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[1] Permeation of various gases through elastomeric O-ring seals can have important
effects on the integrity of atmospheric air samples collected in flasks and measured some
time later. Depending on the materials and geometry of flasks and valves and on
partial pressure differences between sample and surrounding air, the concentrations of
different components of air can be significantly altered during storage. The influence of
permeation is discussed for O2/N2, Ar/N2, CO2, d13C in CO2, and water vapor. Results of
sample storage tests for various flask and valve types and different storage conditions are
presented and are compared with theoretical calculations. Effects of permeation can be
reduced by maintaining short storage times and small partial pressure differences and by
using a new valve design that buffers exchange of gases with surrounding air or by using
less permeable materials (such as Kel-F) as sealing material. General awareness of
possible permeation effects helps to achieve more reliable measurements of atmospheric
composition with flask sampling techniques. INDEX TERMS: 0394 Atmospheric Composition
and Structure: Instruments and techniques; 1694 Global Change: Instruments and techniques; 1610 Global
Change: Atmosphere (0315, 0325); 1615 Global Change: Biogeochemical processes (4805); KEYWORDS:
permeation, air sampling, storage effects
Citation: Sturm, P., M. Leuenberger, C. Sirignano, R. E. M. Neubert, H. A. J. Meijer, R. Langenfelds, W. A. Brand, and Y. Tojhima
(2004), Permeation of atmospheric gases through polymer O-rings used in flasks for air sampling, J. Geophys. Res., 109, D04309,
D04309 1 of 9
valves. Because of the sensitivity of high-precision O2/N2 The flux of diffusing species is given by Fick’s first law,
measurements to small interferences we focus particularly
J ¼ Drc: ð6Þ
on O2/N2. Additionally, water vapor, Ar/N2, CO2, and d13C
in CO2 are discussed. Section 2 summarizes theoretical The gas flux through the low-pressure surface of the wall
considerations on the permeation process and shows the can then be calculated from equations (5) and (6):
time dependence of the permeation rate for helium through
a Viton O-ring. Section 3 deals with changes of sample air Dðc1 c2 Þ
composition with increasing storage time and compares J ð x ¼ d; t Þ ¼
measured to calculated permeation rates. Tests with various
2D X1
Dn2 p2 t
O-ring materials and different storage conditions are pre- þ ½ð1Þn c1 c2 exp : ð7Þ
d n¼1 d2
sented. In section 4 storage drift measurements and perme-
ation calculations of flasks sealed with new double O-ring
valves are discussed. Finally, section 5 summarizes our For large values of t one obtains the steady state flux
major findings.
Dðc1 c2 Þ DS ðp1 p2 Þ
J ð x ¼ d; t ! 1Þ ¼ ¼ : ð8Þ
d d
2. Permeation Process
2.1. Theory The product
[7] Permeation is commonly viewed as a three-step pro-
cess. First, gas dissolves into the solid’s surface; then it K ¼ DS ð9Þ
diffuses through the solid; and finally, it desorbs from it. The
time dependence of the permeation rate is determined by the is the permeation coefficient. It has, like the diffusion and
diffusion process because the solution and desorption occur solubility coefficient, a strong (approximately exponential-
on much shorter timescales than the diffusion through the like) dependence on temperature. Finally, the steady state
solid [Perkins, 1973]. The concentration c of the diffusing permeation flux F of a gas exposed with a partial pressure
species in the solid’s surface is given by Henry’s law, difference (p1 p2) to a membrane of thickness d and
surface area A is
c ¼ Sp; ð1Þ
Aðp1 p2 Þ
F ¼ AJ ð x ¼ d; t ! 1Þ ¼ K : ð10Þ
where S is the solubility coefficient and p is the gas d
pressure. Diffusion of the dissolved gas into the interior is 2.2. Measurement of Time-Dependent
governed by Fick’s second law, Permeation Rate
@c [8] Flasks used at the Physics Institute, University of
¼ Dr2 c; ð2Þ Bern, are each equipped with two high-vacuum valves
(Louwers Hapert, Netherlands). The valves are opened
where D is the concentration-independent, isotropic diffu- and closed by moving a cylindrical plug in and out of a
sion coefficient. If we consider a planar membrane with a 9 mm ID valve tube (see Figure 1a). An O-ring sitting in a
large area-to-thickness ratio, equation (2) can be reduced to notch on the plug seals the flask volume from surrounding
a one-dimensional form air. The O-ring material is Viton (FKM 70-Copolymer-
2 compound 51414-GenuineViton1A).
@c @ c [9] Although the property of a large area-to-thickness ratio
¼D ; ð3Þ
@t @x2 is not true for an O-ring, the one-dimensional consideration
where x is the coordinate perpendicular to the membrane. of the permeation process is still justified for this valve type
Assuming that the membrane is initially free of gas and that because the sealing O-ring is mounted on and enclosed by
the concentrations of gas at the two surfaces are fixed at c1 impermeable cylindrical glass, which acts as a boundary
and c2, respectively, the initial and boundary conditions are in two dimensions. According to the size of the valves and
O-rings the effective thickness and exposed surface area of
an O-ring can be estimated. For our flasks the O-ring
cð x; t ¼ 0Þ ¼ 0 ð4aÞ
thickness and surface area are 1.7 mm and 20 mm2,
respectively, per valve. Unless otherwise specified, all cal-
cð x ¼ 0; t Þ ¼ c1 ð4bÞ
culations presented in this paper are based on these O-ring
cð x ¼ d; t Þ ¼ c2 ; ð4cÞ [10] To make sure that the changes in sample composition
we observe in these flasks are primarily due to permeation
where d denotes the membrane thickness. The solution of and are not a result of leaks, we conducted an experiment
equation (3) consistent with equations (4a), (4b), and (4c) is using these flasks and a helium leak detector. The previously
[Barrer, 1941] evacuated flasks had been filled to 950 hPa with helium, and
x the flux through the Viton O-ring valve was subsequently
cð x; t Þ ¼ c1 þ ðc2 c1 Þ measured by the leak detector. The temperature was 20C.
Figure 2 shows the permeation flux as a function of time.
2X 1
c2 cos np c1 npx Dn2 p2 t
þ sin exp : ð5Þ Instead of a sharp signal increase as expected from a real
p n¼1 n d d2 leak, the leak detector’s helium signal slowly increased
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tured by Louwers Hapert in that the valve shafts are exchange during flask storage between CO2 and water
tapered and seals are formed by compression of the O-rings condensed on the flask walls [Gemery et al., 1996].
(Figure 1b). Figure 5 shows changes in dO2/N2 over storage Depending on the analysis technique, water vapor can also
times of up to 15 months in flask air samples filled to adversely affect the measurement itself. In particular, for
1500 hPa. The higher sample pressure compared with a precise O2/N2 measurements it is a prerequisite that the
mean ambient pressure of 1000 hPa led to dO2/N2 being analyzed sample air is dry. Therefore flask air samples are
depleted in these samples. All data points represent individ- usually dried at the time of sampling either by a chemical
ual flask samples analyzed on a single occasion. Lowest drift drying agent (e.g., anhydrous magnesium perchlorate,
rates of 61 per meg yr1 were observed with Viton O-rings. Mg(ClO4)2) or by a cryogenic cold trap. However, because
[16] To account for the geometric differences between of the large permeability coefficients of most polymers for
Glass Expansion (GE) and Louwers Hapert (LH) valves, we water vapor (Table 1), initially dry samples stored in the
measured helium permeation rates with a helium leak laboratory are intensely subject to water vapor permeation.
detector for both valve types fitted with Viton O-rings. This
experiment showed that GE valves have a lower helium
permeation rate than LH valves. Depending on the valve
and on how tightly the GE valve is closed, the steady state
permeation flux was a factor of 4 –10 smaller for GE valves
than for LH valves. This can be explained by the smaller
area of the O-ring that is exposed to the gas in the closed GE
valves. Because of the conical tip of the piston the O-ring is
compressed into the groove cut in this tip, and the gap
between the glass piston and the mating conical seat is
smaller than for LH valves. Assuming a 7 times smaller area
(3 mm2 instead of 20 mm2, d = 1.7 mm), one would expect
a dO2/N2 drift rate of 59 per meg yr1, which is consistent
with the observations.
[17] Figure 6 shows observed rates of drift as a function
of sample pressure. Drift rates are near zero at sample
pressures of 1000 hPa and increase approximately linearly Figure 3. Measurements of dO2/N2 as a function of
with sample pressure, providing compelling evidence that storage time. The samples are from Jungfraujoch and are
permeation is indeed the dominant modifying process. stored in 0.5 L flasks, filled at ambient pressure at 3580 m
above sea level and at a mean temperature of 7C. Mean
3.2. Permeation of Water Vapor sample pressure at room temperature is 720 hPa, and mean
[18] Variations of the amount of moisture in the sample ambient pressure is 950 hPa. Ordinary least squares
air can induce different artifacts, like oxygen isotope regression yields a slope of 407 ± 11 per meg yr1.
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Perkins, W. G. (1973), Permeation and outgassing of vacuum materials, R. Langenfelds, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Private Bag 1, Aspen-
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 10(4), 543 – 556. dale, Victoria 3195, Australia. ([email protected])
World Meteorological Organization (2003), Report of the 11th WMO/ M. Leuenberger and P. Sturm, Climate and Environmental Physics,
IAEA Meeting of Experts on Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Physics Institute, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, CH-3012 Bern,
Related Tracer Measurement Techniques, Tokyo, Japan, 25 – 28 Sep. Switzerland. ([email protected]; [email protected])
2001, WMO/GAW Rep. 148, World Meteorol. Organ. Global Atmos. H. A. J. Meijer, R. E. M. Neubert, and C. Sirignano, Centrum voor
Watch, Geneva, Switzerland. IsotopenOnderzoek, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG
NL-Groningen, Netherlands. ([email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected])
Y. Tohjima, Atmospheric Environment Division, National Institute for
W. A. Brand, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Hans-Knoell- Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba 305-8506, Ibaraki, Japan.
Strasse 10, D-07745 Jena, Germany. ([email protected]) ([email protected])
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