EBEG4103 Energy Measurement Notes 1

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TWO energy efficiencies each in electrical and mechanical systems

Two energy efficiencies in electrical and mechanical. What is energy efficiencies?

Energy efficiency is the use of less energy to perform the same task or produce the same
result. Energy-efficient homes and buildings use less energy to heat, cool and run appliances
and electronics, and energy-efficient manufacturing facilities use less energy to produce

Energy efficiency saves money, increases the resilience and reliability of the electric grid,
and provides environmental, community, and health benefits.

Energy efficiency in electrical: -

1. Switching incandescent light bulbs to energy-efficient lighting.

Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are a type of solid-state lighting semiconductors that
convert electricity into light. LEDs use up to 90% less energy and last up to 25 times
longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.

It includes the turning off lights automatically when they are not in use, especially
during daylight. It uses electronic chokes instead of ballasts in case of conventional
lighting and also with the use of electronic circuitry; it can achieve dimming of lights
when necessary.

2. Using solar electricity at home

A solar electric or photovoltaic (PV) system can reliably produce electricity for your
home or office. These small or distributed solar systems are often installed by home
or business owners to offset their electricity costs.

A solar electric system provides an opportunity for anyone who is looking to reduce
monthly utility bills and make a long-term, low-risk investment.
Each kilowatt-hour (kWh) of solar that is generated will substantially reduce
greenhouse gas emissions like CO2, as well as other dangerous pollutants such as
sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. Solar also reduces water
consumption and withdrawal.

Energy efficiency in mechanical: -

1. Using water pump that is suitable for the job

High-quality pumps that are well-maintained can achieve efficiencies of 90% or

higher, while smaller pumps tend to be less efficient. In general, if you take good care
of your pumps, you should be able to achieve 70-90% pump efficiency.

Installing a control system will enable the pumping systems to be controlled remotely,
allowing them to be started and stopped depending on the pumping requirements at
the time.

Ways to increase the energy efficiency of your pump:-

 Avoid oversizing the pump
 Variable frequency drives
 Parallel pumping systems
 Limit pipework pressure loss
 Eliminate unnecessary use
 Carry out maintenance

2. A well maintained air compressor

What influences air compressor energy efficiency? Such factors include type, model,
size, motor power rating, system design, control mechanisms, uses and maintenance
schedule. The chief reason for inefficient air compression is the loss of heat generated
from the increased temperature of pressurized air and from friction caused by the
system’s many moving parts.
Improve your system’s efficiency with the following approaches. By maximizing
compressor efficiency using these approaches, you can also boost air compressor
performance and increase its lifespan: -
 Improve the quality of the air intake.
 Match the air compressor controls.
 Improve system design.
 Consider compressed air needs.
 Minimize pressure drop.
 Maintain your compressor.

TWO Water Conservation methods that applied in hot climate countries

How are Water Conservation methods used in hot climate countries?

The world’s population is growing and climates are changing making water technologies
even more important to increase conservation and provide access to clean, fresh water. These
technologies vary depending on the country or city and their type of management needs like
desalination, conservation or recycling.

One particular contributor to the global water crisis is sewage. This treated water is
discharged and fresh water is taken from local sources. In addition, due to the lack of water,
the price of water is increasing. In both domestic and industrial settings, the recycling and
reuse of wastewater can provide several sustainable benefits. This recycled water can be used
back into the process, reused in other processes, or it can be used in other sectors or


Due to its desert location, Saudi Arabia has been a true innovator for desalination techniques.
Today, they make the highest production of desalinated water (water that has been filtered to
remove salt) in the entire world. To make their conservation even better, they have started
converting all their desalination plants to be solar powered and plan to have all plants solar
powered starting 2019.

Picture 1: Desalination Plant in Mena, Saudi Arabia

There are many ways to desalinate water, but one of the most effective is membrane
desalination. In this method, water is pushed through a thin membrane with tiny holes. The
water flows through the pores, but the salt ions can't, leaving only fresh water on the other
side. Reverse osmosis was found to be the world's most sustainable method of desalination
due to its energy efficiency and production capacity, while solar photovoltaics were found to
be the popular choice among renewable energies

Picture 2 : Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination

Recycle Washing Water

According to the City of Tampa water information, the average washing machine uses around
55 gallons of water each wash. The water from washing cycles can easily be used for
washing the car, watering the garden (provided you use biodegradable detergent) and
combined with a gray water recycling system can be put back into use in the house for
flushing the toilet and other household uses.

Picture 3: Sewage Water Plant

Wastewater recycling will involve treating wastewater from domestic or industrial processes
and reusing this water source. This resource can be used for other non-potable processes,
refrigeration or other domestic non-cutting applications. Using the wastewater recycling
process, will reduce the use of drinking water for industrial applications and preserve it for
drinking water.

Industrial process water is one of the places that can be an opportunity for water recycling.
For example, rinse water can be easily recycled. Many industrial processes have a simple
rinsing step where the product is cleaned with water. This water is used to clean any
remaining oil, paint, dust, sediment or other dirt and is easily recycled. Runoff water is often
collected below and sent to a waste tank that can contain waste from other processes. Instead,
the runoff can be collected and sent to a modular treatment unit, processed, and then returned
to the storage unit for rinsing water.

Picture 3: Al Haer PPP Waste Water Project

Q3: TWO examples how Predictive Maintenance can reduce energy consumption

When predictive maintenance works effectively as a maintenance strategy, maintenance is

only performed on machines when they are needed. That is, before failure may occur. This
brings several cost savings:
1. Minimize the time equipment is maintained
2. Minimize production time lost due to maintenance
3. Minimize the cost of spare parts and supplies

Predictive maintenance is vital for pump maintenance. Some facilities utilize tens to hundreds
of pumps for daily operations. Pumps and auxiliary equipment must always operate at
optimal levels. A PdM program streamlines maintenance work and prevents unexpected
downtime. The program reduces the cost of pump ownership and minimizes energy

A PdM program relies on other technologies to work. Advanced systems collect, store and
analyze pump performance data. PdM requires a stable computerized maintenance
management system (CMMS) that automates maintenance tasks. It also relies on the Internet
of Things (IoT) for communication between sensors, data management devices, and cloud

1. Reduces the number of inefficient pumps in a facility

Pumps contain powered electro-mechanical components with suitable tolerances and

allowances for optimum performance. A defect lowers the efficiency of these systems,
causing increased energy consumption. For instance, a damaged bearing increases
mechanical friction between moving parts. The pumping unit struggles and draws more
power from the source to compensate for the defects. If several pumps are suffering from
similar anomalies, then energy use increases.

Implementing PdM programs for pumps enables facility managers and engineers to identify
defects proactively. They monitor flow rates, conduct vibration analysis and track pumping
performance to identify design deviations. Performance data helps them pinpoint defective
pump elements, as well as troubleshoot and rectify minor defects before they cause excessive
energy consumption or failure.

2. Reduces manual workflows

A shift towards predictive maintenance reduces manual workflows. Technicians have an easy
time since sensors handle pump monitoring and troubleshooting. The predictive algorithms
cater to maintenance schedules. A PdM program collaborates with CMMS software to
automate the generation of work orders, approval and tracking of work orders, and the
management of maintenance inventories.

By eliminating manual workflows, companies reduce manual labour across the facility. There
is less paperwork and unnecessary movement across the facility. It is easy to inspect multiple
assets remotely using centralized systems. The company uses little energy to print papers.
They also lower the cost of mechanized transportation within the plant.

Automating workflows reduces delays in approvals and cross-departmental engagements. It

means machine defects are resolved as soon as they are identified. It ensures processes
remain effective and efficient. When systems run optimally, energy demand is lower.

3. Improves the accuracy of maintenance activities

Condition-monitoring sensors improve performance tracking and an accurate identification of

pump defects. The company installs sensors depending on the parameters they intend to
monitor and deduces the reliability of different pumps in the facility or piping network.
Sensor data is specific to a particular part and tracks it round the clock. It reduces manual-
inspection work and enhances routine and emergency troubleshooting.

Sensors have high accuracy levels compared to manual inspection techniques. Technicians
will initiate a temporal breakdown or utilize a redundant system to fix a well-known pump
defect. With such accuracy, plant managers control the quality of maintenance work. The
corrective measures are targeted and accurate. It eliminates the rework needed to cater to
poorly done or deferred maintenance.
Pump maintenance uses different tools that consume varying amounts of energy. Eliminating
rework ensures no extra energy usage. It also reduces process and equipment downtime,
which would expose occupants to hazardous energy. PdM also facilitates the selection of
sustainable redundancy systems.
Q3 Part 2

Predictive maintenance is a technique that uses condition-monitoring tools and techniques

to monitor the performance of a structure or a piece of equipment during operation. Some
examples of using predictive maintenance and predictive maintenance sensors include
vibration analysis, oil analysis, thermal imaging, and equipment observation.

4. Enhances real-time performance monitoring of pumps

Plant managers phase out old and inefficient machinery from facilities based on their
performance. They quantify performance based on the mean time between repairs and pump
maintenance costs. These metrics may be difficult to monitor using manual methods.

A PdM program keeps track of the performances of multiple pumps. It displays the data on a
dashboard, and managers can compare the energy consumption and the respective outputs of
different pumps. They utilize the data to identify energy-intensive pumping units and assets
prone to failure. From this data, the managers and engineers develop a sustainable plan to
phase out problematic pumps and optimize pump-operating intervals for excellent energy

5. Summing Up

Companies can realize impressive energy savings by shifting to a predictive maintenance

strategy. The strategy minimizes and eliminates pump inefficiencies that result in excessive
energy consumption. It reduces manual and inaccurate maintenance interventions, keeping
the cost of ownership within the required thresholds.

Establishing a robust predictive maintenance schedule requires a mindset shift and the
implementation of several technological tools. Companies must identify the objectives of the
pump PdM program and invest in relevant solutions with provable return on investment and
capabilities to save energy.


Kecekapan sistem dalam kejuruteraan elektronik dan elektrik ditakrifkan sebagai output
kuasa berguna dibahagikan dengan jumlah kuasa elektrik yang digunakan
Kecekapan tenaga digunakan untuk mengurangkan penggunaan tenaga oleh bangunan,
kenderaan, mesin, infrastruktur dan peranti lain. Apabila jumlah output yang sama dihasilkan
dengan tenaga yang kurang, tenaga digunakan dengan cekap.

Berikut ialah beberapa cara untuk menggunakan tenaga dengan cekap:

1. Dengan menggunakan lampu LED atau CFL di rumah
2. Dengan menggunakan semula tenaga, bukannya membuat semula
3. Menggunakan sumber percuma/boleh diperbaharui (seperti solar, angin, hidro, dll.)
dan bukannya sumber yang tidak boleh diperbaharui
4. Meningkatkan kadar penggunaan sumber
5. Mengurangkan pembaziran tenaga

Contoh pengjimatan tenaga elektrik ialah menggunakan peralatan cekap tenaga boleh
membantu menjimatkan tenaga dan kos. Ia termasuk peti sejuk, mesin basuh, termostat,
kipas, pemanas, dsb.

Menggunakan peti sejuk dan penghawa dingin berteknologi baru yang mempunyai sistem
“inverter” yang lebih cekap tenaga. Dengan perkembangan teknologi, kebanyakkan barangan
elektrik yang baru lebih mapan dan cekap tenaga serta mesra alam. Sistem mesin basuh lama
menggunakan banyak tenaga dan sumber air

Menggunakan peralatan dan barangan elektrik yang cekap tenaga contohnya barangan yang
mempunyai simbol Energy Star iaitu simbol atau label untuk kecekapan tenaga. Ia ialah label
yang diluluskan kerajaan yang dibangunkan oleh Agensi Perlindungan Alam Sekitar A.S.

Tujuan label Energy Star adalah untuk memberikan maklumat yang boleh dipercayai tentang
kecekapan tenaga kepada pengguna. Label ini juga mengesahkan bahawa produk Energy Star
membantu menjimatkan tenaga dalam isi rumah, mengurangkan gas rumah hijau dan
menjimatkan wang. Label tersebut membolehkan pengguna membeli produk yang
menjimatkan wang dan memberi kesan positif kepada alam sekitar.
Untuk system mekanikal pula, kecekapan tenaga dalam bangunan dapat ditingkatkan dengan
menumpukan pada reka bentuk dan penebat yang cekap tenaga. Rumah cekap tenaga adalah
mesra alam dan menyumbang kepada pengurangan bil tenaga anda dari semasa ke semasa.

Kecekapan mekanikal, ukuran keberkesanan sistem mekanikal berfungsi. Ia biasanya nisbah

kuasa yang dihantar oleh sistem mekanikal kepada kuasa yang dibekalkan kepadanya, dan,
disebabkan geseran, kecekapan ini sentiasa kurang daripada satu.

Contohnya, penempatan tingkap yang menyediakan pemanasan dan penyejukan semula jadi
akan menjadikannya cekap tenaga. Begitu juga dengan penggunaan bahan kalis cuaca yang
melindungi bangunan daripada cahaya matahari, angin dan hujan boleh mengurangkan
penggunaan tenaga dan mengoptimumkan kecekapan tenaga. Ia juga mengurangkan kos
tenaga dalam penggunaan penghawa dingin dan lampu

Selain daripada itu, contoh penggunaan sistem eco idle pada enjin kereta dapat menjimatkan
penggunaan tenaga iaitu petrol pada system mekanikal injin. Eco idle terjadi apabila menekan
brek atau berhenti enjin apabila kelajuan kenderaan adalah 7km / j atau kurang dan di bawah
keadaan tertentu. Walaupun dengan enjin berhenti, audio dan navigasi sistem masih boleh
digunakan. Apabila anda berhenti kereta, enjin terus berhenti. Dengan sistem eco idle dapat
menjimatkan penggunaan minyak petrol sesebuah enjin.

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