Assignment A - Question No: 1 - : Classical School
Assignment A - Question No: 1 - : Classical School
Assignment A - Question No: 1 - : Classical School
b. 2. Management is designing job structure. 3. To management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control. Behavioural School: 1. Management is managing men. 2. Management is the development of people and not the direction. Modern School: 1. Management is a multipurpose organ of the society, which aims at utilizing the resources of the country for creating a situation of plenty and comfort instead of scarcity and misery. 2. Management is a process comprising of series of actions that lead to accomplishment of objectives. 3. Management is continuing and dynamic process.
Modern School is the most important for the following reasons: The development of modern school of management is useful because it provides a broad basis for approaching management problems. Traditionally this role was limited to production and distribution of economic goods and services, in return for profits. However, the term social responsibility is refered to the modern school of management. Management leads to accomplishment of objectives and in modern thought is comprehensive term embracing with its scope the entire process of planning, policy making, coordination of activities, maintaining discipline as well as controlling the operations so as to attain best possible results.
Assignment A Question No: 2 The 14 general principles of management of Fayol are as discussed below:
1. Division of Work: This is the specialization that economists consider necessary for efficiency in the use of Labour. Fayol applies the principle to all kinds of work, managerial as well as technical. 2. Authority and responsibility: Henry Fayol finds authority and responsibility to the related, with the latter arising from the former. He sees authority as a combination of official factors, deriving from the managers position, and personal factors compounded of intelligence, experience, moral worth, past service. 3. Discipline: Seeing discipline as respect for agreements which are directed at achieving obedience, application, energy and the outward marks of respect, Fayol declares that discipline requires good supervisors at all levels. 4. Unity of Command : This means that employees should receive orders from one superior only. 5. Unity of direction: According to this principle, each group of activities with the same objective must have one head and one plan. As per the principle, all departments must cater to overall objectives of the company. Internal objectiveness of departments should not clash with the companys growth and profit objectives. 6. Subordination of Individual to general interest: This is self explanatory, when the two are found to differ, management must reconcile them. 7. Remuneration: Remuneration and methods of payments should be fair and afford the maximum possible satisfaction to employees and employer. 8. Centralisation: Without using the term centralization of authority Fayol refers to the extent to which authority is concentrated or dispersed. Inndividual circumstances will determine the degree that will give the best over all yield. 9. Scalar Chain: Fayol thinks of this as a chain of superiors from the highest to the lowest ranks, which, while not to be departed from needlessly, should be short circuited when to follow it scrupulously would be detrimental. 10. Order: Breaking this into material and social order, Fayol follows the simple edge of a place for everything(everyone) and everything (everyone) in its (his or her) place. This essentially a principle of organization in the arrangement of things and people. 11. Equity: Loyalty and devotion should be elicited from personnel by a combination of kindliness and justice on the part of managers when dealing with subordinates. 12. Stability of Tenure: Employee should be confirmed in the job which will provide stability to him. 13. Initiative : Initiative is conceived of as the thinking out and execution of a plan. Since it is one of the keenest satisfactions for an intelligent man to experience
Fayol exhoorts managers to sacrifice personal vanity in order to permit subordinates to exercise it. 14. Espirit de corps: This is the principle that in union there is strength as well as an extension of the principle of unity of command , emphasizing the need for teamwork and the importance in the communication in obtaining it.
Assignment A Question No: 3 As we know decision making is the selection of appropriate alternative from a set of alternative courses of action. It is the core of planning. Decision making has been identified as the primarly responsibility of any manager. Decision making has been identified as the primary responsibility of any manager. Effective decision making must be rationale i.e. for effective decision maker must generate all the possible alternatives, he must also have all the relevant information , be able to analyse and evaluate alternatives, he must have all the alternatives and must have the desire to achieve the best solution. The degree of risk varies from decision to decision. Objectives of Decision making process: 1. Improve the business by successfully solving problems that are causing external or internal customer dissatisfaction. 2. To ensure that we do not jump to solutions before we have analysed the CAUSES of our problems. 3. Provide a process tool that can be used by the team to maximize contribution from each individual and the creativity from the team. 4. Implement solutions to problems that really do eliminate the problem through PREVENTION processes. 5. Value addition to products of services rendered. Decision making process requires a structured approach involving 6 steps: 1. Identify and select the problem: A PROBLEM is a deviation between the actual results and the TARGET level at which the result should be, or an opportunity level at which the results could be. A problem statement should be written based on the measurements taken. The most serious problems are those customer experiences. Implement holding action, if necessary while solving the problem. 2. Analyse the causes of the problem: Brainstorm all potential causes of deviation, usually there are several causes of a problem that require analyzing and prioritizing.
3. Generate potential decisions: For most problems there are several solutions. Brainstorming and building on ideas are the most effective ways to find right solutions. 4. Select the plan and decision to be implemented: Prioritise the solutions identified using the cost benefit analysis together with the timetable. A specific ACTION PLAN must be prepared identifying the key activities with start and finish dates. 5. Decide and implement: The project teams are responsible for implementing the decision. Regular review of the project is essential to control progress and costs, ensuring the benefits are gained. 6. Evaluating the Decision: Following successful implementation the project must be monitored and evaluated. Has the problem been solved? What added value has been achieved? Etc.
As can been seen a manager has to identify, analyse, generate, select, decide and evaluate which are crucial areas of decision making process. In the decision making process the manager has to bring together all the departments to generate potential decision and also leave out or prioritise which decisions are important to the organization. Further, the same needs to be implemented by the operations team and progress of the problem whether it is solved or not needs to checked by the manager. Therefore, decision making is one of the most important and critical managerial task. Assignment A Question No: 4 Communication is defined as the sharing, transfer, (exchange) of messages, facts opinion, ideas, or atttudes and emotions between sender (manager) and receiver (employee) or between two or more people. Sharing or exchange is a two way process. According to Chester Bernard the first executive function is to develop and maintain an effective system of organizational communication, He said that communication is the means by which people are linked together to achieve a common purpose. Each managerial position is a center of decision making as well as a center of communication. What is involved in the communication process? Idea First information exists in the mind of the sender. This can be a concept, idea, information, or feelings. Encodes- Next, a message is sent to a receiver in words or other symbols. Decoding The receiver, then translates the words or symbols into concept or information.
During the transmitting of the message, two processes will be received by the receiver. Content and context. Content is the actual words or symbols of the message. Context is the way the message is the way the message is delivered. Tone of voice, the look in the senders eyes, body language, state of emotion (anger, fear, uncertainty, confidence,) A message has not been communicated unless it is understood by the receiver. How to you know it has been properly received? By two way communication or feedback. This feedback will tell the sender that the receiver understood the message, its level of importance, and what must be done with it. Communication is an exchange, not just to give, all parties must participate to complete the information exchange. Therefore, both the party bears equal responsibility the sender and the receiver. Assignment A Question No: 5 Planning is the process by which managers examine their internal and external environments and ask fundamental questions about their organizations missions, goals, and objectives. If group effort is to be effective, people must know what they are expected to accomplish. Therefore, it is the first and most important management function. Planning requires selecting missions and objectives and the actions to achieve them: Therefore, planning requires decision making i.e. choosing from alternatives the best possible options to solve the problem. Planning is charting the future course of action at present. Thus, we can say that plans provide a rational approach and strongly imply managerial innovation. Planning is an intellectually demanding process, the future course of action is consciously determined and decisions are based on purpose, knowledge and considered estimates. Without planning events are left to chance. Planning is deciding in advance who will do what, at a certain time and what is to be achieved. In business, planning is an ongoing effort since changes are continuous. A plan is a predetermined course of action to achieve a specified aim or goal. Planning precedes all other functions All plans must contribute to purpose and objectives. It is all pervasive activity all levels of managers have to do planning. Plans are effective if they achieve their purpose at a reasonable cost. Planning has to systematic to ensures a timely, orderly, and cost effective process to achieve specific objectives. Planning should involve everyone centralized planning occurs when responsibility rest with top level executives. Therefore, it can be said that planning is charting the future course of action at present. Assignment B Question No: 1
Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups accomplish effectively selected aims. If we expand this definition we understanding that: Management is present in any kind of organization (business or non-business). Its aim is to create a surplus, i.e., management is concerned with productivity which is measured through effectiveness and efficiency. A manager works in coordination with both the internal and external environment. It is essentially decision making under various constraints. It is an integrated as well as continuous process. It is use of means to accomplish given ends. For achieving the objectives the Managers have to assume responsibility, achieve a balance among competing (and often conflicting) goals, and have to be conceptual thinkers. The term management is often used to refer to a group of managerial personnel of an enterprise. Sometimes, this term is used as a way of referring to the process of managing. On other occasions it is used as a substantive to describe the subject, the body of knowledge and practice as a whole, the discipline. Strictly speaking, management is a functional concept and does not include persons who practice management. Such persons are designated as Managers, Executives, etc. However, in our daily transaction we generally include the practitioners within the scope of this term. The managerial process is a complex social activity. It is a process because it comprises of a series of actions that lead to accomplishment of objectives. It is known as a social process because these actions are concerned with relations between people, i.e., inter-personal relationship. It is a continuous process, there is always fresh minds to stimulate, newer area and approaches to explore, and ever changing situations to tackle. Management is a mental or intellectual process involving thought, judgement and decision, the fundamental aim being achievement of certain objectives. Technological development has continuously changed the setting of management. However, the chief characteristics of management are the integration and application of the knowledge and analytical approaches developed by numerous disciplines. This involves: 1. Formation of policy and its translation into plans, 2. Execution and implementation of plans, and 3. Exercising administrative control over the plans. Utilisation of resources has been one of the most common and yet perhaps the most complex management activity. Maximum return and utility from limited available resources has been the main aim of any manager. Traditionally, only three factors of production were recognised i.e., Man, Machine, and Material. However, with the development of thought, a fourth factor of production was recognised, in the absence of which the other three factors could be rendered useless. This fourth
vital factor of production was entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur could be a person having his own resources or a custodian of someone else's resources, organising it with a view to attain maximum output and efficiency with minimum input. As such, Management can also be defined as a process through which all the resources are organised and utilised to attain maximum output and efficiency through minimum input. A liberal point of view is not merely a sum of number of narrow approaches. Its emphasis is on freedom to choose from widest range of possibilities already available or newly evolved. The stress is on expanding the mental horizon with utmost freedom with an effort to strive towards an ultimate in life. The paradox of management is that it is based on identifiable and rigorous framework of concepts, but at the same time it continues to strive towards breaking out of any set discipline. The characteristics of a good manager may be described in broad terms as initiative, intelli- gence, judgement, dependability, integrity, perseverance, and so on. Thus, management can also be defined as a process of bringing about improvement in knowledge, skill, habits, and attitudes of the employees in an organization. In other words it refers to development of people in the organization. Management involves improvement in knowledge factors, attitude factors, and ability factors of the employee in an organization.
Assignment B Question No: 2 Types of Planning : Type of planning is determined by three factors, namely Scope (The range of activities covered), Time frame (the period covered by the plan) and Level of Detail (the specificity of the plan). Depending upon these factors, planning could be: Strategic planning - comprehensive, long-term, and relatively general planning. Operational planning - focused, short-term, and specific planning. Tactical planning - more narrow, intermediate-term planning, more specific than strategic planning, but not as narrow as operational planning. Types of Plans : As opposed to the various types of planning, different types of plans could be: 1. Purpose or Mission - Basic function assigned by society to the organization: 2. Objectives / Goals - Ends towards which activity is aimed and end point of the organization. 3. Strategies - Broad areas of an enterprise operation, normally its in light of competitors. The firm has to decide on its growth goal and desired profitability. Form a framework for guiding, thinking and action. 4. Policies - General statements that guide decision-making. Policies encourage discretion and initiative within limits.
5. Procedures - Establish a required method of handling future activities, they are guides to action. 6. Rules - Specific required action, allowing no discretion. o Programs - Complex of goals, policies, procedures, rules, tasks, assignments steps to be taken, resources to be employed and other elements necessary. 7. Budget - Statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms i.e., numerical program. Steps in the Planning Process: Planning process involves four steps and then gives way to the implementation phase. These steps are: 1. Assess Current Conditions: Determine the current situation, including examination of re- sources, market trends, economic, indicators, and competitors. 2. Determining Goals and Objectives: Goals are future states or conditions that contribute to the fulfillment of the organization's mission. Objectives are short-term, specific, measurable targets that must be reached to accomplish organizational goals. 3. Establishing an Action Plan: An action plan is a specific set of behavior that will lead to the attainment of an objective. 4. Allocate Resources: Resources include people, money, and time. 4. TFP - (Total Factor Productivity) is a measure of a firm's effectiveness in using its resources to create product values. 5. A budget is a predetermined amount of resources allocated to an activity which includes budgeting organizational resources for each step in the process. 5. Implementation: The commitment of organizational resources through the delegation of tasks, objective-driven actions, and feedback of data. 6. Control the Implementation: The continuous management of plans to ensure that they meet objectives in the correct time horizon. Assignment B Question No: 3
DEPARTMENTALIZATION Is grouping activities and people into departments. It helps to expand organizations. There is no ideal way of Departmentalization applicable to all situations and organizations. Various forms are seen in the industry, such as: Departmentalization by simple numbers: Departmentalization by time (Very old systems -shifts seen in organizations where normal working day does not suffice e.g., Hospitals).
Departmentalization by enterprise function (Grouping of activities in accordance with the functions of an enterprise -example - Production, selling, financing etc.). Functional Departmentalization (It is the most widely employed basis for organizing activities and is at present seen in almost every enterprise). Departmentalization by territory (Based on geographical territories). Customer Departmentalization (Grouping of activities to reflect a primary interest in customers is common in services industries). Process Departmentalization (Seen in manufacturing firms). Product Departmentalization (In multi-line large-scale enterprises). Coordination may be achieved through rules, procedures, planning, organizational hierarchy, personal contacts and sometimes through the Liaison department. Advantages of departmentalization: Logical and time proven, specialization leads to efficiency, simplifies training, facilitates tighter control, maintains power, also there is added prestige of major functions. Places responsibility at lower levels, emphasis on local markets, improves coordination, advantage of economies of local operation, measurable training ground for General Managers. Encourages concentration on customer needs, develops expertness in a customer area. Disadvantages: De-emphasis of overall company objective over departmental objectives, over specialization and narrow viewpoints of key personnel may result, reduces coordination, responsibility for profits is at top only, slow adaptation to changes, limits development of General Managers. Requires more persons with general manager abilities, problem of top management control. May be difficult to coordinate operations between customer demands, customer groups may not always be clearly defined. MATRIX organization Another kind of departmentalization is Matrix / Grid / Projects. Here a combining of functional and product departmentalization is seen in the same organization structure. This is seen in construction, marketing etc. A matrix organization is oriented towards end-results, professional identity is maintained. pinpoints productprofit responsibility. However, it has a disadvantage that there is a possibility of disunity of command. requires managers effective in human relations. Now Strategic Business Units (SBUs) are being seen within an organization for a product.
There is no one best way of departmentalization and departmentalization is not an end in itself. Departmentalization is just a means of organizing. CASE STUDY Answer No: 1 : Mr. Bansal satisfied peoples intrinsic or true work motivation and according to Steiner, people develop intrinsic or true work motivation when they are in a position where they can shape their own social environment. This implies an advanced democracy, and the possibility of the worker to freely choose his working place, w4thout being compelled by external, mostly pecuniary needs. He states that people develop motivation to develop skills when they are permitted to learn in a spirit of freedom, which implies that the spiritual and educational realm is not under control of the state or economic forces. True creativity or productivity comes into being only when learning is free from external constraints. Answer No: 2 : Abraham Maslow -Need Hierarchy Theory: He said every human being has five needs: Physiological Security Affiliation Esteem Self-Actualization According to him these needs were seen in hierarchical order i.e., only after one was fulfilledl the other showed its appearance. A visual aid Maslow created to explain his theory, which he called the Hierarchy of Needs, is a pyramid depicting the levels of human needs, psychological and physical. When a human being ascends the steps of the pyramid he reaches self actualization. At the bottom of the pyramid are the basic needs or physiological needs of a human being, food and water and sex. The next level is safety needs : Secuirty, order, and stability. These two steps are important to the physical survival of the person. Once individuals have basic nutrition, shelter, and safety, they attempt to accomplish more. The third level of need is love and belonging which are psychological needs: when individuals have taken care of themselves physically, they are ready to share themselves with others. The fourth level is achieved when individuals feel comfortable with what they have accomplished. This is the Esteem level the level of success and status (from self and others) The top of the pyramid, Need for self-actualisation occurs when individuals reach a state of harmony and understanding.
Mr. Bansal used the third level of need that is love and belonging as he gave the workers own counter area and their own line of merchandise. He gave them success and status by giving them their own counter and managing their own counter and merchandise.
Answer No: 3 : A person's motivation is a combination of his desire and energy directed at achieving a goal. Influencing someone's motivation means getting him to want to do what we know must be done. Mr. Bansal was using true work motivation and according to Steiner, people develop intrinsic or true work motivation when they are in a position where they can shape their own social environment. This implies an advanced democracy, and the possibility of the worker to freely choose his working place, w4thout being compelled by external, mostly pecuniary needs. He states that people develop motivation to develop skills when they are permitted to learn in a spirit of freedom, which implies that the spiritual and educational realm is not under control of the state or economic forces. True creativity or productivity comes into being only when learning is free from external constraints. Assignment C Objective Type Questions: 1) C 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) B 6) A 7) C
8) 9) D D
15) D 16) B 17) A 18) D 19) B 20) C 21) D 22) A 23) A 24) A 25) XXX 26) A 27) A 28) D 29) XX 30) XX 31) D 32) C 33) A 34) C 35) A 36) B 37) A 38) D 39) C 40) B