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Section 2 PMP

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HSE / Environmental Plans

‫الــرائـــدة للمــــقـــــاوالت االلكتــــروميــكــانيــكيـــة‬
‫‪Tel: 02-6435454‬‬ ‫هاتف‪02-6435454 :‬‬
‫‪Fax: 02-6436033‬‬ ‫فاكس‪02-6436033 :‬‬
‫‪P.O. Box:55121‬‬ ‫ص‪.‬ب‪55121:‬‬
‫‪Abu Dhabi-UAE‬‬ ‫أبو ظبي‪ -‬أ‪.‬ع‪.‬م‬


Table of Contents

Element No. Description

General Details of Project Organization
Revision History & Approvals
Table of Contents
Introduction - Description of the Scope Work
ELEMENT-1 Leadership and Commitment Page -6
ELEMENT-2 Policy and Objectives Page -7
A Policy Statement
ELEMENT-3 Organization, Resources & Competence Page -9
A HSE Organization
B HSE professional & responsibility
C Sub- Contractors
E HSE Competency Requirements
F HSE Communication
G HSE Meeting Program
H HSE Promotion and Awareness
I Employee Orientation Program
J HSE Training ( General/In-house )
K HSE Training ( Professional/ Third Party )
A Methods and procedures for hazards and effects management
B Assessment of exposure of the work force to hazards and effects.
C Material DATA sheet for safe handling of Chemicals
D Hazards and effects management and the assessment of PPE Requirements
E Method and procedures for waste management.
A HSE Standards
B HSE Legislation
C HSE procedures applicable to the project including layout, drawing and etc.
D Basic HSE Rules
E Emergency Response Procedures
F HSE Requirements and Equipment HSE Inspection
G Occupational Health
H Environment

Element No. Description
I Road & Transport
A HSE Performance – General
B Incident Investigation

CPAR Corrective/ Preventive Action Report synonymous to NCR
EAD Emirate of Abu Dhabi
OSHAD-SF Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety and Health
EHSMS Environment, Health and Safety Management System
EMS Environmental Management System
ERT Emergency Response Team
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITP Inspection and Testing Plan
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
NCR Non-Conformance Report synonymous to CPAR
PTW Permit to work
OSH&E Occupational Safety, Health and Environment
OSHAS Occupational Safety, and Health Administration System
EHSMS Environment Health & Safety Management System
OSHMS Occupational Safety, and Health Management System
CP Competent Person



This plan defines the scope of CONTRACTOR’s Health, Safety and Environment Management Plan (HSE
PLAN) and provide a linkage of system documents to the various elements of the ISO 14001:2004 and
OHSAS 18001:2007 standards, and COMPANY/ADWEA/ADDC HSE Management System, to ensure that
all aspects of Health, Safety & Environmental legislation are complied with to assure the Health and Safety
of all person employed on the site, all visitors to the site and anyone who may be affected by the works
on or off site in meeting the requirements of the contract.

This plan expresses the intent of CONTRACTOR to, as far as reasonably practicable, create and maintain
a safe and healthy working environment throughout the project. CONTRACTOR is committed to process
of continual safety improvement throughout all areas of operation. During the execution of the project, the
plan shall be continually reviewed to ensure that the Contract as well as other relevant health, safety and
environment laws and requirements are complied with accordingly. Where identified as necessary, the
plan shall be updated and improved so that HSE issues are addressed and resolved. Revisions to this
HSEP shall only be made after consultation with the Project Manager and COMPANY’s representative.

It is also the intention of CONTRACTOR to conduct all of its operations in such a manner as to minimize
any possible actions that may endanger or harm the environment. CONTRACTOR will follow all local and
internationally accepted compliance standards to prevent pollution or environmental damage to the lands,
water and air.


Think First Before You Act


The WORKS shall include replacement of chillers, Modification of electrical panels. modifications for
existing MV switchgears, installation of new MV panels and required changes in the MV rooms, obtaining
of authority approvals, preparation of Shop Drawings, Procurement, supply of all manpower, material,
fittings, and equipment necessary for the proper operation of the complete installed system as well as the
production of As-Built DRAWINGS and maintenance manuals As detailed in this Scope of WORK. The
Design and Construction shall comply with local laws and regulations. As a minimum, the Design and
Construction of the facility shall be in accordance with the codes and standards for such facilitates.

The scope of work shall be for the following:

 Engineering management and execution

 Lifting Activities
 Transport activities
 Survey and marking
 Civil Works
 Hvac works
 Plumbing works
 Installation of electrical equipment
 Termination and jointing of cables
 Testing and commissioning
 Other works not mentioned but essential to complete the work.

The design and method of installation and erection shall follow ADWEA Standard Specifications, ADDC
Standards, Data Sheets and Drawings.

All installation and commissioning work, etc. shall be coordinated with all contractors who work for

Projects related to the subject and in particular with COMPANY’s Engineer. The closest cooperation related
to PTW/shutdown of circuits/equipment shall be in accordance with
COMPANY/ADDC/ADCD/MUNCIPALITY practices/regulations and the works are to be executed
thoroughly within the approved shut down schedule. The shutdown and load

Transfer should be arranged in coordination with COMPANY’s staff to avoid or minimize the interruption
period. The work shall include the requisites and engineering solutions to finish the entire work
appropriately and on schedule. The equipment installed shall be completed as planned and all the
necessary items installed shall create the equipment to operate properly.

Principal Element of HSE Plan

The principal elements of the plan are derived from COMPANY’S “Annexure N” (HSE Requirements) and
OSHAD-SF (Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Safety System Framework).

These are:

 Scope of Work
 Leadership and commitment
 Policy and objectives
 Organization, resources and competence
 Evaluation and Risk Management
 Planning, Standards and Procedures
 Implementation and monitoring
 Audit and review


CONTRACTOR management is committed in fulfilling its Mission, Vision and Values of which HSE is an
integral component.

Our Mission, Vision and Values for HSE shall be achieved through the leadership and commitment of
CONTRACTOR management. For the purposes of this section the term “management” refers to project
and above.

CONTRACTOR management shall provide strong visible leadership to promote a culture in which all
employees share a commitment to HSE. They shall do this through setting a personal example,
demonstrating commitment to implementing the HSE PLAN, communicating HSE expectations with
employees, discussing and reviewing progress against specific HSE targets and demonstrating personal
participation in HSE activities.

CONTRACTOR management seeks to create and sustain a culture in which all employees share a
commitment to HSE. All employees and our contractors shall be involved in creating and maintaining this
supportive culture.

Management commitment to HSE is further demonstrated by:

Ensuring that the necessary manpower and financial resources are provided; with relevant milestone and
reviews identified within the Business Plan.

Communicating with our HSE policy, objectives, requirements and expectations to employees and our

Discussing and reviewing with employees and contractors the progress made against specific ‘results’
and ‘activity’ HSE targets.

Management shall evaluate all HSE aspects of business decisions before final decisions are reached. The
decisions shall be consistent with the HSE policy and objectives. Conflict between HSE and other business
parameters shall be effectively balance towards as low as reasonably practicable risk management.

Procedure for Leadership and Commitment


Provide strong, visible leadership and
commitment to HSE management. All Managers

Fully integrate HSE considerations in to the

project Planning and decision making General Manager

Be fully aware of the HSE risks associated

with CONTRACTOR’s activities and the Project Manager/ HSE Engineer /Site
systems, procedures and field practices in Engineer
place to manage the risk.

Allocate adequate resources to develop,

operate, comply with and maintain the HSE Project Manager/ HSE Engineer
Regularly attend and chair HSE meetings. All Managers
Promote HSE issues and plans in company
Project Manager / Site Engineer
Ensure remedial actions for HSE issues are
Project Manager
identified and actions tracked.
Conduct workplace HSE inspections.
PE/HSE/Site Engineer
Conduct management walk around.
Project Manager /HSE Engineer/Site Engineer
Keeping employees committed and
motivated through a regular HSE information Project Manager/ HSE Engineer
and feedback System.
Develop pro-active HSE targets underpinned
by action plans. Project Manager/ HSE Engineer


A. HSE Policy Statement

CONTRACTOR’s HSE policy is endorsed by its Director. The policy covers all activities at the
CONTRACTOR’s Projects and sites. The policy includes a commitment to continual improvement and
prevention of pollution and occupational health and safety, as well as a commitment to meet or exceed
relevant legislation, regulations and other requirements. The policy will be reviewed annually by top

Management, communicates to all employees and made available to the public in accordance with
the communication procedures adopted.

HSE Goals & Objectives

The HSE goal during execution is to have an accident/ incident free project by:

 Identify risk to health, safety and the environment, develop mitigation plans and
communicate these risks to the workforce.
 Reinforce safe work practices
 Ensure subcontractors comply with Company’s requirements.
 Audit for compliance
 Meet action plan for Internal/ External Audits.
 An injury free workplace
 Personnel health & well being
 A secure workplace
 Environmental Compliance
 Waste Minimization
 Efficient contingency plans and resources
 Trained and competent workforce

HSE Policy

Specific Objectives of the Contractor’s HSE Policy

 Prompt accident notification investigation and reporting.

 The establishment and maintaining of Healthy, Safe and Productive Working
 Protection of property equipment and material from all down grading incidents.
 Protection of Environment by removing all hazardous wastes and by proper
 The integral part of effective management in industry is awareness that high
standards of Health, Safety & Environment is required.
 The HSE committee should be established at each working location in order that, full
consideration has been taken place between employees and management to ensure

That employee derives the maximum advantage from Health, Safety & Environment
standards, set in herewith.
 There should not be any employee to be found to have been negligent in the matter
of Health, Safety & Environment or have contributed to accident through personnel
neglect, then that person will be subjected to a Disciplinary Procedure which could
result in dismiss

Zero Accident tolerance Policy

All endeavors to adopt a zero accident tolerance attitude to any occurrence threaten the Health, Safety
& Environment of our work force and the general public. The management is committed to achieving
and sustaining "ZERO ACCIDENT TOLERANCE" through continues improvement practices.


 No Workplace Injuries and Occupational Diseases.

 No Accidents
 Promote HSE as an integral part of our day –to-day activities; spread Health, Safety
and Environment plan throughout the organization.
 Enhance employee awareness and involvement in Health, Safety & Environment
program implementation.

 Optimize the use of continuous improvement practices as the basis for

"Zero accident tolerance" initiative.
 Eliminate all Environmental impacts aspects.



CONTRACTOR will ensure an effective HSE organization exists on site & that it will be monitored &
implemented by the project Manager. The overall coordination and implementation of the HSE Policy
and the HSE System on site will be through the HSE plan and the second level procedure for the
project. Site Organization chart shall be visible and site purpose refers to Appendix ‘B’.


Project Manager

 Maintain an organization to support and advice on HSE Plan implementation and HSE
performance improvement
 Be responsible for HSE Plan implementation in the Project
 Manage the identification and assessment of HSE risks for the activities which he is

 Identify HSE problems relating to the execution of HSE critical activities (and other HSE
activities) and initiate preventative and corrective actions
 Provide visual leadership and commitment to the health and safety of employees, protection
of the environment and prevention of loss
 Interfacing with COMPANY upon commissioning stage.

HSE Engineer

HSE Engineer Shall be responsible for the implementation, maintenance and monitoring of the HSE
Plan and procedures on site. The Site HSE Engineer shall report to the Project Manager in respect of
all HSE matters. This shall include arranging all necessary inductions and toolbox talks and reviewing
all method statements to ensure that they comply with the HSE Plan requirements. In addition the Site
HSE Engineer will monitor all site activities and will report any HSE events immediately inform to the
Project Manager who will then determine the appropriate action to be taken, in conjunction with the
representatives of the Owner/ Engineer.

 Facilitate analysis of all major hazards prior to commencement of the project, and ensure
that Hazard control measures are implemented.
 Liaise with project management for information pertaining to forecasted activities in order to
plan all HSE requirements prior to commencement of activities.
 Ensure that arrangements for adequate fire precaution and emergency response are
implemented, and facilitate periodic drills to test the effectiveness of the current
 Ensure that suitable and sufficient risk assessments are carried out, and facilitate Job
Safety Analysis for hazardous works for activities undertaken by and Subcontractor
 Ensure that written safe systems of work are produced and implemented prior to
commencement of hazardous activities that are undertaken by and Subcontractor personnel.
Safe systems of work shall be based on the output of suitable and sufficient risk
 Ensure that adequate first Aid provision is provided for and Subcontractor employees. First
Aid provision shall be based on the output of suitable and sufficient risk assessment.
 Ensure competency and verify training records of and Subcontractor employees and provide
project specific training where necessary.
 Ensure that HSE communications systems are effectively implemented to convey all HSE
information throughout the project organization. Ensure that all significant HSE are
communicated to Project Manager.
 Facilitate weekly HSE meetings.
 Produce HSE statistical reports based on the project HSE performance and determine and
Implement corrective action initiatives based on statistical trend analysis.
 Coordinate HSE audit and inspection schedules to ensure that members and Subcontractor
management and supervision are incorporated into the project active monitoring program.
 Ensure that all accidents/incidents are reported to COMPANY.

 Ensure that all accident, incidents and near misses are adequately investigated. Produce
written reports depicting the immediate and route causes along with preventative

 Plan procurement of PPE & Safety devices & ensure that all PPE used on site conforms to
the guidance laid down in the PPE Procedure. PPE shall only be used as a last resort in the
control of project hazards, with priority given to elimination of the hazard at source.
 Ensure that all HSE arrangements laid down in the Health and Safety Plan and associated
HSE Procedures are adhered to by all and subcontractor personnel.
 HSE Engineer shall be making ensure that all the workers entering to site should have valid
Emirate ID, Without Emirate ID no worker shall be entering to site.
 HSE Engineer should make ensure that client /visitor complying with PPE at site.

Site Engineers :

Participate in the analysis of all major hazards prior to commencement of the project, and ensure that
hazard control measures are implemented.

 Ensure that the arrangements for fire precaution and emergency response are adhered to,
and assist in the coordination of periodic drills to test the effectiveness of the current
 Ensure that suitable and sufficient risk assessments are carried out, and participate in Job
Safety Analysis for hazardous work in conjunction with the Hazard Identification and Risk
Analysis Procedure.
 Ensure that written safe systems of work (Method Statements) are produced and
implemented prior to commencement of hazardous activities undertaken by and
Subcontractor personnel.
 Ensure competency and provide EHS Engineer with training records of and Subcontractor
employees under his control.
 Contribute to the HSE communications system by providing the EHS Engineer with any
significant information/learning pertaining to the project.
 Participate in weekly HSE meetings and ensure that any HSE actions that are allocated to
them are closed out in a reasonable time scale.
 Provide the EHS Engineer with all relevant information to be included in the HSE statistical
reports. Actively participate in audit and inspection schedules and ensure that all scheduled
audits and inspections are carried out within the prescribed deadline
 Ensure that all accidents/incidents are reported to the EHS Engineer immediately.
 Participate in accident/incident investigations and provide information to the EHS Engineer to
be included into written accident/incident reports.
 Monitor the effectiveness of PPE used by and Subcontractor personnel. Ensure that all PPE
that has been issued is being used correctly.
 Report to EHS Engineer on all matters pertaining to HSE at site level.
 Provide suggestions to the HSE Officer to design campaigns, competitions and other special
emphasis programs to promote safety on the project.
 Ensure that all HSE arrangements laid down in the Health and Safety Plan and associated
HSE Procedures are adhered to by all subcontractor personnel.
 Ensure that periodic tests, inspections and maintenance are carried out in accordance with
the Vehicle, Equipment Operation and Maintenance Procedure. Attend promptly to all Site
defects and inform site management to the need for dangerous plant to be put out of service
until it can be properly repaired and is made fit for purpose.

 Check that hired machinery is safe and that, where appropriate, copies of current test
certificates is available.

First Aider

 Placing an unconscious casualty into the recovery position

 Performing Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
 Stopping bleeding using pressure and elevation
 Manage the incident and ensure the continuing safety of themselves, bystanders and the
 Assess casualties and find out the nature & cause of their injuries
 Arrange for further medical help or other emergency services to attend (e.g.: the fire service)
 If trained, priorities casualties based upon medical need
 Provide appropriate first aid treatment as trained
 If able, make notes/observations of casualties
 Fill out any paperwork as required
 Provide a handover when further medical help arrives
 Providing first aid Treatment at site for minor injuries.
 Reporting to HSE Engineer / Project Manager in case of serious injuries or emergency.

Emergency Response Team leader:

 Raising the alarm

 Inform the Project HSE Engineer and Project Manager
 Coordinate his team to face emergency situation
 Bring workers out and take roll.
 Inform to first aider and Emergency vehicle
 Complete and turn in “Drill/Emergency Status Report”.
 Keeps all doorways, hallways, and stairwells safe and clear.
 Implements “buddy” system with neighboring Engineers & supervisors
 Help runners locate Workers being picked up and direct them to the “Assembly Point or Safe

Competent Person

The Competent Person shall be either the PM down to the Supervisor Level in order to comply with
the concerned entity in getting the required permits and authorized company representation to work
near or on the entity’s equipment. The Competent Person duties and responsibilities are:

 To prepare the necessary permits in the conduct of the work activities.

 To receive the safety documents from the entity’s Authorized Person and oversee the project
work activities are within the required entity’s QHSE standards
 To ensure that all the permit requirements and restrictions are implemented before any type
of work activities commences.
 To identify hazards and assist the HSE Engineer.
 To be always at site during work activities on excavation work, jointing and termination
work, and testing and commissioning work


Ensure that the CONTRACTOR arrangements for fire precaution and emergency response are adhered
to, and assist in the coordination of periodic drills to test the effectiveness of the current arrangements.

 Ensure that suitable and sufficient risk assessments are carried out, and participate in Job
Safety Analysis for hazardous work.
 Assist in the production of written safe systems of work are produced and implemented
prior to commencement of hazardous activities undertaken by CONTRACTOR and
Subcontractor personnel.
 Carry out toolbox talks to respective workgroups and ensure that workers are fully aware of
the HSE requirements associated with their work.
 Ensure competency and provide Subcontractor Representative with training records of
Subcontractor employees upon request
 Contribute to the CONTRACTOR HSE communications system by providing the
Subcontractor Representative with any significant information/learning pertaining to the
 Participate in weekly CONTRACTOR HSE meetings and ensure that any HSE actions that are
allocated to them are closed out in a reasonable time scale.
 Provide the Subcontractor Representative with all relevant information to be included in HSE
statistical reports. Cooperate with the Subcontractor and HAGCC EHS Engineers and assist
with the implementation of HSE corrective action initiatives when required.
 Actively participate in audit and inspection schedules and ensure that all scheduled audits
and inspections are carried out within the prescribed deadline
 Ensure that all accidents/incidents are reported to the CONTRACTOR EHS Engineer
 Participate in accident/incident investigations and provide information to the Subcontractor
Representative to be included into written accident/incident reports.
 Monitor the effectiveness of PPE used by Subcontractor personnel. Ensure that all PPE that
has been issued is being used correctly.
 Report to Subcontractor Representative on all matters pertaining to HSE at site level.
 Provide suggestions to the Subcontractor Representative to design campaigns, competitions
and other special emphasis programs to promote safety on the project.
 Ensure that all HSE arrangements laid down in the CONTRACTOR Health and Safety Plan
and associated HSE Procedures are adhered to by all subcontractor personnel.
 Verify that all Equipment’s received at the site is safe and fully efficient; is guarded and
equipped with safety devices and is tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidance.
 Check that hired machinery is safe and that, where appropriate, copies of current test
certificates is available.
 Incorporate safety and health instructions in routine orders and see that they are obeyed.
 Restrain men from taking unnecessary risks.
 Ensure that new employees, particularly apprentices, learn to take safety and health
 Commend workmen who, by action or initiative, eliminate hazards.

 Discourage horseplay and reprimand those who consistently fail to consider their own
wellbeing and that of others around them.
 Identify the Hazards for the activities and carry out the analysis in order to avoid any kind of
Incidents at workplace area.
 Supervisor should be complying with Permit to work system. Supervisor shall obtained the
PTW to start the work and shall be closed at the end of day after monitoring work place


Whenever a new staff member arrives, he meets the Division at head, who arranges to give division
specific induction and the employee's job descriptions are explained to him.

 Safety induction shall be provided by one of the HSE Department representative

 New employee is introduced to all concerned by administration officer and his position is
communicated to all concerned in the form of a circular if found appropriate by the
Divisional Head.
 All new workmen are provided with general induction by personnel department and safety
induction is done by the concerned safety engineer.
 Whenever an employee is transferred to a new location, he shall be provided with a site
specific safety induction by the concerned engineer.
 When an employee is promoted, his additional responsibilities (with specific reference to
safety) shall be communicated to him by a HSE representative.

Client / Visitors

All visitors and newcomers to the site will be required to notify the CONTRACTOR’s Site HSE Engineer
of their presence. They will then be provided Mandatory PPE and site safety induction which will
include a review of HSE awareness, the requirements of the HSE Plan, and any specific HSE
requirements including actions In respect of certain HSE events and precautions required. Client /
Visitor shall comply with Mandatory PPE which shall be provided By JAM, while entering to the site.


The selection and appointment of a new contractor shall be reviewed through supplier audit to ensure
their competency to complete the roles to be appointed to undertake and have appropriate resources.
While introducing a new sub-contractor, the will be issued a copy of all the safety requirements, related
to his activities by the site in-charge. They shall be asked to give a copy of the insurance coverage
towards workmen compensation. A pre job safety meeting shall be conducted
to explain all the specific safety requirements to be followed and the minutes shall be recorded in the
presence of a HSE representative.

Control of subcontractors- General

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the supervision of sub-contractors & Their Employees,
employed on this contract, and for their health and safety.

To ensure that they follow the requirements of this HSE plan. This will be monitored and enforced by
the CONTRACTOR Site EHS Engineer and any deviation will be immediately rectified. Each sub-
contractor representative will attend an induction course and will be supplied with a copy of the site
HSE manual and required to sign as having received and understood same. Records are to be kept at

CONTRACTOR has duty to care for their subcontractors and their employees’ Health and Safety and
Sub Contractor has to comply with CONTRACTOR HSE Plan. The sub-contractors representatives will
be closely monitored by the CONTRACTOR’s Site HSE Engineer. Employees are also required to
comply with their obligations under environmental considerations and this Construction Health, Safety
and Environmental Plan Each employee will be required to have attended a site induction HSE meeting

Prior to starting on site, records of which to be kept at site.

Contractors shall be required to provide sufficient documentation to demonstrate the existence and
effectiveness of their HSE management system. This shall include but not be limited to, the following:

 Accident and Incidents statistics

 A demonstrative system to comply with all applicable legislative requirements
 A documented system for specific task and working environments (e.g. procedures and
work instructions)
 Records of HSE Training
 Records of HSE Audits and inspections
 Records of Employees competency
 Records of Prosecutions and improvement and prohibition notices (if any)
 Insurances - work covers and indemnity Management of Visitors


JAM ensure that employees are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and/or
experience process to identify and evaluate OSH competency requirements, including:

 Relevant OSH competencies- JAM shall represent Qualified and competent HSE Engineer.
 Task-specific competences- All employees doing specific Task such as Testing &
Commissioning, Operating machinery, Electrical cable joint and termination etc. shall be
competent and certified.
 Methods of assessing competencies-CONTRACTOR are assessing the competency
according to their qualification and experience .Competency Training is provided to the
employees subjected to the specific work activity.

 Process to record competencies- CONTRACTOR Maintaining Training and competency Log

for record and updated regular basis.
 Maintaining and improving competencies- CONTRACTOR has procedure to maintain and
improving the competency of the employee. Adequate External & Eternal Training is being
provided to the employees to improve their weak area and better performance.


The CONTRACTOR has established and will maintain different means of communications for internal
and external communication regarding environmental aspects, hazards and associated risks and its
HSE Plan. CONTRACTOR ensures that all employees and contractors are aware of the:

HSE Internal Communication are :-

 HSE mission statement, policy and strategic plan

CONTRACTOR’s HSE policy Statement shall assist to define and communicate the direction
of the safety process and will provide a reference for making HSE decisions. A HSE strategic
plan shall communicate the objectives and priorities that are aligned with the overall HSE

 HSE statistics

CONTRACTOR shall communicate its performance through graphs of lost time, medical
treatments, workers compensation rates, severity and incident rates, and positive
performance indicators. These are used to facilitate continual improvement and enhance the
accountability of line management for meeting an organization’s HSE objectives.

 Safety induction

CONTRACTOR shall be provided through HSE practitioners and supervisors on site rules and
requirements, emergency procedures and incident reporting to enable new employees,
visitors and contractors to carry out their duties in a safe manner from the moment they
come on site.

 Risk assessment

CONTRACTOR shall be at risk without realising it. Some hazards such as heat, chemicals and
moving parts communicate an immediate threat of injury. However, the risk cannot always be
perceived, e.g., carbon monoxide is highly toxic and has no smell. A risk assessment can
Help identify workplace hazards that pose a risk to people and the environment, assess the
magnitude of those risks, and apply controls to mitigate risk.

 Manuals, checklists and operating procedures

CONTRACTOR’s safety manual consolidates the rules and requirements for working safely.
Checklists can used be as ‘checking tools’ (e.g., inspection checklists) or guideline tools (e.g.,
operating checklists) to help prevent incidents and miscommunications, increase hazard
reporting, better operate equipment, and make informed decisions about operation.
Maintenance logbooks provide a historical profile of plant and machinery. Operating
procedures provide advice on acceptable/safe work practices. The lock-out or tag-out of faulty
equipment or work in progress can communicate potential danger.

 Incidents and Near-misses

CONTRACTOR Communicating the results of a hazard or incident investigation demonstrates

management commitment in identifying and addressing underlying causes to prevent a
recurrence. The involvement of employees in suggesting strategies to prevent a recurrence
encourages ownership of the solution(s) and a desire to implement the recommendations. It
is important to have on-going campaigns to encourage the reporting of incident and injuries
as many employees will not report for fear of recrimination. This may be the case in some
professions where injuries are regarded as part of the job. Reporting near-misses ensures
remedial actions are implemented prior to an incident causing injury or ill health. Safety alerts
draw attention to issues that may require immediate attention.

 Training

Training shall be conducted to respond to gaps in knowledge (proactive approach), to target

high-risk groups or areas (reactive approach), and to adjust perception of risk. Programs that
work are applicable to lifestyles both at and away from the workplace, e.g., personal fitness,
hygiene, cancer awareness, workplace stress. To instil positive attitudes and behaviours
toward HSE, proactive programs must be designed with staff’s needs in mind.

Training in safe work methods should involve raising employee’s awareness of their true
values towards health and safety. For example, employees may believe that they value cutting
corners to get to a meal break because they have not consciously considered their more long-
term values. Long-term values include being able to work without injury so they can continue
to provide for their family. An effective tool is to ask employees to consider what they truly
value more, overriding a machine guard to finish the job earlier (at the risk of being severely
injured) or working safely to be able to continue to provide for their family.

 Tool Box Talk

A Toolbox Talk is an informal safety meeting that focuses & communicates on safety topics
related to the specific job, such as workplace hazards and safe work practices. Meetings are

Normally short in duration and are generally conducted at the job site prior to the
commencement of a job or work shift. It is one of the very effective methods to refresh
workers' knowledge, cover last minute safety checks, and exchange information with the
experienced workers. Toolbox Talks are also intended to facilitate health and safety
discussions on the job site and promote your organization’s safety culture. Toolbox
talks/meetings are sometimes referred to as tailgate meetings or safety briefings.
CONTRACTOR shall conduct daily TBT before start the work.

 External Communication :

External Communication received from legal bodies, suppliers, and other interested parties
are recorded and a brief description of the nature of the feedback to ensure receiving,
documenting and responding to external communication can take any of the following forms;
1. Official Letters
2. Emails
3. Telephone
4. HSE Posters I Signage
Safety Posters will be used to make employees and visitors I external parties aware of Hazards
and the correct Safety Practices. Separate Safety Bulletin Boards will be provided at A
prominent place On the site and will contain pertinent information on HSE matters.
CONTRACTOR will provide a different type of HSE Posters and Signage's at the main Gate and
different location on temporary fence where applicable to make the Public; .aware of
CONTRACTOR Operation (example of the Posters Signage's are: Site safety Rule, Visitors
Rule, mandatory PPE).Under the Special circumstances CONTRACTOR will also use different
methodology for public awareness which Includes letters, e-mails, memos, Safety notices,
Safety induction trainings etc.


Meetings will be conducted to motivate staff and contractors to be more aware of HSE management
(Policy & Objectives) and to develop an HSE culture through positive behavior reinforcement. Informal
meetings shall occur at least on daily basis and must include:

 Weekly HSE Meeting

A weekly HSE meeting will held once a week with COMPANY Representatives, Project
Manager, Site HSE Engineer, Site Engineers, Site Supervisors & Sub-Cont. key person to
communicate safety matters and site related activity.


Apart from providing internal training, increasing HSE Awareness and consciousness of people
working on site are introduced. These schemes were developed as to recognize human factors in
controlling risk, statistics shows that human factors/ errors contributed to most of the accidents on
sites. It covers a wide range of issues, which includes perpetual mental and physical capabilities of
people and the interaction with individuals with their job and working environment, the influence of
equipment and system designs on human performance, and the organizational characteristic that
influence safety related behavior at work.

CONTRACTOR Awareness campaign involves:

 HSE training improvement

 Monthly update of HSE bulletin
 Toolbox / Safety talks

 Sign and Posters
 Safety alert
 HSE Bulletin/ Information/ Notice boards
 Facilitate sharing of HSE "best practices" and "lessons learned"


All new employees are required to attend orientation or induction program. All rehired employees who
have been away for more than a year should attend the orientation Program. All CONTRACTOR new
employees and the Sub Contractors will attend the Orientation/ Induction Training, before commencing
work on sites.

Contents of the Training are:

 Safety policy, procedures, objectives, safety plan.

 Introduction of Site Safety rules and Regulation on Construction Site.
 Importance of Sign board (Color Codes & Shape).

 Importance of road safety and traffic management

 Importance & Usage of Personal Protective Equipment in the Construction Site (Safety
Helmet, High Visibility Jacket , Safety Shoes , Safety Harness, Safety Goggles, Face Mask,
 Safety on electrical hazard, Importance of proper earthling and Proper Insulation, no bare
wires into sockets
 Importance of Power Tools Safety and its Safe working methods.
 Importance of House Keeping in the Construction Site.
 Safety on Fire Prevention & Fire Protection, Usage of Fire Extinguisher according to different
Classes of fire.
 Safe Working methods at Height & Usage of proper PPE, all safety harness to be put on and
taken off on the ground
 Occupational health, Noise, Dust, asbestos, lead etc
 Safe Working methods in confined space & Usage of PPE.
 Cranes & Equipment Safety - Mobile Crane, Man lift, Back hoe, skid loaders, wheel loaders,
MEPW etc
 Safety on COSHH (Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health)
 Report all incidents, near misses to line manager / safety department
 Ensure that you know all emergency procedures on site, location of assembly area, escape
 Individual safety responsibilities
 Quality: policies, objectives and quality plan.
 Environmental: policies, objectives, plan, waste reduction plan.
The contents will be explained to the workforce in their native languages to ensure full understanding.
The attendance shall be recorded in the logbook for future reference. Site Engineer/ Supervisors will
ensure that their respective workers have undergone a Safety Orientation/ Induction Training prior to
commencement of work. The training shall be conducted internal and external as per requirements.
Safety Induction shall be Provided and Numbering system shall be used to identified the employee
gone through Orientation /Induction Program

Location – Orientation Program shall be held at site office

Ref. OSHAD SF- Element 05- Training Awareness & Competency


CONTRACTOR shall provide timely internal & External safety training to all personal for different work
activities. Training is one of the most important components within CONTRACTOR OHSMS. It gives
employees an opportunity to learn their jobs, bring new ideas into the workplace, reinforce existing
ideas and practices, and it helps to put OSH Program into action.
In addition to the above project specific trainings to be provided as per the below training matrix :-

Training Matrix


Use of Fire
Safe Driving

Emergency Response

Use of PPE

House Keeping

Safe Lifting

Excavation Safety

Blow torch\ Cutting

Lock Out Tag Out

Work at Height
Electrical Safety

Handling /Storing of
Manual Handling

Rigging and Signaling

Incident Reporting
Tools / Power tools

Permit to Work

Heat stress Awareness


Training Duration in 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
P. Managers  
Site Enigeer  
Site Supervisors             
Electrician          
Cable Jointers             
Operators/Driver         
Riggers/Banks-man          
Skilled Workers             
Non Skilled Workers               
Storekeeper           


External Training refer to OSHAD-SF Ver. 3.0/3.1 of 2016/2017 respectively


First Aid


Joint &




Training Epiration Annual Annual 2 years Anuual Annual Annual

Training time Duration One Day One Day Two Days Two Days One Day One Day

Project Manager  
  
HSE Engineer

HSE Officer  
Site Engieer  
Fire Warden  
Office Boy  
Operators/Drivers 

Riggers/Banks-man 

Cable Jointers   


 The Risk Assessment Team shall include representation from all appropriate functional areas
and departments.
 The significant hazards associated with the operations of semi- permanent on- site
contractors are covered by this.
 Interested parties include employees, customers and the community.
 The risk assessment process could easily become out of proportion to the benefits aimed,
and the process could turn in to an ineffective paper bureaucratic nightmare.
 Risk Management is concerned with avoiding injury and ill- health loss or damage to
equipment, protecting against accidental losses- Risk management is therefore everyone's
business and in everyone's interest.
 Job/ Task Risk Assessment will be carried out before each HSE critical activity and same
will be submitted to COMPANY Owner on the format provided in the appendix along with the
Method of Statement.


Risk Management Program, including:

 Defines risk management methodologies and competencies
 Based on consultation with employees, contractors and other relevant stakeholders;
 Incorporates the recognized steps of risk management
 Addresses routine and non-routine activities of all persons having access to the workplace
 Addresses supply chain and contractor undertakings
 Address human behavior
 Address plant, machinery, equipment, substances and materials at the workplace
 Address the design of work areas, processes, work organization and operating procedures
 Ensure documentation, recording and communication of the results of risk management

Occupational Health and Safety Control Hierarchy

 Elimination of Hazard
Examples include the proper disposal of redundant items of equipment that contain
substances such as asbestos, the removal of excess quantities of chemical accumulated
over time in a laboratory, etc.
 Substitution of hazard
Examples include the process or chemical be substituted for a less hazardous alternative.
 Engineering controls:
Examples include the installation of machine guards on hazardous equipment, electrical
protection system, the provision of local exhaust ventilation over a process area releasing
noxious fumes, etc.

 Administrative controls:
Include Job Rotation, Limiting exposure, Permit to work systems, safe operating
procedures, i.e. system safety rules and Training, etc.
 Personal protective equipment:
Include electrical work PPE, safety glasses and goggles, earmuffs and earplugs, hard hats,
toe- capped footwear. Gloves, respiratory protection, apron, etc.

If the risk is low, no action may be required. Extreme high risks and High require that
management formulate a corrective action plan, which would include:

Risk Potential Matrix Guide

Consequence Likelihood (PROBABILITY)

Rare Possible Likely Often Almost
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5
(1) 1 2 3 4 5
(2) 2 4 6 8 10
(3) 3 6 9 12 15
(4) 4 8 12 16 20

(5) 5 10 15 20 25
No Action Required (ALARP level ) unless as causation of risk
Low 1-4
is possible
Activity can proceed subject to proper management and /or
Medium 5-10 modification.

Activity must proceed unless risk is reduced to acceptable

High 12-25 level.


 Rare – Never Occurred

 Possible - Incident has Occurred in similar Industry 6 times every 5 years
 Likely - Same Incident has Occurred in similar Industry 1-5 times per year
 Often – Same Incident has Occurred in similar Industry 5-12 times per year
 Frequent/Almost Certain- Same Incident has Occurred in similar Industry Continues or frequently


 Insignificant
Safety & Health –Minor Injury which may require self-administrated First aid.
Insignificant impact to contending to communality.
Environment - Insignificant impact on environment Occurrence due to Odor, Dust,
Noise, Vibration etc. Results in the generation of Non- Hazardous waste
Production & Cost –Incident event without causing production losses. Finical Loss
(Fines, Cost of repair, or Damages) of Less than 5000 Aed.
 Minor
Safety & Health – Injury requiring treatment by medical Practitioner. Personnel
unable to perform the agreed duties ( as restricted work cases )
Environment- Minor environment impact due to contained of production , Significant
use of water fuel, energy and other natural resources , Minor spillage of chemical
Less Than 100 letter on shore and less than 100 litter off shore .
Production & Cost –Incident event causing without causing production loss
(Compensation, fines cost of repair, Plant damaged etc.) that 20000 Aed to 50000
 Moderate
Safety & Health –Serious injury requiring treatment by medical practitioner or
Immediate transfer to Hospital Patient for long time or permanent disabling effects
(e.g. Fractures, chronic back injuries sprain, bruise etc.)
Environment- Significant impact to fauna & Flora and water because of spillage og
chemical more than 10 liters onshore and 10 litters on offshore area.
Production & Cost - Incident without causing production loss or delay up to one
week. Finical loss (Composition fines cost of repair and damages) of 50000 Aed to
500000 Aed.

 Major
Safety & Health –Single fatality or permanent disability from accident or
occupational illness (E.g. Cancer )
Environment- Continued and serious damages to fauna & flora and water , due to

chemical spillage more than 100 litters

Production & Cost –Production loss or delay more than one month, Finical Loss (e.g
Composition, fines repair, or damages etc.) 500000 Aed to 1 Million Aed.

 Catastrophic

Safety & Health – Multiple fatality or permanent Disabilities from an accident or

Occupational Illness (Cancer Etc.)
Environment – Long term impact to environment , fauna / Flora and ground water
Spillage of chemical resulting to long term contamination effects. Widespread
disaster to significant area of land, Fauna /Flora and ground water.

Production & Cost,-Huge loss of Production, Finical/Legal Penalties by Authorities.
Finical Loss greater than 1 million.


Hazardous Substances – Control and Maintenance

CONTRACTOR shall make ensure the hazard substance Such as Paint, Solvent, Petrol diesel,
Disinfects, spray Paint (for Marking) and WD40 etc. If such substances are encountered on project,
then the following control measures will be incorporated.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

 CONTRACTOR is not storing any Hazards or chemical material at site or office .Even though
CONTRACTOR shall ensure the control measure while using such material for specific
 The hazardous materials like fuels, paints, etc will be stored with special care and firefighting
and spillage collection facilities. A Supplier/Manufacturer Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
shall be provided with each hazardous substance listed on the Material Purchasing
 MSDS of all material will be available at the store. A copy of all MSDS will be available with
HSE officer at the site. The MSDS of hazardous chemicals will be displayed along with

materials storage.
 The first Aid requirements of all materials will be provided at the site the hazardous nature of
the materials will be conveyed to workers through tool box talks. All necessary PPEs
required to handle the chemicals as per the MSDS will be available at the site.
The MSDS information shall include:
 The chemicals contained in the hazardous substance.
 The concentration of each chemical.
 Safety precautions to be observed in storing and handling.
 Appropriate first aid or medical treatment required in the event of accidental entry into the
body system. Specific action to be taken in the event of emergencies, e.g. fire, explosion
and flooding.
 Procedures to be observed for disposal of waste and empty containers.
Refer to. OSHAD-SF CoP - 1.0 - Hazardous Materials



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

CONTRACTOR will make available suitable PPE as per COMPANY/ADDC/OSHAD-SF HSE standard &
Requirements for Contractors to the entire workforce for the activity that will be undertaken. It will be
the responsibility for everybody to ensure that they are properly used.

 Safety helmets and safety shoes shall be worn by all personnel while in the vicinity of any
construction activity.
 Safety goggles or face shields shall be worn by all personnel performing grinding / chipping,
chiseling / cutting, welding or any other similar acts which may produce dust, sparks, gases
and/ or flying particles, and by those in the affected vicinity.
 Dust goggles shall be used when working in areas subject to blowing dust or sand.
 Protective gloves shall be provided and used when working with sharp material
 All employees shall be required to wear appropriate work pants or overalls for skin
 Safety ladders and fans shall be provided and used where necessary during the work.

Lifelines and safety belts shall have a minimum breaking of 2,500 kg. Safety Belt lanyards
shall not be longer than 2 meters, if not otherwise covered in the specifications.
 All personnel protective devices shall be inspected regularly and maintained in good working
conditions. It will be the individual Supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that their workers are
allowed to proceed to work only with relevant PPE and wear them throughout the entire work
 The lack of stock PPE at the stores is NOT grounds for allowing operatives to commence
hazardous operations without PPE. This situation will not be accepted and disciplinary action
will be taken against the operatives, their Supervisors and the Storekeepers.
 The responsibilities of Supervisors and the charge hands will also be detailed to them in the
Weekly safety meetings. The responsibilities of the operatives will also be detailed to them in
their Tool Box meetings. All sub-contractors will be required to abide by the above and
commit them in writing.


 The HSE Engineer shall approve all types of PPE

 The company will issue different types of PPE to their employees
 All PPE shall be cleaned and maintained by the users.
 Failures to use PPE or the misuse of them are grounds for disciplinary actions.
 Visitors (short time) will be provided with safety helmets only for the duration of their visits
and no other PPE will normally be required for them.
 PPE Register shall be maintained

Types of PPE and Users

 Safety Helmets- shall be Worn By all employees/COMPANY or visitors all the time at site
 Safety Boots- shall be Worn By all employees/COMPANY or visitors all the time at site
 Eye Protection- shall be Worn By all employees/COMPANY or visitors in case dusty
environment or condition
 Hand Gloves – shall be worn while performing the task which may effect on hands all the
time performing work

 Safety Harness- Shall be while performing the task more than 1.8 meters height
 Ear Protection – Shall be use when the noise level exceeding 85 dba.
 Overalls- shall be worn all the time at work place

 Face Shields – shall be worn while performing welding, cutting or performing hot work
 Dust Mask / Full Face mask- shall be Worn By all employees/COMPANY or visitors in case
dusty environment
 High visibility reflective jacket - shall be Worn By all employees/COMPANY or visitors all the
time at site.
(Ref.OSHAD-SF CoP 2.0 Personal Protective Equipment)


Type of waste:- Three main types of waste can be distinguished as follows:

Sewage Waste

Sewage will be designed, sized and installed to carry all wash and wastewater, sewage, etc. Where a
public sewer is not available or connection is denied, sewage will be collected and treated by a
package treatment plant of adequate capacity and approved design prior to disposal.

Garbage waste

Garbage waste Such as Food waste and Office General Garbage shall be collected in Garbage bin and
shall be dump nearest Municipal Garbage bin.

General waste / Construction waste

General / Construction waste generated form the project related activities shall be collected and
segregated at designated area and shall be taken by Authorized vehicle & disposed according to
TADWEER WASTE MANAGEMENTSYSTEM. Waste disposal log & Waste manifest form record shall
be maintained and it shall be submitted to COMPANY on monthly Basis. Skip shall be provided where
waste cannot be collected and remove immediately.

House keeping

Good housekeeping remains the backbone of environmental protection in day to day Construction
activities. A job is not completed without a clean-up operation therefore a continued emphasis shall
be given to good housekeeping to demonstrate management commitment. All the area requires to be
cleaned and the wastes are to be collected, stored and disposed accordingly. Good housekeeping is
the first principle of good maintenance, accident and fire prevention and is paramount to the safety of
all persons in the work place.

Refer To. OSHAD-SF CoP - 54.0 - Waste Management.



CONTRACTOR to conduct all of its operations in such a manner as to minimize any possible actions
that may endanger or harm the Health Safety & environment. Since CONTRACTOR is certified with ISO
9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001, shall follow all local and internationally accepted compliance
standards to prevent undesired events & pollution or environmental damage to the lands, water and
air and give the qualitative progress.


Compliance with statutory Regulations:

CONTRACTOR shall carry out and execute all activities in accordance with statutory legislation
including but not limited to;

 Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Federal Law No. 8 of the Year 1980.
 Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Ministerial Order No. 32 of the Year 1982.
 Federal Environment Law No. 24 for the Year 1999.
 Law No. 21 for the Year 2005 with respect to Waste Management within Abu Dhabi
 Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety & Health System Framework Version 3.0/3.1 2016/2017
 Tatweer Center of waste management Abu Dhabi

 Sharp tools Such as Pick axe, Jack Hammer etc. or machinery shall be not allowed to use in
the presence of Underground services.
 Competent person has the authority to remove employees from the excavation immediately.
 Surface encumbrances removed or supported.
 Employees protected from loose rock or soil that could pose a hazard by falling or rolling
into the excavation Soils, materials, and equipment set back at least 1 meter from the edgeof
the excavation.
 Trench excavation beside the public or vehicle access shall be Hard Barricaded both side.
Adequate signs board and hazards light shall be provided. Other than soft barriers (Cones,
Warning tape /Orange mesh) shall be provided if the trench excavation at15 meters away
From road or any public or vehicle access.
 Warning vests or other highly visible clothing provided and worn by all employees exposed
to public vehicular traffic.
 Employees prohibited from going under suspended loads.

Underground Utilities:

 Underground utilities shall be detected and marked and information shall be given to entire
work force
 NOC/PTW shall be obtained from concern authorities
 Sharp tools (Pick axe, jack hammer etc) and mechanical excavation shall not be carried in
the condition of UG services.
 Trail pits shall be perform manually in the presence of CP and sharp tools shall not be use.
 Excavation PTW shall be follow

Access and Egress:

 Lateral travel to means of egress no greater than 25 feet (7.62m) in excavations four feet ormore
in depth. Every 25 feet (7.62m), slops or steps shall be maintained for access and egress
from trench excavation
 Excavation exceeding more than 1.2 meter, Ladders shall be provided to use in excavations
secured and extended three feet above the edge of the trench.

Sloping and shoring requirements

 No worker may enter an excavation more than 1.2 m (4 ft.) in depth unless:
 The sides of the excavation are sloped to a safe angle no steeper than three horizontal to
four vertical, OR
 The sides have been supported by use of sheet piling or shoring and bracing, OR
 A combination of both sloping and shoring is used, OR
 The sides of the excavation have been sloped or supported in accordance with the written
instructions of a professional engineer.

Sheeting is a type of shoring system that retains the earth in position. It shall be driven into
the ground or work in conjunction with a shoring system. Driven sheeting shall be used for
excavations open for long periods of time, to protect the stricture, or loose soil condition.

Backfilling and Reinstatement

Backfilling standards and requirements including technical issues are to be done as per COMPANY
standard procedures for Backfilling and Reinstatement.

 Filling-in of trenches shall not be commenced until COMPANY has inspected and approved
the cables and accessories at site.
 After the cables have been laid, then backfill the trench with natural and properly riddled
soiling 0.15 m layers, each layer being well compacted, watered if necessary, and
consolidated around and over the cables. Mechanical pinners must not be used for this
 The bedding materials shall be with approved standard specification and shall be used up to
the cable protection tiles, and the actual quantity, shall be jointly determined after the
measurements of thermal resistivity have been finalized.
 On top of these layers and further up to the warning tape, the excavated material shall be well
compacted, watered if necessary, and consolidated. Then carefully reinstate the paving slabs,
all to the satisfaction of COMPANY/ ADDC.
 Each refilled trench shall be maintained in a thoroughly safe condition by at his expense untilsuch
times as he can carry out permanent reinstatement of the upper levels and surface so as to
restore these to their original condition, or to the level of the surrounding curb stones,
respectively, whichever is higher.

References: ADDC System Safety Rules

Lock - Out / Tag – Out Clearance Procedure

The following procedure is intended to provide a controlled method for rendering electrical equipment
when equipment is shut down for any reason, such as repair, removal or replacement of equipment
and any installation of new equipment. In all cases, reference shall be made to the ADDC System
Safety Rules & OSHAD-SF CoP - 24.0 - Tag-out - Lock-out (Isolation).

Temporary Electricity
CONTRACTOR shall provide the temporary electricity (Power generator) at site office which shall be
meeting with Company Standard and requirements.
CONTRACTOR will ensure that the following items stated below are to be strictly followed:

Power generator :
 Power generator should be 3rd party inspected, and certificate shall be submitted to
 Drip tray for Jerry cane shall be provided
 Be sure the generator you have selected has ample capacity to supply the lighting,
Appliances and equipment you plan to connect. Consult an electrician for assistance if
 Maintenance log shall be maintained
 Regular inspection and maintenance shall be carried out to avoid dangerous exhaust fumes.
 Shed shall be provided to generator
 Do not operate your generator while standing in wet conditions. This could cause an
electrical shock to anyone who comes in contact.
 For personal safety, make sure your generator is grounded so it does not become
electrically charged.
 Only connect appliances directly to a portable generator.
 Do not connect the generator directly to the wiring system in your home or other building
through outlets or your meter. This may damage your wiring system or back feed electricity
endangering utility workers restoring your line.
 Do not attempt to fill the generator’s fuel tank while it is operating as the gasoline may ignite.
 Do not tamper with the engine speed adjustment. This could cause overheating and cause a
fire. Have a charged fire extinguisher nearby as a precaution. Transfer switches should be
installed by a qualified electrician, and the installation must be in compliance with all local and
national codes.
 Drip tray should be proveded to prevent oil sppilage
 Generater should be barricaed for provide the safe distance and protection.
 Warning signs shall be placed

Office cabin

 All the wire ring and socket shall be securely fitted

 ELCB shall be installed and shall be inspected by CONTRACTOR electrician on monthly
 Adequate light shall be installed, which shall be fitted on roof.
 The entire socket shall be installed according to the electrical lead.
 Cable management shall be take care.
Ref. OSHAD-SF CoP - 15.0 - Electrical Safety

Tools and Portable Power Tools
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all the tools and power tools meets COMPANY standard and OSHAD-
SF Cop. To ensure inspections shall be carried out on regular basis to prevent any undesired event
occurrence due to use of unsuitable or unsafe tool. CONTRACTOR Safety Representative shall ensure
the that tools /equipment’s are complying following

Hand Tools
 Are all tools and equipment (both company and employee owned) used by employees at
their workplace in good condition?
 Are hand tools such as chisels and punches, which develop mushroomed heads during use,
reconditioned or replaced as necessary?
 Are broken or fractured handles on hammers, axes and similar equipment replaced
 Are appropriate handles used on files and similar tools?
 Are employees made aware of the hazards caused by faulty or improperly used hand tools?
 Are appropriate safety glasses face shields, etc. used while using hand tools or equipment
which might produce flying materials or be subject to breakage?
 Are jacks checked periodically to ensure they are in good operating condition?
 Are tool handles wedged tightly in the head of all tools?
 Are tool cutting edges kept sharp so the tool will move smoothly without binding or
 Are tools stored in dry, secure locations where they won't be tampered with?
 Is eye and face protection used when driving hardened or tempered spuds or nails?

Power Tools

CONTRACTOR Skilled electrician Shall make make ensure the the power tool/ equipment are
safe to use by following checks on Monthly basis :
 Are grinders, saws and similar equipment provided with appropriate safety guards?
 Are power tools used with the correct shield, guard, or attachment, recommended by the
 Are portable circular saws equipped with guards above and below the base shoe? Are
circular saw guards checked to assure they are not wedged up, thus leaving the lower
portion of the blade unguarded
 Are rotating or moving parts of equipment guarded to prevent physical contact?
 Are all cord-connected, electrically operated tools and equipment effectively grounded or of
the approved double insulated type?
 Are effective guards in place over belts, pulleys, chains, sprockets, on equipment such as
concrete mixers, and air compressors?
 Are portable fans provided with full guards or screens having openings ½ inch or less?
 Are ground-fault circuit interrupters provided on all temporary electrical 15 and 20 ampere
circuits, used during periods of construction?

 Are pneumatic and hydraulic hoses on power operated tools checked regularly for
deterioration or damage?
 Power toos shall be inspected on Monthly Basis by electrician.
Refer to : OSHAD-SF CoP - 15.0 - Electrical Safety


Ladders are widely used in construction industries and elsewhere. They are very simple to use but still
contribute too many accidents on site mainly because of their careless use. The following simple tips
when followed can curtail many ladder – related accidents if not stopped altogether.

 Don’t fabricate ladders at sites at all. Their load bearing capacity is not known.
 Don’t paint ladders – they hide the defects.
 Always stand ladder on a firm base & inspect them frequently.
 Set ladders at 1:4 (1 out from base to 4 up, at around 75°)

 Set ladder 1.0M above the landing platform for a good handhold.
 Lash ladders – secure at the top. Extension ladders shall be fully extended.
 Don’t lash the rungs – only the stiles. Never use ladders horizontally.
 Peg down the foot of the ladder & never use metal ladders for electrical works.
 Always face the ladder when ascending or descending.
 Always engage both hands on the stiles while moving up or down the ladder.
 Don’t mount ladders on drums or such unstable material to gain extra heights.
 Don’t try to overreach sideways on the ladder – Come down and relocate it.
 Always carry tools in pockets or hoist them up to keep the hands free.
 Don’t use stepladders (A-frame) as straight ladders. A stepladder when used shall always be
open to the full extent and the spreaders be locked in position.
 The height of the ladders shall be rightly chosen. Always avoid bigger ladders.
Refer to: - OSHAD-SF CoP - 37.0 - Ladders

Hot work activities

Before perfume any process that can be a source of ignition when flammable material is present or
can be a fire hazard regardless of the presence of flammable material in the workplace. Common hot
workprocesses are welding, cable jointing, soldering, cutting and brazing Permit to work shall be
obtained. Control measure as bellow :

Abrasive Wheels

 Hot work permit must be obtained

 While doing the abrasive wheel cutter the tools should be inspected carefully.
 Guard is propyl fitted
 Electric wire is in good condition mean no cracks or naked joints
 Industrial plug should be installed for connections.
 All the combustible or flammable material is remove from the work place
 Fire extinguisher should be in place
 Tool should be operating be trained and experience worker

 Relevant PPE should be worn by workers ‘( Safety Goggle , facemask , ear protection ,
Leather hand glove, safety shoes & hamlet )

LPG Blow torch safety

Adequate safety precaution shall be taken while performing the cable joint work using LPG
Blow torch ( Naked Flame )
 Hot work permit must be obtained
 While doing the abrasive wheel cutter the tools should be inspected carefully.
 Guard is propyl fitted
 Electric wire is in good condition mean no cracks or naked joints
 Industrial plug should be installed for connections.
 All the combustible or flammable material is remove from the work place
 Fire extinguisher should be in place
 Tool should be operating be trained and experience worker
 Relevant PPE should be worn by workers ‘( Safety Goggle , facemask , ear protection ,
Leather hand glove, safety shoes & hamlet )

LPG Cylinder

 Use gas cylinders in a vertical position, unless specifically designed to be used otherwise;
 Securely restrain cylinders to prevent them falling over;
 Always double check that the cylinder/gas is the right one for the intended use;
 Before connecting a gas cylinder to equipment or pipe-work make sure that the regulator
and pipe-work are suitable for the type of gas and pressure being used.
 When required, wear suitable safety shoes and other personal protective equipment when
handling gas cylinders;
 Do not use gas cylinders for any other purpose than the transport and storage of gas;
 Do not drop, roll or drag gas cylinders.
 Close the cylinder valve and replace dust caps, where provided, when a gas cylinder is notin
 Where appropriate, fit cylinders with residual pressure valves (non-return valves) to reduce
the risk of back flow of water or other materials into the cylinder during use that might
corrode it.
 Ensure that the valve is protected by a valve cap, or collar, or that the valve has been
designed to withstand impact if the cylinder is dropped.
 Gas cylinders shall not be stored for excessive periods of time. Only purchase sufficient
quantities of gas to cover short-term needs.
 Rotate stocks of gas cylinders to ensure first in is first used.
Store gas cylinders in a dry, safe place on a flat surface in the open air. If this is not
reasonably practicable, store in an adequately ventilated building or part of a building
specifically reserved for this purpose.
 Gas cylinders containing flammable gas shall not be stored in part of a building used for
other purposes.
 Protect gas cylinders from external heat sources that may adversely affect their mechanical
 Gas cylinders shall be stored away from sources of ignition and other flammable materials.
 Avoid storing gas cylinders so that they stand or lie in water.
 Ensure the valve is kept shut on empty cylinders to prevent contaminants getting in.
 Store gas cylinders securely when they are not in use. They shall be properly restrained,
unless designed to be free-standing.
 Gas cylinders must be clearly marked to show what they contain and the hazards
associated with their contents.
 Store cylinders where they are not vulnerable to hazards caused by impact, e.g. from
vehicles such as fork-lift trucks etc.

Blow Torch

 Flash Back Arrestor should be installed to the hose.

 Blow Torch should be in good condition.
 Hose should be adequately connected with clamps with Torch and regulator , and should be
regular inspected
 Bended, Crakes or cuts on hose should be use.
 Adequate fire prevention control measures should be taken be use the Blow torch.
 Blow torch should be used by experience worker only.

 Blow torch should be store in dry shaded area.

 Relevant PPE should be worn by workers ‘( Safety Goggle , facemask , ear protection ,
Leather hand glove, safety shoes & hamlet )
Refer to. OSHAD-SF CoP - 28.0 - Hot Work Operations (e.g. Welding and Cutting)

Crane and Rigging Equipment

Mobile Cranes

 Mobile Cranes shall be 3rd party certified and certificates shall be submitted to COMPANY
prior enter to the site.
 Operator who is operating the Mobile crane shall be holding USE Driving licensed and
operating competency certificate.
 Mobile crane check list shall be follow before operation Ref to EHSO65-FRM-MOBILE
 The swing radius of cranes shall be barricaded.
 Standard hand signals shall be posted at an operator’s station.
 Only a competent rigger shall direct rigging methods when rigging a load for lift and only one
competent signalman shall give signals to direct the lift. Rigger and signal man shall wear a
green reflective vest.
 Equipment shall not be operated where any of the equipment or load will come within 5.0
meters of electrical distribution or transmission lines.
 Equipment shall not be lubricated while in use.
 Rated load capabilities, recommended operating speeds, special hazard warning, specific hand
signal diagram and special instructions shall be visible to the operator while he is at the
control station.

 CONTRACTOR employees shall not be allowed to work under the load or pass through under
the suspended load of cranes. This is considered a life threatening (imminent danger)
situation and therefore a serious Health, Safety & Environment violation. Tag lines shall be used
on all loads.

Rigging Equipment

 All rigging equipment shall be free from defects, in good operating condition certified by
Third Party and maintained in a safe condition.
 Serial number of the manufacturer and the Safe Working Load capacity (SWL) marked on it.
 All rigging equipment will also be accompanied by the manufacturer’s certificate indicating
the serial number and capacity.
 A designated, competent employee of prior to initial use on the jobsite shall inspect rigging
equipment and monthly thereafter to ensure that it is safe. Records shall be kept on jobsite of
each of these inspections by and shall be made available to COMPANY upon request. Any
defective rigging equipment or materials that are observed shall be destroyed or immediately
removed from the site.
 CONTRACTOR will ensure all spreader bars, slings, chairs etc. have an engineered design
and a test certificate for the Safe Working Load capacity (SWL) clearly marked on it.
 3rd party certificate shall be submitted to COMPANY before using any lifting gear.
Ref. OSHAD-SF CoP - 34.0 - Safe Use of Lifting Equipment and Lifting Accessories

Control of other Machinery ,Equipment , Vehicles and Employees

CONTRACTOR Shall make ensure that Machinery or equipment are arriving at site shall be controlled
and record as bellow :

Equipment & Operators

 All the machinery and equipment shall be record in Project Plant & Equipment register
 All the machinery and equipment shall valid 3rd party certified and shall be suitable
 Any machinery or equipment mobilizing at site shall be inspected by site HSE in-charge.
 Defected and unauthorised machinery or equipment shall not be permitted to enter the site
which is not meeting the COMPANY/ADDC standards.
 All the machinery or Equipment shall be operated by Authorised operator / Diver only

 All the machinery and equipment site entry and exit log shall be maintained by site security.
 Plant / Equipment’s 3rd part certificate & Check list shall be submitted to COMPANY, prior to
enter at site.

Ref. OSHAD-SF CoP - 36.0 - Plant and Equipment

MOPA- MOPA-HSE-28-HSE Inspection Report

Vehicles & Drivers

Only competent staff trained and in possession of the appropriate license and authorization will
be permitted to drive vehicles and operate plant & machinery on or off the road (e.g. light vehicles,
H/D vehicles, cranes, plant, dumpers, scrapers, graders, excavators, loaders, bulldozers, etc.)
Driver and operator have the last say regarding safety of vehicle and equipment. The following
responsibilities of Driver and Operator:

 Check their vehicles and / or plants daily and fill out the relevant checklists.
 Not to allow anyone else to drive and / or operate there allocated vehicle or plant.
 Headlights will switch on while driving on graded roads.
 Not to exceed the speed limit.

 Ensure 8 hours of rest before driving, and a maximum of 12 hours of continuous duty in one
shift, which is inclusive of, breaks if prescribed by the Company’s rules and regulations.
 Ensure the application of personal protective equipment when at work.
 Ensure that drivers and plant operators switch off all engines and remove the key from their
vehicles / plant whenever these are unattended.
 Ascertain and control that drivers and all passengers wear seat belts while driving.
 Use amber beacon flashing lights while working at site.
 Equipment shall not carry the passenger on the plant & Machinery.

Traffic Management and Logistic

Traffic Management at site:

 Specific area for the pick-up and drop-off point must be identified with relative proximity to
the areas of work.
 Area must be free from dust and other obstacles.
 Additional precautions must be taken and flash lights / flag man required to be placed during
foggy / adverse weather.
 Disciplinary action must be taken against the violating drivers /work men as per bellows.
 Vehicle shall be parked reveres only.


S.No Violation 1st offense 2nd offense 3rd offense
01 Failure to wear seat belts. 1st warning 2nd warning 2 Days Wage Deduction
02 Not observing speed limits 1st warning 2nd warning 2 Days Wage Deduction
Driving under the influence of
03 Dismissal

 It is the responsibility of employer to provide safe transportation for all employees to and
from each work station and accommodation.
 Adequate no of buses/Cars must be provided to meet legal capacity requirements.
 Vehicles must be maintained in good condition.

Instructions to drivers:

Only competent staff trained and in possession of the appropriate license and authorization
will be permitted to drive vehicles and operate plant & machinery on or off the road (e.g.
light vehicles, H/D vehicles, cranes, plant, dumpers, scrapers, graders, excavators, loaders,
bulldozers, etc.) Driver and operator have the last say regarding safety of vehicle and
equipment. The following responsibilities of Driver and Operator:

 Check their vehicles and / or plants daily and fill out the relevant checklists.
 Not to allow anyone else to drive and / or operate there allocated vehicle or plant.
 Headlights will switch on while driving on graded roads.
 Not to exceed the speed limit.
 Ensure 8 hours of rest before driving, and a maximum of 12 hours of continuous duty in one
shift, which is inclusive of, breaks if prescribed by the Company’s rules and regulations.
 Ensure the application of personal protective equipment when at work.
 Ensure that drivers and plant operators switch off all engines and remove the key from their
vehicles / plant whenever these are unattended.
 Ascertain and control that drivers and all passengers wear seat belts while driving.
 Use amber beacon flashing lights while working at site.
 Operators shall not carry the passenger on the plant & Machinery.
Ref. OSHAD-SF CoP - 44.0 - Traffic Management and Logistics

Disciplinary Action

The following activities (but not limited to) and course of actions are identified which will
come under the scope of disciplinary action as bellow :

Arriving at the work site without the special PPE where required.

 First written warning and not allowed to go at site.

 Second written warning with Salary Deduction
 Salary deduction & Terminate from Project.

Fighting/ Quarreling or Horse Playing on Duty

 Final written warning

 Salary Deduction of min 5 days

Unauthorized interference with the safety precautions taken for personal job benefits

 Verbal Warning
 First written warning
 Salary deduction 2 days

Unauthorized driving of site vehicles/plants

 Final written warning

 Salary deduction 2 days

Unauthorized removal of any material from site

 Verbal warning
 First written warning
 Second written warning
 Salary deduction 2 days

Unauthorized exit from sites during working hours

 Final written warning

 Salary deduction 2 days

Non-conformation of safety instructions

 Final written warning

 Disciplinary at higher management level as decided by the General Manager
Ref. FEDERAL LAW NO. (8) OF 1980- ARTICLE 102
Ref .OSHAD-SF CoP - 9.20 - Managing Work-Related Stress

Fire Prevention

Fire fighting arrangements

PROJECT MANAGER & HSE Engineer shall make ensure the fore prevention and protection
control measures at site office including site are in place. Fire warden shall be appointed who
shall regular inspect the fire prevention control measure as below.

Fire Alarm & Fire Extinguishers :

 Site office Smoke Detector are active and working in case of fire smoke
 All Fire point(s) for Fire Extinguishers (DCP, CO2 & Foam) at office area are in good
condition and are available at designated places.
 CONTRACTOR shall be provided at location where it can be reached within 30 m of travel.
 Employees and visitors are smoking at designated area.
 Monthly Inspection for Fire Extinguisher, fire Extinguisher check list shall be follow while
Doing the inspection.
 Hot work activity area Fire extinguishers are available.
 All the vehicles at site Fire extinguisher are available.

Fire Training:

 All employees are trained to how to use the Fire extinguishers

 All the employee are trained to identify the fire and fire extinguishers
 All employees are trained what to do in case of fire

Fire Notices/ Instructions:

 Fire Extinguisher signs boards

 Fire Extinguishers operating system sign boards
 No Smoking
 Designated smoking area sign board
 Assembly point sign board
 Site Safety Rules Sign Board

Fire / Emergency Actions.

 R-Rescue
 A- Raise the alarm (automatic Smoke detector alarm or Shouting Loudly).
 C- Contained , Closed the door or cover the fire if possible
 E- Extinguish the fire if you are trained
 Call to Project Emergency Contacts
 Call to Fire Brigade 997
 Evacuate the Place

Fire prevention and protections:

 Combustible materials are kept to a minimum and away from heat sources.
 Electrical fixtures /wiring are firmly secured away from public’s path.
 Safe storage of flammable materials
 Gas cylinders to be stored as per OHS regulations.
 Diesel storage area to be bounded and appropriate fire extinguisher provided.
 Smoking Prohibited in flammable area.
 Flammable materials to be transport as per safe procedure.
 Permit system to be followed for Hot Work.
Reference : OSHAD-SF Element 6.0 – Emergency Management


Smoking at work places is prohibited. Smoking is permitted only permissible area and
designation places. Valued to Smoking signs boards. Strict action shall be in forced on non-

NDRC – Non- Disruptive road crossing

Requirements for non-disruptive road crossing

Documents and Permission

CONTRACTOR Shall ensure the drawing is approved and all the NOC permission is obtained
from relevant authorities. Al the requirements are full filled. JAM Project Manager shall
coordinate with COMPANY Civil Engineer & HSE Engineer. All The approved drawing, NOC /
Permission copy shall be submitted to COMPANY. And One copy shall be submitted
according to Approved Method of statement. Sub- Contractor profile shall be submitted to
COMPANY for their Approval. Sub-Contractor shall comply with project HSE Requirements.

Machinery & Equipment :

NDRC machine and Operator shall be 3rd party certified; Sub- contractor shall submitted the
certificates to CONTRACTOR before bringing their machinery at site.


Excavation for NDRC drive pit and exit pit shall be done safely & shall be protected (Refer
to Page no 43 )

Safe Drilling Operation

NDRC machine including Drive pits and Exit pit shall be Protected with hard barriers.
Adequate sign board and hazard light shall be placed. Unauthorised person should not enter

The work place. NDRC entire work force shall be go through Safety induction.

Monitoring System

For purposes of monitoring for ground surface movement on the roadway, the

Shall install flush-head pins (35.0 millimetres to 50.0 millimetres in length) in the road
pavement. These pins shall be the monitoring points. The pins shall be installed in a grid
pattern with approximately 2.0-meter centres.

The grid of monitoring points shall cover the entire width of the roadway along the drive and
shall extend outwards in each direction from the centreline of the drive to a distance of the
drive centreline depth below the road surface.

The contractor shall conduct surveys of all monitoring points and provide the Department
with drawings and precise survey information on each point three times:

 Prior to commencement of NDRC construction (see Section 2.5 for Departmental

Recommendation on the establishment of monitoring point baseline information). Upon
completion of NDRC construction.
 At a subsequent time after completion of NDRC construction as directed by the Department.

Repaired and reinstatement

If ground movement as measured on the roadway surface exceeds the Department’s stated
limits (Section 1.3, above) or if damage is apparent in adjacent areas, the contractor shall
repair and reinstate the roadway and/or adjacent areas to their original line, level, and
condition. The expense for the repair and reinstatement shall be borne by the party
Responsible for the project. Repair and reinstatement shall be done in accordance with the
Road Department’s Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and is subject
to the Department’s approval.

Lifting Operation

CONTRACTOR shall Ensure the following safety control measures for Lifting Activities shall
be follow :

Manual Lifting
Before Manual lifting a load, worker shall be aware and trained following.

 That know where to go

 the area were to move is clear of obstacles;
 have a good grip on the load;
 hands, on the load and any handles are not slippery;
 If lifting with someone else, both of you know what you are doing before you start.
 You should use the following technique when lifting a load.
 Put your feet around the load, with your body over it (if this is not feasible, try to get your
body as close as possible to the load).
 Use the muscles of your legs when lifting.
 Straighten your back.
 Pull the load as close as possible to your body.
 Lift and carry the load with straight downward turned arms

Lifting Equipment & Accessory

 Mobile crane
 Hiab Crane
 Back Hoe
 Chain Slings
 Webbing Slings
 D- shackles

Lifting Plan

 Note 1: What is the Safe Working Load (SWL) of crane at relevant boom radius or angle?

 Note 2: Add weight of load, plus the weight of hook block and lifting accessories ie 4 leg
chain or spreader beam etc for total weight of load.
 Note 3: Check crane chart and is the total weight of load being lifted, lighter than the safe
working load of the crane? ie Colum (f) is lighter than Colum (e). If NO, Lifting is not to take

Lifting requirements

 Crane Operator trained with 3rd party certificate and still in date?(Including driving licence)
 Crane certificate 3rd party and still in date?
 All lifting gear & accessories 3rd party certificated and in date?
 Access for crane clear and including set up area flat, even and compacted?
 Enough area for fully extended out riggers?
 Pads used for out riggers? (Good condition and large enough)
 Are overhead and underground hazards identified & controlled? (Cables, overhangs, bridges,
pipes, drains etc)
 Automatic Safe working load indicator working?
 Are there riggers available & 3rd party trained?
 Ground compacted, flat and no loose soil?
 Is the load visible at all times?
 Is there good communications at all times?
 If no radios, are crane operator and rigger trained in hand signals, use of flags etc?
 Crane has a minimum of 600mm away from obstructions when slewing?
 Lifting accessories i.e. chains, web sling can lift the weight? (Check SWL )
 Is the correct lifting accessories being used for the load?(spreader beam, forks, 2 leg 4 leg
chains etc)
 Is there a safety latch & it is working on the hook block?
 Any loose or sharp material on load secure?
 Is there clear pathway for the lifting & moving of load?
 Are Tag lines required to steady / control the load?
 Set down area for load suitable & clear?
 Any other hazard / problem that will interfere with the lifting operations?

Color Coding system:

As per CONTRACTOR color coding system, It is mandatory to ensure all portable, circulating
and fixed lifting equipment are colour coded to give visual indication of its certification status.
The following colour code cycle must be used to indicate the current lifting accessories in
use, such as: Chains and Wire Ropes, Webbing Slings, Hooks, Shackles, Eye Bolts, Swivels,
Blocks, Snatch Blocks, Beam Clamps and Plate Clamps, Lifting Beams/Spreader Beams etc.
Colour Code Months

Green Jan, Feb & March.

April, May & June.

Blue July, Aug & Sep.

Yellow Oct, Nov & Dec.

Ref. OSHAD-SF CoP - 34.0 - Safe Use of Lifting Equipment and Lifting Accessories

Rigging Supervisor is overall in-charge of lifting operation:

The Project Manager must ensure the experience and trained person to be nominated for
Lifting operation.

Ref. OSHAD-SF CoP - 34.0 - Safe Use of Lifting Equipment and Lifting Accessories

Works Permits and NOC

A permit system for a certain types of work is required to insure that proper co-ordination and planning
have been accomplished. These permits also act as a checklist to protect the health Safety &

Required PTW :

 Hot work
 Electrical work(LV & HV Work)


CONTRACTOR Project Manager shall comply to PTW / NOC at Project .Site Engineer /
Supervisor are Responsible to Obtained the Permit to work before proceed any activities which
permit to work is required. Competent Person Is responsible to obtain the PTW from ADDC,
TRANSCO any Other Authority in Case of interfacing their Promises. PTW Holder shall be
responsible for the work instructions are followed mentioned in PTW. Project Manager Make
Ensure That All the required NOC from Different authority are Obtained and valid in date during
the work progress and copy should be at site and site office.

Permit Holder

The Permit holder is a competent person who has requested the permit to be issued and shall
be fully responsible for the work while they are being undertaken. The permit holder and Permit
user shall not be the same person including :

 Shall ensure that they and the people working with them understood the operation of the
PTW system applicable to the area in which they are responsible for work

 Shall ensure any necessary information , instruction or training is given to user to ensure
they are understand the PTW system and specificities precaution required for their work
 Shall ensure the permit issuer and permit user fully understand their responsibility under the
PTW system
 Shall ensure the condition and precaution specified in the permit understood , implemented
and perfectly monitored
 Shall immediately stop/suspend the work if condition required or the PTW requires changes
 Shall communicate effectively with working party during the operation of the permit
 Shall ensure that working party is aware of completion of the work and permit is correctly

Work Party:

 Working Party Shall understand the scope of work and control measure implemented
 Working party shall participate in the development or review the risk assessment
 Working party Shall ensure the all the control measure are define in the PTW are strictly
 Working party shall not interfere with the work of their colleagues and shall adhere to rules
and responsibility assign under the PTW
 Working party shall cease work and inform to the PTW Holder when there is a breach of
 Working party shall leave clean and safe work site.


 PTW holder shall communicate the requirements of PTW to the entire working party
 Work shall not proceed until all personnel working on the job confirmed by signature their
understanding the PTW requirements
 The original PTW form and its associated documents shall be displayed at work site
 The duplicate all ‘live’ PTW form shall be maintain in centre of the location (e.g. Supervisor
office )

 Where work is continue more than one shift the PTW shall be revalidated
 Revalidated shall be subject to site inspection confirming the implemented control measure
are still appropriated
 The communication of the necessary information shall be in a common language of

Permit Close out:

When the work is completed or rewired to closed out the PTW

 The PTW holder shall ensure the work place left clean and safe state and where required a
process is implemented to manage any follow-up work
 PTW shall sign the ‘ Hand –Back ‘of the PTW form

 The Permit issuer shall initiate the removal of the control measure originally installed for the
work to take place
When the work environment has been returned to the state of readiness for return to normal
duties, the permit user shall sign ‘Permit Closure’ section of the PTW form on both original
and duplicate copy.
Ref.OSHAD-SF CoP - 21.0 - Permit to Work

Confined Space

Confined and Enclosed Spaces

Hot work performed on surfaces containing lead, cadmium, or mercury requires an air-line respirator
to be used if local exhaust ventilation is not provided or effective. Hot work performed on surfaces
covered with toxic preservatives requires an air-line respirator to be used if toxic coatings have not
been stripped back at least four inches. Other workers exposed to the same atmosphere as the worker
must be protected in the same manner. Hot work performed on beryllium requires local exhaust
ventilation and air-line respirators. If the ventilation equipment blocks access to the space, air-line
respirators as well as a stand-by employee must be available.

Ref. OSHAD SF CoP - 27.0 - Confined Spaces.

Work in Energies Area

When work is to be carried out on, or near to, these interconnected systems (Power substations),
ADDC/COMPANY System Safety Rules need to be specified to achieve safety from the inherent system
dangers. Competent person shall obtain the required PTW from ADDC. Unauthorised person should
not allow. All the personnel should be trained and work should be under the supervision of Competent

Lone work

To keep lone workers healthy and safe, It is aimed at anyone who employs or engages lone workers,
who work alone. Following the precaution in the leaflet is not compulsory, but it should help employers
understand what they need to do to comply with their legal duties towards lone workers under:

 Involving workers when considering potential risks and measures to control them
 taking steps to ensure risks are removed where possible, or putting in place control measures,
e.g. carefully selecting work equipment to ensure the worker is able to performthe required
tasks in safety; instruction, training and supervision;
 Reviewing risk assessments periodically or when there has been a significant change in
working practice.
 being aware that some tasks may be too difficult or dangerous to be carried out by an
unaccompanied worker;
 where a lone worker is working at another employer’s workplace, informing that other
employer of the risks and the required control measures;

 When a risk assessment shows it is not possible for the work to be conducted safely by a
lone worker, addressing that risk by making arrangements to provide help or back-up.
 Adequate safety control measure shall be done while working at or near exposed live
electricity conductors;
 Working in the health and social care sector dealing with unpredictable MOPA behavior and
Ref. OSHAD-SF CoP - 30.0 - Lone Working and or in Remote Locations

Heat Stress

Heat stress can happen when hot, humid conditions and physical activity overcomes your body's
natural cooling system. You might suffer cramps and fainting, or even serious heat exhaustion
and heat stroke.Heat stroke can kill quicklyHeat stress is a broad term used to describe the extra stress
on the worker caused by the effects of heat to the systems of the body. If the body's core temperature
of 37°C increases by as little as 25c, heat stroke causing collapse and death shortly after can occur.
Adequate safety precaution and arrangement shall be implemented as bellow :

Heat Stress Prevention Check List:

 Does the worksite have temperature extremes (above 38°C) that may cause heat stress
 Do workers do heavy labour or required to wear heavy protective clothing (increase heat
stress conditions)
 Do employees have access to adequate drinking water at all times
 Are employees allowed work breaks during prolonged heavy labor
 Do workers have access to shade during breaks
 Have employees been trained on the symptoms of heat-related illness (heat exhaustion and
heat stroke)
 Are employees trained on first aid measures for heat-related illness
 Heat Stress- How do you prevent heat illness:
 Supply adequate water and encourage workers who work in hot weather to drink regularly, even
when not thirsty. A small amount of water every 15 minutes is recommended rather that a
large amount after hours of sweating. Learn the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness.
 Inform workers they should avoid alcohol or drinks with caffeine before or during work in hot
weather. Try to do the heaviest work during the cooler time of the day.
 Allow workers to acclimatize. Start slower and work up to your normal pace.
 Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored and breathable (e.g. cotton) clothing. Allow
workers to take regular breaks from the sun. Loosen or remove clothing periodically that
restricts cooling if any requirement for wearing heavy clothes.
 Watch workers for symptoms of heat-related illness. This is especially important for no

Acclimatized workers, those returning from vacations and for all workers during heat-wave

 If exertion causes someone's heart to pound or makes them gasp for breath, become
lightheaded, confused, weak or faint, they should STOP all activity and get into a cool areaor
at least into the shade, and rest
 The two major heat-related illnesses are heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Heat exhaustion, if
untreated, may progress to deadly heat stroke. Heat stroke is very dangerous and frequently
fatal. If workers show symptoms, always take this
 Seriously and have them take a break and cool down before returning to work. Stay with
them. If symptoms worsen or the worker does not recover within about 15 minutes, call
emergency and have them transported and medically evaluated. Do not delay transport.

Control Measures

 Midday breaks according to the Abu Dhabi Ministerial Municipality ministerial resolution
shall be implemented during the month of July-August (12:30 to 1500 hrs).
 Workers shall be send to their camp during Resting hours where they can rest in AC Rooms
 Adequate electrolyte supplements and cool drinking water shall be provided on site.
 If the activities is under the direct sunlight workers shall be given permission to take rest on a
short intercalate temporary shaded area.
 Activities shall be scheduled during the early hour of the day where temperature is friendlier.
 No heavy activities shall be carried out when the temperature is rising above 40 Degrees,
work cycle rotation to be adopted to relieve workers from heat stress.
 Emergency (AC) vehicle shall be available at all the time during the work operation
 First aid facility shall be provided at site

OSHAD-SF CoP - 11.0 - Safety in the Heat
OSHAD-SF CoP - 8.0 - General Workplace Amenities


The rules are there to protect workers as well as others working around. The smelter follows all laws
relating to Occupational Health and Safety. The HSE rules requirements outlined in this Plan have been
developed to help the Smelter provide a safe working environment for everyone on site. The Basic HSE
Rules covers the general safety requirements for all persons coming onto the site. This includes all
employees and all contractors. All persons entering the site are also required, by

OH&S law, to take reasonable care and comply with any requirement imposed in the interest of the
health, safety and welfare of any persons on site.

Site Basic HSE Rules are following :-

 Fitness for work -Never attend the job site under the influence or in possession of Non-
prescription drug or Alcohol
 Isolate procedure - Never work on or close proximately to live plant without adhering to lock
out / Tag Out system and Permit to work.
 Working at height- Never work at height without correct fall protection or prevention
 Confined space – Never work in confined space without following the correct procedure /
Permit to work.
 Safety Equipment & Device – Never Misuse or tamper with safety Equipment or device in
Such manner which could make them Ineffective. Seat belt is to be correctly worn at all job
 Support Ground/Load- Never work under or in close proximately to unsupported ground. They
include trench Greater than 1.5m in depth. Never stand or work the suspended load.
 License – Never operate equipment or undertake work which require specific. Only
 Authorized Valid license Holder person should operate the equipment.
 Risk Assessment – Never Undertake significant work without completing the Risk
 Incident / Near Miss Reporting – All ways report Incident / near miss and Accident to HSE as
soon as practical. Never Attempt to “Cover Up” an Incident.
 PPE – Always wear Required Personal Protect Equipment in the appropriate manner.


Emergency Response Procedure

A high degree of emergency preparedness will be maintained and trained emergency response team
will be formed on sites. Emergency drills shall be conducted monthly or as deemed required.

Ref. OSHAD-SF Element - 6.0 - Emergency Management

MOPA- MOPA-HSE-16-Training Plan
JAM - EHS017 Emergency Drill Report

A written emergency response or action plan is the best preparation tool for handling emergencies. To
ensure is effectiveness each response plan should include the following general information:

 Procedure for sounding the alarm

 Emergency escape procedures and escape route assignments
 Evacuation plan procedure
 Rescue and medical assistance requirements
 Emergency Response Team involvement and participation
 Methods of reporting
 Provisions for training emergency procedures

Emergency drills shall be conducted regularly to enhance preparedness all the crew and the
Emergency Response Team involved in the operations. Typical examples of drills to be performed
are as follows:

 Medical Evacuation Emergency

 Emergency Rescue
 Fire Drill

Drill report will be completed and pre/post briefing of all essential personnel involved. All issues
and recommendations to improve the conduct of future drills will be recorded.

Ref. OSHAD-SF CoP - 6.0 - Emergency Management

The following are the emergency team members:”

Police 999
Ambulance 998
Fire Brigade 997
Khalifa Hospital Abu Dhabi 02 819 0000
Mafraq Hospital Abu Dhabi 02 406 6800
Al Noor Hospital Abu Dhabi 02 501 1111

Project Emergency Contacts

Project Manager 0504446078


Welfare Facility

Site Office Facilities & Lay out

CONTRACTOR shall make ensure the site welfare facilities shall be meet the COMPANY
standard as bellow.

 Site Office Lay out shall be prepared and Submitted to COMPANY for their Approval
 Site Office cabin shall be fire rated and facilitate with Smoke detector and Automatic
Emergency Alarm
 Sufficient and accessible fir point shall be provided to the site office
 Sufficient and hygienic toilets including shower shall be provided

 All the electrical wire and socket shall be installed safely

 Emergency exit plan shall be placed each cabin
 Fire Hydrant Point shall be available near to the sit office cabin, In Additional water hose shall
be connected to the water pump, and shall be placed nearest the cabin in case of fire.
 Site office shall be design with Very good curtained and comfortable furniture
 Spilt AC Shall be provided
 An Office boy shall be provided who will take care of the cleaning and other facilities
 Site Office parking shall be designated for COMPANY, CONTRACTOR and Visitors. Reverse
parking sign and No smoking sign shall be placed at parking area.
 Firs Aider Including First Aid Box and Basic Fire fighter shall be provided
 Adequate information Notice and sign Board shall be placed or attached inside and out site
the office area.
 Office Toilets drainage pipe shall be connected to nearest sewage chamber and it shall be
fitted safely
 Garbage bin shall be provided and shall be clean on regular basis. Garbage shall be
disposed nearest Municipal Garbage bins.
 Information Sign to reach the Site Office Shall be Placed

Site Facilities

CONTRACTOR site management shall make ensure the facilities are available as below.

 Site Emergency Vehicle shall be present all the time during the work operation
 site portable urinal cabin shall be provided at site
 Every 10 worker 20 litters Cold drinking water thermos shall be provided, Site vehicles shall
be supplied the water.
 Worker shall be sent to nearest camp for lunch break.
 First Aid Facilities shall be provided at site.
 During Hot Weather temperature , temporary shaded area shall be provided
 In-case of any Sickness or heat stress emergency the person shall be shifted to nearest

Site office Lay Out

Refer to appendix ‘A’

Medical Facilities

CONTRACTOR has provided Daman Insurance to all employees who are accepted By many
Hospital Including Al Noor Hospital, Khalifa Hospital and Mafraq Hospital .First Aid Facility
shall be provided at site including Emergency Vehicle. Serious sickness or Injury cases shall
be sending to nearest hospital.

First Aid Kit

 First-Aid facilities will be provided on all work sites and at all offices
 Each site will have a First-Aid Kit
 Each First-Aid Box will contain sufficient quantity of suitable First-Aid medicines as per
attachment no. 1. This will vary depending on the following classifications which are
 First Aid Kit A: Construction / industrial site at which 25 or more employees work or another
type of workplace where more than 100 employees work.

 First Aid Kit B: Construction / Industrial site at which less than 25 employees work or
another type of workplace where fewer than 100, but more than 10 employees work.
 The minimum requirements for these contents of the first aid kits are outline below, and are
complying with Chapter V of Federal Law No. 8 of 1980 of the UAE Ministry of Labours and
Social Affairs.
 Each site should ensure that a first aid kit is readily available at site with more than 25
employees working, and that the first aid kit is under control of and maintained by a suitable
qualified first aider.
 Each site with over 250 operatives when agreed upon will have a suitably staffed and
Equipped First Aid room.
 The First-Aid Box shall be replenished within 2 days of any item being removed.
 A full fledge First-Aid room shall have communication facilities (telephone) and whenever an
ambulance is being provided it would also be under the direct control of the HSE Engineer.

Occupational Health

CONTRACTOR Administration/HSE department will conduct the following:

 Good and Hygienic Camp Facility

 Camp Survey for check the facilities
 Air Quality at Camp Premises means dust, smoke etc.
 Worker health fitness campaign
 Occupational Health awareness and training

Pest Control

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the site as well as camp housing facilities will be free of
pest, i.e. rodents, vermin, etc, that can cause diseases and will engage the services of a
competent 3rd party to undertake pest control activities.

Labor Camp/ Accommodation

No Labour accommodation will be established at the project location. Workers will be

camping at CONTRACTOR Main Camp in Dhafra and will be marshalled to the project
location by company arrange vehicle according to the activity planned.

A monthly inspection will be undertaken in the prescribed format by the Safety personnel
and the report will be submitted to the project manager. Any issues that are not resolved will
be addressed to the administration manager.
Ref. OSHAD-SF CoP - 18.0 - Employer Supplied Accommodation



Monthly HSE Reporting

CONTRACTOR shall include in the monthly report the following HSE performance statistics
which satisfies the requirements specified under the COMPANY format for Contractors
Monthly HSE Performance report.
Monthly HSE Reporting Category

MOPA-HSE-21-Monthly HSE Performance MOPA-HSE-19-Monthly Health Performance

Statistics Statistics
1. No. of Employees (Average) 1. Back problems and lower limb disorder
2. Man Hours worked 2. Upper limb and neck disorder
3. Fatalities 3. Cancer and malignant blood disease
4. First Aid injuries 4. Infections / preventable disease
5. Lost Time Injuries (LTI) 5. Mental ill-health
6. Days Lost due to LTI 6. Noise induced hearing
7. Restricted Work Day Cases (RWDC) 7. Poisoning
8. Medical Treatment Cases (MTC) 8. Respiratory disease
9. Heat stress related cases 9. Skin disease
10. Hazards Observation 10. Other occupational illness
11. Near Misses
12. High Potential Near misses
13. Damage to Property
14. Vehicle Incidents
15. Fire Incidents
16. Oil Spill Incidents
17. Chemical Spill Incidents
18. Accidents involving Third Parties
19. HSE Management System Audits
20. Camp Audits
21. Behavioral Audits
22. Site HSE Inspections
23. HSE Meetings
24. Municipal waste (Tons)
25. Hazardous waste (Tons)
26. Risk Assessments
27. Drills (Evacuation / Fire / Gas release)
28. Trainings:
29. Energy Consumption:

Weekly HSE Reporting –

MOPA-HSE-32-Weekly HSE Performance Statistics

MOPA-HSE-28-HSE Inspection Report

Near Miss Reporting

An ideal near miss event reporting system includes both mandatory (for incidents with high
loss potential) and voluntary, non- punitive reporting by witnesses. A key to any near miss
report is the "lesson learned". Near miss reporters are in a position to describe that they
observed about genesis of the event, and the factors that prevented loss from occurring.
On site, any near miss incident and its counter measures will be reported in full detail to HSE
personnel, a copy of which will be provided to HSE Management for assessment and
evaluation and to COMPANY for their information and filling purposes ( Ref. MOPA-HSE-15-
NearMiss Report)

This kind of approach will provide an immense opportunity for all types of people working at
site to actively participate to HSE programs. This embodies principles of behavior shift,
responsibility sharing and awareness.

Accident/ Incident reporting.

All accidents/incidents related to the project shall be reported to the COMPANY’s Authorized
Representative within 24 Hrs as per OSHAD and local regulations using the formats, Incident
Notification Site visitors & all personnel are to report all Accident/incident within 2 Hrs from
its Occurrence.
They shall be reported to the HSE Department and management. These incidents include:

 personnel occupational illnesses

 Personnel injury. No matter how minor.
 Property damage incident, including fires.

 All near-miss incidents where personnel injury or property damage had the Potential to
 CONTRACTOR shall include in the monthly report the following HSE performance statistics
for the month:
References :-OSHAD-SF Mechanism 6.0 – OSH Performance Monitoring and Reporting


CONTRACTOR Shall immediately report all incidents involving injuries that require medical
treatment including first aid, fatalities, and major equipment damage to the COMPANY as per
COMPANY Safe Work Practices and COMPANY HSE guidelines for CONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTOR shall report all incidents verbally to COMPANY and CONTRACTOR’s HSE
Engineer as soon as possible but within 3 hours of the incident and shall submit a short written
notification within 24 hours of the incident to COMPANY with the basic detail and submit a
complete investigation report not later than 3days after the incident.

Incident / Accident Investigation Flow chart


No Harm
Near Miss Accident

Low Risk High Potential Low Medium Classified as

Risk High serious Incident

Required Action : Required Action : Required Required Action : Required Action :

Fill the near miss 1. Fill the near miss Action: Record 1. Call or send SMS to 1. PE and /or HSE
form for record form Submit Accident in The PE,HSE & CM 2. Fill the incident
keeping investigation Accident Log immediately after notification report
NearMiss Report report with in 72 gathering basic and submit to EH&S
Hrs. Contents of information 3. HSE to identify
the report must 2. Fill the incident requirment for
be as per notification for and investigation team for
Company submit to company full report.
prescribe with in 3Hrs.
contents. 3. Contractor to identify
investigation team
4. Submit investigation
report with72
Hrs.Content of the
report must be as per
company prescribe

To define a documented procedure for:

Conducting internal audits in order to determine the suitability of documentation, the degree
of compliance to the documentation and the effective of the HSE Plan.

Establish steps to investigate and evaluate causes and potential causes of non-confidence
occurred in the HSE Plan, to initiate appropriate corrective and preventive actions, and to
ensure their effectiveness. Review of the HSE Plan at appropriate intervals so as to ensure
the continued suitability and effectiveness of the HSE Plan and the Requirement of the HSE
management policy and organization’s objectives and targets.

COMPANY shall have the right at any time to audit / inspect the CONTRACTOR’s facilities;
procedures and safety management systems. CONTRACTOR shall fully co-operate in such
reviews and shall implement recommendations at his own cost where COMPANY /ADWEA
/ ADDC or statutory rules and regulations are contravened.


Internal HSEQ audits will be planned and performed both on Corporate and on site;

 To verify that the activities affecting quality are carried out in accordance with quality
 system documents and/or project HSE&Q plan provisions;
 To evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the HSE&Q system &/or project HSE&Q
 Plan in meeting the established goal & Objectives.
 To identify any deficiencies, and causes thereof, and initiate preventive or corrective
 action, where necessary;
 To verify the adequacy of preventive or corrective action taken.

The internal HSE&Q audits shall be conducted once in every six months or as per the
approved internal HSE audit schedule and MR (HSEQ) will ensure that all applicable
elements are identified in the schedule and are covered for the whole project duration.

HSE&Q audits are executed by trained personnel independent of the areal activity being
audited, and are scheduled on the basis of the status and criticality of the activity under
audit. The audit notifications will be sent to the recipients as identified in the "Distribution list
for audit notifications and audit reports" at-least five days prior to the audit date.

Audits will be carried out by the HSE&Q Coordinator and he can be assisted by persons with
the appropriate experience on audited area, thus forming an audit team.

The audit team will have access to all documents concerned with activities to be audited
(drawings, specifications, orders, records, reports, etc.) and is entitled to carry out

Investigation to the extent it considered necessary.

The audit reports along with the Audit findings and Non Conformance Reports will be
forwarded to COMPANY Representative

Management Review

The objective is to ensure that the Health, Safety and Environment & ISO 9001 Quality
Management System remains suitable, adequate and effective. The review should assess
opportunities to improve the need to change the HSE Policy and QMS, quality policy and
quality objectives.

Management Review Input Agenda

 Audit results
 Customer feedback, positive and negative
 CONTRACTOR Evaluation Report
 Process performance and product conformity
 Any follow-up actions from previous review, corrective actions and preventive actions
 Changes that could affect the HSE&Q system e.g. changes to standards, legislation,
technology, business activities
 Recommendations for improvement
 Incident and accident reports

Management Review Output Minutes/Actions

 Improve the effectiveness of the Health, Safety and Environment Policy and
 Management System
 Improve the products
 Resource needs


Internal Audit Flow Chart
Internal Audit Flow Chart
HSE Engineer Auditor Auditor+Auditee Notes
   
 
1  

Preparing Audit Plan   
According to   
  1. Planning Internal Audits
1. Status importance of
  a) Internal audits shall be
 
Process   undertaken and conducted at least
2. Areas to be audited   once in every six months covering
3. Result of previous audit   all processes and operations of the
  
 company.
 
   b) Intervals between audits may
   increase or decrease depending on
2   audit results, but each process has
Informing auditors and   to be audited at least once per year.
auditees before  
  
conducting the audit 
 
and agree on times   
  

  
  
3  
4 
Preparing all related Gathering necessary  
documents and records information  2. Inform Auditors & Auditees
including previous   The HSE Engineer shall prepare
 
"Internal Audit Schedule prior to
 audit." Auditors selected for
 5 Perform Audit conducting the audit shall be
 Preparing for the Audit
 knowledgeable and well conversant

 
 with activities of the areas to be
 
 audited but at the same time shall
   not be functionally related to the
 8
Agree on Audit findings, same department/process.
Prepare Internal Audit
 non-conformities and
  improvement actions.
 


Implement corrective

preventive action


Find CAR
 improveme
11 nt
Re-schedule according suggestions
to audit result

Close audit and File



 The Risk Assessment Team shall include representation from all appropriate functional areas
and departments.
 The significant hazards associated with the operations of semi- permanent on- site
contractors are covered by this.
 Interested parties include employees, customers and the community.
 The risk assessment process could easily become out of proportion to the benefits aimed,
and the process could turn in to an ineffective paper bureaucratic nightmare.
 Risk Management is concerned with avoiding injury and ill- health loss or damage to
equipment, protecting against accidental losses- Risk management is therefore everyone's
business and in everyone's interest.
 Job/ Task Risk Assessment will be carried out before each HSE critical activity and same
will be submitted to COMPANY Owner on the format provided in the appendix along with the
Method of Statement.


Risk Management Program, including:

 Defines risk management methodologies and competencies
 Based on consultation with employees, contractors and other relevant stakeholders;
 Incorporates the recognized steps of risk management
 Addresses routine and non-routine activities of all persons having access to the workplace
 Addresses supply chain and contractor undertakings
 Address human behavior
 Address plant, machinery, equipment, substances and materials at the workplace
 Address the design of work areas, processes, work organization and operating procedures
 Ensure documentation, recording and communication of the results of risk management

Occupational Health and Safety Control Hierarchy

 Elimination of Hazard
Examples include the proper disposal of redundant items of equipment that contain
substances such as asbestos, the removal of excess quantities of chemical accumulated
over time in a laboratory, etc.
 Substitution of hazard
Examples include the process or chemical be substituted for a less hazardous alternative.
 Engineering controls:
Examples include the installation of machine guards on hazardous equipment, electrical
protection system, the provision of local exhaust ventilation over a process area releasing
noxious fumes, etc.
 Administrative controls:
Include Job Rotation, Limiting exposure, Permit to work systems, safe operating
procedures, i.e. system safety rules and Training, etc.
 Personal protective equipment:
Include electrical work PPE, safety glasses and goggles, earmuffs and earplugs, hard hats,
toe- capped footwear. Gloves, respiratory protection, apron, etc.

If the risk is low, no action may be required. Extreme high risks and High require that
management formulate a corrective action plan, which would include:

Risk Potential Matrix Guide

Consequence Likelihood (PROBABILITY)

Rare Possible Likely Often Almost
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5
(1) 1 2 3 4 5
(2) 2 4 6 8 10
(3) 3 6 9 12 15
(4) 4 8 12 16 20

(5) 5 10 15 20 25
No Action Required (ALARP level ) unless as causation of risk
Low 1-4
is possible
Activity can proceed subject to proper management and /or
Medium 5-10 modification.

Activity must proceed unless risk is reduced to acceptable

High 12-25 level.


 Rare – Never Occurred

 Possible - Incident has Occurred in similar Industry 6 times every 5 years
 Likely - Same Incident has Occurred in similar Industry 1-5 times per year
 Often – Same Incident has Occurred in similar Industry 5-12 times per year
 Frequent/Almost Certain- Same Incident has Occurred in similar Industry Continues or frequently

 Insignificant
Safety & Health –Minor Injury which may require self-administrated First aid.
Insignificant impact to contending to communality.
Environment - Insignificant impact on environment Occurrence due to Odor, Dust,
Noise, Vibration etc. Results in the generation of Non- Hazardous waste
Production & Cost –Incident event without causing production losses. Finical Loss
(Fines, Cost of repair, or Damages) of Less than 5000 Aed.
 Minor
Safety & Health – Injury requiring treatment by medical Practitioner. Personnel
unable to perform the agreed duties ( as restricted work cases )
Environment- Minor environment impact due to contained of production , Significant
use of water fuel, energy and other natural resources , Minor spillage of chemical
Less Than 100 letter on shore and less than 100 litter off shore .
Production & Cost –Incident event causing without causing production loss
(Compensation, fines cost of repair, Plant damaged etc.) that 20000 Aed to 50000
 Moderate
Safety & Health –Serious injury requiring treatment by medical practitioner or
Immediate transfer to Hospital Patient for long time or permanent disabling effects
(e.g. Fractures, chronic back injuries sprain, bruise etc.)
Environment- Significant impact to fauna & Flora and water because of spillage og
chemical more than 10 liters onshore and 10 litters on offshore area.
Production & Cost - Incident without causing production loss or delay up to one
week. Finical loss (Composition fines cost of repair and damages) of 50000 Aed to
500000 Aed.

 Major
Safety & Health –Single fatality or permanent disability from accident or
occupational illness (E.g. Cancer )
Environment- Continued and serious damages to fauna & flora and water , due to

chemical spillage more than 100 litters

Production & Cost –Production loss or delay more than one month, Finical Loss (e.g
Composition, fines repair, or damages etc.) 500000 Aed to 1 Million Aed.

 Catastrophic

Safety & Health – Multiple fatality or permanent Disabilities from an accident or

Occupational Illness (Cancer Etc.)
Environment – Long term impact to environment , fauna / Flora and ground water
Spillage of chemical resulting to long term contamination effects. Widespread
disaster to significant area of land, Fauna /Flora and ground water.
Production & Cost,-Huge loss of Production, Finical/Legal Penalties by Authorities.
Finical Loss greater than 1 million.


Hazardous Substances – Control and Maintenance

CONTRACTOR shall make ensure the hazard substance Such as Paint, Solvent, Petrol diesel,
Disinfects, spray Paint (for Marking) and WD40 etc. If such substances are encountered on project,
then the following control measures will be incorporated.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

 CONTRACTOR is not storing any Hazards or chemical material at site or office .Even though
CONTRACTOR shall ensure the control measure while using such material for specific
 The hazardous materials like fuels, paints, etc will be stored with special care and firefighting
and spillage collection facilities. A Supplier/Manufacturer Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
shall be provided with each hazardous substance listed on the Material Purchasing
 MSDS of all material will be available at the store. A copy of all MSDS will be available with
HSE officer at the site. The MSDS of hazardous chemicals will be displayed along with

materials storage.
 The first Aid requirements of all materials will be provided at the site the hazardous nature of
the materials will be conveyed to workers through tool box talks. All necessary PPEs
required to handle the chemicals as per the MSDS will be available at the site.
The MSDS information shall include:
 The chemicals contained in the hazardous substance.
 The concentration of each chemical.
 Safety precautions to be observed in storing and handling.
 Appropriate first aid or medical treatment required in the event of accidental entry into the
body system. Specific action to be taken in the event of emergencies, e.g. fire, explosion and
 Procedures to be observed for disposal of waste and empty containers.
Refer to. OSHAD-SF CoP - 1.0 - Hazardous Materials



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

CONTRACTOR will make available suitable PPE as per COMPANY/ADDC/OSHAD-SF HSE standard &
Requirements for Contractors to the entire workforce for the activity that will be undertaken. It will be
the responsibility for everybody to ensure that they are properly used.

 Safety helmets and safety shoes shall be worn by all personnel while in the vicinity of any
construction activity.
 Safety goggles or face shields shall be worn by all personnel performing grinding / chipping,
chiseling / cutting, welding or any other similar acts which may produce dust, sparks, gases
and/ or flying particles, and by those in the affected vicinity.
 Dust goggles shall be used when working in areas subject to blowing dust or sand.
 Protective gloves shall be provided and used when working with sharp material
 All employees shall be required to wear appropriate work pants or overalls for skin
 Safety ladders and fans shall be provided and used where necessary during the work.

Lifelines and safety belts shall have a minimum breaking of 2,500 kg. Safety Belt lanyards
shall not be longer than 2 meters, if not otherwise covered in the specifications.
 All personnel protective devices shall be inspected regularly and maintained in good working
conditions. It will be the individual Supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that their workers are
allowed to proceed to work only with relevant PPE and wear them throughout the entire work
 The lack of stock PPE at the stores is NOT grounds for allowing operatives to commence
hazardous operations without PPE. This situation will not be accepted and disciplinary action
will be taken against the operatives, their Supervisors and the Storekeepers.
 The responsibilities of Supervisors and the charge hands will also be detailed to them in the
Weekly safety meetings. The responsibilities of the operatives will also be detailed to them in
their Tool Box meetings. All sub-contractors will be required to abide by the above and
commit them in writing.


 The HSE Engineer shall approve all types of PPE

 The company will issue different types of PPE to their employees
 All PPE shall be cleaned and maintained by the users.
 Failures to use PPE or the misuse of them are grounds for disciplinary actions.
 Visitors (short time) will be provided with safety helmets only for the duration of their visits
and no other PPE will normally be required for them.
 PPE Register shall be maintained

Types of PPE and Users

 Safety Helmets- shall be Worn By all employees/COMPANY or visitors all the time at site
 Safety Boots- shall be Worn By all employees/COMPANY or visitors all the time at site
 Eye Protection- shall be Worn By all employees/COMPANY or visitors in case dusty
environment or condition
 Hand Gloves – shall be worn while performing the task which may effect on hands all the
time performing work

 Safety Harness- Shall be while performing the task more than 1.8 meters height
 Ear Protection – Shall be use when the noise level exceeding 85 dba.
 Overalls- shall be worn all the time at work place
 Face Shields – shall be worn while performing welding, cutting or performing hot work
 Dust Mask / Full Face mask- shall be Worn By all employees/COMPANY or visitors in case
dusty environment
 High visibility reflective jacket - shall be Worn By all employees/COMPANY or visitors all the
time at site.
(Ref.OSHAD-SF CoP 2.0 Personal Protective Equipment)


Type of waste:- Three main types of waste can be distinguished as follows:

Sewage Waste

Sewage will be designed, sized and installed to carry all wash and wastewater, sewage, etc. Where a
public sewer is not available or connection is denied, sewage will be collected and treated by a
package treatment plant of adequate capacity and approved design prior to disposal.

Garbage waste

Garbage waste Such as Food waste and Office General Garbage shall be collected in Garbage bin and
shall be dump nearest Municipal Garbage bin.

General waste / Construction waste

General / Construction waste generated form the project related activities shall be collected and
segregated at designated area and shall be taken by Authorized vehicle & disposed according to
TADWEER WASTE MANAGEMENTSYSTEM. Waste disposal log & Waste manifest form record shall
be maintained and it shall be submitted to COMPANY on monthly Basis. Skip shall be provided where
waste cannot be collected and remove immediately.

House keeping

Good housekeeping remains the backbone of environmental protection in day to day Construction
activities. A job is not completed without a clean-up operation therefore a continued emphasis shall
be given to good housekeeping to demonstrate management commitment. All the area requires to be
cleaned and the wastes are to be collected, stored and disposed accordingly. Good housekeeping is
the first principle of good maintenance, accident and fire prevention and is paramount to the safety of
all persons in the work place.

Refer To. OSHAD-SF CoP - 54.0 - Waste Management.



CONTRACTOR to conduct all of its operations in such a manner as to minimize any

possible actions that may endanger or harm the Health Safety & environment. Since
CONTRACTOR is certified with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001, shall follow all
local and internationally accepted compliance standards to prevent undesired
events & pollution or environmental damage to the lands, water andair and give
the qualitative progress.


Compliance with statutory Regulations:

CONTRACTOR shall carry out and execute all activities in accordance with statutory
legislation including but not limited to;

 Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Federal Law No. 8 of the Year 1980.
 Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Ministerial Order No. 32 of the Year 1982.
 Federal Environment Law No. 24 for the Year 1999.
 Law No. 21 for the Year 2005 with respect to Waste Management
within Abu DhabiEmirates.
 Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety & Health System Framework Version 3.0/3.1
 Tatweer Center of waste management Abu Dhabi

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