"The Wish Flower": Method Helps To Start The Lesson With Good Wishes To Each Other

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Unit I1.

Holidays and travel School:

Making requests and
Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Making requests and compromises
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.L1 understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can read and understand housework activities
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and can ask for and housework activities
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and can making requests and compromises
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘At home’ , can ask and answer about free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson moment : method helps to start the organization shapes
1.Greeting. lesson with good wishes moment T
Warming- T give them to each other. tries to award
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss active Ss.
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create «The praise»
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere method is
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing used to
II -square each other they feel evaluate Ss
III–triangle better and feel the with phrases
In differentiation support of others. like:
part t «Flexible “Good job!
pace learning» Well done!”
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. Ex1. Look at the Mum: Leah, can you tidy Ss evaluate Whiteboard
photo. What’s your room, please? each other Pupils Book
Leah’s mum Leah: Yes, but later, OK? and Poster.
saying? I’m busy at the moment encourage
Mum: Come on, Leah. classmate
What are you doing? with phrases
Leah: I am watching like:
something on TV. Well done!
It’s really good. Brilliant!
Mum: Leah! You need to Good job! I
tidy your room now! like it!
Leah: Please, Mum! Is it
OK if I do it later?
Mum: You always say
that, Leah. When?
Leah: I’ll do it in ten
minutes. I promise.
Mum: I suppose so, but
please don’t forget to do
Leah: OK! OK!
Ex 2. Listen to the Ex3. Find the key phrases Ss evaluate Whiteboard
dialogue. What in the dialogue . Who each other Pupils Book
does Leah’s mum says them? and Poster.
want Leah to do? encourage
1. Can you (tidy your classmate
room), please? with phrases
2. Yes, but later, OK? like:
3. I am busy at the Well done!
moment Brilliant!
4. I’ll do it in (ten Good job! I
minutes) like it!

Ex5. Listen to the 1. This article is really Ss evaluate Whiteboard

sentences. What are interesting. each other Pupils Book
the stress words? 2. Sorry, I haven’t got and Poster.
time now encourage
3. I’m helping dad in the classmate
kitchen with phrases
4. Can you do you like:
homework? Well done!
I’m watching something Brilliant!
on TV? Good job! I
like it!

Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate Whiteboard

Ending is used to find out show their knowledge each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear according to the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Brilliant!
work: Ss got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.

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