Crianças Da Tempestade
Crianças Da Tempestade
Crianças Da Tempestade
Contents ........................................................... 1
Introduction ..................................................... 2
Children of the Storm provides a whimsical
Getting Started ................................................ 2
introduction to the world of Instruments of the
Background ...................................................... 2 Chrysanthemum Throne. In the full game the
Synopsis ............................................................ 3 players take the role of characters who travel
Japan in the service of the Emperor.
Plots for Children ........................................... 3
Setting the Scene ............................................. 3 They must contend with the will of
malevolent Tsukumogami, whilst harnessing
A New Year’s Tradition ................................. 4 their remarkable magic powers to restore
Primary Characters.......................................... 5 balance to the land. This story is told through
Starting the Game ........................................... 6 8 linked scenarios that can be played
individually or a complete campaign.
The Coming Storm ......................................... 6
Sscondary Characters...................................... 7
Forest of Shadows .......................................... 9
Treacherous Stream ........................................ 9
Tasks ............................................................... 10
999 Steps ........................................................ 11
A Heavy Burden............................................ 11
Sweet Temptation ......................................... 11
A Trio of Tricksters ...................................... 12
The Night Riddle .......................................... 12
The Shrine ...................................................... 13
Oga Region
Introduction Background
Children of the Storm is an introductory scenario Every New Year the people of the small
for the Instruments of the Chrysanthemum Throne coastal village of Wakimoto make an annual
Roleplaying Game. This is a complete, stand- offering to a small hilltop shrine dedicated to
alone, scenario set in mythical Japan - a world the Namahage.
where monsters and creatures of legend exist
The Namahage are demons who descend
alongside people, during the Heian era (794-
into towns and villages at the New Year to
punish the lazy and terrify children. By
The players take the role of a small group of tradition, they are welcomed into homes and
children who are given an important task on offered food and drink.
behalf of their village and entrusted with
Many parents use stories of the Namahage to
Tsukumogami (sentient objects) to help them
elicit good behaviour from children and
accomplish it. Against the backdrop of a
encourage them to do their chores all year
raging storm, the children must contend with
around. No actual demons have been seen
both supernatural and physical challenges if
for hundreds of years.
they are to save their village as the New Year
begins. Things are about to change. Amenonuhoko,
a divine being, has recently woken from a
Four pre-generated primary characters are
sleep lasting thousands of years. Dismayed
provided, along with four pre-generated
by the modern world, where many
Tsukumogami; cantankerous secondary
supernatural creatures have been banished to
characters who may boss the children around
remote and forgotten places, she sliced
should they become too reliant on their
through the barriers between the real and the
power. Complete rules for resolving all the
Tasks described this scenario are also
included, along with a summary for the GM Now, as the New Year approaches, the
to aid facilitation. natural elements are in turmoil. Huge storms
lash Japan and the Namahage stir once more.
Children of the Storm aims to evoke a largely
whimsical experience (children having
fantastical adventures at a time of
celebration). The threats are mischievous,
rather than deadly and as such this game may
work well with a younger group, or with
those who are young-at-heart.
In order to play Children of the Storm, each player should have:
p Two different eight-sided dice (D8’s).
p A pen or pencil.
p A printed Character Tent (from the Game Materials section of this document).
The GM may find it convenient to have:
p A printed, or easily accessible, Scenario Summary (also found in the Game Materials).
p Chips, coins or counters to track Object Power and character Vitality.
The scenario begins with the children This scenario reflects a common theme of
performing chores around the village on the tale of the Namahage; that those who are
New Year’s Eve. A powerful storm throws diligent and hospitable hosts will receive their
the village into panic as people scramble to blessing. Here the characters have an
protect valuable crops, while the towns’ opportunity to save all the inhabitants of the
fishing fleet battles against the weather to village through their actions.
return to land.
At the heart of the plot is also the likelihood
With the village adults otherwise occupied, that the characters will fail in their initial
Chuyo (a village elder) entrusts a small group objective of delivering an offering to the
of village children with a solemn task of Namahage. This makes them responsible, to
taking the annual offering of three rice cakes some extent, for the fate of the village -
to the hilltop shrine of the Namhage before something they can then take action to
midnight on New Year’s Eve. To aid them correct.
in this task they are entrusted with a small
collection of Tsukumogami (sentient This is a deliberate design decision. A
objects). common theme in adult stories about
children is success against unfair or
As the storm breaks, the children must inequitable odds. However, this may grate
navigate the hazards of the forest at night. with some groups. If this might be the case
Sentient-shadows play tricks on them and for your group, it’s recommended that you
they must cross a flooded stream to ascend discuss this theme prior to running the
the 999 stone steps to the shrine. As they scenario to ensure that everyone is
climb they encounter a pack of sly Racoon comfortable with this theme and such design
Dogs, shapeshifting tricksters, who conspire elements.
to try and fool the children and steal the rice
cakes on three separate occasions before
trying an a brazen theft if the children weren’t
Setting the Scene
fooled. The GM should provide some initial details
about the game setting.
If the children have retained all three rice-
cakes for the offering the scenario ends with p The game is set in a mythical version of
victory for the characters as the Namahage classical Japan in the Heian period (794–
accept the offering. If not, the characters 1185).
return to their village to find that all the
people have disappeared. With no people to p The main focus of the game are the
shoo them away, the Racoon Dogs have run traditional legends and folk stories of
amok in the empty village. Japan, rather than details of the historical
context. Creatures of myth, although
Only a short time remains until the
uncommon, are a reality of life.
Namahage descend the 999 steps and take
the children away. If the children can
p Japan is ruled by an Emperor who
perform the necessary chores to tidy the
maintains a vibrant focus on arts and
village and prepare a meal for the demons,
culture and has presided over a long
the New Year may yet have a happy
period of peace.
p Despite the nobility enjoying enormous p The characters are among the youngest
prosperity, for many people, getting members of the village and while they
enough food to survive is a challenge. are still considered too young to join the
Levels of education and healthcare are fishing fleet, they are expected to help
basic. Currency is failing, and barter is a out around the village, particularly with
common form of exchange. tending the crops and food preparation.
Then, the GM should provide some specific
p During the day these chores are
information relevant to the scenario:
supervised by Chiyo Tanaka, the oldest
p The characters are children living in the person in the village. Chiyo has cared
small, coastal village of Wakimoto. The for many generations village children,
village has around a dozen families who mixing educational stories with a
split their time between tending rigorous focus on hard work.
vegetables and fishing.
p Today is the last day of the year, and the
p The village is made up of a number of village has been working particularly
multi-family homes, as well as a fishing hard to prepare for a celebration feast
area and large, communal gardens. A tonight. Chiyo has told the children that
modest guest house is also available for if they don’t work hard to ensure that the
unexpected arrivals. village is tidy, then demons called the
Namahage will take them away tonight.
Four pre-generated characters are provided in the Game Materials section of this scenario.
These should be given to the players and assembled. For the first scene of the game the
players do not need to be concerned with the Secondary Characters information printed
alongside their character information.
Each Primary Character has a short description highlighting a mix of traits that could be
both negative and positive in order to aid the player in bringing them to life, as well as
something they know about the other characters, which the player can make up and
introduce at any point during the game.
The players should also have an opportunity
Starting the Game for their characters to interact as they work
Ask each player to begin by describing chores around the village.
that their character has been performing
around the village. Suggestions are provided The Coming Storm
below for the GM to help describe the scene:
The weather changes mid-afternoon, with
p House cleaning - this chore involves ominous blue-grey clouds plunging the
sweeping and cleaning the village houses village into an unnatural twilight. The wind
and ensuring that the village guest house picks up and blows in from the sea with fierce
is free of dust and ready to welcome intensity. The people of Wakimoto are no
visitors to the village in the New Year strangers to bad weather, and they know that
(most suitable for Isamu – the other a fierce storm can threaten both lives and
chores are suitable for any of the livelihoods. The adults of the village
children). immediately busy themselves preparing for
the storm and getting ready to bring the day’s
p Vegetable tending - this involves digging catch ashore.
out yams, and washing them, before
With everyone busy, the characters are
digging a new row for fresh planting.
summoned to Chiyo’s house. Here, amongst
the musty clutter, Chiyo tells them that they
p Net clearing- this involves untangling and
must complete an important task.
scraping seaweed from some of the many
fishing nets stored in a storage hut. p Every New Year’s Eve villagers take an
offering of food up the 999 steps at the
p Water fetching - this chore involves base of the hill beyond the forest that
walking through the forest to a nearby surrounds the village. At the top of these
stream, filling two buckets, and carrying stairs is a shrine to the Namahage. Making
them back to the village (repeated this task this offering is important, as it protects the
several times). village for the following year.
The GM should prompt the player to add
p Because of the storm all the adults are
some additional detail if necessary. For
busy and Chiyo is too old to climb the
example, does the character seem distracted,
steps. The Children must complete this
or are they working diligently? At the
task on behalf of the village. This is a
conclusion of this description Chiyo comes
serious responsibility, as there will be
to inspect their work:
grave consequences if they fail to make
p If the character has been working the offering (Chiyo may give a summary
diligently (as described by the player), she of the legend of the Namahage).
will nod approvingly and then point to a
further task to be done. p To aid them in this mission, Chiyo will
provide them each with a Tsukumogami,
p If the character seems to have done a poor a sentient object imbued with magical
job, or is otherwise slacking off, Chiyo will powers. These objects have been
tell them that they remind her of their cherished by the village for generations
parents and that they had better improve and each has its own personality.
or the Namahage will come and take away
the lazy children tonight.
This is an opportunity for the characters to The objects are very old, often cantankerous
ask questions, although time is of the essence and prone to scolding the bearer, but they
and Chiyo is eager that they begin their also care about the children and want to help
journey. them return to the village safely.
The children all know that the start of the Any player can take the role of an Secondary
stone stairs is a few miles beyond the village; Character to make a comment to the bearer,
through the forest and over the river. It’s using the personality described below.
likely that they have been forbidden from Should a character’s Tsukumogami ever have
climbing it (although any who may have more power than a character has points of
disregarded such prohibitions remember a Vitality, then for the duration of the next
long uneventful climb leading to a simple scene the Tsukumogami possess the
wooden shrine). character – and the player reverses their
character tent and plays only the secondary
Chiyo then gives each character a magic
object to help them with their task. These
objects have been pre-assigned to the Chiyo also gives the children a simple basket,
characters and appear on the reverse of the containing three rice cakes, to be delivered to
assembled character tent as a Secondary the Shrine. This is entrusted to the character
Character. The Tsukumogami include: that Chiyo feels to be the most reliable, based
on their earlier chores.
Each object can speak to their bearer, but
their voice is not heard by the other children.
A small nata sickle , introduced as Baba Nata. Baba (grandmother)
Nata is extremely helpful in completing physical tasks, but is also
quick to criticise. (the bearer - Akemi -can spend 1 Object Power to
roll an additional Object die when attempting a Task that involves
cutting things or creating something from things that have been cut).
p If the player has guessed correctly (the
Forest of Shadows score of the die matches their guess) then
As the children venture from the bustle of their character has Succeeded in the Task
the village the first heavy drops of rain begin and driven away the Kage-onna
to fall. impersonating their character’s shadow.
Leaving the village, the characters enter the p If the player guessed correctly and they
woods beyond. The trees are ancient and have rolled a Lucky Number (8) then their
huge, and the forest canopy provides a degree character has Succeeded particularly
of shelter from the rain. There are well well and can drive away two Kage-onna.
trodden paths that lead through the trees.
These are familiar to the characters, as they p If the player guessed incorrectly then their
will have played here many times. character has been Unsuccessful in the
However, the darkness and the storm make Task and continues to be followed by a
the forest seem different and unfamiliar. Kage-onna while in the forest.
Gusts of wind cause the trees to gently sway
and shift, giving the impression the entire p If the player guessed incorrectly and also
forest is suddenly stirring to life. As the rolls an Unlucky Number (4) is
characters venture deeper into the forest, a particularly Unsuccessful and loses 1
group of young Kage-onna (or living point of character Vitality as their shadow
shadows) follow them intent on mischief. tricks them into a painful fall
A Task occurs at any time during the game session where there is a chance for a character
to fail, and that failure could have a dramatic impact on the character or the wider story.
To resolve a Task, the player describes what the character is attempting to do and rolls a
single eight-sided die to reflect their characters skill and experience, and an additional,
different coloured eight-sided die reflecting the magical influence of the object they carry,
and covers the result with their hand or a cup.
They then choose either EVEN or ODD without looking at the dice. The roll is then
revealed and the player choses which dice score they will use.
p If the player has guessed correctly (the score of the die matches their guess) then their
character has succeeded in the Task.
p If the player guessed correctly and they have rolled a Lucky Number (8) then their
character has succeeded particularly well. This may include an additional benefit,
insight or piece of fortune specified in this scenario.
p If the player guessed incorrectly then their character has been unsuccessful in the
Task. Failing some particularly dangerous Tasks may cause the character to lose 1
p If the player guessed incorrectly and they have rolled an Unlucky Number (4) then
their character has failed spectacularly and suffer an additional penalty specified in
the scenario.
Possible outcomes of crossing the watching them decide to make their move.
treacherous stream include: These shapeshifting tricksters sense a chance
to cause some mischief and steal the delicious
p If the player has guessed correctly (the rice cakes. They make three attempts to steal
score of the die matches their guess) then the rice cakes from the children as they
their character has Succeeded in the Task ascend the stairs:
and crossed the stream safely.
The 999 steps are said to have been created SWEET TEMPTATION
by the Namahage themselves. The stairs
consists of shallow treads carved from stone, On a wide landing at the half-way point of
organised into 50 flights each with a small the climb, the Racoon Dogs appear to take
landing. These steps wind their way up the the shape of a Washi (sweet) shop with two
hill. The swirling wind and rain make the dogs taking the form of the shop and counter
climb especially unpleasant for the children. and the third, a kindly man who runs the
It costs all of the characters 1 point of their shop. They use magic to transform small
Vitality as they start to climb as they become piles of mud and leaves into delicious-
wet and cold from the wind and the rain. looking and smelling treats. The sweet shop
vendor offers to trade four delicious sweets
As the children begin to make their way up
for a rice cake.
the stairs, the Racoon Dogs who have been
The characters have come to the
attention of a trio of Racoon
Dogs (or Tanuki). Although wary
of adults the Racoon Dogs can
smell the delicious rice-cakes and
are determined to try and steal
them from the children. The
Racoon Dogs can shapeshift into
any form and make several
attempts to trick the children into
parting with the rice-cakes as they
climb the stair, using hidden dog-
paths to ensure they always
remain ahead.
p If the characters make the trade the that to pass they must answer a riddle. The
vendor gives each of them a delicious riddle is as follows (this is not a true riddle,
sweet and bids them good luck on their rather an abridged Zen Koan or
journey. As soon as the characters bite enlightenment story, but the Racoon Dogs
into their treat they discover is a small, do not know the difference):
foul-tasting bundle of mud and leaves. If
anyone remains to speak to the vendor, A blind man visited a friend one night and
the Racoon Dogs will then resume their was offered a lantern to carry home with him.
normal form, devour the rice-cake and “I do not need a lantern,” he said.
then run off. “Darkness or light is all the same to me.”
p If the characters refuse, the vendor looks “I know you do not need a lantern to find your
at them with sad, pleading, eyes until they way home,” his friend replied, “but if you
are out of sight. Then the Racoon Dogs don’t have one someone else may run into you.
run off to get ahead of the characters once Please take it.”
The blind man started off with the lantern
THE NIGHT RIDDLE and before he had walked very far, someone
ran squarely into him. Why?
On the final landing before the top of the
stair, a Raccoon Dog shapeshifts to become The correct answer is because the lantern had
a warrior monk (or Shoen). He stands with a gone out.
quarterstaff at the ready, blocking the final
climb to the top. The monk tells the children
If the children answer this correctly then the final step. Three bowl-like indentations, each
three Racoon Dogs revert to their true form, approximately the size of a rice-cake, are
and make one last attempt to steal rice-cakes carved into the top. Here the characters must
by trying to snatch them directly from the place the offering.
p If the characters have been extremely
In order to drive the Racoon Dogs away, the diligent and retained all three rice-cakes
characters must each attempt a Task. They the scenario ends here. As they place the
collectively need to achieve three collective final rice cake there is a blinding flash and
successes (one for each dog) and describe once the characters can see once more,
how they are acting to force the dogs to leave. they are surrounded by Namahage, who
look them over ominously. One of their
p The character of a player that guesses
number inspects the offering and nods
correctly adds +1 Success to the total; a
approvingly. Then, suddenly, the rice-
character that guesses incorrectly does not
cakes and Namahage are gone. The
add a success.
characters are free to return to their village
and ring-in the New Year with their loved
p The character of a player that guesses
correctly and rolls a Lucky number (8)
p If the characters are missing one (or more)
adds +2 Successes.
rice-cake, then lightning cuts through the
night, striking the centre of their village,
p The character of a player that both guesses blinding the characters for a moment. In
incorrectly and rolls an Unlucky number
that instant the characters hear their
(4) subtracts -1 Success from the
names on the wind, as though they are
collective total.
being called by their parents and loved
If the characters do not collectively achieve ones, then the rain and wind return with
three successes, they lose 1 rice-cake for each renewed vigour. The village seems as it
success less than three. For example, if the was before.
characters only managed one success, then
they would lose two rice cakes. A Final Test
If the children do not answer the riddle Now that they’ve completed their journey to
correctly, then the monk will tell them that he the shrine, all that remains is for the children
will only let them pass if they give him a rice- to return to their village. The journey down
cake. If the children agree he takes the rice the stair is difficult. The rain and wind has just
cake and walks past them down the stair. If returned with renewed vigour, and between
they refuse, then the Racoon Dogs make a poor visibly and slippery steps. The characters
final attempt to grab the rice-cakes, triggering must successfully complete a Task to descend
the collective Task as above. safely (or lose a point of Vitality).
As the characters take stock of the situation, p If the characters welcome them outdoors,
they hear a distant drum beating, and see a line then an invisible drum will beat seven
of flickering torches descending the 999 steps. times in slow succession. On the seventh
The Namahage are on their way to the village! beat the Namahage suddenly appear all
around the village.
The characters remember Chiyo’s warning
about the need to welcome the Namahage, The Namahage will inspect the surroundings;
offer them food and present a tidy house. In looking to make sure everything is clean and
order to do this the characters will each need tidy. One of their number will then slowly
to complete a Task requiring a total of four take some of the food that has been offered.
collective successes, using the same process
If the characters achieved all four of the
as outlined previously:
Tasks, the Namahage nod approvingly.
p Tidy the village - many personal Suddenly the food and Namahage are gone.
belongings have been strewn about and In the same instant all the villagers are
the fishing nets have been dragged out returned. Slightly confused, but filled with
from the Net House. Completing this good spirits, a New Year celebration begins in
Task requires a single success. earnest. Only Chiyo will believe the children’s
story about the Namahage.
p Sweep and clean inside - there are muddy
However, if the characters did not achieve all
paw marks and half eaten food in many
four of the required Tasks, then the villagers
houses and across the guest house.
are returned as above, but the Namahage will
Completing this Task requires a single
take one child per failed Task.
The players should decide which of the
p Prepare a meal- this is a complex task, but children are taken. The children who vanish
there are still stores of food (especially rice are gone for a full year and will only be
and preserved fish) that the Racoon Dogs returned if the proper offerings are made to
didn’t find which can be made into a the Namahage the following year.
delicious meal. This Task requires two
Game Materials