Eges4202 DTC

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Diagnostic Trouble Codes

DTC SPN FMI Circuit Condition Description

1112 168 3 EIM PWR (page 350) B+ to EIM out-of-range HIGH
1113 168 4 EIM PWR (page 350) B+ to EIM out-of-range LOW
1114 110 4 ECT (page 308) ECT signal out-of-range LOW
1115 110 3 ECT (page 308) ECT signal out-of-range HIGH
1119 110 12 EWPS (page 371) ECT temperature above maximum
1121 102 3 MAP (page 414) MAP signal out-of-range HIGH
1122 102 4 MAP (page 414) MAP signal out-of-range LOW
1124 164 4 FRP (page 381) FRP signal out-of-range LOW
1125 164 3 FRP (page 381) FRP signal out-of-range HIGH
1129 91 0 APS/IVS (page 241) APS VREF out-of-range HIGH
1130 91 1 APS/IVS (page 241) APS VREF out-of-range LOW
1131 91 4 APS/IVS (page 241) APS signal out-of-range LOW
1132 91 3 APS/IVS (page 241) APS signal out-of-range HIGH
1133 91 2 APS/IVS (page 241) APS in-range fault
1134 91 7 APS/IVS (page 241) APS and IVS disagree
1135 558 11 APS/IVS (page 241) IVS signal fault
1136 94 4 EFP (page 316) EFP signal out-of-range LOW
1137 94 3 EFP (page 316) EFP signal out-of-range HIGH
1141 84 4 Truck VSS signal out-of-range LOW
1142 84 3 Truck VSS signal out-of-range HIGH
1148 84 8 Truck VSS circuit frequency out-of-range HIGH
1149 84 2 Truck VSS anti-tampering fault
1151 108 3 ECM Self (page 279) BAP signal out-of-range HIGH
1152 108 4 ECM Self (page 279) BAP signal out-of-range LOW
1153 108 10 ECM Self (page 279) BAP signal abnormal rate of change
1154 171 4 IAT (page 392) IAT signal out-of-range LOW
1155 171 3 IAT (page 392) IAT signal out-of-range HIGH
1158 1131 0 IAT2 (page 414) IAT2 Temp above maximum
1159 1131 3 IAT2 (page 414) IAT2 signal out-of-range HIGH
1160 1131 4 IAT2 (page 414) IAT2 signal out-of-range LOW
1161 105 4 MAT (page 419) MAT signal out-of-range LOW
1162 105 3 MAT (page 419) MAT signal out-of-range HIGH
1163 2791 4 EGRP (page 329) EGRP signal out-of-range LOW

Read all safety instructions in the "Safety Information" section of this manual before doing any procedures.
Follow all warnings, cautions, and notes.
© December 2009 Navistar, Inc.

DTC SPN FMI Circuit Condition Description

1164 2791 3 EGRP (page 329) EGRP signal out-of-range HIGH
1166 105 0 AMS (page 236) MAT temperature above maximum
1211 100 4 EOP (page 363) EOP signal out-of-range LOW
1212 100 3 EOP (page 363) EOP signal out-of-range HIGH
1214 8029 3 Truck Remote throttle signal out-of-range HIGH
1221 536 2 Truck SCCS switch circuit fault
1222 597 2 Truck Brake switch disagreement
1236 111 2 ECL (page 302) ECL switch circuit fault
1245 7272 0 EFAN (variable speed) Fan speed above desired
(page 431)
1246 7272 11 EFAN (two speed) EFAN control circuit fault
(page 428)
1246 7272 11 EFAN (variable speed) EFAN control circuit fault
(page 431)
1256 7312 5 BCS (page 251) Boost Control Solenoid open circuit
1257 7312 11 BCS (page 251) Boost Control Solenoid short circuit
1258 7320 5 CMV (page 275) Coolant Mixer Valve open circuit
1259 7320 11 CMV (page 275) Coolant Mixer Valve short circuit
1260 7321 5 CFV (page 264) Coolant Flow Valve open circuit
1261 7321 11 CFV (page 264) Coolant Flow Valve short circuit
1286 51 7 ITV (page 408) ITV unable to achieve commanded position
1289 51 0 ITV (page 408) ITV overtemperature
1295 3464 5 ITV (page 408) Intake Throttle Valve open circuit
1296 3464 11 ITV (page 408) Intake Throttle Valve short circuit
1297 51 5 ITV (page 408) ITV no input signal
1298 51 2 ITV (page 408) ITV operation fault – under V, over amp, over temp
1311 175 4 EOT (page 367) EOT signal out-of-range LOW
1312 175 3 EOT (page 367) EOT signal out-of-range HIGH
1371 676 18 CSS (page 291) Cold Start Solenoid fault
1372 676 17 CSR (page 285) Cold Start Relay control fault
1373 7263 11 CSR (page 285) Cold Start Relay fault
1375 7264 7 CSR (page 285) Cold Start Relay circuit fault
1377 1136 3 ECM Self (page 279) ECM Temp above maximum
1378 1136 4 ECM Self (page 279) ECM Temp below minimum
1379 158 0 ECM Self (page 279) B+ to ECM out-of-range HIGH

Read all safety instructions in the "Safety Information" section of this manual before doing any procedures.
Follow all warnings, cautions, and notes.
© December 2009 Navistar, Inc.

DTC SPN FMI Circuit Condition Description

1380 158 1 ECM PWR (page 305) B+ to ECM out-of-range LOW
1381 158 3 ECM PWR (page 305) B+ to ECM out-of-range spiked HIGH
1382 158 4 ECM PWR (page 305) B+ to ECM out-of-range spiked LOW
1607 8021 5 CMP (page 271) CMP - No signal
1608 8021 7 CMP (page 271) CMP sensor angle based phase system error
1609 8021 8 CMP (page 271) CMP sensor time based phase system
1610 8021 14 CMP (page 271) CMP circuits reversed
1611 8021 3 CMP (page 271) CMP signal out-of-range HIGH
1612 8021 4 CMP (page 271) CMP signal out-of-range LOW
1614 8064 3 CKP (page 268) CKP signal out-of-range HIGH
1615 8064 4 CKP (page 268) CKP signal out-of-range LOW
1616 1442 5 FPCV (page 377) Fuel Pressure Control Valve open circuit
1617 1442 11 FPCV (page 377) Fuel Pressure Control Valve short circuit
1618 1119 0 ELS (page 356) Lambda Sensor correction value above normal
1619 1119 1 ELS (page 356) Lambda Sensor not plausible
1620 1119 2 ELS (page 356) Lambda Sensor circuit intermittent contact
1621 1119 5 ELS (page 356) Lambda Sensor monitoring below lower limit
1622 1119 7 ELS (page 356) Lambda Sensor circuit fault
1623 1119 11 ELS (page 356) Lambda heater circuit fault
1624 7319 16 ELS (page 356) Lambda Temp calculation above normal
1625 7319 17 ELS (page 356) Lambda Temp calculation below normal
1626 7319 18 ELS (page 356) Lambda Temp calibration calculation value above
1627 7319 19 ELS (page 356) Lambda Temp calibration calculation value below
1628 1119 22 ELS (page 356) Lambda Sensor Temp above maximum
1629 1119 12 ELS (page 356) Lambda Sensor not detected in exhaust system
1630 1119 15 ELS (page 356) Lambda Sensor SPI communication error status
1635 7311 4 ECT2 (page 312) ECT2 signal out-of-range LOW
1636 7311 3 ECT2 (page 312) ECT2 signal out-of-range HIGH
1729 3251 4 EGDP (page 320) EGDP signal out-of-range LOW
1731 3251 3 EGDP (page 320) EGDP signal out-of-range HIGH
1737 3241 4 EGT1 (page 336) EGT1 signal out-of-range LOW
1738 3241 3 EGT1 (page 336) EGT1 signal out-of-range HIGH

Read all safety instructions in the "Safety Information" section of this manual before doing any procedures.
Follow all warnings, cautions, and notes.
© December 2009 Navistar, Inc.

DTC SPN FMI Circuit Condition Description

1741 3242 4 EGT2 (page 341) EGT2 signal out-of-range LOW
1742 3242 3 EGT2 (page 341) EGT2 signal out-of-range HIGH
1744 3245 4 EGT3 (page 345) EGT3 signal out-of-range LOW
1745 3245 3 EGT3 (page 345) EGT3 signal out-of-range HIGH
2212 175 0 EWPS (page 371) EOT Temp above maximum
2235 8354 1 FRP SYS (page 385) FRP unable to build during engine cranking
2243 8351 7 FRP SYS (page 385) FRP above pressure relieve valve limitation
2244 8351 0 FRP SYS (page 385) Fuel Rail Pressure Relief Valve opened (pressure
was too high)
2245 8352 1 FRP SYS (page 385) Fuel Pressure Controller output high at low idle
2246 8352 0 FRP SYS (page 385) FRP above or below desired
2247 8353 7 FRP SYS (page 385) HP fuel pump erratic fuel quantity balancing
2248 8354 0 FRP SYS (page 385) Fuel Rail pressure above maximum
2310 100 10 EOP (page 363) EOP abnormal rate of change
2311 100 0 EOP (page 363) EOP above maximum
2312 100 11 EWPS (page 371) EOP below minimum
2313 100 1 EWPS (page 371) EOP below warning level
2314 100 7 EWPS (page 371) EOP below critical level
2315 190 0 EWPS (page 371) Engine speed above warning level
2316 190 16 EWPS (page 371) Engine speed above maximum at ECM
2317 84 0 Truck VSS value above programmable limit 1
2318 84 14 Truck VSS value above programmable limit 2
2321 110 0 EWPS (page 371) ECT above warning level
2322 110 7 EWPS (page 371) ECT above critical level
2323 111 1 EWPS (page 371) ECL below warning/critical level
2324 593 14 IST (California - Engine stopped by IST
Standard) (page 404)
2324 593 14 IST (Federal - Engine stopped by IST
Optional) (page 406)
2325 110 14 EWPS (page 371) ECT value reached de-rate temperature
2351 7129 1 AMS (page 236) EBP below desired level
2352 7129 0 AMS (page 236) EBP above desired level
2357 7129 7 AMS (page 236) Retarder control valve unable to achieve desired
2369 1378 2 Service (page 427) Engine oil service required
2370 94 17 Service (page 427) Fuel filter change reminder

Read all safety instructions in the "Safety Information" section of this manual before doing any procedures.
Follow all warnings, cautions, and notes.
© December 2009 Navistar, Inc.

DTC SPN FMI Circuit Condition Description

2371 94 0 EFP (page 316) Fuel pressure above normal
2372 94 1 EFP (page 316) Fuel pressure below normal
2391 2791 11 EGR (page 325) EGR valve internal circuit failure
2674 3242 2 EGT2 (page 341) EGT2 signal in-range fault
2675 3241 2 EGT1 (page 336) EGT1 signal in-range fault
2676 3245 2 EGT3 (page 345) EGT3 signal in-range fault
2687 8302 1 AFT SYS (page 225) DPF low flow resistance
2698 3251 0 AFT SYS (page 225) DPF high restriction
2732 3251 2 EGDP (page 320) EGDP stuck in-range fault
2773 8303 10 AFT SYS (page 225) DOC unable to reach regen temp
2774 8303 1 AFT SYS (page 225) DOC efficiency - AFI low flow
3333 164 0 FRP SYS (page 385) Fuel Rail Pressure above maximum
3341 7129 4 EBP (page 298) EBP signal out-of-range LOW
3342 7129 3 EBP (page 298) EBP signal out-of-range HIGH
3787 8326 2 AFT SYS (page 225) DPF cleanliness test - soot level too high
4421 8001 5 INJ (page 396) Cyl 1 open coil: open circuit
4422 8002 5 INJ (page 396) Cyl 2 open coil: open circuit
4423 8003 5 INJ (page 396) Cyl 3 open coil: open circuit
4424 8004 5 INJ (page 396) Cyl 4 open coil: open circuit
4425 8005 5 INJ (page 396) Cyl 5 open coil: open circuit
4426 8006 5 INJ (page 396) Cyl 6 open coil: open circuit
4511 8358 2 ECM Self (page 279) Bank A Injector driver over voltage
4512 8358 3 ECM Self (page 279) Bank A Injector driver under voltage
4513 8358 4 ECM Self (page 279) Bank A Injector driver under current
4514 8358 5 ECM Self (page 279) Bank A Injector driver over current
4515 8358 6 ECM Self (page 279) Bank A Injector low driver over current
4516 8358 8 ECM Self (page 279) Bank A Injector on phase time-out
4517 8358 10 ECM Self (page 279) Bank A Injector time-out
4521 8359 2 ECM Self (page 279) Bank B Injector driver over voltage
4522 8359 3 ECM Self (page 279) Bank B Injector driver under voltage
4523 8359 4 ECM Self (page 279) Bank B Injector driver under current
4524 8359 5 ECM Self (page 279) Bank B Injector driver over current
4525 8359 6 ECM Self (page 279) Bank B Injector low driver over current
4526 8359 8 ECM Self (page 279) Bank B Injector on phase time-out

Read all safety instructions in the "Safety Information" section of this manual before doing any procedures.
Follow all warnings, cautions, and notes.
© December 2009 Navistar, Inc.

DTC SPN FMI Circuit Condition Description

4527 8359 10 ECM Self (page 279) Bank B Injector time-out
4528 7253 14 ECM Self (page 279) ECM Error - Injector control out of normal operating
4553 8064 5 CKP (page 268) CKP - No signal, open circuit
4554 8064 7 CKP (page 268) CKP missing gap detection error
4555 8064 8 CKP (page 268) CKP excessive pulses
4556 8064 14 CKP (page 268) CKP circuits reversed
4571 8001 0 CYL BAL (page 295) Cyl 1 cyl balance max limit exceeded
4572 8002 0 CYL BAL (page 295) Cyl 2 cyl balance max limit exceeded
4573 8003 0 CYL BAL (page 295) Cyl 3 cyl balance max limit exceeded
4574 8004 0 CYL BAL (page 295) Cyl 4 cyl balance max limit exceeded
4575 8005 0 CYL BAL (page 295) Cyl 5 cyl balance max limit exceeded
4576 8006 0 CYL BAL (page 295) Cyl 6 cyl balance max limit exceeded
5536 8253 1 EIM Self (page 279) EIM Error - Manufacturing defaults were selected
5541 8254 8 EIM Self (page 279) EIM Error - Unexpected reset fault
5549 8240 11 EIM Self (page 279) EIM Error - RAM programmable parameter list
5558 7314 4 AFP (page 216) AFP VREF out-of-range
5559 7310 2 AFT (page 225) AFP sensor failed ambient pressure test
5560 7310 4 AFP (page 216) AFP signal out-of-range LOW
5561 7310 3 AFP (page 216) AFP signal out-of-range HIGH
5565 7313 5 Retarder Control Retarder control valve open circuit
(page 423)
5566 7313 11 Retarder Control Retarder control valve short circuit
(page 423)
5632 8254 12 EIM Self (page 279) EIM Error - RAM/CPU self-test fault
5637 3511 5 ECM Self (page 279) ECM Error - Fuel Rail Pressure error
6233 3511 3 FRP (page 381) FRP VREF out-of-range HIGH
6234 3511 4 FRP (page 381) FRP VREF out-of-range LOW
6258 102 7 AMS (page 236) Boost below desired
6259 2791 7 EGRP (page 329) EGR control valve unable to achieve commanded
6260 2791 0 EGRP (page 329) EGRP unable to detect close position
6262 2791 5 EGR (page 325) EGR control valve open circuit
6270 2791 14 EGRP (page 329) EGRP valve stuck open
6271 2791 12 EGRP (page 329) EGRP valve stuck closed

Read all safety instructions in the "Safety Information" section of this manual before doing any procedures.
Follow all warnings, cautions, and notes.
© December 2009 Navistar, Inc.

DTC SPN FMI Circuit Condition Description

6314 8342 7 CAN Private (page ECM CAN message not received from EIM
6315 8309 2 CAN Private (page ACM CAN message not received from ECM
6316 8311 2 CAN Private (page ACM CAN message not received from EIM
6317 8316 2 CAN Private (page EIM CAN message not received from ACM
6318 8342 14 CAN Private (page EIM CAN message not received from ECM
6319 8487 19 EIM Self (page 279) EFRC information not received by ECM
6320 8484 19 EIM Self (page 279) EFRC invalid value or time-out by ECM
6321 7311 0 EWPS (page 371) ECT2 above warning level
6322 7311 7 EWPS (page 371) ECT2 above critical level
6813 3241 0 EGT1(page 336) EGT1 or EGT2 high temp without regen
EGT2 (page 341)
6814 3242 7 AFT SYS (page 225) EGT2 Temp above maximum severe
6817 3245 7 AFT SYS (page 225) EGT3 Temp above maximum severe
6823 7311 14 EWPS (page 371) ECT2 Temp above maximum
6835 8491 14 Truck Auxiliary engine shutdown input circuit out-of-range
6840 51 12 ITV (page 408) ITV broken spring or linkage
6841 51 8 ITV (page 408) ITV feedback outside duty cycle range
6842 51 19 ITV (page 408) ITV feedback signal not plausible
6900 8305 12 AFI (page 212) AFI circuit fault
6901 8306 5 AFS (page 221) AFS Valve circuit fault
6902 8307 5 AFD (page 208) AFD Valve circuit fault
6905 8306 7 AFT SYS (page 225) Aftertreatment fuel leak: fuel line, AFD, or AFI
6906 8306 14 AFS (page 221) AFS valve and AFD valve connections reversed
AFD (page 208)
6910 8307 12 AFT SYS (page 225) AFD valve fail to open
6912 8308 7 AFT SYS (page 225) AFP above normal with AFS closed
6913 7310 7 AFT SYS (page 225) AFP above normal with AFD open
6914 7310 1 AFT SYS (page 225) AFP below normal during DPF regen

Read all safety instructions in the "Safety Information" section of this manual before doing any procedures.
Follow all warnings, cautions, and notes.
© December 2009 Navistar, Inc.

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