Instruments and Components

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Pushbutton, Red (2) EMS 9102

Pushbutton, Black (2) EMS 9103
Electromagnetic Contactor EMS 9106
Overload Relay EMS 9109
Circuit Breaker EMS 9110
Pilot Lamp, Red EMS 9120
Pilot Lamp, Green EMS 9121
Remote Cable Assembly EMS 9122
Control Transformer EMS 9123
Component Panel (2) EMS 9127
Connection Leads EMS 9128
Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor Module, *EMS 8425
AC Metering Module (2.5/8A) *EMS 8821
Power Supply Module (120/208V 36) *EMS 3911
Electrodynamometer Module Timing Belt *EMS 8942
*Denotes ¼ Hp Electro-Mechanical System Equipment
Caution: High voltages are present in this Labora tory Experiment! Do not make any
connections with the power on! Be sure to connect the ground terminal of each component
panel to the power supply ground!
1. a) Examine the simple two-wire control magnetic starter circuit shown in Fig. 5-6. It
is similar to the circuits shown in the DISCUSSION section except that the terminals
are numbered to aid you in making your wiring connections. Assume that rated power
is applied and that the disconnect switch is closed.
b) Will the motor start when the pushbutton is depressed?
c) Will the red pilot lamp indicate when the motor is on?
d) Will the motor continue to run when the pushbutton is released?
e) Will the green pilot lamp indicate when the motor is off?
Explain …………………………………….
2. Set up the circuit shown in Fig. 5-6. Use two short leads and connect the three
squirrel-cage motor terminals (4, 5. and 6) together. Connect the input terminals (1, 3,
and 5) of your circuit breaker to the fixed 208V 30 output of the power supply,
terminals /. 2, and 3.
b) Set the overload relay to trip at 1.24 by turning the calibrated dial on top of the
c) Close the disconnect switch, turn on the power supply and depress the start
d) Does the motor start?
e) Does the red pilot lamp come on?
f) Release the pushbutton.
g) Did the motor stop?
h) Did the green pilot lamp come on?
i) Turn off the power supply and open the disconnect switch.

3. Connect the remaining pair of NO con- tacts (of the electromagnetic contactor) in
parallel with the start pushbutton as shown in Fig. 5-7.

b) Will these contacts close when the

push- button is depressed?
c) Will they open when the pushbutton is released?
d) Are they acting as holding contacts?
e) Close the disconnect switch, turn on the power supply and depress the start
pushbutton. f) Does the motor start?
g) Release the pushbutton.
h) Does the motor stop?
i) Turn off the power supply and open the disconnect switch.

4. a) Connect the red push button in series with the holding contacts as shown in Fig. 5-

b) Will the motor stop when the

red push- button is depressed?
c) Close the disconnect switch,
turn on the power supply and
depress the start pushbutton.
d) Does the motor start?
e) Release the start pushbutton.
f) Does the motor stop?
g) Depress the red pushbutton.
h) Does the motor stop?
i) Depress both buttons at the same time.
j) Does the motor start?
k) Is this safe?
l) Tum off the power supply and open the disconnect switch.

5. a) Remove the red pushbutton from the holding contact circuit and connect it in series
with the start pushbutton as shown in Fig. 5.9
b) Will the motor start when the black push-button is depressed?
c) Will the motor stop when the red push- button is depressed?
d) Close the disconnect switch, turn on the power supply and depress the start
pushbutton. e) Does the motor start?
f) Does it continue to run when the start pushbutton is released?
8) Depress the stop pushbutton.
h) Does the motor stop?
i) Depress both buttons at the same time.
j) Does the motor start?
k) Start the motor.
l) With the motor running, depress both buttons at the same time.

m) Does the motor stop?

n) Is this circuit safer to operate than
the one of Fig. 5-8?
o) Turn off the power supply and
open the disconnect switch.

6. a) To determine the operating characteris- tics of the overload relay we must overload
the motor in discrete steps, monitoring both motor current and tripping time.
b) Couple the electrodynamometer to the squirrel-cage motor with the timing belt.
c) Connect the input terminals of the elec- trodynamometer to the fixed 120Vac output
of the power supply, terminals I and N.
d) Set the dynamometer control knob at its full cw position (to provide a maximum
starting load for the motor).
e) Insert an ac current meter, set on the 84 range, in series with one of the input leads
to the overload relay.
f) Close the disconnect switch and turn on the power supply.
g) Using a timer or watch with a sweep hand to monitor the trip time, depress the start
button and quickly measure the overload current before the overload relay trips.

Ioverload= …………………………….. A


h) Did the green overload indicator go on?

i) Can you restart the motor?
j) The green pilot lamp will eventually go out indicating that the overload relay has
automa- tically reset it self
LINE 2 0A 1.8A 1.5A
% OVERLOAD 67% 50% 25%
k) Record your measurements in the table of Fig. 5-10.
l) Turn off the power supply and open the disconnect switch.
m) Set the dynamometer control knob at its full cew position (to provide a minimum
starting load for the motor).
n) Change the current meter range to 2.5A
o) Allow five minutes for the overload relay to cool and then turn on the power
supply, close the disconnect switch and start the motor.
p) Adjust the dynamometer loading until the motor draws 2.0A of current
q) Monitor and then record the trip time in the table.
r) Repeat for motor currents of 1.8A and 1.SA, letting the overload relay cool for five
min utes between each trial.
s) Turn off the power supply and open the disconnect switch.
t) Uncouple the electrodynamometer from the motor.
NOTE: During this Laboratory Experiment we used the overload relay at its 1.2A setting. Re-
adjust it to the 1.6A setting for the remainder of this course.
7. a) By the addition of two more pushbuttons and the remote cable assembly we can
control the motor from two locations. The pushbuttons must be connected so that the
additional start pushbut- ton is in parallel with the existing start pushbutton, and the
additional stop pushbutton in series with the existing stop pushbutton.
b) Using one red and one black pushbutton and only three wires of your remote cable
assembly, set up a remote pushbutton control station on your neighbor's console.
Draw your connections dir- ectly on
the circuit shown in Fig. 5-11 showing
the terminal numbers of the three
connecting wires.

c) Close the disconnect switch, turn on

the power supply and start the motor.
d) Operate the start and stop
pushbuttons from each station. Is the
motor being controlled from each
e) Turn off the power supply and open
the disconnect switch
1. List three reasons why automatic motor restarting is possible when using two-wire
2. List the four basic functions that a com- plete motor controller must perform.
3. Explain why the overload relay is allowed to cool for five minutes between each test
in Procedure 6.
4. What additional requirements would the overload relay have to meet if the three poles
were not mechanically linked together?
5. In Procedure 7, what equipment would be required to control the motor from a third
6. Explain how you would connect the equip ment listed in Question No. 5.
7. Explain how you would connect an on indicating pilot lamp to your remote control sta
tion of Procedure 7 using only one additional wire of the remote cable assembly.

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