CW Pharmacy Downtime Procedure
CW Pharmacy Downtime Procedure
CW Pharmacy Downtime Procedure
Site Applicability
• C&W Pharmacy
Practice Level/Competencies
• Pharmacists
• Pharmacy Technicians
The pharmacy is responsible for creating and maintaining at least 1 grey binder called the CST Downtime
Toolkit, which will contain:
• 724 Application
➢ Quick Reference Guide – see CST Cerner Help 724 Downtime Quick Reference Guide
➢ 724 Data Check Procedure – See CST Cerner Help 724 Data Check Procedure
If CST Cerner is down but the network is still functioning, users can access different systems
such as iClinic, CareConnect, iSite, PharmaNet, Medinet, and Excelleris.
• Please refer to the checklist below to ensure pharmacy is prepared for a planned downtime.
Incorporate this checklist for downtime as appropriate to your HO.
• Complete it when a 7-day IMITS Broadcast notification is issued for planned downtimes.
• Document downtime instructions for the Pharmacy when Cerner and / or OMNICELL is down.
Pharmacy Procedures
All highlighted documents should be available in the CST Downtime Toolkit.
Pharmacy areas are to follow the below steps during downtime events.
4. Order Entry Nurses – Regardless of length of service interruption, paper orders will be
verbal faxed to Pharmacy (generic order form: Prescribers Order (blank).
orders; or
Document # Published Date: 18-Feb-2022
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This is a controlled document for BCCH& BCW internal use only – see Disclaimer at the end of the document. Refer to online version as the print copy may not be current.
DOCUMENT TITLE: C&W Pharmacy Downtime Procedure
All paper orders must include the following information from the
• Date and time orders written
• Prescriber’s name and person taking verbal order (if applicable)
• Prescriber’s signature or signature of person taking verbal order
(if applicable)
Level 1 Downtime
(LESS THAN 2 hours)
For medications that are dispensed, record the following information
on the copy of the Physician’s order:
• Quantity of medication dispensed (enough to get to the next
refill or IV batch
• Initials of the Pharmacist or designee filling and/or checking the
• For IV orders, the start time of the order should be documented
Level 2 Downtime
(GREATER THAN 2 hours)
• Unit Dose Dispensing Areas: The pMARs (paper
Medication Administration Record) should immediately be
separated by room number, stapled, and placed in the
appropriate location per site specific procedures.
• For existing admissions, the Physician’s original order, faxed
or delivered to the pharmacy, will be used for filling orders.
• For new admissions, all new medication orders should be
kept together as they are received and filled. The number of
doses to be sent will be the number needed, to supply the
patient until the next refill list.
• The Pharmacy Distribution Coordinator will designate one staff member to maintain the downtime Code
Grey Box.
• If applicable, the Pharmacy Distribution Coordinator will provide the Pharmacy Manager with a brief
report of downtime events including an evaluation of the downtime procedures and any problems
encountered. This is specific to local site communication for any issues related to downtime.
# Workflow Role Recovery
Step Responsible
1. Medication Pharmacist • Medication orders that have been faxed (or delivered) to
Orders pharmacy during downtime will be back-entered into the patient
medication profile.
To ensure that the 724 computer is fully functional and usable during a downtime, complete the checklist of
activities below before a planned downtime:
Ensure the 724 downtime computer is always powered on and is connected to the network.
Do not hold down the power button to shut down the computer unless instructed by IMITS or Service
Desk for troubleshooting purposes. Pressing the power button to turn off the computer prevents it from
shutting down properly, and could potentially corrupt the patient downtime data that is locally installed
on it.
Check that the 724 computer is connected to the Universal Power Source (UPS). The UPS is
connected to a red plug that allows the computer to run on emergency power during a power outage.
See the diagram below for reference.
If a printer is connected to the 724 computer, check that the printer is also plugged into the Emergency
Power Outlet.
• All 724 computers should have regular data checks to ensure the 724 data is current in the event of a
• The 724 data check can be found at: The 724 data check procedure can be found here.
• The data check should be done weekly, to ensure current data is loaded on the 724 computers in case of
UNPLANNED downtimes.
• For PLANNED downtimes, a data check should be done 2-3 days before the downtime.
• If the data is not current, call Service Desk who will triage to CST Integrated Technologies.
Planned Downtime
• Occurs at a scheduled time to minimize impact to patient care.
• Scheduled to complete system maintenance or upgrades.
Unplanned Downtime
• Occurs unexpectedly.
• Length is unknown and dependent on the time required to identify and remediate the cause.
• Results from hardware failure, power outage, or network outage.
Related Documents
• 724 Downtime Quick Reference Guide
• 724 Data Check Procedure
Training Available
• 724Access Downtime Viewer Course id: 23890
Adding a patient to the system should be a rare occurrence. It is very important that you enter the
information correctly so that the patient information can be reconciled for proper billing.
Note: Contact your system administrator if patient names are not regularly displaying on the patient
lists as expected.
4. Enter the patient’s assigned account number if you know it. If you do not, enter as much information about
the patient as possible, such as date of birth, OR number, etc.
• MRN input: blanks entered between, leading, or trailing will be stripped off.
• PID input: leading or trailing blanks will be stripped off. Spaces in between are included in count.
These downtime procedures apply when the ADC is not communicating with the Server
The Omnicenter (Server) will not have the correct Quantity On Hand (QOH) at the cabinet level (i.e. what you
see in Omnicenter will not match the actual QOH at the cabinet level)
This downtime procedure is for accessing medication when an Omnicabinet is not connected to the
Omniserver due to local network issues or due to issues with the Omniserver.
Login to the affected Omnicell cabinet with the user: CWCODEGREY (password needs to be set up
and reset after each downtime) – CW generic user name [contingency] is in place and the only
function that can be performed is the override function. The password in physical form is stored in the
narcotic safe in an envelope titled: Critical Override Password. Direct patient care 24/7 units would
need the password in the event they have to apply the override function. They are to call the main
pharmacy for the password. This scenario occurs when pharmacy cannot log in remotely to the
OMNICELL cabinets (network outage).
6. Override permitted
7. Once uptime resumes, Pharmacy would reverse the overrides to regular functioning.