OSCE Checklist Alcohol History Taking

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OSCE Checklist: Alcohol History Taking

Opening the consultation

1 Wash your hands and don PPE if appropriate

2 Introduce yourself to the patient including your name and role

3 Con rm the patient's name and date of birth

4 Explain the purpose of the consultation and gain consent

Screening tools
5 Use an appropriate screening tool (e.g. AUDIT-C or CAGE)

Alcohol intake
6 Ask the patient when they rst noticed an increase in their alcohol intake and try to identify
any factors that played a role in this
7 Assess the patient's current drinking pattern

8 Quantify the patient's alcohol intake

9 Ask about the patient's drinking behaviours

10 Ask if the patient has previously attempted to stop drinking

Impact of alcohol
11 Screen for biological signs of dependence

12 Screen for psychological signs of dependence

13 Ask if alcohol has impacted the patient's relationships with others

14 Ask if alcohol has impacted the patient's job

15 Ask if the patient currently drives a vehicle

16 Ask what the patient's diet looks like on an average day and if they feel alcohol is negatively
a ecting it
17 Ask if the patient has ever had involvement of the police for alcohol-related issues

Psychological assessment
18 Perform a brief assessment of the patient's current mood to identify signs of depression or
other psychological issues
19 Screen for thoughts of self-harm or suicide

20 Screen for thoughts of harming others

Past medical history

21 Ask if the patient has any medical conditions. If the patient does have a medical condition,
you should gather more details to assess how well controlled the disease is and
what treatment(s) the patient is receiving.
22 Ask if the patient has previously undergone any surgery or procedures (e.g. banding of
oesophageal varices)
23 Ask if the patient has any allergies and if so, clarify what kind of reaction they had to the

Drug history
24 Ask if the patient is currently taking any prescribed medications or over-the-
counter remedies

Social history
25 Explore the patient’s general social context

26 Take a smoking history

27 Ask about recreational drug use

28 Ask about problematic gambling

Closing the consultation

29 Thank the patient for their time

30 O er lea ets about alcohol dependence and the negative health impact of alcohol

31 O er referral to an alcohol rehabilitation service if appropriate

32 Dispose of PPE appropriately and wash your hands

Key communication skills

33 Active listening

34 Summarising

35 Signposting

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