Chapter 1: The History and Origin of Numerology
Chapter 2: The Soul Urge Number
Soul Urge Number One
Soul Urge Number Two
Soul Urge Number Three
Soul Urge Number Four
Soul Urge Number Five
Soul Urge Number Six
Soul Urge Number Eight
Soul Urge Number Nine
Soul Urge Number Eleven
Soul Urge Number Twenty-Two
Soul Urge Number Thirty-Three
Chapter 3: The Personality Number
Personality Number One
Personality Number Two
Personality Number Three
Personality Number Four
Personality Number Five
Personality Number Six
Personality Number Seven
Personality Number Eight
Personality Number Nine
Personality Number Eleven
Personality Number Twenty-Two
Personality Number Thirty-Three
Chapter 4: The Birthday Number
Birth Day Number One
Birth Day Number Two
Birth Day Number Three
Birth Day Number Four
Birth Day Number Five
Birth Day Number Six
Birth Day Number Seven
Birth Day Number Eight
Birth Day Number Nine
Birth Day Number Ten
Birth Day Number Eleven
Birth Day Number Twelve
Birth Day Number Thirteen
Birth Day Number Fourteen
Birth Day Number Fifteen
Birth Day Number Sixteen
Birth Day Number Seventeen
Birth Day Number Eighteen
Birth Day Number Nineteen
Birth Day Number Twenty
Birth Day Number Twenty-One
Birth Day Number Twenty-Two
Birth Day Number Twenty-Three
Birth Day Number Twenty-Four
Birth Day Number Twenty-Five
Birth Day Number Twenty-Six
Birth Day Number Twenty-Seven
Birth Day Number Twenty-Eight
Birth Day Number Twenty-Nine
Birth Day Number Thirty
Birth Day Number Thirty-One
Chapter 5: The Life Path Number
Life Path Number One
Life Path Number Two
Life Path Number Three
Life Path Number Four
Life Path Number Five
Life Path Number Six
Life Path Number Seven
Life Path Number Eight
Life Path Number Nine
Chapter 6: The Attitude Number
Attitude Number One: Assertive
Attitude Number Two: Enduring
Attitude Number Three: Versatile
Attitude Number Four: Sensitive
Attitude Number Five: Creative
Attitude Number Six: Analytical
Attitude Number Seven: Harmonious
Attitude Number Eight: Secretive
Attitude Number Nine: Prudent
Chapter 7: Metaphysical Understanding of Numbers
Two Core Numbers
Five Core Numbers
Chapter 8: Biblical Numerology
Chapter 9: Three Aspects of Self Concepts
Chapter 10: Arrows of Individuality
Positive Arrows
Negative Arrows
Chapter 11: Nine-Year Cycle of Change
Year One: The Beginning
Year Two: Connecting
Year Three: Creating
Year Four: Building and Working
Year Five: The Change
Year Six: Nurture and Love
Year Seven: Self Analysis
Year Eight: Achievements Harvest
Year Nine: Completion
Chapter 12: Three Phases of Life
Life-Cycle Numbers for the First Phase
Life-Cycle Number for the Second Phase
Life-Cycle Number for the Third Phase
Chapter 13: The Astrology Numerology Connection
Chapter 14: Using Numerology to Analyze Names
Chapter 15: Numerology and Relationship Compatibility
Life Path Number One
Life Path Number Two
Life Path Number Three
Life Path Number Four
Life Path Number Five
Life Path Number Six
Life Path Number Seven
Life Path Number Eight
Life Path Number Nine
Chapter 16: Intuition, ESP, and Reincarnation
The science of numerology is not new. It has been in use for centuries. Using
numbers and their energy and vibration to explain the lives of people is
something that people study and practice daily.
In Numerology: The Ultimate Guide to Numerology for Beginners, Including
Numerology and the Divine Triangle, the Meaning of Relationships and
Dating—Ideal for Numerology Astrology Lovers by Rhonda Waite Moon, you
will find numerous examples and explanations on how to find the numbers
that pertain to you specifically.
Whether you are using numerology for fun to learn a bit more about yourself
or you are using it to unlock the secrets and mysteries of your past and
present lives, then this is the book for you. It will explain how to calculate
your numbers and tell you what they mean.
Once you begin to look at your numbers and see exactly what they mean in
your life, you will be well on your way to a deeper understanding of the
powers in the universe and the special energy that make you up.
Chapter 1: The History and Origin of Numerology
Numerology is an art form that has been in existence since the very earliest
days when mathematics was first discovered. Even today, there is a special
meaning applied to certain sequences of numbers and the particular position
of numbers in a sequence by most cultures. In the practice of numerology,
every letter of the alphabet has a numerical value, which gives that letter a
particular significance in the practice of numerology. Those who practice
numerology can use numbers, names, and words to reveal divine meanings
because the alphabet is so easily applied to numbers.
Numerology has three major forms, known as Pythagorean, Chaldean, and
Kabbalah. All three forms can be used in any combination to create a
numerology reading, but it is best to pick one of the versions and use it
exclusively. Any of the three are acceptable; the one that draws a person’s
attention is the best one for them.
A numerology portrait is a person’s guide to their life. It will reveal who a
person will become and their weaknesses and strengths. A numerology
portrait is something of a cheat sheet for mystical interpretations of a person’s
life path. Numerology uses a simple formula to determine a person’s
numerological chart, which can also be known as a person’s numerological
portrait. The numbers used are the three numbers from the letters of the name
of the person, which will determine the power number, personality number,
and the urge of the soul, along with three numbers from the actual birth date,
which will determine the person’s attitude number, life path number, and
birth number.
Kabbalic numerology has its basis in the Hebrew alphabet and old Hebrew
mysticism. It was first developed for the Hebrew alphabet and then later was
adapted to the Greek alphabet and then the Roman alphabet. The word itself,
Kabbalah, means that knowledge does not come from the body or the senses
but rather from the mind. The goal of the Kabbalic method of numerology is
to bring elevated levels of intelligence and knowledge by elevating personal
levels of self-awareness. Only the person’s name is analyzed in Kabbalic
numerology. Many numerologists feel that Kabbalic numerology is less
accurate than the other forms of numerology because of this.
In the Kabbalic method, every letter of the alphabet is assigned a number.
According to Kabbalah studies, it is possible to have up to four-hundred
different life path numbers, but Kabbalic numerology focuses only on the
most popular numbers. It may not seem to be that much different from the
other forms of numerology at first glance. But the other two methods use a
person’s date of birth, along with their name to learn their life path number.
The alphabet in Kabbalah is assigned a corresponding number different than
the other two systems. Many of the letters do not correspond directly to the
letters of the other two methods of numerology.
The Chaldean method is believed to have originated in Babylon, south of
Mesopotamia, which is now known as Iraq when the area was inhabited by
the Chaldeans. It is the oldest system of numerology. Many people consider
the Chaldean method to be more accurate than the Pythagorean method,
although the latter method is more widely known and used more often. In the
Chaldean system of numerology, every letter is given its own numerical
value between one and eight. The big difference between this method and the
other two methods is in the name that is used to calculate a person’s numbers.
All three methods use a person’s name to determine the life path number.
However, the method in Kabbalic and Pythagorean numerology is to use the
name that is marked on the birth certificate. Chaldean numerology will use
the name that the person is known by the most. This could be the name on the
birth certificate, or it could be a married name or a nickname. In Chaldean
numerology, the numbers used are never single-digit numbers but double-
digit numbers. In this method, the single-digit number is considered to be the
number that represents the way other people see the person and the outside
influences of the greater world. Double-digit numbers, also known as
compound numbers, represent the hidden influences that have a specific
influence of one’s life. Chaldean numerology does have a closer relationship
with astrology.
Pythagoras developed Pythagorean numerology before the time of Christ in
ancient Greece. Pythagoras believed that numbers could be used to explain
all things in the universe. He used mathematics for spiritual matters. This
method of numerology is often referred to as modern numerology because it
is the most recently developed method, and it has come to be the method
most widely used in modern times, particularly in the Western world. Popular
legend states that Pythagoras used the practice of numerology to use name-
changing as a way to alter the destiny of an individual, predict what events
would take place at certain locations, and determine the future fates of
individuals. In this system, the letters of the alphabet are assigned a
corresponding number based on their position in the alphabet. Both the date
of birth and the name are used in Pythagorean Numerology, and the
relationships between the two are studied.
This method uses the full name that is given at birth because that is the name
that will determine an individual’s numerical makeup. The birth name will
tell what impression a person is most likely to make on other people, what the
person naturally expresses the best, and what motivates a person, mentally
and psychologically. The other most important number in Pythagorean
numerology is the actual date of birth, which is used to determine the number
of the life path of the individual.
Those who subscribed to the Pythagorean method of numerology were not
simply interested in applying the science of numbers to determining the
individual strengths and weaknesses of people. They believed that numbers
were present in vast quantities in the natural world and that most things in life
were ruled by a series of numbers. They firmly believed that numbers
possessed mystical abilities and properties and the “all is number” meaning
that anything in the world can be described in terms of proportions and
numbers and everything in the world can be measured. This belief is the basic
foundation of the practice of numerology.
Every letter in the alphabet has a numeric value, and every number has its
related cosmic vibration. When the letters in a person’s name and the date on
which the person was born are combined in a particular formula, this will
give an insight into how the vibrations are related to each other. This formula
will give information to the person’s purpose in life as a part of the overall
plan of the cosmos. It will also reveal details of a person’s motivations,
natural talents, weaknesses, strengths, and character tendencies. Numerology
is one of the best tools in use today that will help an individual develop a
better insight into their overall physiological and cosmic makeup.
Chapter 2: The Soul Urge Number
The soul’s number, or the heart’s desire number, is the element that is at the
core of a person’s numerology chart. It is used to open up the numerology
chart and remove the layers covering it. The soul number is responsible for
unlocking the person that is kept hidden from the outside world—the spiritual
and eternal person deep inside, the more intense and deeper person. When
this personal code is opened and deciphered to reach its true meaning, then
the true meaning of the person is made available to the outside world, what
motivates the person on a spiritual level, the fears and passions, the urges and
inner cravings, and the desires that are hidden deep in the core of the person.
The guiding force behind exactly what the soul is expecting to experience on
earth is the soul urge.
Life often begins once this number is revealed. The person’s life begins to
finally make sense as anxiety and depression begin to drift away. The soul
can finally find meaning in the world, given the energy it needs to thrive and
the ability to be nurtured and recognized. Using the methods of Pythagorean
numerology, the number for the soul urge is determined by using only the
vowels of the full name. The reason for this is that consonants are said with a
sharp edge to them, and they have a definite end and a definite beginning.
Consonants are considered to be the containers for the way people express
themselves and for the traits that people reveal to the outside world, and
consonants represent a person’s public personality. Vowels are made from
the timeless and formless essence inside of a person and formed from spirit
and air. They are pronounced with a breath that flows freely.
Remove all of the consonants in the full name. Determine the values that are
assigned to each letter and then add all of the numbers together. Keep adding
and reducing until there is just one single digit. This is an example of
determining a soul number:
A = 1, E = 5, I = 9, O = 6, U = 3, Y = 7
Mary Anne Smith
A + Y + A + E + I = 1+ 7+ 1+5+9 = 23 = 2+3 = 5
Mary Anne Smith’s soul urge number is 5
“Y” is sometimes a vowel and sometimes a consonant. It is used as a vowel
when it is the only sound in the syllable, like in the names Kylie or Terry. It
is also used as a vowel when it comes before a vowel that is in the next
syllable, and it makes a vowel sound, as in the names Mya or Hyacinth. The
letter “Y” is considered to be a consonant when it is used to make the hard
sound of a consonant like in the names Yulee or Yoda or when it comes after
a vowel in the same syllable and does not make a vowel sound that is
separate from the other vowel sound, like Maya or Grayson.
When all of the numbers are added together and condensed to the lowest
possible number, that number is called the Master Number. When the
numbers are being added together and a total of eleven or twenty-two is
reached, that is where the adding stops. These are also considered to be
Master Numbers. Once the soul number has been determined, the
interpretation can be determined.
Where the soul urge number reveals the inner person, the personality number
reveals how the world sees the individual. It is often nearly impossible to be
completely objective when looking at one’s self no matter how honest one
might try to be. Relatives and close friends may even have trouble being
perfectly honest about their true opinion of a person. So the personality
number is used because it gives meaning and insight into the persona that is
shown to the outside world.
The personality number uses only the consonants in the name that was given
at birth. Remember that the letter “Y” can be a consonant or a vowel as
mentioned earlier
As with the souls urge number, the numbers eleven and twenty-two are also
considered to be Master Numbers and should not be reduced any lower than
they are.
The personality number will show what is revealed to the outside world. It is
rather like a small hallway that leads to the greater room of the person within.
The hallway can only hold so much information. This is where people store
the things that they feel comfortable sharing with anyone they may
encounter. Eventually, some people will be invited into the greater room that
lies beyond the small hallway, but this comes with trust and time.
So, again, we will use Mary Anne Smith as an example. We will not use the
letter “Y” in Mary because, in the name “Mary,” the “Y” is the vowel of that
Mary Anne Smith
4 + 9 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 8 = 38
3 + 8 = 11
Remember that eleven is a Master Number and should not be reduced down
any farther than that.
The personality number can be thought of as a device to censor what is seen
by the world at large. This determines the information that a person sends out
to the rest of the world, as well as who they will allow to see it and approach
it. This protects the person’s mind and heart by limiting the information that
comes in, as well as the people who are allowed to enter in there.
Because of this, the personality number may not seem quite correct at first
glance. It is only after giving some thoughts about the results that people can
agree with the determination because this number’s explanation is much
more protective and narrow than people will really see themselves being.
And remember that the information attached to this number is the first
impression that the world will get. This is the number that will cause them to
lose interest immediately, or serve to intrigue them or automatically welcome
The day of a person’s birth will give a specific perspective on the way they
will view their Life Path. A different energy is assigned to every day of the
month. The numbers one through nine are the principles of basic energy. The
compounds of these principles of energy are the numbers eleven through
thirty-one. The day a person is born is their individual Birth Day Number.
A person’s birthday number is the motivator and the modifier of the Life Path
and is a supporting influence over it. This day gives particular traits to that
the individual was born with, which are just as important as the more
dominating traits that are displayed by the Life Path. The meanings of the
Life Path numbers and the meaning of the Birth Day Number will always
remain the same. The only difference between the two is how the meaning of
the Birth Day Number is applied to an individual’s life. The number that is
the Life Path number might be thought of like the characters and plot of a
stage play of a person’s life. The way the lives should be delivered in the play
is the function of the Birth Day number.
When a person interprets the energies of the Life Path, along with the
energies of the Birth Path, their personal character traits will be much easier
to identify and understand. Being able to do this as soon as possible is the
best way to realize that the Life Path is but one way to identify the
characteristics of the whole person.
It is easy to explain the few basic rules that are used to interpret the Birth Day
Add together the digits of the birthday. If the sum is a three, six, or
nine, then the person is not shy and likes to be around a lot of people at
once. They tend to make a good impression on people and are creative
and imaginative. Once the person’s interest in a subject has been
awakened, they will immediately become active with that subject. They
need to put their creative ideas to good use in a positive manner since
there is no shortage of them.
If the digits add up to two, four, eight, eleven, or twenty-two, then
matters will not be quite so easy. These people do not express their
feelings without reservations because they are much more complicated.
They do work hard and have a good eye for profitable business
ventures. But many times, these people will find it difficult, if not
impossible, to express their deepest feelings.
The numbers one, five, and seven show that the person has a deep love
for work that is of the intellectual type. They are also known to adapt to
different situations quickly and easily, and they learn extremely well.
A person’s Life Path number is the sum of all the individual digits of their
date of birth. In nature, the numbers are a pure force, and almost nothing in
nature is possible to do without counting numbers. Numbers are used
countless times in a person’s everyday life; just about everything associated
with the identity of any human being is made up of numbers.
The Life Path number shows the path of a person’s life. The Life Path
number is easy to determine because it involves nothing more than reducing
the date of someone’s birth down to a single number. For example:
Date of Birth December 21, 1983
1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 27
Date of Birth December 21, 1983 has a Life Path of 9
Always use the full four-digit year of birth and not just the last two digits. So
once a Life Path number is determined, what exactly does it mean to the
person? There are descriptions that give the basics of each Life Path. But
keep in mind that these descriptions are based on the particular vibration of
that Life Path number and are not the only determination of the person.
Life Path Number One
People with the Life Path number of one are natural born leaders. Since the
numbering system begins with the number one, those people with the Life
Path of one are naturally first in many of the areas of life. They are good at
coming in first and are very competitive. In action and in mind, they are
fiercely independent. When other people are acting overly cautious, they will
put themselves out front without hesitation. Their one great weakness is that
they tend to be selfish and self-indulgent.
Everyone meets someone new from time to time. In the lives of some people,
meeting someone for the first time is a daily happening. Think of all the
medical professionals, law enforcement officers, and transportation personnel
who make meeting new people their job. How nice it would be if they had a
way to know how other people see them at the first meeting? This is what the
attitude number does. The attitude number shows how people are viewed by
the rest of the world when they meet for the very first time.
To determine the Attitude Number, simply add up the digits in the birthdate,
including the month, and then take that number down to one digit:
Birthday September 28
9 + 2 + 8 = 19
1 + 9 = 10
In determining this number only the month and day are used, not the year.
Numbers hold the meaning to the human potential that is limitless and vast.
Throughout time, numbers have been recognized for their deep spiritual
meaning, their magic, their vibrational essence, and their symbolic meaning.
Some of the more important numbers used when creating a numerology chart
for a person are the core numbers, master numbers, and ruling numbers
The core is something that is at the very center of everything else. In
numerology, the core number represents two important things about a person:
Details about the individual
Energies that have the biggest impact on a person’s life
Different people have differing opinions about exactly what are the core
numbers. Those who subscribe to the Pythagorean method of numerology
will usually agree that there are either two core numbers or five core
numbers. The position of the core number has a high likelihood of causing an
influence that is substantial and will definitely impact the life of the person.
Two Core Numbers
There are two numbers considered to be most important in the basic
information that is used to create the numerology chart of a person. These
numbers are the birth name number and the birth date number. These
numbers will represent the energy that will influence all of the other numbers
on the chart. These are the core numbers found in the system of two numbers.
One of these numbers represents the person’s path through life, and the other
one represents the person. When using just two numbers, all of the
calculations for the entire chart will be made using just these two numbers.
The Birth Name Number – Anything on the chart that is related to the
person’s name will be determined by using this number. This number is
the number of a person’s destiny. Almost all numerologists will
consider this number to be a core number because it represents the
energy that is related to what and who the person is and what they will
evolve into a greater version throughout their life.
The Birth Date Number – Any chart entries that are related to dates are
determined by using the birth date number. As with the birth name
number, virtually all numerologists consider this to be a core number
since it is used to create the life path number, and it is the
representation of the circumstances and the events that are likely to
happen in a person’s life.
This is the number of God’s divine sovereignty and authority and the number
of perfection of the government. Israel was made of twelve tribes; the twelve
disciples became the twelve apostles. The construction of the holy temple had
various groups made of twelve, and the Temple had twelve gates, twelve
angels, and twelve foundations.
The Number Thirty
The number thirty, in the Bible, seems to be associated with fasting or with
sorrow. Jesus was betrayed for a mere thirty pieces of silver, and both Moses
and Aaron were mourned for thirty days after their deaths.
The Number Forty
Forty is the Biblical number that is associated with trials and testing. During
the great flood, the skies rained for forty nights and forty days. The unbelief
and disobedience of Israel caused them to wander in the wilderness for forty
years. Moses spent forty nights and forty days in the clouds. When Jesus was
in the wilderness for the great temptation, he had fasted for forty days and
forty nights before Satan tried to tempt Him.
The Number Fifty
Liberty was proclaimed for those who lived as slaves or those who lived
indebted to other people in the year of the Jubilee. The fiftieth day after
Passover was when the Feast of the Pentecost was celebrated. And it was
fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus that the Holy Spirit came to the
believers for the first time.
The Number Seventy
This number seems to be the one that is associated with human delegations of
authority, judgment, and justice. In Israel, there were seventy elders who
made judgments. Ezekiel saw seventy elders in the House of Israel, and it
was a total of seventy years that Israel was held captive by the Babylonians.
So in looking at these numbers, it seems that the Bible has a message for
humans that involve the use of numbers. Those who are firm believers in the
system and the meaning of numerology will believe that the way of the world
is to show humans the way with numbers. Those who are firm believers in
the ways of God will believe that God planned the use of exact numbers to
appear in the Bible. Whichever way a person chooses to believe, the numbers
do exist in the Bible.
Chapter 9: Three Aspects of Self Concepts
The number five person has the tendency to scatter their energies to places far
and wide. People will learn that it is difficult to complete tasks and projects in
a timely manner. These people need organization and discipline in their lives.
They have a strong urge to escape difficulties by forcing the situation to
change rather than trying to work on the problem. They do adapt well to
change, and they tend to learn quickly. Having a career and a family will be
important in keeping their lives anchored because their success in life will
greatly depend on their ability to accept responsibilities and to ground
Subconscious Self Number Six
These people like to help other people, but unfortunately, it sometimes comes
at the expense of their own selves and their own needs. They are concerned
primarily with their families and their homes, and everything else comes in
second. They exude genuine concern and love for other people. When times
become stressful, they will turn naturally to their friends and family for
support. They are very responsible people and are quite willing to sacrifice
their own needs for the good of others.
Subconscious Self Number Seven
This number sometimes appears aloof and indifferent to their surroundings.
They can easily survive any storm and are well-balanced. In times of trial,
they withdraw into themselves and find answers and solace in their analytical
and creative minds. They do not share their feelings well with other people,
and they might be a bit of a loner.
Subconscious Self Number Eight
They manage to get the best out of any situation by efficiently handling them.
They do not usually repeat a mistake because they learn from it the first time.
Number eight people relate their level of success to what they get from
situations materially. They will expect to be financially rewarded for their
efforts. They do not get scared easily or panic. These people have a good
understanding of money and realize quickly what needs to be done, and they
go after it with a business-like attitude. They are physically competent and
courageous and show great organizational and leadership skills. They will
Subconscious Self Number Nine
These people may be difficult to get to know and tend to be somewhat
impersonal. They possess great compassion and deep feelings, but they do
not show their feelings demonstratively. In any situation, they are controlled
and competent. They are not as vulnerable to the ups and downs of life as the
other numbers because they have no specific Karmic Lessons.
Chapter 10: Arrows of Individuality
The bottom row relates to the physical plane, the middle row relates to the
emotional plane, and the top row relates to the mental plane. This grid is the
beginning point and the reference point so that anyone can find their own
arrows of individuality.
Now, the person will take their date of birth and write it with two numbers
for the day, two for the month, and four for the year. Using a birth date of
December 12, 1982, the results would look like this:
December 12, 1982
There are three 1s, three 2s, one 9, and one 8.
So in, this illustration, there are no arrows because there are no rows where
the numbers would fill three boxes in a straight or a diagonal line. Even if no
arrows are present, it also has its own meaning. Those people who have no
arrows are quite adaptable. They have no particular positive strengths, which
might cause an imbalance in their life and their personality. And they have no
negative traits that they will need to work on.
Positive Arrows
The rows that the arrows run through when there are numbers present in all
three rows tell what that particular date of birth means. When looking at the
grid, the columns go up and down, and the rows go across. The first column
is the Planning column, the second column is the Willpower column, and the
third column is the Activity column. An arrow that runs diagonally from
bottom-left to top-right, the 1/5/9, is the arrow of Determination. An arrow
that runs from bottom-right to top-left, the 3/5/7, is the Arrow of
Compassion. The arrow that runs across the top row is the Arrow of Intellect.
The arrow that runs across the middle row is the Arrow of Emotions. And the
arrow that runs across the bottom row is the Arrow of Practicality. Each
arrow has its own particular meaning.
Arrow of Planning positive (1/2/3) – These people have good organizational
and planning skills. They are able to create a plan, see the goal, and
determine the best way to achieve the desired results. Since they tend to over-
plan, they need to leave more room for fun and spontaneity. They will
probably have a diary and a stack of notes because they like to write
everything down. They will focus on the big picture and ignore the details.
Arrow of Willpower positive (4/5/6) – These people have a lot of willpower,
so this arrow is very powerful. While they can be a bit stubborn these people
are persistent and determined. They are relentless in their drive to reach their
personal goals, so they may inadvertently hurt the feelings of other people
because they are not paying attention to how others might be feeling. They
will also refuse to pay attention to their inner voice and the opinions of other
people. They are likely to achieve their dreams and goals because they are so
Arrow of Activity positive (7/8/9) – These people are rather hyperactive, and
they are energetic, fidgety, and always on the go. They need to engage in
physical activity often because their high energy needs to have a constant
outlet for release. They need to remain mentally or physically busy at all
times. The will always feel better if they eat natural foods and spend a good
deal of time outside. Where other people tend to spend their time dreaming,
these people will be taking action.
Arrow of Determination positive (1/5/9) – These people can overcome any
roadblock that appears in their way, and they easily bounce back from any
defeat because they are determined, ambitious, and enterprising. In business,
they will not stop until they reach the top. They may cling to projects and
ideas longer than necessary even if they should be dumped because they are
extremely stubborn people.
Arrow of Practicality positive (1/4/7) -- Because they are down to earth and
practical people, they can escape any problem or situation. They will gladly
work long hours for something they believe in, and they are motivated mostly
by material rewards. They prefer to work with their hands doing creative or
artistic pursuits. These people are extremely easy to get along with.
Arrow of Emotions positive (2/5/8) – These people can be quite serious and
intense and usually make good performers. Unfortunately, some are known
as drama queens who are overly emotional. Even if their own life is secretly a
mess, they love to give advice to other people. They can gain control of their
emotions by becoming more aware of them. When they can do this, they will
be emotionally balanced, and they will possess a great deal of understanding.
Arrow of Intellect positive (3/6/9) – Being highly intelligent, these people
have great memories. But sometimes, they do not take full advantage of their
mental abilities because they tend to lose interest in the idea or activity, or
they are just lazy. They can solve problems quickly and easily because they
have analytical brains that are capable of quick abstract thinking, and they are
more intelligent than they are practical or emotional. They are not very
patient with people who are not as bright as they are. However, they need to
challenge themselves mentally to keep their brains stimulated.
Arrow of Compassion positive (3/5/7) – People who have this arrow readily
accept the lows and highs of their lives, and they possess an inner calm. They
want to promote love and peace to everyone, and they bring gentleness, love,
and peace wherever they go. These people are often musicians or
philosophers. They often find the psychic arts, the occult, spirituality, and
mysticism interesting. They develop strong faith and an inner peace that
comforts them and sustains them as they grow older.
Negative Arrows
Unfortunately, when placing the numbers on the grid, there are times when
an entire row or column is left with no numbers filled in. These rows and
columns will also get an arrow through the empty boxes of the grid, but these
arrows are considered to be negative arrows. These arrows indicate areas that
the person needs to work on. There are a total of seven negative arrows.
Arrow of Frustration negative (4/5/6) – These people will not easily
acknowledge their own needs. Because of this, they may expect too much
from other people, and this will cause their family life to suffer. Because of
that expectation, they will suffer more than their fair share of frustrations and
disappointments until they learn to accept other people and themselves, just
as they are. They will also learn to appreciate the differences.
Arrow of Inactivity negative (7/8/9) – These people have little ambition, and
they lack motivation. They need to use physical games to motivate them and
keep them moving, so they can get out and experience all the things that life
has to offer. They will not act until they have perfected their ideas through
much contemplation. They will procrastinate and hesitate. They can become
high achievers if they will just set achievable and realistic goals for
themselves and learn a little self-discipline. They need to stop thinking about
taking action and just do it.
Arrow of Impracticality negative (1/4/7) – These people are not realistic, but
they are very idealistic. If they do not learn to be more practical, they will not
be able to function in real life. They lack the practical, basic skills that will
allow them to be organized. Instead, they need to work extra hard to create
order in their lives. They need regular contact with the earth in order to
remain well-grounded.
Arrow of Sensitivity negative (2/5/8) – These people are overly sensitive to
the opinions of other people and tend to be easily hurt and very sensitive. The
shyness they have in childhood usually follows them into adulthood, where
they will often try to avoid those situations that make them feel
uncomfortable. They try to keep their feelings hidden. They can overcome
these feelings as they get older if they work at it.
Arrow of Poor Memory negative (3/6/9) – These people are smart, but they
tend to be absent-minded and forgetful. Some of them are very witty and
smart. They can be mentally dull if they do not work to keep their brains
active, or they will continue to forget things. They usually do not apply
logical thoughts to their situations, and they tend to get worse as they grow
Arrow of Resignation negative (1/5/9) – These people are lacking in
determination and motivation. They will be forced to resign themselves to
whatever comes along unless they learn a good work ethic and some
perseverance. They will need constant encouragement to get started on a job
and to see it through to completion.
Arrow of Skepticism negative (3/5/7) – These people are hard to fool because
they don’t trust anyone very much. They will not believe anything as fact
unless they have actual proof that they have investigated and gathered for
themselves. They need to take care that they do not routinely shut themselves
off from being open to new and better possibilities.
These arrows are another way of looking at life and how it is working out.
They will give good insights into what is working well and what needs
working on.
Chapter 11: Nine-Year Cycle of Change
Every nine years is marked as a cycle of life. Cycles are a big part of things in
the universe. There are cycles for daytime and nighttime, the seasons of the
year, even for reincarnation. Human lives have cycles also, and by learning
how the cycles work, it will point out how every life has a pattern and how
major events will align themselves with the energy of a particular year.
To calculate the current year of the current cycle, simply add together the
single digits of the person’s birth day and month with the individual digits of
the current year. So if someone was born on Mar 19 in the year 2019, it
would look like this:
(zeros have no value)
3 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 9 = 25
So this person is in the seventh year of their nine-year cycle. The cycle year
begins on the person’s birthday and ends the day before the next birthday. So
this person’s years begin on March 19 and end the following calendar year on
March 18. Knowing what year a person is actually in will give them insight
into where they are and where to put their energy.
There are three distinct phases to everyone’s life, and all three of these phases
are ruled by numbers. The individual numbers of the three cycles will be
found in the numbers from the day, month, and the year of a person’s birth.
The numbers of the cycle will determine what will be the influence that the
person will be under during the early, middle, and later stages of their life.
These numbers will determine the qualities that the person will need to
develop so that they will be able to fulfill the purpose of their lives.
The number that comes from the month of a person’s birth is the number that
will govern the early part of their lives, which is from the day they are born
until the year they turn thirty-six years old. The number that is derived from
the day a person is born will be the number that guides the second period of
their lives, which runs from age thirty-six to age fifty-four. And the number
that is derived from the year of their birth (all four digits) is the number that
will govern the last phase of their lives that runs from age fifty-four until
death. Here is an example:
Date of birth October 23, 1967
Month 1 + 0 = 1 Day 2 + 3 = 5
Year 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5
Phase one is a 1, Phase two is a 5, Phase three is a 5
And each number has similarities in its meaning for each phase and also
notable differences, depending which phase it is aligned with.
Life-Cycle Numbers for the First Phase
One – One is the number of independence, so this might make the first cycle
a very difficult time because independence and childhood do not often go
together very well. From the other point of view, this is a time when children
want and need to be dependent as an older, stronger adult, but the
circumstances of their lives may not allow it.
Two – This number signals emotion and sensitivity. This is a period where
the child does best in an environment that is peaceful and quiet and full of the
loving guidance of a gentle older person. This is a good time to learn
adaptability and obedience and to funnel the intense emotional and nervous
energy present in the soul into some sort of artistic pastime.
Three – Because youth is a time to express oneself at all costs, these children
tend to take everything to the most extreme limit possible. These children
benefit greatly from lots of time to play freely, and their nervous energy
should be channeled into some type of sporting or artistic endeavor.
Four – Teenagers who are under the number four tend to be self-disciplined
and stable during a time that fun and play is supposed to be the norm. This
just serves to give them a good foundation of sensibility that will keep them
from running wild later in life. This is a great time for them to learn to do
manual labor and work with their hands.
Five – Fives are stubborn children who will not take advice from older people
because they must do things their own way. Even though they learn quickly,
they are bored easily and may be in constant trouble while in school. If this
child does not have good discipline and structure, they may turn to
experimentation with illegal substances and run with wild crowds.
Six – These children are at their most comfortable when they are at home,
safe and secure. They will require a lot of reassurance because they worry
about everything, and they worry a great deal. Family fighting can devastate
them. While they enjoy the safety of being sheltered, they may feel too
restricted by the responsibilities and duties of the family.
Seven – These children are somewhat reserved and do not open up to other
people very well. This can make them seem to be difficult or misunderstood
by other people. Introverted and quiet, they would do well in any of the arts
learning to develop the talents which will give them a good sense of self-
Eight – This number holds a vast amount of power and might be difficult for
a young child to handle. These children show leadership qualities at an early
age, and many become young entrepreneurs. While they may be successful in
the business world at a young age, many never have the opportunity to
develop empathy for those around them.
Nine – Nine might also be a difficult number for a child to handle because it
is not a number that holds a great sense of security and because it requires
children to think more about other people than themselves in a time when it is
natural for them to be selfish. Their lives might be full of emotional tension,
and there might be a lot of instability and change around them. They might
feel as though their needs are being neglected.
Nines are confident and impulsive with strong opinions and personalities. By
nature, they are the leader of the group and are not afraid to break off on their
own when necessary. They are engaged in the big picture and are strangely
perceptive. They possess great humanitarian spirits. Their ultimate goal is to
give something back to the world through creating, expressing, and
Two of the sums that a person might get are not meant to be reduced to a
single digit, and those are the numbers eleven and twenty-two. These are both
master numbers. The number eleven combines together traits of one (as in
two ones) and two (one plus one). This means they are geared toward
leadership and innovation, but they are also drawn to unity and community.
The number twenty-twos are much like the number elevens but with even
more independent-thinking and uniqueness. These two numbers are the most
individualistic and intense.
Chapter 14: Using Numerology to Analyze Names
Thank you for making it to the end of Numerology: The Ultimate Guide to
Numerology for Beginners, Including Numerology and the Divine Triangle,
the Meaning of Relationships and Dating—Ideal for Numerology Astrology
Lovers. Let us hope it was informative and able to provide you all of the tools
you need to achieve your goals, whatever they may be.
The next step is to use the instructions found in this book and begin to work
on your own numerology chart. Use the numbers you calculate from your
information to see where your life is going.
Finally, if you found this book useful in any way, a review on Amazon is
always appreciated!