Applied Microbiology
Applied Microbiology
Applied Microbiology
Historical accounts
zinc as
bind in the
active site
9 ml H2O
Isolation of chitinolytic bacterium
0.1% of Substrate
Isolation of chitinolytic bacterium
chitinolytic bacterium
Product purification
Column chromatography,
Product polishing
Extracellular Lyses buffer Intracellular
enzyme enzyme
Break open cells by
grinding or ultra-sonics Total enzyme
Filter Cell biomass (useful waste
Enzyme in
Some Antibiotics produced by
Fermentation Process
• Upstream processing
• Downstream processing
Microbial Metabolites
• Metabolites are the intermediates products of metabolism. A
term metabolite is usually called as small molecules.
• Metabolites have various functions: fuel, structure, signaling,
stimulatory and, catalytic activity of their own (usually as a
cofactor to an enzyme), defense, and interactions with other
organisms (e.g. pigments, odorants, and pheromones).
• A primary metabolite is directly involved in normal "growth",
development, and reproduction. Primary metabolite
produced in large-scale by industrial microbiology
• A secondary metabolite is not directly involved in those
processes, but usually has an important ecological function.
Microorganisms as a Bio-factory
❖Primary metabolites
❖Secondary metabolites
Microbial metabolites
Biotechnology Research
Restriction enzymes
• Recognizes specific base sequences in
double-helical DNA and cleave, at
specific places, both strands of a duplex
containing the recognized sequences.
– Enzyme Source
• Short restriction site sequences occur more frequently in the genome than
longer restriction site sequences, e.g., (1/4)n.
Application of Enzymes in molecular
biology research
An analytical device which can detect and quantify
specific analytes in complex samples
Sample Detection Transducer
Solution Element
Enzyme biosensors
Example of biosensors
Pregnancy test
Rhizobium Bacteria Bacteria in root surface Bacteria in root surface Legume inoculation
Concept of biofertilizer
N2- Fixing Organisms
Free Living N2- Fixers
1. Obligate Aerobes
2. Obligate aerobes that fix N2 at low O2
3. Facultative anaerobes- fix N2 under O2 free conditions
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Bacillus polymax
Escherichia intermedia
4. Obligate anaerobes
5. Phototropic bacteria
6. BGA/ Cyanobacteria
a. Unicellular aerobic
b. Filamentous heterocystous - aerobic/ anaerobic
Nostoc, Anabaena, Cylindrospermum
c. Filamentous non-heterocystous
Oscillatria, Lyngbya, Plectonema
Symbiotic N2- Fixers
Rhizobium- Leguminosae (12,000 spp.)
Ulmaceae Parasponia
Non-Rhizobium N2 Fixers
Frankia (Actinorrhizae)
Alnus (Betulaceae) Elaegnus (Elaegnaceae)
Coenothus (Rhamnaceae) Dryas (Rosaceae)
Coriaria (Coriariaceae) Casuarina
Collema- Nostoc
Dendriscocaulon- Scytonema
Water fern
Azolla- Anabaena
Cycas- Nostoc, Anabaena
Higher Plants
Haloragaceae- Gunnera- Nostoc
❖Symbiotic N fixation
❖Asymbiotic N fixation
The Nitrogenase Complex
All nitrogen fixing species (symbionts & non- symbionts)
contain the nitrogenase complex
• Crucial components of the complex are two proteins:
– 1) nitrogenase reductase (Fe-4S protein); homodimer
– 2) nitrogenase (Fe-Mo protein); tetramer (A2B2)
• The nitrogenase complex is anaerobic!
The Nitrogenase Reductase
• Dinitrogenase reductase (Mr 60,000) is a dimer of two
identical subunits.
Obvious signs of nodulation by common rhizobial species
Pea Plant
(alfalfa) LOTUS
Pink color is leghaemoglobin a
protein that carries oxygen to
the bacteroids R. leguminosarum
Rhizobium Attachment and infection
Nod factor
Invasion through infection tube
Bacteroid Nitrogen
differentiation fixation
Formation of
nodule primordia
From Hirsch, 1992.
New Phyto. 122, 211-237
Microbes in pharmaceutical
Pharmaceuticals application
Some Antibiotics produced by
Application of Pharma-microbiology
Organic Synthesis
Reduction by most
plants & some Synthesis:
anaerobic bacteria (microorganisms,
plants & animals
Amino acids
Nitrate N2 Ammonia & reduced
NO3- NH4+
Denitrification Nitrogen fixation nitrogen
(some bacteria) compounds
Animals & microbes
(e.g. Nitrobacter) Nitrification
Nitrite (e.g. Nitrosomonas)
Key terms of The Nitrogen Cycle
• Nitrogen Fixation: Conversion of N2 to ammonia (NH3)
– By any bacteria in soil/water having the nitrogenase complex,
e.g. Rhizobium in root nodules of legumes.
• Nitrification: Conversion
of ammonia to nitrite (NO 2
) and
then nitrate (NO3 ).
– Both reactions carried out by bacteria
• Assimilation: Conversion of NH3, NO2-,, NO3- (inorganic) into
organic compounds (proteins, DNA, & other forms)
– All living cells (plants, animals, & bacteria).
• Ammonification: Conversion of the amine groups of
organic compounds into simpler compounds (often,
ammonia NH3).
– Mostly via decay processes carried out by decomposer bacteria
• Denitrification: Conversion of NH3, NO2-,, NO3- to N2
– Mostly by anaerobic bacteria in waterlogged soil, bottom
sediments of lakes, swamps, bogs and oceans.
Carbon cycle
carbon can be interconverted between methane,
complex organic matter, and carbon dioxide; carbon
fixation can occur by the activities of cyanobacteria, the
green algae, photosynthetic bacteria, and aerobic
Chemoheterotrophs consume the organic compounds,
animals eat photoautotrophs, especially green plants,
and may in turn be eaten by other animals.
When the organisms die, the organic compounds of
their bodies are deposited in the soil and are
decomposed by microorganisms, principally by
bacteria and fungi. During this decomposition, carbon
dioxide is returned to the atmosphere.
Sulfur cycle:
sulfur can be interconverted between
elemental sulfur, sulfide, and sulfate forms by
the actions of various microorganisms
• Industries-sources of pollution:
Chemical manufacturing
Leather industries
• Toxic substances
• Oil contamination
• Heavy metal pollution
• Plastic wastes-Bioplastic production
• Biological wastewater treatment-Domestic
wastewater and industrial effluents
Biological treatment of waste
❖ Methods
▪ Aerobic : removal of organic pollutants in
wastewater by bacteria that require oxygen to
End products: Water and carbon dioxide and
▪ Anaerobic :bacteria digests biosolids in the
absence of oxygen
End products: methane and carbon dioxide
gas and biomass
Principle of Aerobic
Principle of
Anaerobic process
Aerobic Biological Treatment
❖ Steps
▪ Primary
▪ secondary
▪ Tertiary treatments
es in aero
bic and a
Aerobic Biological Treatment Technologies
1) Activated Sludge Process (CASP) System
2) Cyclic Activated Sludge System (CASS)
3) Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) System
4) Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)
Activated Sludge Process (ASP) System
❖ most common and oldest biotreatment process
Note Vorticella
and other
Facultative lagoons-Aerated
lagoons (oxidation pond)
Facultative lagoons or stabilization ponds use only natural phenomena and
almost no mechanical action. Oxygenation for bacterial oxidation of
organics comes from photosynthesis by algae and a bit from wind.
CO2 released by bacteria is used by the algae. Excess biomass and other
settleables are treated by anaerobic bacteria at the bottom.
Exoenzyme Endoenzyme membrane
• Pros
– Cheap and Easy to Manufacture
– Good Commercial Properties
• Cons
– Complex entanglements of polymer chains (usually
Polyethylene Terephthalate PET or Polybutylene
Terephthalate PBT) make it hard to decompose
– Relies heavily on petrochemicals
– Needs processing
– Recycling requires energy and money
– Releases toxic chemicals
– Fragmentation or Cyclization occurs
– 200 million tons produced each year and most of it is not recycled
Why Use Bioplastics?
– Bioplastics
• Applications
– Bottling, resins, packaging, etc
• Main constituents
– Polylactic acids from starch (Corn, Potatoes, etc)
– Oils, sugars, fibers, etc
• Pros
– Reduces or eliminates GHG in production
– Requires less or no petrochemicals
– Plants decreases CO2 in the atmosphere
– Biodegradable - byproducts water, CO2, and organic materials
– Can be utilized as fuel
– Slow Release of CO2 allows for plants to absorb CO2 than
release it in the atmosphere
• Potential Cons
– Uses Genetically Modified processes
– Cost up to three times more than regular Plastic
– Use of fertilizers and pesticides for crops
Control of Microorganisms-Physical,
chemical and biological methods
• The control of microbial growth is necessary in many
practical situations, and significant advances in
agriculture, medicine, and food science have been
made through study of this area of microbiology.
• "Control of microbial growth", as used here, means to
inhibit or prevent growth of microorganisms. The
control of MICROBES in two basic ways: (1) by killing
microorganisms or (2) by preventing the growth of
• Control of growth usually involves the use of physical
chemical, and biological agents which either kill or
prevent the growth of microorganisms.
• Sterilization: A process that kills all living cells, including
viruses and spores, from a substance or object using
• Disinfection: A treatment that reduces the total number of
microbes on an object or surface, but does not necessarily
remove or kill all of the microbes
• Sanitation: Reduction of the microbial population to levels
considered safe by public health standards
• Antiseptic: A mild disinfectant agent suitable for use on
skin surfaces
• -cidal: A suffix meaning that “the agent kills.” For example,
a bacteriocidal agent kills bacteria
• -static: A suffix that means “the agent inhibits growth.” For
example, a fungistatic agent inhibits the growth of fungi,
but doesn’t necessarily kill it.
Control of Microorganisms
• Physical Methods
• Chemical Agents
• Biological Agents
• Mode of action
• Conditions Influencing Antimicrobial
Physical Methods
• Moist Heat
• Dry Heat
• Low Temperatures
• Filtration
• Radiation
Physical Methods: Moist Heat
• Mechanism of killing is a combination of
protein/nucleic acid denaturation and
membrane disruption
• Effectiveness Heavily dependent on type of cells
present as well as environmental conditions
(type of medium or substrate)
• Bacterial spores much more difficult to kill than
vegetative cells
Physical Methods: Moist Heat
• Measurements of killing by moist heat
– Thermal death point (TDP): Lowest temperature at
which a microbial suspension is killed in 10 minutes;
misleading because it implies immediate lethality
despite substrate conditions
– Thermal death time (TDT): Shortest time needed to
kill all organisms in a suspension at a specified
temperature under specific conditions; misleading
because it does not account for the logarithmic
nature of the death curve (theoretically not possible
to get down to zero)
Physical Methods: Moist Heat
• Measurements of killing by moist heat (cont.)
– Decimal reduction time (D value): The time required to
reduce a population of microbes by 90% (a 10-fold, or
one decimal, reduction) at a specified temperature and
specified conditions
– z value: The change in temperature, in ºC, necessary to
cause a tenfold change in the D value of an organism
under specified conditions
– F value: The time in minutes at a specific temperature
(usually 121.1°C or 250 °F) needed to kill a population of
cells or spores
Physical Methods: Moist Heat
• Methods of Moist Heat
– Boiling at 100°C
• Effective against most vegetative cells; ineffective against
spores; unsuitable for heat sensitive chemicals & many foods
– Autoclaving/pressure canning
• Temperatures above 100°C achieved by steam pressure
• Most procedures use 121.1°C, achieved at approx. 15 psi
pressure, with 15 - 30 min autoclave time to ensure
• Sterilization in autoclave in biomedical or clinical laboratory
must by periodically validated by testing with spores of
Clostridium or Bacillus stearothermophilus
Physical Methods: Moist Heat
⚫ Methods of Moist Heat
⚫ Pasteurization is a process of heating a food, which is
usually a liquid, to a specific temperature for a
predefined length of time and then immediately cooling
it after it is removed from the heat. This process slows
spoilage caused by microbial growth in the food.
Used to reduce microbial numbers in milk and other beverages while
retaining flavor and food quality of the beverage
Retards spoilage but does not sterilize
Traditional treatment of milk, 63°C for 30 min
Flash pasteurization (high-temperature short term pasteurization);
quick heating to about 72°C for 15 sec, then rapid cooling
Physical Methods: Moist Heat
Physical Methods: Dry Heat
• Incineration
– Burner flames
– Electric loop incinerators
– Air incinerators used with fermenters; generally
operated at 500°C
• Oven sterilization
– Used for dry glassware & heat-resistant metal
– Typically 2 hr at 160°C is required to kill bacterial spores
by dry heat: this does not include the time for the glass
to reach the required temp (penetration time) nor does
it include the cooling time
Physical Methods:
Low Temperatures
• Refrigerator:
– around 4°C
– inhibits growth of mesophiles or thermophiles;
psychrophiles will grow
• Freezer:
– “ordinary” freezer around -10 to -20°C
– “ultracold” laboratory freezer typically -80°C
– Generally inhibits all growth; many bacteria and other
microbes may survive freezing temperatures
Physical Methods: Filtration
• Ultraviolet Radiation
– DNA absorbs ultraviolet radiation at 260 nm
– This causes damage to DNA in the form of
thymine dimer mutations
– Useful for continuous disinfection of work
surfaces, e.g. in biological safety cabinets
Physical Methods: Radiation
• Ionizing Radiation
– Gamma radiation produced by Cobalt-60 source
– Powerful sterilizing agent; penetrates and damages both
DNA and protein; effective against both vegetative cells and
– Often used for sterilizing disposable plastic labware, e.g.
petri dishes; as well as antibiotics, hormones, sutures, and
other heat-sensitive materials
– Also can be used for sterilization of food; has been approved
but has not been widely adopted by the food industry
Chemical Agents
• Phenolics
• Alcohols
• Halogens
• Heavy metals
• Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
• Aldehydes
• Peptides
• phenol and phenolics (phenol derivatives) such as cresols, xylenols,
and orthophenylphenol - disinfectants in laboratories and hospitals.
• Phenolics act by denaturing proteins and disrupting cell membranes.
• advantages as disinfectants:
• phenolics are tuberculocidal, effective in the presence of organic
material, and remain active on surfaces long after application.
• have a disagreeable odor and can cause skin irritation.
• most widely used disinfectants and antiseptics.
• They are bactericidal and fungicidal but not sporicidal; some
lipid-containing viruses are also destroyed.
• The two most popular alcohol germicides are ethanol and
isopropanol, usually used in about 70 to 80% concentration.
• denaturing proteins and possibly by dissolving membrane lipids.
• A 10 to 15 minute soaking is sufficient to disinfect thermometers and
small instruments.
• fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine
• The halogens iodine and chlorine are important antimicrobial agents.
• used as a skin antiseptic and kills by oxidizing cell constituents and iodinating
cell proteins.
• At higher concentrations- even kill some spores.
• Iodine - tincture of iodine, 2% or more iodine in a water-ethanol solution of
potassium iodide.
• Iodophor-release iodine slowly to minimize skin burns and irritation.
• used in hospitals for preoperative skin degerming and disinfecting.
Heavy Metals
• mercury, silver, arsenic, zinc, and copper - used as germicides.
• 1% solution of silver nitrate is often added to the eyes of infants to prevent
ophthalmic gonorrhea (in many hospitals, erythromycin is used instead of
silver nitrate because it is effective against Chlamydia as well as Neisseria).
• Silver sulfadiazine is used on burns.
• Copper sulfate is an effective algicide in lakes and swimming pools.
• Heavy metals combine with proteins, often with their
sulfhydryl groups, and inactivate them. They may also
precipitate cell proteins.
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
• Anionic, non-ionic and cationic
• cationic detergents are effective disinfectants.
• The most popular of these disinfectants are quaternary ammonium
compounds characterized by a positively charged quaternary
nitrogen and a long hydrophobic aliphatic chain
• They disrupt microbial membranes and may also denature
• Eg.: benzalkonium chloride and cetylpyridinium chloride
• aldehydes, formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde - are highly reactive
• that combine with nucleic acids and proteins and inactivate them,
probably by crosslinking and alkylating molecules
• They are sporicidal and can be used as chemical sterilants.
• Glutaraldehyde is less irritating than formaldehyde - used to
disinfect hospital and laboratory equipment.
• Antibiotics are generally considered to be organic
compounds of low molecular weight produced by
• At low concentration, antibiotics are deleterious to the
growth or other metabolic activities of other
Most of the Antibiotics produced by
• All penicillin like antibiotics inhibit synthesis of peptidoglycan,
an essential part of the cell wall.
• They do not interfere with the synthesis of other intracellular
• These antibiotics do not affect human cells because human
cells do not have cell walls.
• Penicillins are active against Gram positive bacteria
• Some members (e.g. amoxicillin) are also effective against
Gram negative bacteria
• Penicillin was the first important commercial product produced
by an aerobic, submerged fermentation
• First antibiotic to have been manufacture in bulk.
• Used as input material for some semi synthetic antibiotics.
• It is fermented in a batch culture
⚫ Thanks to work by Alexander Fleming (1881-1955), Howard
Florey ( 1898-1968) and Ernst Chain (1906-1979), penicillin
was first produced on a large scale for human use in 1943. At
this time, the development of a pill that could reliably kill
β-lactam 172
Mode of action - Cephalosporins
• Cephalosporins are bactericidal and have the same mode of action
as other β-lactam antibiotics (such as penicillins), but are less
susceptible to β-lactamases.
• Cephalosporins disrupt the synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer of
bacterial cell walls.
• The final transpeptidation step in the synthesis of the peptidoglycan
is facilitated by transpeptidases known as penicillin-binding proteins
(PBPs). PBPs bind to the D-Ala-D-Ala at the end of muropeptides
(peptidoglycan precursors) to crosslink the peptidoglycan.
• Active against both gram positive and negative bacteria
The Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
β-lactam ring
How do they work?
1. The β-lactam binds to Penicillin Binding
Protein (PBP)
2. PBP is unable to crosslink peptidoglycan
3. The bacteria is unable to synthesize a stable
cell wall
4. The bacteria is lysed (cidal effects).
bacteriacidal effect against G+&G-
Peptidoglycan Synthesis
“Penicillin binding
Mode of action of rifampin
• Rifampin has a greater affinity to react with
phosphorus containing biomolecules in the
cell. Thus sulphur containing proteins in the
cell membrane, inside the cells and
phosphorus containing elements like DNA are
likely to be the preferential sites for action of
P. aeruginosa treated with Rifampin
• propidium iodide ------ viable cells counting
• ethidium bromide ----- dead cells counting
❖ Commensalism
Commensalism is a unidirectional relationship
betwen populations in which one population
benefits and the other one is unaffected.
❖ Synergism
Synergism indicates that both populations
benefit from the relationship but the
association is not obligatory. Both
populations are capable of surviving
❖ Mutualism Symbiosis
Mutualism Symbiosis is an obligatory inter-
relationship between two populations that
benefits both of them.
Lichens is composed of a fungus and an
❖ Competition
Competition occurs when two
populations are striving for the same
resource of nutrients or the habitat.
❖ Antagonism
Antagonism occurs when one population
produces a substrate inhibitory to
another population.
❖ Parasitism
the parasite population is benefited and the
host population is harmed.
❖ Predation
VA Mycorrhiza
Functions of mycorrhiza
VA Mycorrhiza
Tolerance to salinity :
❖Soil salinity in arid regions is frequently an important limiting factor
for cultivating agricultural crops.
❖endophytic bacteria can mitigate the effects of salt stress in
different plant species.
❖High K+/Na+ ratios were found in salt-stressed maize in which
selectivity for Na+, K+ and Ca2+ was altered upon inoculation with
❖Micropropagation is an efficient method of propagating large
numbers of genetically uniform plants
❖In vitro bacterization of potato plantlets has been shown to
enhance their transplant stress tolerance thereby eliminating
the need of an expensive greenhouse hardening step, which
even now is commonly used by pre-elite seed potato producers.
❖Plants bacterized in vitro with Pseudomonas fluorescens
strains CHA0 and IP10 were found to have a significantly
higher fresh shoot weight compared to non-bacterized plants 209 in
Bioremediation and phytoremediation
❖ Phytoextraction, actuated by hyperaccumulating or
non-hyperaccumulating species, could be improved by using a
plant-microbe system, thus contributing to novel promising methods
for the cleaning-up of soils contaminated by heavy metals.
❖ Rhizobacteria of the genus Azospirillum have been extensively used
for crop hytostimulation as above stated
❖ The implementation of lead phytoextraction in contaminated industrial
soils by applying A. brasilense Sp245 to plants of indigenous species
belonging to Mediterranean forestry was investigated.
❖ The possible phytoextraction ability was evaluated in Myrtus
communis L. and Laurus nobilis L., previously selected among other
plant species that were found able to grow in the contaminated areas,
on the basis of the Pb content
• The growing speed and the vegetative habitus.
• By trials carried out in greenhouse, it was shown that
• A. brasilense Sp245 can enhance the plant growth in Pb
contaminated soil and affect the plant total lead content. 210
Animal-microbe interactions
Microbe-Human Interactions
❖ The human body exists in a state of dynamic
Contact, Colonization, Infection,
❖ Microbes that engage in mutual or commensal
associations – normal (resident) flora, indigenous
flora, microbiota
Resident Flora
❖ Most areas of the body in contact with the
outside environment harbor resident microbes
❖ Internal organs, tissues, and fluids are
❖ Transients – microbes that occupy the body for
only short periods
❖ Residents – microbes that become established
Resident Flora
• Bacterial flora benefit host by preventing
overgrowth of harmful microbes – microbial
• Endogenous infections – occur when normal
flora is introduced to a site that was
previously sterile
Initial Colonization of the Newborn
• Uterus and contents are normally sterile
and remain so until just before birth
• Breaking of fetal membrane exposes the
infant; all subsequent handling and feeding
continue to introduce what will be normal
Indigenous Flora of Specific Regions
Importance of The Normal
Flora (Advantages)
1. They constitute a protective host defense mechanism by
occupying ecological niches.
The normal flora prevent colonization by pathogens by
competing for attachment sites or for essential nutrients.
This is thought to be their most important beneficial effect,
• Probiotic
– Oral administration of living organisms to promote health
– Mechanism speculative: competition with other bacteria;
stimulation of nonspecific immunity
– Species specific: adherence and growth (tropism)
• Prebiotic
– Non-digestible food that stimulates growth or activity of GI
microbiota, especially bifidobacteria and lactobacillus bacteria
(both of which are noninflammatory)
– Typically a carbohydrate: soluble fiber
Rumen microbes