Freeman Dyson, The Mathematician: General Article
Freeman Dyson, The Mathematician: General Article
Freeman Dyson, The Mathematician: General Article
The one person who comes closest to the legacy of Hermann B Sury is with the Indian
Statistical Institute in
Weyl was Freeman Dyson, who contributed enormously to
Bengaluru. He is the National
both Physics and Mathematics. His books and talks are tes- Co-ordinator for the
taments to his prolificity in writing widely on the world at Mathematics Olympiad
large and on science and mathematics in particular. To name Programme in India, and also
the President of the Indian
a few of his books, he has (talked and) written on ‘Bombs and
Mathematical Society.
Poetry’, ‘Imagined Worlds’, ‘Origins of Life’ and ‘Birds and
Frogs’. Remarkably, Dyson contributed handsomely to what
is termed ‘pure mathematics’. One would expect a physicist-
mathematician to interest himself mainly in problems of an
‘applied’ nature. Here, we take a necessarily brief peek into
some of his ‘purely mathematical’ work. The suggested read-
ing at the end can be referred to for more details.
Vol.25, No.10, DOI:
Putting t = 0, we have
1= (1 − x j /xi )−1 .
j i:i, j
where the right hand side expression has terms where the variable
a j is reduced by 1 and other variables the same. If the sought for
constant term of f (x, a) is denoted by g(a), then
g(a) = g(a1 , · · · , a j − 1, · · · , an ) · · · (♠)
Clearly g(0, · · · , 0) = 1. Thus, (♠) along with the last two equal-
ities determine the general value g(a) recursively. The multino-
mial coefficient
( ai )!
M(a1 , · · · , an ) = Q i
i (ai )!
“A quasi-crystal is a distribution of discrete point masses whose Suppose that we find one
Fourier transform is a distribution of discrete point frequencies. of the quasi-crystals in
Or to say it more briefly, a quasi-crystal is a pure point distri- our enumeration with
properties that identify it
bution that has a pure point spectrum.... Here comes the con- with the zeros of the
nection of the one-dimensional quasi-crystals with the Riemann Riemann zeta-function.
hypothesis. If the Riemann hypothesis is true, then the zeros of Then we have proved the
Riemann Hypothesis and
the zeta-function form a one-dimensional quasi-crystal according
we can wait for the
to the definition. They constitute a distribution of point masses telephone call
on a straight line, and their Fourier transform is likewise a distri- announcing the award of
bution of point masses, one at each of the logarithms of ordinary the Fields Medal.
prime numbers and prime-power numbers.... My suggestion is
the following. Let us pretend that we do not know that the Rie-
mann Hypothesis is true. Let us tackle the problem from the other
end. Let us try to obtain a complete enumeration and classifica-
tion of one-dimensional quasicrystals. That is to say, we enumer-
ate and classify all point distributions that have a discrete point
spectrum...We shall then find the well-known quasi-crystals asso-
ciated with PV2 numbers, and also a whole universe of other qua- 2 Here PV stands for Pisot and
Here, Dyson came up with a brilliant idea. He looked at vari- Dyson looked at various
ous tables of partition functions and “guessed” the existence of a tables of partition
more esoteric hypothetical function he christens the ‘crank’ of a functions and “guessed”
the existence of a more
partition, which would explain the congruences for p(11n + 6). esoteric hypothetical
In 1988, George Andrews and Frank Garvan defined the crank of function he christened
a partition as follows. It is defined to be the largest part if the the ‘crank’ of a partition,
which would explain the
partition has no 1’s. If there are ω > 0 one’s in the partition,
congruences for
then the difference “(the number of its parts bigger than ω)—ω p(11n + 6).
is defined to be the crank. They showed that with this notion of
the crank, we have the correct analogue for p(11n + 6)/11 of the
above results with rank for p(5n + 4)/5 and p(7n + 5)/7.
5. Missed Opportunities
a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 = 0;
the above expression of Dyson for τ gives a formula for the 24-
th power of the eta function. Dyson discovered that there were
analogous formulae for η(x)d for
6. Tidbits
Write N = 3 2−3 for simplicity of notation and we will give two
labels for each coin as follows.
The N coins are numbered 1, 2 · · · , N and the first label of coin
i is its base 3 expansion in n-digits (if the number of digits is
less than n, one puts 0’s, in the beginning, to make it genuinely n
digits). The second label of the coin i is obtained by subtracting
the first label from the number 3n − 1 in base 3 (which consists of
n two’s). Thus, whichever digit in the first label is 0 becomes 2
in the second label and vice versa; the digits 1 remain the same.
In this manner, each coin gets two labels and any n-digit base 3
number (other than the same digit repeated n times) can occur
just once as a label. Among the two labels of any coin, one calls
‘clockwise’, if the first change of digit starting from the left-most
digit takes either 0 to 1 or 1 to 2 or 2 to 0. Otherwise, it is called
anticlockwise. Thus, for any coin, one label is clockwise and the
other is anticlockwise. For each i ≤ n, we divide the set of coins
into 3 sets C(i, 0), C(i, 1), C(i, 2) where C(i, d) is made up of the
set of all those coins whose clockwise label has digit d int he
i-th place form the left. Note that since the cyclic permutation
0 7→ 1, 1 7→ 2, 2 7→ 0 maps C(i, 0) to C(i, 1), C(i, 1) to C(i, 2) and
C(i, 2) to C(i, 0), these sets are equinumerous; that is,
|C(i, d)| = N/3 ∀ i ≤ n, d = 0, 1, 2.
The algorithm is described as follows.
At the i-th weighing, the coins for C(i, 0) and C(i, 2) are placed
on the left side and the right side of the pan respectively. The set
C(i, 1) is kept aside.
We define the number ai to be 0, 1 or 2 according as to whether
the left side is heavier, both are equal or the right is heavier in the
i-th weighing.
Consider the number A = 3n−1 a1 + 3n−2 a2 + · · · + 3an−1 + an .
From the i-th weighing, it is clear then that the defective coin is
heavier and its clockwise label has ai as its i-th digit, or lighter
and its anticlockwise label has ai as its i-th digit.
Therefore, after n weighings, we know all the ai ’s and the coin
In 1951, Dyson came up with a very clever argument to prove that In 1951, Dyson came up
corresponding to any continuous function f defined from the 2- with a very clever
dimensional unit sphere S 2 to the real numbers, one can find two argument to prove that
corresponding to any
orthogonal diameters so that f takes the same value at all the four continuous function f
endpoints (which, of course, form the vertices of a square). The defined from the
result turns out actually to be equivalent to the general case when 2-dimensional unit
sphere S 2 to the real
orthogonality of diameters can be replaced with the condition that
numbers, one can find
they meet at any given angle. More precisely, Dyson’s theorem is two orthogonal
equivalent to: diameters so that f takes
For ant continuous function f : S 2 → R, and any fixed positive the same value at all the
four endpoints.
real number r with 0 < r < 2, there are points x, y ∈ S 2 at
distance r so that f takes the same value at x, −x, y, −y.
In 1955, C. Yang generalized Dyson’s theorem to general dimen-
sions; he showed:
For any positive integers n, d and any continuous function from
S dn to Rd , there exist n mutually orthogonal diameters whose 2n
endpoints are mapped to the same point.
The special case n = 1 is the well known Borsuk–Ulam theorem.
The theorem of Dyson on four points on a sphere is directly re-
lated to the ‘stable table’ problem.
A rectangular table placed on a slightly inclined floor (but one
which is continuous) that wobbles as not all legs are resting, can
be brought to a stable position simply by a rotation.
This is a form of the intermediate value theorem but more pre-
cisely follows from a 1954 theorem of Livesay that (generalizes
Dyson’s theorem from the square case and) asserts: For any con-
tinuous function f defined on the unit sphere, we can position a
given rectangular table with all its vertices on the sphere such
that f takes on the same value at all four vertices.
Dyson’s work on number Dyson’s work on number theory often led him to discover as
theory often led him to byproducts results of totally different flavours. One such discov-
discover as byproducts
ery was a theorem in algebraic topology of independent interest
results of totally different
flavours. One such that stems from his work on the product of four inhomogeneous
discovery was a theorem forms. This topological result, which addresses simplicial homol-
in algebraic topology of ogy groups is too technical to recall here in its full generality, but
independent interest that
it is a generalization of an easier to state theorem due to Lebesgue.
stems from his work on
the product of four Lebesgue’s result asserts that if an open subset of Rn is covered
inhomogeneous forms. by a finite number of closed sets of sufficiently small diameter,
then some n + 1 of them must have a common point.
In 1995, Olivier Ramare proved that every even integer is a sum In 1995, Olivier Ramare
of at the most 6 prime numbers. A crucial lemma that went into proved that every even
integer is a sum of at the
his proof was due to Dyson, and is now known as the Dyson trans-
most 6 prime numbers.
form; it permits us to ‘transform’ elements from one summand to A crucial lemma that
another. More precisely, this is the following Lemma: went into his proof was
Let A = {a1 < a2 < · · · }, B = {0 = b1 < b2 < · · · } be sequences of due to Dyson, and is now
known as the Dyson
non-negative integers. For any e ∈ A, define
A′ = A ∪ (B + e), B′ = B ∩ (A − e).
(A ∩ [1, m]) + (B ∩ [1, m − e]) = (A′ ∩ [1, m]) + (B′ ∩ [1, m − e]).
Suggested Reading
[1] F J Dyson, Some guesses in the theory of partitions, Eureka, (Cambridge) Vol.8,
pp.10–15, 1944.
[2] F J Dyson, Mappings and symmetries of partitions, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A,
Vol.51, pp.169–180, 1989.
[3] F J Dyson, Birds and Frogs, Notices of the Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.56, No.2,
pp.212–223, 2009.
[4] F J Dyson, Statistical theory of the energy levels of complex systems – I, Journal Address for Correspondence
of Mathematical Physics, Vol.3, pp.140–156, 1962. B Sury
[5] F J Dyson, Missed opportunities, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.78, pp.635–652, Stat-Math Unit
1972. Indian Statistical Institute
[6] F G Garvan, New combinatorial interpretations of Ramanujan’s partition con- 8th Mile Mysore Road
gruences mod 5, 7 and 11, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.305, pp.47–77, 1988. Bengaluru 560 059 India.
[7] F G Garvan, The crank of partitions mod 8, 9 and 10, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Email: [email protected]
Vol.322, pp.79–94, 1990.