [353]
9 RGO/PANI composite GCD (1 A g−1) 3 M NaOH 3-electrode 596 F/g [354]
10 PANI-rGO GCD (1 A g−1) 1 M H2SO4 + 1 mM catechol 3-electrode 1967 F/g [355]
11 3D graphene foam/PANI nanorods CV (10 mV s−1) 1 M Na2SO4 2- electrode 352 F/g [356]
12 RGO/MnOx@carbon HCN nanohybrids GCD (1 A g−1) 6 M KOH 3-electrode 355 F/g [357]
13 RGOMnOx@carbon HCNs nanohybrids GCD (1 A g−1) 6 M KOH 2-electrode 270 F/g [357]
14 PANI-NFs/GO nanocomposites GCD (0.2Ag−1) 1.0 M Na2SO4 2-electrode 79.5 F/g [358]
15 Porous graphene-polyaniline nanoarrays GCD (1 Ag−1) 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode 752 F/g [359]
16 Reduced graphene oxide/carbon nanotube GCD (1 Acm−3) 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode 193.1 F /cm [360]
composite fibers
17 THAQ/graphene GCD (1Ag 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode 259 F/ g [361]
18 Graphene/polyaniline GCD (6 mAcm−2) H2SO4/PVA gel 2-electrode 1506.6 mF/cm [362]
19 (RGO/CNTs)@PANI composite GCD (0.2 A cm−3) poly(vinyl alcohol)/H2O4 gel 2-electrode 36.7 F/ cm [360]
20 CoMoO4 –3D Graphene hybrid GCD (1.43 Ag ) 2 M KOH 3-electrode 2741 F/g [363]
21 Fe3O4 nanoparticles grown on graphene GCD (0.5 Ag−1) 1 M KOH 3-electrode 220 F/g [364]
22 Fe2O3 nanoparticles on nitrogen doped GCD (0.5 Ag−1) 1 M KOH 3-electrode 267 F/g [365]
23 3D graphene/MoS2 composites GCD (1 Ag−1) 1.0 M Na2SO4 3-electrode 410 F/g [366]
[b] Polyaniline
24 Polyaniline-functionalized carbon cloth GCD (1.4 Ag ) PVA-in-H2SO4 (1.0 M) gel 2-electrode 4007 F/g [49]
electrolyte, containing NQ and
acetic acid
25 PANI/NFs/PET-5.4 CV (1 mV s−1) NaCl/HCl aqueous solution 3-electrode 503 F/g [367]
26 PANI-CuCo2O4 composite GCD (0.4 Ag−1) 1 M of KOH 3-electrode 403 F/g [368]
27 PPy/PANI double layer nanotubes GCD (1 Ag−1) 0.5 mL aniline in 100 mL of 3-electrode 542 F/g [369]
0.01 M H2SO4
28 MSNS/GO/PANI GCD (1 Ag−1) 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode 412 F/g [370]
29 Polyaniline with gold particles incorporation GCD (2 Ag−1) 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode 485 F/g [371]
30 Ni-CeO2@PANI GCD (1 Ag−1) 1 M Na2SO4 2&3-electrode 866 F/g [372]
31 Co3O4/PANI hollow nanocages GCD (1 Ag−1) 6 M KOH 3-electrode 1301 F/g [373]
Co3O4 NCs – – 865 F/g
32 Polyaniline/UiO-66 composites GCD (1 Ag−1) 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode 1015 F/g [374]
[c] Zeolites
33 Zeolitic imidazolate framework-derived GCD (0.1 Ag ) 6 M KOH 3-electrode 285.8 F/g [375]
nitrogen-doped porous carbons
34 ZIF-8 derived nitrogen-doped porous carbon/ GCD (0.5 Ag−1) 6 M KOH 3-electrode 324 F/g [376]
carbon nanotube composite
35 ZIF-8@MWCNT-derived carbon composite GCD (1 Ag−1) 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode 326 F/g [377]
36 N-doped carbon derived from ZIF-8 GCD (0.5 Ag−1) 6 M KOH 3-electrode 225 F/g [378]
37 Nitrogen-doped zeolite-templated carbon CV (2 mV s−1) 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode High energy density [379]
38 Zeolitic imidazolate framework-7 GCD (1 Ag−1) 6 M KOH 2-electrode 202 F/g [380]
39 3D- ZIF-8 derived carbon/LDH core-shell GCD (1 Ag−1) – 3-electrode 1370 F/g [381]
[d] Nickel
40 3D-Yolk-shell NiGa2S4 nanosheets GCD (10 Ag−1) 6 M KOH 2-electrode > 2300 F/g [382]
41 Honeycomb-like interconnected network of GCD (1 Ag−1) 3 M KOH 3-electrode 2638 F/g [383]
nickel phosphide hetero-nanoparticles
42 CuCo2S4@NiMn-layered double hydroxide core- GCD (2 Ag−1) 6 M KOH 3-electrode 2520 F/g [384]
43 3D NiCo2O4@MnMoO4 core-shell GCD (2.5 mAcm−2) 3M KOH 3-electrode 1169 F/g [385]
44 Yolk-shelled NiCo2O4 spheres GCD (0.5 Ag−1) 6M KOH 3-electrode 835.7 F/g [386]
45 Porous Co3O4-CeO2 hollow polyhedrons GCD (2.5 Ag−1) 3M KOH 3-electrode 1288.3 F/g [387]
46 Nickel cobalt sulfide nanoflakes on CoO – 6M KOH 3-electrode 4.97 F/cm2 [388]
(continued on next page)
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
Table 3 (continued)
47 Petal-like NiAl layered double oxide/sulfide GCD (1 Ag−1) 6 M KOH 3-electrode 2250.5F/g [389]
48 CoMoO4/Co1-xS hybrid on Ni foam GCD (1 Ag−1) 3M KOH 3-electrode 2250F/g [390]
49 Flaky NiO, MOF derived GCD (1 Ag−1) 3M KOH 3-electrode 485F/g [391]
50 Ni-Al double hydroxide hollow microspheres GCD (1 Ag−1) 6M KOH 2-electrode 1578 F/g [392]
51 Ni(OH)2/CNs GCD (1 Ag−1) 6M KOH 3-electrode 2218 F/g [393]
52 Co0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 CV (5 mV s−1) 1M KOH 3-electrode 113 F/g [394]
[e] MoS2
53 Pizza like MoS2/polypyrrole/polyaniline GCD (0.5 Ag−1) 0.5 M H2SO4 3-electrode 1273 F/g [395]
ternary architecture
Metallic 1T phase MoS2 nanosheets GCD (2 Ag−1) 0.5 M H2SO4, Li2SO4, Na2SO4, 3-electrode 400–650 F/cm3 [396]
and K2SO4 together with KCl and
54 MoS2-PANI nanocomposite GCD (1 Ag−1) 3.0 M KCL 3-electrode 510.12 F/g [397]
55 MoS2/mesoporous carbon spheres GCD (1 Ag−1) 1 M Na2SO4 3-electrode 411 F/g [398]
56 3D semispherical MoS2 thin films CV (5 mVs−1) 1 M Na2SO4 3-electrode 180 F/g [399]
57 MoS2-intercalated rGO membranes on Ti mesh CV (10 mV s−1) PVA gel with 1 M NaCl 2-electrode 17.6 mF/cm2 [400]
58 MoS2/RCF GCD (0.5 Ag−1) Na2SO4 3-electrode 225 F/g [401]
59 MoS2 nanowires/NiCo2O4 GCD (1.5 Ag−1) 3 M KOH 3-electrode 51.7 F/g [402]
60 MoS2/Ni3S4 composite GCD (20 Ag−1) 2 M KOH 640 F/g [403]
61 MnS/MoS2/C GCD (0.5 Ag−1) 2 M KOH 3-electrode 1162 F/g [404]
GCD (10 Ag−1) 2 M KOH 3-electrode 880 F/g
62 CoS2@MoS2 nanocomposite GCD (0.5 Ag−1) 2 M KOH 3-electrode 1038 F/g [405]
63 NiCo2S4-C-MoS2 composite GCD (0.5 Ag−1) 6 M KOH 3-electrode 1601 F/g [406]
[f] Polypyrrole
64 β-MnO2/polypyrrole nanorod composites GCD (1 Ag−1) 1M Na2SO4 3-electrode 294 F/g [407]
65 PPy shell@3D‐Ni GCD (1 Ag−1) 1M Na2SO4 3-electrode 726 F/g [408]
66 Highly porous MnO2/PPy GCD (0.5 Ag−1) 1M Na2SO4 3-electrode 320 F/g [409]
67 NW-PPy/NFs/PET CV(1.0 mV s−1) 2M NaCl 3-electrode 680 F/g [410]
68 COF/PPy CV(−0.8 to 0.1 V 1M KOH 3-electrode 244.7 F/ cm2 [411]
[g] Carbon
69 3D carbon nanotubes/poly(3,4- GCD (0.5 Ag−1) 1 M LiClO4 3-electrode 147 F/g [412]
ethylenedioxythiophene) sponge electrodes
70 NiMoO4 nanosheets supported on carbon fibers CV (10 mV s ) 6M KOH 3-electrode 1215 F/g [413]
71 PANI/VA-CNTs GCD (1 Ag−1) 1M HClO4 3-electrode 403.3 F/g [414]
72 PCNTs with sulfur GCD (1 Ag−1) 6M KOH 3-electrode 331 F/g [415]
73 ZnFe2O4 anchored on multiwall CNTs CV (5 mVs−1) 1M NaOH 3-electrode 217 mAh/g [416]
74 Pristine CNTs GCD (4 Ag−1) 2M H2SO4 2-electrode 148.1 F/g [417]
Unzipped MWCNTs – – – 217.1 F/g
75 Cross-linked carbon nanofibers GCD (0.5–50 Ag−1) 6M KOH 3-electrode 222.92 F/g [418]
[h] MOFs
76 Zinc-organic frameworks and dual doped GCD (1 Ag ) 3 M KOH 3-electrode 182.8 F/g [419]
carbon materials
77 MOF-derived carbon polyhedrons and CV (10 mV s−1) 6 M KOH 3-electrode 343 F/g [420]
78 MOF (HKUST−1, MOF-5 and Al-PCP) derived GCD (100 mAg−1) 30 wt% KOH 3-electrode 232.8 F/g [421]
porous carbon
79 3D porous carbon from MOF- 5 GCD (0.05 Ag ) 6M KOH 2-electrode 212.8 F/g [422]
80 MOF-5 derived mesoporous carbon nanospheres GCD (1.5 Ag−1) 6M KOH 3-electrode 300 F/g [423]
81 MOF-derived Ni nanorods GCD (1 Ag−1) 6M KOH 3-electrode 1698 F/g [424]
82 Ni-MOFs GCD (1 Ag−1) 2M KOH 2,3-electrode 726 F/g [425]
GCD (5 Ag−1) 313.8 F/g
83 Zn-MOF/polyaniline composites GCD (1 Ag−1) 1 M H2SO4 3-electrode 477 F/g [426]
84 Ni based pillared MOF GCD (1 Ag−1) 2 M KOH 3-electrode 552 F/g [427]
GCD (20 Ag−1) 438 F/g
85 MOF-derived MxSy@C composites GCD (1 Ag−1) 2 M KOH 3-electrode 833 F/g [428]
86 Ni-MOF GCD (1 Ag−1) 2 M KOH 3-electrode 804 F/g [429]
GCD (10 Ag−1) 534 F/g
87 HKUST-1@polyaniline GCD (1 Ag−1) 6 M KOH 3-electrode 270 F/g [430]
88 HKUST-1@CC800 GCD (0.2–20(mA/ 6 M KOH 3-electrode 480 mF/Cm2 [431]
HKUST-1@TS-800 Cm2) 1812 mF/Cm2
Generally, the organic electrolytes used for EDLCs are the conductive et al. [49] developed high-performance SCs using the redox ad-
salts [230], such as tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TEABF4) ditive–assisted regenerative electrocatalytic method for the electrode
dissolved in propylene carbonate or ACN. Nonetheless, organic elec- materials. They proceeded from the trial and error method to a pre-
trolytes have issues that should be addressed: they generally have low planned scheme for designing all three important supercapacitor parts
conductivity, a small specific capacitance, high cost, and are volatile, (the active material, electrolyte, and substrate) to work together sy-
toxic, and flammable [231]. Moreover, organic electrolytes require nergistically and gain the best possible electrical performance. They
complex assembly and purification procedures under particular en- added 1,4-napthoquinone (NQ) to the electrolyte as a redox additive,
vironments to eliminate impurities (i.e., moisture) that could cause resulting in direct redox reactions on the electrode surface and faradic
serious self-discharge and performance degradation issues. Hashemi capacitance. It also provided the basis for procedures to regenerate the
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
Fig. 16. Charge storage mechanisms of asymmetric activated carbon on a functionalized carbon cloth polyaniline-FCC device [49].
electrode materials for long-term use (Fig. 16). Combining this elec- Haque et al. [232] published a detailed report on the thermal effects
trode with AC in an asymmetric setup created an SC with excellent of using an IL containing 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate (EMIM
specific capacitance (4007 F/g−1) and 84% capacitive retention across Ac) as the electrolyte and AC as the electrode material. The tempera-
7000 cycles at 35 A g−1 [49]. ture-dependent (21–150 °C) performance showed a high specific ca-
pacitance of 142 F/g−1 at 150 °C at a current density of 2 A g−1, with
6.3. Ionic liquid electrolytes capacitive retention of 87% at 15 A g−1. At 150 °C, the equivalent series
resistance value was only 0.37 Ω cm2, probably because the ionic con-
Among the important parts of an SC device, a wise choice of elec- ductivity of the electrolyte improved at higher temperatures. The
trolyte is vital to retaining the stability of the electrode materials at equivalent series resistance value of 2.5 Ω cm2 at room temperature
elevated temperatures [232]. The organic electrolytes used in SCs at the show good compatibility between the AC and EMIM Ac. Also, this
commercial level are not suitable for temperatures above 70 °C because system maintained a retention of more than 95% after 1000 cycles up to
of their low ignition and detonation temperatures, and aqueous elec- 120 °C, which decreased to 85% at 150 °C.
trolytes are limited by the boiling temperature of water and cannot be Zarrougui et al. [233] prepared six novel, low-viscosity ILs as electro-
used effectively above 80 °C. ILs are potential candidates for use at even lytes for SCs: one planar anion (DCA-) and five anions (PF6-, BF4-,TFSI-,TFA-
very high temperatures because of their high chemical and thermal and OTf-) with non-polar architectures. The electrochemical system based
stabilities, with wide operating voltage ranges, negligible vapor pres- on those electrolytes showed excellent performance, such as high specific
sure, and nonflammability. capacitance (135–228 Fg−1), reasonable energy density (41–115 Wh g−1),
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
and cycling stability up to 1000 cycles. Osti et al. [234] claimed improved Much attention [257–259] has been paid to carbonizing biomass
electrolytic dynamics in an SC using mixed ILs (1-ethyl-3methylimidazo- wastes to prepare porous carbon SC electrodes. Guo et al. [260] pre-
lium tetrafluoroborate (EmimBF4) + 1-ethyl-3methylimidazolium bis(tri- pared a microporous carbon electrode of PSC-1 & PSC-2 derived from
fluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (EmimTFSI)) as the electrolyte. The computa- peanut shells and used it for SCs that showed high stability and re-
tional result suggested that the optimal mixture of 4:1 EmimTFSI: EmimBF4 tainability (94.5%) with capacitances of 233 and 378 F/g−1, respec-
would provide the maximum absorption of cations near the electrode sur- tively, at a current density of 0.1 Ag−1. Mitlin et al. [261] obtained 3D
face. The DFT findings from that study can provide basic guidance for de- macroporous carbon film by carbonizing waste chicken eggshell
signing an optimal electrolyte system that could ultimately enhance the membranes, achieving high capacitances of 297 F/g−1 with 97% ca-
electrochemical properties of SCs. pacitive retention after 1000 operating cycles at a current density of 4
Ag−1. Wang et al. [262] synthesized porous carbon SCs from celtuce
7. Biomass and waste-derived hybrid materials for leaves and achieved a specific capacitance as high as 421 F/g−1 in a
supercapacitors three-electrode system. Farma et al. [263] used fibers from the empty
fruit bunches of waste oil palm for SCs and obtained a high specific
Solid waste, including biomass and organic waste, derive primarily capacitance of 150 F/g−1. Huang et al. [264] prepared carbon-enriched
from five industries: forest resources, agriculture resources, wastewater SCs from lignocellulosic waste and showed a capacitance of 165 F/g−1
(sludge), urban solid waste, and livestock excrement. It not only causes and stable cycling performance, with a retention ratio of 99% after
environmental pollution and health risks, but also costs a lot of money 20,000 cycles.
for disposal. Many people are trying to find ways use biomass and or- Researchers have formed porous carbon into different structures
ganic waste in useful, renewable products, such as fertilizer materials from various biomass resources. Li and Wu [265] prepared microporous
[235], fodder [236], construction materials [237], catalysts [238], carbon materials from water bamboo, and the resulting SCs exhibited a
contaminant sorbent materials [239], energy storage (power plants, maximum capacitance of 268 F/g−1 at a current density of 1 Ag−1 in
methane, ethanol, hydrogen, SCs) [240–243], and other applications in 6 M KOH electrolyte, with capacity retention as high as 97.28% after
environmental protection [244,245]. A summary of organic waste ap- 5000 cycles at a current density of 10 Ag−1. They attributed that per-
plications is presented in Fig. 17. formance to the high specific surface area, pore volume, proper pore
Biomass and organic waste has been highlighted as an alternative size distribution, and functionalized oxygens. In addition, dragon fruit
material for high performance electrodes because of its low cost, skin (specific area: 911.2 m2 g−1, capacitance: 286.9 F/g−1), Mo-
abundance, and renewability. Many waste materials, such as fruit skins, mordica grosvenori skin (specific area: 597.5 m2 g−1, capacitance: 238.7
lignocellulosic powder, and animal feathers have been used to prepare F/g−1) and Firmiana catkins (specific area: 286.7 m2 g−1, capacitance:
porous carbons [246], composites [247–249], and graphitic carbon/ 226.6 F/g−1) [266], and sunflower seed shells [267] have been fabri-
reduced graphitic carbons [250] for electrodes. Using waste materials cated into electrodes. Teng et al. [268] prepared an SC with a three-
to fabricate electrodes is attractive because it not only offers a solution dimensional network structure by carbonizing three different varieties
for waste disposal, but also provides a way to increase the economic of wood and showed a maximum energy density of ~ 45.6 W h kg−1,
viability of SC technology. with a power density of 2000 W kg−1 and 99.7% capacitance retained
after 2000 cycles. Jiang et al. [269] achieved a hierarchical porous
texture and ultrahigh carbon (specific area: 400 m2 g−1) content for
7.1. Porous carbon composites their electrode by using red cedar wood, which showed high perfor-
mance (capacitance: 115F g−1) in SCs. Furthermore, the use of lig-
Porous carbons are mostly produced from carbonaceous and nocellulosic biomass such as hemp [270], sugar cane bagasse [271],
polymer materials such as coal, oil, asphalt, polyene, ACN, phenolic and tree-bark biomass waste [272] has also been reported. Wang et al.
resin, and carbon fiber [251–254] or from biomass-derived material [273] produced carbon from pigskin, which showed a specific capaci-
such as peanut shells, corn, rice husks, sugarcane, tea leaves, mush- tance of 278 F/g−1 at 10 Ag−1. Other researchers used chicken feathers
rooms, wood, bamboo, and filter paper [246,255]. However, carbo- [266] as the carbon source for SCs, and they demonstrated a high ca-
naceous oils are limited and nonrenewable, and thus biomass-derived pacitance of 351 Fg−1 at 0.1 Ag−1 and very low costs. Even food waste
porous carbon applications have increased notably over time. In 2008, can be used as an electrode material; Zhan et al. [274] used flour food
Rufford et al. [256] first used waste biomass — waste coffee beans — to waste to prepare porous carbon–based SC electrodes that showed a high
produce activated carbon for SCs. The material displayed a good ca- specific capacitance even at the ultra-high current density of 100 A g−1.
pacitance of 368 F/g−1 and was stable across 10,000 cycles at a cell Chen et al. [275] prepared 3D activated carbon by carbonization and
potential of 1.2 V and current load of 5 Ag−1.
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
KOH chemical activation of rotten potatoes and achieved a relatively Ag−1. Sun et al. [286] obtained 3D, vertically aligned, graphene na-
high capacitance of 260 F/g−1. nosheet arrays from biomass wastes such as spruce bark and applied it
Most recently, Qiu et al. [276] derived an optimized carbon mate- in SCs, achieving a high capacitance of 398 Fg−1 at 0.5 Ag−1, with a
rial from straw biochar waste for high performance SCs, achieving a retention of 96.3% after 10,000 cycles in 6 M KOH. Those results in-
maximum capacitance of 327 F/g−1 and excellent cycle stability for dicate that graphene and GO derived from biomass are promising in the
120,000 cycles at 5 A g−1. Elmouwahidi et al. [277] transformed industrialization of SCs. Performance data for electrode materials made
agricultural waste from the olive oil industry into AC and added it to using different waste products are summarized in Table 4.
SCs, obtaining a high capacitance of 325 F/g−1 at 0.125 A g−1 in 1 M
H2SO4, with great retention at the high current density of 30 A g−1. Cai
et al. [278] derived nitrogen-doped porous carbon for SCs from waste 7.3. Other composites
cabbages, achieving a pretty high capacitance of 291 F/g−1 and high
retention of 96.76% after 10,000 cycles in 6 M KOH. Sun et al. [279] Another wide application for waste materials is composite elec-
carbonized pomelo peels as an SC material and showed high perfor- trodes for SCs. Basri et al. [287] prepared symmetrical SCs from CNTs
mances in a commercial organic electrolyte. Su et al. [280] used loofah and self-adhesive carbon grains derived from the fibers of three biomass
sponge–derived carbon as an SC material and obtained a capacitance of waste resources (oil palm tree, Heliotropium dasycarpum and Guaiacum
309.6 F/g−1 at 1 A g−1 in 6 M KOH. Waste medicine, an aconitum officinale). The SCs showed specific capacitances of 124, 104, and 49 F/
sinomontanum Nakai extraction and poly-acrylonitrile, was also g−1 at 111, 87, and 31 A g−1, respectively. Liu et al. [288] obtained
transformed into carbon nanofibers for use as SCs and showed a ca- nanofibers/mesoporous carbon composites from sawdust and produced
pacitance of 295 F/g−1 at 1 A g−1 in 6 M KOH, with 98.5% retention an SC with good EDL capacitance and retention capability. The next
after 1000 cycles at 2 A g−1 [281]. Those achievements suggest that year, Liu et al. [247] processed poplar wood into wood sawdust and
carbon derived from biochar could be used widely in the future for SCs then used carbonization and KOH activation to obtain a PANI-coated,
with good energy and power density performance. boron-doped, wood-derived porous carbon composite (PANI-BAWDC),
as shown in Fig. 19. The SC performance improved significantly com-
7.2. Graphene/graphene oxide pared to pure PANI and pure BAWDC, achieving 421 F/g−1 at
10 mV s−1 and an energy density of 45.2 Wh kg−1. Ma et al. [248] used
Researchers have begun to prepare graphene and GO from organic chestnut shell as an activated carbon material, which they combined
waste for use in SCs. However, only a few papers have been published with PANI to achieve a good electrochemical performance, with a
on this subject, which is still in the initial research stage. First, Sun et al. specific capacitance of 597 Fg−1 and 80% retention of capacitance after
[282] synthesized porous graphene-like nanosheets from coconut shell 1000 cycles at a current density of 1 Ag−1 in 1 M H2SO4. Li et al. [249]
and achieved a high capacitance of 268 Fg−1, excellent cycle durability, synthesized crosslinked carbon nanosheets from willow catkins
and coulombic efficiency over 99.5% after 5000 cycles in KOH. Gong (Fig. 20), which displayed a high energy density of 23.6 Wh kg−1 at a
et al. [250] prepared 3D porous graphitic biomass carbon from bamboo power density of 188.8 W kg−1 within a wide voltage range of 0–1.9 V
char, and it exhibited a high capacitance of 222.0 Fg−1 at 0.5 Ag−1. and only 1.4% capacitance loss after 10,000 cycles at 1 A g−1. Sun et al.
Tiwari et al. [283] intercalated sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate sur- [289] used orange peel–based carbon nanosheets supported on MnO2
factant into graphitic layers derived from a discharged battery electrode nanorods and obtained a high capacitance of 656 Fg−1 at a current
to obtain few-layered graphene with 4.5 V of DC (direct current). Zhang density of 1 Ag−1, with a retention of capacitance above 80% after
et al. [284] used willow catkins as a template and precursor in pre- 5000 cycles. Moreover, a composite of AC and a rare-earth metal oxide
paring porous graphene microtubes processed by activation-graphiti- (Eu2O3) in a PPy matrix [290], a carbonaceous aerogel and CoNiAl-
zation by K4Fe(CN)6 (Fig. 18). The composite SCs showed a specific LDH@CA nanocomposites [291], and 1D@2D structured Ni-
capacitance 550.8 Fg−1 at a current density of 2 Ag−1. Senthilkumar Co2O4@Co3O4 and a high surface-area porous carbon composite [292]
et al. [285] successfully used waste writing paper to synthesize highly were all synthesized using carbon derived from biomass wastes, de-
porous graphene, which they combined with Na-ion-based hybrid ca- monstrating the great potential for biomass recycling in SC manu-
pacitors to obtain a maximum specific capacitance of 1893 Fg−1 at 2 facture.
Fig. 18. Structural schematic of a PANI-BAWDC composite and their synthesis routes [247].
Table 4
Material synthesis from waste to supercapacitor electrodes.
Order Material Waste resource Waste material technique Electrolyte Measurement protocol Electrode Max. Reference
W. Raza et al.
configuration capacitance
1 Activated carbon Sugar cane bagasse ZnCl2-activation and carbonization at 750 °C 1 M H2SO4 CV= 5–50 mV s−1 Two- electrode 300 Fg−1 [271]
GCD= 0.05–50 A g−1
2 Porous activated carbon Chicken feathers KOH-activation and carbonization at 6 M KOH GCD= 0.1–30 A g−1 Three- electrode 350 Fg [432]
600–800 °C
3 Oxygen-rich activated carbon Dragon fruit skin, Momordica KOH, H3PO4, ZnCl2, etc.-activation and 2.0 M KOH GCD= 0.5 A g−1 Three- electrode 286 Fg−1 [266]
compounds grosvenori skin and Firmiana catkins carbonization at 400–900 °C
4 Nanoporous carbons Sunflower seed shells KOH-activation and carbonization at 800 °C 30 wt% KOH GCD= 0.25 A g−1 Two-electrode 311 Fg−1 [267]
5 Microporous carbon Water bamboo KOH-activation and carbonization at 800 °C 6 M KOH GCD= 1 A g−1 Three-electrode 268 Fg−1 [265]
under N2 atmosphere
6 Hierarchical porous carbon Red cedar wood Carbonization at 750 °C 0.5 M H2SO4 – Two- electrode 115 Fg−1 [269]
7 Nitrogen- and oxygen-doped carbon Pigskin KOH-activation and carbonization at 6 M KOH GCD= 0.1 A g−1 Three- electrode 547 Fg−1 [273]
sheets 600–900 °C
8 Porous carbon sphere Hemp stems KOH-activation and carbonization at 800 °C 6 M KOH GCD= 0.1 A g−1 Three- electrode 318 Fg−1 [270]
9 Nitrogen-doped porous carbon Wheat straw Mixed salts (KCl and ZnCl2,) 6 M KOH CV= -1–0 V Three- electrode 223.9 Fg−1 [433]
10 Porous carbonaceous materials Corn gluten waste KOH-activation and carbonization at 6 M KOH GCD= 0.5 A g−1 Three-electrode 488 Fg−1 [434]
600–900 °C
11 Activated carbon Flour food waste KOH-activation and carbonization 6 M KOH GCD= 100 A g−1 Two- electrode 278 Fg−1 [274]
12 3D activated carbon Rotten potatoes KOH-activation and carbonization 6 M KOH GCD= 1 A g−1 Three-electrode 269 Fg−1 [275]
13 Microporous carbon Silkworm biological waste KOH-activation and carbonization at 750 °C 6 M KOH GCD= 1 A g−1 Two and three 235 Fg−1 [435]
electrode 304 Fg−1
14 Activated carbon nanostructures Tree-bark biomass waste KOH-activation and carbonization at 700 °C PVA/KOH/ carbon GCD= 0.1 A g−1 Two- electrode 227 Fg−1 [272]
−1 −1
15 Graphitic biomass carbon Bamboo K2FeO4, KOH, FeCl3, and carbonization KOH/PVA GCD= 0.5 A g Two-electrode 222. Fg [250]
16 Composite of boron doped activated Poplar wood KOH-activation and carbonization at 1 M H2SO4 CV= 10mvs−1 Two- electrode 421 Fg−1 [247]
carbon/ polyaniline particles 600–900 °C
17 Composite of activated carbon/ Chestnut shells KOH-activation and carbonization at 800 °C 1 M H2SO4 GCD= 1 A g−1 Three-electrode 597 Fg−1 [248]
18 Composite of MnO2 nanoplates Willow catkins Carbonization at 850 °C under argon 1 M Na2SO4 GCD= 1 A g−1 Three-electrode 262 Fg−1 [249]
loaded on cross-linked carbon atmosphere
19 Composite of carbon nanosheets Orange peel Carbonization at 800 °C 6 M KOH GCD= 1 A g−1 Three-electrode 656 Fg−1 [289]
supported by MnO2 nanorods
20 Composite of AC and rare-earth Coconut shells Carbonization 1 M H2SO4 GCD= 1 A g−1 Two- electrode 670 Fg−1 [290]
metal oxide (Eu2O3) into a PPY
21 Composite of carbon fiber/ MnO2 Disposable bamboo chopsticks KOH-activation and carbonization at 800 °C 0.34 M H2SO4 GCD= 1 A g−1 Two-electrode 375 Fg−1 [436]
22 Carbonaceous aerogel and CoNiAl- Pomelo peel Autoclave for 6.5 h at 180 °C followed by 0.2 M KOH GCD= 10 A g−1 Three-electrode 1134 Fg−1 [291]
LDH@CA freeze-drying for 2d at − 42 °C
23 Composite of 1D@ 2D structured Jackfruit KOH-activation and carbonization at 900 °C 2 M KOH GCD= 1 A g−1 Three-electrode 375 Fg−1 [292]
NiCo2O4 @Co3O4 and high surface-
area porous carbon
24 Activated carbon/polyaniline Waste tea H3PO4-activation and carbonization at 450 °C – – – – [437]
composite under N2 atmosphere
−1 −1
25 Core-shell composite/ MnO2 Wood waste of agriculture and Pyrolysis at 1000 °C 1 M Na2SO4 GCD= 0.05 A g Three-electrode 101 Fg [438]
26 Few layered graphene Discharged battery electrodes Intercalating sodium dodecyl Aq. H2SO4 CV= 0–0.8 V – 151 Fg [283]
benzenesulfonate surfactant into graphene
27 Porous graphene microtubes / MnO2 Willow catkins Activation–graphitization of K4Fe(CN)6. 0.05 M Mn(CH3COO)2 GCD= 2 A g−1 Three-electrode 550.8 Fg−1 [284]
and 0.1 M Na2SO4
−1 −1
28 Highly porous graphene /Ni2P2O7 Waste writing paper KOH activation and carbonization Aq. NaOH GCD= 2 A g – 1893 Fg [285]
hybrid device
(continued on next page)
Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
Table 4 (continued)
Order Material Waste resource Waste material technique Electrolyte Measurement protocol Electrode Max. Reference
configuration capacitance
W. Raza et al.
29 Nanoporous carbon/MnOx Waste polyvinyl chloride Carbonization at 700 °C under Ar flow 6 M KOH GCD= 1 Ag−1 Three-electrode 751.5 Fg−1 [439]
30 Nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus Shrimp shells H3PO4 activation and carbonization at 6 M KOH GCD= 0.1 Ag−1 Three-electrode 206 Fg−1 [440]
decorated carbon 400–600 °C in Ar
31 Eggshell membrane/ carbon Eggshells Carbonization at 800 °C in N2 6 M KOH GCD= 10 Ag−1 Three-electrode 675 Fg−1 [441]
nanotube/ NiCo2O4 composite
−1 −1
32 Composite of carbon/graphene Oil palm empty fruit bunches KOH activation and pyrolyzed at 500 °C 6 M KOH CV= 5mVs Three-electrode 267 Fg [442]
33 Nitrogen-doped porous carbon- Poplar wood sawdust KOH activation and carbonization at 750 °C 1 M H2SO4 GCD= 2 Ag−1 Three-electrode 347 Fg−1 [443]
polyaniline composites in N2
34 Polypyrrole and graphene/ Cellulose fibers from waste papers Dissolved in NaOH followed by acid 1 M KCl CV= 10mVs−1 Three-electrode 243 Fg−1 [444]
polypyrrole composite hydrolysis soak
35 Carbon polymer composite paper Waste tires Pyrolysis at 400–1100 °C 1 M H2SO4 CV= 1mVs−1 Three-electrode 480 Fg−1 [445]
36 Activated carbon Up-cycled industrial mill scale Vacuum chuck hot plate at 90 °C 0.5 M Na2SO4 CV= 5mVs−1 Three-electrode 92 Fg−1 [446]
37 Activated carbon Durian fruits KOH activation and carbonization at 700 °C 1.5 M Na2SO4 CV= 50mVs−1 Three-electrode 82.5 Fg−1 [447]
in N2
38 P, N co-doped carbon Spent coffee grounds Microwave above 1000 °C 1 M H2SO4 CV= 5–100mVs−1 Three-electrode 286 Fg−1 [448]
39 Porous carbon Corncob residue KOH activation and carbonization at 6 M KOH CV= 5mVs−1 Three-electrode 314 Fg−1 [449]
815–900 °C
40 Graphene nanosheets Spruce bark KOH activation 6 M KOH GCD= 0.5 Ag−1 Three-electrode 398 Fg−1 [286]
41 Graphene-like nanosheets Coconut shells FeCl3 precursor and ZnCl2 activation KOH GCD= 1 Ag−1 Three-electrode 268 Fg−1 [282]
42 Porous carbon Corn straw KOH activation Na2SO4 GCD= 100 Ag−1 Two-electrode 327 Fg−1 [276]
43 Activated carbon Agricultural waste from olive oil – 1 M H2SO4 GCD= 0.125 Ag−1 – 325 Fg−1 [277]
44 Nitrogen-doped porous carbon Waste cabbage – 6 M KOH – – 291 Fg−1 [278]
45 3D porous activated carbon Loofah sponge KOH activation Na2SO4 GCD= 1 Ag−1 Three-electrode 309.6 Fg−1 [280]
46 Carbon nanofibers Waste medicine, aconitum – 6 M KOH GCD= 1 Ag−1 – 295 Fg−1 [281]
sinomontanum Nakai extraction
and poly-acrylonitrile
Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
Fig. 19. Schematic of the preparation routes of MnO2 @CCN composite [249].
7.4. Potential challenges been advanced to harvest energy from ambient sources (solar, vibra-
tion, thermal, and radio frequencies) and the human body (such as
For the industrialization of SCs to proceed, cost reductions are es- through blood flow and body heat) for electric power input to MEASs
sential, and biomass waste could play a key role. According to Andrew [302,303]. An electrochemical capacitor is the main candidate for en-
Burke’s investigation, in carbon/carbon SCs, the carbon is responsible ergy storage component. For use in MEASs, electrochemical capacitors
for about 60% of the total materials cost, with the total electrode ma- need to maintain their performance under mechanical deformation
terial cost around 0.1cent/F, whereas biochar-derived electrode mate- such as twisting, stretching, bending, and folding while reducing their
rial costs only around 0.001cent/F [269,293,294]. Therefore, the use of area to fit into ultra-compact devices. In this section, we provide a
biochar has the potential to create big profits as carbon materials cost critical discussion of some of the latest trends in electrochemical SC
reductions enlarge SC applications. Compared with the performance of technology, such as 3D porous SCs, fiber-like SCs, and paper-like SCs.
conventional SCs (Table 3), SCs derived from waste (Table 4) showed
almost the same capacitance. However, the present activation methods 8.1. 3D porous supercapacitors
depend on chemical agents such as KOH, NaOH, Na2Cl, Na2SO4, ZnCl2,
H3PO4, and H2SO4, which are expensive and directly affect the final It is important to have a huge number of electrochemically available
properties of the electrode, limiting the current use of biomass waste. active sites on the electrode surface for electron transfer redox reactions
We expect that researchers will find lower-cost replacements for them. in PC systems or electrostatic charge absorption in EDLCs. However, not
Moreover, hydrothermal pretreatment steps could improve the effi- all of the electrode surface in SCs is available, only the places where the
ciency of activation. At the same time, the different capacitances of the active materials and electrolyte contact each other [47]. Thus, to en-
SCs in Table 4 correspond with different carbon structures. Thus, it is hance the electrode capacity for SCs, 3D architectures for electrodes
worth considering multiple designs for carbon materials derived from have been devisednowadays, which can provide maximum number of
biomass waste, which are likely to be an economical option for energy active sites. These electrodes can help support: (i) effective contact
conservation in the future. between the active materials and electrolyte ions for chemical reac-
tions, (ii) easy electron transportation between the current collector
8. Latest trends in supercapacitor technology and the active materials, and (iii) effective accessibility on the current
collector to enhance electrochemical activity [304,305]. A Ni(OH)2-
Many portable, wearable, and implantable devices have already based electrode has been used widely in supercapacitors because of its
been integrated into daily life [295–297]. There has long been a strong flexibility in forming 3D structures and very high theoretical capaci-
drive to develop ultra-compact devices into miniaturized energy-au- tance of 3750 Fg−1 [306]. However, due to the limited number of ac-
tonomous systems (MEASs) that contain processing units, wireless tive sites and poor conductivity, the theoretical value cannot be
transceivers, signal sensing, energy harvesters, and energy storage achieved in actuality. To achieve those theoretical capacitances, new
components [298–301]. In the past few years, significant efforts have types of materials with higher conductivity and a larger number of
been dedicated to manufacturing more suitable, efficient, and compact accessible active sites are needed. For example, a thin layer of nickel
energy harvesters and energy storage components. Technologies have hydroxide could be placed on a carbon-coated 3D-Cu-based structure.
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
Table 5
Summary of some advanced architectures employed or proposed in supercapacitor technology.
Order Material Architecture Electrolyte Measurement protocol Electrode Max. Reference
configuration capacitance
1 Mn3O4 NSs/rGO NSs Paper-like 6 M KOH GCD = 0.5 A g−1 Three electrode 409 F/g [312]
2 Vertically aligned CNF/BDD Battery‐like 1.0 M H2SO4 CV = 10 mV s−1 Three electrode 116.3 mF c/m2 [96]
3 CNF-PEDOT Paper-like 0.1 M HClO4 in water]/ – Three electrode 230 F/g [450]
acetonitrile (9/1)
4 NG-MnO2 Flower-like 1 M Na2SO4 GCD = 0.5 A g−1 Three electrode 220 F/g [451]
5 BPC/MnO2 Anchored MnO2 on 1 M Na2SO4 GCD = 0.5 A g−1 Three electrode 384.9 F/g [452]
6 BPC/Fe2O3 Decorated porous carbon 3 M KOH GCD = 1 A g−1 Three electrode 987.9 F/g [453]
with Fe2O3
7 3D Ni-Co LDH/NiNw 3D cotton-like 6 M KOH GCD = 0.125 A g−1 Three electrode 466.6 F/g [454]
8 Ni–Co hydroxide/NF Flower-like 2 M KOH GCD = 10 mA cm−2 Three electrode 1441.5μA h/ cm2 [455]
9 MnO2/CNT-web paper Ultra-thin and stackable 0.5 M LiClO4 CV 5 mV s−1 Three electrode 135 mF/cm2 [456]
10 HC/RGO Belt-like 3 M KOH GCD = 1 A g−1 Three electrode 1662 F/g [457]
11 Nitrogen-doped graphene Bubble-like 2 M KOH GCD = 1 A g−1 Three electrode 481 F/g [458]
12 CoMoO4@Co1.5Ni1.5S4 Rambutan-like 3 M KOH GCD = 1 A g−1 Three electrode 1405 F/g [459]
13 NiCo-LDH@NiOOH Battery‐like 6 M KOH GCD = 1 A g−1 Three electrode 2622 F/g [460]
14 NiCo-S Highly open nanosheet 2 M KOH GCD = 0.5 A g−1 Two & three 2553.9 F/g [461]
15 N-doped hierarchal carbon Fiber web, mulberry-like 1 M H2SO4 GCD = 1 A g−1 Three electrode 298.6 F/g [462]
16 Ni0.4Co0.6(OH)2@ CFC Peony-like 2 M KOH GCD = 1 A g−1 Three electrode 1816 F/g [463]
17 3DPGLS 3D porous 1 M TEMABF4/PC) GCD = 0.2 A g−1 Two electrode 91.15 F/g [464]
Such porous 3D structures can provide high conductivity and a large 500% without ruining the electrochemical properties [311]. Moreover,
number of accessible active sites through direct contact between the this structure was reported to maintain 98% of its capacitance over 104
active material and 3D-C/Cu. A thin layer of nickel hydroxide on a 3D cycles. Recently, Wang et al. [312] synthesized flexible Mn3O4 na-
structure can also help reduce the pathway electron transport. These nosheets (Mn3O4 NSs) and rGO nanosheets (rGO NSs) into a paper-like
nickel and C/Cu structures showed the very high specific capacitance of composite using a simple ultrasonication, filtration, and hydrolysis
1860 F/g−1 [307]. Zhang et al. [308] reported the fabrication of a 3D, method. The integration of rGO NSs into Mn3O4 NSs provided a large
hierarchical, porous quaternary zinc-nickel-aluminum-cobalt oxide specific surface area, rich pores, and many electroactive sites for ion
(ZNACO) architecture for SCs. The ZNACO-based capacitors displayed a and electron access. Furthermore, the distinctive interconnection be-
specific capacity as high as 839.2 C g−1 at 1 A g−1. Moreover, they tween the two nano architectures reduced the self-agglomeration of the
exhibited a high energy density of 72.4 Wh kg−1 at a power density of rGO NSs. This paper-like composite exhibited the excellent specific
533 W kg−1 while maintaining good cycling stability, with 90% capa- capacitance of 409 F/g−1 and high cycling stability (92% of capaci-
citance retention after 10,000 cycles at 10 A g−1. Song et al. [309] tance retained after 3000 charge–discharge cycles). Cai et al. [313]
proposed a one‐step method to obtain a 3D network of porous graphene reported a unique design for symmetric SCs based on ultrathin, boron-
electrodes through direct laser induction on a polyimide sheet at room doped, graphene, paper-like electrodes and boron-enriched gel polymer
temperature. By doping the laser-induced graphene electrodes with electrolytes. Specifically, these paper-like electrodes with B-containing
elemental N, the researchers increased the device performance to 790 electrolyte not only presented many active sites for the absorption/
µF cm−2 at a discharge current of 50 µA cm−2. In this case, the doping desorption of electrolyte ions, but also enabled electrolyte diffusion
with elemental N improves the number of active sites, resulting in ex- during the charging and discharging processes. The SCs could reach a
cellent PC behavior. Liu et al. [310] reported the design of a self-as- specific capacitance as high as 47.15 F/g−1 at room temperature, and
sembled, 3D, porous Ni(OH)2 for high performance energy storage SCs they retained 90% of their specific capacitance after 3000 charging and
through a solvothermal-precipitation method. The Ni(OH)2 obtained at discharging cycles. Their maximum energy density was 39.31 W h
520 K exhibited a high specific capacitance of 2110 F/g at 1.0 A g−1 and kg−1, with a power density of 1.44 kW kg−1. Zhao et al. [314] reported
modest cycling stability, with 53% of the high capacitance retained excellent electrical properties from graphene films shaped in paper-like
over 2000 cycles at 5.0 A g−1. Moreover, when the Ni(OH)2 was com- form by the adsorption of hydrolyzed polyimide (HPI) molecules.
bined with porous carbon as the negative electrode material, the hybrid Various mass-loading ranges (0.5–4.8 mg cm−2) were used to fabricate
chemical capacitors delivered capacitance as high as 115 F/g−1 with a this new type of electrode, and the researchers suggested that functio-
maximum energy density of 40.9 W h kg−1 at a power density of nalizing the HPI molecules could increase the capacitance. Also, given
405 W kg−1. In conclusion, the best way to increase the capacitance of their highly flexible structure, the as-fabricated SC devices showed
an SC is to increase the number of active sites, and 3D porous structures excellent mechanical and temperature stability. Table 5 shows some of
are an attractive way to do that. the new architectures in SC technology.
Another new architecture is paper-like SCs, which can easily be The future of electronic devices is expected to include wearable
manipulated into other modified structures according to the specific electronics with stretchable circuitries, implantable sensors, and smart
requirements of individual applications. These capacitors can also be skins. For example, a smart skin could offer on-body sensing to monitor
used in wearable health monitors, electronic textiles, and electronic healthcare data and physiological signals in human bodies to support
skins. Customized SC architectures (such as pyramid structures, hon- people in various activities and situations. As aforementioned, SCs are
eycomb-like structures, and living-hinge structures) are highly desir- energy storage devices for such systems. For wearable devices, fiber-
able because they provide tunable stretching abilities in any random like capacitors are particularly suitable. The purpose of evolving fiber-
direction. For instance, an SC with a honeycomb-like structure showed like supercapacitors is to fabricate an energy storage system in the form
a specific capacitance of 227.2 mF cm−2 while being stretchable up to of a flexible and ultrathin fiber while maintaining outstanding
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
electrochemical performance. before and after the field cycling stress. Most EDLCs use carbon-based
Substantial efforts have thus been made toward developing fiber- electrodes, which have a long lifetime and can be cycled at a high rate,
like active materials for electrodes and designing new device config- 105–106, with the very small degradation in performance [320,321]. As
urations and structures for such applications. There are two general shown in Table 6, EDLCs show good field cycling stability, with
types of fiber-like electrode: 1) carbon-based fiber-like electrodes such 10–20% degradation in capacitance after field cycling stress tests
as graphene and CNT fibers and 2) metal-coated plastic wire and metal [320–324]. Pseudo-capacitors are profoundly different from EDLCs.
wire electrodes [315,316]. The carbon-based fiber electrodes are highly They store energy through reversible faradic reactions, with capaci-
porous and offer a significant amount of EDL capacitance. They also tance 10–100 times larger than available with EDLCs, as shown in
have robust mechanical properties. Table 5 [325]. But repeated reduction and oxidation processes can
With respect to the device configuration of fiber-like electro- change the structure of PC electrodes, resulting in decreased field cy-
chemical capacitors, two types are available: coaxial fiber-like SCs and cling stability. Moreover, the power density of pseudo-capacitors is
two-ply fiber-like SCs. The former is fabricated by assembling capacitor smaller than that of EDLCs because faradic processes are slower than
components (such as a core fiber electrode, gel polymer electrolyte, and electrostatic processes. For example, the capacitance of a Co(OH)2-
outer coating electrode) layer by layer [315,317]. The latter has been based capacitor decreased ~ 40% after field cycling [326]. Both EDL
invented by twining two fiber-like electrodes together with a separator and PC SCs use two electrodes made from the same type of material.
or gel polymer electrolyte [316]. Recently, Ren et al. [318] proposed a To increase the operating voltage window and the power and en-
superficial preparation technique to synthesize composite elastic cord/ ergy density, hybrid capacitors have been developed. For example,
CNT/PANI fibers with a core‐sheath-structure. The fibers had excellent EDLC/redox-type hybrid capacitors integrate the advantages of EDCLs
electrical, mechanical, and stretching properties and exhibited a large and pseudo-capacitors by coupling both types of materials. As shown in
capacitance of 394 F/g−1 and great rate capability. Stretching the fibers Table 6, MnO2–NPG/PPy-NPG capacitors have high energy and power
from their original state produced no noticeable effect on the capaci- densities and show good field cycling stability [327]. New develop-
tance, and the capacitive retention was 98% after 100 stretch–release ments are making portable devices and electronics thinner and more
cycles. Gu et al. [319] reported a flexible fiber-like electrochemical SC power demanding, opening new commercial opportunities for SCs,
made using single‐step hydrothermal synthesis and CuCo2O4 nanos- which are lighter and more powerful than batteries. Because of all their
tructures on nickel wires as fibrous electrodes. The specific capacitance exciting properties and probable usage in an increasing number of ap-
of the fiber‐like supercapacitor reached 11.09 F/g−1, and it had good plications, the SC market is expected to top $11 billion by 2024.
cycling stability, with about 93.5% retention after 4000 charging/dis- Nonetheless, SCs are not yet in extensive use. According to the devel-
charging cycles. Moreover, their SC showed no deceptive degradation opers, manufacturers, and suppliers of SCs, this lack of commercial
in the bending test. success is due to their present low energy density and high cost-to-
performance ratio. Therefore, the development of materials and con-
9. Characteristic comparison of selective supercapacitors figurations to increase the energy density and reduce the costs of pro-
cessing and preparation methods is necessary, and multiple ambitious
An SC is a proficient energy storage system with attractive proper- research activities are currently being conducted.
ties such as high energy and power densities, long lifetime, high re-
liability, excellent rate behavior, and environmental friendliness. Each 10. Conclusion and future prospects
type of SC (EDLCs, pseudo-capacitors, and hybrid capacitors) has dif-
ferent characteristics. Although the energy storage density in EDLCs is SCs are an essential element of diverse applications (i.e., hybrid
relatively small, the power density is higher than that of pseudo-capa- vehicles, military warheads, communication devices, uninterruptible
citors. Cycle life is another important factor in evaluating SCs. power supplies, mobile phones, laser technology, and solar cell energy
Generally, tests for stability involve charging and discharging capaci- storage). SCs flourish because of their many technical advantages, such
tors for a certain number of cycles and then comparing the capacitances as high power densities, quick charging and discharging processes, and
Table 6
Comparison of the key performance metrics between diverse supercapacitors.
Order Supercapacitor, electrode SA (m2 g−1) CSP (F g−1) ED (Wh kg−1) PD (kW kg−1) Cycling stability Measurement done at Electrolyte Reference
1 CNS 791.0 560 78 2.8 97%(1000) 10mVs−1 1 M HCL [322]
2 PCNC 1779.3 161 30.2 20.3625 85.4%(5000) 1 Ag−1 1M [323]
3 CMCNC 1198 194 56.1 61.25 90.6%(100k) 1 Ag−1 ionic liquid [320]
4 CNDHS 2091 183 28.875 37.125 91.1%(100K) 1 Ag−1 1M [321]
5 AC 2731 311 8.3 18.75 96.4% (5000) 0.5 Ag−1 6 M KOH [324]
6 AC 2731 178 39 6.7 87.5% 0.5 Ag−1 1M [324]
b Pseudo
7 Ni-based MOF – 705 29.6 0.46 92.1% 1 Ag−1 6 M KOH [107]
8 Co(OH)2 – 1287.2 – – 59.2% 2 Ag−1 1 M KOH [326]
9 Co(OH)2 on Ni – 2646 – – 96.1% (300) 8 Ag−1 2 M KOH [465]
10 Ni(OH)2 – 2188 – – 97% (1000) 1mVs−1 1 M KOH [325]
c Hybrid
11 Ni(OH)2/graphite – 153 35.7 0.490 97% (5000) 5mVs−1 1 M KOH [325]
12 MnO2–NPG/ PPy-NPG – 193 86 25 85% (2000) 1.8V 1 M LiClO4 [327]
13 MnO2/ NiNTAs@PPy – 141.9 50.5 – 81.3% (1000) 1.6V PVA-LiCl [466]
14 Ni–Co LDH/ PPy films – 261 61.3 0.65 91% (5000) 1.3V 1 M KOH [467]
15 VOx. YH2 O/ WO3. ZH2 O – 10.4 2.23 – 1.9V 12 M LiCl [468]
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Bioresour. Technol. 189 (2015) 285–291. Faizan Ali received his master degree in microelectronics
[450] J. Edberg, O. Inganäs, I. Engquist, M. Berggren, Boosting the capacity of all-or- engineering from university of Punjab in 2015. Currently,
ganic paper supercapacitors using wood derivatives, J. Mater. Chem. A. 6 (2018) he is a doctoral candidate at Dalian university of tech-
145–152. nology. His current research focuses on energy related
[451] J. Dong, G. Lu, F. Wu, C. Xu, X. Kang, Z. Cheng, Facile synthesis of a nitrogen- properties such as energy storage, energy harvesting and
doped graphene flower-like MnO2 nanocomposite and its application in super- solid state cooling of HfO2.
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[452] Q. Chen, J. Chen, Y. Zhou, C. Song, Q. Tian, J. Xu, et al., Enhancing pseudoca-
pacitive kinetics of nanostructured MnO2 through anchoring onto biomass-de-
rived porous carbon, Appl. Surf. Sci. 440 (2018) 1027–1036.
[453] K. Fang, J. Chen, X. Zhou, C. Mei, Q. Tian, J. Xu, et al., Decorating biomass-derived
porous carbon with Fe2O3 ultrathin film for high-performance supercapacitors,
Electrochim. Acta 261 (2018) 198–205.
[454] H. Wan, L. Li, Y. Xu, Q. Tan, X. Liu, J. Zhang, et al., Three-dimensional cotton-like
nickel nanowire@ Ni–Co hydroxide nanosheet arrays as binder-free electrode for
Nadeem Raza received his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from
high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor, Nanotechnology 29 (2018) 194003.
Bahauddin Zakaryia University, Multan, Pakistan (2015).
[455] J. Gou, S. Xie, C. Liu, Flower-like Ni–Co hydroxides on Ni foam for high-perfor-
He was a postdoctoral fellow at University of Cambridge
mance supercapacitor applications, New J. Chem. 42 (2018) 4175–4181.
(2016–2017). From 2005, he has worked in various posi-
[456] B. Patil, S. Ahn, C. Park, H. Song, Y. Jeong, H. Ahn, Simple and novel strategy to
tions in the Higher Education Department, Govt. of Punjab,
fabricate ultra-thin, lightweight, stackable solid-state supercapacitors based on
Pakistan. Currently, he is working as Associate Professor of
MnO2-incorporated CNT-web paper, Energy 142 (2018) 608–616.
Chemistry. His research focuses on materials synthesis,
[457] C. Xi, G. Zhu, Y. Liu, X. Shen, W. Zhu, Z. Ji, et al., Belt-like nickel hydroxide
leaching kinetics, carbon sequestration, and application of
carbonate/reduced graphene oxide hybrids: synthesis and performance as super-
various analytical techniques for method development. He
capacitor electrodes, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 538 (2018)
has published more than 25 scientific articles as author and
coauthor in well reputed international journals.
[458] S. Zhang, L. Sui, H. Kang, H. Dong, L. Dong, L. Yu, High performance of N‐doped
graphene with bubble‐like textures for supercapacitors, Small 14 (2018).
[459] C. Wang, Z. Guan, Y. Shen, S. Yu, X.-Z. Fu, R. Sun, et al., Shape-controlled
synthesis of CoMoO4@Co1.5Ni1.5S4 hybrids with rambutan-like structure for
high-performance all-solid-state supercapacitors, Chem. Eng. J. 346 (2018) Yiwei Luo is Ph.D. Candidate in Dalian University of
193–202. Technology. She also joined University of Colorado
[460] H. Liang, J. Lin, H. Jia, S. Chen, J. Qi, J. Cao, et al., Hierarchical NiCo-LDH@ Boulder, Boulder, USA in 2014–2016 as an exchange
NiOOH core-shell heterostructure on carbon fiber cloth as battery-like electrode scholar. Her current research area is the development of
for supercapacitor, J. Power Sources 378 (2018) 248–254. advanced materials for sustainable industrial operations.
[461] D. Zha, Y. Fu, L. Zhang, J. Zhu, X. Wang, Design and fabrication of highly open
nickel cobalt sulfide nanosheets on Ni foam for asymmetric supercapacitors with
high energy density and long cycle-life, J. Power Sources 378 (2018) 31–39.
[462] C. Liu, J. Liu, J. Wang, J. Li, R. Luo, J. Shen, et al., Electrospun mulberry-like
hierarchical carbon fiber web for high-performance supercapacitors, J. Colloid
Interface Sci. 512 (2018) 713–721.
[463] X. Wu, L. Meng, Q. Wang, W. Zhang, Y. Wang, A novel and facile step-by-step
hydrothermal fabrication of peony-like Ni0.4Co0.6(OH)2 supported on carbon
fiber cloth as flexible electrodes for advanced electrochemical energy storage, Sol.
Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 174 (2018) 325–332.
[464] J. Xia, N. Zhang, S. Chong, Y. Chen, C. Sun, Three-dimensional porous graphene- Prof. Kwon completed his Ph.D. in the Department of Earth
like sheets synthesized from biocarbon via low-temperature graphitization for a and Environmental Engineering (Interdisciplinary depart-
supercapacitor, Green. Chem. (2018). ment between chemical and environmental engineering) at
[465] W.-J. Zhou, M.-W. Xu, D.-D. Zhao, C.-L. Xu, H.-L. Li, Electrodeposition and char- Columbia University in the City of New York, USA in 2008.
acterization of ordered mesoporous cobalt hydroxide films on different substrates Immediately following, Prof. Kwon was appointed as
for supercapacitors, Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 117 (2009) 55–60. Associated Research Scientist at the Earth Engineering
[466] G.F. Chen, X.X. Li, L.Y. Zhang, N. Li, T.Y. Ma, Z.Q. Liu, A porous perchlorate‐doped Center of the Earth Institute at Columbia University.
polypyrrole nanocoating on nickel nanotube arrays for stable wide‐- Afterwards, Prof. Kwon returned to South Korea and
potential‐window supercapacitors, Adv. Mater. 28 (2016) 7680–7687. worked at the Research Institute of Industrial Science and
[467] Y. Song, X. Cai, X. Xu, X.-X. Liu, Integration of nickel–cobalt double hydroxide Technology (RIST) from 2010 to 2013. In 2013, Prof. Kwon
nanosheets and polypyrrole films with functionalized partially exfoliated graphite joined as a faculty member in the Department of
for asymmetric supercapacitors with improved rate capability, J. Mater. Chem. A 3 Environment and Energy at Sejong University. His research
(2015) 14712–14720. interests are focused on combustion, catalysis, fuel proces-
[468] J. Suchodolski, J. Feder-Kubis, A. Krasowska, Antifungal activity of ionic liquids sing, bioenergy, and air pollution controls. To date, Prof. Kwon has published more than
based on (−)-menthol: a mechanism study, Microbiol. Res. 197 (2017) 56–64. 160 articles in peer-reviewed international SCI journals.
Waseem raza is a doctoral candidate at Dalian university Dr. Jianhua Yang received her Ph.D. degree from
of technology in China. He received his master degree in Hiroshima University of Science and Technology, Japan.
Chemical engineering from University of Punjab Pakistan in Currently, Professor in the Department of Chemical
2016. His current research area is the energy conservation Technology, Dalian University of Technology. Her current
and pollution emissions reduction using advanced material research area is the energy conservation and pollution
techniques with an emphasis on membrane technology. He emissions reduction, using advance material techniques for
has published 10 articles as author and coauthor in peer- sustainable development of national economy.
reviewed international journals.
W. Raza et al. Nano Energy 52 (2018) 441–473
Dr. Sandeep Kuma is working as Assistant Professor at the Prof. Ki-Hyun Kim was at Florida State University for an
Department of Bio and Nano Technology, Guru M.S. (1984–1986) and at University of South Florida for a
Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Ph.D. (1988–1992). He was a Research Associate at ORNL,
Haryana, India. Dr. Kumar did his Ph.D. from Panjab USA (1992–1994). Then, he moved to Korea and joined at
University, Chandigarh. His research interests include Sangji (1995–1998) and Sejong University (1999–2013). In
synthesis of nanomaterials, nanocarriers for healthcare ap- 2014, he moved to Hanyang University. His research fo-
plications, nanomaterials-based sensors, biomaterials, and cuses on diverse interfacing fields between material and
nanotoxicology. He has one patent and published more environment such as material applications for air quality
than 50 research papers in many reputed international management. He was awarded a National Star Faculty in
journals. Dr. Kumar runs both international and national 2006. He has published more than 550 articles in SCI
sponsored research projects from different funding agen- journals including well-reputed journals like Chemical
cies. Dr. Kumar visited Hanyang University, Seoul, South Society Reviews, Progress in Polymer Science, Progress in
Korea as a visiting Professor and also Australia, UK, Materials Science, and Coordination Chemistry Reviews. He
Scotland, Bangkok under different supporting schemes (DST) of Govt of India. is serving as an editorial board member of journals (e.g., Sensors, Environmental
Research, and Air Pollution Research).