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A Narrative Review of Defensive Medical Practice in Psychiatry

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BJPsych Open S53

Additionally, only 51% agreed that they felt able to refer a subsequent developments in clinical practice do not outpace the
patient with diabetes to the most appropriate diabetes service research base to fully understand the mechanisms that make
based on type of diabetes and medication prescribed. This high- each MBI effective, for which population and diagnoses.
lights an important issue, as cohesive shared-care and clear referral
pathways are key when considering effective diabetes management.
Conclusion. Psychiatric inpatient admission could be used A Narrative Review of Defensive Medical Practice in
opportunistically to improve the healthcare disparities for people Psychiatry
with comorbid diabetes and SMI. This national survey highlights
key areas that would need to be addressed to standardise and opti- Dr Khalil Hassanally*
mise diabetes care in this setting. This includes appropriate train- CNWL, London, United Kingdom. University of Bristol, Bristol,
ing, clear guidelines and cohesive shared-care pathways. United Kingdom
*Presenting author.
doi: 10.1192/bjo.2022.198
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions
for Anxiety Disorders in Adults: A Systematic Aims. Defensive medical practice has become an increasingly glo-
Narrative Review bal phenomenon and encompasses all medical specialties. In the
UK it was defined in the case of Sidaway v Board of Governors of
Ms Lisa Harrison*, Dr Katja Umla-Runge the Bethlem Royal Hospital [1985] UKHL 1 (21 February 1985) as
and Dr Athanasios Hassoulas “the practice of doctors advising and undertaking the treatment
Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom which they think is legally safe even though they may believe
*Presenting author. that it is not the best for their patient”. This narrative review sur-
veys the literature to establish the forms in which defensive prac-
doi: 10.1192/bjo.2022.197 tice may manifest itself within psychiatry.
Aims. In recent years there has been accelerated clinical interest in Methods. In this narrative review, various terms pertaining to
Mindfulness based interventions (MBI’s) leading to an upswell defensive medical practice in psychiatry were searched in both
in research due the impact of its wide clinical application. medical and legal databases.
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Acceptance Results. Though the literature in psychiatry compared to other
and Commitment Therapy (ACT) have recently been investigated medical specialties is more limited, some common themes occur
for the beneficial treatment of anxiety-based disorders in adults. across all jurisdictions surveyed. Defensive psychiatric practice
The aim of the current review was to appraise and synthesise find- included admitting the patient even though they may be managed
ings of studies published within the last decade, in determining within the community (as reported by 21% of psychiatrists surveyed
the efficacy of MBCT and ACT in treating anxiety disorders in in the North of England) and employing more coercive practice,
adults, given gaps identified in the existing literature. either using the mental health legislation or implied or actual threats.
Methods. Scoping searches were conducted using MEDLINE, Once hospitalised, defensive practice manifests itself by placing
PsycINFO, Emcare, and Cochrane databases. The Synthesis patients on higher levels of nursing observations than necessary.
Without Meta-analysis protocol (SWiM) was adopted for this Across inpatient and outpatient settings between one and two
review, in evaluating the efficacy of MBCT and ACT for anxiety thirds of psychiatrists reported altering the way they document to
disorders in adults. The review was conducted in accordance attend to medicolegal considerations. Prescribing habits were also
with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and altered due to fears of litigation; an Israeli study found that almost
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Standards. half of psychiatrists surveyed reported they prescribed smaller
Results. The results of this review suggest that MBCT and ACT doses of medication than what they felt was required to pregnant
are effective therapeutic modalities in improving anxiety in woman and ninety percent reported the same when it came to
adult populations. The results are, however, tentative. Whilst the treatment of elderly patients.
both MBI’s show promise in the treatment of anxiety disorders, When looked at by seniority it was felt that junior doctors were
with the paucity of existing systematic reviews and methodo- more prone to admitting patients defensively than consultants. In
logical flaws within overall primary study design, the results this respect, psychiatry differs from most other medical specialties
should be interpreted with caution. as, in general, the evidence suggests that increased seniority is
Conclusion. The overall therapeutic effectiveness of MBI’s has more likely to lead to admission.
been assessed and the general data support its efficacy. Conclusion. Defensive practice in psychiatry appears to be wide-
However, a judicious approach is required as results continue to spread and takes a number of different forms. However, the
remain inconclusive grounded in the totality of the evidence. research in psychiatry is limited and does not explore key areas
The current review revealed the ongoing methodological con- common to other medical specialties such as clinician avoidance
cerns encountered in determining the comparative effectiveness of of certain cases or increased use of diagnostic tests. Furthermore,
MBCT and ACT for anxiety disorders in adults. Due to the cur- there is little examination of how psychiatrists may utilise mental
rent limited number of comparative studies of mindfulness based health legislation within their defensive practice.
with mindfulness informed interventions, it could be suggested
that a lack of systematic research is slowly influencing a collective
understanding of MBI’s being a homogenous group of treatments. Breast Feeding Experiences of NHS Staff Returning to
The lack of delineation can have an impact on research, clinical Work From Maternity Leave: A National Study
practice and policy making. Further high quality research is
required to continue to bridge the science practice gap. Without Dr Hollie Hearfield1*, Dr Jennie Collier2 and Dr Fauzia Paize3
depth of understandings associated with the mechanisms of Ancora House, Chester, United Kingdom; 2Wirral CAMHS, Wirral,
change and the impact that contextual aspects have on the out- United Kingdom and 3Liverpool Women’s Hospital, Liverpool,
come effectiveness, there are significant implications for practice United Kingdom
and patient care. It is of importance that the adaptation and *Presenting author.

https://doi.org/10.1192/bjo.2022.198 Published online by Cambridge University Press

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