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Systems 5 Hydraulic Systems S35 PDF

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AGK Systems

Lesson 5: Hydraulic Systems

• All but the simplest arrangements have at
least two separate, individual powered
hydraulic systems
• If one fails the other(s) will provide
hydraulic power
Single Acting Actuator
• Actuators convert hydraulic pressure into
• On the single acting type:
• Hydraulic pressure moves the piston in
one direction only
• A spring supplies the return force
• Locking / unlocking device
Single Acting Actuator
Double Acting Balanced
• Hydraulic pressure moves the piston in both
• Ram ends of actuator are equal area both sides of
• Given pressure gives equal force either side of
piston face
• Used for nose wheel steering or flight control
system actuators
Double Acting Unbalanced

Hydraulic pressure moves the actuator in both directions.

Different pressures are generated because area of face on
the side of the piston which acts as the actuating rod is
very slightly less than the area of the other face.(i.e extract
and retract landing gear)
Non Return Valve(check valve)
• Allows fluid to flow in one direction only
• Uses a ball valve and spring
• If system pressure falls, ball prevents reverse flow.
• Stamped with a flow direction
Selector Valves

Used to direct hydraulic fluid to the required part of the system.

Can be operated mechanically or electrically.
Hydraulic lock occurs when the valve is arranged so that there is no flow to
either side of the actuator.
Hydraulic Circuits
• Light aircraft may use a self-contained
package system
• Multi-engine aircraft require many
hydraulic components
• There are two fundamental types of
• Passive - No hydraulic pump – all the
power must be supplied by pilot
• Active - Mechanically driven pump
Hydraulic Circuits
• Simplest system is the open centre or low
pressure system
• Operates at up to 2000psi
• Pressure is only generated when a service
requires it
• Used on used on older light aircraft
• Uses a spur gear pump to provide power
• When one system is operating the other
is hydraulically locked.
Open Centre System
Closed Centre System
• Maintains a constant supply of hydraulic pressure
• Fluid is continuously pumped around the system
• Pressure remains low until a service selection is
• Requires off-loading valve to allow pump to
• Off load condition reduces engine power
Closed Centre System
Light Aircraft Systems
• One active hydraulic circuit for landing gear
• Uses a self-contained hydraulic power pack , operated by
electric motor.
• Gear is held in the retracted position by hydraulic lock
• Pump on line when required to restore system pressure
• Thermal relief valves protect against over pressure
• Gear mechanical lock down when power pump switched
• If the system fails a dump valve breaks the hydraulic lock
Typical Light Aircraft System
The Hydraulic Reservoir
• Stores the hydraulic fluid
• Normally pressurised but may be vented to atmosphere
• It allows for fluid thermal expansion
• Accepts fluid returning from the low pressure side
• Holds excess fluid to compensate for leaks
• Has a sight glass to check the level when:
• All system components are at the correct setting
• Accumulators are fully charged
Hydraulic Reservoir
The Hydraulic Reservoir
The Hydraulic Reservoir
• A pressurised reservoir:
• Prevents the fluid from boiling at altitude
• Provides positive pressure at the pump inlet
• Relief valve protects the reservoir from over
• Accumulator charge, pressure and temperature
affects the volume fluid in the reservoir
• Temperature sensors provide indications to the flight
• Comprises pressurised gas and fluid in a cylinder
separated by a piston or rubber diaphragm
• Pre-charged with nitrogen
• Acts as a store of hydraulic fluid under pressure
• As oil pressure increases, the piston moves up
compressing the gas further. It stops moving when
hydraulic and gas pressure are equal and then remains in
this state.
• Provides a limited supply of pressure to operate essential
services if the pump fails

When the pumps are running and the system is operating,

gas pressure equals hydraulic pressure.
• Used in braking system: up to 6 applications of brake
• Also used to damp out pressure pulses caused by
pump(basınç dalgalanmalarını önler.)
• A pressure gauge displays:
• Pre-charge nitrogen gas pressure when hydraulic
system off
• The hydraulic system pressure when it is on.
• Incorrect pre-charge pressure cause harmful
hammering (caused by a leak in the system)
• Important to maintain correct pressure in
the system. Excessive pre-charge pressure
causes insufficient fluid to be stored in the
• Very low pre-charge pressure results
insufficient fluid pressure in the event of
pump failure
• Accumulators are provided to:
• Store fluid under pressure.
• Provide a limited supply of pressurized fluid
in an emergency.
• Dampen pressure fluctuations in the
• Allow for thermal expansion.
• Allow for small internal leaks.
Hydraulic Pumps
• Usually driven from the accessory gearbox of the engine
• Hydraulic pumps may be:
• Engine driven(EDP), constant volume or constant
pressure(variable volume)
• Electrical
• Hand operated
• Driven by a Ram Air Turbine (RAT)
• Driven by an hydraulic motor or Power Transfer Unit
Hydraulic Pumps
• Provides flow and pressure to the system
• Spur and rotary pumps in light aircraft
• Piston pumps in larger aircraft types
• Electrical pumps normally used as
emergency back-up
• Hand pumps for maintenance purposes and
as an emergency back-up
Constant Delivery Pump
• Constant delivery or fixed volume pump provides a
constant fluid supply.
• Typically spur gear system
• Flow rate dependant on speed of rotation of the
• Gears normally rotate at constant speed hence
pump emits a constant volume of fluid
• Normally requires an automatic cut out valve (ACOV)
Constant Delivery Pump
Automatic Cut-out Valve (Pressure Regulator)

• Normally fitted in conjunction with

constant volume pump to regulate
hydraulic system pressure.
• When system pressure increases above a
pre-set level(spring adjusted) a poppet
valve opens to create an idling circuit
• System leaks will cause the ACOV to
operate excessively
Automatic Cut-out Valve
Constant Pressure Pumps( variable volume)
• Used on large systems that operate at 3000psi upwards
• The pump comprises a series of pistons in sleeves
• Cylinder block rotates, so sliding shoes to slide around
the swash plate.
• A control piston adjusts the angle of the swash plate.
• Maximum angle causes maximum stroke.
• Minimum angle causes minimum stroke resulting in
idling state, so pump produces no output.
Constant Pressure Pumps

The pump comprises a series of pistons in sleeves. The

entire internal assembly rotates, causing the sliding shoes
to slide around the swash plate.
A control piston adjusts the angle of the swash plate and
hence the output from the pump.
Constant Pressure Pumps

• Pump output is not dependant on speed

• Output volume is regulated by the control piston
• No ACOV or accumulator required
• Driven by a gearbox linked to the engine
• On start up:
• The pump swash plate is at maximum deflection
• A blocking valve off-loads the pump
• The pump is lubricated by hydraulic fluid
Hydraulic Motors
• Rotary actuator uses hydraulic pressure to generate
rotary motion
• Hydraulic pressure forces down pistons in cylinder block
• The angle of the swash plate translates linear piston
movement into rotary movement
• Operating screw jacks to drive flap and slat mechanisms
• Also known as an axial piston motor or bent axis motor
Hydraulic Motors
Hydraulic Filter
• Keeps the fluid free of contamination
• Normally fitted downstream of the hydraulic pump
• Filter traps particles larger than 25 microns
• If the filter clogs:
• Differential pressure sensor operates warning light
• Or a red filter pop-out button
protrudes from main casing
• A bypass valve automatically
allows unfiltered fluid to flow
Hydraulic Filter
Relief Valve
• Protects the system from over pressurisation
• Excess pressure acts against spring causing ball to
• Fluid returns to reservoir
• The ball unseats at its cracking pressure
• Full flow relief valve - equivalent of total pump output
• Also operates as thermal relief, dumping excess
pressure due to heat induced expansion
Relief Valve
Restrictor Valve (Choke Valve)
• Reduces fluid flow to slow speed of operation of a service
• A one-way restrictor allows full flow in one direction and
restricted flow in the other
• Used for slowing landing gear or flap extension
Pressure Maintaining Valve or Priority Valve
• Ensures sufficient flow to primary controls
• Isolates non-essential circuits if system pressure drops
Shuttle Valve
• One service to be operated by two
independent supplies
• Guarantees an adequate supply if either
system fails
• Operates on differential pressure
• Typically used to switch to the emergency
system for landing gear or flap lowering
Shuttle Valve
Shut-off Valves
• Similar to fuses in that they can shut-off
• Isn’t self regulating but is operated by an
external controller
• Used to isolate the fluid supply in the event
of an engine fire.
Hydraulic Fuse
• Fitted upstream of components to shut off
flow and prevent fluid loss in the event of a
major leak.
• Once operated service downstream of fuse
will be isolated
• System upstream of the fuse should still
function normally
Hydraulic Fuse

Still isolated
Large Aircraft Hydraulic Systems
• Must satisfy a number of requirements:
• Redundancy through the use of duplicated or triplicated
primary systems
• Instant response to inputs
• The ability to operate multiple services simultaneously
• Prioritised supplies to the flight controls and wheel brakes
• Emergency sources of pressure
• Greater output to overcome much heavier operating loads
Large Aircraft Hydraulic Systems
• Closed centre system where full system pressure is
always available
• Different circuits often identified by colours
• Separate EDPs supply each system
• Power transfer units fitted to cater for pressure loss
• Independent emergency landing gear operation is
• Ram Air Turbine provides emergency power after
pump failure
Twin Engine System
Controls and Indication
• Panel contains pump switches and overheat
warning lights.
• Each EDP can be independently selected on
• Excessive fluid temperature reduces fluid viscosity
so lubricating qualities reduced which causes pump
Brake Pressure Indicators

The Hand Pump

For maintenance or emergency back-up on some lighter aircraft types.
Pressing handle draws-up the fluid and expelling it through the outlet.
A transfer valve ensures that any pressure generated is not lost back to the lower side of the pump.

• For maintenance or emergency back-up on some

lighter aircraft types.
• Pressing down on the handle draws-up the fluid
and expelling it through the outlet.
• A transfer valve ensures that any pressure
generated is not lost back to the lower side of
the pump.
The Hand Pump

Allow ground servicing without power. Often used to allow cargo doors or
ramps to be opened and closed, to test for leaks and pressurize wheel brake
Ram Air Turbine (RAT)
Automatically lowers into the airstream in the event of
system failure.
Powers an auxiliary hydraulic pump
Blade pitch can be adjusted to control pump RPM
Air Turbine Motors
• High pressure bleed air powers a turbine
which powers an hydraulic pump
• Used on older aircraft designs
The Power Transfer Unit
The Power Transfer Unit

Used on large transport aircraft having more than one

hydraulic system.
Uses an hydraulic motor driven by the live system to
provide hydraulic pressure to the dead system.
dalgalanmalarında darbe
Less hydraulic fluid
due to leakage
causes the pump
continue to cycle to
maintain pressure.
Increased friction
causes an increase
Dahili kaçak hidrolik kaybına yol açar, in temperature!
sonuçta sürtünme oluşur sıcaklık artar!
Sistem basıncı(3000 psi), accumulator
basıncından(1200psi) daha yüksek olduğu
için, gas basıncı 3000 psi’ya çıkıncaya kadar
gas bölmesi sıkışır.
Pompa sıkışırsa quill şaftın çentikli olan en zayıf yeri kopar!
Basınç depolanmaz,
basınçlı sıvı depolanır!

Pressure energy
Increase in an accumulator pressure means it contains
more fluid. Decrease means reverse.
When powering up, hydraulic
pressure recharges the
accumulator with fluid.
Cavitation: forming of voids(boşluk) in the fluid occuring when the
local pressure is below the vapor pressure of the fluid.


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