التشريح والفسلجة نظري

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Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineering
Dr. Zaid Adnan Hussein
The tissue level of organization
 Tissue: - A group of similar cells specialized to perform a set of function.
 Histology: - Study of tissue.
 100 Trillions of individual cells make only 200 types of cells of our body.
 There are 4 types of tissues:-1- Epithelial, 2- Connective, 3-Muscle, 4- Neural tissue.

1-Epithelial tissue
 Contains:-
1-Epithelia: - Are layers of cells that cover internal or external surface.
2- Gland: - Composed of secreting cells derived from epithelia.

Characteristic of epithelia

1- Cells are bound closely together.

2- A free (apical) surface exposed to external and internal environment.
3- Attachment to underlying connective tissue by a basement membrane.
4- The absence of blood vessels (avascular).
5- Epithelial surface cells continually replaced or regenerated.
Function of epithelial tissue

1-provide physical protection

2-Control permeability
3-provide sensation
4-Produce specialized secretion:-a-exocrine &b-endocrine

The epithelial surface

 Microvilli: - increase surface area by 20 time.
 Cilia: - beating in one way to move material across the epithelial surface (some cell contains 250 cilia).

The basement membrane

It lies between the epithelium and underlying connective tissue, have no cell, only protein fiber. Adjacent epithelial
cells firmly attached to these protein to provide:-
1- Strength and resisting distortion.
2- As barriers that restricts the movement of protein and other molecules from the underlying connective tissue
into the epithelium.
The epithelial renewal and repair
Epithelial cells survive for the short period (1-2 days) so it should replace by division of stem cells, or germinative

Classifying epithelia
 According to number of cells layers: - Simple and stratified.
 According to the shape of exposed cell: - Squamous, cuboidal, columnar.
- Simple epithelium:- Single cells layer present where secretion and absorption occur GIT, Resp.T, cavities.
_ Stratified epithelium:- Has many layer present in area exposed to mechanical stress as skin.

Glandular epithelium
 It is a type of epithelium has secretory function, could be:-
-Single cells gland.
-Multiple cells gland.

 Classify according to mode of secretion :-

-Merocrine secretion produce Saliva
- Apocrine secretion produce Milk
- Holocrine secretion produce Sebum

 Classify according to type of secretion:-

-Serous- enzyme, milk, perspiration through the skin.
2-Connective tissues (CT)
CTs are internal tissues, it is the most diverse tissues of the body as bone, blood, fat which they have different

CTs have three basic components:-

1- specialized cells
2- Protein fiber
3- A fluid known as ground substance Matrix

CTs properties:-
1- Never exposed to environment
2- Have many blood vessels.
3- Have receptor for “pain, pressure, temperature”

 Support and protection:- protect & surround delicate organs
 Transportation of material:- By fluid connection tissue "blood”
 Storage of energy reserve:- by fat deposit.
 Defense of the body:- by blood W.B.C and lymph
Classifying of (CT)
Based on physical properties of their matrix, classified in 3 types:-
1- CT proper:- have many types of cells with syrupy substances as “subcutaneous T., fatty T., tendon and
2- Fluid CT:- Have distinctive population of cells suspended in watery ground substances and dissolved protein as
blood and lymph.
3- Supportive CT:- Have less diverse cells population, the ground substance is dense and closely packed fibers as
bone, cartilage. The fibrous matrix of bone is said to be calcified because of mineral deposits (primarily calcium
CT proper

 Contains:-
1- Cells:- fibroblast, macrophage, fat cell, mast cell, some of them resident other mobile.
2- fiber:- collagen, elastic, reticular fiber.
3- ground substance:- clear, colorless, viscous syrupy material.

 Types of CT proper:-
A- Loose CT – Adipose CT.
B- Dense CT- regular or irregular dense CT (regular: tendon, ligament, and irregular subcutaneous tissue).

Fluid CT

 Blood & lymph are fluid CT which contain:-

1-Cells:- distinct collection of cells RBC, WBC, platelet
2-Matrix contain :- dissolved protein and watery ground substance.
 By filtration water and solute moves through capillaries and return to the blood vessels by lymph vessels after
monitoring by immune system .
Supporting CT

— Bone and cartilage are supporting CT.

Cartilage:- Is surround by perichondrium (inner cellular layer & outer fibrous layer), have no blood vessels.
— Contains:
- cells- chondrocytes in lacunae.
- matrix- as firm gel.

— Types of cartilage:-
A- Hyaline cartilage- have closely placed collagen fiber, it is tough & little flexible , exist between rib & sternum,
opposing bone surface, trachea
B- Elastic cartilage- Have numerous elastic fiber which is extremely resilient & flexible, exist in auricle, nose,
epiglottis, auditory canal.
C- fibrocartilage- dominated by collagen fiber which are densely interwoven, extremely tough and durable, exist
between vertebrae.

The bone (osseous tissue).

- The volume of ground substances in bone is very small. The matrix of bone consists mainly of hard calcium
compound & little collagen fiber.
- Cells- osteocytes in lacunae.
 covered by periosteum except in joint cavities, where covered by hyaline cartilage. Covered made up of outer
fibrous and inner cellular layer.
 Its combination of epithelial and connective tissues that covered & protect other structures & tissues.
 The body have four types of membranes:-
1-mucous membranes.
2-serous membranes.
3-cutaneous membranes.
4-synovial membranes.

Mucous Membranes

 Its line cavities that exposed to external environment (e.g. digestive, respiratory, and urinary tract). The epithelial
surfaces are kept moist at all times by mucous secretion or by exposure to fluids such as urine. The connective tissue
under M.M is loose connective tissue.
 Many of M. M lined by simple epithelia to perform absorptive or secretory functions(e.g. columnar epithelium of
the digestive tract) other types of epithelia may involve(e.g. stratified squamous epithelium of the mouth, and
transitional epithelium of urinary tract).
Serous Membranes

 Its line the internal cavities.

 Consist from a simple epithelium supported by loose connective tissue.
 There are three S. M. present in the body:-
-pleura line pleural cavity.
-the peritoneum line peritoneal cavity.
-the pericardium line pericardial cavity.
 Each one has two portion:-
o parietal which lines the inner surface of the cavity .
o visceral portion which cover outer surface of the organs.
 Its function to minimize friction between this two opposing portion when organ move or changes shape . The
friction is reduced by a watery, serous fluid formed by fluids diffusing from underlying tissues.

Cutaneous Membranes

 It covers the surface of the body.

 Consists from stratified squamous epithelium and dense connective tissue .
 The skin is thick, relatively water proof, and usually dry.

Synovial Membranes

 Its lines joint cavities.

 Consists from incomplete layer of epithelial tissue and loose connective tissue .
 Produced synovial fluid by fibroblast, which helps lubricate the joint and permits smooth movement.
3-Muscle tissue
 It is specialized for contraction.
 Muscle cell contraction involves interaction between filaments of myosin and actin proteins.
 There are three types of muscle tissue:-
a-skeletal , b-cardiac, c-smooth M.T.
 They have the same contraction mechanism, but differ by their actin & myosin organization.

A-skeletal muscle tissue

 Contain large , long and thin muscle cells called muscle fibers.
 Muscle fibers are multinucleated with peripheral location.
 Muscle fibers have a striped appearance “striations”.
 Muscle fibers contraction controlled by voluntary nervous system, so it considered striated voluntary muscle.
 Attached to the bone skeleton.
B-Cardiac muscle cell
 Found only in the heart.
 Striated with single central nucleus , smaller than a skeletal muscle.
 Cardiac muscle branch and interconnected by intercalated disc, its specialized attachment sites contain gab
junction and desmosomes.
 Specialized cells, called pacemaker cells, establish a regular rate of contraction.
 Its involuntary muscle.

C-smooth muscle tissue

 Found in the wall of blood vessels and the hollow organs.
 The smooth muscle cell is small, spindle shape with single central nucleus .
 Not striated.
 Involuntary contraction.
 Smooth muscle cell can divide.
4-Neural tissue(NT)
— 98% of NT presents in brain and spinal cord, and the control centers for the nervous system.
— It is specialized for conduction of electrical impulses from one region of the body to another .
— Consist from neurons “conduct electrical impulse”, and neuroglia.

Neuroglia serve for:-

1- physical protection.
2- maintain the chemical composition of the tissue fluids.
3- supply nutrient to neurons.
4- defend the tissue from infection.

Typical neuron has:-

- cell body, containing large nucleus.
- dendrites, numerous projection from the body received information from other cells.
- axon, long and slender “nerve fiber” projection carry information to other cells, and end with synaptic terminals by
it communicate with other cells.
Thank A Lot

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