CHEMCON 2023 - Full - Paper - Template - Revised 1
CHEMCON 2023 - Full - Paper - Template - Revised 1
CHEMCON 2023 - Full - Paper - Template - Revised 1
Research Article should be written with the following elements in the following order: title page; abstract;
keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgments;
declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on
individual pages); figures; figure captions (as a list)
Plagiarism level should not be more than 10 % (preferably)
Font: Use Times New Roman font in size 12 with double-line spacing.
Title: Use bold for your article title, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
Abstract: Indicate the abstract paragraph with a heading or by reducing the font size.
Keywords: Keywords help readers find your article, so are vital for discoverability. If the journal
instructions for authors don’t give a set number of keywords to provide, aim for five or six.
Headings: This will show you the different levels of the heading section in your article:
1. First-level headings (e.g. Introduction, Conclusion) should be in bold, with an initial capital letter
for any proper nouns.
2. Second-level headings should be in bold italics, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
3. Third-level headings should be in italics, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
4. Fourth-level headings should be in bold italics, at the beginning of a paragraph. The text follows
immediately after a full stop (full point) or other punctuation mark.
5. Fifth-level headings should be in italics, at the beginning of a paragraph. The text follows
immediately after a full stop (full point) or other punctuation mark.
For compatibility with our peer review systems, please submit electronic artwork files in one of our
preferred formats:
Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX only)
[International Conference on Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities at Chemical Engineering
Congress (CHEMCON-2023) – On the occasion of Platinum Jubilee Year of Indian Institute of Chemical
Click here, type the title of your paper, Capitalize first letter
First Authora, Second Authorb, Third Authora,b,
First affiliation, Address, City and Postcode, Country
Second affiliation, Address, City and Postcode, Country
Click here and insert your abstract text.
[copyright information to be updated in production process]
Main text
Here introduce the paper, and put a nomenclature if necessary, in a box with the same font size as the rest of the
paper. The paragraphs continue from here and are only separated by headings, subheadings, images and formulae.
The section headings are arranged by numbers, bold and 12 pt. Here follows further instructions for authors.
Heading 1: use this style for level one headings
Paragraph: use this for the first paragraph in a section, or to continue after an extract.
New paragraph: use this style when you need to begin a new paragraph.
For bulleted lists
For numbered lists
Displayed equation ()
Heading 2: use this style for level two headings
Heading 3: use this style for level three headings
Heading 4: create the heading in italics. Run the text on after a punctuation mark.
Files must be in MS Word only. Figures should be embedded and high resolution files supplied separately.
Please make sure that you use as much as possible normal fonts in your documents. Special fonts, such as fonts
used in the Far East (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc.) may cause problems during processing. To avoid
unnecessary errors you are strongly advised to use the ‘spellchecker’ function of MS Word. Follow this order when
typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (including figures and tables),
Acknowledgements, References, Appendix. Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the
article and do not include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise.
Bulleted lists may be included and should look like this:
First point
Second point
And so on
Please do not alter the formatting and style layouts which have been set up in this template document. Do not
number pages on the front, as page numbers will be added separately for the preprints and the Proceedings. Leave a
line clear between paragraphs.
All tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Every table should have a caption. Headings should be
placed above tables, left justified. Only horizontal lines should be used within a table, to distinguish the column
headings from the body of the table, and immediately above and below the table. Tables must be embedded into the
text and not supplied separately. Below is an example which the authors may find useful.
Table 1. An example of a table.
An example of a column heading Column A (t) Column B (t)
And an entry 1 2
And another entry 3 4
And another entry 5 6
Construction of references
References must be listed at the end of the paper. Do not begin them on a new page unless this is absolutely
necessary. Authors should ensure that every reference in the text appears in the list of references and vice versa.
Indicate references by [1] or [2,3] in the text.
Some examples of how your references should be listed are given at the end of this template in the ‘References’
section, which will allow you to assemble your reference list according to the correct format and font size.
Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Necessary footnotes should be denoted in the text by consecutive
superscript letters1. The footnotes should be typed single spaced, and in smaller type size (8 pt), at the foot of the
page in which they are mentioned, and separated from the main text by a one line space extending at the foot of the
column. The Els-footnote style is available in the MS Word for the text of the footnote.
Please do not change the margins of the template as this can result in the footnote falling outside printing range.
The figure number and caption should be typed below the illustration in 11 pt and left justified. However, if two
images fit next to each other, these may be placed next to each other to save space. For example, see Fig. 1.
Footnote text.
Acknowledgements and Reference heading should be left justified, bold, with the first letter capitalized but have no
numbers. Text below continues as normal.
An example appendix
Authors including an appendix section should do so before References section. Multiple appendices should all have
headings in the style used above. They will automatically be ordered A, B, C etc.
In-text citations
Basic citationformats Cite a resource in the text by (1) the surname(s) of its author(s); (2) its publication year; and (3)
a page number or page numbers, when necessary (e.g., with a direct quotation). These elements
of citation can be formatted in two ways. A resource can be cited with the author surnames
incorporated into the running text and the publication year and page number(s) set inside
parentheses, with a comma after the year and before the page number(s):
Smith and Jones (2018, 67) consider “indulgent parenting… adanger to the average child.”
A resource can also be cited with all elements contained in parentheses and situated before
terminal punctuation (e.g.,comma, period, semicolon) in a sentence. No comma shouldseparate
the author surname(s) from the publication year.
When a page number is included in the citation, a commashould appear after the publication
year. If the citation appears within a parenthetical phrase, square brackets should be used to set
the publication year and, if present,the page number apart from the author surname(s).
Several landmark studies offer valuable insights (see, especially, Smith and Jones [2018, 67] on
the dangers of“indulgent parenting”).
Multiple resources cited When citing multiple resources in a parenthetical citation, two rules apply. First, separate
citations by unique sets ofauthors with semicolons:
Second, when citing multiple resources by the same author(s), include the surname(s)
with the first resource’spublication year, omit the surname(s) from subsequent citations,
and separate each publication year with a comma:
One might consider “indulgent parenting… a danger to theaverage child,” as Smith and
Jones (2018, 67) do.
Parenthetical citations should appear before terminal punctuation (e.g., comma, period,
semicolon) that followsthe direct quotation:
It is difficult to dispute the claim that “indulgent parentingis a danger to the average
child” (Smith and Jones 2018, 67).
It is difficult to dispute the claim that “indulgent parentingis a danger to the average
child” (Smith and Jones 2018, 67), but researchers should entertain other opinions.
Longer quotations (over 100 words or six lines of manuscripts text) should be set off
in a “block.” Parenthetical citations appear after any punctuation thatends block
The basic formats for citations with different numbers ofauthors are as follows:
Use “and,” not an ampersand (&), to separate names in the citation of a two-author resource
and a serial comma with “and” in the citation of a three-author resource. When a resource a
resource has four or more authors, list the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” If
shortening the authorlisting would render the citations of two or more resources identical, list
enough additional surnames before “et al.” in the citations to make their authorship
Smith, Jones, Johnson, Rogers, and Hart (2018) AND
Smith, Jones, Johnson, et al. (2018) and Smith, Jones, Rogers, et al. (2018) to avoid Smith et
al. (2018) citationsthat might refer to two different resources.
If two or more authors have the same surname, include thegiven-name initial(s) of the
authors in each citation. With citations in the running text, the initials precede the surname:
With parenthetical citations, the initials are placed after thesurname, without periods:
(Smith, forthcoming)
Tables and figures Resources cited in tables or figure legends should follow the standard format and must be
included in the reference list.
Reference list
Order Order reference entries alphabetically by author surnames.Entries without authors should be
ordered alphabetically among the other entries by their title.
A single-author entry precedes a multi-author entry thatbegins with the same surname and
given name.
Successive entries by two or more authors when only thefirst author is the same are
alphabetized by co-authors’ last names. If reference entries have the full same author
listings, arrange the entries by their years of publication, with undated works at the end.
If the reference list contains two or more entries by the same author(s) with the same
publication year, list them alphabetically by titleof the work and add the designators “a,”
“b,” “c,” etc. to the years in sequence:
Title of book.
Example of Order
Jones P, Lee C, Smith R. 2017. Book chapter title. Lee C, Smith R, Jones P.
Lee C, Smith R, Jones P. 2017b. Title of book. Smith R, Jones P, Lee C. 2017.
Journal article title.
Form of authorname For all authors, use initials, without periods or spaces between them, in lieu of expanded
given and middle names. Include the authors’ surnames in full. The listing for each author
should be in inverted-order surname-first format.
Commas should separate individual author names. The word “and” should not precede the final
author name for referenceentries with ten or fewer authors. If more than ten individuals
authored a resource, the reference entry documenting the resource should list the first ten
followed by “et al.” Do not use em-dashes to replace authornames if names repeat.
If an organization is the author of a resource, the full nameof the organization can appear in
the reference, and the reference should be ordered by the full name, ignoring
“The” if present:
A citation would employ the abbreviation, rather than thefull organizational name:
A book title with no author. 2018. Smith A. 2015. Journal article title.
Titles The titles of book references should appear in Roman font with sentence style capitalization.
The titles of book chapters, reports, and papers should appear in Roman font with sentence
style capitalization. Journal article titles shouldappear in Roman font with sentence style
capitalization. Thetitles of journals in the same reference entries, though, should appear in
italics with headline style capitalization (i.e., capitalize first words of title and subtitle, as
well as all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, regardlessof length). The titles of
journals, moreover, should be abbreviated in accordance with ISO 4 List of Title Word
Abbreviations (LTWA) standards.
Place of publication and Any initial “the” and concluding “Inc.”, “Ltd”, “Co.”,“Publishing Co.”, etc.
publisher namefor books should be omitted from the publisher name in the reference entry. The place of
and reports publication should always include a state/province
abbreviation or country, even if the city is a familiar one.
Digital object identifiers (DOIs) are commonly featured inreference entries for journal
articles, as well as in entriesfor other types of electronic resources. Authors do not need
to include DOIs for published journal articles when preparing manuscripts. If they are
retrievable from registries, the DOIs for published journal articles will be added to
entries as links during the production process.
In press “Forthcoming” should be used in lieu of a publication year
for any in-press references.
Pagination With page ranges, include all digits, even if the end pagenumber repeats the thousand
and/or hundred digit(s) found in the first page number. Insert “p.” before the page range
in book chapter references.
Nguyen FM, Anh LN. 2012. Title of journal article. JrnlTitle. 1:1137–1178.
Valesco B. 2015. Title of book chapter. In: Ricardo JA, editor. Book title. City, Stat Abbr:
Publisher. p. 623–654.
If an online journal employs e-location or a similar identification system in lieu of
pagination, the journal’s method should be retained for the reference entry.
Duke JA. 2001. Handbook of phytochemical constituentsof GRAS herbs and other
economic plants. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press.
Book with titled volume of Format
multivolume workand Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Title of multivolumework. Vol. #, Volume title.
edition model # ed. City (State Abbr./Country): Publisher Name.
Finar IL. 1964. Organic chemistry. Vol. 2, Stereochemistry and the chemistry of
natural products,3rd.; London (UK): Longmans, Green.
Book with translator Format
model Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Title of book. Translator A, Translator B,
translator(s). City (StateAbbr./Country): Publisher Name.
Pasteur L. 1879. Studies on fermentation: the diseases of beer, their causes, and the
means of preventing them.Faulkner F, Robb DC, translators. London (UK): Macmillan.
Hupfer, P. 1996. Unsere Umwelt: Das Klima—Globale undlokale Aspekte [Our
environment: The climate—Global and local aspects]. Stuttgart (Germany): Teubner
Edited book series, Format
cited infull, model Vol-Editor A, Vol-Editor B, Vol-Editor C, Vol-Editor D, editor(s). yyyy. Title of book
in series. City (State Abbr./Country): Publisher Name. (Ser-Editor A, Ser- Editor B,
editor(s). Title of the series; vol. # [optional]).
Roccaro AM, Ghobrial IM, editors. 2016. Plasma cell dycrasias. New York (NY): Springer.
(Rosen ST, editor.Cancer treatment and research; vol. 169).
Chapter in edited book with Format
editionmodel Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Title of chapter. In: Editor A, Editor B, editor(s).
Title of book. City (State Abbr./Country): Publisher Name. p. ###–###.
O’Brien KL, Ramakrishnan M, Finn A, Malley R. 2016. Pneumococcus, pneumococcal
disease, and prevention. In:Bloom BR, Lambert P-H, editors. The vaccine book. 2nd ed.
Cambridge (MA): Elsevier. p. 225–244.
Chapter in editedbook with Format
volumeand edition model Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Title of chapter. In: Editor A, Editor B, editor(s).
Title of multivolume work. Vol. #. # ed. City (State Abb./Country): Publisher Name.p.
Ribeiro Saldanha O, Dantas de Azevedo F, Kuroyanagi FM, Silva de Freitas VC,
Ribeiro Saldanha O Filho, Bonetto Saldanha C, Uribe Morelli LH.
Lipoabdominoplasty. 2011. In: Nahai F, editor. The art ofaesthetic surgery: principles
& techniques. Vol. 3. 2nd ed. St Louis (MO): Quality Medical Publishing. p. 3027–
Chapter in editedbook with Format
translator model Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Title of chapter. In: Editor A, Editor B, editor;
Translator A, Translator B, trans. Title of book. City (State Abbr./Country): Publisher
Name; p. ###–###.
Itard J. 1999. The first developments of the young savage of the Aveyron. In:
Cousin F-R, Garrabé J, Morozov, D, editors; Crisp J, translator. Anthology of
French language psychiatric texts. Le Plessis-Robinson(France): Institut Synthélabo
pour le progrès de la connaissance. p. 91–104.
Chapter in editedbook Format
series model Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Title of chapter. In: Editor Vol-Editor A, Vol-
Editor B, Vol-Editor C, Vol-Editor D, editor(s). Title of book in series. City (State
Abbr./Country): Publisher Name. p. ###–### (Ser- Editor A, Ser-Editor B, editor(s).
Title of the series; vol. #[optional]).
Moschetta M, Kawano Y, Podar K. 2016. Targeting the bone marrow
microenvironment. In: Roccaro AM, Ghobrial, editors. Plasma cell dycrasias. New York
(NY): Springer. p. 63–102. (Rosen ST, editor. Cancer treatmentand research; vol. 169).
Duffy J, Johnsen P, Ferris M, Miller M, Leighton K, McGilvray M, McNamara L,
Breakwell L, Yu Y, Bhavsar T,et al. 2017. Safety of a meningococcal group B vaccine
used in response to two university outbreaks. J Am Coll Health. 65:380–388. doi:
10.1080/07448481.2017.1312418. PMID: 28362241.
Online first publication Format
model Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Title of the article. Abbr Jrnl Title. [accessed
yyyy Mo dd]:[# p.]. doi: ##############. PMID: ######## [optional].
Semmens S, Higgins E, Coyne P. 2018. A treatment forrefractory high ileostomy output. J
Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother. [accessed 2018 Nov 19]:[3 p.]. doi:
10.1080/15360288.2018.1529011. PMID: 30395777.
Journal article with e- Format
locationmodel Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Title of the article. Abbr Jrnl Title.
##(##):####. doi: ##############. PMID: ######## [optional].
Gupta R, Bollyky TJ, Cohen M, Ross JS, Kesselheim AS.2018. Affordability and
availability of off-patent drugs inthe United States-the case for importing from abroad:
observational study. BMJ. 360:k831. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k831. PMID: 29555641.
In-press journalarticle Format
model Author A, Author B, Author C. Forthcoming. Title of thearticle. Abbr Jrnl Title.
Bustamante DE, Won BY, Lindstrom SC, Cho TO. Forthcoming. The new genus
Symphyocladiella gen. nov.(Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) based on S. bartlingiana comb.
nov. from the Pacific Ocean. Phycologia.
Serial proceedings with Format
supplement information Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Title of the article. Abbr Jrnl Title. ##(##
model Suppl):####–####. doi: ##############. PMID: ######## [optional].
Foster LM. Cuddy MM, Swanson DB, Holtzman KZ, Hammoud MM, Wallach PM.
2018. Medical student use ofelectronic and paper health records during inpatient
clinical clerkships: results of a national longitudinal study. Acad Med. 93(11
doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002376. PMID 30365425.
Non-serial Format
proceedingsmodel Author A, Author B, Author C, Author D. yyyy. Title of paper/presentation. In: Editor
A, Editor B, editors. Titleof the Proceedings. Proceedings of Conference Name; yyyy
Mo dd; Conference City, State Abbr./Country.
Publisher City (State Abbr./Country): Publisher Name. p.##–##.
Rogers MF, Shihab HA, Ferlaino M, Gaunt TR, Campbell
C. 2017. Predicting the pathogenic impact of sequence variation in the human genome.
In: Randell R, Cornet R,McCowan C, Peek N, Scott PJ, eds. Informatics for Health:
Connected Citizen-Led Wellness and Population Health. Proceedings of Medical
Informatics Europe 2017 and the Farr Institute International Conference 2017; 2017
Apr 24–26; Manchester, UK. Amsterdam (Netherlands): European Federation for
Medical Informatics and IOS Press. p. 91–95.
Paper presentation Format
model Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Title of presentation.Paper presented at:
Conference Name; City, State Abbr./Country.
Beltran J, Aguilera-Mendoza L, Brizuela C. 2017. Featureweighting for antimicrobial
peptides classification: a multi-objective evolutionary approach. Paper presented at:
the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine; Kansas
City, MO.
Poster model Format
Author A, Author B, Author C. Title of poster. yyyy. Poster presented at: Conference
Name; City, State Abbr./Country.
Shrestha M, Bhattarai B, Pusey M, Aygun R. Schema matching and data integration
on protein crystallizationscreens. Poster presented at: the 2017 IEEE International
Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine; Kansas City, MO.
Allison N. 1981. Bacterial degradation of halogenated aliphatic acids
[dissertation]. Nottingham (UK): TrentPolytechnic.
Webpage model Format
Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy. Online site orwebpage title. City (State
Abbr./County): WebsiteOperator; [accessed yyyy Mo dd].|
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and
Respiratory Diseases. 2018. How is pandemic flu different from seasonal flu?
Washington (DC): Office of the Associate Director for Communication, Digital
Media Branch, Division of PublicAffairs; [accessed 2018 Oct 3]. resources/basics/about.html.
Blog Format
Blogger A. yyyy. Name of blogpost [blog]. Blog SiteName. [accessed yyyy Mo
Assiry A. 2018. Actin cytoskeleton, plant growth and development in Arabidopsis root
hair mutant der1-3 [blog]. Botany One. [accessed 2018 Nov 20]. plant-growth-and-development-
Newspaper ormagazine
McNeil DG. 2018 Sep 11. Money needed to develop vaccines, study says. New
York Times (NY Ed.). Sect.D:3 (col. 1).
Online publicationmodel Format
Author A, Author B, Author C. yyyy Mo dd. Title of article.Name of Newspaper.
[accessed yyyy Mo dd].|
McNeil DG. 2018 Sep 7. Vaccines against H.I.V., malariaand tuberculosis unlikely,
study says. New York Times. [accessed 2018 Nov 14].
Franklin JM, Rassen JA, Bartels DB, Schneeweiss S. 2013. Prospective cohort studies
of newly marketed medications: using covariate data to inform the design oflarge-scale
studies. Boston (MA): Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics,
Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital.Report No: DOPE-008.
[accessed 2018 Nov 1]. content/uploads/2013/05/TRS-
Personal communication
Personal Letter,telephone Personal should be cited in the text, parenthetically, andshould not be included in the
conversation, ore-mail reference list:
(yyyy Mo dd communication type from/with A Contact).
Other reference
Pfeifer A, Muhs A, Pihlgren M, Adolfsson O, Van LeuvenF, inventors; AC Immune
S.A, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, assignees. 2017 May 23. Humanized tau
antibody. United States patent US 9,657,091.
Computer software Format
withdeveloper model Developer A, Developer B, Developer C. yyyy. Title ofprogram. Ver. #.#
[software]. City (State Abbr./Country): Producer Name.
Noguera J, Cumby C. 2017. SigmaXL. Ver. 8.0.[software]. Kitchener
(Canada): SigmaXL, Inc.
Computer software Format
withoutdeveloper model Title of Program. yyyy. Ver. #.#. [software]. City (StateAbbr./Country): Producer Name.
SPSS Amos. 2013. Ver. 22.0 [software]. Armonk (NY): IBM.
FORCE11- Format
compliant software with Developer AA, Developer BB, Developer CC. yyyy. Title ofthe software: subtitle
producer location model [software]. Ver. #.#. City (State Abbr./Country): Producer Name|Archive Name.
[accessedyyyy Mo dd].
Hecht K, McKinnon R, Podkowiak T, Roman M, Schmidt J, VivierS, Werst E, Wyman J.
2021. Spectrum [software]. Ver. 6.06.
Glastonbury (CT): Avenir Health. [accessed 2021 Feb 26].
FORCE11- Format
compliant software Developer AA, Developer BB, Developer CC. yyyy. Title of the software: subtitle
withoutproducer location [software]. Ver. #.#. Producer Name|Archive Name. [accessed yyyy Mo dd].
(archive) model
Short WM. 2021. MultiWordNet [software]. Ver. 0.1.3.Python Package Index.
[accessed 2021 Feb 26].
Dataset model Format
Researcher A, Researcher B, Researcher C. yyyy Mo dd. Title of dataset: subtitle
[dataset]. Name of Archive/Repository/Database. [accessed yyyy Mo dd]. OR OR
https://[non-DOI URL].
Wang G-Y, Zhu Z-M, Cui S, Wang J-H. 2017 Aug 11. Data from: glucocorticoid
induces incoordination between glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in the amygdala
[dataset]. Dryad Digital Repository. [accessed 2017 Dec 22].