0308 9126 (88) 90445 2
0308 9126 (88) 90445 2
0308 9126 (88) 90445 2
o r i e n t a t i o n d e t e r m i n a t i o n of
tensile cracks f r o m surface
M. Ohtsu and K. Ono
L a m b ' s problem of determining transient elastic disturb- cannot be readily employed because of a huge number
ances at a surface due to a dynamic point force in a of combinations of feasible source characteristics and
half-space is well known in seismology. Breckenridge possible propagation paths. In order to completely
et alm applied this concept to the study of acoustic determine the source characteristics and locations of AE,
emission (AE) sources. They developed a transient point one may have to use a large array of sensors.
force generator and a wide-band capacitive sensor of
In the present paper we discuss the development of a new
surface displacement, and showed experimental AE wave-
technique for determining the location and orientation
forms similar to theoretically predicted ones. Their success
of a tensile crack from only surface observations of
bred theoretical treatments of AE waveform analyses
AE waveforms. The last restriction is realistic as this
based on dislocation models and Green's functions 12-m. In
condition is typically imposed in practical applications
these studies, AE sources are represented by dislocation
of AE.
models or equivalent force models and correspond to
dislocation movements or cracking in a solid. The models
are prescribed by the discontinuities of displacements or Mathematical background
forces. In addition, since these motions are dynamic, time Governing equations and characteristics of
dependencies at AE sources (also known as source elastic waves
functions) must be given or found.
In elastodynamics we can ignore the body force in the
When source characteristics are specified, AE waveforms equilibrium state. In terms of displacement u(x, t) or its
can be calculated by convolving the source function with component u~(x, t) the equilibrium equation becomes
an appropriate Green's function. This approach is known
as a forward problem or simulation analysis. When one (.~ + I~)Uj,ji(x, t) + ttui,jj(x, t) = pffi(x, t) (1)
attempts to obtain the source characteristics from a
measured AE waveform and the Green's function, this is where 2 and # are Lam6 constants and p is the material
referred to as an inverse problem or deconvolution density. Here ui4(x, t) means a differentiation of ui with
analysis. respect to x j, and a dot means a differentiation with time.
To find the fundamental characteristics of a solution for
Some attempts at obtaining source characteristics from
Equation (1), we consider plane waves propagating
observed AE waveforms have been made t7'81. However,
through a medium with velocity v[9]:
since such deconvolution analyses are burdened with a
number of discrepancies between theoretical assumptions
and experimental conditions, only limited success has ui(x, t) = Ji(I-x - vt) (2)
been reported.
where I is the direction cosine of the propagation
In practical applications of AE, so far, inverse problems direction. Substituting (2) into ( 1 ), we have a relationship
~ P
0 I I
b I I
0 20 40 0 20 40
e I a
d I I
0 20 40 0 20 40
Time (10"e s) Time (10"es)