Notations: Pastor's Notes

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter October 11, 2011

Pastors Notes This coming weekend is an important weekend for us. Our annual FALLFEST begins early Saturday morning and concludes Sunday afternoon. FALLFEST has had 2 major purposes: 1) It is a fundraiser for the building fund, 2) It is also a reminder to our people and the people of the community that the land on which we have FALLFEST is the very land on which we will one day have our new church. We have always thought it important to have some kind of activity there because it reminds us and others that we know the vision and promise that God has given to us. His promises relating to this piece of property will one day come to pass. Every year, we put a big white tent up and we flood the place with cars and people. What a testimony to people driving by that we are united in purpose, we enjoy fellowship and we are not afraid to work to see things happen!!!!! One thing is slightly different this year. Our emphasis is not so much on entertainment but on WORSHIP!!!! In the past, weve had mechanical rides, helicopter rides, etc, but this year we felt like the focus should be on the family and worship. There will still be things the family can enjoy such as bouncy play equipment for the kids (FREE), carnival games (FREE), yard sale, country store, silent auction, singing and other things under the big white tent. That is not all, because we will have some GREAT FOOD TOO!!!!! We will have Hotdogs, BBQ sandwiches, cotton candy, homemade ice cream, boiled peanuts and popcorn. Then after a day of fun and fellowship, we will finish with something amazing. This year weve added a featured worship time and we are SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS. Aaron & Amanda Crabb, from San Antonio Texas, will be our special guests. Most of you know the Crabb family and love their music. Aaron & Amanda are anointed singers who love the Lord. They are dedicated to fulfilling the call of God on their lives. They are dedicated to share the gift of music and worship with others. They currently serve as Ministers of Music at Cornerstone Assembly of God in Texas. This is where John Hagee is the Pastor. We are looking forward to this time of worship with them. THERE WILL BE A LOVE OFFERING RECEIVED DURING THIS WORSHIP TIME!

Fallfest Schedule
FALLFEST starts on Saturday at 7:00 AM with a yard sale. FALLFEST activities began at 11:00 AM and will run until about 3:30. Worship concert with Aaron & Amanda Crabb begins at 4:00 PM. BRING A LAWN CHAIR and be comfortable!!!!!! FALLFEST continues on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 PM. We will move our Sunday evening worship service out to the new property and worship under the tent. The service will be a wonderful time of praise & worship and the Word. We will take time to prayer walk and/or praise walk the property. Then, we will bring our VISION OFFERING to the rock altar. Please be prayerful about the sacrificial gift that the Lord would have you to give. This offering is to be a reflection of our vision of a new church on this property. I hope after our meeting last week, your vision is VERY CLEAR and you know just how close we are. What we do Sunday in this offering could very well propel us on our way!!!! SET UP for FALLFEST - Friday morning.. If you happen to be off and would like to help us set up, meet us at Carolina Grill at 8:30 AM. After a time of food and fellowship, well begin the process of loading up trucks, trailers, etc. and begin the set up. If you cant help at this time, please be willing to help us on Saturday before and after the concert. We will need help loading tables, ice chests, and etc. onto trucks and trailers. Also we need help following the service on Sunday. Well have to load chairs and stack the rented chairs. Wed love your help!!!!!!!

Schedule of Groups ministering under the Big Tent

12:00 ACTS Drama 12:45 Korey Hawkins 1:30Gray Court COG Worship team 2:00 Perry Sullivan 2:30 Phil Weathers 3:00 Chris Roberson 4:00 Aaron and Amanda Crabb

This Saturday 11:00 AM -3:30PM
Fun Hotdogs Fellowship BBQ Sandwiches Boiled Peanuts Cotton Candy Fun Popcorn

Homemade Ice Cream Train Ride Fun Fun Fun Big Tent Bouncy Fun Singing Carnival Games Canned Goods Hay Ride Fun Fun Fun

Country Store

Baked Goods Silent Auction

Themed Baskets Auction

Aaron & Amanda Crabb Concert Begins at 4:00

Ways you can help with Fallfest

Donate Water Please

The Coke Wagon is being donated. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! We need you to donate BOTTLED WATER? If you will help us with this, it will greatly assist us in making the most profit. You can drop the water off by the office or in the cloak room.

Yard Sale
From 7:00 AM until 10:30 AM, there will be 20 spots available for a yard sale. The spots are $20 without us providing a table and $25 if we provide the table. This sale will be up on the new property close to the road. All the money from the sale of the spots will go to the FallFest total for that day. If you have some items to sell, make your plans to participate. You must pay in advance for your spot. Please see Judy Hayes to pay and reserve your spot.

The Country Store

The Country Store needs items donated. You can donate canned goods, homemade crafts, Christmas decorations, or homemade baked goods. They will also be selling clothing. Please contact Mertice Whitmore, Sarah Nelson, Judy Crocker or Bobby Brown (4763470) to help pick up items.

Heirloom Quilt
We are working on a special project of raising $2,000 to keep this quilt as an heirloom. We hope to display it in our new church building. This quilt was made by Sis. Brenda Parker out of neck ties from the men of our church. The money raised will also be used to purchase a case in which the quilt can be preserved as it is displayed. Wont you be part of helping us preserve such a wonderful art piece, as well as, help us raise money for our building fund? See Brad Burnett to donate towards this cause.

Basket Silent Auction

Each Sunday School Class and ministry is asked to make a Themed Basket for the silent auction. Wrap your basket in cellophane. It is important that you make a detailed list of all the items in the basket. Ideas for baskets are: Carwash Tools Fall/Harvest Christmas Baby Girl/Boy Kitchen Items Bath/Relaxing Items Pets Hobby

Baskets need to be dropped off no later than this Thursday. Bring them to the church office.

Silent Auction
See Brad Burnett soon if you have good items to donate to the Silent Auction. Look around your house and garage and see if there is something you could donate. You can call Brad at 415-3175.

Many of us may have some old gold, silver, and coins just lying around the house. Larry Elrod, who works at Inman Mills, is a numismatic expert on appraising values. If you wish, he is willing to appraise your items. This is another way we could raise money for our Building fund. Please, let the Lord direct you as you look through your items at home. Ask God what direction He would have you take to help this great cause.

A Note of Thanks
Special thanks to Susie Horne for donating the Coke Wagon in memory of Sis. Eva Grubbs. Ms. Hornes kindness will help us in our fundraising efforts. We are so THANKFUL for her act of generosity!!!!

Pastor and Ministers Appreciation Day October 23

We will be honoring and showing our love and appreciation to our Pastor & Ministers.

We will honor our:

Pastor Youth Ministers Childrens Ministers Music Ministers Senior Adult Minister Outreach Minister We will have lunch in the CLC after the morning worship service. Please join us and bring lunch just like you would fix for your family. We also would like for you to bring a card or letter expressing your love and appreciation to each of our ministers. Lets come out and let them know how much we really love and appreciate each one of them.

Prayer List

Heath Richards, Lucy Polson, James Wesley Owens, Larry Trotter, Tracy Grant, Waldon, Dan Tate, Brenda Crocker, Jerri Peavy, Johnny Waldon, Ruby Nell Watson, Tom Goen, Junior Bradley, Rick Lanford, Johnny Cochrell, Docia Sloan, Candace Jackson, Gerald Wilson, Nicholas Cobb, Jackson Matthews, Hazel Justice, Michael Neely, Larry Frazier, Dianne Roddy, John Knight, Mandy Mitchell, Arley Morgan, Jonus Fortner, Ashton Lancaster, Randy Greene, Rosa Richards, Doris Hoyt, Lee Armes, Shirley Owens Remember the family of Olin Morgan. Also remember those needing jobs, our Shut Ins and those in Nursing Homes.

October 27 -- is our monthly Joy Club meeting at 6:00PM in the CLC. Some of our men will be preparing a chicken stew for our meal. We will take care of the cost of the stew, but we do ask that you bring saltine crackers, drinks, and desserts. Please make sure that you sign-up so we will know how many to expect. Phil Weathers has been invited to sing for us at this meeting. As you know Phil is a wonderful singer and you will enjoy and be blessed by his singing.

Come join with us and bring someone with you.

Mainstream Ministry Club is going White Water Rafting down the Nantahala River Saturday October 22. The cost is $35 per person with money and waiver needed by Wednesday October 12th. This will be a great way to fellowship and experience what God has made! Please see Paul Lundberg for details.

October 15 Community Mens Breakfast at West End Baptist Church at 8:00 AM. Tim Davis will be the speaker. Jason Hayes will be singing and sharing his testimony. Come out before Fall Fest and join other men from our community for a great breakfast and an inspiring message. November 3 Band of Brothers monthly meeting at 6:00 PM in the dining room of the CLC. November 5 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conference from 8:30 4:55 in Charlotte, NC. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the hallway. The cost is $39 for men and $29 for students (ages 13 and up). The cost for lunch at the conference is $8. You must be signed up and have your money in to Jason Hayes by Sunday Oct. 23.

The Choir will wear all black this Sunday. October 30 -- Extra Choir practice at 5:00PM in the Wednesday night choir room. This is a very important Christmas practice. Everyone needs to be in attendance for this practice.

Thanks to everyone who sold items for our fundraiser. This first order was over $500.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We have a good many of the Komen for the Cure pink bracelets left from last year. We would like for our ladies to wear these for the month of October. If you kept yours from last year, please dont take another one. We want as many as can to support this worthy cause. October 30 is Pink Sunday. Note the date change. We will honor those who have survived Breast Cancer. We will also have brochures and a pink gift for all ladies over the age of 18. The Toy Closet items: We have enough footballs and Barbies. We really need items for older boys and girls ages 10-15. We need lotion/body wash packages, board games, socks, outdoor games, movies, shirts, underwear and pajamas for older children.

29October 29- Trunk or Treat

5:00PM 7:00PM
Come join us for fun and fellowship. We would like your help in filling the CLC parking lot with decorated cars. There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize for the winning cars. The children will Trick or Treat around to each car, so have lots of good candy to hand out. If you would like to decorate your car, please see Donna or Garren Burdette to sign up.

We also will be having a free hotdog supper for everyone in attendance.

Wednesday, October 12

Youth Praise & Worship5:50pM Youth Connection..6:00PM Youth Ignition7:00PM

Friday, October 14 Acts Student Ministries is having a Tailgating Party at the Woodruff High
School Football game. We will have food and prizes. Tailgating will start at 5:30pm and go up until kickoff. Come by the tent and join us. There is no charge for this event. See ya


Saturday, October 29 Trunk or Treat 5:00PM Then Haunted Trails at 7:00 PM. Sunday, October 30 Youth Service.

Volunteers are needed

We need Adult Help with the wonderful youth that attend our church on Wednesday nights. HELP IS NEEDED IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 1. Pre-Service help ( Help maintain the group before church from 5:50 until 7:00, then, if you wish, you can go to the Sanctuary for Bible Study.) 2. Service help ( Help from 7:00 until church is over. You can go to choir and then join us.) 3. Our New Avenue of Ministry-- Brown Bag Meals each Wednesday night. We need help preparing the food, bagging, distributing, and cleaning up. Please pray about this, and let the Lord direct you. Our youth program is growing and we need dedicated leaders in this area.

Ministry Leaders for This Week

Greeters Todd & Karen Rhodes SS Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles OShields and Bobby Brown Finance Committee -- Ryan Ballard and John Nemitz Usher Team # 3 Tracy Grant, Buddy Arnold, Lamar Crowe, Clint Letrourneau, Marion Simmons, Houston Cobb Wednesday Bus MinistryBus: Clint Letourneau & Craig Blackwell Van 1: Garren Burdette & Robert Laster Van 2: Tim & June Vassey Kiddie Church 2-5 year oldsFallfest Service Kiddie Church 6-12 year oldsFallfest Service Kidz Praise & Worship None (Fallfest Service) Kidz Drama Practice None (Fallfest Service) Nursery-- Wednesday Amy Arnold Sunday AM -- Ann Knight and Carrie Wallace Sunday PM --Fallfest Music Wednesday Kathy Arellano Sunday AM Adam, Brooke, & Stephanie Sunday PM Fallfest Service Praise Team Gold

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