UNWOMEN 6.oktobar Draft Agenda Serbia Satelite Event WE Expo
UNWOMEN 6.oktobar Draft Agenda Serbia Satelite Event WE Expo
UNWOMEN 6.oktobar Draft Agenda Serbia Satelite Event WE Expo
Ivankovic - Jurisic, owner of the company Marija Handmade
o Virtual reality in tourism - How did I make my business
competitive by innovating?, Veronika Mudri Šestan, owner of the
company Magic d.o.o Croatia, Zadar, Croatia
o Women’s Entrepreneurship Expo 2022 for Europe and Central
Asia – possibilities for innovation and business growth, Ana
Pashalishvili, UN Women Programme Analyst
Moderator: dr Sanja Popovic Pantic, President of the Association of
Business Women
12:45 – 13:45 Panel 3: Potentials and funding sources for Women entrepreneurship
o National scheme for women entrepreneurs – experiences and
lessons learned, Aleksandra Vucetic, Head of Group in the Sector
for the development of small and medium enterprises and
entrepreneurship, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia
o Integration of EU standards and learning from best practice
examples through EU support, Nikola Bertolini, Head of
Cooperation, EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia
o EBRD Women in Business Programme – experiences, lessons
learned and next steps, Aleksandra Miladinovic, Regional
Coordinator for the Western Balkan, Advice for Small Businesses
o Support to women entrepreneurship through the USAID Catalyze
Engines of Growth programme, Dragana Bukvicki Todosijevic
Moderator: t.b.c.
13:45-13:50 End of conference part of the event
13:50 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 18:00 Only for women entrepreneurs
Implementation of series of the B2B meetings scheduled in advance
through the platform B2Match.
Lead by CQCI
Supported by EBRD
Only for women entrepreneurs from Serbia
09:30 – 10:00 Registration of participants, welcoming coffee
10:00 – 11:30 Session 1: XXX
Theoretical input
Work in groups
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break
11:45 – 13:00 Session 2: XXX
Theoretical input
Work in groups