6th STD Spoken English R
6th STD Spoken English R
6th STD Spoken English R
Class 6
The course and its materials enrich the content in the textbook and
aid in language acquisition.
Teaching 30
Worksheets 09
Warm Up
Letter Sounds
a /ʌ/, /a:/, /ə/
e /e/ /i/
i /i/ /i:/
o /o/ /o:/ /ɔ/
u /u/ /u:/
The teacher introduces the letters and the sounds to the students then gives some
examples for the above sounds with some words. The teacher further gives the Tamil
equivalents of the letters and sounds for better understanding.
Then the teacher introduces the consonant sounds and the letters for the students’
b ,c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.
Activity: 1
The teacher gives the students C V C words and they say them loudly and slowly.
Dog, bit, cot, fit, god, hut, jam, kit, lot, mid, nib, pot, red,top,van,win
Activity: 2
The teacher gives the students a list of mixed words and they have to say the
C V C words only.
Big, egg, cut, men, eel, sea, kid, fat, lit, reel, nod, mud, mat, mad
Warm Up
“I Am Twelve !!”
The teacher prepares a chart paper with tabular column of words and vowel sounds
(12) darkened as follows:
The teacher throws a few questions to elicit answers from the students and she
pronounces the consonant sounds very clearly that the concept is clear to them.
Question: Say two words that will have a short vowel sound in the middle of a word.
“Where Am I?”
The teacher divides the class into two groups and uses chart paper flash cards with
words having vowel sounded letter/letters in them. They may have the vowel sounded
letters at the beginning, middle or at the end of a word accordingly. The players from both
the teams come forward to pick a flash card from the tray and must identify the vowel sound
letter/letters from the word picked. After identification they have to underline the vowel
sound letter/s and say the vowel sound loudly before the whole class. The time given is only
30 seconds. The teacher maintains the score board to note down the points scored by each
student within the time given. The child who exceeds the time is out with no points for the
group he belongs to. The game goes on like this until all the students get a chance to play
the game.
Example: Student 1
(Team A)
Ans: In the word ‘PIT’, ‘I’ is with the vowel sound and is in the middle of the word.
Student 2
(Team B)
Ans: In the word ‘ANT’, ‘a’ is with the vowel sound and is in the beginning of the word.
Activity: 2
The teacher divides the class into two groups and uses chart paper flash cards with
words having a VOWEL sounded letter/letters in them. The word may have a vowel at the
Example: 1) Student 1
(Team A)
2) Student 2
(Team B)
Worksheet – 2.1
Do as directed:
a) Say at least ten words with any long vowel sound you are familiar with.
b) Say three words with a /u:/ vowel sound in the middle of the word.
c) Say two words with vowel sound which has a nasal sound in it.
d) Say 5 words with any short vowel sound you are familiar with.
e) Say 3 words with a /i/ sound in the middle of the word.
Warm Up
My Name is Consonant
The teacher prepares a chart paper with tabular column of words and Consonant sounds
(24) darkened as follows:
The teacher throws a few questions to elicit answers from the students and she pronounces
the consonant sounds very clearly that the concept is clear to them.
Question: Say two words that have the ‘p’ letter at the beginning or at the end. (‘p’ sound)
Likewise the teacher drills most of the difficult consonant sounds in her warm up
activity to make the concept clear.
Activity: 1
“ Find Me Out”
Materials needed: Tray, chart papers and marker pens.
Example: 1) Student 1
(Team A)
Student 2
(Team B)
Activity: 2
The teacher divides the class into two groups and uses chart paper flash cards with
words having a consonant sounded letter in them. The word may have a consonant at the
beginning, middle or at the end accordingly. The players from both the teams are ready to
receive the question from the teacher. The teacher picks a flash card with a word written
on it and a student from a team comes in front to listen to the word she reads. Listening to
the word, the player is expected to say the word loudly and must clap his hands to
Example: 1) Student 1
(Team A)
Ans: The student claps twice because there are two consonant sounds in the word.
Student 2
(Team B)
Ans: The student claps only once because there is only one consonant sound in the word.
Worksheet – 3.1
Do as directed:
a) Say at least ten consonant sounds you are familiar with.
b) Say five words starting with a consonant sound.
c) Say five words with two consonant sounds at the beginning and at the end of the word.
d) Say 5 words with starting with the ‘c’ letter but with a ‘ka’ sound.
Learning Outcome : The students will not pronounce the silent letters
Warm Up
The teacher writes 10 words on the black board and reads them slowly.
Man, more, cast, walk, knife, comb, Wednesday, Thursday, move, sit, site.
The students repeat the words after the teacher. Then the teacher once more reads the
words slowly. He or she tells the students that there are some letters in some words which
are called silent letters. They should not be pronounced.
Permanent rule:
a) The last letter ‘e’ in any word should not be pronounced.
Eg: More, love, caste.
b) The letter ‘r’ should not be pronounced if it is followed by a consonant.
Eg: Thursday, Mark, Shark.
c) The letter ‘r’ should be pronounced when it is followed by a vowel.
d) Eg: create, red, ribbon.
The teacher gives a list of some silent letters in english with examples.
D Wednesday
E Care, more
G Gnaw
H Hour, honest,
K Knee, knife
L Walk, talk
N Column
P Psalm, pneumonia
R Govern, eastern
T Postman, post-mortem
The students read the words without pronouncing the silent letters.
Activity: 2
The teacher gives a list of common words with or without the silent letters. The students
read them loudly and the teacher helps them.
Area, Boxer, Knob, Knight, Horse, Car, Governor, Rabbit, Pseudonym, Paragraph,
Part, Parrot, Walker, Group, Comb, Post-Office, Tall, Wednesday, Cream
The teacher asks the students to take a page from a english newspaper and mark five words
with silent letters.
Warm Up
The teacher divides the class into two teams. The teacher posts the sight word cards
on the board. The teacher asks everyone to read aloud the words together. The teacher asks
each team to send a representative to the starting point to get ready. The teacher reads a
word from the board and the representatives strike the word. The first who strikes the right
word keeps the card for the team. The new representatives comeup and get ready for the
next round. The game ends when all the cards are gone.
Suggested Materials
A set of sight word cards list: admire, love, move, though, ought, dough, fight, light,
sigh, system, rhythm and cycle.
Activity: 2
The teacher keeps the sight word cards and Bang, Zap and Boom cards in a cloth bag.
The teacher divides the students into three teams. A student from each team grabs a card
which has a sight word and reads it aloud and says a sentence using it. If not, he/she has
to put the card back. Eg. Help – sentence – Please help me.
If a student grabs a Bang! Card, he/she has to put all his/her cards back into the bag.
If a student gets a Zap! Card, he/she has to miss the turn. If a student gets a Boom! Card
he/she can take one more card from the bag. The game ends when all the cards are gone.
The team who has got the most cards is regarded as the winners.
‘Take one more turn’
Choose 2 sight words from the list. Read it aloud and say a sentence for each word.
Suggested Sight words list
1. pedal
2. dessert
3. course
4. guest
5. part
6. patience
7. add
8. design
9. whose
10. guessed
Learning Outcome : The students will be able to speak english words with the
correct sounds including blends and digraphs.
Total — 90
Warm Up
The teacher utters the following words slowly and the students repeat.
Bee, sea, mark, charm, men, clean, should, blue, brown, flower, green,
grey, gift, girl, great, slow, shine.
Activity: 1
The teacher explains Digraphs of two letters that make just one sound like ‘ch’ in ‘chair’and
‘ph’ in ‘phone’. These are example for Digraphs.
On the other hand, when two or more consonant sounds come together and
pronounced separately are called blends. Eg. skirt, still, dream.
Activity: 2
Ch Child, change
Sh Show, polish
Th Booth, truth,
Wh What, where
The teacher asks the students to utter three words for Digraph and three words for
Learning Outcome : The students will be able to describe action verbs from a
large picture
Warm Up
The teacher shows them a picture of a bus stand and tells action-verbs from it.
• It is a bus stand.
• The driver is driving the bus.
• The shopkeeper is selling sweets.
• The passenger is sitting in the bus.
• The florist is selling flowers.
• The auto driver is dropping a passenger.
Activity: 1
Teacher asks simple questions and the students reply with action verbs.
Activity: 2
• Where are the people sitting? (on the sand)
• What is the boy selling? (snacks)
• What is the man selling? (balloon)
• What is he doing? (Riding Horse)
• What are they doing? (enjoying waves)
• What is the police doing? (watching all)
The teacher shows them picture of a birthday party and gives clues. Each student should tell
a sentence with the action-verb.
Learning Outcome : The students will be able to describe a picture and the action
or locations of things in it
Warm Up
The teacher shows the students some simple actions in mime and the students find out the
action and name them.
The Teacher shows some actions: the students name them.
You are taking bath.
You are cutting a cloth.
You are cleaning the floor.
You are washing clothes.
You are applying lipstick.
Activity: 1
Then, the teacher places a geometry box in the class at various locations and the students
find the location using prepositions.
The teacher shows them some pictures and they name the actions.
Activity: 2
The teacher shows some pictures and they name the action in full sentences.
He is driving a car.
He is making a table.
Then the teacher shows some objects at various locations and they answer it using
The teacher asks the students to tell three sentences each using action verbs and
prepositions by showing pictures.
Learning Outcome : The students will be able to describe any common object in
five sentences
Warm Up
The teacher shows the students a pin and tells five sentences about it. The students
observe it and learn. Then the teacher talks about the gold ring.
It is a pin. (name of the object) It is a ring.
It is made of steel. (what it is made of) It is made of gold.
It is white in colour. (colour of the object) It is yellow in colour.
It is very small. (size of the object) It is small but costly.
It attaches papers. (its usefulness) Many wear it in fingers.
Activity: 1
Then, the teacher calls some of the students to describe any classroom object in five
It is big. It is big.
Activity: 2
The teacher asks the students to choose any object and describe it in 5 sentences.
(stapler, geometry box, dust bin, chair, mobile phone, foot ball, bangle, wrist watch, tooth
brush, comb, etc)
Warm Up
The teacher explains to the students that blending words or portmanteau is blending
of two words together to make a new word with its own special meaning. He/she gives
examples as follows:
Then the teacher writes the blending words in the following way on the board.
Activity: 1
‘Put it together’
The teacher divides the class into 2 teams.
The teacher gives picture cards and word cards with meaning to each team.
The team members are instructed to match the picture and word cards.
The team which finishes first shouts ‘Bingo’ and say all the words to the class.
The activity ends until all the words are found out.
The teacher divides the students into teams and places the word cards around the room.
The teacher asks the students to line up in two rows.
The teacher whispers the blending word. (e.g. spork)
To the first two students at the same time.
Each student whispers the blending word to the next person in their row.
When the last student hears the word, they have to look around for the word card, they run
to pick it up and return to their team.
The team that brings the card first gets one point.
The student who is in the last line goes to the front line and stands now first.
The game continues until all the cards are brought back to the teams.
The team with the most point wins.
Materials needed
Suggested word cards
Spoon +fork = spork
Smoke +fog = smog
Ice + sickle = icicle
Chill + relax = chillax
Police + astronauts = policenauts
Break + lunch = brunch
Alpha + bet = alphabet
Costume + play = cosplay
Education + entertainment = edutainment
Meld +weld = meld
Draw a blending word and tell its meaning to the class and also the combination words.
Warm Up
Materials needed:
• Pictures of fruits
• Chart paper
• Marker pen
• Glue
Procedure :
The teacher prepares a chart paper with a poem written on it using a marker pen.
Pictures of fruits are stuck along with the poem, “Do you like fruits? ” The teacher reads the
whole poem for a model reading. Showing the pictures, the teacher asks a few questions
to each and every student to test them if they knew the names of the seasonal fruits. The
individual who is called is expected to respond in simple meaningful sentences.
he teacher asks a number of questions to elicit answers from the students so that they will
learn to speak simple meaningful sentences. Below are few questions and answers given
as example.
Sample questions and answers :
a) Tell the names of the fruits found in the first stanza.
Stu. 1 (Ans) : Apples, chikoos and mangoes are the fruits found in the first stanza.
b) When do mangoes grow?
Stu. 2 (Ans): Mangoes grow in summer.
c) When do apples grow?
Stu.3 ( Ans); Apples grow in winter.
d “I like it the best of all !”, who is the speaker of the line?
Stu. 4 (Ans): The poet/poetess is the speaker of the line.
e) What are Yummy to taste?
Stu. 5. (Ans): Fruits are yummy to taste.
Activity: 1
Activity: 2
“Admire to speak”
It is a beautiful children’s park.
A girl is riding on a bicycle.
A boy is playing with the ball and so on.
Worksheet – 11.01
Choose any two from the following situations and speak at least 5 sentences
a) Speak five lines on how you celebrated your Birthday this year
b) Speak five sentences about HONEY
c) Speak five simple sentences about your future ambition in life
Warm Up
‘Shout vocabulary’
Activity: 1
The teacher passes out a thesaurus to four groups and teach them how to use the
book. Then he / she provides the words and asks them to go through the thesaurus to find
synonyms and antonyms. The teacher allots time and invites 2 students from each group to
share their lists with the class.
Activity: 2
• The teacher takes a word that the class has recently learnt and post the word by writing
on a flash card or on the board.
• Ask the students to suggest all the words they associate with it.
• Each student is given a sticky note.
• The student who suggests the word, says it aloud, writes it on the sticky note and paste
it on the board around the word.
• A star sticker is provided for each right associated word.
• The student with many stars wins.
Shirt Coat
Karl was a nice boy. He lived in a nice house. He had a nice mom, a nice dad and a nice
sister. His dog was nice too. He always wore nice clothes. On his birthday he was given a
nice bike.
Friendly, little, big, jolly, crazy, generous, noisy, colourful, smart, new, terrific.
Choose the words listed above or add your own and say the story again without
using the word nice .
Learning Outcome : The students will be able to use simple present tense correctly
in their speech
Warm Up
• I am Kumar/Latha.
• I am a teacher.
• I like tea.
Activity: 1
The teacher tells the students, permanent truths and scientific truths.
Student: It floats.
The Teacher explains that the above things are truth forever-either natural or scientific.
So they are mentioned using simple present tense.
1. It rains heavily during winter.
2. The compass shows north-south.
Activity: 2
Teacher: Very good. These are all future actions but you can tell them in simple present
tense like ‘I go to Madurai for summer vacation’, ‘I write my exam next week’.
The teacher asks each student to tell 2 sentences in simple present tense.
Learning Outcome : The students will be able to use present continuous tense
correctly in their speech
Warm Up
The teacher asks the students to observe his/ her actions and listen to his/her words.
• I am jumping.
• He is walking fast.
• She is skipping.
• Malar is dancing.
The teacher says that the tense is used to tell the action that is going on at the moment.
The teacher tells the students to do some actions and tell them simultaneously.
I am writing.
We are cleaning the board.
She is cleaning the classroom.
He is colouring the picture.
She is singing.
That boy is playing kabadi.
She is clearing the bag.
Activity: 2
The Teacher reads some sentences and all students repeat the sentences.
• The prime minister is visiting Andhra Pradesh next week.
• My brother is returning from Dubai next month.
• We are going to Chennai on 30th November 2019.
• He is celebrating his birthday tomorrow.
• They are celebrating the silver jubilee next week.
The teacher asks each student to tell 2 sentences in present continuous tense along with
appropriate actions.
Learning Outcome : The students will be able to speak about habitual actions using
simple present tense
Warm Up
The teacher after greeting asks one of the students to come to the blackboard. Ramesh
comes first. Now the teacher says, ”Whenever I call, Ramesh always comes first”. She writes
the sentence on the blackboard and explains the usage of present tense for habitual actions.
Activity: 1
My Habits
Now the teacher asks him to state his habitual actions and writes them on the blackboard.
Activity: 2
Now the teacher says about his/her daily routine using simple present tense.
Based on the teachers daily routine, students are asked to write and speak about their daily
Students are asked to speak about their habitual actions (any 5) and daily routine (any 5).
Learning Outcome : The students will be able to use tri-verb (be, do and have -
Present) to communicate effectively
Warm Up
• Teacher picks four objects like pen, pencil, water bottle, notebook etc. and hands them
to four different students in the circle.
• When the teacher says “START”, the students pass the objects to the next ones. When
the teacher says “STOP”, the students who have the objects, say ‘I AM RAJESH. I HAVE
A PEN.’ (Name of the object)
• The game continues with other students for a few more rounds.
5. You are a boy. You have a bag. You carry it every day to school.
Activity: 1
Word Order —
From the above activity, the teacher emphasizes the word order in the statements, beginning
with a person (Noun & Pronoun) followed by Be/Do/Have verbs.
Worksheet – 16.01
Rearrange the jumbled words to make meaningful statements.
1. is / a watch /this__________________________________.
2. a student/ am / I__________________________________.
Activity: 2
Concord —
Teacher selects 14 students and divides them into two teams of seven each and makes them
stand in two rows facing each other with at least a distance of 10 feet between the rows.
(name the teams A & B)
Note: If the classroom does not have enough space, the activity can be done outdoors.
Each member in team A is given the names of Personal pronouns i.e. I, We, You, He, She,
It and They. (same as with team B)
Now, draw a small circle between the rows and place the flashcards in the circle. (BE verbs
Once everything is ready, teacher calls out any one of the personal pronouns. For instance,
when she calls out “WE”, the students whose names are WE, have to rush and pick the
correct ‘be’ verb – ARE. Then Teacher continues the game until she finishes all the pronouns.
Note: The same game can be played with HAVE verbs with another set of 14 students.
At the end of the game, the teacher reiterates the Subject-Verb agreement of the Personal
pronouns and their respective BE and HAVE verbs.
Activity: 3
Three-in-One —
Worksheet – 16.02
Match A with B and C to make three consecutive sentences.
This is a plant. They have two cows. He works in the field.
Ramesh is a farmer. She has a computer. They rear them.
Pooja is a teacher. You have a classroom. It bears flowers.
They are my neighbours. It has leaves. You keep it clean.
You are a student. He has a field. She uses it in the class.
1. _____________________________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________________.
4. _____________________________________________________________.
5. _____________________________________________________________.
Teacher distributes the worksheets to the students and instructs them to say three sentences
about the picture using BE, DO and HAVE verbs.
Outcome : The students will be able to use the simple past tense effectively in
their conversation
Activity: 1
Teacher: What we learnt now was SIMPLE PAST TENSE. It describes the actions that
were over in the past. Even a minute ago.
The teacher asks two students to speak about their regular activities today.
Latha: Well.
Activity: 3
Mohan: Why did you miss a century in the match last week?
Activity: 4
The teacher asks the students to tell each a sentence about their activity today at school or
at home.
The teacher asks the students to tell about their activities of last month:
I went to my uncle’s house last month.
Learning Outcome : The students will be able to use past continuous tense effectively
in their conversation
2 At school At School — 30
Total — 90
Warm Up
The teacher asks the students to tell about their past continuous actions today.
Activity: 2
The teacher asks the students to tell about their past continuous actions in the past.
Student: The girls were singing songs in the assembly last month.
The teacher asks the student to tell a sentence using this tense.
Warm Up
The teacher writes the following sentence on the board. This is a _______________
board. Then he/she writes two or more optional words to fill in the blank. They are a) white
b) green c) black d) red.
Now he/she asks the students to say the correct answer from the options.
The students say. This is a black board.
Activity: 1
Now she underlines the words tall and beautiful and says that they are adjectives.
They describe the words boy and girl respectively.
Thus, she introduces adjectives and explains that adjectives are used to describe nouns.
Adjectives are also known as describing words.
Activity: 2
My Friend’s Dog
The teacher draws picture of a dog on the board and introduces it as his/her friend’s
dog. Now she describes his friend’s dog with A-Z adjectives and encourages the students to
add to the list.
Thus teacher makes the students use more adjectives to describe the dog.
Warm Up
The teacher calls a student to answer to the questions he/she asks. She starts to ask
questions like:
Question : What is your name?
Thus, the teacher has given a warm up to motivate the children to speak using appropriate
words while introducing himself or herself.
Activity: 1
“I am Unique”
The teacher writes few key sentences on the board for self introduction before the
whole class. The students are suppose to read the key sentences on the black board and
start to speak details about himself /herself . Each individual is expected to come forward
and speak at least 2 to 3 sentences about themselves. And each and every speaker is given
stars up to 5 against his name for speaking a few correct sentences within the time given.
5 minutes time is given for the activity.
Activity: 2
“I am Transparent”
The teacher writes few key words on a piece of card and distributes to the whole
class. The children as soon as they receive the card from the teacher start to prepare few
sentences to speak before all when the turn comes. Each student is expected to come
forward and speak at least 2 to 3 sentences on the key word given to them. Each and every
speaker is given stars up to 5 against his name for speaking a few correct sentences within
the time given. 5 minutes time is given for the activity.
Worksheet – 20.01
Choose any two from the following situations and speak at least 5 -6 sentences of
your own
a) Speak about your favourite recipe.
b) Speak about your leisure time activities.
c) Speak about you being called with a nick name by your friend.
Total — 90
Warm Up
The teacher shows them a picture of vegetables and flowers. Then, the teacher expresses
his / her likes with reasons for that.
The students observe the teacher and repeat the sentences after him/her. They get the idea
of expressing one’s likes with a proper reason.
The teacher shows them the picture of domestic and wild animals. He / She expresses
his/ her likes and dislikes about them.
Activity: 2
The teacher asks the students to tell about one thing they like from their day to day life.
Many come forward.
The teacher asks the students to express their likes about one thing. They can tell
about anything with a proper reason.
The teacher gives them the list or group: actors, movies, vegetables, colours, metals,
animals, towns, cities, etc.
Warm Up
The teacher shows them picture of vegetables and expresses dislikes with reasons for that.
The students observe the teacher and repeat the sentences after him/her.
They get the idea of expressing one’s likes and dislikes with a proper reason.
Activity: 1
The teacher shows them the picture of domestic and wild animals. He/ she expresses his/
her likes and dislikes about them.
Activity: 2
The teacher asks the students to tell about one thing he/she dislike from their day to day
life. Many come forward.
The teacher asks the students to express their dislikes on at least one thing. They can
tell about anything with a proper reason.
The teacher gives them the list or group: actors, movies, vegetables, colours, metals,
animals, towns or cities, etc.
Learning Outcome : The students will be able to express their abilities and inabilities
Warm Up
The teacher explains them what he can do physically. They keenly observe him while he tells
the sentences.
I can jump.
I can sing.
Activity: 1
I can write.
I can walk.
While telling the above sentences, the teacher can do the action so that the students
understand that he can do individually.
The students keenly watch him/ her as he expresses his/ her abilities and understand it from
his or her action that he can do.
Activity: 2
The teacher asks the students to express five of their abilities which they can do individually.
I can sing.
The teacher asks the students to speak on the given topics in few sentences
Warm Up
The teacher tells them what he cannot do physically. They keenly observe him while he
tells the sentences.
I can’t walk fast. (He tried but he could not.)
I can’t touch the ceiling fan. (He/ she jumped but could not.)
I can’t drive a car.
I can’t swim.
Activity: 1
I can’t sing.
I can’t swim.
The teacher prepares a ‘box of Can’t’s. He puts some action chits inside the box and
asks students to pick one chit and say in a complete sentence. If a student picks the chit
with ‘Drive’ he has to say ‘I can’t drive a car’.
Warm Up
The teacher shows them a picture and tells about the event.
The students are motivated to tell five sentences about the event Pongal festival.
It is a Pongal day.
I wear new dress.
I like to eat sugarcanes.
The house is painted / whitewashed.
My mother prepares pongal in new pot.
I eat sweet and yummy pongal.
I share with others. I feel happy.
Activity: 1
The teacher shows them the picture of an Independence day celebration and narrates the
events. Students listen and repeat the sentences.
Activity: 2
The teacher describes the experiences on the first day to school. Later, she/he expects
each individual to speak at least 2 to 3 sentences about their experiences using the key
words Each student is given stars up to 5 for speaking a few sentences.
Key Words
Words : an alarm clock, new uniform, water bottle, lunch box, school bag,
pencil box, text books, chappals, bus, auto, bicycle, New ribbons, new
friends, teachers, new classroom, fun, happy, fear, shyness, etc.
The teacher gives them a picture of a house warming ceremony. The students
describe the scene with the appropriate words. He gives them the clues.
Warm Up
The teacher sticks the picture cards of objects on the wall. When the teacher says ‘I
spy you see that it is big, round and black and tells us the time’, the students look around
the classroom and say the name of the object aloud.
Thus the teacher motivates the students by describing the object by its shape, size,
color, availability and its uses. The teacher continues till all the names of the objects are
found by the students.
Activity: 1
The teacher divides the students in pairs. The teacher gives each pair of students a
bag with four small and common objects. One student from the pair is blindfolded with a
hand kerchief (to cover his eyes with the hand kerchief) and the other student places the
objects in the blindfolded student’s hand, who describes what the object is.
Materials needed:
Handkerchief, scale, eraser, pencil, geometry box, marble, match box,
Mobile phone , piece of chalk, etc.
Example :
Student 1 (blindfolded): It is made of wax.
It is small in size.
Is it a crayon?
Is it a sharpener?
Student2: It is long.
Is it a scale?
Activity: 2
The teacher divides the class into five teams. He/she puts many small and familiar
objects in the fabric bag and closes it with the zip. The teacher calls a student from each
team to feel an object. They should not open the bag but feel any object with their hands
and describe it to their team members. If the team members guess it correctly, they will get
a point. The game continues until the bag becomes empty.
How would you ask for these things in a shop if you didn’t know or couldn’t remember the
names for them? Write a description of each item in a few lines and tell your partner.
Worksheet – 26.01
Find out ‘What am I’.
The teacher divides the students in pairs. The students read the riddles and check the
answers with their partners.
1. I keep you cool when you feel hot I’ m a ______________.
2. It is the flat round object. We put food on it. I’ m a ___________.
3. I am round and I go up and down. You can throw and catch me. I’m a _____________.
4. I am in different colors. I get bigger when you blow air into me. I’m a _____________.
5. The more you work the more I’ll eat. You keep me full. I will keep you neat. You find
me in your box. I’m a _______________.
6. I am handy when you want to write. Find me in the class room. I’m a ________________.
7. I am used to stir your coffee or used to eat soup with. I’m a _____________.
8. I am a container. You can carry water in me. I am_______________.
9. I’m round but I’m not a wheel. I go well with milk or tea. I am________________.
10. I tell you the time. You wear it around your left wrist. I am________________.
11. Sometimes to get inside a house, you need me to unlock.
12. I am manufactured in kilns. I am used to build houses.
Warm Up
The teacher sticks the picture cards of objects on the wall. When the teacher says
I spy you see that it is big, round and black and tells us the time, the students look around
the classroom and say the name of the object aloud.
Thus the teacher motivates the students by describing the object by its shape, size,
color, availability and its uses. The teacher continues till all the names of the objects are
found by the students.
Activity: 1
‘Walk and Speak’
Activity: 2
The teacher asks each student to describe as in the above table any one of the following
things given below as in the above table.
Cricket ball, eraser, geometry box, stapler, pin, pencil, chair, plastic bottle, school
bag, school bell, shoe lays, duster, dust bin, wooden table, ceiling fan, tube light.
Learning Outcome : The students will be able to greet each other appropriately
Warm Up
Activity: 1
Activity: 2
The Teacher asks two students to read the dialogue between two persons who are in the
market place.
Teacher: By this time next month, we will be celebrating Deepavalli!
Students: Yes sir.
Teacher: Wishing you all a Happy Deepavali!
Students: Thank you sir.
Teacher: I also wish Rahim a happy Bakreed!
Students: Thank you sir.
Teacher: I also wish Mary a happy Christmas!
Students: Thank you sir.
After reading the dialogue the teacher then asks the students to speak on a situatation like
In the 'Bus stand'.
Then the teacher gives some general tips on greeting others based on the time of the day.
The teacher asks the students to form pairs and greet each other on various occasions.
Warm Up
The Teacher asks two students to read and converse the dialogue which takes
place at the school playground.
Kumar : What is this place?
Sekar : It is the ground. We can play here.
Kumar : Can we do exercises here?
Sekar : Why not? We can do it.
Kumar : Who will guide or help us?
Sekar : Our PET Master will help us.
Activity: 2
The Teacher asks two students to read and converse the dialogue which takes
place at the school Library.
Mary : Good Morning sir.
Teacher : Good morning. What do you want?
Mary : I want to read a story book sir.
Teacher : OK. Go to the right corner and take one book from the shelf.
Mary : Yes sir. I have taken it.
Teacher : Nice. Sit on the bench and read the book for one hour. Do not write in
the book. Return it before going.
Mary : Yes, Sir. I will read and return it.
Activity: 3
The Teacher asks two students to read and converse the dialogue which takes
place at the market place.
Ravi : Where can I buy tomatoes?
Mala : Go to the last shop in this line.
Ravi : Yes. Here are the tomatoes. What is the price?
Mala : Rs. 25-00 a kilo. How much do you want?
Ravi : Give me one kilo of tomato. Here is the money and the bag.
Mala : Oh! Nice, Thank you.
The Teacher asks two students to read and converse the dialogue which takes
place at the Shop
Activity: 5
The Teacher asks two students to read and converse the dialogue which takes
place at the Hospital.
The teacher asks the students to form pairs and take any situation and carry out a
simple dialogue of 3 lines each of useful information.
Warm Up
• The teacher displays the tongue twister poster on the board.
• The teacher chooses one of the tongue twisters from the poster and asks the students
to repeat it.
• The teacher asks the class to repeat the tongue twister slowly and then quickly.
• Then students work in pairs to take turns repeating the tongue twister without mistakes
as fast as they could.
Activity: 1
Activity: 2
• The teacher divides the class into two teams.
• The teacher gives each team 6 tongue twister word card and 6 picture cards.
• The teacher instructs the students to arrange the word card and match them with the
picture cards.
• The team which finishes first shouts ‘Bingo’ and a volunteer from the team says the
tongue twister to the class, thrice.
• The team who says many tongue twisters correctly scores 5 points.
• The team with the most points is considered as the winner.
Materials needed: Two sets of tongue twister word cards and 6 picture cards.
Worksheet – 30.01
Create tongues twisters by using the words from the word bank.
Write the words in the blanks under the right heading and say them to the class
twice quickly.
Word Bank
Name Noun 1 Verb Noun 2
Sriram Seashells Sells Seashore
Bala Berries Brought Backdoor