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Lesson 8. Love,
Intimacy, and
Reporter: Jhazel Joy B. Carpio
Lesson Objectives:
1. Define terms such as “love,” “attraction,” “intimacy,”
“relationship,” and other related terms;
2. Discuss different theories of love;
3. Identify needs, issues, and concerns experienced by
people who are in a romantic relationship; and
4. Reflect upon attitudes towards love, intimacy, and

Love, intimacy, and relationships are fundamental aspects of

human existence that shape our emotional and social lives.
These interconnected themes play significant roles in defining
the depth and quality of our connections with others.

Love, in its various forms, fuels our emotions.

Intimacy fosters profound closeness and vulnerability.
Relationships, be they romantic, platonic, or familial,
provide the foundation for meaningful interactions and
support in our journey through life.
Understanding these elements is
essential for navigating the
complexities of human connection
and fostering healthy, fulfilling bonds
with those we cherish.

In this exploration, we delve into the

essence of love, the significance of
intimacy, and the dynamics of
nurturing positive relationships.
Love as a Human Experience
Love is a profound and universal
human experience that touches
every aspect of our lives. It
transcends cultural, geographical,
and linguistic barriers, making it a
fundamental emotion shared by
people all over the world. As a
complex and multi-faceted emotion,
love has the power to shape our
thoughts, behaviors, and
Love as a Culture Universal
Love is a culture universal, meaning it
exists and is deeply valued in every
human culture across the globe.
Regardless of geographical location,
religious beliefs, or societal norms, the
concept of love is present in the
fabric of human societies. It plays a
significant role in shaping
relationships, social structures, and
individual well-being.
Love as a Social Phenomenon
Love is not only a deeply personal
emotion but also a powerful social
phenomenon that influences
individuals, relationships, and
societies as a whole. As a social
phenomenon, love shapes and is
shaped by various factors, norms,
and structures in the collective
human experience.
Love as a Emotion
Love is one of the most profound
and complex emotions experienced
by human beings. It is a deep and
intense feeling that can profoundly
impact our thoughts, behaviors, and
overall well-being. As an emotion,
love encompasses a wide range of
feelings and can take various forms,
each with its unique qualities and
Love as a Neurobiological Event
Love is not just a fleeting emotion; it
is a complex neurobiological event
that involves various regions of the
brain and the release of specific
chemicals and hormones.
Neuroscientists have explored the
brain's response to love, shedding
light on the fascinating mechanisms
behind this powerful human
Love and Intimate Relationship

Love plays a central and

Whether in romantic George Levinger, a
transformative role in psychologist,
intimate relationships.
partnerships or close
proposed a model
Intimate relationships are friendships, love is of the
characterized by the driving force development of
emotional closeness, that nurtures and relationships that
vulnerability, and a deep sustains these consists of five
connection between two stages.
These stages, known as Levinger's Model of Relationship
Development, describe the progression of a relationship from its
initial formation to its potential dissolution. Here are the five stages:

The first stage is the acquaintance stage,

where two individuals meet and become
familiar with each other. This phase is
marked by initial interactions, getting to
1. Acquaintance know each other's interests, hobbies, and
basic personal information. It is a time of
exploring mutual interests and evaluating
whether there is a potential for further
In the buildup stage, the relationship begins
to grow deeper and more significant. The
individuals spend more time together, and
they start sharing more personal and
2. BUILD UP intimate information. Emotional bonds and
trust start to develop during this stage as
the individuals begin to feel more
comfortable and secure with each other.
During the continuation stage, the
relationship becomes more stable and
established. The individuals may start to
consider themselves as a couple or close
3. CONTINUATION friends. They are invested in maintaining
the relationship and actively engage in
shared experiences and activities.
Emotional intimacy continues to grow,
and a sense of commitment strengthens.
In the deterioration stage, the
relationship encounters challenges or
conflicts that can lead to a decline in the
bond. Communication problems,
unresolved issues, or external stressors
can contribute to this stage. If the issues
are not addressed and resolved, the
relationship may start to experience
distance and disconnection
The final stage is the termination stage,
where the relationship comes to an end.
This can happen through a mutual
decision, gradual drifting apart, or a
sudden break-up. Termination of the
5. termination
relationship can be emotionally
challenging, but it allows individuals to
move on and potentially enter new
Additionally, the length of time spent in each stage can
vary from one relationship to another.

It's important to note that not all relationships follow this

exact progression, and some relationships may skip or
revisit certain stages.
Levinger's model provides a general framework for
understanding how intimate relationships evolve, but each
relationship is unique and influenced by the individuals
involved and their specific circumstances.

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