Method Lay PX

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Equipment For Laying of Premix

a) Paver (Sumitomo HA45W)

b) Tandem Roller ( CC21 Dynapac) ( 8-10 Tonnes)
c) Tyre Roller (TS7409 Sakai Tyre Roller) ( 15 Tonnes)
d) Power Broom (Tractor)
e) Milling Machine
f) Motorise hand pump (for spraying Prime/Tack Coat)

Trial Lay

After having received the S.O preliminary approval of the proposed job mix design, arrangement to mix,
lay and compact premix to each type of mix required in the work to determine the required compacting
passes, laying and mixing to confirm to the requirement of the specification to the approval of S.O.

Method Statement

I. Prior to constructing asphaltic concrete pavement layer, the surface shall be prepared in
accordance with specification. Any damage or deterioration shall be made good before receiving
prime coat to the satisfaction of S.O. Power Broom shall be use to remove loose material.

II. Premix work shall be carried out in dry weather, the surface shall received a bituminous
prime / tack coat, to the satisfaction of the S.O. Motorise hand pump shall be used to prime
/tack coat.

III. Contractor shall provide numbers of tipper truck of tyre type to transport premix from mixing
plant to the job site, with capacities of not less than 10 tonnes each. The trucks of premix shall
be covered with canvas to protect the premix.

IV. Paver of self-propelled shall be used to lay premix. The paver shall be capable of laying premix
in paving width, in the range of 3.5m to 4.75m.

V. Steel wheeled rollers shall be self-propelled and capable of being reversed, shall be equipped
with water tank and scraper blades to keep all wheels evenly wetted and clean during
compaction. Generally each paving layer shall have a compacted thickness of not less than twice
the nominal maximum aggregate size of the mixture and not more than 100mm thick. Where
applicable on super elevated section with cross slope in one direction, laying of premix shall
commence at lower side and progress to higher end. Rolling temperature of premix shall not
less than 110 ‘c. After steel wheeled roller, tyre rollers shall be used to compact the surface
(Number of passes for steel roller and tyre roller shall be confirm by trial lay)

VI. The supply of premix shall be in a continuously manner at the job site with the temperature of
premix immediately before unloading into paver shall be not less than 125 ‘c.
VII. Rolling shall operate in a longitudinal direction from lower edge of the paved width and
progress uniformly to the higher edge, unless construction joint at the higher edge where
rolling shall be carried out in such manner that each section receive equal compaction all to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

Premix works shall be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner to specification, required shape,
superelevation, levels and grade and within tolerance.


Item Type Of Machinery

1 Paver (Sumitomo HA45W)
2 Tandem Roller (CC21 Dynapac)
3 Tyre Roller (TS7409 Sakai Tyre Roller)
4 Tractor – (P/Broom)
5 Milling Machine


I. ( 2 )Free – Tandem Roller

II. ( 2 ) Vibrator - Tandem Roller
III. ( 8 )Tyre Roller
IV. ( 2 ) Free – Tandem Roller


I. ( 2 ) Free – Tandem Roller

II. ( 2 ) Vibrator – Tandem Roller
III. (10) Tyre Roller
IV. ( 2 ) Free – Tandem Roller


I. ( 2 ) Free – Tandem Roller

II. ( 2 ) Vibrator – Tandem Roller
III. (12) Tyre Roller
IV. ( 2 ) Free – Tandem Roller

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