Safe Healthy Lec

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Compiled & Prepared by: Ms. Melany Venancio,PTRP


UNIT OF 1. Practice occupational health and safety procedures. 5. Sterile Gloves

COMPETENCIES 2. Implement and monitor infection control policies
and procedures GRADING SYSTEM:

MODULE TITLE Safe and Healthy Environment Class Standing 40%

MODULE This module covers the knowledge, skills and Final Exam 30%
DESCRIPTOR attitudes:
in promoting safe & healthy environment by: Quizzes 20%
1. Knowing and complying with the requirements for
occupational health and safety such as identifying, Attendance/Behavior 10%
evaluating and maintaining OH & S awareness.
2. To implement and monitor infection control policy Total 100%
and procedures in a specific work unit or team within
an organization
NOMINAL 30 hours
DURATION Day 1 Day 4
CERTIFICATE NC - II  Orientation & Introduction  Common Injuries at Home
LEVEL  Asepsis and Environment
 Post Quiz  Safety Precautions
OBJECTIVES:  Group Activity
Day 2 Day 5
At the end of this module, the students must be able to:  Asepsis  FWE
 Demonstration  Final Demo
1. Identity & Evaluate hazards and risks  Post Quiz
2. Prevent &Control hazards and risks Day 3
3. Maintain occupational health and safety awareness  Hazard in the Environment
4. Provide information to the work group about the organization’s  Hazard Symbols
infection control policies and procedures  Post Quiz
5. Integrate the organization’s infection control policy and procedure
into work practices

Methods of Teaching:

Lecture, Discussion and Demonstrations

Materials Needed:

1. Soap
2. Paper Towel
3. Nail Brush
4. Orange stick
5. Mask
Compiled & Prepared by: Ms. Melany Venancio,PTRP

 If the infectious agent can be transmitted to an
As member of the Allied health care team, our main concern is the individual by direct or indirect contact through
safety & security of our client. It is our utmost responsibility that our a vector or vehicle or as an airborne infection
patient should be safe all the time. Safe from any potential threat or  Is the ability to produce disease
hazard and free from any infections that he can acquire in the
environment. As CG we must observe the necessary precautions and abide  Is the freedom from disease causing
the standard policies on how to maintain safe & healthy environment. microorganisms
 Is the state of infection & can take many forms
LESSON: ASEPSIS including septic shock.


This is the case of Mr. D. M. 70 y/o male, diabetic, hypertensive
patient. Client was recently admitted to the hospital because of his diabetic A. MEDICAL ASEPSIS OR CLEAN TECHNIQUE
ulceration on left ankle. After few days, he was discharged to the hospital
because the wound was already responding very well on the medications.  Includes all practices intended to confine a specific microorganism
As his CG you were given instructions on how to care for his wound to a specific area, limiting the number, growth & transmission of
including the proper cleaning & dressing of it. The wound is already free microorganisms.
from any infection upon his discharged. Now it is your job to avoid possible  In medical asepsis, objects are referred to as:
re infection while it is in healing process. Your basic knowledge on aseptic CLEAN = the absence of almost all microorganisms
practice and infection control is essential in this task. DIRTY = soiled, contaminated, likely to have microorganisms,
some of which may be capable of causing infection.
Reflective Questions:
1. How will I prevent the possible occurrence of re – infection in my
client?  Refers to those practices that keep an area or object free of all
2. What are the important considerations in infection control? microorganisms
3. What are the precautions that I should observe to prevent cross  It includes practices that destroy all microorganisms & spores.
infection?  Is used for all procedures involving the sterile areas of the body.


TERMINOLOGY DEFINITION  Four major categories of microorganisms cause infection in

 Is an invasion of body tissue by humans:
microorganisms & their proliferation there. 1. _________________
 Such a microorganism that invade the body 2. _________________
tissue 3. _________________
4. _________________
 If the microorganism produces no clinical
evidence of disease TYPES OF INFECTIONS
 A detectable alteration in normal tissue function
 COLONIZATION is the process by which strains of microorganisms
 The ability to produce disease become resident flora. In this state the microorganisms may grow
& multiply but do not cause disease.
Compiled & Prepared by: Ms. Melany Venancio,PTRP

 The types of infections are:

1. ___________________________ = is limited to the specific part of the
body where the microorganisms remain.  After it leaves its source, it requires a means of transmission to
2. __________________________ = the microorganisms spread & reach another host. There are Three mechanisms:
damage different parts of the body.
 When a culture of the person’s blood reveals microorganisms the 1. ________________________________ = involves immediate & direct
condition is called BACTEREMIA transfer of microorganisms from person to person.
 When bacteremia results in systemic infection, it is referred to as 2. _______________________________ = utilize a medium, that is
SEPTICEMIA either vehicle – borne or vector - borne.
3. ___________________________ = generally appear suddenly or last a VEHICLE - BORNE = is any substance that serves as an
short time. intermediate means to transport & introduce an infectious agent into
4. __________________________ = may occur slowly over a very long susceptible host.
period and may last months or years. VECTOR – BORNE = is an animal or insect that serves as
5. __________________________ = infections that are associated with intermediate means of transporting the infectious agent.
the delivery of health care services in a health care facility. 3. _______________________________ = may involve droplets or dust.
 ENDOGENOUS SOURCE if the microorganisms that cause
nosocomial originate from client themselves BODY DEFENSES AGAINST INFECTION
 EXOGENOUS SOURCE if the microorganisms that cause nosocomial
originate from the hospital environment and hospital personnel.  Individuals normally have defenses that protect the body from
 IATROGENIC INFECTIONS are the direct result of diagnostic or infection
therapeutic procedures.  These are categorized as:

CHAIN OF INFECTION 1. ______________________________ = protect the person against all

microorganisms regardless of prior exposure
1.Etiologic agent 2. ______________________________ = are directed against identifiable
bacteria, viruses, fungi or other infectious agents


6. Susceptible host 2. Reservoir (source)
1. Age 4. Nutritional status
2. Heredity 5. Current medical therapy
3. Level of stress 6. Preexisting disease process


5.Portal of entry to the 3. Portal of exit from the  The following can reduce a person’s susceptibility:
susceptible host source
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
4. Method of 3. __________________________________
transmission 4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
6. __________________________________
Compiled & Prepared by: Ms. Melany Venancio,PTRP

 _____________________________________________________
CLEANING, DISINFECTING & STERILIZING _____________________________________________________
 First links in the chain of infection, the etiologic agent & the source  Four Commonly Used Methods are:
are interrupted by the use of antiseptics & disinfectants.
 ANTISEPTICS ______________________________ 1. Moist heat
_________________________________________ 2. Gas
 DISINFECTANTS ___________________________ 3. Boiling water
_________________________________________ 4. Radiation


 ____________________________________________________  Refers to measures designed to prevent the spread of infections or

 The following steps should be followed when cleaning objects in a potentially infectious microorganisms to health personnel, clients &
hospital. visitors.
STEPS RATIONALE isolation guidelines SUCH AS
1. Rinse the article with cold water to Hot water coagulate the
remove organic material. protein of organic material UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS (UP), techniques to be used
& tends to make it adhere with all clients to decrease the risk of transmitting
2. Wash the article in hot water & soap The emulsifying action of unidentified pathogens
tension & facilitates the system employs generic infection control precautions for
removal of substance. all clients except those with the few diseases transmitted
Washing dislodges the through the air.
emulsified substance.  CDC ISOLATION PRECAUTIONS, these guidelines designate two
3. Use an abrasive, such as stiff – bristled Friction helps dislodge tiers of precautions:
brush to clean equipment with grooves & foreign material.  TIER 1: STANDARD PRECAUTIONS
corners. _____________________________________________________
4. Rinse the article well with warm or hot _____________________________________________________
water _____________________________________________________
5. Dry the article; it is now considered clean _____________________________________________________
6. Clean the brush & sink. _____________________________________________________
B. DISINFECTING _____________________________________________________

 Is a chemical preparation such as phenol or iodine compounds.  TIER 2: TRANSMISSION – BASED PRECAUTIONS
 Frequently caustic & toxic to tissues. _____________________________________________________
 Have both bactericidal & bacteriostatic properties. _____________________________________________________
C. STERILIZING _____________________________________________________


Compiled & Prepared by: Ms. Melany Venancio,PTRP

 Handle soiled linen as little as possible & with least agitation before
1. ______________________ 2. _______________________ placing it in the laundry hamper.
3. ______________________ 4. _______________________  Close the bag before sending it to laundry.
Why do we need to wear gloves? LABORATORY SPECIMENS
 Put in a leak proof container with proper label
Gloves are worn for three reasons:  Use care when collecting specimens
 ____________________________________________________  Containers that are contaminated outside should be placed in a
 ____________________________________________________ sealed plastic bag
 ____________________________________________________
When to wear face masks?  Place it into puncture resistant container
 To avoid puncture wounds, use approved safety or needless
The CDC recommends that masks be worn under the following conditions: systems & do not detach needles from syringe or recap the needle
 Those close to the patient if the infection is transmitted by close before disposal
contact & travel short distances. (1 m. or 3 ft.) like measles,
 All persons entering the room if the infection is transmitted by HANDWASHING
small particle aerosols such as SARS.
 _____________________________________________________
What kind of protective eyewear? _____________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________
 Goggles _____________________________________________________
 Glasses
 Face shields RATIONALE:
1. _________________________________________________________
DISPOSAL OF SOILED EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES 2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
Appropriate handling of soiled equipment & supplies is essential for these 4. _________________________________________________________
1. ________________________________________________________ ANTISEPSIS
2. ________________________________________________________
BAGGING Remove soil & Soap or detergent for
transient at least 10 – 15
 Most articles do not need to be placed in bags unless they are microorganisms seconds
contaminated or likely to have been contaminated with infective Remove or destro Antimicrobial soap or
material. transient detergent or alcohol
 Contaminated articles need to be enclosed in a sturdy bag impervious microorganisms based hand rub for at
to microorganism before they are removed from the room of client. least 10 – 15 seconds
 Some agencies use labels or bags of particular color that designates Remove or destro Antimicrobial soap or
them as infective wastes. transient detergent & brushing
microorganisms & to create friction for at
LINENS reduce resident flora least 120 seconds or
Compiled & Prepared by: Ms. Melany Venancio,PTRP

alcohol based thoroughly, keeping hands down & dirt & microorganisms
preparation for at least elbows up.
120 seconds
IMPLEMENTATION FOR HANDWASHING 10. Dry hands thoroughly, keeping Drying from cleanest to least clean
STEPS RATIONALE hands down & elbows up. Discard area avoids contamination. Drying
1. Assess the hands. paper towel in the appropriate hands prevents chapping &
a. nails should be kept short Short, natural nails are less likely to container. roughened skin.
harbor microorganisms 11. Use towel to turn off hand Prevent transfer of pathogen from
b. remove all jewelry Microorganisms can lodge in the faucet. Avoiding touching handles faucet to hands
settings of jewelry & under rings. with hands.
Removal facilitates proper cleaning
2. Do hand washing(HW) in front of This will educate the client of the
the pt as much as possible, explain importance of hand washing & STEPS RATIONALE
to the client what you are going to encourage him/her to practice it Preparation: Done after HW
do & why it is necessary correctly
3. Stand in front of the sink, Proper body mechanics & it will 1. Explain to the client what you are For pt’ awareness, cooperation &
keeping hands & uniform away from avoid you to touch the sink going to do & why it is necessary education.
the sink surface ( If hands touch 2. HW See the rationale on page 5
sink during HW, repeat) 3. Don a clean gown Avoid the spread of pathogen to
4. Turn on the water & adjust the Warm water removes less of the a. Pick up a clean gown & allow it to other person & it will protect you
flow so that water is warm. Turn on protective oil of the skin, unfold in front of you without from being contaminated.
the faucet using paper towel. Avoid microorganisms travel & grow in allowing to touch any area soiled
splashing water on uniform. moisture with body substances.
5. Wet the hands thoroughly by The water should flow from the b. Slide arms & the hands through
holding them under the running least contaminated to the most the sleeves.
water. Keep hands & forearm lower contaminated area, hands generally c. Fasten the ties at the neck to
than elbow washing. considered more contaminated than keep the gown in place.
the lower arms. d. Overlap the gown at the back as
6. Apply 2 – 4 mL of liquid soap. If To ensure that all surfaces of hands much as possible & fasten the waist
it is bar or granules or sheets rub & fingers are covered & cleansed. ties or belt.
them firmly between the hands. 4.Don the face mask Protection from any airborne
7. Perform hand hygiene using Friction & rubbing mechanically a. locate the top edge of the mask. disease.
plenty of lather & friction for at loosen & remove dirt & transient The narrow metal strip.
least 15 seconds. bacteria. b. Hold the mask by the top two
a. Use firm, rubbing & circular Adequate time is needed to expose strings or loops
movements to wash the palm, back the skin surfaces to antimicrobial c. Place the upper edge of the mask
& wrist of each hand. agent. on the bridge of the nose & tie the
b. Interlace the fingers & thumbs, upper ties at the back of the head
move & rub palms & back of hands or secure it on ears.
for 10 seconds or 10 times. d. Secure the lower edge of the
c. rub the finger tips against the mask under the chin & tie the lower
palm of opposite hand. ties at the nape of the neck.
8. Rinse the hands & wrists Rinsing mechanically washes away e. if mask has metal strip adjust it
Compiled & Prepared by: Ms. Melany Venancio,PTRP

firmly over the bridge of the nose. c. Roll up the gown with the soiled
f. Wear the mask only once & if it is part inside & discard it in
wet discard the mask. appropriate container.
g. Do not leave it hanging on your 11. Remove the protective eyewear
neck & dispose it properly
5. Don protective eyewear if it is Avoid any substances to enter the 12.HW
not combined with face mask. eyes.
6. Don clean disposable gloves.
7. To remove soiled PPE, remove Most contaminated PPE
the gloves first.
a. If wearing a gown that is tied at
the waist, undo the ties before
removing gloves.
b. Remove the first glove by
grasping it on palmar surface just
below the cuff, taking care to touch
only glove to glove.
c. Pull the first glove completely off
by inverting or rolling the glove
inside out.
d. Continue to hold the inverted
removed glove by the fingers of the
remaining gloved hand. Place the
first two fingers of the bare hand
inside the cuff of the second hand.
e. Pull the 2nd glove off the fingers
by turning it inside out.
f. using bare hand, continue to
remove the gloves, which are now
inside out & dispose of them.
8. HW
9. Remove the mask
a. if using a mask with strings, first
untie the lower strings of the mask.
b. Untie the top strings & while
holding the ties securely, remove
the mask from the face.
c. Discard in waste container
10. Remove the gown
a. avoid touching the soiled parts
on the outside of the gown
b. Grasp the gown along the inside
of the neck & pull down over the
Compiled & Prepared by: Ms. Melany Venancio,PTRP

Compiled & Prepared by: Ms. Melany Venancio,PTRP

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