Classification Therapeutic Action Indication Adverse Effect Route Nursing Responsibility Vital Sign Monitoring
Classification Therapeutic Action Indication Adverse Effect Route Nursing Responsibility Vital Sign Monitoring
Classification Therapeutic Action Indication Adverse Effect Route Nursing Responsibility Vital Sign Monitoring
Classification Therapeutic Action Indication Adverse Effect Route Nursing responsibility Vital sign monitoring
Treatment for moderate To alleviate moderate Hypotension, sedation, Orally Encourage client to avoid activities Assess BP, PR, RR before
to severe pain to severe pain euphoria, urinary Intravenously that require alertness. administering the drug.
retention Intramuscularly
Suppression of cough or Pulmonary edema Subcutaneous Discuss ways to minimize dry mouth Assess for allergies and
respiratory distress and constipation use of opioid and other
Ace Inhibitor-pril Decrease heart High blood Dizziness Oral Encourage client to implement Assess sudden drop in
ARBs Angiotensin -sartan workload Fatigue IV healthy lifestyle. blood fluid volume
Alpha blocker- osin Decrease blood pressure Chest pain in people
Beta blocker-lol Decrease heart rate with poor blood flow Administer on empty stomach, 1hr Assess: Baseline status
Calcium channel blocker- before meals or 2hrs after meals
Thiazide and thiazide like Decrease blood pressure Hypertension Dehydration ORAL Assess for mentioned Assess patient’s drug
Loop diuretics Decrease symptoms of Hypokalemia IV contraindication and cautions. response through vital
Carbonic Anhydrase fluid overload Edema signs, weight, serum
Potassium-sparring Administer oral form early in the electrolyte and hydration
Osmotic day
Biguanide (metformin) Decrease production Management of 2 Hypoglycemia ORAL Assess for contraindication and Monitor blood glucose
and increases the uptake Diabetes Nausea cautions. level
of glucose. GI upset
Heart burm Perform physical assessment. Monitor nutritional status
Alpha glucosidase inhibitor Delay absorption of
glucose Provide patient comfort measure to
help cope with drug effect
Regulate movement of Type 1 diabetes Hypoglycemia Subcutaneous Assess for contraindication and Obtain blood glucose
blood glucose from Type 2 diabetes when Ketoacidosis cautions. levels as ordered to
blood cells agents failed monitor response to
Perform physical assessment to insulin
Management of establish baseline data before Monitor response
hyperkalemia beginning therapy carefully to avoid adverse
Monitor nutritional status