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Bio – Life 1. All organisms are made of cells.

2. The cell is the basic unit of
Logos – Study
structure and organization in
Biology – Scientific study of life organisms.
3. All existing cells are produced by
BRANCHES OF BIOLOGY other living cells.
Anatomy – Study of the human body MODERN CELL THEORY
Zoology – Study of animals 1. All living things are made up of
Botany – Study of plants cells.
2. The cell is the structural and
Mycology – Study of fungi functional unit of all living things.
Taxonomy - the science of naming, 3. All cells come from pre-existing
describing, and classifying organisms and cells by cell division.
includes all plants, animals, and 4. Cells contain hereditary
microorganisms of the world. “Biological information that is passed from cell
Classification” to cell during cell division.
5. All cells are basically the same in
Cytology (Cell Biology) - the branch of chemical composition.
biology that deals with the study of cells. 6. All energy flow (metabolism and
biochemistry) of life occurs within
the cells.
- Basic structural and functional unit of all
living things.
- Contains macromolecules –
Hans and Zacharias Jansen (1590) –
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic
invented the first compound microscope
by placing two lenses in a tube.
 Carbohydrates – The body’s main
Robert Hooke (1655) – Coined the term
fuel. The source of energy.
“cells”. Observe a cork tree through a
 Proteins – Repairs of muscles and
primitive microscope. Notice that they look
like cell monasteries.
 Lipids – Fats
 Nucleic Acid (DNA) – contains Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1683) – first to
genetic information. observe things in pond water using a
microscope. “Father of Microbiology”
- Basic unit of life.
Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob
Theory - explanations, ideas, and
Schleiden (1838) – proposed the cell
perceptions that are based on scientific
research and support the facts and
hypotheses. Schleiden defined the cell as the basic unit
of plant structure.
Microscope – a material used to study
cells. An instrument used to study Schwann defined the cell as the basic unit
microscopic organisms. of animal structure.
Theodor Schwann (1839) – reported that  Algae
animal tissues also consist of individual  Pollen Grains
cells. The classical cell theory was
Prokaryotic Cells
proposed by Theodor Schwann in 1839.
- Single-celled microorganisms
Rudolf Virchow (1855) – reported that all
- Have genetic material but no
cells are produced from the division of
pre-existing cells.
- Most prokaryotes reproduce by an
Louis Pasteur (1858) disproved that cells asexual process called binary
are produced by spontaneous generation. fission.
- Bacteria and Archaea
Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch (1880-
1890) – using the microscope, pioneered Eukaryotic Cells
the study of bacteria.
- Generally larger and have very
Pasteur invented the process that bears distinct nuclei that are clearly
his name, pasteurization (kills microbes surrounded by more advanced
and prevents spoilage in beer, milk, and complex cells.
other goods) - Contains membrane-bound
Koch discovered that bacteria can cause
disease and proposed a universal method Organelles – little organ
to test it.
Ernest Everett (1934) – just wrote the
1. Cell Membrane
textbook “Biology of Cell Surface”.
2. Cytoplasm
Recognized the fundamental role of the 3. DNA
cell surface in the development of
organisms. Advocate the study of whole
cells under normal conditions, rather than
simply breaking them apart in a Cell Wall - Located outside the cell
laboratory setting. membrane that shapes, supports, and
protects the plant cell.
Lyn Margulis (1970) – proposed the idea
that some organelles in eukaryotes were Cell Membrane - Surrounds every living
once free-living prokaryotes. cell, delimiting the cell from the
environment around it. Allows the cell to
Endosymbiont hypothesis – prokaryotes
choose the substances to absorb, secrete,
evolved into eukaryotic cells. Explains the
or excrete. Separate outside particles to
origin of eukaryotic cells from
inside organelles.
prokaryotes; Mitochondria from
chloroplasts; It states that several key Cytoplasm - A gel-like fluid inside the cell.
organelles of eukaryotes originated as a It is responsible for holding the
symbiosis between separate single-celled components of the cell and protects them
organisms. from damage. It is the resting place or the
storage box.
Nucleus - Serves as the control center of
 Nerve Cell
the cell. It is in the middle of the cell, and
 Red Blood Cell
it contains all of the cell's chromosomes,
 Bacteria
which encode the genetic material. The Mitochondria / Mitochondrion -
brain of the cell. It contains the DNA. Powerhouse of the cell. Provides the
energy the cell needs.
 DNA – It means Deoxyribonucleic
acid. It is the genetic information. Cilia - Microscopic hair-like projections
 Chromatin - a mixture of DNA and that can move in waves that trap and
proteins that form the move particles from the air and expel
chromosomes when you cough.
 Chromosomes - thread-like
Flagella - Little tail that helps the cell to
structures located inside the
move. Bacteria have flagella. Sperm cells
nucleus of animal and plant cells.
have flagella.
Each chromosome is made of
protein and a single molecule of Pilus / Pili - Hair-like appendage found on
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). the surface of many bacteria and archaea.
Nucleolus - The primary function is to Vesicle – a basic tool used by the cell for
produce and assemble the cell's organizing cellular substances. Involved in
ribosomes. Small bodies are often seen metabolism, transport, buoyancy control,
within the nucleus. and enzyme storage. They can also act as
chemical reaction chambers. Covers
Nucleoid - An irregularly-shaped region
ribosomes to transport to next organelle.
within the cell of a prokaryote that
contains all or most of the genetic Golgi Complex or Apparatus - a factory in
material. which proteins received from the ER are
further processed and sorted for transport
Ribosomes - Most numerous of all
to their eventual destinations: lysosomes,
cytoplasmic structures. Intercellular
the plasma membrane, or secretion. In
structure is made of both RNA and protein
addition, as noted earlier, glycolipids and
and it is the site of protein synthesis in the
sphingomyelin are synthesized within the
Golgi. Act as the packaging center of the
Endoplasmic Reticulum - Membrane- cell.
enclosed passageway for transporting
Vacuole - They're specialized lysosomes.
materials such as protein synthesized by
Their function is really to handle waste
products. Take in waste products and also
 The rough ER, studded with get rid of waste products. It is also the
millions of membrane-bound storage of materials.
ribosomes, is involved with the
 Plant Cell – One big vacuole only.
production, folding, quality control,
 Animal Cell – Multiple small
and despatch of some proteins.
 Smooth ER is largely associated
with lipid (fat) manufacture and Cytoskeleton – Maintains the structure of
metabolism and steroid production the cell. Provides mechanical support that
hormone production. It also has a enables cells to carry out essential
detoxification function. functions like division and movement.
Lysosomes - Garbage collectors that take Chloroplast - produce energy through
damaged, worn-out, and unwanted photosynthesis and oxygen-release
enzymes or substances in the cell. processes, which sustain plant growth and
crop yield.

No membrane-bound organelles like the Contains distinct organelles
nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum,
mitochondria, vacuoles, or other organelles.
DNA is circular and naked. DNA is wrapped with histone proteins into
chromosomes; found inside a nucleus.
Ribosomes are very small. Ribosomes are larger.
Metabolism is anaerobic Metabolism is aerobic.
Cytoskeleton absent With Cytoskeleton
Mainly single-celled organism Mainly multicellular
Very small Cells are larger
The cell wall is present None in animal cells; present only in plant
cell and fungi
No histones With histones

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