The Influence of Pressure Angle of Spur Gears On Bending Stress Considering The Effect of Root Fillet Radius
The Influence of Pressure Angle of Spur Gears On Bending Stress Considering The Effect of Root Fillet Radius
The Influence of Pressure Angle of Spur Gears On Bending Stress Considering The Effect of Root Fillet Radius
Abstract Tooth breakage from excessive bending stress and surface pitting from
excessive contact stress are the two primary fatigue failure modes for gears. Tooth
breakage will end the gear life, so gear bending stress has to be accurately calculated
for reliable operation. Many efforts have been made to increase gear bending strength
including improving gear material property. With increasing demand for high power
density gear applications, the need to optimize gears for minimum stress becomes
increasingly important. It is imperative to understand the effect of gear parameters
on bending stress in the initial stage of designing gears. Gear pressure angle is
an important parameter affecting tooth bending stress. Because the critical section
occurs in the gear root fillet, the root fillet radius largely affected by tool (hob) tip
radius also has a great significance for improving the bending strength. The maximum
tool tip radius will vary with the pressure angle changing due to the geometrical
relationship of basic rack. This paper investigates the influence of pressure angle
of spur gears on bending stress considering the variation of root fillet radius, and
provides a recommendation on how to optimize the pressure angle for high bending
strength gears. For analysis and validation of results, three methods of predicting
bending stress– ISO standard, 3D-TCA (tooth contact analysis) method and Finite
Element Analysis are applied and discussed.
Keywords Gear bending stress · Gear pressure angle · Root fillet radius · Gear
material property
17.1 Introduction
Gears are commonly used in automotive, mechanical engineering and other indus-
tries. Nowadays, high power density gear applications are increasingly in demand,
it is critical to design gears with improved load capacity. Gear tooth pitting due
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 209
J. Xu and K. M. Pandey (eds.), Mechanical Engineering and Materials,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 100,
210 L. Zhao et al.
to excessive surface contact stress and root fillet fractures due to excessive tooth
bending stress are two main fatigue failure modes for gears [1]. The accumulation
of defects and a high concentration of stresses in micro defects are also dangerous in
the event of shocks which occur during the operation of mechanisms. Micropitting
on the tooth surface of the gear can cause it to break [2]. Tooth breakage causes a
catastrophic failure, so gear bending stress analysis methods must be reliable and
understanding the key influence parameters on bending stress is very important to
improve bending strength. Pressure angle is one which plays an essential role in
determining the bending stress.
A pressure angle 20° was adopted for standard gears according to ISO 53:1998(E)
[3]. The standard pressure angle 20° is a compromise value and cannot meet all the
needs of the different applications because of the limited load capacity on root fillet.
So in many cases, non-standard pressure angles need to be designed in order to
improve the gear performance.
Recently, there have been many efforts made to explore the application of non-
standard pressure angle gears. Gupta [4] calculated and compared the maximum
bending and contact stress for the low dedendum spur gears with different pressure
angles using finite element method. Handschuh [5] investigated the effects of high
pressure angle gears compared with typical gear designs, the analysis of contact and
bending stress had been done on three gears- standard 3.18 module, 28 tooth and 20°
pressure angle, 2.12 module, 42 tooth and 25° pressure angle and 1.59 module, 56
tooth and 35° pressure angle. Sankar [6] studied the effects of pressure angle and tip
relief on the failure of a helical gear pairs. Dadhanlya [7] presented a study on the
effect of pressure angle on bending stress and deformation of asymmetric involute
spur gear using FEA. Oda [8] introduced a study on the effect of pressure angle,
helix angle and whole tooth depth on the bending strength.
However, a very critical parameter– root fillet radius is defined by tool (hob) tip
radius was not concerned in the research. Since the bending critical section occurs
in the gear root fillet, root fillet radius has a great influence on gear bending strength.
The root strength can be improved by using a circular fillet design or optimized
fillet design according to [9–11]. And the maximum tool tip radius will vary with
the pressure angle changing due to the geometrical relationship of basic rack [3].
So in this paper, the bending stress of a spur gear pair with identical dedendum and
different pressure angles (14.5°, 17.5°, 20°, 22.5° and 25°) and the variation of root
fillet radius are studied.
After reviewing the references, gear bending stress in spur gears can be evaluated
with four methods namely, standard methods like ISO standards [12] and AGMA
standards [13], 3D-TCA method, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and experimental
methods. In this paper three methods of predicting bending stress—ISO standard,
3D-TCA method and Finite Element Analysis are applied to example gear geometry
and compared to make sure the results are valid.
17 The Influence of Pressure Angle of Spur Gears … 211
In this study, a spur gear pair with different pressure angles (14.5°, 17.5°, 20°, 22.5°
and 25°) and the same dedendum (hfp /mn = 1.4) was investigated. A dedendum equal
to 1.4 mn permits the finishing tool to work without interference, while maintaining
the maximum fillet radius and is recommended for high-precision gears transmitting
high torques. It is also suitable for gears with tooth flanks finished by grinding [3].
The geometry parameters of the spur gears have been summarised in Table 17.1.
Tool tip radius ρfp /mn = 0.39 is equivalent to a full radius form for the fillet and
is the maximum fillet radius when pressure angle equal to 20° (hfp /mn = 1.4) [3].
To ensure consistency of root radius, only investigate the influence of pressure angle
on bending stress, the tool tip radius ρfp /mn of spur gear with pressure angle equal
to 14.5°, 17.5° and 20° are defined as 0.39. When pressure angle is increased to be
greater than 20°, the maximum tool tip radius ρfp /mn cannot reach 0.39 according to
the geometric relationship of basic rack showed in Fig. 17.1.
A basic rack hfp /mn = 1.4 gives a full radius form for the fillet as showed in
Fig. 17.1. The centre of ρfp-max is on the centre of the rack space. According to the
geometric relationship, the maximum tool tip radius can be derived from Eq. (17.1)
− h f p tan α p
ρ f pmax = (17.1)
tan 90◦ − α p /2
where, hfp is the dedendum of basic rack.αp is the pressure angle of the basic rack.
Table 17.1 Gear parameters for spur gear pair with different pressure angles
Parameters α = 14.5° α = 17.5° α = 20° α = 22.5° α = 25°
Pinion Wheel Pinion Wheel Pinion Wheel Pinion Wheel Pinion Wheel
Tooth 39 40 39 40 39 40 39 40 39 40
number Z
Module mn 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Face width b 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Dedendum 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
hfp /mn
Addendum 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
hap /mn
Tool tip 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.308 0.308 0.208 0.208
radius ρfp /mn
Contact ratio 2.048 1.846 1.711 1.6 1.51
212 L. Zhao et al.
From the Eq. (17.1), we can see that the maximum tool tip radius ρfp is correlated
to pressure angle and is reduced with pressure angle increasing. The maximum tool
tip radius ρfp /mn of spur gear with pressure angle equal to 22.5° and 25° showed
in Table 17.1 are determined according to Eq. (17.1) equal to 0.308 and 0.208
σ F = K A K V K Fα K Fβ Y F Y S Yβ Y B Y DT (17.2)
bm n
where σF0 is the nominal tooth root stress; YF is the form factor, which is defined in
Eq. (17.3):
6h Fe
cosα Fen
YF = 2
S Fn
YS is the stress correction factor. Equations (17.4), (17.5) and (17.6) define YS ,
L and qs respectively:
17 The Influence of Pressure Angle of Spur Gears … 213
1.21+ 2.3
Ys = (1.2 + 0.13L)qs L
s Fn
L= (17.5)
h Fe
s Fn
qs = (17.6)
2ρ F
Analytical Tooth Contact Analysis (TCA) method is another method to predict gear
tooth root bending stress. A3D-TCA software named GATES [14] (Gear Analysis for
Transmission Error and Stress) which was initially developed and tested at Design
Unit, Newcastle university is used to calculate gear bending stress in this study. It is
an FE based analysis package, using a full 3D FEA stiffness model to estimate the
gear stiffness and then using contact analysis to estimate the load distribution, stress
and other functional parameters.
214 L. Zhao et al.
The bending stress determined in GATES is similar to ISO 6336 standard, calcu-
lating the bending stress at 30 degree tangent position, except the load distribution is
calculated from the TCA, stiffness variation across the face width and compressive
load is considered.
A critical point for bending stress determined by GATES is extended contact
which occurs as the loaded tooth is restored to its original un-deflected state at the
end of active profile [15]. If tip relief is not applied, the extended contact will increase
the contact ratio thus lowering the actual HPSTC (for spur gear, the bending stress
is calculated with load applied at the highest point of single tooth contact (HPSTC))
and then lower the actual bending stress. If too much tip relief is applied, the loading
point will increases which will increase the bending stress. Therefore bending stress
derived from GATES must be calculated with correct tip relief to make sure the gear
loaded at exactly the same position as ISO (HPSTC). In this study, to ensure the
results from GATES are valid, the correct tip relief are applied to gears.
In recent years, finite element analysis is widely used to evaluate gear stress, resulting
in an abundance of published research [16, 17]. According to [16], in this study, the
finite element analysis of gear bending stress is set as follows:
(1) Three teeth are used to calculate gear stress.
(2) Boundary conditions: fix the three free faces as showed in Fig. 17.3.
Fig. 17.4 Bending stress from GATES with tip relief for spur gear
216 L. Zhao et al.
Table 17.2 Bending stresses (MPa) for gears with different pressure angle from ISO, GATES and
εα α σF_ISO σF-FEA σF-GATES-tip relief
σF_ISO σF-FEA σF-GATES-tip relief
14.5 17.5 20 22.5 25
Fig. 17.6 Bending stresses for spur gears with different pressure angle from ISO, GATES and FEA
17 The Influence of Pressure Angle of Spur Gears … 217
(1) The variations of bending stresses from ISO, GATES with correct tip relief and
FEA with pressure angle changing have the same trends, which can be clearly
seen from Fig. 17.6.
(2) The bending stress is minimum when pressure angle equal to 14.5°.
(3) Bending stress is reduced when pressure angle changing from 17.5° to 20°.
(4) While bending stress is increased when pressure angle changing from 20° to
22.5° and 25°.
There are some reasons to explain the results.
(1) The transverse contact ratio εα is 2.048 greater than 2.0 when pressure angle
equal to 14.5°, which means there are at least 2 teeth sharing load when gear
meshing as shown in Fig. 17.7. This results in lower bending stresses, without
considering the effects of manufacturing deviations and misalignment.
(2) When pressure angle is increased from 17.5° to 20°, the tooth root chord at the
critical section sFn is increased, the bending moment arm hFe is also slightly
higher, while the root radius ρF is almost same. The detailed sFn , hFe and ρF are
showed in Table 17.3, which will lead to a lower form factor YF and a slightly
higher stress correction factor Ys , while the decrement of form factor is greater
than the increment of stress correction factor, so bending stress decreases when
pressure angle changes from 17.5° to 20°.
(3) When pressure angle is increased from 20° to 22.5° and 25°, the tooth root chord
at the critical section sFn and bending moment arm hFe are also increased, and the
root radius ρF is largely reduced due to the significant declining of tool tip radius
Table 17.3 The details of bending stress key factors in the calculation from ISO
α [°] SFn /mn hFe /mn ρfp /mn ρF /mn qs YF YS
17.5 2.053 1.047 0.39 0.585 1.755 1.503 1.842
20 2.158 1.097 0.39 0.583 1.85 1.421 1.886
22.5 2.273 1.183 0.308 0.528 2.153 1.378 1.994
25 2.405 1.28 0.208 0.463 2.599 1.329 2.138
218 L. Zhao et al.
ρfp /mn from 0.39 to 0.308 and 0.208. The calculated SFn , hFe and ρF are showed
in Table 17.3. The large reduction root radius ρF leads to significant increase
in notch parameter qs , and dramatic increases stress correction factor Ys which
is greater than the form factor YF reduction. So bending stress increases when
pressure angle changes from 20° to 22.5° and 25°.
17.5 Conclusions
From the analysis presented in this study, the following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) The variations of bending stresses from ISO, GATES with correct tip relief and
FEA with pressure angle changing have the same trends. The results in this
study are valid.
(2) For basic rack hfp /mn = 1.4, according to the geometric relationship, the
maximum tool tip radius (ρfp /mn ) of spur gear with pressure angle equal to
20°, 22.5° and 25° are equal to 0.39, 0.308 and 0.208 respectively. It can greatly
affect the bending stress, so we must consider its influence when we investigate
the effect of pressure angle on bending stress.
(3) Smaller pressure angle such as 14.5° in this study, can result in high contact ratio
spur gears (εα > 2), at least two teeth sharing the load when gears are in mesh, so
it can get lower bending stress. But we must make sure this is maintained when
considering manufacturing deviations, elastic deflections and misalignment of
shaft and micro modifications, the gears always have transverse contact ratio
greater than 2.0, otherwise, the benefit of lower bending stress will disappear.
(4) For the studied gears with hfp /mn = 1.4, the calculated bending stress reduced
when pressure angle changing from 17.5° to 20° (1 < εα < 2). And the bending
stress increases when pressure angle changes from 20° to 22.5° and 25° (1 < εα
< 2).
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