JPP-5 - (JLD 3.0) - Reaction Mechanisms - 05 Sept
JPP-5 - (JLD 3.0) - Reaction Mechanisms - 05 Sept
JPP-5 - (JLD 3.0) - Reaction Mechanisms - 05 Sept
Anupam Gupta
Anupam Gupta
B.Tech & M.Tech - IIT Delhi
100 %ile
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11th / 9, 10
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Organic Reaction Mechanisms
Anupam Gupta
The major product of the following reaction is
CH3 -CH = CH2 + HBr [Olympiad L-1 2006]
A. CH3-CH2-CH2-Br
B. CH3-CH(Br)-CH3
Dicomarol (X) is an anticoagulant The number of possible monochloro
substituted isomeric derivatives and the volume of hydrogen liberated at STP
by the reaction of 0.5 mol of dicoumarol with sodium are respectively.
A. 5, 22.4 dm3
B. 5, 11.2 dm3
C. 6, 11.2 dm3
D. 4, 22.4 dm3
If the Eact for a forward reaction is given
𝚫H = +1 kcal
Eact = 4 Kcal
the Eact for a backward reaction will be
A. 1 kcal
B. 4 kcal
C. -4 kcal
D. 3 kcal
In this reaction, X2 exhibits which of the following reactivity order?
A. Six
B. Zero
C. Two
D. Four
The major product of the following reaction is:
A. B.
C. D.
The product of the reaction given below is :
A. B.
C. D.
Product is:
A. B.
C. D.
Anti Markovnikov addition of HBr is not observed in
A. Propene
B. 1-Butene
C. But-2-ene
D. Isobutene
The carbon atoms at which bromination will take place are
A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 4 and 5
C. 1, 3, 4 and 5
D. 1, 3 and 4
In the presence of peroxide, HCl and HI do not give anti-Markovnikov's
addition of alkenes because:
A. Atleast one of the steps is endothermic in HCl and HI [2014]
B. Both HCl and HI are strong acids
C. HCl is oxidizing and the HI is reducing
D. All the steps are exothermic is HCl and HI
The addition of HI in the presence of peroxide catalyst does not follow
anti-Markovnikov's rule because
A. HI is a strong reducing agent. [2013]
B. H-I bond is too strong to be broken homolytically.
C. I atom combines with H atom to give back HI.
D. Iodine atom is not reactive enough to add across a double bond.
A. B.
C. D.
The main positions of electrophilic attack for the given reactions are
A. 3, 1
B. 6, 3
C. 6, 4
D. 3, 6
The final product of the following reaction is
A. B.
C. D. None of these
Arrange the following compounds in order in order for SN1 hydrolysis
i. ii.
iii. iv.
i. ii.
iii. iv.
A. B.
C. D.
An aromatic compound (A), C7H6Cl2, gives AgCI on boiling with alcoholic AgNO3,
solution and yields C7H7OCl on treatment with sodium hydroxide. (A) on oxidation
gives a mono-chlorobenzoic acid which affords only one mononitro derivative. The
compound (a) is
A. B.
C. D.
Which one of the following is the major product of the reaction below?
A. B.
C. D.
A. B. C. D.
Based on the potential energy diagram for the following reaction
Is this an endothermic or exothermic reaction?
A. Exothermic
B. There is not enough information to determine.
C. endothermic
D. This reaction can be either exothermic or endothermic.
What potential energy difference represents the heat of reaction?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. Both A and B
Which of the following indicates the location of intermediate?
A. i
B. ii
C. iii
D. iv
According to the potential energy diagram, what is the possible mechanism for
the reaction?
A. E1
B. E2
C. SN1
D. SN2
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