Effect of TV Drama Piracy
Effect of TV Drama Piracy
Effect of TV Drama Piracy
Keywords: Notwithstanding the biggest victim of digital piracy, we have a limited understanding of how TV drama piracy
Digital piracy affects its legal consumption. Unlike movies or music, TV dramas are typically a series of episodes, where pirated
BitTorrent past episodes may not necessarily carry a negative impact on the legal consumption of current episodes. The
Internet buzz
consumption boosted by piracy can promote Internet buzz, which may draw the attention of potential consumers
TV viewership
and may result in broader legal consumption afterward. Based on an empirical analysis regarding the re
Restricted maximum likelihood estimation lationships among the viewership of 20 TV dramas broadcast in the US, social media activities on Twitter, Google
and YouTube search trends, and the number of BitTorrent users who pirated these TV dramas, we show that
although the direct effect of media consumption through BitTorrent to TV viewership is negative, the indirect
effect that mediates Internet buzz is positive, which dilutes the negative effect of digital piracy. Such positive
effects of digital piracy are more substantial for the second half of dramas, less popular dramas, and serial
dramas. We discuss the theoretical contributions and managerial implications of our study.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Bang).
Received 25 August 2020; Received in revised form 11 January 2022; Accepted 17 January 2022
Available online 19 January 2022
0378-7206/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
with a particular focus on the mediating role of Internet buzz in the Table 1
relationship between media consumption in a piracy channel and a legal Effects of digital piracy on sales.
channel. The mediation effect may be heterogeneous, depending on Title Data/Context Findings
various factors, as well. For example, the effect could be larger for a less
Insignificant Effects on Sales
popular drama because it may require more public awareness. Under Andersen and Microeconomic survey data in No association exists
standing the heterogeneous effects is critical for developing appropriate Frenz [3] Canadian P2P file sharing and between the number of P2P
counter-piracy strategies. Thus, we also consider such moderating fac CD purchasing behavior files downloaded and CD
tors in our analysis. (music album) album sales.
Aguiar and Clickstream of 16,500 No evidence of a decrease in
To examine the mediating role of Internet buzz, we collect data, Martens [1] European consumers in 2011 digital music sales by
including the viewership history of 20 TV dramas broadcast in the US, unlicensed downloads.
social media activities on Twitter regarding those TV dramas, Google Martikainen BitTorrent (movie file sharing) The file-sharing elasticity of
and YouTube search trends of those dramas, and the number of Bit [30] Nash Information Services sales is not statistically
DVD sales in 2009 different from zero.
Torrent users who pirated those dramas during their broadcast periods.
McKenzie [32] Box office revenue for 6083 There is not compelling
Our empirical analysis shows that although the direct effect of media movies between 2005 and evidence of revenue increase
consumption through BitTorrent on TV viewership was negative, the 2013 in 16 countries by piracy prevention
indirect effect mediating Internet buzz was positive, which diluted the policies.
negative effect of digital piracy. Consequently, the overall piracy effect Oberholzer-Gee OpenNap Music (file sharing) File sharing has no
and Strumpf Nielsen SoundScan (music significant effect on
on TV viewership was not significant. [35] album sales) in 2002 purchases of the average
This attention effect can be strong enough to neutralize the substi album.
tution effect, especially when Internet buzz drives the media consump Smith and BitTorrent (movie file sharing) The availability of pirated
tion of potential legal consumers. The attention effect would prevail as Telang [43] Amazon DVD sales on copies of movies has no
2005–2006 impact on subsequent DVD
Internet users continue to generate additional buzz. We confirm our
conjecture with further analysis, which replicates the main analysis for Negative Effects on Sales
the first and second halves of the broadcasting period of these TV Danaher and Movie rental data 2011–2013 The Antipiracy Act
dramas, considering that there is more buzz concerning the dramas as Smith [7] (shutdown of piracy sites)
subsequent episodes are progressively broadcast. The analytical results results in a revenue increase
of 6.5~8.5%.
from the first half reveal minimal mediation effects across the TV
Godinho de Subscription video-on-demand Treated households (free
dramas, whereas the results from the second half show significant Matos et al. (SVoD) services and BitTorrent SVoD offered) increase TV
mediation effects that could even result in an overall positive effect of [12] usage consumption and decrease
digital piracy. Internet use for both illegal
downloads and uploads.
Also, the attention effect can be more substantial for less popular
Hennig-Thurau Longitudinal panel survey in File sharing destroys a
dramas because they need greater public awareness. We replicate our et al. [15] 2006, German piracy and significant amount of movie
analysis for dramas with high and low viewership and find that the movie purchases industry revenues (9.4%
attention effect was significant only for low viewership dramas. Partic decrease in total industry
ularly, the positive effect was greater for their second half. In high revenue).
Liebowitz [24] U.S. Census population survey, File sharing leads to a
viewership dramas, the attention effect was not significant both in their
DMA’s population data, significant decline in record
first and second halves. This finding is consistent with prior movie pi Nielsen Media research data sales.
racy studies, revealing promotional effects of piracy for movies in need (music)
of public awareness (e.g., [21,38]). Lastly, we compare the model esti Liu [26] Torrent, box office and DVD Piracy reduces the total
sales, and Google trends in revenue of motion pictures
mates between procedural dramas (that do not need prior viewing of any
2015 by 2.71%, but the number is
other episode to understand, e.g., ‘CSI’) and serial dramas (that require smaller than expected.
viewing previous episodes, e.g., ‘Lost’). In serial dramas, the story is Ma et al. [28] Box office revenue (movie) and Pre-release piracy reduces
interwoven across episodes; thus, consumers would be highly motivated the dates of pirated copy box office revenues by 19%.
to watch the next episode by the Internet buzz about past episodes. The postings
Positive or Conditional Effects on Sales
positive word-of-mouth effect was significant only for such serial
Koschmann and Box office revenue between High-quality illegal copies
dramas. Qian [21] 2013 and 2014 (173 movies) may increase box office
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Next, we review the and Torrent data from The revenues at launch but
prior literature on the effects of digital piracy and Internet buzz. Then, Pirate Bay decrease the revenues
we describe our data and empirical approach. Subsequently, we present
Kretschmer and Music sales between 2009 and The blockage of YouTube
the results of our analysis. Lastly, we conclude with a discussion of the Peukert [22] 2013 music videos may decrease
results and implications of the study. music sales.
Lu et al. [27] Digital piracy (Torrent data The presence of post-release
2. Related Literature from The Pirate Bay), Word-of- piracy is associated with a
Mouth (Data from Rotten 3% increase in box office
Tomatoes), and Box office revenue.
This study builds on and contributes to two streams of research. The revenue (movie)
first stream empirically examines the effect of digital piracy on legal Ma et al. (2016) Box office revenues between The elimination of piracy
consumption across different contexts. The second stream focuses on the [29] 2006 and 2008 (533 movies) may increase 15% box office
revenue on average. Pre-
role of Internet buzz in generating consumer demand.
release piracy, however, may
increase the revenue for
2.1. The effect of digital piracy some movies.
Peukert et al. Weekly box office revenues of Piracy site shutdown may
The effects of digital piracy on the legal consumption of information [38] 308 movies across 14 countries increase box office revenues
for movies in the top decile
goods have drawn a great deal of attention from the Information Systems of the number of opening
community during the last decade. A plethora of empirical studies have screens but decrease for
examined whether illegal movie or music consumption through a file- movies in the bottom decile.
sharing platform or an application (e.g., BitTorrent) indeed affects Zhang [49] Music sold between January Removing DRM increases
1992 and June 2012 digital music sales by 10%.
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
legitimate consumption. Despite the negative public stance against movies in that a series of episodes are broadcast over time. Regardless of
digital piracy, prior studies have yielded mixed empirical findings piracy or legal channels, those who consume early episodes may
regarding how digital content consumption in a piracy channel affects generate Internet buzz, which may draw the attention of potential
consumption in a legal channel. Table 1 summarizes the results of pre consumers and may result in broader legal consumption afterward. Such
vious studies. a word-of-mouth effect could prevail for late episodes, given that the
Several studies provide empirical evidence revealing a negative ef Internet buzz would snowball and make the drama more visible on the
fect of digital piracy on content sales. For example, based on a longi Internet over time. Further, different drama characteristics may play a
tudinal panel survey, Hennig-Thurau et al. [15] argue that illegal media role in determining the piracy effects, which we identify as moderators
consumption through file-sharing platforms decreased revenues of the for the piracy effect.
movie industry by 9.4%. Likewise, Liebowitz [24] shows that illegal
music consumption through file-sharing platforms resulted in a large 2.2. Internet buzz and consumer demand
decline in record sales of the US music industry. Similarly, Ma et al. [28]
show that pre-released piracy copies of a new film reduced box office The effect of Internet buzz on consumer demand has been empiri
revenue by 19%. Danaher and Smith [7] further investigate the causal cally examined across different contexts, including online communities,
impact of the shutdown of piracy sites and find that the Antipiracy Act blogs, Twitter, and Google trends. Prior studies have consistently
increased the revenue of movie rentals by 6.5%–8.5%. Lastly, Godinho revealed that Internet buzz can work as a sales indicator or positively
de Matos et al. [12] show that a free subscription to video-on-demand affect future sales.
(SVoD) services for a certain period can increase households’ TV con For example, based on an analysis of conversations on a popular
sumption and decrease their illegal uploads and downloads in the piracy online community site, Godes and Mayzlin [11] provide evidence that
channel after the complimentary subscription period, suggesting a online buzz about TV shows significantly increases their TV ratings.
negative association between legal and illegal media consumption. Dhar and Chang [9] also show that the volume of blog posts and future
Contrary to the abovementioned empirical findings, another large sales of music albums are positively correlated. Asur and Huberman [2]
body of literature suggests an insignificant effect of digital piracy. For used Twitter data to forecast the box-office revenues of movies. They
example, Oberholzer-Gee and Strumpf [35] examine the relationship argue that a prediction model based on tweets provides better accuracy
between illegal consumption on file-sharing platforms and music album than the Hollywood Stock Exchange, a well-established wisdom-of-
sales, revealing an insignificant effect. Similarly, Smith and Telang [43] crowds prediction platform. Echoing this notion, Rui et al. [40] examine
show that the availability of pirated movie copies has no impact on how word-of-mouth on Twitter affects movie sales based on a dynamic
subsequent DVD sales. In addition, based on microeconomic survey data panel model. They show that Twitter users with more followers affect
in Canada, Andersen and Frenz [3] find an insignificant relationship sales to a greater extent than users with fewer followers, thus implying
between the number of P2P file downloads and CD album sales. Marti the positive effect of social media buzz on sales. Correspondingly,
kainen [30] focuses on the relationship between movie sharing through Hennig-Thurau et al. [16] analyze the impact of word-of-mouth on
BitTorrent and DVD sales, and shows that the ’file-sharing elasticity of Twitter regarding consumers’ adoption of new movies; they find a sig
sales’ is not statistically different from zero. nificant effect of word-of-mouth, especially for tweets with negative
There have been attempts to explain the above insignificant effects. sentiment. Dewan and Ramaprasad [8] focus on the interplay among
For example, the instrument variable used in Oberholzer-Gee and blog buzz, radio play, and music sales, and find a stronger buzz effect on
Strumpf [35] has been criticized regarding its criteria [25]. Smith and sales for niche music relative to mainstream music. Lastly, a recent
Telang [43] also raise concerns about the data collection period related empirical study focuses on Google search trends and finds that they
to an insignificant effect. However, a systematic explanation as to why positively affect market response [10].
the piracy effect could be negligible was not provided. Given that Internet buzz involving TV dramas (such as social media
Recent empirical studies provide evidence of positive or conditional postings or search trends) is promoted by users who consume or will
effects of digital piracy, where they focus on its promotional effects. In consume these media contents, the piracy users who would not watch
this regard, Lu et al. [27] explain why digital piracy could increase sales the drama if the piracy channel were not available could contribute to
with four different mechanisms: trial, network effects, advertising, and the Internet buzz and, subsequently, the TV viewership as well. Recent
word-of-mouth. As such, efforts to reduce piracy may bring unexpected statistics illustrate that 90% of piracy activities are conducted outside
results. For example, Zhang [49] shows that removing DRM could in the US, mostly in developing countries [4]. That is because of lenient
crease digital music sales by approximately 10%. Kretschmer and Peu anti-piracy laws or actions in such countries, which lessen piracy users’
kert [22] also show that the blockage of YouTube music videos may psychological burden of punishment [36]. Further, such users might
decrease music sales. Furthermore, piracy activities can work as an perceive their piracy as a victimless crime for their own country, as
advertiser particularly when the digital content is unnoticed by the popular content is generated from developed countries [14].
public. For example, Peukert et al. [38] reveal that piracy site shutdown TV viewership is estimated from the US residents only, whereas non-
may increase box office revenues for movies in the top decile of the US residents can also make Internet buzz. As such, those piracy users
number of opening screens but decrease for movies in the bottom decile. outside the US would not bring a significant substitution effect as they
Koschmann and Qian [21] also find that high-quality illegal copies may are (although they may promote piracy activities in the US.) Thus, pi
increase box office revenues at launch, then decrease the revenues af racy users on BitTorrent might not necessarily impose a negative effect
terward. Lastly, based on the correlation between the presence of digital but could positively affect TV viewership in the US.
piracy and the volume of IMDb reviews, Lu et al. [27] argue that movie Although we provide our rough predictions, how media consumption
piracy may create word-of-mouth, thereby counteracting the substitu in the piracy channel affects media consumption in the legitimate
tion effect of digital piracy. channel remains an empirical question, which would depend on the
Although we have rich empirical evidence regarding the effects of relative sizes of the substitution effect and the attention effect. We
movie or music piracy, we still have a limited empirical understanding empirically examine these effects in the next section.
of the effects of TV drama piracy. TV dramas are different from music or
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table 2 Table 4
Data sources. Descriptive statistics.
Data Source Details Variable Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
Drama TV by the TV ratings, Number of viewers TV_rating 0.881 0.391 0.2 2.2
viewership Numbers Viewers (millions) 4.657 2.919 0.540 12.520
Digital piracy µTorrent Number of BitTorrent users (Numbers of Seeds 1381.039 1303.796 0 8409
seeders and leechers) Leeches 333.466 451.856 0 4966
Internet buzz Google, Google trends, YouTube trends Google 11.765 13.309 0 100
YouTube YouTube 12.226 14.483 0 100
Twitter Numbers of tweets, replies, retweets, likes, Tweets 718.242 3025.247 0 79,335
and quotes Engagements 6739.040 30,716.28 0 649,292
Drama quality IMDb IMDb star ratings, Award Interactions 7457.281 33,306.28 2 674,440
Table 3 leechers who own only a part of the file so that they upload that part but
Program list. download the other part at the same time (the variable is named
’Leeches’). For our main analysis, we use the total number of BitTorrent
Title Broadcaster Broadcasting date
users who were involved in the piracy of those dramas, i.e., the sum of
Arrow The CW 3/8, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/ the numbers of seeders and leechers (the variable is named ’Piracy’). We
also investigate the separate piracy effects of seeders and leechers.
Black Lightning The CW 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/17
Bull CBS 3/6, 3/13, 3/27, 4/3, 4/17, 5/1, 5/8 Third, we observed the Google and YouTube trends of those dramas
Criminal Minds CBS 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11, 4/18 during the same periods, which involve the number of titles of those
Gotham FOX 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 5/3, 5/ dramas that are used as the search terms on those platforms. As such,
10, 5/17
those trends reflect the current attention of Internet users. Both the
Hawaii Five-0 CBS 3/9, 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/
18 Google and YouTube search trends are exposed to general Internet users,
Jane the Virgin The CW 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 which may entice people’s attention to popular keywords, including TV
Life in Pieces CBS 3/8, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/17 drama titles. We use both Google and YouTube search trends to inves
Lucifer FOX 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, tigate their mediating role in the relationship between media con
sumption through BitTorrent and TV viewership (the variables are
Man with a CBS 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/9, 4/16, 4/30, 5/7, 5/
Plan 14, 5/21 named ’Google’ and ’YouTube,’ respectively).
Modern Family ABC 3/7, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16 Fourth, we obtained data from AC Nielsen with respect to social
Scandal ABC 3/8, 3/15, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19 media users’ activities on Twitter regarding those dramas during the
Scorpion CBS 3/5, 3/19, 3/26, 4/9, 4/16
same periods. The data include the number of tweets that mentioned the
SEAL Team CBS 3/7, 3/21, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16
Supernatural The CW 3/8, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/
title, actors’ names/handles, or character names, or that had fan-
17 generated hashtags or phrases of those dramas. The data also include
Superstore NBC 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/ the number of activities related to those tweets, such as replies, retweets,
3 likes, and quotes. We adopt three different measures of social media
The Blacklist NBC 3/7, 3/14, 4/4, 4/11, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16
activity for our analysis: the number of tweets, engagements, and in
The Flash The CW 3/6, 3/13, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/
22 teractions regarding those dramas (the variables are named ’Tweets,’
The Goldbergs ABC 3/7, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16 ’Engagements,’ and ’Interactions,’ respectively). The number of engage
Young Sheldon CBS 3/8, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10 ments is defined as being equal to the sum of the numbers of replies,
retweets, likes, and quotes; the number of interactions is defined as
being equal to the sum of the numbers of engagements and tweets. Both
3. Empirical Approach
measures for engagement and interaction are defined by Twitter and are
widely used in academia (e.g., [18,47]) or in practice (e.g., [6,34]).
3.1. Data
Those social media activities are expected to play a similar role as
Internet search trends, given that they can work as advertisements for
We obtained data from multiple sources for our analysis (Table 2).
Twitter users, such as followers.
First, we gathered data concerning the viewership of 20 TV dramas
Lastly, we collected the IMDb star ratings of each episode and
broadcast in the US from early March 2018 to early June 2018 (Table 3).
whether to receive the Primetime Emmy Award as a quality measure for
Specifically, we collected the data of their TV ratings and the estimated
the episode.2 We must control for the quality of the episode to obtain
number of viewers over time from the TV by the Numbers website,1
correct estimates because the higher quality would simultaneously
which are used as our main dependent variables (the variables are
attract greater digital piracy, more Internet searches and social media
named ’TV_rating’ and ’Viewers,’ respectively).
activities, and higher viewership, all of which could generate spurious
Second, we crawled µTorrent, the most popular BitTorrent client
relationships among our variables of interest.
owned by BitTorrent itself, throughout the broadcasting periods of those
Our longitudinal sample is a panel of 20 dramas with their unbal
TV dramas to collect the number of piracy users for each episode. Spe
anced broadcasting periods, for up to 90 days.3 Table 4 illustrates the
cifically, we collected the number of seeders who distribute each episode
of those dramas on the platform twice a day at 12 AM and 12 PM PST/
PDT, and we use the daily average number of those for our analysis (the
variable is named ’Seeds’). Similarly, we collected the number of IMDb star ratings are employed as a proxy for content quality in several
prior studies (e.g., [5, 20, 44]). A Primetime Emmy Award honors the best in U.
S. prime time television programming. It is typically awarded to a group of
episodes (e.g., drama season).
1 3
The website is widely recognized as a trustworthy source of statistics on TV There are five public broadcasters in the U.S. (except PBS, which is
viewership in the U.S. and is cited by well-established media outlets such as education-oriented), which broadcast thirty-six dramas in total during our
CNN, the Associated Press, National Public Radio, and the former sister pub observation window. Among them, twenty dramas remain after we exclude
lication of the Chicago Tribune (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TV_by_th dramas with less than five episodes, dramas suspended for a month and then
e_Numbers). broadcast twice a day, and one outlier which was extremely popular.
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table 5
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
TV_rating 1.000
Viewers 0.819 1.000
Seeds − 0.314 − 0.371 1.000
Leeches − 0.161 − 0.183 0.726 1.000
Google − 0.247 − 0.112 0.285 0.150 1.000
YouTube − 0.309 − 0.187 0.503 0.281 0.833 1.000
Tweets − 0.088 − 0.130 0.181 0.237 0.133 0.100 1.000
Engagements − 0.104 − 0.136 0.199 0.250 0.137 0.122 0.843 1.000
Interactions − 0.104 − 0.137 0.200 0.252 0.138 0.122 0.868 0.999 1.000
descriptive statistics of our focal variables used in the analysis. The Buzzi,t = α2 + βD2 Digital Piracyi,t + γ 2 Controli,t + εi,t (Eq. 2)
average TV ratings and the average estimated number of viewers of all
episodes are 0.88% and 4.66 million, respectively. The most popular TV Viewershipi,t = α3 + βD3 Digital Piracyi,t− 1 + βB3 Buzzi,t−
(Eq. 3)
episode achieved a rating of 2.2%, which corresponds to 12.5 million
+ γ 3 Controli,t + εi,t ,
viewers. The number of seeders (leechers) had an average of 1381 (333)
and a maximum of 8,409 (4,966). The average Google and YouTube
where TV_Viwershipi,t is the TV rating or the estimated number of viewers
search trend measures were 11.8 and 12.2, respectively. Some episodes
of drama i at t, Digital_Piracyi,t-1 is the number of BitTorrent users that
reached a measure of 100, which is the highest possible value of those
pirate drama i at t-1, Buzzi,t is the Google or YouTube trend measure of
measures. The daily number of tweets was 718.2 on average and 79,335
drama i at t, Controli,t is a vector of the control variables of drama i at t, α1
at the maximum. The average numbers of engagements and interactions
(α2 and α3) is the intercept in the first (second and third) equation, βD1
were 6,739 and 7,457, respectively. Note that the average number of
(βD2 and βD3) is the coefficient of Digital_Piracyi,t-1 in the first (second and
interactions equals the sum of the average number of tweets and en
third) equation, βB3 is the coefficient of Buzzi,t-1 in the third equation, γ 1
gagements, following its definition.
(γ 2 and γ 3) is a vector of the coefficients for Controli,t in the first (second
Table 5 provides the correlations between these variables. TV_rating
and third) equation, and εi,t is the disturbance term.
and Viewers are highly, but not perfectly correlated (0.819). Google and
An empirical concern regarding the estimation of our model is
YouTube are highly correlated (0.833), as expected. Tweets is also highly
correlated with both Engagements (0.843) and Interactions (0.868). En
gagements and Interactions are almost perfectly correlated (0.999). Table 6
Analysis results with search trends.
3.2. Empirical model (a) Relationships among Viewers, (b) Relationships among TV_rating,
Google, and Piracy Google, and Piracy
Following our predictions, the digital piracy of TV dramas, measured DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
by the number of piracy users on BitTorrent, could not only adversely Piracy − 0.021 (0.001)* Piracy − 0.010 (0.015)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
affect TV viewership (substitution effect), but could also promote DV: Google DV: Google
Internet buzz on those TV dramas, which may attract the attention of Piracy 0.051 (0.016)** Piracy 0.051 (0.016)**
potential viewers and may enhance TV viewership (attention effect). To Controls Yes Controls Yes
tease out the substitution and attention effects, we use a mediation DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Google 0.104 (0.018)*** Google 0.166 (0.028)***
model adapted from Krull and MacKinnon [23]. Given our multilevel
Piracy − 0.025 (0.010)** Piracy − 0.019 (0.015)
data structure (in our study, each drama has more than or equal to five Controls Yes Controls Yes
observations), the ordinary least squares estimator would underestimate Indirect effect 0.005 Indirect effect 0.008
standard errors of our parameters due to the common errors shared by Direct effect − 0.026 Direct effect − 0.019
episodes within the same drama. Their multilevel mediation technique Total effect − 0.020 Total effect − 0.010
Observations 1113 Observations 1113
allows us to estimate error terms for both episodes (lower-level units)
and dramas (higher-level units) by explicitly modeling the within-group (c) Relationships among Viewers, (d) Relationships among TV_rating,
homogeneity of errors. YouTube, and Piracy YouTube, and Piracy
Our empirical model consists of three equations: 1) TV viewership DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Piracy − 0.021 (0.010)* Piracy − 0.010 (0.015)
such as TV ratings or the estimated number of viewers (the DV) on the
Controls Yes Controls Yes
number of piracy users (the IV); 2) the Google (or YouTube) search DV: YouTube DV: YouTube
trends or social media activities (the MV) on the number of piracy users Piracy 0.052 (0.018)** Piracy 0.052 (0.018)**
(the IV); and 3) TV viewership measures (the DV) on the Google (or Controls Yes Controls Yes
YouTube) search trends or social media activities (the MV) and the DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
YouTube 0.035 (0.017)* YouTube 0.087 (0.026)***
number of piracy users (the IV). The direct, indirect, and total effects are Piracy − 0.022 (0.010)* Piracy − 0.015 (0.015)
calculated by the estimation results of the three equations. We also Controls Yes Controls Yes
include dummies indicating each drama (e.g., Modern Family), each Indirect effect 0.002 Indirect effect 0.005
broadcaster (e.g., NBC), each week (e.g., the first week of the observa Direct effect − 0.022 Direct effect − 0.015
Total effect − 0.020 Total effect − 0.010
tion), each day of the week (e.g., Monday), and the broadcast day of the
Observations 1113 Observations 1113
week for each drama (e.g., every Thursday for Grey’s Anatomy) in our
models to control for their fixed effects. We also control for the quality of Note: †p < 0.1.
each episode with IMDb star ratings and dummies indicating whether to p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.
receive the award, and the length of each episode in minutes. Our model ***
p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control
specifications are:
variables include the IMDb star rating and runtime of each episode, and
TV Viewershipi,t = α1 + βD1 Digital Piracyi,t− 1 + γ 1 Controli,t + εi,t (Eq. 1) dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broad
casting week, broadcaster, and award.
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table 7
Analysis results with social media activities.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Tweets, and (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Tweets, and (c) Relationships among Viewers, Engagements,
Piracy Piracy and Piracy
(d) Relationships among TV_rating, Engagements, (e) Relationships among Viewers, Interactions, and (f) Relationships among TV_rating, Interactions,
and Piracy Piracy and Piracy
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Piracy − 0.010 (0.015) Piracy − 0.021 (0.010)* Piracy − 0.010 (0.015)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Engagements DV: DV: Interactions
Piracy 0.081 (0.016)*** Piracy 0.087 (0.017)*** Piracy 0.087 (0.017)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Engagements 0.081 (0.028)** Interactions 0.053 (0.017)** Interactions 0.081 (0.027)**
Piracy − 0.018 (0.016) Piracy − 0.026 (0.010)** Piracy − 0.019 (0.016)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.007 Indirect effect 0.005 Indirect effect 0.007
Direct effect − 0.018 Direct effect − 0.026 Direct effect − 0.019
Total effect − 0.012 Total effect − 0.021 Total effect − 0.012
Observations 1113 Observations 1113 Observations 1113
airing after consuming early episodes on Netflix [42]. remaining as seeders such that they stop sharing the file after down
Prior empirical studies suggest that promotional effects of digital loading the whole packet. They may do so out of compunction to stop
piracy could be more substantial for movies in need of public awareness uploading, but may continue to engage in downloading. As such, seeders
[21,38]. Similarly, we examine the moderation effect of drama popu and leechers are heterogeneous in traits, and may have different impacts
larity (Tables 12–15). Specifically, we divide the entire sample into two on Internet buzz and TV viewership.
groups (high viewership vs. low viewership) with the cut-off viewer rate We replicate our main analysis for Seeds and Leeches. The results for
of 0.8 and replicate our analysis for each group.4 The positive effect of Seeds are consistent with our main results (Tables A1 and A2). The
Internet buzz is not significant both in the first and second halves of high negative direct effect of Seeds on TV viewership is neutralized by the
viewership dramas, suggesting the popularity offsets the word-of-mouth positive indirect effect that mediates Internet buzz. The indirect effect is
effect. However, in the case of low viewership dramas, the positive effect stronger for late episodes (Tables A3, A4, A5, and A6). Regarding
of Internet buzz is significant. Particularly, we find a stronger promo Leeches, however, only the indirect effect is significant (Tables A7 and
tional effect for their second half. A8). The results for early and late episodes are consistent with our main
We also compare the model estimates between procedural dramas results: the negative direct effect of Leeches on TV viewership is domi
(that do not need prior viewing of any other episode to understand) and nant for early episodes, but the indirect effect is dominant for late epi
serial dramas (that require viewing previous episodes) (Tables 16 and sodes (Tables A9, A10, A11, and A12). Assuming that followers of a
17). In the case of serial dramas, the story is interwoven across episodes; particular drama want others to watch it also, we may expect more
thus, Internet buzz about past episodes may carry a highly synergetic followers among seeders than leechers. Therefore, compared to seeders,
value for the consumption of the current episode. When we replicate our leechers are less likely to choose a legal channel if the piracy channel
analysis for a split sample, we find a significant word-of-mouth effect were not available, minimizing the substitution effect.
only for serial dramas.
Lastly, we examine the separate piracy effects of seeders and leechers
3.5. Robustness check
on TV viewership. Although leechers eventually become seeders once
they download the whole packet, there exist piracy users who avoid
3.5.1. Instrumental variable estimation
We supplement our main analysis by instrumenting Digital_Piracy to
alleviate endogeneity concerns due to possible reverse causality from
The viewer rate of all episodes of high (low) viewership dramas is higher Buzzi,t to Digital_Piracyi,t. We use the following instrumental variables for
(lower) than 0.8. Digital_Piracyi,t: (1) the number of available public BitTorrent trackers at
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table 8
Analysis results with search trends (First Half)**.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, (b) Relationships among TV_rating,
Google, and Piracy Google, and Piracy
Fig. 2. Results with social media activities. 3.5.2. Estimation with dimension reduction
Our analysis runs the model with each variable indicating Internet
time t (the variable is named ’Trackert’), and (2) the number of torrent Buzz (Google, YouTube, Tweets, Engagements, and Interactions) and finds
users who pirated movies, porn, software, and games in Brazil5 at time t the result consistency. As a robustness check, we apply the principal
(the variables are named ’Moviest,’ ’Pornt,’ ’Softwaret,’ and ’Gamest,’ component analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimension and replicate our
respectively). analysis with just one variable, Buzz. The result is consistent with our
A BitTorrent tracker is a special type of server, which assists in the main findings (Tables A13(a) and (b)). We also apply the PCA to inte
communication between peers on BitTorrent clients. Piracy users can grate TV_rating and Viewers to a single index, Viewership, for our analysis,
add such trackers to their clients, which increases download speeds. which generates consistent results with the main findings (Table A13
Given that the tracker is specific to BitTorrent, Trackert would affect (c)). Lastly, we obtain consistent results when using the integrated pi
Buzzi,t only through Digital_Piracyi,t. racy measure, Piracy_new, based on the PCA (Table A13(d)).
’Moviest,’ ’Pornt,’ ’Softwaret,’ and ’Gamest’ would either be positively
or negatively related to Digital_Piracyi,t. The larger base of piracy users in 3.5.3. Estimation with independent sample
other categories would encourage Digital_Piracyi,t, considering its ex We check the robustness of our empirical findings by replicating our
ternalities such as peer influence [17,48]. At the same time, the piracy analysis with an independent sample from South Korea. Similar to our
activities of other categories may absorb the interests of piracy users main sample, we obtained the viewership data of 26 TV dramas
Brazil is one of the largest countries with respect to torrent usage (https://
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table 9
Analysis results with social media activities (First Half)**.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Tweets, and Piracy (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Tweets, and (c) Relationships among Viewers, Engagements,
Piracy and Piracy
(d) Relationships among TV_rating, Engagements, and (e) Relationships among Viewers, Interactions, and (f) Relationships among TV_rating, Interactions,
Piracy Piracy and Piracy
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Piracy − 0.094 (0.023)*** Piracy − 0.070 (0.014)*** Piracy − 0.094 (0.023)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Engagements DV: Interactions DV: Interactions
Piracy 0.077 (0.012)*** Piracy 0.085 (0.013)*** Piracy 0.085 (0.013)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Engagements 0.168 (0.078)* Interactions 0.069 (0.042) Interactions 0.153 (0.072)*
Piracy − 0.108 (0.024)*** Piracy − 0.077 (0.014)*** Piracy − 0.108 (0.024)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.013 Indirect effect 0.006 Indirect effect 0.013
Direct effect − 0.108 Direct effect − 0.077 Direct effect − 0.108
Total effect − 0.095 Total effect − 0.071 Total effect − 0.095
Observations 589 Observations 589 Observations 589
Table 10
Analysis results with search trends (Second Half).
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Google, and Piracy (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Google, and Piracy
(c) Relationships among Viewers, YouTube, and Piracy (d) Relationships among TV_rating, YouTube, and Piracy
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Piracy 0.006 (0.011) Piracy 0.019 (0.017)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: YouTube DV: YouTube
Piracy 0.072 (0.027)** Piracy 0.072 (0.027)**
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
YouTube 0.022 (0.019) YouTube 0.061 (0.028)*
Piracy 0.004 (0.011) Piracy 0.014 (0.017)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.002 Indirect effect 0.004
Direct effect 0.004 Direct effect 0.014
(continued on next page)
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table 10 (continued )
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Google, and Piracy (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Google, and Piracy
Table 11
Analysis results with social media activities (Second Half)*.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Tweets, and Piracy (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Tweets, and (c) Relationships among Viewers, Engagements, and
Piracy Piracy
(d) Relationships among TV_rating, Engagements, (e) Relationships among Viewers, Interactions, (f) Relationships among TV_rating, Interactions,
and Piracy and Piracy and Piracy
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Piracy 0.019 (0.017) Piracy 0.006 (0.011) Piracy 0.019 (0.017)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Engagements DV: Interactions DV: Interactions
Piracy 0.085 (0.027)*** Piracy 0.090 (0.028)*** Piracy 0.090 (0.028)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Engagements 0.025 (0.026) Interactions 0.017 (0.016) Interactions 0.026 (0.025)
Piracy 0.016 (0.017) Piracy 0.004 (0.011) Piracy 0.016 (0.017)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.002 Indirect effect 0.002 Indirect effect 0.002
Direct effect 0.016 Direct effect 0.004 Direct effect 0.016
Total effect 0.018 Total effect 0.005 Total effect 0.018
Observations 524 Observations 524 Observations 524
broadcast in South Korea from June 2019 to August 2019 (Table A14),6 4. Discussion and conclusion
and scraped µTorrent throughout their broadcasting periods twice a day
at 12AM and 12PM (GMT+9). Table A15 illustrates the descriptive In this study, we empirically investigate the effects of TV drama pi
statistics of our variables used in this robustness check, and Table A16 racy on its legitimate viewership, which was silent in the research
provides the correlations between these variables. TV_rating and Seeds stream of digital piracy effects. The availability of the piracy channel
(or Leeches) are negatively correlated, but the relationship between might seduce potential consumers who would consume the contents of
Google and TV_rating, and the relationship between Google and Seeds (or the legitimate channel if the piracy channel were not available. How
Leeches) are all positive. Consistent with our main results, we find sig ever, such substitution effect could be counteracted by the attention
nificant mediation effects involving Google, which render the total pi effect, where the Internet buzz promoted by piracy users (who would not
racy effects insignificant (Table A17). consume the contents if the piracy channel were not available) may
draw the attention of potential consumers and may lead them to legal
consumption. Particularly, TV dramas are different from music or film in
that those who consume early episodes may generate Internet buzz for
later episodes. Furthermore, consumers who watched early episodes
would gain greater utility from watching late episodes than those who
Twenty-six Korean dramas were broadcast during our observation window,
did not, leading them to the legitimate channel for their on-time con
and we use them all for our analysis. The estimated number of viewers is not
available for the Korean data.
sumption. As such, enhanced access to early episodes afforded by piracy
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table 18A
. Descriptive statistics for instrumental variables.
Variable Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
Table 18B
Correlations for instrumental variables.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Tracker (log) 1
Movies (log) 0.034 1
Porn (log) 0.008 0.778 1
Software (log) 0.001 0.557 0.661 1
Games (log) − 0.042 0.613 0.654 0.786 1
Table 19 but in an offline setting [39]. They found that the sales of counterfeit
Analysis results with instrumental variables (Search Trends). shoes created larger sales of authentic shoes. This is because those
(a) Relationships among Viewers, (b) Relationships among TV_rating, counterfeits can increase brand awareness for authentic products with
Google, and PiracyIV Google, and PiracyIV mass advertising. Given that there are consumers who do not want to or
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating have no idea of how to purchase counterfeits, consumers who bought
PiracyIV − 0.064 (0.014)*** PiracyIV − 0.065 (0.022)** counterfeits may play a role in advertising for those who stick to pur
Controls Yes Controls Yes chase authentic products. Our findings are consistent with their argu
DV: Google DV: Google ment in that there are consumers who only use legitimate channels to
PiracyIV 0.053 (0.023)* PiracyIV 0.053 (0.023)*
Controls Yes Controls Yes
watch TV dramas. These consumers may be exposed to Internet buzz
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating regarding the dramas, which will entice them to watch such dramas.
Google 0.106 (0.018)*** Google 0.170 (0.028)*** From a practical point of view, the negative effect of digital piracy
PiracyIV − 0.070 (0.014)*** PiracyIV − 0.074 (0.021)** might be limited, particularly for developed countries such as the US.
Controls Yes Controls Yes
Under strict anti-Internet piracy laws, US residents are not allowed to
Indirect effect 0.006 Indirect effect 0.009
Direct effect − 0.070 Direct effect − 0.074 consume pirated content on BitTorrent clients. Statistics show that most
Total effect − 0.064 Total effect − 0.065 digital piracy activities occur outside the US, which attests to the pos
Observations 1113 Observations 1113 sibility of a limited substitution effect. Those piracy users outside the US,
however, could contribute to the Internet buzz of TV dramas, which may
(c) Relationships among Viewers, (d) Relationships among TV_rating,
YouTube, and PiracyIV YouTube, and PiracyIV
entice the attention of US residents. The indirect effect could produce an
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating overall positive effect of digital piracy, such as the second-half episodes
PiracyIV − 0.064 (0.014)*** PiracyIV − 0.065 (0.022)** of the TV dramas in our analysis. Further, copyright holders may release
Controls Yes Controls Yes previous episodes for free if their serial drama suffers from eliciting
DV: YouTube DV: YouTube
public attention. By doing so, they could exploit the attention effects for
PiracyIV 0.051 (0.026)* PiracyIV 0.051 (0.026)*
Controls Yes Controls Yes their later episodes.
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating We conclude by articulating a limitation and providing suggestions
YouTube 0.036 (0.016)* YouTube 0.090 (0.026)** for future research. Although we focus on BitTorrent to investigate pi
PiracyIV − 0.066 (0.014)*** PiracyIV − 0.069 (0.022)** racy effects, there are other piracy channels. As such, our finding does
Controls Yes Controls Yes
not reflect all piracy effects. Furthermore, there are other revenue
Indirect effect 0.002 Indirect effect 0.005
Direct effect − 0.066 Direct effect − 0.069 sources for broadcasters, such as video-on-demand services or paid
Total effect − 0.064 Total effect − 0.065 subscriptions, for replays on their websites. The piracy effects on those
Observations 1113 Observations 1113 services could be another meaningful topic for the media industry. Also,
Note: †p < 0.1. we may underestimate the potential benefit of TV drama piracy because
p < 0.05. we do not consider other positive mediation effects driven by piracy,
p < 0.01. such as offline buzz. Lastly, the attention effect could depend on cultural
p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control orientation, where collectivism might enforce the effect, considering
variables include the IMDb star rating and runtime of each episode, and that people from collectivistic cultures are more likely to follow others’
dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broad opinions. Further study may be conducted to explore the role of cultural
casting week, broadcaster, and award. orientation in the piracy effect.8
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table 20
Analysis results with instrumental variables (Social Media Activities).
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Tweets, and (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Tweets, and (c) Relationships among Viewers, Engagements, and
PiracyIV PiracyIV PiracyIV
(d) Relationships among TV_rating, Engagements, (e) Relationships among Viewers, Interactions, and (f) Relationships among TV_rating, Interactions,
and PiracyIV PiracyIV and PiracyIV
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
PiracyIV − 0.065 (0.022)** PiracyIV − 0.064 (0.014)*** PiracyIV − 0.065 (0.022)**
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Engagements DV: DV: Interactions
PiracyIV 0.040 (0.021)† PiracyIV 0.043 (0.022)† PiracyIV 0.043 (0.022)†
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Engagements 0.083 (0.028)** Interactions 0.053 (0.017)** Interactions 0.083 (0.026)**
PiracyIV − 0.070 (0.022)** PiracyIV − 0.068 (0.014)*** PiracyIV − 0.070 (0.022)**
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.003 Indirect effect 0.002 Indirect effect 0.004
Direct effect − 0.070 Direct effect − 0.068 Direct effect − 0.070
Total effect − 0.067 Total effect − 0.065 Total effect − 0.067
Observations 1113 Observations 1113 Observations 1113
Dongyeon Kim: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, This work was supported by the Yonsei Signature Research Cluster
Methodology, Software. Kyuhong Park: Conceptualization, Data cura Program [grant number 2021-22-0006]; the Catholic University of
tion, Investigation, Software. Youngsok Bang: Conceptualization, Su Korea Research Fund of 2022; and the Inha University Research Fund of
pervision, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. 2022.
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Select lag 1
DV: Viewers
Viewers (L1) 1.029861 (0.034246)***
Piracy (L1) 0.000002 (0.000005)
Google (L1) 0.000025 (0.000422)
DV: Piracy
Viewers (L1) − 49.69603 (272.5421)
Piracy (L1) 0.287449 (0.048878)***
Google (L1) 2.804663 (3.667775)
DV: Google
Viewers (L1) 2.44716 (7.443889)
Piracy (L1) 0.0031921 (0.000795)***
Google (L1) 0.115086 (0.142410)
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control variables include the IMDb star rating and
runtime of each episode, and dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broadcasting week, broadcaster, and award.
Panel VAR-Granger causality Wald test
Variables Viewers Piracy Google
Viewers – 0.033 0.108
Piracy 0.104 – 16.122***
Google 0.004 0.585 –
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; The value represents chi-square statistics.
Select lag 1
DV: TV_rating
TV_rating (L1) 0.962133 (0.032830)***
Piracy (L1) 0.000002 (0.000001)
Google (L1) 0.000017 (0.000126)
DV: Piracy
TV_rating (L1) 448.4149 (943.6522)
Piracy (L1) 0.295478 (0.045746)***
Google (L1) 2.471372 (3.273831)
DV: Google
TV_rating (L1) 4.861389 (23.0241)
Piracy (L1) 0.002721 (0.000730)***
Google (L1) 0.135303 (0.122779)
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control variables include the IMDb star rating and
runtime of each episode, and dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broadcasting week, broadcaster, and award.
Panel VAR-Granger causality Wald test
Variables TV_rating Piracy Google
TV_rating – 0.226 0.045
Piracy 2.151 – 13.887***
Google 0.018 0.570 –
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; The value represents chi-square statistics.
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Select lag 1
DV: Viewers
Viewers (L1) 1.023312 (0.027579)***
Piracy (L1) 0.000010 (0.000004)
YouTube (L1) 0.000113 (0.000181)
DV: Piracy
Viewers (L1) 212.6316 (221.6016)
Piracy (L1) 0.306387 (0.042472)***
YouTube (L1) 0.552309 (2.225186)
DV: YouTube
Viewers (L1) − 4.881886 (7.560149)
Piracy (L1) 0.006561 (0.001114)***
YouTube (L1) 0.176709 (0.091146)†
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control variables include the IMDb star rating and
runtime of each episode, and dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broadcasting week, broadcaster, and award.
Panel VAR-Granger causality Wald test
Variables Viewers Piracy YouTube
Viewers – 0.921 0.417
Piracy 0.050 – 34.715***
YouTube 0.391 0.062 –
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; The value represents chi-square statistics.
Select lag 1
DV: TV_rating
TV_rating (L1) 0.973552 (0.030062)***
Piracy (L1) 0.000001 (0.000001)
YouTube (L1) 0.000024 (0.000063)
DV: Piracy
TV_rating (L1) 746.172 (836.7969)
Piracy (L1) 0.317372 (0.043137)***
YouTube (L1) 0.581888 (2.214889)
DV: YouTube
TV_rating (L1) − 34.82867 (32.02116)
Piracy (L1) 0.006911 (0.001045)***
YouTube (L1) 0.207783 (0.087923)*
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control variables include the IMDb star rating and
runtime of each episode, and dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broadcasting week, broadcaster, and award.
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Variables TV_rating Piracy YouTube
TV_rating – 0.795 1.183
Piracy 0.925 – 43.759***
YouTube 0.144 0.069 –
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; The value represents chi-square statistics.
Select lag 1
DV: Viewers
Viewers (L1) .9368295 (0.0810025)***
Piracy (L1) − 0.000006 (0.000008)
Tweets (L1) 0.000015 (0.000002)***
DV: Piracy
Viewers (L1) 409.7804 (254.0345)
Piracy (L1) 0.303472 (0.043922)***
Tweets (L1) 0.003117 (0.006342)
DV: Tweets
Viewers (L1) − 567.2154 (740.1133)
Piracy (L1) 0.582642 (0.113743)***
Tweets (L1) 0.015549 (0.037545)
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control variables include the IMDb star rating and
runtime of each episode, and dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broadcasting week, broadcaster, and award.
Panel VAR-Granger causality Wald test
Variables Viewers Piracy Tweets
Viewers – 2.602 0.587
Piracy 0.609 – 26.239***
Tweets 34.690*** 0.242 –
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; The value represents chi-square statistics.
Select lag 1
DV: TV_rating
TV_rating (L1) .9477863 (0.0510078)***
Piracy (L1) − 0.000001 (0.000001)
Tweets (L1) 0.000004 (0.000001)***
DV: Piracy
TV_rating (L1) 2060.68 (812.2736)*
Piracy (L1) 0.300493 (0.043767)***
Tweets (L1) 0.007530 (0.006181)
(continued on next page)
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
(continued )
DV: Tweets
TV_rating (L1) − 2209.616 (2485.885)
Piracy (L1) 0.572870 (0.110251)***
Tweets (L1) 0.007093 (0.041324)
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control variables include the IMDb star rating and
runtime of each episode, and dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broadcasting week, broadcaster, and award.
Panel VAR-Granger causality Wald test
Variables TV_rating Piracy Tweets
TV_rating – 6.436* 0.790
Piracy 0.266 – 26.999***
Tweets 79.238*** 1.484 –
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; The value represents chi-square statistics.
Select lag 1
DV: Viewers
Viewers (L1) 0.957026 (0.071051)***
Piracy (L1) − 0.000007 (0.000007)
Engagements (L1) 0.001722 (0.000283)***
DV: Piracy
Viewers (L1) 337.6706 (273.8305)
Piracy (L1) 0.304447 (0.044168)***
Engagements (L1) 0.178616 (0.809716)
DV: Engagements
Viewers (L1) 0.680687 (10.4661)
Piracy (L1) 0.004525 (0.001573)**
Engagements (L1) 0.079093 (0.086362)
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control variables include the IMDb star rating and
runtime of each episode, and dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broadcasting week, broadcaster, and award.
Panel VAR-Granger causality Wald test
Variables Viewers Piracy Engagements
Viewers – 1.521 0.004
Piracy 0.958 – 8.280**
Engagements 37.002*** 0.049 –
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; The value represents chi-square statistics.
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Select lag 1
DV: TV_rating
TV_rating (L1) 0.926211 (0.044653)***
Piracy (L1) − 0.000008 (0.000001)
Engagements (L1) 0.000492 (0.000057)***
DV: Piracy
TV_rating (L1) 1802.089 (890.7209)
Piracy (L1) 0.307792 (0.044037)***
Engagements (L1) 0.648465 (0.867999)
DV: Engagements
TV_rating (L1) − 21.24553 (37.8199)
Piracy (L1) 0.004382 (0.001628)***
Engagements (L1) 0.046139 (0.083579)
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control variables include the IMDb star rating and
runtime of each episode, and dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broadcasting week, broadcaster, and award.
Panel VAR-Granger causality Wald test
Variables TV_rating Piracy Engagements
TV_rating – 4.093* 0.316
Piracy 0.286 – 7.246**
Engagements 73.558*** 0.558 –
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; The value represents chi-square statistics.
Select lag 1
DV: Viewers
Viewers (L1) 0.955043 (0.072486)***
Piracy (L1) − 0.000007 (0.000007)
Interactions (L1) 0.001565 (0.000275)***
DV: Piracy
Viewers (L1) 349.9157 (272.2764)
Piracy (L1) 0.303513 (0.044145)***
Interactions (L1) 0.161979 (0.721907)
DV: Interactions
Viewers (L1) 0.005742 (11.22428)
Piracy (L1) 0.005091 (0.001674)**
Interactions (L1) 0.067907 (0.076737)
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control variables include the IMDb star rating and
runtime of each episode, and dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broadcasting week, broadcaster, and award.
Panel VAR-Granger causality Wald test
Variables Viewers Piracy Interactions
Viewers – 1.652 0.001
Piracy 0.923 – 9.247**
Interactions 32.284*** 0.050 –
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; The value represents chi-square statistics.
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Select lag 1
DV: TV_rating
TV_rating (L1) 0.927027 (0.045714)***
Piracy (L1) − 0.000008 (0.000001)
Interactions (L1) 0.000448 (0.000052)
DV: Piracy
TV_rating (L1) 1820.555 (885.0441)*
Piracy (L1) 0.306885 (0.043973)***
Interactions (L1) 0.578269 (0.762740)
DV: Interactions
TV_rating (L1) − 24.92328 (40.55082)
Piracy (L1) 0.004904 (0.001735)**
Interactions (L1) 0.038601 (0.076648)
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; Standard errors are in parentheses; Control variables include the IMDb star rating and
runtime of each episode, and dummies indicating the dramas, day of the week, broadcasting day, broadcasting week, broadcaster, and award.
Panel VAR-Granger causality Wald test
Variables TV_rating Piracy Interactions
TV_rating – 4.231* 0.378
Piracy 0.302 – 7.988**
Interactions 74.184*** 0.575 –
Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Two-tailed tests; The value represents chi-square statistics.
Table A1
Analysis results with search trends (Seeds).
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Google, and Seeds (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Google, and Seeds
(c) Relationships among Viewers, YouTube, and Seeds (d) Relationships among TV_rating, YouTube, and Seeds
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Seeds − 0.026 (0.008)** Seeds − 0.012 (0.013)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: YouTube DV: YouTube
Seeds 0.056 (0.016)*** Seeds 0.056 (0.016)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
YouTube 0.037 (0.017)* YouTube 0.088 (0.026)***
Seeds − 0.028 (0.008)*** Seeds − 0.017 (0.013)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
(continued on next page)
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table A1 (continued )
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Google, and Seeds (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Google, and Seeds
Table A2
Analysis results with social media activities (Seeds)*.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Tweets, and Seeds (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Tweets, and (c) Relationships among Viewers, Engagements,
Seeds and Seeds
(d) Relationships among TV_rating, Engagements, (e) Relationships among Viewers, Interactions, and (f) Relationships among TV_rating, Interactions,
and Seeds Seeds and Seeds
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Seeds − 0.012 (0.013) Seeds − 0.026 (0.008)** Seeds − 0.012 (0.013)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Engagements DV: DV: Interactions
Seeds 0.056 (0.014)*** Seeds 0.059 (0.014)*** Seeds 0.059 (0.014)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Engagements 0.081 (0.028)** Interactions 0.054 (0.017)** Interactions 0.081 (0.027)**
Seeds − 0.018 (0.013) Seeds − 0.030 (0.009)*** Seeds − 0.018 (0.013)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.005 Indirect effect 0.003 Indirect effect 0.005
Direct effect − 0.018 Direct effect − 0.030 Direct effect − 0.018
Total effect − 0.013 Total effect − 0.027 Total effect − 0.013
Observations 1113 Observations 1113 Observations 1113
Table A3
Analysis results with search trends (Seeds, First Half).
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Google, and Seeds (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Google, and Seeds
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table A3 (continued )
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Google, and Seeds (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Google, and Seeds
(c) Relationships among Viewers, YouTube, and Seeds (d) Relationships among TV_rating, YouTube, and Seeds
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Seeds − 0.059 (0.011)*** Seeds − 0.070 (0.019)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: YouTube DV: YouTube
Seeds 0.062 (0.021)** Seeds 0.062 (0.021)**
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
YouTube 0.019 (0.023) YouTube 0.090 (0.039)*
Seeds − 0.060 (0.011)*** Seeds − 0.076 (0.019)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.001 Indirect effect 0.006
Direct effect − 0.060 Direct effect − 0.076
Total effect − 0.059 Total effect − 0.070
Observations 589 Observations 589
Table A4
Analysis results with social media activities (Seeds, First Half)*,**.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Tweets, and Seeds (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Tweets, and (c) Relationships among Viewers, Engagements, and
Seeds Seeds
(d) Relationships among TV_rating, Engagements, (e) Relationships among Viewers, Interactions, (f) Relationships among TV_rating, Interactions,
and Seeds and Seeds and Seeds
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Seeds − 0.070 (0.018)*** Seeds − 0.059 (0.011)*** Seeds − 0.070 (0.018)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Engagements DV: Interactions DV: Interactions
Seeds 0.050 (0.010)*** Seeds 0.055 (0.011)*** Seeds 0.055 (0.011)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Engagements 0.143 (0.077)† Interactions 0.058 (0.042) Interactions 0.128 (0.071)†
Seeds − 0.078 (0.019)*** Seeds − 0.062 (0.011)*** Seeds − 0.078 (0.019)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.007 Indirect effect 0.003 Indirect effect 0.007
Direct effect − 0.078 Direct effect − 0.062 Direct effect − 0.078
Total effect − 0.071 Total effect − 0.059 Total effect − 0.071
Observations 589 Observations 589 Observations 589
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table A5
Analysis results with search trends (Seeds, Second Half).
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Google, and Seeds (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Google, and Seeds
(c) Relationships among Viewers, YouTube, and Seeds (d) Relationships among TV_rating, YouTube, and Seeds
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Seeds − 0.002 (0.010) Seeds 0.014 (0.015)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: YouTube DV: YouTube
Seeds 0.075 (0.024)** Seeds 0.075 (0.024)**
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
YouTube 0.024 (0.019) YouTube 0.062 (0.028)*
Seeds − 0.004 (0.010) Seeds 0.010 (0.015)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.002 Indirect effect 0.005
Direct effect − 0.004 Direct effect 0.010
Total effect − 0.002 Total effect 0.014
Observations 524 Observations 524
Table A6
Analysis results with social media activities (Seeds, Second Half)**.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Tweets, and Seeds (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Tweets, and (c) Relationships among Viewers, Engagements, and
Seeds Seeds
(d) Relationships among TV_rating, Engagements, (e) Relationships among Viewers, Interactions, (f) Relationships among TV_rating, Interactions,
and Seeds and Seeds and Seeds
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Seeds 0.014 (0.015) Seeds − 0.002 (0.010) Seeds 0.014 (0.015)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Engagements DV: Interactions DV: Interactions
Seeds 0.045 (0.019)* Seeds 0.045 (0.019)* Seeds 0.045 (0.019)*
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Engagements 0.026 (0.026) Interactions 0.019 (0.016) Interactions 0.027 (0.025)
Seeds 0.012 (0.015) Seeds − 0.004 (0.010) Seeds 0.012 (0.015)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.002 Indirect effect 0.001 Indirect effect 0.002
Direct effect 0.012 Direct effect − 0.004 Direct effect 0.012
Total effect 0.013 Total effect − 0.003 Total effect 0.013
Observations 524 Observations 524 Observations 524
Table A7
Analysis results with search trends (Leeches)*,**.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Google, and Leeches (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Google, and Leeches
(c) Relationships among Viewers, YouTube, and Leeches (d) Relationships among TV_rating, YouTube, and Leeches
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Leeches 0.004 (0.010) Leeches − 0.001 (0.016)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: YouTube DV: YouTube
Leeches 0.014 (0.019) Leeches 0.014 (0.019)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
YouTube 0.031 (0.017)† YouTube 0.085 (0.026)***
Leeches 0.004 (0.010) Leeches − 0.002 (0.016)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.000 Indirect effect 0.001
Direct effect 0.004 Direct effect − 0.002
Total effect 0.004 Total effect − 0.001
Observations 1113 Observations 1113
Table A8
Analysis results with social media activities (Leeches).
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Tweets, and (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Tweets, and (c) Relationships among Viewers, Engagements,
Leeches Leeches and Leeches
(d) Relationships among TV_rating, Engagements, (e) Relationships among Viewers, Interactions, and (f) Relationships among TV_rating, Interactions,
and Leeches Leeches and Leeches
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Leeches − 0.001 (0.016) Leeches 0.004 (0.010) Leeches − 0.001 (0.016)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Engagements DV: DV: Interactions
Leeches 0.100 (0.017)*** Leeches 0.107 (0.018)*** Leeches 0.107 (0.018)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Engagements 0.079 (0.028)** Interactions 0.046 (0.017)** Interactions 0.078 (0.027)**
Leeches − 0.010 (0.016) Leeches − 0.001 (0.010) Leeches − 0.010 (0.016)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.008 Indirect effect 0.005 Indirect effect 0.008
(continued on next page)
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table A8 (continued )
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Tweets, and (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Tweets, and (c) Relationships among Viewers, Engagements,
Leeches Leeches and Leeches
Table A9
Analysis results with search trends (Leeches, First Half)*.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Google, and Leeches (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Google, and Leeches
(c) Relationships among Viewers, YouTube, and Leeches (d) Relationships among TV_rating, YouTube, and Leeches
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Leeches − 0.049 (0.016)** Leeches − 0.092 (0.026)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: YouTube DV: YouTube
Leeches − 0.003 (0.029) Leeches − 0.003 (0.029)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
YouTube 0.003 (0.023) YouTube 0.070 (0.038)†
Leeches − 0.049 (0.016)** Leeches − 0.092 (0.026)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.000 Indirect effect 0.000
Direct effect − 0.049 Direct effect − 0.092
Total effect − 0.049 Total effect − 0.092
Observations 589 Observations 589
Table A10
Analysis results with social media activities (Leeches, First Half).
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Tweets, and (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Tweets, and (c) Relationships among Viewers, Engagements, and
Leeches Leeches Leeches
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
(d) Relationships among TV_rating, Engagements, (e) Relationships among Viewers, Interactions, (f) Relationships among TV_rating, Interactions,
and Leeches and Leeches and Leeches
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Leeches − 0.092 (0.026)*** Leeches − 0.049 (0.016)** Leeches − 0.092 (0.026)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Engagements DV: Interactions DV: Interactions
Leeches 0.100 (0.014)*** Leeches 0.111 (0.015)*** Leeches 0.111 (0.015)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Engagements 0.169 (0.079)* Interactions 0.051 (0.043) Interactions 0.154 (0.073)*
Leeches − 0.110 (0.027)*** Leeches − 0.055 (0.016)*** Leeches − 0.110 (0.027)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.017 Indirect effect 0.006 Indirect effect 0.017
Direct effect − 0.110 Direct effect − 0.055 Direct effect − 0.110
Total effect − 0.093 Total effect − 0.049 Total effect − 0.093
Observations 589 Observations 589 Observations 589
Table A11
Analysis results with search trends (Leeches, Second Half)**.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Google, and Leeches (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Google, and Leeches
(c) Relationships among Viewers, YouTube, and Leeches (d) Relationships among TV_rating, YouTube, and Leeches
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Leeches 0.022 (0.011)† Leeches 0.021 (0.017)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: YouTube DV: YouTube
Leeches 0.038 (0.028) Leeches 0.038 (0.028)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
YouTube 0.021 (0.018) YouTube 0.062 (0.028)*
Leeches 0.021 (0.011)† Leeches 0.019 (0.017)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.001 Indirect effect 0.002
Direct effect 0.021 Direct effect 0.019
Total effect 0.022 Total effect 0.021
Observations 524 Observations 524
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
Table A12
Analysis results with social media activities (Leeches, Second Half)*,**.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Tweets, and (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Tweets, and (c) Relationships among Viewers, Engagements,
Leeches Leeches and Leeches
(d) Relationships among TV_rating, Engagements, and (e) Relationships among Viewers, Interactions, and (f) Relationships among TV_rating, Interactions,
Leeches Leeches and Leeches
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Leeches 0.021 (0.017) Leeches 0.022 (0.011)† Leeches 0.021 (0.017)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Engagements DV: Interactions DV: Interactions
Leeches 0.116 (0.029)*** Leeches 0.121 (0.030)*** Leeches 0.121 (0.030)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: TV_rating DV: Viewers DV: TV_rating
Engagements 0.024 (0.026) Interactions 0.013 (0.016) Interactions 0.025 (0.025)
Leeches 0.018 (0.018) Leeches 0.020 (0.012)† Leeches 0.018 (0.018)
Controls Yes Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.003 Indirect effect 0.002 Indirect effect 0.003
Direct effect 0.018 Direct effect 0.020 Direct effect 0.018
Total effect 0.021 Total effect 0.022 Total effect 0.021
Observations 524 Observations 524 Observations 524
Table A13
Analysis results with integrated measures.
(a) Relationships among Viewers, Buzz, and Piracy (b) Relationships among TV_rating, Buzz, and Piracy
(c) Relationships among Viewership, Buzz, and Piracy (d) Relationships among Viewership, Buzz, and Piracy_new
DV: Viewership DV: Viewership
Piracy − 0.097 (0.080) Piracy_new − 0.005 (0.007)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Buzz DV: Buzz
Piracy 3.294 (0.557)*** Piracy_new 0.310 (0.048)***
Controls Yes Controls Yes
DV: Viewership DV: Viewership
Buzz 0.017 (0.004)*** Buzz 0.016 (0.004)***
Piracy − 0.156 (0.081)† Piracy_new − 0.010 (0.007)
Controls Yes Controls Yes
Indirect effect 0.054 Indirect effect 0.005
(continued on next page)
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
D. Kim et al. Information & Management 59 (2022) 103599
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