Finite Key Effects in Satellite Quantum Key Distribution: Article
Finite Key Effects in Satellite Quantum Key Distribution: Article
Finite Key Effects in Satellite Quantum Key Distribution: Article
Global quantum communications will enable long-distance secure data transfer, networked distributed quantum information
processing, and other entanglement-enabled technologies. Satellite quantum communication overcomes optical fibre range limitations,
with the first realisations of satellite quantum key distribution (SatQKD) being rapidly developed. However, limited transmission times
between satellite and ground station severely constrains the amount of secret key due to finite-block size effects. Here, we analyse
these effects and the implications for system design and operation, utilising published results from the Micius satellite to construct an
empirically-derived channel and system model for a trusted-node downlink employing efficient Bennett-Brassard 1984 (BB84) weak
coherent pulse decoy states with optimised parameters. We quantify practical SatQKD performance limits and examine the effects of
link efficiency, background light, source quality, and overpass geometries to estimate long-term key generation capacity. Our results
may guide design and analysis of future missions, and establish performance benchmarks for both sources and detectors.
npj Quantum Information (2022)8:18 ;
SUPA Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G4 0NG, UK. 2These authors contributed equally: Jasminder S. Sidhu, Thomas Brougham.
✉email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Fig. 1 Satellite-to-ground QKD model. a General satellite overpass geometry for circular orbit of altitude h50. Maximum elevation θmax
reached when satellite—OGS ground track distance is at a minimum, dmin . The smallest θmax , θ max , that generates finite key defines the key-
generation footprint 2dþ min . b Zenith overpass maximises transmission time with lowest average channel loss. Quantum transmission is limited
to above θmin . c Zenith overpass channel loss vs time/elevation (based on ref. 42 data). Link loss varies with range (R−2 diffraction fall-off ) and
the atmospheric optical depth (attenuation and turbulence). Peak link loss ηlink at zenith characterises the system loss performance level,
denoted ηsys
loss . Additional constant losses (independent of range and elevation) are modelled by constant dB offset to the link loss curve, hence
also off-setting ηsys sys
loss . d Modelled sifted key rate and QBER vs time/elevation. Zenith overpass, ηloss ¼ 27 dB, pec = 5 × 10 , and QBERI = 0.5%.
BB84 WCP-DS protocol parameters: fs = 200 MHz, μ1,2,3 = 0.5, 0.08, 0.0, p1,2,3 = 0.72, 0.18, 0.1, with pX = 0.889, 0.9 for the transmitter and
receiver basis bias, respectively, as in ref. 45. Shaded region indicates elevation below θmin ¼ 10 .
downlink QKD to an OGS at night to minimise background light. perform differently. Though the link efficiency in ref. 42 is for the
The elevation and range is calculated as a function of time for entanglement distribution system, not the optimised prepare-
different overpass geometries representing different ground track measure QKD downlink system as reported in ref. 45, it should still
offsets and maximum elevations for the overpass (Fig. 1a). The be representative of downlink efficiencies and sifted key rates
instantaneous link efficiency ηlink is calculated as a function of the achievable with current technologies (Fig. 1d).
elevation θ(t) and range R(t) to generate expected detector count Systems with higher link losses are also considered. The system
statistics. The quantum link is restricted to be above θmin ¼ 10 . loss metric, ηsys
loss , is used to characterise the overall system electro-
The link loss ηlink ¼ 10log10 pd (dB) is determined by the optical efficiency independent of the overpass geometry, and is
probability, pd, that a single photon transmitted by the satellite is defined as the ηloss value at zenith, i.e. the maximum probability of
detected by the OGS. A lower dB value of ηlink represents smaller detecting a single photon sent from the satellite to the OGS.
loss due to better system electro-optical efficiency. This improve- Worse performing systems have a larger associated ηsys loss . The
ment could stem from the use of larger transmit and receive baseline ηsys
loss value considered is 27 dB, which corresponds to the
aperture diameters, better pointing accuracy, lower receiver internal improved Micius system using a 1.2 m diameter OGS receiver at
losses, and higher detector efficiencies. Internal transmitter losses Delingha42. By increasing the value of this metric, we explore the
are not included since they can be countered by adjusting the WCP performance of SatQKD systems with greater fixed losses, e.g.
source to maintain the desired exit aperture intensities37. We also using a smaller OGS, but otherwise similar behaviour to the Micius
do not explicitly consider time-varying transmittance, modelling the system. We consider a maximum ηsys loss value of 40 dB since this
average change in channel loss due only to the change in elevation reflects realistic SatQKD operation using smaller OGS receiver
with time. For discrete variable QKD (DV-QKD) protocols, e.g. BB84, diameters and a reduced pointing accuracy of smaller satellites. If
channel transmissivity fluctuations do not directly impact the secret the time-averaged ground spot is much larger than the OGS
key rate, in contrast to continuous variable QKD where this appears diameter Dr, ηsysloss scales as 20log10 ðDr =Dr Þ (dB) where D r ¼ 1:2 m
0 0
as excess noise leading to key reduction43,44. is the reference Delingha OGS diameter.
The ideal overpass corresponds to the satellite traversing the Estimating the effect of transmitter aperture (Dt) is more
OGS zenith (Fig. 1b) giving the longest transmission time with complex since factors other than diffraction, such as pointing
lowest average channel loss. Generally, an overpass will not pass performance and turbulence, also determine the time-averaged
directly overhead but will reach a maximum elevation θmax ð<90 Þ. ground spot size46,47. Micius, with Dt of 180 mm and 300 mm and
We model total losses, including pointing and atmospheric effects, sub-μrad pointing performance, reported 10 μrad beam widths42
using Micius in-orbit measurements (ref. 42 Extended data, Fig. 3b) which suggests the presence of non-diffraction-limited beam
to construct a representative ηlink vs θ curve extrapolating over the spreading effects that may result in a smaller dependence of ηsys loss
entire horizon to horizon passage time (Fig. 1c). The Micius data on Dt. A smaller Dt could result in a smaller increase in ηsys loss than
represent a near ideal scenario since the OGSs are situated in dark given by purely diffractive beam broadening, conversely using a
sky conditions at high altitudes of ~3000 m minimising the effects larger Dt may not significantly improve ηsys loss if pointing and
of atmospheric turbulence and attenuation, other sites may turbulence losses dominate. We refer the reader to detailed
npj Quantum Information (2022) 18 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales
J.S. Sidhu et al.
assumed parameters. However, the security guarantee for this
Table 1. Baseline SatQKD system parameters. λEC depends on block
procedure requires closer examination.
size and QBERI = 0.5% is consistent with Micius results19.
Here instead, we process overpass data as a single block
Description Parameter Value without segmentation, incorporating finite statistics and uncer-
tainties to maintain high levels of composable security with
Intrinsic QBER QBERI 5 × 10−3
SKLfinite ¼ SKL nμk ; mμk ; (3)
Afterpulse probability pap 1 × 10−3
Extraneous count probability/pulse pec 5 × 10−7
where fnμk ; mμk g denote agglomerated observed counts without
partitioning into sub-segments (see ‘Methods’ section ‘Finite key
Source rate fs 1 × 108 Hz analysis for decoy-state BB84’). This is more practical for large
Correctness parameter ϵc 10−15 constellations28,53 and OGS numbers, obviating the need to track
Secrecy parameter ϵs 10−9 and store a combinatorially large number of link segments until
Error correction efficiency λEC See text each has attained a sufficiently large block size for asymptotic key
Baseline system loss metric ηsys 27 dB
extraction. Note that we have the freedom of constructing block
sizes in this manner since the security of the distilled finite key
Orbital altitude h 500 km remains unaffected. However, an important requirement in finite
Minimum transmission elevation θmin 10∘ key analyses is the assumption that each block is randomly
We sum detector dark count and background rate in pec. A reported sampled at a constant and uniform rate. This requires both the
background count rate 500–2000 cps per detector (Moon position protocol parameters and the fraction of X to Z bases be kept the
dependent) lower bounds pec by 5 × 10−7 73, assuming a 1 ns coincidence same. We do not make any assumptions on the underlying
window. statistics for each data block, which are not required to be the
same. Instead, we require only information on the count statistics
analyses of atmospheric turbulence48 or extinction49, and more for the entire overpass.
recent works where their effects on SatQKD are considered46,50,51.
We simplify our model by including several quantities in the Finite key length analysis
parameters pec and QBERI. The sum of dark and background light We now quantify SatQKD system performance and SKL generation
count rates, pec, is assumed constant and independent of from different satellite overpasses. We employ the efficient BB84
elevation. The intrinsic quantum bit error rate, QBERI, combines protocol with weak coherent pulses (WCPs)6 for which tight finite-
errors arising from source quality, receiver measurement fidelity, key security bounds have been derived for one34 and two33 decoy
basis misalignment, and polarisation fluctuations52. Baseline states. The performance of one and two-decoy states is similar,
system parameters are summarised in Table 1. however using two decoy states allows better vacuum yield
estimation, useful in high loss operation. We optimise the two-
SatQKD Operations decoy state protocol parameters and the amount of overpass data
used in a block to explore the dependence of the single-pass SKL on
A standard model of SatQKD uses large, fixed, and long-term OGSs
different variables and derive an expected long term key volume.
to establish links with satellites29. A more demanding scenario is
The efficient BB84 protocol54 encodes signals in X and Z bases
where the OGS may only be able to communicate sporadically
with unequal probabilities pX and 1 − pX, respectively. One basis is
with a particular satellite, limiting the amount of data that can be
used exclusively for key generation and the other only for
processed as a single large block, e.g. smaller, mobile OGS
parameter estimation. We choose to use the error rate of the
terminals may be required to generate a key from a limited
announced sifted Z basis to bound leaked information from the
number of passes, possibly only one, due to operational
sifted X basis raw key. Biased basis choice improves the sifting
constraints. In contrast, fibre-based QKD can often assume a
ratio whilst retaining security. In the asymptotic regime, the sifting
stable quantum channel able to be operated continuously until a
ratio tends to 1, versus 0.5 for symmetric basis choice (original
sufficiently large block size is attained. High count rates and large
BB84). This sifting ratio advantage persists in the finite key regime
block sizes, e.g. 1012, are generally more feasible in fibre-
(see section ‘Protocol performance’) resulting in a longer raw
based QKD.
sifted key that reduces parameter estimation uncertainties and
In SatQKD, often the theoretical instantaneous asymptotic key
provides more raw key to distil.
rate R1 ðtÞ is integrated over the overpass to give the continuous
For the two decoy-state WCP BB84 protocol, the sender
secret key length (SKL)28,29,
Z tend randomly transmits one of three intensities μj for j ∈ {1, 2, 3} with
probabilities pj. For the purposes of the security proof, we assume
1 ¼ R1 ðtÞdt; (1) the intensities satisfy μ1 > μ2 > μ3 = 0. The finite block secret key
t start
length is then given by33,
where the quantum transmission occurs between times tstart and $ %
tend. Data segments from multiple passes with identical statistics 21 2
should be combined to yield an asymptotically large block for ℓ ¼ sX;0 þ sX;1 ð1 hðϕX ÞÞ λEC 6log2 log2 ; (4)
ϵs ϵc
post-processing. More practically, small blocks, each having similar
statistics, from different passes are combined to give the following where sX,0, sX,1 and ϕX, are the X-basis vacuum yield, single-photon
SKL, yield and phase error rates, respectively. In contrast to fibre-optic
X based systems, the size of the sifted X-basis data block cannot
1 ¼ RðjÞ
1 Lj ; (2) easily be fixed for satellite-based QKD. Instead the number of
pulses N sent per pass is determined by the source repetition rate
where Rj1 is the asymptotic key rate for a small segment j, and Lj and the time available during a satellite overpass. In the
its length. Operationally, this leads to considerable latency asymptotic sample size limit (Eq. (2)), the X and Z basis data
between establishing a first satellite-OGS link and the generation block sizes are straightforwardly determined by N, the pulse
of secret keys after a sufficient number of subsequent overpasses. detection probability (itself a function of time), and the sifting
A less restrictive mode of operation is to combine data from ratio. However, finitely sized samples generate observed statistics
multiple passes without segmenting into data blocks with similar that deviate from asymptotic expectations. Taking this into
statistics, and processing using asymptotically determined or account can significantly reduce the SKL and we employ
Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales npj Quantum Information (2022) 18
J.S. Sidhu et al.
correction terms δXðZÞ;k
that relate the expected and observed Elevation (Degrees)
statistics for bases X(Z) with a k-photon state, using the tight 90 52.1 31.1 19.6 12.4 7.2 3.2
107 3.5
multiplicative Chernoff bound36 (see ‘Methods’ ‘Finite key analysis
for decoy-state BB84’ and ref. 55 for software details). 3.0
QBER (%)
27 dB
regime, this information leakage has a fundamental upper bound 105 33 dB 2.0
λEC log jMj, where M characterises the set of syndromes in the 40 dB
information reconciliation stage35. We use an estimate of λEC that 1.5
varies with block size (Eq. (9)). 104
We characterise the reliability and security of the protocol by 1.0
two parameters, ϵc and ϵs. The protocol is ε = ϵc + ϵs-secure if it is
ϵc-correct and ϵs-secret33,56. For the numerical optimisation, we 103 0.5
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
take ϵc = 10−15 and ϵs = 10−9. Conditioned on passing the checks Time window (Δt)
in the error-estimation and error-correction verification steps, an
ϵs-secret key of length ℓ can be generated that is secure against Fig. 2 Secret key length and QBER vs transmission duration.
general coherent attacks and is universally composable56. This Zenith overpass with different ηsys loss (solid lines), QBERI = 0.5%, and
pec = 5 × 10−7. Dashed lines represent truncated block QBERs. For
indicates it is not possible for a malicious party to take advantage each Δt, the SKL extractable from received data within −Δt to +Δt is
of changes to any underlying statistics in each data block that may optimised over protocol parameters. For the better ηsys loss values,
arise due to changes in channel losses in SatQKD. increasing Δt beyond 200 s leads to minor SKL improvement. For
In the following sections, we highlight constraints arising from the larger ηsys
loss , including data from low elevations is detrimental to the
quantum communication link and its implications for system design. SKL as seen by an increase in the truncated block averaged QBER.
It is also important to consider the constraints arising from the The non-smooth QBER appears since it is not the objective function
classical communication link. This is particularly important for SatQKD of the optimisation. The shaded region indicates the time when the
operations. We can use our finite key optimiser to provide an estimate satellite elevation is lower than θmin ¼ 10 .
for the number of classical bit transmission required in SatQKD for the
baseline system parameters summarised in Table 1 with ηsys loss ¼40 dB transmitting to an OGS with Dr = 21.3 cm, keeping all other
(see ‘Methods’ section ‘Classical communications for SatQKD’). system parameters the same.
We first consider how the SKL is affected by pec, which includes
Transmission time window optimisation both detector dark counts and background light. For DV-QKD,
A satellite overpass is limited in duration and experiences highly silicon single photon avalanche photodiodes (Si-SPADs) are
varying channel loss, hence the expected count rates and QBER will typically used for visible or near infrared wavelengths and can
change significantly throughout the pass. The received data achieve a dark count rate of a few counts per second with
obtained from lower elevations will have higher QBER compared thermoelectric cooling and temporal filtering58. Superconducting
to signals sent from higher elevations due to greater losses and the nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs)59 can offer superior
contribution of extraneous counts. This suggests that the SKL that wavelength sensitivity (particularly beyond 1 μm), dark count rate
could be extracted could be optimised by truncating poorer quality (less than 1 cps), and timing jitter, though at the expense of
data from the beginning and end of the transmission period in greater cost, size, weight, and power (SWaP), owing to the need
some circumstances, despite resulting in a shorter raw block57. for cryogenic operation. Background light, due to light pollution
Our approach is to first fix the transmission duration and optimise and celestial bodies (most notably the Moon) is the main
the protocol parameters to use during the pass, then iterate over the constraint to minimising pec60. We have used a simplified model
window duration to find the highest resulting SKL. We define the which does not include elevation dependent background light
transmission time window to run from −Δt to +Δt, where t = 0 levels (which is highly site dependent). The impact of varying pec
represents the time of highest elevation θmax . For each Δt, we find on the single overpass (solid), two-pass normalised (dashed), and
optimum protocol parameters that maximise the SKL extractable normalised block asymptotic (dotted) finite SKLs (see ‘Methods’
from the data block generated within this transmission window. We section ‘Asymptotic key length per pass’) is shown in Fig. 3a. For
impose a minimum elevation limit that reflects practicalities such as the finite variants, the SKL is determined using Eq. (3), where data
local horizon visibility and system pointing limitations. Here we use from either one (solid lines) or two (dashed lines) zenith
θmin ¼ 10 which for a zenith pass limits 2Δt to less than ~440 s. overpasses are processed as a single block. Multiple-pass SKLs
We show the SKL as a function of Δt for different ηsys are normalised by the number of passes to maintain a fair
loss values in
Fig. 2. For small ηsys comparison with the single pass SKL. For each scenario, while
loss , the QBER at low elevations does not rise greatly
above QBERI and it is better to construct keys from the greatest extraneous counts increase the vacuum yield sX;0 , any addition to
amount of data where Δt reaches the maximum allowed by θmin . the SKL is offset by reductions from worse phase error rates and
Conversely, for large ηsys error correction terms. For example, a factor of 10 increase in pec
loss , utilising only data from near zenith leads results in a 40% net reduction to the SKL for ηsys
to a longer SKL due to the better average QBER countering both the loss ¼ 27 dB. The
effect of extraneous counts is further compounded for large ηsys loss
smaller raw key length and larger statistical uncertainties.
values and can result in zero SKL due to an excessive QBER.
The QBER also suffers from effects such as non-ideal signals,
SKL system parameter dependence satellite-OGS reference frame misalignment, or imperfect projective
We now determine the dependence of the SKL on different measurements by the OGS. We characterise these by an intrinsic
system parameters, including extraneous counts pec, intrinsic system error, QBERI, which is independent of the count rate or
quantum bit errors QBERI, and the source repetition rate fs. The channel loss. Figure 3b illustrates the effect of different QBERI on the
optimised SKL is then determined for different ηsys
loss that model SKL. We observe that the finite key length is not as susceptible to
alternative SatQKD systems that differ from the baseline config- changes in the QBERI as compared with pec. The relative effects of
uration (Table 1) up to ηsys
loss ¼ 42 dB, corresponding to Micius both pec and QBERI on the SKL is illustrated in Fig. 4 (see also
npj Quantum Information (2022) 18 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales
J.S. Sidhu et al.
Fig. 3 SKL with system loss metric. Fixed system parameters were pap = 10−3, θmin ¼ 10 . In both plots, solid lines represent the optimised
SKL with a single zenith overpass, dashed lines represent the two-pass normalised SKL, and dotted lines represent the normalised block
asymptotic SKL (see ‘Methods’ section ‘Asymptotic key length per pass’). a SKL dependence on pec with QBERI = 0.5%. The maximum pec
represents operation near a full Moon or with severe light pollution. b SKL dependence on QBERI with pec = 5 × 10−7 per pulse.
Fig. 4 SKL versus pec and QBERI. Single zenith overpass with ηsys SKL and overpass geometry
values: a 27 dB, b 33 dB, c 37 dB, and d 40 dB. The grey region A typical satellite overpass will not go directly over zenith but will
indicates zero SKL. pass within some minimum ground track offset d min of the OGS,
reaching a maximum elevation θmax ð<90 Þ (Fig. 1a). To maximise
Supplementary Fig. 1). The SKL varies greatly along the pec direction, the number of overpass opportunities that can generate a secret
with zero finite key returned for large pec irrespective of key, a SatQKD system should be able to operate with as low a
improvements to QBERI. This indicates that improvements to maximum elevation θmax as possible. The SKL per pass as a
background light suppression and detector dark count over source function of d min is shown in Fig. 5 for different ηsys loss values. As
fidelities and satellite alignment should be prioritised. expected, overpasses with smaller θmax deliver smaller SKLs due to
We can estimate the effect of increasing the source rate fs by shorter transmission times and lower count rates from large
incorporating a correction factor to ηsys average ηlink at lower elevations and longer ranges. The SKL
loss for the current results.
Since the SKL is a function of fnμk ; mμk g, these only depend on the vanishes once θmax is below a critical elevation angle θ max when
integrated product of the source rate and the link efficiency, with the small block size leads to excessive statistical uncertainties or
all other system parameters kept the same. Therefore, a 100 MHz the average QBER becomes too high.
source at a given ηsys We now can estimate the long-term average amount of secret
loss provides the same amount of raw key as a key that can be generated using single overpass blocks with an
1 GHz source with a 10 dB larger system loss metric, e.g.
OGS site situated at a particular latitude. We first integrate the area
corresponding to a three times smaller OGS receiver diameter
under the SKL vs d min curve,
(Supplementary Fig. 2). This approximation, however, neglects Z dþmin
extraneous counts and the resultant instantaneous QBER which is
SKLint ¼ 2 SKLdmin ddmin ; (5)
unaffected by the source rate but does depend on ηsys loss . 0
Nevertheless, the above heuristic holds provided the contribution
where d þ min is the maximum OGS ground track offset that
of pec to QBER is small and thus SKL is mostly constrained by raw generates key. Assuming a sun synchronous orbit, we then
key length and statistical uncertainties. estimate the expected annual key from (neglecting weather),
Practically, the amount of raw key that could be transmitted
during an overpass may be limited by the amount of available SKLint
SKLyear ¼ Nyear
orbits ; (6)
stored random bits, irrespective of increases in fs. Real-time Llat
quantum random number generation can overcome this though where Nyear
orbits is the number of orbits per year, and Llat is the
at the expense of increased SWaP, which is often constrained on longitudinal circumference along the line of latitude at a single
smaller satellites. Even with limits on the amount of raw key OGS location (see Methods section ‘Expected annual SKL’). This
available, increasing fs can still be advantageous by compressing estimate assumes that d min is evenly distributed (unless in an Earth
the transmission into a smaller duration around θmax , which synchronous orbit28) and the OGS is not close to the poles where
decreases the average loss per transmitted block. the orbital inclination (~97°) invalidates the approximation of even
Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales npj Quantum Information (2022) 18
J.S. Sidhu et al.
npj Quantum Information (2022) 18 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales
J.S. Sidhu et al.
An immediate extension would include a more comprehensive
time and elevation dependent quantum channel model incorpor-
ating scattering, turbulence, and anisotropic background light
distributions. Site dependent scenarios could include local horizon
limits, light pollution, and seasonal weather effects. We can
constrain the optimisation of the protocol parameters to reflect
additional restrictions on system operations and deployment in
practice. Ultimately, design and optimisation of SatQKD systems
should incorporate orbital modelling of constellations and ground
stations geographic diversity together with cost/performance
trade-off studies.
Finite key analysis for decoy-state BB84
The Bennett-Brassard 1984 (BB84) quantum key distribution (QKD)
Fig. 7 Protocol effect on SKL vs ground track offset. Shown are protocol is widely implemented owing to its simplicity, overall perfor-
a-BB84 (solid lines) and s-BB84 (dashed lines) with pec = 5 × 10−7, mance and provable security62. However, practical implementations of
QBERI = 0.5%. BB84 depart from the use of idealised single-photon sources. Instead, weak
pulsed laser sources are used given their wide availability and relative ease
a-BB84 is the extra overhead in generating biased basis of implementation. This improves repetition rates over current single
probabilities63, but the advantage of s-BB84 in this regard is photon sources, but leaves the BB84 protocol vulnerable to photon-
relatively small taking into account all the biased probabilities number-splitting (PNS) attacks that exploit the multi-photon pulse fraction
required for both decoy-state variants. present in emitted laser pulses64.
Decoy-state protocols circumvent PNS attacks and improve tolerance to
high channel losses, with minimal modification to BB84 implementations.
DISCUSSION These protocols employ multiple phase randomised coherent states with
differing intensities that replace signal pulses. This modification permits
Important differences with fibre-based QKD mean that small better characterisation of the photon number distribution of transmitted
sample statistical uncertainties have a significant impact on the pulses associated with detection events65, which reliably detect the
performance of satellite QKD. The restricted overpass time of a presence of PNS attacks in the quantum channel. Decoy-state BB84
LEO satellite constrains the amount of sifted key that can be protocols also allow better estimation of the secure fraction of the sifted
established with an optical ground station. Operationally, a secret raw key (vacuum and single photon yields), which makes them a secure
key may need to be generated from a single pass, thus statistical and practical implementation of QKD.
uncertainties will significantly impact performance in practical The security of decoy-state QKD was initially developed assuming the
scenarios. Our study examines the severity of finite-key effects for asymptotic-key regime66,67. For applications with finite statistics, uncer-
tainties in the channel parameters cannot be ignored68–70. Early
representative space-ground quantum channel link efficiencies as approaches in handling these finite key statistics used Gaussian assump-
indicated by the in-orbit demonstration of Micius. tions to bound the difference between the asymptotic and finite results71.
Our results highlight the influence of system and protocol This restricts the security to collective and coherent attacks. Security
parameters on the secret key length that can be generated from a analyses for more general attacks have also been developed72. The
single overpass. For the range of system loss metrics considered multiplicative Chernoff bound39,71 and Hoeffding’s inequality33 can be
loss ¼ 27 to 42 dB), the strongest dependence comes from the
used to bound the fluctuations between the observed values and the true
degree by which extraneous counts (pec) can be suppressed, with expectation value. Recently, a more complete finite-key analysis for decoy-
a much weaker dependence on the intrinsic signal/measurement state based BB84, with composable security, has been presented in ref. 36,
which uses the multiplicative Chernoff bound to derive simple analytic
quality (QBERI) of the system. There is also a minimal effect of
expressions that are tight.
imposing a minimum elevation limit for quantum signal Due to limited transmission times, satellite-based quantum commu-
transmission. This suggests that SatQKD systems should prioritise nications are strongly affected by finite statistics. To model different
background light suppression over higher intrinsic quantum signal SatQKD systems, we improve the analysis in ref. 33 with recent develop-
visibilities or extending transmission closer to the horizon. ments in modelling statistical fluctuations arising from finite statistics. This
The dominance of finite-key effects is highlighted by the improvement leads to a more robust SKL and is imprinted through the
comparison between efficient (asymmetric basis bias) BB84 with finite statistic correction terms δXðZÞ;k
, which we define using the inverse
conventional (symmetric basis bias) BB84. The much greater secret multiplicative Chernoff bound . Specifically, let Y denote a sum of M
key length of efficient BB84 stems from a better sifting ratio and independent Bernoulli samples, which need not be identical. Denote y∞ as
the expectation value of Y, with y the observed value for Y from a single
longer raw key length as well as obviating the need to perform
experimental run. The magnitude of difference between the observed and
parameter estimation for two bases that would further compound expected values depends on the statistics available. To quantify this
the finite statistical uncertainty. This greater performance trans- deviation, we determine the probability that y y 1 þ δþ Y is less than a
lates into a higher secret key length for a given overpass geometry fixed positive constant ε > 0, and the probability that y y 1 δ Y is less
and also extends the satellite ground footprint within which secret that ε. This is achieved through setting
key can be established with a ground station. Overall, improve- sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ments in system performance, whether through better protocols, þ β β2 (7)
δY ¼ β þ 2βy þ β ; δY ¼ þ 2βy þ ;
smaller system loss metrics, or higher source rates, can 2 4
significantly expand expected annual secret key volumes, e.g. a where β ¼ lnð1=εÞ36. Hence, we define the following finite sample size
reduction of 3 dB in the system loss metric from 40 dB to 37 dB data block size
improves the expected annual key volume by a factor of 7.6. k
h i
Should operations allow, secret key extraction efficiency can also
nXðZÞ;k ¼ pek nXðZÞ;k ± δn±XðZÞ;k ;
be enhanced by combining data blocks from several passes, k
h i (8)
mXðZÞ;k ¼ pe mXðZÞ;k ± δm± XðZÞ;k ;
especially if no secret is possible from a single overpass. k
This preliminary study of SatQKD finite-key effects can be for the number of events and errors respectively in the X(Z) basis. From
extended to remove some simplifications and approximations. this, we define the vacuum and single photon yields, and the phase error
Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales npj Quantum Information (2022) 18
J.S. Sidhu et al.
definition to estimate the information leaked during error correction in the
finite key regime.
These post-processing terms define the attainable finite key, subject to
rigorous statistical analyses. The key length is a function of the basis
encoding probability, pX , the source intensities and their probabilities,
{μj, pj} for j ∈ {1, 2, 3}, and the transmission time window, Δt, used to
construct block data for a satellite pass. Without loss of generality, we set
the second decoy state intensity as the vacuum μ3 = 0. For a defined
SatQKD system, we generate an optimised finite key length by optimising
over the parameter space of the six variables: {pX, μ1, μ2, p1, p2, Δt}. A
baseline for system performance used in this work is detailed in Table 1 in
the main text. This procedure can be generalised for any satellite trajectory.
Fig. 8 illustrates a pseudocode of our numerical optimiser, which is
available as open source software55.
12 logðnX Þ logð1=ϵc Þ; A refined estimate of λEC and its upper bound on the asymptotic
behaviour is provided in ref. 35. From this, we determine that
−1 ð1Þ
where nX is the data block size, Q is the QBER and F is the inverse of the λ1
EC ¼ nX hðQÞ, where Q is the QBER for a single pass. When running
cumulative distribution function of the binomial distribution. We utilise this the finite key optimiser for the asymptotic key length per pass, we define
npj Quantum Information (2022) 18 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales
J.S. Sidhu et al.
λ1EC ¼ 1:16nX hðQÞ, which accounts for inefficient error correction even in
the asymptotic limit.
Rather than looking at the key length per pass, it is also common to
consider the key rate, i.e. the number of secret key bits per transmitted
pulse. Let N be the total number of pulses transmitted by the satellite
during a single pass. The key rate for M passes is just SKRM = ℓM/(MN). In
the limit of infinitely many passes, the asymptotic key rate is given by
SKR∞ = ℓ∞/N.
Notice that our analysis of the asymptotic secret key rate, SKR∞ differs
from the route often taken in the literature. Specifically, the asymptotic key
rate can be determined as a function of different elevation angles. The
data is then combined according to Eq. (1). While such an approach is
possible if we extract keys for each angle of elevation, it is not appropriate
for the current analysis, where we group all the data for a pass and then
extract a key from the combined data.
Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales npj Quantum Information (2022) 18
J.S. Sidhu et al.
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We acknowledge support from the UK NQTP and the Quantum Technology Hub in Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material
Quantum Communications (EPSRC Grant Ref: EP/T001011/1), the UK Space Agency available at
(NSTP3-FT-063, NSTP3-FT2-065, NSIP ROKS Payload Flight Model), the Innovate UK
project ReFQ (Project number: 78161), and QTSPACE (COST CA15220). D.O. is an Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Jasminder S.
EPSRC Researchers in Residence at the Satellite Applications Catapult (EPSRC Grant Sidhu or Daniel K. L. Oi.
Ref: EP/T517288/1). D.O. and T.B. acknowledge support from the Innovate UK project
Reprints and permission information is available at
AirQKD (Project number: 45364). D.O. and D.M. acknowledge support from the
Innovate UK project ViSatQT (Project number: 43037). R.P. acknowledges support
from the EPSRC Research Excellence Award (REA) Studentship. The authors thank
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J. Rarity, D. Lowndes, S. K. Joshi, E. Hastings, P. Zhang, and L. Mazzarella for insightful
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discussions. D.O. also acknowledges discussion with S. Mohapatra, Craft Prospect Ltd.,
and support from the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account.
The authors declare no competing interests. © The Author(s) 2022
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